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Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil (c) Trützschler Group SE

Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 zeigt die Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main die neuesten Entwicklungen für die Herstellung von Vliesstoffen auf Faserbasis. Im Fokus stehen die T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlagen und nachhaltige Lösungen für Vliesstoffe aus Zellulosefasern. Auf der Techtextil 2022 wurde die Kooperation zwischen Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology offiziell bekannt gegeben. Mit der Einweihung der T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlage im Technikum in Egelsbach geht Trützschler in diesem Jahr den nächsten Schritt. Im Bereich Textilrecycling stellt Trützschler Spinning mit dem Kooperationspartner Balkan sein aktuelles Portfolio vor.

Auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand von Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology S.l.r. können sich die Besucher über T-SUPREMA informieren. Das Konzept zielt auf hohe Produktqualität und Systemeffizienz im Bereich oder mechanisch vernadelte Vliesstoffe - als Basis für Anwendungen wie Geotextilien, Automobiltextilien, Filtermedien und verschiedene industrielle Anwendungen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 zeigt die Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main die neuesten Entwicklungen für die Herstellung von Vliesstoffen auf Faserbasis. Im Fokus stehen die T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlagen und nachhaltige Lösungen für Vliesstoffe aus Zellulosefasern. Auf der Techtextil 2022 wurde die Kooperation zwischen Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology offiziell bekannt gegeben. Mit der Einweihung der T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlage im Technikum in Egelsbach geht Trützschler in diesem Jahr den nächsten Schritt. Im Bereich Textilrecycling stellt Trützschler Spinning mit dem Kooperationspartner Balkan sein aktuelles Portfolio vor.

Auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand von Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology S.l.r. können sich die Besucher über T-SUPREMA informieren. Das Konzept zielt auf hohe Produktqualität und Systemeffizienz im Bereich oder mechanisch vernadelte Vliesstoffe - als Basis für Anwendungen wie Geotextilien, Automobiltextilien, Filtermedien und verschiedene industrielle Anwendungen.

Darüber hinaus erhalten die Besucher Einblicke in die digitale Arbeitsumgebung von T-ONE und deren Rolle bei der Sicherstellung einer nachhaltig hohen Vliesstoffqualität und Prozesseffizienz. T-ONE ist ein Bestandteil des T-SUPREMA Anlagenkonzepts, kann aber an jede faser- oder polymerbasierte Vliesstoffanlage angepasst werden.

Auch wird sich Trützschler Nonwovens auf seine Nassvlies-/ Spunlace- (WLS) und Krempel-/ Pulpanlagen (CP) für biologisch abbaubare Vliesstoffe auf Cellulosebasis konzentrieren. In Zusammenarbeit mit Voith treibt Trützschler Nonwovens die Entwicklung innovativer und umweltfreundlicher WLS- und CP-Produkte voran.

Zusammen mit dem türkischen Unternehmen Balkan präsentiert Trützschler Komplettlösungen für das mechanische Recycling und die Spinnereivorbereitung von Textilabfällen. Balkan ergänzt mit seinen Schneid- und Reißanlagen das Produktportfolio von Trützschler.

Die Besucher werden sowohl über die Balkan Reißanlagen als auch über die Putzereianlagen von Trützschler, die neue Integrierte Strecke IDF 3 und die intelligente Karde TC 30Ri für das Recycling, informiert. Das neue Flaggschiff der Karden verwandelt Sekundärfasern aus gerissenen Textilabfälle in hochwertige Faserbänder für neue Garne.


Trützschler Group SE

Erema Team Chinaplas Foto: Erema

EREMA: PET-Recycling auf der Chinaplas 2024

Die Bottle-Systeme des österreichischen Recyclingmaschinenbauers EREMA sind seit 25 Jahren am Markt, knapp 50 Prozent der in den letzten drei Jahren ausgelieferten Bottle-Anlagen wurden in Asien installiert. Die Herstellung von lebensmitteltauglichem rPET rückt dort immer mehr in den Fokus – auch in der Textilbranche. EREMA unterschreitet nicht nur die strengen Grenzwerte der weltweit anerkannten europäischen und nordamerikanischen Behörden für Lebensmittelsicherheit, sondern auch jene von globalen Markenartiklern. Bei der Chinaplas von 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Shanghai präsentiert das Unternehmen sein Portfolio.

Die Bottle-Systeme des österreichischen Recyclingmaschinenbauers EREMA sind seit 25 Jahren am Markt, knapp 50 Prozent der in den letzten drei Jahren ausgelieferten Bottle-Anlagen wurden in Asien installiert. Die Herstellung von lebensmitteltauglichem rPET rückt dort immer mehr in den Fokus – auch in der Textilbranche. EREMA unterschreitet nicht nur die strengen Grenzwerte der weltweit anerkannten europäischen und nordamerikanischen Behörden für Lebensmittelsicherheit, sondern auch jene von globalen Markenartiklern. Bei der Chinaplas von 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Shanghai präsentiert das Unternehmen sein Portfolio.

Lebensmittelechtes rPET im Aufwind – auch in der Textilindustrie
Zusätzlich zum Lebensmittelbereich spielt lebensmittelkonformes rPET in der Textilindustrie eine zunehmend größere Rolle. Rund zwei Drittel der Gesamtmenge an PET fließen in die Produktion von synthetischen Fasern. EREMA reagierte darauf mit der Gründung einer eigenen Business Applikation für Fasern und Textilien.
Marken setzen immer öfter auf recyceltes PET als Ausgangsmaterial, das den Anforderungen für Food Grade entspricht, um ihren Kunden nachhaltige, gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Textilien anbieten zu können. Ein Trend, der sich bei EREMA im steigenden Absatz von Bottle-to-Fibre Anwendungen widerspiegelt. Asien ist in diesem Segment ein wichtiger Markt.

Schonende Materialaufbereitung für Faser-zu-Faser
Speziell für das Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling wurde die INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV Maschine entwickelt. Durch die Kombination der INTAREMA® Technologie mit dem neuen IV-Uptimiser gelingt es, durch Spinnöle stark kontaminierte geschredderte PET-Fasermaterialen so aufzubereiten, dass aus dem Regranulat wieder feinste Fasern produziert werden können. Die Anlage zeichnet sich durch eine gezielt aktive Oberflächenerneuerung der Schmelze unter Vakuumatmosphäre aus, wodurch Spinnöle und andere Hilfsstoffe effizienter entfernt werden als bei herkömmlichen PET-Recyclingverfahren. Nach der Extrusion wird im IV-Uptimiser die intrinsische Viskosität durch Polykondensation der PET-Schmelze wieder auf jenes Niveau erhöht, wie es für die jeweilige Faserproduktion nötig ist.

Um die Entwicklungen im PET-Faserrecycling voranzutreiben hat die EREMA Gruppe ein eigenes Faser-Technikum am Stammsitz in Ansfelden, Österreich geschaffen. Hier betreibt ein interdisziplinäres Team eine umfangreich ausgestattete und variable Recyclinganlage im Industriemaßstab. Sie ist mit der notwendigen Peripherietechnologie ausgerüstet und steht auch Kunden für Testläufe zur Verfügung.

More information:
rPET EREMA EREMA Group Chinaplas

EREMA Group GmbH


Zünd auf Texprocess 2024

Zünd präsentiert technologische Highlights für einen automatisierten und rationellen integrierten Textilzuschnitt auf der Texprocess 2024 in Frankfurt (23. bis 26. April).

Zu den Lösungen für den Textilzuschnitt gehört die Produktionssoftware MindCUT Studio Production, die in ihrer neusten Version mit neuen Funktionen überzeugt. Außerdem zeigt das Unternehmen sein neues Roll Handling System – RHS für den autonomen und unterbrechungsfreien Zuschnitt und präsentiert sein Schneidsystem Zünd G3 Cutter, das in der Grössenausführung L-2500 zu sehen sein.

Zünd präsentiert technologische Highlights für einen automatisierten und rationellen integrierten Textilzuschnitt auf der Texprocess 2024 in Frankfurt (23. bis 26. April).

Zu den Lösungen für den Textilzuschnitt gehört die Produktionssoftware MindCUT Studio Production, die in ihrer neusten Version mit neuen Funktionen überzeugt. Außerdem zeigt das Unternehmen sein neues Roll Handling System – RHS für den autonomen und unterbrechungsfreien Zuschnitt und präsentiert sein Schneidsystem Zünd G3 Cutter, das in der Grössenausführung L-2500 zu sehen sein.

Funktionen in MindCUT Studio
Auf der Texprocess stellt Zünd die sogenannte Feature Recognition vor. Mit dieser neuen Funktion erkennt die Software Motive sowie die verschiedenen Teile eines Kleidungsstücks mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz und platziert diese für den Zuschnitt hochpräzise auf der Stoffbahn. Der Prozess ist schnell erledigt: Modell auswählen, Motiveigenschaften platzieren und die einzelnen Schnittteile zuweisen. Die Software erkennt deren Positionen und repetiert sie entlang der Stoffbahn. Unmittelbar danach kann der Zuschnitt gestartet werden. Die Motiverkennung mithilfe von KI automatisiert einen bislang manuellen Prozess und erlaubt eine hohe Wiederholgenauigkeit.
Neben der Motiverkennung bietet MindCUT auch eine Printed-Cut-Funktion, die Aufdrucke automatisiert erfasst oder Pattern Matching, das rapportierende Muster erkennt, Materialverzug kompensiert und die Marker automatisch mit der Textilmusterung abgleicht.

Roll Handling System – RHS
Das Rollenmagazin bietet Platz für bis zu zehn Textilrollen und kann auftragsabhängig mit unterschiedlichen oder materialidentischen Textiltypen ausgestattet werden. Mit dem grossen, vollautomatischen Rollenmagazin kann die unterbrechungsfreie Zuschnittzeit erhöht werden. Das Roll Handling System – RHS beschickt den Zünd Cutter komplett autonom mit Material. Das ermöglicht lange Produktionsfenster, in denen keine Bedieneingriffe mehr notwendig sind. Lediglich die Bestückung des Rollenmagazins erfolgt noch manuell. Dabei erfasst die Bedienerin die einzelnen Rollen mittels Barcode-Scan. Materialzuweisung und Steuerung des RHS erfolgen dann direkt über die MindCUT-Software.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition (c) Teknik Fuarcılık
At the GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition press conference; Teknik Fairs organization team, members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, KOMİD President, TEMSAD President and sector representatives.

Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Teknik Fuarcılık, which has more than 30 years of experience in exhibition organization and has made the ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition a world brand, has taken action to make the success achieved by the garment and ready-to-wear sector sustainable. GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition, which will be organized with the support of the members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board and in cooperation with the Apparel Automation and Machinery Manufacturers Association (KOMİD), will host professional visitors and global buyers from all over the world.

The press conference of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition was attended by members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, Vice Chairman of Astaş Holding H. Kaya Aşçı, Astaş Juki Board Member and General Manager Turgay Aşçı, Chairman of the Board of Çatma Makine Yavuz Çatma, Chairman of the Board of Alba Makine Cengiz Albayrak, General Manager of Malkan Makine Alparslan Er, General Manager of Uğur Makine Temel Kamiloğlu, Tetaş Sales and Marketing Assistant General Manager Murat Eren, Malkan Makina Factory Manager Metin Kılıç and KOMID President Haluk Akın, TEMSAD President Adil Nalbant, KOMİD Members Serkon Makina Chairman İzzet Savaş, Robotech General Manager Hüseyin Çetin, Chairman of the Board of NewTech Machinery Nezir Yazıcı, LGM Foreign Trade Specialist Yiğit Sağdık Manav, Avtek Manager Oğuz Avcı and many sector representatives.


Teknik Fuarcılık

Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu (c) Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG

Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

The manufacturer is now saying goodbye to this "knitting head principle". It made perfect sense for the start of the assembly line, says Benjamin Mayer, managing partner of Mayer & Cie. However, it leaves little room for flexibility. He explains: "In the future, we will source all parts and components of the machines assembled in China from various local suppliers. This allows us to offer our local customers more attractive prices and faster delivery times with the same quality standards. We expect this change to improve the positioning of our products in the domestic market." In addition, the new plant will be connected to the parent company in Albstadt via an SAP connection. This was imperative to increase efficiency, transparency and quality.

The new headquarters of Mayer & Cie. CN is the German Chinese Innovation Park in Jintan in Jiangsu Province. The companies based there enjoy various advantages, including attractive location costs as well as proximity and exchange with other German companies on site. In addition, the administration of the SGIP supports companies in their search for employees, suppliers and service providers.


Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG


Rieter: Partnership with Shanghai's DIW

On March 6, 2024, Rieter received an order for the first batch of Rieter technology amounting to around CHF 62 million from Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd. (DIW). Rieter also signed a strategic partnership with DIW to develop an intelligent yarn manufacturing technology that utilizes digitization and automation to minimize conversion costs.

On March 6, 2024, Rieter received an order for the first batch of Rieter technology amounting to around CHF 62 million from Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd. (DIW). Rieter also signed a strategic partnership with DIW to develop an intelligent yarn manufacturing technology that utilizes digitization and automation to minimize conversion costs.

Rieter and DIW signed a first order in the amount of around CHF 62 million for combers and draw frames that will provide the basis to transform DIW’s spinning mills into state-of-the-art industrial textile operations. DIW, a fast-growing company specializing in intelligent manufacturing and industrial operation services, selected Rieter following a competition in which the company’s machines achieved better stability and higher production than competitors. The strategic partnership of DIW and Rieter is designed to further enhance the overall operational efficiency of DIW’s mills by providing highly efficient machines, automation and digitization technology. This will also minimize conversion cost and consolidate the sustainable growth of both companies, while contributing to the high-quality development of the Chinese textile industry.


Rieter Management AG

Winder manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy Photo: ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University
Winder manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy

ITA: Unique Winder for Elastic Filament Yarn Development

Since March 1st 2024, the technical centre of Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) has been equipped with an additional winder.

This globally unique winder has been manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy, and enables the development of elastic yarns for numerous and innovative areas of application. Monofilament and multifilament yarns can be spun within a speed range of 100 to 3,200 m/min on bobbins with an industrial standard size of 73.6 mm x 83.8 mm x 115.5 mm.

The use of these bobbins enables immediate further processing along the textile process chain, for example in production of elastic combination yarns or knitting. Due to the high flexibility of this winder in combination with the available spinning plants at ITA, testing is possible with material amounts starting from a few hundred grams up to hundreds of kilograms.

Since March 1st 2024, the technical centre of Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) has been equipped with an additional winder.

This globally unique winder has been manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy, and enables the development of elastic yarns for numerous and innovative areas of application. Monofilament and multifilament yarns can be spun within a speed range of 100 to 3,200 m/min on bobbins with an industrial standard size of 73.6 mm x 83.8 mm x 115.5 mm.

The use of these bobbins enables immediate further processing along the textile process chain, for example in production of elastic combination yarns or knitting. Due to the high flexibility of this winder in combination with the available spinning plants at ITA, testing is possible with material amounts starting from a few hundred grams up to hundreds of kilograms.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


SHIMA SEIKI at FIMEC 2024 in Brazil

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TEXTIL LTDA. participate in the FIMEC 2024 47th International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 12th - 14th March 2024.

FIMEC offers the opportunity to reach out to the Brazilian shoe manufacturing industry with proposals for flat knitted fabrics as an alternative to conventional leather. Since participating in FIMEC over the years, SHIMA SEIKI has steadily expanded its market for shoe-upper knitting machines in Brazil. It will be showcasing its latest computerized flat knitting technology to demonstrate how they apply to footwear and other sportswear as well.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TEXTIL LTDA. participate in the FIMEC 2024 47th International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 12th - 14th March 2024.

FIMEC offers the opportunity to reach out to the Brazilian shoe manufacturing industry with proposals for flat knitted fabrics as an alternative to conventional leather. Since participating in FIMEC over the years, SHIMA SEIKI has steadily expanded its market for shoe-upper knitting machines in Brazil. It will be showcasing its latest computerized flat knitting technology to demonstrate how they apply to footwear and other sportswear as well.

The company is showing its new SWG-XR® WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine for the first time in Brazil. SWG-XR® features 4 needle beds and SHIMA SEIKI’s original SlideNeedle™, capable of producing high-quality fine gauge WHOLEGARMENT® products in all needles, and will be knitting WHOLEGARMENT® sportswear at FIMEC. For conventional shaped knitting, the compact SVR®093 machine with a short knitting width is specially developed for knitting shoe uppers, while the workhorse N.SSR®112 shaping machine features the latest garment knitting technology in an economical yet reliable package.
Both SVR®093 and N.SSR®112 will be knitting shoe uppers at FIMEC while utilizing the R2CARRIAGE®, WideGauge® knitting, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. The classic SFG® seamless glove knitting machine will be knitting safety-oriented work gloves to round out SHIMA SEIKI’s multi-faceted display.

SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will also be available for demonstrations in design
and simulation suited to shoe production.

More information:
Shima Seiki FIMEC shoes Brazil



SHIMA SEIKI at Knit-Tech 2024

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. is exhibiting at the Knit-Tech 2024 Exhibition (1st-4th March 2024) in Tiruppur, India, in cooperation with its partner Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services Ltd.

SHIMA SEIKI will be introducing the latest computerized flat knitting equipment to this market as proposals for sustainable production through innovative shaping technology and the latest digital solutions.

SHIMA SEIKI's lineup at Knit-Tech is headed by its workhorse N.SSR®112 garment shaping machine in 14 gauge. N.SSR®112 features innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE®, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. Shown for the first time is SHIMA SEIKI's new N.SSR®072 computerized jacquard collar machine that can produce shaped collars efficiently based on computer-generated designs.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. is exhibiting at the Knit-Tech 2024 Exhibition (1st-4th March 2024) in Tiruppur, India, in cooperation with its partner Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services Ltd.

SHIMA SEIKI will be introducing the latest computerized flat knitting equipment to this market as proposals for sustainable production through innovative shaping technology and the latest digital solutions.

SHIMA SEIKI's lineup at Knit-Tech is headed by its workhorse N.SSR®112 garment shaping machine in 14 gauge. N.SSR®112 features innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE®, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. Shown for the first time is SHIMA SEIKI's new N.SSR®072 computerized jacquard collar machine that can produce shaped collars efficiently based on computer-generated designs.

Design is demonstrated on SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 design system. At the core of the company’s "Total Fashion System" concept, it provides support throughout the supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design, to machine programming, production and even sales promotion.



Generating its own energy with solar panels Photo Karl Mayer Group
Generating its own energy with solar panels

Karl Mayer Group: Generating its own energy with solar panels

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.


Karl Mayer Group

60th anniversary of Eltex of Sweden AB (c) Eltex of Sweden

60th anniversary of Eltex of Sweden AB

Eltex of Sweden, a pioneer in the adoption of electronic sensors by the weaving machinery industry, is marking its 60th anniversary this month.

The electronic detection of broken or missing weft yarns during production was the problem Eltex founders Åke Rydborn and Ragnar Henriksson set out to solve with the development of the world’s first electronic weft-stop-motion. Its potential was recognised on its introduction at the 1963 ITMA exhibition in Hannover, Germany, leading to the foundation of the company in a modest 12-square-metre workshop in Älmhult, Sweden, in February 1964.

Eltex of Sweden, a pioneer in the adoption of electronic sensors by the weaving machinery industry, is marking its 60th anniversary this month.

The electronic detection of broken or missing weft yarns during production was the problem Eltex founders Åke Rydborn and Ragnar Henriksson set out to solve with the development of the world’s first electronic weft-stop-motion. Its potential was recognised on its introduction at the 1963 ITMA exhibition in Hannover, Germany, leading to the foundation of the company in a modest 12-square-metre workshop in Älmhult, Sweden, in February 1964.

By 1968 the company was operating from a modern 3,000-square-metre plant and beginning to establish a global presence, introducing the first all-in-one printed circuit board (PCB) for its sensor systems in 1971. As exports increased, further Eltex operations were established in the USA and Ireland and the company expanded its product range including energy control devices, temperature and humidity loggers, food handling safety systems, and military grade battery chargers. Further textile milestones in parallel to advances in weaving technology included optical arrival detectors for air-jet weaving machines at the beginning of the 1980s, and the QTV system for warp preparation, which introduced digital stop-motion control to the industry at the start of the 1990s. In 2009, the company branched out into carpet tufting, first with the CoTS clamp-on tube sensor for tufting machines, followed by the Compact sensor for tufting machines in 2013. In 2019 the Compact II further cemented the company’s position in this sector.

Newly developed Eltex EyETM and ACT-R
Most recently, Eltex has launched the Eltex EyETM system for the monitoring of yarn tension on warp beams. Not only does it eliminate problems when warping, but also in the subsequent weaving or tufting processes. Eltex EyETM monitors the yarn tension on all positions in real-time and a minimum and maximum allowable tension value can be set. If any yarn’s tension falls outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine stopped.

The Eltex ACT and ACT-R units meanwhile go beyond yarn tension monitoring to actually control yarn tension. This extends the application range greatly. The plug and play system automatically compensates for any differences in yarn tension that arise, for example from irregularities in yarn packages.

Eltex has been owned by Brian Hicks, Seamus O’Dwyer and Jonathan Bell since 2007, following a management buy-out and the subsequent formation of Eltex Global Holdings in Ireland. Today, its head office, Eltex of Sweden AB, is in Osby, Sweden where it provides research and development, administration and global sales for the group. Eltex Manufacturing in Ireland is now the group’s primary production facility and Eltex US, Inc. provides sales and service for North America.


Eltex of Sweden


Italian Textile Machinery: 4Q 2023 Orders Remain Stationary

In the fourth quarter of 2023 Italian textile machinery orders index, drawn up by the Economics Department of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, appears to be stationary compared to data recorded for the same period in 2022. In terms of absolute value, the index stood at 82.4 points (basis: 2015=100).

This is the result of an upswing in orders from foreign markets, counterbalanced by declining orders on the domestic front. While orders in Italy decreased at 18% rate, a 4% increase was observed abroad. The absolute value of the index on foreign markets amounted to 77.9 points, whereas it came in at 126.2 points domestically. Overall for the fourth quarter, the average order backlog yielded 3.7 months of assured production.

For the whole 2023 year, the index declined 25% overall compared to the 2022 average (absolute index of 82.4). On the home front however, the index dropped 24% (absolute index of 124.5), while slipping 25% abroad (absolute index of 78.4).

In the fourth quarter of 2023 Italian textile machinery orders index, drawn up by the Economics Department of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, appears to be stationary compared to data recorded for the same period in 2022. In terms of absolute value, the index stood at 82.4 points (basis: 2015=100).

This is the result of an upswing in orders from foreign markets, counterbalanced by declining orders on the domestic front. While orders in Italy decreased at 18% rate, a 4% increase was observed abroad. The absolute value of the index on foreign markets amounted to 77.9 points, whereas it came in at 126.2 points domestically. Overall for the fourth quarter, the average order backlog yielded 3.7 months of assured production.

For the whole 2023 year, the index declined 25% overall compared to the 2022 average (absolute index of 82.4). On the home front however, the index dropped 24% (absolute index of 124.5), while slipping 25% abroad (absolute index of 78.4).

ACIMIT president Marco Salvadè commented the data: “The orders index for October – December 2023, as elaborated by our Economics Department, confirms an intake of orders that is still weak, with a negative trend in demand for machinery that is ongoing for the domestic market.” Nonetheless, the orders index abroad shows a slight increase. “We estimate that the global geopolitical context is still a source of concern,” continued Salvadè, specifying that, “For the first nine months of 2023, Italian exports on major global markets (i.e. China, Turkey, India and the United States of America), confirm a widespread decline. However, some positive signs emerged in the fourth quarter of last year, as reflected by the latest orders index. For 2024 we expect a consolidation of this trend reversal.”

More information:

ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

ACIMIT: Italian textile machinery orders remain stationary (c) ACIMIT

ACIMIT: Italian textile machinery orders remain stationary

In the fourth quarter of 2023 Italian textile machinery orders index, drawn up by the Economics Department of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, appears to be stationary compared to data recorded for the same period in 2022. In terms of absolute value, the index stood at 82.4 points (basis: 2015=100).

This is the result of an upswing in orders from foreign markets, counterbalanced by declining orders on the domestic front. While orders in Italy decreased at 18% rate, a 4% increase was observed abroad. The absolute value of the index on foreign markets amounted to 77.9 points, whereas it came in at 126.2 points domestically. Overall for the fourth quarter, the average order backlog yielded 3.7 months of assured production.

In the fourth quarter of 2023 Italian textile machinery orders index, drawn up by the Economics Department of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, appears to be stationary compared to data recorded for the same period in 2022. In terms of absolute value, the index stood at 82.4 points (basis: 2015=100).

This is the result of an upswing in orders from foreign markets, counterbalanced by declining orders on the domestic front. While orders in Italy decreased at 18% rate, a 4% increase was observed abroad. The absolute value of the index on foreign markets amounted to 77.9 points, whereas it came in at 126.2 points domestically. Overall for the fourth quarter, the average order backlog yielded 3.7 months of assured production.

For the whole 2023 year, the index declined 25% overall compared to the 2022 average (absolute index of 82.4). On the home front however, the index dropped 24% (absolute index of 124.5), while slipping 25% abroad (absolute index of 78.4).
ACIMIT president Marco Salvadè commented: "The orders index for October – December 2023, as elaborated by our Economics Department, confirms an intake of orders that is still weak, with a negative trend in demand for machinery that is ongoing for the domestic market."

Nonetheless, the orders index abroad shows a slight increase. We estimate that the global geopolitical context is still a source of concern,” continued Salvadè, specifying that, “For the first nine months of 2023, Italian exports on major global markets (i.e. China, Turkey, India and the United States of America), confirm a widespread decline. However, some positive signs emerged in the fourth quarter of last year, as reflected by the latest orders index. For 2024 we expect a consolidation of this trend reversal."


ACIMIT - Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

(c) Swiss Textile Machinery Swissmem

Recycled fibres: Swiss manufacturers for circularity

Many end-users now expect recycled materials to be in textile products they purchase – and this is driving innovation throughout the industry. However, there are still many technical and economic issues facing yarn and fabric producers using recycled resources. Members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association offer some effective solutions to these challenges.

Synthetic recycled materials such as PET can usually be treated similarly to new yarn, but there are additional complexities where natural fibres like wool and cotton are involved. Today, there’s a trend towards mechanically recycled wool and cotton fibres.

Many end-users now expect recycled materials to be in textile products they purchase – and this is driving innovation throughout the industry. However, there are still many technical and economic issues facing yarn and fabric producers using recycled resources. Members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association offer some effective solutions to these challenges.

Synthetic recycled materials such as PET can usually be treated similarly to new yarn, but there are additional complexities where natural fibres like wool and cotton are involved. Today, there’s a trend towards mechanically recycled wool and cotton fibres.

Spinning recycled cotton
The use of mechanically recycled fibres in spinning brings specific quality considerations: they have higher levels of short fibres and neps – and may often be colored, particularly if post-consumer material is used. It’s also true that recycled yarns have limitations in terms of fineness. The Uster Statistics 2023 edition features an extended range of fibre data, supporting sustainability goals, including benchmarks for blends of virgin and recycled cotton.
In general, short fibres such as those in recycled material can easily be handled by rotor spinning machines. For ring spinning, the shorter the fibres, the more difficult it is to guide them through the drafting zone to integrate them into the yarn body. Still, for wider yarn counts and higher yarn quality, the focus is now shifting to ring spinning. The presence of short fibres is a challenge, but Rieter offers solutions to address this issue.

Knitting recycled wool
For recycling, wool fibres undergo mechanical procedures such as shredding, cutting, and re-spinning, influencing the quality and characteristics of the resulting yarn. These operations remove the natural scales and variations in fibre length of the wool, causing a decrease in the overall strength and durability of the recycled yarn. This makes the yarn more prone to breakage, especially under the tension exerted during knitting.

Adapting to process recycled materials often requires adjustments to existing machinery. Knitting machines must be equipped with positive yarn suppliers to control fibre tension. Steiger engages in continuous testing of new yarns on the market, to check their suitability for processing on knitting machines. For satisfactory quality, the challenges intensify, with natural yarns requiring careful consideration and adaptation in the knitting processes.

From fibres to nonwovens
Nonwovens technology was born partly from the idea of recycling to reduce manufacturing costs and to process textile waste and previously unusable materials into fabric structures. Nonwovens production lines, where fibre webs are bonded mechanically, thermally or chemically, can easily process almost all mechanically and chemically recycled fibres.

Autefa Solutions offers nonwovens lines from a single source, enabling products such as liners, wipes, wadding and insulation to be produced in a true closed loop. Fibres are often used up to four times for one product.

Recycling: total strategy
Great services, technology and machines from members of Swiss Textile Machinery support the efforts of the circular economy to process recycled fibres. The machines incorporate the know-how of several decades, with the innovative power and quality standards in production and materials.
Stäubli’s global ESG (environmental, social & governance) strategy defines KPIs in the context of energy consumption, machine longevity and the recycling capacity in production units worldwide, as well in terms of machinery recyclability. The machine recyclability of automatic drawing in machines, weaving systems and jacquard machines ranges from 96 to 99%.


Swiss Textile Machinery Swissmem

(c) Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Oerlikon Barmag: Chemiefaseranlage für nachhaltige Polyestergarn-Produktion in Indien

Mit der Inbetriebnahme der neuen Polyestergarn-Produktion bei Garden Silk Mills in Surat, Indien, zeigt das zur Schweizer Oerlikon Industriegruppe gehörende Unternehmen Oerlikon Barmag seine Kompetenz als einer der führenden Anbieter von Chemiefaseranlagen. Der Um- und Neubau der Polyesterspinnerei mit 216 WINGS FDY Spinnstellen ging einher mit einer umfangreichen Engineering-Leistung, die im engen Zusammenspiel der Experten aus Deutschland und aus Indien erbracht wurden.

Mit der Inbetriebnahme der neuen Polyestergarn-Produktion bei Garden Silk Mills in Surat, Indien, zeigt das zur Schweizer Oerlikon Industriegruppe gehörende Unternehmen Oerlikon Barmag seine Kompetenz als einer der führenden Anbieter von Chemiefaseranlagen. Der Um- und Neubau der Polyesterspinnerei mit 216 WINGS FDY Spinnstellen ging einher mit einer umfangreichen Engineering-Leistung, die im engen Zusammenspiel der Experten aus Deutschland und aus Indien erbracht wurden.

Das Expansionsprojekt für FDY-Garne bei Garden Silk Mills Private Limited (GSMPL) markiert den Beginn einer Periode schnellen Fortschritts im Textilsektor durch die Chatterjee Group (TCG) unter der Führung ihres Vorsitzenden Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee. Mit ihrer modernen Produktionsanlage in Jolwa, in der hochwertige Polyesterchips, POY, FDY und andere Spezialgarne hergestellt werden, und der Marke Garden Vareli, die eine zeitgemäße Kollektion von Saris und Kleidungsstoffen anbietet, schafft die Chatterjee Group, die weltweit Investitionen in Höhe von 8 Milliarden US-Dollar tätigt, den ,Garten von morgen‘. „Wir bei MCPI und GSMPL sind entschlossen, die textile Vision von Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee, dem Vorsitzenden von TCG, zu verwirklichen", sagte D.P. Patra, Whole Time Director und CEO von MCPI.

Oerlikon Barmag Anlagen beherrschen nahezu alle Prozesse zur Herstellung textiler und technischer Garne und verspinnen die gängigen Polymere Polyester, Polyamid 6 und 6.6 oder Polypropylen. Bei Garden Silk Mills geht es um vollverstreckte Garne (FDY). Sie werden ohne weitere Veredelung zu textilen Flächen verarbeitet. Überall dort, wo Textilien glatt fallen oder aber gleiten soll, kommen vollverstreckte Garne zum Einsatz.

Das WINGS Konzept durchbricht dabei die Grenzen konventioneller FDY Spinnanlagen. WINGS steht für optimierte Produktionsprozesse, geringe Abfallraten und um rund 30 Prozent reduzierten Energieverbrauch. Hohe Garnqualität ist dabei verpflichtend. Einsetzbar ist diese Technologie im FDY Prozess für Polyester und Polyamid.

Oerlikon Barmag WINGS Technologie unterstützt Garden Silk Mills bei der Produktion von FDY Premiumgarnen – leistungsstarke Spinnereikomponenten wie Spinnpumpen, Spinnbalken und Düsenpakete bis zur Crossflow-Anblasung und den 216 WINGS Wicklern wurden im Direktspinnverfahren im Anschluss an eine bei Garden Silk Mills vorhandene Polykondensationsanlage installiert.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd auf der Fespa

Zünd ist vom 19. bis 22. März auf Europas führender Messe für den digitalen Grossformatdruck, der Fespa Global Print Expo in Amsterdam vertreten.

Zünd zeigt, wie leistungsstarke Schneidtechnologie in Verbindung mit intelligenter Software und diversen optionalen Lösungen für das automatisierte Materialhandling den digitalen Zuschnitt effizient und rentabel gestalten. Unabhängig von ihrer Unternehmensgröße verlängern Werbemittelhersteller mit den Schneidlösungen die Betriebszeiten und senken gleichzeitig die Betriebskosten. Damit kann die Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit des Zuschnitts nachhaltig erhöht werden.

Das Produktsortiment ist sehr modular aufgebaut und erlaubt es, einen Cutter mit wachsenden Anforderungen einfach und schnell mit Werkzeugen und Materialhandlingoptionen nachzurüsten und auf individuelle Anforderungen massgeschneidert zu konfigurieren.

Zünd ist vom 19. bis 22. März auf Europas führender Messe für den digitalen Grossformatdruck, der Fespa Global Print Expo in Amsterdam vertreten.

Zünd zeigt, wie leistungsstarke Schneidtechnologie in Verbindung mit intelligenter Software und diversen optionalen Lösungen für das automatisierte Materialhandling den digitalen Zuschnitt effizient und rentabel gestalten. Unabhängig von ihrer Unternehmensgröße verlängern Werbemittelhersteller mit den Schneidlösungen die Betriebszeiten und senken gleichzeitig die Betriebskosten. Damit kann die Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit des Zuschnitts nachhaltig erhöht werden.

Das Produktsortiment ist sehr modular aufgebaut und erlaubt es, einen Cutter mit wachsenden Anforderungen einfach und schnell mit Werkzeugen und Materialhandlingoptionen nachzurüsten und auf individuelle Anforderungen massgeschneidert zu konfigurieren.

More information:
Fespa Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd Systemtechnik AG


Rieter wins Patent Dispute in China

In a judgment in December 2023, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China ruled in favor of Rieter in a legal dispute. The case concerned the infringement of a Rieter patent by a competitor’s draw frame. Rieter protects its innovations with patents and registered designs and consistently takes action against infringements of its intellectual property.

Rieter draw frames are known for their stable operation with high sliver quality and productivity. Scanning precision and autoleveling dynamics ensure outstanding sliver evenness and thus the production of high-quality yarns. Draw frames have also been the subject of a patent litigation by Rieter in China at various levels of jurisdiction. Rieter had sued a competitor for unauthorized use of its patented draw frame technology.

In the summer of 2022, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court confirmed the patent infringement identified by Rieter and prohibited the accused competitor from continuing to use Rieter’s patented technology. The infringing party was also ordered to pay damages to Rieter.

In a judgment in December 2023, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China ruled in favor of Rieter in a legal dispute. The case concerned the infringement of a Rieter patent by a competitor’s draw frame. Rieter protects its innovations with patents and registered designs and consistently takes action against infringements of its intellectual property.

Rieter draw frames are known for their stable operation with high sliver quality and productivity. Scanning precision and autoleveling dynamics ensure outstanding sliver evenness and thus the production of high-quality yarns. Draw frames have also been the subject of a patent litigation by Rieter in China at various levels of jurisdiction. Rieter had sued a competitor for unauthorized use of its patented draw frame technology.

In the summer of 2022, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court confirmed the patent infringement identified by Rieter and prohibited the accused competitor from continuing to use Rieter’s patented technology. The infringing party was also ordered to pay damages to Rieter.

The culpable competitor then appealed the decision of the Shanghai court to the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China.

In December 2023, the Supreme Court of China in Beijing upheld the Shanghai decision, confirming that the patent had been infringed. As a result, Rieter’s competitor is prohibited from selling the infringing machine types and is required to pay the damages determined by the court.

This Supreme Court decision represents a major success for Rieter in defending its proprietary technologies in China. It is further proof that foreign companies can effectively defend their intellectual property in China.

As the technology leader in spinning machinery manufacturing, Rieter invests around 5% of its turnover annually in research and development. Rieter protects its innovative products with patents and registered designs and takes consistent action against infringements of industrial property rights.

More information:
legal dispute patent China

Rieter AG

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager (c) KARL MAYER GROUP
Toros Greenhalgh, General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

More information:
Karl Mayer Manager Turkey


Foto Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd: Niederlassung in Brasilien

Anfang 2024 hat Zünd den langjährigen Vertriebspartner BG Soluções Tecnológicas mit Sitz in Porto Alegre übernommen.

Seit Anfang 2024 ist BG Soluções Tecnológicas eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Zünd Systemtechnik AG und firmiert neu unter dem Namen Zund Brasil. BG Soluções Tecnológicas wurde 1981 von Sergio und Paulo Guerra gegründet und war seit 1990 offizieller Vertriebs- und Servicepartner der Zünd Systemtechnik AG.

Zund Brasil verlegt seinen Firmensitz von Porto Alegre in das rund 1000 km nördlich gelegene São Paulo, mit über 12 Millionen Einwohnern die größte Stadt Brasiliens und der größte industrielle Ballungsraum Lateinamerikas. Ein eigener Showroom bietet Kunden und Interessenten die Gelegenheit, die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten digitaler Schneidtechnologie vor Ort zu erleben. Die 10 Mitarbeitenden sind Experten in Beratung, Schulung, Installation und Service. Als CEO von Zund Brasil fungiert Cristiano Guerra. Mit dem neuen Tochterunternehmen kann Zünd in Lateinamerika weiter expandieren und das grosse Marktpotenzial optimal ausschöpfen.

Anfang 2024 hat Zünd den langjährigen Vertriebspartner BG Soluções Tecnológicas mit Sitz in Porto Alegre übernommen.

Seit Anfang 2024 ist BG Soluções Tecnológicas eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Zünd Systemtechnik AG und firmiert neu unter dem Namen Zund Brasil. BG Soluções Tecnológicas wurde 1981 von Sergio und Paulo Guerra gegründet und war seit 1990 offizieller Vertriebs- und Servicepartner der Zünd Systemtechnik AG.

Zund Brasil verlegt seinen Firmensitz von Porto Alegre in das rund 1000 km nördlich gelegene São Paulo, mit über 12 Millionen Einwohnern die größte Stadt Brasiliens und der größte industrielle Ballungsraum Lateinamerikas. Ein eigener Showroom bietet Kunden und Interessenten die Gelegenheit, die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten digitaler Schneidtechnologie vor Ort zu erleben. Die 10 Mitarbeitenden sind Experten in Beratung, Schulung, Installation und Service. Als CEO von Zund Brasil fungiert Cristiano Guerra. Mit dem neuen Tochterunternehmen kann Zünd in Lateinamerika weiter expandieren und das grosse Marktpotenzial optimal ausschöpfen.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

AMPI illustration AMPI illustration

FET: £50,000 for spinneret research

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) has been awarded £50,000 of grant funding to collaborate with the University of Manchester on complex spin pack and spinneret designs. This funding will provide FET with access to the expertise of four universities and the National Physical Laboratory to develop the next generation of machinery.

The grant is awarded by a consortium led by AMPI (The Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute) and NPL (The National Physical Laboratory). AMPI’s Innovation for Machinery (I4M) programme supports businesses in West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester as part of an overall initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers to meet the challenges of developing new technology and entering emerging markets.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) has been awarded £50,000 of grant funding to collaborate with the University of Manchester on complex spin pack and spinneret designs. This funding will provide FET with access to the expertise of four universities and the National Physical Laboratory to develop the next generation of machinery.

The grant is awarded by a consortium led by AMPI (The Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute) and NPL (The National Physical Laboratory). AMPI’s Innovation for Machinery (I4M) programme supports businesses in West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester as part of an overall initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers to meet the challenges of developing new technology and entering emerging markets.

In this project, FET will be working with the University of Manchester to conduct computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies on a number of complex spin pack and spinneret designs. The aim of this work is to identify areas of improvement for FET’s spin packs and spinnerets and to use computer aided designs to develop significantly more efficient versions. The goal is that the research will improve the throughput of FET extrusion systems, thus reducing the amount of polymer lost through inefficient flow paths. This development, in turn, will reduce the environmental impact of synthetic polymer processing.

FET designs, develops, and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Established in 1998, FET’s major strength has always been to collaborate with customers in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. Efficiency and sustainability are key, so enhanced development of spinneret technology will contribute significantly to these objectives.