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Adient presented seating innovations at IAA (c) Adient

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Responding to the need for overall cost and complexity reduction in manufacturing, the Pure Essential seat is especially lightweight. Environmentally-conscious practices such as material separation and recycling, and design for disassembly are embedded into the manufacturing process from the development stage. The visionary seat consists of two materials only – green steel and recyclable polyester (PET).
New customer needs in terms of premium comfort are met with the Autonomous Elegance seat, specifically developed to fit Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). State-of-the-art findings on ergonomics and human body kinematics have been incorporated following extensive occupant research. They are complemented by advanced comfort assets such as noise cancellation and advanced climate functions. “Our seat demonstrators provide solutions to our customers’ main concerns, and we are looking forward to continuing the strategic product dialogue with them, based on our new demonstrators” highlights David Herberg, Vice President Engineering Adient EMEA. Most features of the seat can already be offered for sourcing, such as the metal structure and seat kinematics (adjustment functions and mechanisms).

Considering optimized use of space as well as sustainability aspects, the automotive supplier has also given its Smart Efficiency seat an update: the seat features a slimmer appearance than its predecessor without compromising on comfort. This design does not only help save space, but also paves the way for new mobility concepts based on battery packaging in electric vehicles.
The showcased products will be available for demonstration in customer roadshows as of December 2023.



(c) PantherMedia/Peryn

VDI ZRE: Studie zu rezyklatbasierten Verpackungen veröffentlicht

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Hier setzt die neue Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE an. Sie bietet einen praxisrelevanten Überblick zu Aspekten der Nutzung von Kunststoffrezyklaten für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte – auch für Anwendungsbereiche mit hohen Anforderungen an Maßhaltigkeit und mechanische Eigenschaften.
Ein Beitrag zur Ressourcenschonung und zum Klimaschutz
Die ökologisch-ökonomische Bewertungsstudie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschenden des Öko-Institut e. V. und der Institut cyclos-HTP GmbH ausgearbeitet wurde, richtet sich insbesondere an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, die den Einstieg in die Verwendung von Rezyklaten erwägen. Die Studie beinhaltet zum einen eine ökobilanzielle Vergleichsrechnung nach den VDI-Richtlinien 4800 Blatt 1 und 2 sowie eine Sensitivitätsanalyse. Zum anderen liefert sie einen Kostenvergleich für die zwei gegenübergestellten kunststoffbasierten Verpackungsvarianten und gibt Empfehlungen zur Evaluierung.

Aus ökologischer Sicht zeigt sich, dass das Treibhausgaspotenzial des Produkts aus rezykliertem Polypropylen (PP) um 25 % geringer ausfällt als das der Produktvariante aus PP-Neuware. Aus ökonomischer Sicht hat der Einkaufspreis den größten Einfluss an den gesamten spezifischen Betriebskosten. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung beliefen sie sich auf 54 % für die Produktvariante aus recyceltem PP und auf 62 % für das Produkt aus primärem PP.

Die Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) erarbeitet und kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden.



VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz


EURATEX and CIE warn EU Presidency about de-industrialised Europe

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

  1. secure the supply of clean energy at a competitive cost;
  2. support innovation and foster the necessary talent pool and
  3. be more assertive in achieving an international level-playing field on sustainability, based on the European model.  

During the past few years the implementation of incoherent and conflicting objectives under the trade, energy, industrial and sustainability policy has been observed. As a matter of fact, while the circular economy promised to be a recipe for a competitive industry of the future, the likelihood of pushing the EU industry out of the market and driving investment elsewhere than in Europe is very high. If this approach were to continue in the next years, it will result in a de-industrialised Europe, depending on imports from abroad. Such a Europe would be more exposed to geopolitical turmoil, with no agency to deliver its vision of peace, well-being and a healthy environment to its citizens.

It is fundamental for Europe to pursue a more coherent set of policies that put the competitiveness of its domestic industry at the core. In this context, all the industrial manufacturing sectors should be in the scope, including the textile industry, given its importance in providing essential products and applications to our society. A first impactful action that can be taken in this direction, would be to expand the scope of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to include the textiles and clothing industry.
The history of European industry is fully woven in the birth and expansion of the European textiles industry since the XVIII century. Still today, the European textiles and clothing industry holds a pivotal position in the market, encompassing a diverse range of sectors and applications. In terms of employment, our industry creates 1,3 million direct jobs in Europe, encompassing a wide range of roles, from design and production to distribution and retail. European textiles have a wide range of applications, the most common one is of course clothing and fashion. The industry has a long history of producing high-quality apparel, with various regions specializing in specific niches.
Beyond clothing, there is a wide range of industrial sectors were textiles play an essential role, including  Automotive (used for upholstery, interior components, and even lightweight composite materials), Aircraft and Shipbuilding (where textiles are employed for their lightweight and high-strength properties, to enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve overall performance), Building and Construction (insulation, roofing, geotextiles, and architectural textiles), or Personal Protective Equipment, for medical personnel, firefighters, police and army officers. This includes masks, gowns, uniforms, helmets, and fire-resistant clothing, ensuring safety in hazardous environments.
Textiles are essential components of our society and our well-being. It is key for Europe to maintain its capacity to manufacture high-quality, sustainable and high-technology textiles.  With this in mind, the competitiveness policy of the future and the related funds to support it, should include the textile ecosystem in its scope.  


More information:
Euratex EU council Policy Hub


Istanbul Fashion Connection 2023 again successful Photo: IFCO

Istanbul Fashion Connection 2023 again successful

With over 400 exhibitors, the fourth Istanbul Fashion Connection event from August 9-11, 2023, at the Istanbul Expo Center on 35,000 sqm was again successful.

With over 20,000 visitors from more than 125 countries, IFCO recorded an increase in visitors of over 30% compared to August last year. International visitors more than doubled, with the largest visitor groups coming from Asia and the Middle East at 33% each, Europe at 17%, Africa 11% and the Americas at 6%.

All retail channels were represented at the show, from large shopping mall and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

In six clearly segmented halls, more than 400 brands presented themselves on 35,000 sqm from womenswear, menswear, kidswear sportswear, denim, leather and fur.

With over 400 exhibitors, the fourth Istanbul Fashion Connection event from August 9-11, 2023, at the Istanbul Expo Center on 35,000 sqm was again successful.

With over 20,000 visitors from more than 125 countries, IFCO recorded an increase in visitors of over 30% compared to August last year. International visitors more than doubled, with the largest visitor groups coming from Asia and the Middle East at 33% each, Europe at 17%, Africa 11% and the Americas at 6%.

All retail channels were represented at the show, from large shopping mall and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

In six clearly segmented halls, more than 400 brands presented themselves on 35,000 sqm from womenswear, menswear, kidswear sportswear, denim, leather and fur.

The Core Istanbul
For the second time, the exclusive design area The Core Istanbul, originally launched as part of Istanbul Fashion Week, presented itself at IFCO. Among others, Arzu Kaprol, Ceren Ocak, Çiğdem Akın, Essin Barış, Ezgi Karayel, Fulyaİlkmen - F.ILKK, Mehmet Emiroğlu, Meltem Özbek, Mert Erkan, Merve Ulu - Kuela, Murat Aytulum, Nejla Güvenç - Nej, Özlem Erkan, Selin Küçüksöz, Tuba Ergin joined the show. Menswear was also represented with Emre Erdemoğlu, Seydullah Yılmaz - SYHZ Wear and Yakup Biçer - Y Plus.

The Exclusive Area
Leading Turkish retail brands, already internationally active, showed in The Exclusive Area such as B&G Store, Climber BC, Damat, Giovane Gentile, Hatemoğlu, Ipekyol, Kayra, Kiğılı, Lee Cooper, Lufian, Jakamen, Naramaxx and convinced with their high quality, sustainable and fashionable products, which were in great demand among international buyers. Jakamen opened the IFCO Shows on the first day of the fair with its latest spring / summer collection for 2024.

With its own catwalk, the occasion fashion section FashionIst for women and men featured thirty leading brands and showed a cross-section of the latest designs in evening fashion with their innovative colors and dynamic styles. Daily fashion shows informed visitors about the latest trends.

B2B Match Making
The B2B Match Making at IFCO took place in speed dating mode and was well received. Exhibitors were efficiently networked with buyers from all over the world such as Inditex from Spain, Walmart, Quicksilver, Teddy Fresh or Wilbo from the USA, Sainsbury's from the UK, Cihuah from Mexico, the Apparel Group and Safari Group from the United Arab Emirates, Ria Miranda from Indonesia, Hi Style and Zalora from Malaysia, Musinsa from South Korea, Ackermans from South Africa etc.

IFCO February 2024
For the next date of IFCO (7.-10. February, 2024), the organizers expect more than 600 companies. The participation of international fashion companies is to be expanded, for which IFCO provides the ideal springboard into the European and Asian markets.




SMCCreate 2023: Programm released

The 2nd edition of the SMCCreate conference jointly organized by the AVK and the European Alliance for SMC BMC takes place from 7-8-November 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference programme has now been published.

Within the time of only 1.5 day and 16 lectures, the SMCCreate 2023 conference will again cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability. The participants can expect presentations from the following top-class companies: Airbus, AOC, BYK-Chemie Dieffenbacher, EBG Group, ESI Germany, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Netzsch, Owens Corning, Siemens and Teijin.

The SMCCreate 2023 will take place from November 7-8, 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic) at the Vienna House Diplomat Prague.

The 2nd edition of the SMCCreate conference jointly organized by the AVK and the European Alliance for SMC BMC takes place from 7-8-November 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference programme has now been published.

Within the time of only 1.5 day and 16 lectures, the SMCCreate 2023 conference will again cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability. The participants can expect presentations from the following top-class companies: Airbus, AOC, BYK-Chemie Dieffenbacher, EBG Group, ESI Germany, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Netzsch, Owens Corning, Siemens and Teijin.

The SMCCreate 2023 will take place from November 7-8, 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic) at the Vienna House Diplomat Prague.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


SHIMA SEIKI launches SHIMA HelpCenter

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan has launched its “SHIMA HelpCenter” customer support site. SHIMA HelpCenter integrates Help, FAQ, Operation Manual, and Glossary functions for SHIMA SEIKI products, and supports cross-content keyword search to improve user convenience. In addition, video content provides easy-to-understand explanations of various product functions, as smart solutions to questions and problems that may arise during product use. With support for smartphones and tablets, our product users can use the service anytime, anywhere. Operation manuals that were previously provided in printed form are being converted to the online version in order to provide services more efficiently in an environmentally friendly, sustainable, and convenient manner.

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan has launched its “SHIMA HelpCenter” customer support site. SHIMA HelpCenter integrates Help, FAQ, Operation Manual, and Glossary functions for SHIMA SEIKI products, and supports cross-content keyword search to improve user convenience. In addition, video content provides easy-to-understand explanations of various product functions, as smart solutions to questions and problems that may arise during product use. With support for smartphones and tablets, our product users can use the service anytime, anywhere. Operation manuals that were previously provided in printed form are being converted to the online version in order to provide services more efficiently in an environmentally friendly, sustainable, and convenient manner.

SHIMA online is a web service platform which features “APEXFiz®” design software subscription service, “yarnbank®” digital yarn sourcing service, “SHIMA Datamall™” digital content service, “SHIMANAVI®” e-learning system and “SHIMA KnitManager™” knit production management software, all of which are designed to improve operational efficiency and create attractive and sustainable products. With a SHIMA online account, both SHIMA HelpCenter and SHIMA Datamall can be accessed using the same ID.



Freudenberg: 3D entangled mat production in China (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: 3D entangled mat production in China

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg), a global supplier of high-performance technical textiles has begun operating a new 3D entangled mat production line in Changzhou (China). It enables Freudenberg to supply customers in the APAC region with Enka®Solutions made in China for building, industrial and civil engineering applications. Freudenberg now is also able to serve customers in diverse technical markets with finished and semi-finished products.

This investment in China will significantly increase Enka®Solutions production capacity and will play a fundamental role in the development of Enka business with customers in the APAC region. Freudenberg inaugurated the new line in Changzhou at an opening ceremony on July 13th.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg), a global supplier of high-performance technical textiles has begun operating a new 3D entangled mat production line in Changzhou (China). It enables Freudenberg to supply customers in the APAC region with Enka®Solutions made in China for building, industrial and civil engineering applications. Freudenberg now is also able to serve customers in diverse technical markets with finished and semi-finished products.

This investment in China will significantly increase Enka®Solutions production capacity and will play a fundamental role in the development of Enka business with customers in the APAC region. Freudenberg inaugurated the new line in Changzhou at an opening ceremony on July 13th.

The new production line in Changzhou complements the manufacturing operations in Obernburg (Germany) and Asheville (North Carolina, USA). With a global manufacturing presence on the three different continents Europe, Asia and America, Freudenberg can now serve markets locally and deliver Enka®Solutions products faster and efficiently. This will not only help to better meet customer needs, but also reducing the company's environmental footprint by increasing local production.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH


Rieter in first Half of 2023: Increase in sales, decrease in orders

In the first half of 2023, Rieter recorded a significant increase in sales of 22.2% to CHF 758.2 million, despite some cancellations or postponements of deliveries as a result of the earthquake in Türkiye. Cyclical market downturns in the individual market segments, which were already apparent in the second half of 2022, led to an order intake of CHF 325.0 million (-62.6%) in the reporting period, lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Order intake in almost all regions was characterized by the reluctance to invest in new machines. Only in China did order intake increase due to investments by spinning mills in improving their local competitiveness. In addition, some customers held back pending investment decisions and waited for the innovations presented at ITMA in Milan in June 2023. At the same time, demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts declined due to the global market downturn.

In the first half of 2023, Rieter recorded a significant increase in sales of 22.2% to CHF 758.2 million, despite some cancellations or postponements of deliveries as a result of the earthquake in Türkiye. Cyclical market downturns in the individual market segments, which were already apparent in the second half of 2022, led to an order intake of CHF 325.0 million (-62.6%) in the reporting period, lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Order intake in almost all regions was characterized by the reluctance to invest in new machines. Only in China did order intake increase due to investments by spinning mills in improving their local competitiveness. In addition, some customers held back pending investment decisions and waited for the innovations presented at ITMA in Milan in June 2023. At the same time, demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts declined due to the global market downturn.

On June 30, 2023, the company had a high order backlog of around CHF 1 100 million (June 30, 2022: around CHF 2 100 million). This therefore extends into the year 2024. As in the previous year, cancellations in the reporting period were around 5% of the order backlog, also impacted by the effects of the severe earthquake in Türkiye.

In the first half of 2023, Rieter posted a profit of CHF 25.2 million at the EBIT level, with an EBIT margin of 3.3% (first half of 2022: loss of CHF -10.2 million) and a net profit of CHF 13.3 million (first half of 2022: loss of CHF -25.2 million).

“Next Level” performance program planned
The challenging market situation over the past two years was marked by severe disruptions in the global supply chain in conjunction with rising material, energy, labor, and production costs. The current global demand for textile products remains at a low level. To increase long-term value for customers, employees, and shareholders, Rieter, as technology leader, is planning a performance program called “Next Level”. The goal of the program is to strengthen sales excellence, sharpen customer focus, improve cost efficiency in production and optimize fixed cost structures. The one-time cost of the program is anticipated to be around CHF 45 to 50 million, which will have an impact on the second half of 2023. Most of the program initiatives will be implemented before the end of 2023 with a view to achieving an expected impact from as early as 2024. With these measures Rieter is aiming to reduce operating costs by some CHF 80 million per year.

The program includes provisions for the net reduction of around 300 positions throughout the Group in relation to overhead functions. The possibility of further market- and volume-related adjustments in the order of 400 to 600 positions cannot be excluded. At the end of June 2023, Rieter had a global workforce of 5 555 employees.

Given the economic situation and the ongoing cyclical market weakness, Rieter continues to expect below-average demand for new equipment in the coming months. A revival is not expected until the fourth quarter of 2023 at the earliest. Rieter also believes that demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts will not recover until later in 2023.

For the full year 2023, Rieter expects an EBIT margin of around 5 to 7% (including positive special effects of less than 2%) and sales at the previous year’s level of around CHF 1.5 billion.


Rieter Management AG


SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Tech Fashion shows in Brazil

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TÊXTIL LTDA., will host the Tech Fashion shows, a series of private exhibitions held at two locations in Brazil in July and August. The exhibitions will be a showcase for the company’s latest computerized flat knitting technology, presented through fashion shows, machine exhibits and the latest knit samples featured at ITMA 2023. The event is organized by the Fashion Committee of Fitemavest, consultants to Brazil's fashion market, and will feature presentations by CS DESIGN STUDIO designer Cecilia Seibel.

Technological displays include a full lineup of SHIMA SEIKI flat knitting machines, ranging from the MACH2XS WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine to N.SVR122 computerized shaping machine, as well as the SFG-I fully automated glove knitting machine. Exhibited machines vary between locations. Details are given below under ‘Exhibited Technology.’

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TÊXTIL LTDA., will host the Tech Fashion shows, a series of private exhibitions held at two locations in Brazil in July and August. The exhibitions will be a showcase for the company’s latest computerized flat knitting technology, presented through fashion shows, machine exhibits and the latest knit samples featured at ITMA 2023. The event is organized by the Fashion Committee of Fitemavest, consultants to Brazil's fashion market, and will feature presentations by CS DESIGN STUDIO designer Cecilia Seibel.

Technological displays include a full lineup of SHIMA SEIKI flat knitting machines, ranging from the MACH2XS WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine to N.SVR122 computerized shaping machine, as well as the SFG-I fully automated glove knitting machine. Exhibited machines vary between locations. Details are given below under ‘Exhibited Technology.’

The potential of each of these knitting machines are maximized in combination with the SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system and APEXFiz® design software. At the core of the company’s "Total Fashion System" concept, SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® provide comprehensive support throughout the apparel supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design to production and even sales promotion. Especially effective is their capability to improve on the design and evaluation process with virtual sampling. Ultra-realistic simulation capability on SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® allows virtual sampling to minimize the amount of time, cost and material spent during the sample-making process

The fashion show will feature the newest creations in WHOLEGARMENT® and other knitwear.



STOLL launches a new innovation package (c) STOLL, KARL MAYER GROUP

STOLL launches a new innovation package

ITMA 2023 was a successful platform for the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL to present its latest new developments. The business unit of the KARL MAYER GROUP will be following up this fair on 3 July with the launch of a further innovation package. With the solutions contained in this package, STOLL will be offering its customers additional added value when using their flat knitting machines - in line with the concept of bundling innovations.

ITMA 2023 was a successful platform for the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL to present its latest new developments. The business unit of the KARL MAYER GROUP will be following up this fair on 3 July with the launch of a further innovation package. With the solutions contained in this package, STOLL will be offering its customers additional added value when using their flat knitting machines - in line with the concept of bundling innovations.

The new features include an optimised central lubrication system that reduces both maintenance effort and oil consumption, this as standard from July 2023 for all models of the CMS and ADF series produced in Reutlingen.
Compared to the previous optional variant, it ensures more efficient and comprehensive lubrication. All needle bed elements, from the holding-down jack to the coupling part and intermediate slider to the selection jack, are now supplied with oil. The machine itself recognises whether lubrication is required. Independently of this, the lubrication intensity and oil distribution can be adapted to the individual machine conditions by setting various parameters, if required. To ensure that the required amount of lubricant is reliably supplied, a message is sent if the level is too low.

In addition, a new oil drain container as standard equipment for all CMS and ADF models catches used oil from the needle bed under the machine. This prevents soiling of floors or knitted fabrics. The emptying of the container can be efficiently managed by an adjustable reminder function. The neat and at the same time sustainable solution does not require cleaning agents or hoovers and offers the possibility to reuse the oil after cleaning through special filters, if necessary.

Users of CMS and ADF belt take-down machines can benefit from optimisations around the belt take-down. Thanks to the new STOLL innovation package, this can be turned forwards and backwards by means of a switch as standard in order to easily eliminate fabric wraps and thus reduce maintenance times. In addition, a mirror, which is also fitted as standard, ensures a simple visual check of the belt take-down.

Another solution of the STOLL innovation package from July 2023 includes new cams that enable split-stitch implementation without cam box modification. This reduces manual effort and thus conversion times and costs. The feature is standard on all fine gauges ADF and CMS machines.

For the W machines from STOLL, there is now a further inlay yarn carrier, the Qt, in addition to the previous Qw yarn carrier. The extension means that the number of inlay yarn carriers used in a system can be increased from the previous one to three. No additional system is required for the weft yarn, and the process steps weft yarn insertion and knitting take place in the same system.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

© PantherMedia / Gorodenkoff

VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz: Analyse-Tool für mehr Ressourceneffizienz

  • Neues Webtool des VDI ZRE unterstützt KMU bei der Realisierung von Digitalsierungsmaßnahmen

Die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 wird für Unternehmen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes zunehmend zum wettbewerbsentscheidenden Faktor. Mit digitalisierten Prozessen lassen sich unter anderem Material und Energie sparen. Für jeden Schritt der Digitalisierung braucht es eine klare Bestimmung der aktuellen Ausgangslage, um nicht nur mögliche, sondern auch sinnvolle Maßnahmen zu identifizieren. Für diese Analyse hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) das Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ entwickelt.

Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen können für KMU maßgeblich sein, um langfristig am Markt zu bestehen. Hierfür braucht es jedoch einen klaren Gesamtüberblick zum Status quo des Unternehmens und Perspektiven.

Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen sich zum Ziel, ihren Verbrauch an Material und Energie zu senken. Denn mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 lassen sich in Produktionsprozessen maßgebliche Einsparungen von Ressourcen erreichen. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine klare Bestimmung der Ausgangslage des Unternehmens und eine klare strategische Zielsetzung.

  • Neues Webtool des VDI ZRE unterstützt KMU bei der Realisierung von Digitalsierungsmaßnahmen

Die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 wird für Unternehmen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes zunehmend zum wettbewerbsentscheidenden Faktor. Mit digitalisierten Prozessen lassen sich unter anderem Material und Energie sparen. Für jeden Schritt der Digitalisierung braucht es eine klare Bestimmung der aktuellen Ausgangslage, um nicht nur mögliche, sondern auch sinnvolle Maßnahmen zu identifizieren. Für diese Analyse hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) das Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ entwickelt.

Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen können für KMU maßgeblich sein, um langfristig am Markt zu bestehen. Hierfür braucht es jedoch einen klaren Gesamtüberblick zum Status quo des Unternehmens und Perspektiven.

Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen sich zum Ziel, ihren Verbrauch an Material und Energie zu senken. Denn mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 lassen sich in Produktionsprozessen maßgebliche Einsparungen von Ressourcen erreichen. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine klare Bestimmung der Ausgangslage des Unternehmens und eine klare strategische Zielsetzung.

Das neue Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ des VDI ZRE unterstützt eine zielführende Strategieentwicklung und gibt passende Empfehlungen für Maßnahmen zum Einstieg ins Thema. Der Fokus dieser Starthilfe für Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung liegt auf kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen aus dem verarbeitenden Gewerbe.

Mittels Reifegradmodell zur Selbstevaluation und Lösungsfindung
Mithilfe eines Online-Fragebogens können sich Unternehmen zunächst mit Blick auf ihren eigenen Digitalisierungsstand eigenständig einordnen und damit ihre Ausgangslage bestimmen. Das hierfür zugrundeliegende Reifegradmodell basiert auf dem Modell des Mittelstandszentrums 4.0.

Die Einordnung hilft KMU dabei festzustellen, ob das Thema Digitalisierung unternehmensseitig zunächst noch erkundet wird, die Auseinandersetzung damit schon fortgeschritten ist oder es als Vorreiter bereits die Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung gesteigert hat. Auf Basis der Einstufung werden über einen grafisch dargestellten Skill-Tree sinnvoll erschließbare Ressourceneffizienzpotenziale aufgezeigt sowie Maßnahmen und Technologien vorgeschlagen.

Das Tool bietet aber auch die Möglichkeit frei zu erkunden, welche Voraussetzungen beispielsweise für die nächste Digitalisierungsstufe nötig sind und welche Nutzen sich für das Unternehmen ergeben. Gute-Praxis-Beispiele zeigen je nach Vorauswahl, wie Maßnahmen in der Praxis bereits erfolgreich umgesetzt werden.

Weiterfrührende Online-Werkzeuge
Das ReSET 4.0-Tool ist Teil des Online-Baukastens „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“. Dieser fasst alle Arbeitsmittel des VDI ZRE zum Thema Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung zusammen. Auch das aktuelle Tool wurde im Auftrag des Bundesumweltministeriums entwickelt und steht kostenfrei zur Verfügung unter:



VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz


RadiciGroup closes 2022 with positive results

With total sales of EUR 1,543 million, generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia, and America, Radici Group closed its 2022 financial year with slight growth over 2021. EBITDA reached EUR 157 million in 2022, and net income for the year was EUR 80 million.

With total sales of EUR 1,543 million, generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia, and America, Radici Group closed its 2022 financial year with slight growth over 2021. EBITDA reached EUR 157 million in 2022, and net income for the year was EUR 80 million.

“We are moderately pleased with the 2022 figures,” Angelo Radici, president of RadiciGroup, commented. “Despite an unpredictable and challenging year, we were able to achieve positive results. Although the rise in energy costs began to be felt in January, we managed to maintain our position in the first three months of the year due to a significant increase in demand. From the second quarter onwards, the European market experienced a significant slowdown due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which exacerbated the already soaring costs of energy and raw materials. The situation was completely out of hand and made worse by the fact that some raw materials were not available. This created significant challenges for us, especially in the chemical sector. We even had to stop operations at our Novara plant in the latter part of the year. Products similar to ours in the nylon supply chain from China and the US were being sold at a price lower than our variable cost.”

The president continues: “At Group level, our internationalisation strategy helped us mitigate geopolitical risks in various countries. As a result, we were able to offset the challenges in the European chemicals and textile markets by leveraging our global presence in High Performance Polymers, where our numbers have held strong. As we began 2023, we regained our footing. However, the global economic and industrial scenario for the rest of the year remains highly uncertain, and forecasts are notably cautious.”

Even in these difficult times, the Group has continued to invest. In 2022, the High Performance Polymers Business Area completed the acquisition in India of the engineering plastics branch of Ester Industries Ltd, a listed company. Additionally, it began installing two new production lines in Mexico and Brazil, and confirmed plans to install a new extrusion line at the Villa d’Ogna production site in the province of Bergamo. These choices align with the Group’s goal of enhancing its worldwide presence and boosting competitiveness in high-potential growth markets. In a year where energy and raw material costs were certainly problematic, operating in geographically diverse markets and with varied applications proved to be an important tool in addressing the challenges. In this vein, a new production site spanning over 36,000 square metres has recently been inaugurated in China. The move is aimed at doubling the production capacity in line with the market’s growth expectations.

Extending the time horizon to 2018-2022, the Group has invested over EUR 277 million to enhance the competitiveness of its companies, implement Best Available Techniques, improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and conduct research and development activities aimed at introducing sustainable processes and solutions. These efforts include the research and development activities of Radici InNova, which are heavily focused on the circular economy.

More information:
RadiciGroup financial year 2022



EPTA highlights contribution of pultruded composites to sustainable construction

Increasing energy and resource efficiency in the construction sector will be key to the EU’s ambition of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. By enabling the manufacture of strong, durable and lightweight products, composite materials can help the construction sector improve its environmental sustainability, as well as reduce total lifecycle costs. The latest EPTA industry briefing, Pultruded composites contribute to a more sustainable future for construction, discusses how pultruded composites answer the need for materials offering high performance, faster installation, corrosion resistance and low maintenance.

The report is available to download from the EPTA website.

Increasing energy and resource efficiency in the construction sector will be key to the EU’s ambition of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. By enabling the manufacture of strong, durable and lightweight products, composite materials can help the construction sector improve its environmental sustainability, as well as reduce total lifecycle costs. The latest EPTA industry briefing, Pultruded composites contribute to a more sustainable future for construction, discusses how pultruded composites answer the need for materials offering high performance, faster installation, corrosion resistance and low maintenance.

The report is available to download from the EPTA website.

The future of construction
As one of the largest global users of energy and raw materials, the construction industry is under immense pressure to improve its sustainability. At the same time, it must respond to demands for improved performance and reduced total cost of ownership. New materials will be needed to minimise the use of natural resources, enable a reduction of carbon footprint and facilitate circular economy practices. Choosing the optimum materials required for durability throughout the lifecycle will be increasingly important. A shift to off-site production is also forecast, where factory-controlled environments and automated processes can improve quality control, lower waste, and reduce work on site.

Lightweight pultruded parts can be pre-assembled into modules or complete structures in the factory for faster installation on site. Lightweight profiles lower energy use during transportation and installation, and a longer service life combined with minimal maintenance can deliver a reduced through-life carbon footprint. Pultruded parts such as profiles, gratings, beams, tubes and planks are increasingly found in a range of building, construction and infrastructure applications. Examples include bridge decks, fencing, stairs and handrails, train platforms, cladding, utility poles, modular building concepts, and window frames.

One application offering large growth potential for composites is bridges. Composite bridges are being designed to provide a service life of 100 years and unlike steel bridges do not require regular repainting to protect them from corrosion. Over recent years, pultruded glass fibre composite has become a highly popular choice for pedestrian and cycle bridges. Pre-fabricated ‘easy fit’ bridge decking planks, pre-assembled bridge modules and complete bridge ‘kits’ are now available. Corrosion-resistant composite bridges are ideal for use near water or on the coast, and in remote locations where regular maintenance operations would be difficult. A composite bridge can deliver the same performance as a steel structure with a weight saving of up to 50% or more. This enables more streamlined bridge designs which require less substantial supporting structures and foundations, greatly reducing consumption of materials and energy. Lightweight also results in easier logistics and simplified installation. Pultruded are more easily transported to the construction site, with lower fuel consumption, and easier to move on site, often reducing labour requirements and the capacity of lifting equipment.

A lifecycle approach
As the construction industry looks to the future, the environmental and economic benefits of composite materials linked to easier logistics and installation, durability and low maintenance are becoming increasingly valued. More projects are demonstrating the benefits of composite materials and standards covering the design, fabrication and installation of pultruded profiles are making it easier for the construction industry to use them. With ongoing development and collaboration, pultrusion has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable future for construction and many other industries. EPTA will continue to promote the advancement of pultrusion technology and its applications and foster sustainable practices within the industry.


The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)

Photo: pixabay

Bangladesh to stage climate event for fashion and textiles

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Also presenting at the event will be the Government of Bangladesh, which will address Bangladesh’s actions to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate change and is ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world according to a report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods, coastal and riverbank erosion, droughts and landslides are the major climate-induced hazards in Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will also look at approaches towards decarbonization, including NetZero goals and timelines. Speakers will discuss globally recognised pathways for electricity/transportation/industry decarbonisation.

Renewable energy will also be under discussion. If fashion brands are to hit climate targets, it is imperative that supply chains switch to renewable energy and away from gas and fossil fuels. The event will look at challenges around the de-carbonisation of the electricity grid in Bangladesh, as well as the rate of transition toward renewable resources by garment factories, including solar power.

A key element of the event will be evaluation of practical solutions for Bangladesh’s RMG industry. It will profile specific solutions such as energy efficiency, machine upgrades, the electrification of thermal loads, direct power purchase agreements and biomass fed thermal systems. It will also discuss the challenges faced in the industry including business climate (and cycles), pricing, financing challenges, target setting and execution, policy opportunities, knowledge gaps and availability/scaling of solutions.

Financial challenges around decarbonisation of supply chains are significant, and it is far from clear who will pay for the technological upgrades required. While some investment support systems exist – such as lower interest financing – these are not always available, accessible or affordable for the majority of the RMG companies.

The event will explore financial options, changes to business/pricing models, opportunities for de-risking/underwriting investments, direct investment and other tools that need to emerge to address financial challenges and plug the funding gap. The event will also explore opportunities to decouple climate action from business cycles so that the 2030 targets can be met.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital presents Enhanced Presto MAX at ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

At ITMA 2023, Kornit will also be displaying an end-to-end partner ecosystem – underscoring how integrated solutions ensure a smooth transition towards a digital infrastructure and enable long-term business growth. Highlighting the power of partnership alongside Kornit is, a supplier of textiles and apparel leveraging digitally enabled, eco-friendly waterless printing. The company will be showing Presto MAX with fabrics highlighting the depth of black inks. Working alongside Kornit, Zünd will demonstrate how its modular cutting systems is the foundation for an end-to-end “eco factory,” completing fashion decorated by Presto MAX with their digital cutting solutions. Pentek Textile Machinery joins to display the possibilities for inline, sustainable softening of fabrics for unique and demanding applications.

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing celebrates 40th anniversary of LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased

Lenzing Group, a global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its biorefinery and co-product brand LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased. The brand was first introduced on May 4, 1983, and has since become one of the leading and most trusted biobased acetic acid providers.

Over the past 40 years, LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased, which has a reduced carbon footprint that is 85% lower than that of fossil-based acetic acid, has continued to gain trust and support from customers. Specialty chemical company Evonik, and food production company Speyer & Grund Group, have been incorporating LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased in the production of their products since 1983. LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased has also been in high demand from the hygiene industry during the COVID-19 pandemic as an all-purpose cleaning agent in conventional and green products.

Lenzing Group, a global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its biorefinery and co-product brand LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased. The brand was first introduced on May 4, 1983, and has since become one of the leading and most trusted biobased acetic acid providers.

Over the past 40 years, LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased, which has a reduced carbon footprint that is 85% lower than that of fossil-based acetic acid, has continued to gain trust and support from customers. Specialty chemical company Evonik, and food production company Speyer & Grund Group, have been incorporating LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased in the production of their products since 1983. LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased has also been in high demand from the hygiene industry during the COVID-19 pandemic as an all-purpose cleaning agent in conventional and green products.

Pioneering a carbon neutral future in the biorefinery segment with a new offering
To mark the important occasion, Lenzing will introduce its first carbon neutral LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased to meet the growing sustainability needs of industries which predominately rely on fossil-based materials. Similar to the standard LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased, the carbon neutral LENZING™ Acetic Acid Biobased is produced using sustainably sourced beech wood as a universal replacement for non-renewable raw materials such as crude oil. By calculating, reducing and offsetting emissions during production processes, this expansion will create a more sustainable supply chain with highly functional products across various industries. From now on, Lenzing customers across the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and textile industries will be able to choose between carbon neutral and reduced carbon footprint acetic acid products.

Advancing circularity and carbon neutrality through efficient use of valuable resources
Lenzing’s biorefinery concept ensures that 100% of wood components are used to produce pulp for Lenzing’s botanic fibers, biorefinery products, as well as bioenergy, which is used to power Lenzing’s facilities. This makes Lenzing’s biorefinery sites almost fully energy self-sufficient to remain as carbon neutral as possible. To ensure a low carbon footprint, rail transportation is the preferred means for transporting LENZING™ biorefinery products, with trucks being leveraged in regions where rail transportation is not available.

Together with ClimatePartner, a recognized global leader in the design, development, and delivery of corporate climate action programs, Lenzing strives to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero through a mix of higher production efficiencies, use of renewable energy sources, low-carbon materials, and the dedicated support of an external nature-based carbon removal project. For instance, to offset remaining carbon emissions that cannot be reduced, Lenzing works with ClimatePartner to support and finance the switch to biomass as an energy source at a ceramic factory in Kitambar in northeastern Brazil. Using natural waste materials, like coconut shells, as renewable biomass for its energy production, the factory is able to produce roof tiles in a more climate-friendly way while saving on carbon emissions. Besides contributing to the fuel switch, the project also helps to reduce the deforestation rate in Brazil and avoid methane emissions that could result from the uncontrolled rotting of biomass.

More information:
Lenzing biobased acetic acid

Lenzing Group

Photo: CHT

BEZAKTIV ONE: New Reactive dyes range by CHT

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

BEZAKTIV ONE dyes can be dyed, rinsed and soaped between 40 and 60 °C. Therefore, the BEZAKTIV ONE exhaust dyeing process is significantly shorter compared to conventional reactive dyeing processes, where temperatures between 60 and 98 °C are required. This advantage means savings in process time and higher productivity for the textile dyer.

The advantages become particularly clear when dyeing medium to dark shades with the BEZAKTIV ONE process. Due to the high fixation level in combination with good color build-up dark shades can be matched with lower dye concentrations of BEZAKTIV ONE than with conventional bifunctional reactive dyes. The addition of the auxiliary COTOBLANC SEL in the second soap bath has an additional positive effect, so that a washing process with low water and energy consumption generates excellent wet fastness properties on the textile.

(c) INDA

Four Nonwoven Industry Professionals honored with INDA Lifetime Awards

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

Jan O’Regan: INDA Lifetime Service Award
Jan O’Regan was the Director, Strategic Initiatives and Nonwovens Marketing, for Cotton Incorporated and retired in 2022. In this capacity, she uncovered new opportunities for cotton to bring value into the nonwovens industry. Her work included leading efforts in strategic planning, technical and market project management, and sharing new ideas and results with the global supply chain.
O’Regan spent over four decades in the nonwovens industry in various roles, including sales, marketing, strategic planning and business management. Market responsibilities included consumer and industrial markets on regional, national, and global teams. Over the most recent years, she applied these broad experiences to new markets for cotton in nontraditional applications.
Serving and volunteering with INDA for decades, O’Regan most recently chaired the World of Wipes® committee, which she efficiently organized to produce innovative conferences for the wipes industry.  She was a frequent speaker at INDA, INSIGHT, EDANA, and other events, and for nearly two decades was a go to source of information for cotton fibers in nonwovens and hygiene. O’Regan earned a BS in Textiles and Business, summa cum laude, from Penn State University and an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Seshadri Ramkumar: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Seshadri Ramkumar has over twenty-five years of experience within the technical nonwovens space, conducting industry leading research and educating nonwovens professionals at Texas Tech University (TTU).  At TTU, he established the Nonwovens Laboratory. Many of Ramkumar’s students have gone on to become technical leaders within their organizations and the nonwovens industry.
Ramkumar has numerous patent and invention disclosures, including Fibertect® toxic chemical decontamination wipes which have been recognized by the American Chemical Society as a notable success of federally supported innovation, endorsed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and adopted by multiple branches of the military.
In addition to many peer-reviewed publications, articles, and columns collectively over 500, including one on nanofibers that has been cited over 2,100 times, Ramkumar has contributed his expertise on the editorial boards of multiple fiber, nonwoven, and textile journals. Ramkumar has also organized conferences for nonwovens and textiles and actively promoted INDA and its technical training offerings for over 20 years.
He is a longtime member of the INDA Technical Advisory Board, been recognized by TAPPI, Society of Dyers and Colorists (UK), the Textile Institute (UK), and the Textile Association (INDIA), and received numerous awards from TTU.
Ramkumar holds a Bachelors of Technology (Textiles), Graduated with Distinction, and a Masters of Technology (Textiles), University First Rank in the Discipline, Anna University, and a Ph.D. (Textile Materials) from the University of Leeds, UK.

Jim Robinson: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Jim Robinson has 33 years in the absorbent hygiene industry, including 28 years as a Technical Service Manager at BASF. He led technical teams that focused on the application of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in hygiene products. Robinson has extensive knowledge of SAP applications, absorbent core formation, and hygiene article design, performance and testing. While with BASF, Robinson led efforts with multiple external companies to provide co-supplier solutions to hygiene converters.
Robinson’s extensive understanding of test methods and test method development led to his coordinating the establishment of fitness for use standards of adult incontinent products with the National Association for Continence and involvement in development and review of absorbent product test methods with INDA/EDANA. He is also an active contributor to INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and Hygienix organizing committee and was a contributing developer in establishing the INDA Absorbent Hygiene Training Course. Robinson has provided numerous presentations at INSIGHT, Hygienix, and RISE on performance and interactions of absorbent system components.
Recently, Robinson has been consulting and contributing to the success of multiple start-ups including those having been nominated for INDA product awards. Robinson has a BS in Chemistry from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS in Chemistry from Duke University.

Ed Thomas: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Ed Thomas retired after 39 years, with 32 years in the nonwovens industry, and has remained active teaching the Intermediate Nonwovens Training Course for INDA and The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University, as well as providing consulting services to the industry.
Thomas’ experience includes Process Engineering Manager and Plant Management, DuPont; Technical Director, Reemay; VP of Research and Operations, VP of Operations and Technology, and Global VP of Research and Development for Fiberweb/BBA Nonwovens; and Head of Research and Product Development, First Quality Nonwovens.
Thomas holds 10 U.S. nonwoven patents and he and his teams have been awarded more than 250 patents for numerous and diverse innovations that have played significant roles in the success of the nonwovens industry. These include applications for the global hygiene market, industrial nonwovens, and filtration media.
During his career, Thomas has presented several keynote addresses and papers to industry conferences, participated in North Carolina State University’s Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center (NCRC) prior to it becoming The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), INDA’s Technical Advisory Board, INDA’s Sustainability Committee, and was Vice Chair of NWI’s Industrial Advisory Board prior to retirement and remains an Emeritus member.
Thomas received his mechanical engineering degree from SUNY Buffalo.



At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

The new cubical XO SOLID combines a high loading space of 1,800mm x 1,700mm x 4, 000mm (H x W x L) through double row pin trolleys or pallets for easy manual loading of six units on floor level without a pit or platform. XO SOLID is therefore designed for installations on upper floor levels. The new frame design combines all necessary components factory preinstalled on a single frame, for easy ‘plug and play’ installation at the customer site. Additional smaller steamer dimensions for two and four loading units are also at the planning stage.

The new XO SOLID incorporates all the renowned features of XORELLA machines based on the long term experience in high temperature dyeing vessel production of FONG’s, including:

  • A Siemens controller with OPC UA interface and XO data tool for batch storage.
  • A XO EcoPac waterless claw pump or two-stage water ring vacuum pump.
  • A high energy efficient accumulator for steam, electric and combined heating.
  • Vessel and piping in world-class stainless steel.
  • European key components such as pumps, heating elements, valves and sensors

Established in Switzerland in 1967, XORELLA became known in the global textile industry for its innovative indirect steaming system. Since 2002 the company has been a member of the CHTC Fong’s International Group, and a member of SINOMACH Group (China National Machinery Industry Corporation) since 2019.

More information:



VDI: Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Der Online-Baukasten ist in die Bausteine Wissensaufbau, Strategie, Analyse und Entwicklung unterteilt. Entsprechend dem digitalen Reifegrad, d.h. abhängig davon, ob sich ein Unternehmen z.B. noch in der Erkundungsphase befindet oder schon fortgeschritten ist, werden verschiedene Arbeitsmittel vorgeschlagen.

Das vom Bundesumweltministerium beauftragte Online-Tool wird regelmäßig aktualisiert und erweitert. Es richtet sich vorrangig an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus dem verarbeitenden Gewerbe.


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE)