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(c) WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG

WEITBLICK: Neue digitale Eventreihe

Zahlreiche Messen, Kongresse und Veranstaltungen fallen auch 2021 der Corona-Pandemie zum Opfer und können nicht in der gewohnten Präsenz-Form stattfinden. Um Kunden und Interessenten dennoch den gewohnten Service zu bieten, hat Weitblick eine umfangreiche digitale Eventreihe entwickelt.

Neben zahlreichen kundenspezifischen Produktschulungen, die Weitblick bereits seit geraumer Zeit in digitaler Form durchführt, erweitert das Kleinostheimer Unternehmen das Portfolio, um die komplexe Welt der Workwear für Jedermann zugänglich und verständlich zu machen. Entstanden ist eine ausschließlich virtuelle Webinar-Reihe, die auf den konkreten Bedürfnissen der Weitblick-Kunden basiert.

Der Auftakt der Seminarreihe ist für den 18. Mai 2021 geplant: Kim Döhler aus dem Weitblick Customer-Service referiert hier zum Thema „Adieu, Vortrags-Horror“ und hält zahlreiche Tipps parat, wie die virtuelle Präsentation mit einfachen Handgriffen zum spannenden Hit, statt zum faden Flop wird.

Zahlreiche Messen, Kongresse und Veranstaltungen fallen auch 2021 der Corona-Pandemie zum Opfer und können nicht in der gewohnten Präsenz-Form stattfinden. Um Kunden und Interessenten dennoch den gewohnten Service zu bieten, hat Weitblick eine umfangreiche digitale Eventreihe entwickelt.

Neben zahlreichen kundenspezifischen Produktschulungen, die Weitblick bereits seit geraumer Zeit in digitaler Form durchführt, erweitert das Kleinostheimer Unternehmen das Portfolio, um die komplexe Welt der Workwear für Jedermann zugänglich und verständlich zu machen. Entstanden ist eine ausschließlich virtuelle Webinar-Reihe, die auf den konkreten Bedürfnissen der Weitblick-Kunden basiert.

Der Auftakt der Seminarreihe ist für den 18. Mai 2021 geplant: Kim Döhler aus dem Weitblick Customer-Service referiert hier zum Thema „Adieu, Vortrags-Horror“ und hält zahlreiche Tipps parat, wie die virtuelle Präsentation mit einfachen Handgriffen zum spannenden Hit, statt zum faden Flop wird.

Die Online-Events und Webinare werden jeweils live über ein Zoom-Meeting/ Webinar abgehalten und sind für den Nutzer vollkommen kostenfrei. Anmeldung für Kunden und Interessenten ist in wenigen Schritten über eine separate Landingpage mit Kalender-Funktion möglich, diese ist unter ab sofort erreichbar. Teilnehmer können sich live und aktiv in das Geschehen einbringen: es wird virtuelle Breakouts und auch die Möglichkeit der Talkrunde geben.

More information:
Webinar Workwear Weitblick



Sanitized® T 99-19: 99.84 % protection against SARS CoV-2 on textiles

The antimicrobial protection of Sanitized® T 99-19 against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been confirmed by independent labs in France (basis: ISO 18184:2019).

Textile and polymer products with Sanitized® antimicrobial treatment have been used in hygiene-sensitive areas for many years. For textiles, Sanitized® T 99-19 is a patented technology based on a silane-ammonia compound, a globally proven product. Its hygiene function is used in workwear and protective clothing for nursing staff, bed linen or mattresses in hotels, nursing care facilities and hospitals. Polyester goods for precisely these areas of application can now not only be antimicrobial, but also reliably protective against SARS CoV-2.

The antiviral efficacy (99.84 %) of the Sanitized® T 99-19 product has been officially confirmed by tests conducted by external labs.

The antimicrobial protection of Sanitized® T 99-19 against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been confirmed by independent labs in France (basis: ISO 18184:2019).

Textile and polymer products with Sanitized® antimicrobial treatment have been used in hygiene-sensitive areas for many years. For textiles, Sanitized® T 99-19 is a patented technology based on a silane-ammonia compound, a globally proven product. Its hygiene function is used in workwear and protective clothing for nursing staff, bed linen or mattresses in hotels, nursing care facilities and hospitals. Polyester goods for precisely these areas of application can now not only be antimicrobial, but also reliably protective against SARS CoV-2.

The antiviral efficacy (99.84 %) of the Sanitized® T 99-19 product has been officially confirmed by tests conducted by external labs.

Tests on end products, which were additionally carried out by textile manufacturers, also prove the effectiveness of Sanitized® T 99-19 against SARS CoV-2. License partners praise this confidence-building benefit of the end products. SANITIZED license partners receive concrete support in terms of marketing and legal aspects (health claims).

Avoid legal pitfalls when claiming antiviral protection
Advice and support for customers in achieving optimal hygiene protection for their products are an integral part of SANITIZED services. A claim guide has therefore been developed especially for products that protect against COVID-19.



Melchior Textil: Nachfolge in der Geschäftsführung (c) Privat
Dietmar Rohrbach wird bei Melchior Textil im Herbst 2021 die Geschäftsführung von Manfred Seeber übernehmen, der dann in den Ruhestand gehen wird

Melchior Textil: Nachfolge in der Geschäftsführung

  • Der langjährige Geschäftsführer von Melchior Textil, Manfred Seeber, wird im Herbst 2021 in Ruhestand gehen.
  • Ihm folgt Dietmar Rohrbach, der am 1. Dezember 2020 in das Unternehmen eingetreten ist. Der Textilfachmann ist ein erfahrener Branchenkenner und Experte für langlebige Berufskleidungsgewebe.

Mit der Gründung von Melchior Textil Anfang 1997 begann Manfred Seeber als Prokurist bei dem auf hochwertige Gewebe für Berufskleidung, Corporate Fashion und den öffentlichen Bedarf spezialisierten Unternehmen und übernahm im Jahr 2007 die Geschäftsführung. Von Anbeginn hat er das Sortiment der langlebigen, strapazierfähigen und leasinggeeigneten Textilien konsequent ausgebaut und dabei wichtige Trends im Workwear-Sektor einfließen lassen. Auf seinen Einfluss gehen unter anderem die top-aktuellen Stretch- und die Design-Linien „Dynamic“ und „Style“, die Wohlfühl-Kollektion „Emotion“ und das Angebot an nachhaltigen Geweben zurück. Im Jahr 2015 verlagerte er die Gewebeausrüstung nach Portugal und begleitete 2020 den erfolgreichen Zusammenschluss mit MGC - Acabamentos Têxteis (Ronfe/Portugal).

  • Der langjährige Geschäftsführer von Melchior Textil, Manfred Seeber, wird im Herbst 2021 in Ruhestand gehen.
  • Ihm folgt Dietmar Rohrbach, der am 1. Dezember 2020 in das Unternehmen eingetreten ist. Der Textilfachmann ist ein erfahrener Branchenkenner und Experte für langlebige Berufskleidungsgewebe.

Mit der Gründung von Melchior Textil Anfang 1997 begann Manfred Seeber als Prokurist bei dem auf hochwertige Gewebe für Berufskleidung, Corporate Fashion und den öffentlichen Bedarf spezialisierten Unternehmen und übernahm im Jahr 2007 die Geschäftsführung. Von Anbeginn hat er das Sortiment der langlebigen, strapazierfähigen und leasinggeeigneten Textilien konsequent ausgebaut und dabei wichtige Trends im Workwear-Sektor einfließen lassen. Auf seinen Einfluss gehen unter anderem die top-aktuellen Stretch- und die Design-Linien „Dynamic“ und „Style“, die Wohlfühl-Kollektion „Emotion“ und das Angebot an nachhaltigen Geweben zurück. Im Jahr 2015 verlagerte er die Gewebeausrüstung nach Portugal und begleitete 2020 den erfolgreichen Zusammenschluss mit MGC - Acabamentos Têxteis (Ronfe/Portugal). Nach einer 25-jährigen erfolgreichen Arbeit bei Melchior Textil wird Manfred Seeber im Herbst 2021 in den Ruhestand gehen.

Nachfolger mit ambitioniertem Ziel

Seine Nachfolge tritt Dietmar Rohrbach an, der seine neue Tätigkeit am 1. Dezember 2020 in Wangen aufgenommen hat. Der ausgebildete Textiltechniker ist ein ausgewiesener Branchenkenner und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrungen in Produktion, Entwicklung und Vertrieb objekttauglicher, leasingfähiger Gewebe. Nach einigen Jahren diverserer Produktionstätigkeiten wechselte er Ende der 90er Jahre in den Vertrieb, wo neben den klassischen Vertriebsaufgaben auch das Enduse Marketing zu seinem wichtigen Tätigkeitsspektrum gehörte. Diese Expertise ist das Fundament seiner Zukunftsvision für Melchior Textil: „Unsere Gewebe sind aufgrund ihrer hohen Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und ihrem Design über alle Branchen hinweg geschätzt. Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs ist die intensive Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern von MGC . Die Zugehörigkeit zu dieser starken Gruppe von Veredlungsexperten ermöglicht das konsequente Vorantreiben unseres Angebots an hochwertigen und anspruchsvollen Artikeln. Auf diese Herausforderung freue ich mich.“

Weitblick: Neue Weihnachtskampagne (c) Weitblick

Weitblick: Neue Weihnachtskampagne

Mit einem aufmunternden Spot startet Weitblick, Produzent hochwertiger und fair in Europa gefertigter Workwear, die diesjährige Weihnachtskampagne zum Thema „Weihnachten braucht nicht viel: Wir schenken dir ein Lächeln“ in den Sozialen Medien.

Zweifelsohne macht die Maskenpflicht es uns durchaus nicht gerade leicht, offen Emotionen zu zeigen. Eine deutliche Mimik fehlt und auch die Kommunikation ist beträchtlich mühseliger. Zwar lehrt uns die Maske, unser Gegenüber etwas intensiver zu beobachten: Wie ist die Tonlage, was sagt mir die Körpersprache und welche Feinmimik kann ich im Gesicht beobachten? Wir schauen einander wieder in die Augen, wenn wir miteinander sprechen. Und doch gibt uns ein einfaches Lächeln so viel mehr. Lachen, das ist die Sprache, die jeder von uns versteht.

Mit einem aufmunternden Spot startet Weitblick, Produzent hochwertiger und fair in Europa gefertigter Workwear, die diesjährige Weihnachtskampagne zum Thema „Weihnachten braucht nicht viel: Wir schenken dir ein Lächeln“ in den Sozialen Medien.

Zweifelsohne macht die Maskenpflicht es uns durchaus nicht gerade leicht, offen Emotionen zu zeigen. Eine deutliche Mimik fehlt und auch die Kommunikation ist beträchtlich mühseliger. Zwar lehrt uns die Maske, unser Gegenüber etwas intensiver zu beobachten: Wie ist die Tonlage, was sagt mir die Körpersprache und welche Feinmimik kann ich im Gesicht beobachten? Wir schauen einander wieder in die Augen, wenn wir miteinander sprechen. Und doch gibt uns ein einfaches Lächeln so viel mehr. Lachen, das ist die Sprache, die jeder von uns versteht.

Die Idee hinter dem Spot:
Weitblick Mitarbeiter verschiedener Abteilungen, vom Auszubildenden bis hin zur Geschäftsleitung, schenken dem Zuschauer das Schönste, was sie haben – ihr Lächeln. Natürlich, ungezwungen und so unterschiedlich, wie wir Menschen eben sind. „Mit dem diesjährigen Weihnachtsspot möchten wir auf unsere Weise verdeutlichen, dass es häufig auch ganz kleine, einfache Dinge sind, die uns eine Freude bereiten können. Wie eben dieses Lächeln, das von Herzen kommt.“, erläutert Janine Gonglach, Marketingleitung bei Weitblick den Gedanken hinter der Kampagne. Eine simple und doch so wertvolle Botschaft.

Der Spot ist ab sofort auf den Sozialen Kanälen sowie unter folgendem Link abrufbar.


Weitblick Gottfried Schmidt OHG

Ascend announces alliance with The S Group to commercialize Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics (c) Ascend
Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics

Ascend announces alliance with The S Group to commercialize Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics

  • Partnership offers customers access to full-scale garment design, manufacturing and packaging

Ascend Performance Materials has announced a commercial agreement with The S Group, a globally recognized provider of apparel design, development and manufacturing. The alliance will focus on commercialization of Acteev Protect™ antimicrobial yarns, fibers and fabrics, offering customers full-scale supply chain service from garment design to delivery.

The agreement pairs Ascend's world-class manufacturing operations with The S Group’s track record of success in the wholesale and direct-to-consumer apparel industry. “Our customers will now benefit from a revolutionary antimicrobial material combined with end-to-end support to guide a product from ideation to actualization,” said Lu Zhang, vice president of Acteev.

  • Partnership offers customers access to full-scale garment design, manufacturing and packaging

Ascend Performance Materials has announced a commercial agreement with The S Group, a globally recognized provider of apparel design, development and manufacturing. The alliance will focus on commercialization of Acteev Protect™ antimicrobial yarns, fibers and fabrics, offering customers full-scale supply chain service from garment design to delivery.

The agreement pairs Ascend's world-class manufacturing operations with The S Group’s track record of success in the wholesale and direct-to-consumer apparel industry. “Our customers will now benefit from a revolutionary antimicrobial material combined with end-to-end support to guide a product from ideation to actualization,” said Lu Zhang, vice president of Acteev.

The S Group offers complete supply chain management for apparel brands, including product development, manufacturing, logistics, quality assurance, packaging and order fulfillment. The company lists some of the world’s most recognized brands among its partners, including Lululemon, New Balance and Mack Weldon. Athleisure, performance, scrubs, and seamless products such as intimates, leggings, active wear, socks and gaiters will be available.

Gary Peck, CEO of The S Group, says his team is excited about the commercial potential of Acteev, especially given the new reality of global health concerns. “Garment design has primarily focused on functionality, sustainability and comfort,” said Peck. “The past year has made us all aware that safety can be a valuable feature of fabrics as well, and Acteev checks all those boxes.”

Acteev is Ascend’s patent-pending technology that embeds zinc ions in a polymer to create fibers with long-lasting antimicrobial properties. The result is a fabric that destroys odor-causing bacteria and fungi. Acteev technology is available in a wide range of textiles featuring the flexibility, softness and durability of nylon 6,6.

Recent testing on knit fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact1. Ascend is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other governmental agencies to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties.


Umfirmierung: aus Gottfried Schmidt wird WEITBLICK

Mit Weitblick, der erfolgreichen Dachmarke der Gottfried Schmidt OHG, wurde im Jahr 2016 der Weg für eine strategische Neuausrichtung des Unternehmens eingeleitet. Nun folgt per 01. Januar 2021 der nächste zukunftsweisende Schritt für den Produzenten hochwertiger und fair in Europa gefertigter Workwear: die Gottfried Schmidt OHG wird offiziell zur WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG umfirmiert. Bereits 1931 wurde der Grundstein für das Unternehmen gelegt, stets blieb es in Familienhand. 2016 entschied sich dann auch die vierte Familiengeneration, Isabelle und Felix Schmidt, mit viel Mut, einem klaren Leitbild und einem frischen Ansatz in den Betrieb einzusteigen.

Der Weg ist das Zeil

Mit Weitblick, der erfolgreichen Dachmarke der Gottfried Schmidt OHG, wurde im Jahr 2016 der Weg für eine strategische Neuausrichtung des Unternehmens eingeleitet. Nun folgt per 01. Januar 2021 der nächste zukunftsweisende Schritt für den Produzenten hochwertiger und fair in Europa gefertigter Workwear: die Gottfried Schmidt OHG wird offiziell zur WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG umfirmiert. Bereits 1931 wurde der Grundstein für das Unternehmen gelegt, stets blieb es in Familienhand. 2016 entschied sich dann auch die vierte Familiengeneration, Isabelle und Felix Schmidt, mit viel Mut, einem klaren Leitbild und einem frischen Ansatz in den Betrieb einzusteigen.

Der Weg ist das Zeil

Viel hat sich bereits in den letzten Jahren bewegt. Ein neues, modernes Logistikzentrum konnte 2017 in Alzenau in Betrieb genommen werden. 2019 folgten die umfangreichen Baumaßnahmen zu einer modernen, kommunikativen Bürolandschaft auf 1.300 qm freier Fläche. Das Team konnte sukzessive wachsen und der neue, anspruchsvolle Online-Shop gelauncht werden. Und mit dem „Supporting Fairtrade Cotton Projekt“ sowie der einher-gehenden Fairtrade-Zertifizierung wurden wichtige Weichen in Richtung nachhaltigem Wertschöpfungskreislauf gestellt. Weitblick ist so viel mehr als eine Marke oder ein Unternehmensname - das ist bei der Belegschaft am unterfränkischen Unternehmenssitz und in den Produktionsbetrieben, aber eben auch bei den teils jahrzehntelangen Kunden deutlich spürbar. Weitblick ist die Seele eines Unternehmens, für das nachhaltige, faire Textilproduktion kein Trend-Thema, sondern ein Grundbedürfnis ist, für das ethische und umweltverträgliche Grundprinzipien höchste Priorität haben. Auch beim Thema Qualität macht das Unternehmen keine Kompromisse. Weitblick ist, wenn auch die beste Leistung stets hinterfragt wird. Die Weitblick® GmbH & Co. KG ist das moderne Gesicht der Gottfried Schmidt OHG, eines mit Visionen und klaren Konturen.

Ein neues Kapitel

Felix Blumenauer wird in der Weitblick® GmbH & Co. KG gemeinsam mit dem Gesellschafter Claus Schmidt zum Geschäftsführer berufen und beide setzen damit ihre Arbeit in der Führung des Unternehmens fort. Auch bei der Gesellschafterstruktur wird es keine Änderungen geben, vertretungsberechtigte Gesellschafter bleiben Claus Schmidt, seine Tochter Isabelle Schmidt sowie Sohn Felix Schmidt. „Für uns ist die Umfirmierung eine logische Konsequenz aus dem Weg, den wir bereits vor Jahren eingeschlagen und vorbereitet haben. Weitblick macht seit 2016 den Kern unseres Unternehmens aus, nun wollen wir auch den letzten Schritt gehen und Weitblick nicht nur im Herzen tragen, sondern auch offiziell zu unserem Firmennamen machen.“, erläutert Felix Blumenauer. „Dabei bleibt eines aber ganz klar: Alles was uns ausmacht, was wir gelernt haben, basiert auf unserer soliden Herkunft. Es wird immer im Ursprung dessen liegen, was uns Gottfried Schmidt gelehrt und uns ermöglicht hat. Die Umfirmierung impliziert daher nicht, dieser Tradition keinen Fortbestand zu gewähren. Vielmehr heben wir die Tradition auf ein neues, zukunftsweisendes Level, um unsere ganz eigene Geschichte zu schreiben.“, ergänzt Isabelle Schmidt, Ur-Enkelin des Unternehmensgründers. Im kommenden Jahr feiert Weitblick sein 90-jähriges Bestehen. Zum Jubiläum beschenkt sich das Unternehmen selbst, indem es sich neu erfindet und Raum für Entwicklung gibt. Die Umfirmierung wird dabei intern mit zahlreichen Workshops und einer breiten Klavi-atur an kommunikativen Maßnahmen begleitet. Und so wächst am Ende zusammen, was zusammengehört: Weitblick zieht einen Schlussstrich und öffnet  gleichzeitig ein ganz neues Kapitel.


WEITBLICK® | Gottfried Schmidt OHG

Baldwin installs six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.
Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 precision spray system produces ideal results in fabric finishing, because the exact required amount of water and chemistry is always applied.

Baldwin: six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

These systems enable fabric producers to significantly reduce chemical and water consumption, while speeding up production times and eliminating production steps, including drying and bath changeovers when switching fabric colors. “Our customers are major manufacturers in fabric dying, finishing and remoistening, and we want to provide outstanding service and support—even in times like this,” said Rick Stanford, Business Development Leader at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the US installations. “Not only does our precision spray technology enhance productivity in their process, but there is also zero waste, which goes hand-in-hand with the increased sustainability focus in the textile industry.”

In North Carolina, two new TexCoat G4 precision spray systems are now in production with major international vertical manufacturers of outdoor living, performance fabrics and automotive fabrics. In Georgia, a major vertical manufacturer of workwear and protective fabrics installed a sanfor precision spray system, which has helped the customer obtain deeper penetration of moisture into fabrics treated with durable water repellents. In Turkey, three new TexCoat G4 systems were installed in Çorlu, northwest of Istanbul, for a large producer of knit fabrics, such as T-shirts. “In Turkey, the manufacturer purchased and installed one TexCoat G4 system before COVID-19, and the customer was so pleased with the results that, during the pandemic, three more were purchased,” said Simone Morellini, Sales Manager- EMEAR at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the Turkish installations. “The systems were manufactured and installed during the lockdown, and now, all four systems are up and running, and being used heavily on a daily basis.” “With the success we have seen, we plan to apply the same strategies for upcoming installations, including the next one in Honduras: strong local management and customer coordination, combined with  effective remote support during the installation,” said Stanford.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

New Monfortex line part of a long-term vision for Kettelhack (c) Monforts
The Monfortex sanforizing line with integrated Qualitex 800 control has now been operational at Kettelhack’s plant in Rheine, Westphalia, for a number of months.

New Monfortex line part of a long-term vision for Kettelhack

  • Kettelhack GmbH – a German leader in the dyeing and finishing of monochrome fabrics for high-quality and durable workwear and bed linen – has this year retired its existing Monforts sanforizing line after 35 years of daily service, replacing it with a new one.

The first line was installed in 1985 during a decisive time for the company.

Taking the helm in the early 1980s, Jan Kettelhack – the current CEO, owner and great grandson of Heinrich Kettelhack who founded the company back in 1874 – made a number of decisions that have secured its success over the following decades.

In 1982 Kettelhack had to vacate its existing plant in the city of Rheine due to urban development restrictions and despite a general sense of crisis in the European textile industry at that time, opted to relocate and build a new highly automated plant that was not reliant on mechanical and personnel-intensive processes. This was aligned with a greater focus on competitive international sales.

  • Kettelhack GmbH – a German leader in the dyeing and finishing of monochrome fabrics for high-quality and durable workwear and bed linen – has this year retired its existing Monforts sanforizing line after 35 years of daily service, replacing it with a new one.

The first line was installed in 1985 during a decisive time for the company.

Taking the helm in the early 1980s, Jan Kettelhack – the current CEO, owner and great grandson of Heinrich Kettelhack who founded the company back in 1874 – made a number of decisions that have secured its success over the following decades.

In 1982 Kettelhack had to vacate its existing plant in the city of Rheine due to urban development restrictions and despite a general sense of crisis in the European textile industry at that time, opted to relocate and build a new highly automated plant that was not reliant on mechanical and personnel-intensive processes. This was aligned with a greater focus on competitive international sales.

From 1986, the company’s proficiency as a specialist in solid-colour textiles led to workwear textiles becoming a bedrock of the business. Continuous investments in machinery and technical equipment have resulted in a fully integrated and rationalised single source site dedicated solely to what the company does best – the expert dyeing and finishing of textiles.

Crucial process steps

These stages in the textile value-added chain, Jan Kettelhack has observed, are crucial to the quality of a final product in workwear – whether it stands the test in everyday use, how comfortable it is, and how many washes it can withstand.

Central to this is the sanforizing process, which pre-shrinks a fabric by compressing it prior to washing. This limits any residual or further shrinkage in a made-up finished garment to less than 1%, to ensure perfect comfort and fit over an extended lifetime.

“We certainly can’t complain about the performance of the old Monfortex sanforizing line which gave us so many uninterrupted years of service, but certain spare parts for it were becoming increasingly hard to source, the control unit was becoming a little unstable and we couldn’t risk potential interruptions to our production schedule,” says Kettelhack plant manager Hendrik Pleimann. “In many ways, the new Monfortex sanforizer is much the same as the old one in terms of its mechanical reliability and robust construction, but of course today’s drives are much more efficient, and when it comes to the automation features and control units – and the data we can generate and analyse for increasing efficiency – that’s a whole new world.”

Qualitex 800

The two-metres-wide Monfortex line benefits from the latest Qualitex 800 control system which allows all parameters to be easily automated via the 24-inch colour touchscreen, including production speed, control of all fabric feed devices, rotation spray or steaming cylinder options, the width of the stretching field and the rubber belt pressure.

The integrated Compactomat system allows a continuous indication and control of the shrinkage values and the temperatures of the shrinking cylinder and felt calender. Up to 10,000 separate process parameter records can be generated and stored by the data manager.

Full line management can be optimised via the batch-specific calculation of all process material consumption and water and electricity use, with any standstill times analysed and immediately corrected for the future.

Any further assistance required is available via Monforts Teleservice, with direct connection to technicians and virtual access to machine analysis.


Commissioning of the new Monfortex line at Kettelhack commenced in January and it was fully operational in a relatively short time.

“This was a very professional installation provided by the Monforts team with whom we have a very good relationship dating back many years, and everyone knew what was required from both sides,” says Mr Pleimann. “Our operators have found the new line very user friendly and we are very pleased with how everything proceeded so smoothly. An unexpected benefit is that the new line is also a lot quieter, of course, which is something our operatives are appreciating.”

Key features of the Monfortex line are the proven fabric preparation, weft straightening and spreading units, prior to the compressive shrinkage machine with a 750mm shrinking cylinder, and a felt calender equipped with 2,000mm diameter drying cylinder. The line also features an integrated automatic grinding unit.

Customer service

Kettelhack is processing primarily cotton and polyester woven fabrics, with lyocell becoming increasingly popular in workwear for its softness and comfort.

As part of its customer service, the company stocks more than a million metres of grey fabric and at least 1.2 million metres of finished and rolled standard fabric in its warehouse at any one time, with a further 750,000 metres permanently in production.

While a significant cost, this commitment ensures Kettelhack customers can be fully flexible and rely on it as a partner.

“As a family-run company with around a hundred employees, Kettelhack operates very differently to bigger businesses which have to constantly consider their immediate quarterly profits,” Mr Pleimann concludes. “The thinking at Kettelhack is in terms of the next twenty years and ensuring that the business will be just as successful for the next generation as it is today. We also have a very flat organisational structure in which everyone is involved and takes an active part, which makes it a very nice place to work.”


On behalf of A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG by AWOL Media.

Strategic partneship between HUNTSMAN and PPJ

HUNTSMAN TEXTILE EFFECTS and PPJ to tap growth potential

Huntsman Textile Effects and Phong Phu International (PPJ) today announced a strategic partnership agreement that aims to promote PPJ’s growth in Vietnam as a manufacturer of  textiles and garments for brands and retailers all over the world.
Vietnam-based PPJ will leverage technical support from Huntsman Textile Effects to enhance its manufacturing processes across its denim/twill and knit mills, and develop new products that deliver sustainability along with advanced performance, protection and comfort.

Huntsman Textile Effects and Phong Phu International (PPJ) today announced a strategic partnership agreement that aims to promote PPJ’s growth in Vietnam as a manufacturer of  textiles and garments for brands and retailers all over the world.
Vietnam-based PPJ will leverage technical support from Huntsman Textile Effects to enhance its manufacturing processes across its denim/twill and knit mills, and develop new products that deliver sustainability along with advanced performance, protection and comfort.

The development of workwear and textile for the American, European and Japan markets  will be a key project for the two partners. They will use advanced Huntsman Textile Effects barrier solutions such as PHOBOL®, PHOBOTEX® and ZELAN™, along with other finishing effects.Huntsman Textile Effects will additionally support PPJ to promote its Sinnika Fabric collection, leveraging Huntsman’s advanced dyeing technology and finishing effects to deliver high-value market-focused solutions to brands and retailers.

The new agreement strengthens a  relationship that has already seen PPJ develop denim, knitwear and woven fabrics and garments using Huntsman Textile Effects technologies including AVITERA® SE dyes, NOVACRON® Atlantic dyes and High IQ® intelligent effects.


Huntsman Textile Effects

bardusch: Hochmodernes Textilmanagement (c) bardusch WEITBLICK®
Ein Teil der Sharing Economy_bardusch

bardusch: Hochmodernes Textilmanagement


bardusch ist ein Familienunternehmen in bereits fünfter Generation – gegründet 1871. Zu Beginn waren es noch die Uniformen der preußischen Offiziere, heute bietet bardusch umfangreiche Textilservices für  Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größenordnungen in nahezu allen Branchen – und das mit rund 2.600 Mitarbeitern von 21 strategisch in Ballungszentren gelegenen deutschen Standorten aus. Weitblick, Hersteller hochqualitativer Premium-Workwear aus Kleinostheim, liefert seit vielen Jahren hochwertige Textilien an bardusch und ist ein wichtiger Baustein für den nachhaltigen Textilkreislauf im Bereich Arbeitskleidung.



bardusch ist ein Familienunternehmen in bereits fünfter Generation – gegründet 1871. Zu Beginn waren es noch die Uniformen der preußischen Offiziere, heute bietet bardusch umfangreiche Textilservices für  Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größenordnungen in nahezu allen Branchen – und das mit rund 2.600 Mitarbeitern von 21 strategisch in Ballungszentren gelegenen deutschen Standorten aus. Weitblick, Hersteller hochqualitativer Premium-Workwear aus Kleinostheim, liefert seit vielen Jahren hochwertige Textilien an bardusch und ist ein wichtiger Baustein für den nachhaltigen Textilkreislauf im Bereich Arbeitskleidung.


Langjähriges, tiefes Know-how, schlanke Entscheidungswege und eine hohe Innovationskraft aus den eigenen Reihen sind die entscheidenden Faktoren, die bardusch zu einem der größten Logistiker der Textildienstleistungs-Branche machen. Prozesse sowie Technologien und die eingesetzten Maschinenparks werden permanent weiterentwickelt – um möglichst wirtschaftlich und umweltschonend zu agieren, aber vor allem, um Kunden noch flexiblere und individuellere Lösungen bieten zu können. So prägt bardusch das Textilmanagement von morgen.

Wolfram Rees, bei bardusch Geschäftsführer für die Bereiche Vertrieb und Marketing, erklärt: „Nichts ist näher an Ihrer Haut als Ihre Arbeitskleidung. Zertifizierte Hygiene und absolute Sauberkeit sind da schlichtweg Voraussetzung. Der Textilservice-Kreislauf sichert hier höchste Hygienestandards bei gleichzeitiger Schonung der Umwelt. Keine Haushalts-Waschmaschine kann ein vergleichbares Ergebnis liefern. Beispielsweise bei multiresistenten Keimen, höherem Verschmutzungsgrad oder auch Schutzfunktion der Kleidung weist unser Textilkreislauf die deutlich nachhaltigeren, absolut zuverlässigen – und am Ende auch kostengünstigeren - Ergebnisse auf.“


Das Sharing-Prinzip beschränkt sich im Hause bardusch nicht nur auf das Kerngeschäft – die Textilien. Auch bei der unternehmerischen Ausrichtung ist das Prinzip „Teilen“ bzw. „Mieten statt Kaufen“ weit verbreitet und gelebte Philosophie. „Wir arbeiten deswegen kontinuierlich an optimierten Lösungen wie beispielsweise Car Sharing und Mietwagen-Lösungen für unsere Außendienstmitarbeiter, um an jedem Ort Fahrzeuge temporär nutzen zu können.“, so Rees. Die weiße Weste kann man bei bardusch in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit tatsächlich wörtlich und sprichwörtlich nehmen.


„In Weitblick haben wir einen Partner gefunden, der sehr ähnliche Werte und Normen wie wir in der Unternehmenskultur verankert hat. Die Loyalität und das Herzblut der Mitarbeiter sind dabei ganz entscheidende Faktoren für den Unternehmenserfolg. Nur wenn jeder Einzelne diese Werte im Unternehmen lebt, sind höchstes Qualitätsniveau, faire Bedingungen für alle Beteiligten und ein gleichzeitiger wirtschaftlicher Erfolg erreichbar. Das ist bei bardusch der Fall und das spüre ich auch bei Weitblick ganz deutlich“, ergänzt Rees. Aktuell investiert bardusch unter anderem in ein zukunftsorientiertes Touren- Planungssystem mit GPS-Ortung, permanenter Routenoptimierung und Geo-Fencing für seine 308 LKWs, um die Fahrstrecken und -zeiten zu opti-mieren. Aufgrund der täglichen Fahrtstrecke von 2,7-Mal um  die Erde ergibt sich hier ein großes Optimierungspotential durch eingesparte Kilometer und einen geringeren CO2-Ausstoß. So wird die eigene Logistik Stück für Stück grüner – und der Textilservice noch ein wenig nachhaltiger.

Devan (c) Devan

Devan offers antiviral solutions for textiles' professional workers

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers, … A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odor build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

Devan has solutions which withstand washing while keeping its performance. BI-OME as a liquid product is EU BPR, Turkish BPR and US EPA registered. Depending on the rash region, commercialising treated articles be subject to additional local registration procedures.

More information:
Devan Coronavirus



DEVAN: Antiviral solutions for textiles

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families BI-OME AV showed strong activity in wet state.
In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers.

A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odour build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families BI-OME AV showed strong activity in wet state.
In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers.

A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odour build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

More information:
Devan face masks antiviral

Marketing Solutions NV

(c) Genesis:M&J

GENESIS:M&J Group targets high fashion denim market in EU

The Bangladesh international player presents its unique eco-innovation path and a specialhigh-end capsule collection in collaboration with PG DENIM.

GENESIS:M&J Group comes back at the Denim Première Vison London (3-4 December) marking a positive end of the 2019, with new objectives for the future. The leading facility of the Group has affirmed itself as one of the most reliable international garment manufacturer, especially in denim market, and now it is time for another leap forward. The aim is to target more in depth the high fashion denim market in Europe with renowned proposals towards a more authentic, comfortable and sustainable denim offer.

The Bangladesh international player presents its unique eco-innovation path and a specialhigh-end capsule collection in collaboration with PG DENIM.

GENESIS:M&J Group comes back at the Denim Première Vison London (3-4 December) marking a positive end of the 2019, with new objectives for the future. The leading facility of the Group has affirmed itself as one of the most reliable international garment manufacturer, especially in denim market, and now it is time for another leap forward. The aim is to target more in depth the high fashion denim market in Europe with renowned proposals towards a more authentic, comfortable and sustainable denim offer.

The first output to underline the new approach is the high-end capsule collection realized in collaboration with PG DENIM, that premiered at the show
A collection where the great industrial experience and quality in garment manufacturing of GENESIS meets, in a perfect and inspiring contamination, the 100% Italian artisanal craft and unique interpretation of PG DENIM fabrics. A complete co-branding that has given life to unique garments with dedicated tags and hangtags, to show a fashionable, sustainable and high-quality final output, entirely produced in Bangladesh. The perfect meeting to provide a great example of how this collaborative path with European top-quality player could lead to a new positioning for the company.

The improvements achieved by GENESIS are enhanced also in the s/s 2021 collection with new trends involving eco-conscious fabrics such as organic cotton, recycled fabric and polymer, realizing blends with natural fibers like hemp & linen while working also with a wide variety of biodegradable materials. Technical fibers are also on the spotlight with an increasing importance gained by proofed lightweights such as waterproof. Moods like hyper blue, natural cotton colors, flat bright indigo mid shades or urban grey and reactive layers dominates the feeling of the new collection. In terms of looks and treatments the collection has developed several unique interpretations such as engineered garments, digital laser patterns, wester silhouettes, workwear, soft dyes, contemporary stripes, dirty green cast and eco-acid wash. A kaleidoscopic collection where technology and tradition meet one unique big trend: more sustainable than ever.

More information:
Genesis M&J Group

Menabò Group


Filidea: Premium range of racing suits for Formula 1 and the World Rally Championship

The last frontier of innovation in racing suits made with yarns in Metamicro is the model Prime SP-16+, designed in collaboration with the Team McLaren Honda F.1

The last frontier of innovation in racing suits made with yarns in Metamicro is the model Prime SP-16+, designed in collaboration with the Team McLaren Honda F.1

The spinning mill Filidea, joint venture between Marchi & Fildi spa and Abalıoğlu Holding A.Ş specialized in technical and high performance yarns with natural and synthtic fibers, is parter of Sparco, italian Company leader for the production of automotive components and technical apparels for the most important world Championships. The cooperation between the two Companies located in Piedmont, northern Italy, is focused on the supply of yarns with Metamicro in an exclusive composition, that are used for the production of the racing suits Sparco of the Premium range for Formula 1 and the World Rally Championship. The fire resistant yarn Metamicro based on aramidic fibers are a product of the latest generation, for their production it is necessary a special spinning line. The production is following the strict Sparco standards. Sparco controls all the production chain of racing suits, from Filidea, who has the competence to dye all the yarns with aramidic fibers in its own dyeing plant, to the woven fabric, produced and dyed in its own plant, to the woven fabric made by the italian Company TAT, till the production of garments. The process is always improved and tested.

Metamicro yarns are made by an high peformance spinning process. They are used for the production of fire resistant fabrics, that make a protection barrier for the body against flames and high temperature. The very fine micronage allows the production of very light fabrics with thick texture, the perfect base for light and comfortable suits. These features assure easier movements to the driver and the maximum protection from fire, keeping high breathability.

Filidea has invested on its production capacity of corespun yarns with XLANCE® technology, fiber used for the production of longlasting workwear apparel with an excellent fitting.

The spinning mill Filidea, joint venture between Marchi & Fildi spa and Abalıoğlu Holding A.Ş specialize in technical and high performance yarns with natural and synthtic fibers, is increasing its production of blends with XLANCE®.

XLANCE® is the innovative elastolefin fibe, elastic, chlorine and UV resistant. It finds application on workwear and outdoor clothing, with natural and comfort fitting. The comfort stretch feature follows the the body’s natural movement during the day-to-day work. Workwear clothing are so light, resistant and with a contemporary look. Resistance to abrasion and to frequent industrial laundry cycles with chemical products meet the needs of several professional sectors. XLANCE® is produced by ©Xlance srl, Company located in Varallo Pombia (province of Novara – Piedmont – Italy) that found in Filidea the perfect partner for the development of specific yarns, that are getting more and more requested. An innovation that is getting more important thanks to the cooperation of the two textile Companies located in Piedmont. Filidea has been producing XLANCE® yarns since 2009 and has now a great know-how. The Company to strengthens its leadership in technical yarns, for the main applications on protetictive garments, workwear, sportswear, racing and automotive. Filidea has developed and consolidated several partnerships for the creation of complete supply chains and the collaboration with ©Xlance is a perfect example.



(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Industrial partnership wear2wear: recycled, recyclable and PFC-free functional fabrics

wear2wear is an innovative industrial partnership dedicated to high-quality and sustainable clothing. Five expert partners in Europe have come together to cover the entire recycling loop. On cutting-edge production systems, textile fibres from used clothing will be turned into functional fabrics. Schoeller Textil AG is supplying a wholistic textile portfolio for the workwear area. At Schoeller Textil, the recyclable, functional fabrics from the wear2wear concept belong to the Inspire fabric group. These are high-quality protective workwear fabrics made of 100 percent polyester, which offer the greatest clothing comfort and often feel just like cotton. They are also compliant with the stringent requirements of the bluesign® system.

wear2wear is an innovative industrial partnership dedicated to high-quality and sustainable clothing. Five expert partners in Europe have come together to cover the entire recycling loop. On cutting-edge production systems, textile fibres from used clothing will be turned into functional fabrics. Schoeller Textil AG is supplying a wholistic textile portfolio for the workwear area. At Schoeller Textil, the recyclable, functional fabrics from the wear2wear concept belong to the Inspire fabric group. These are high-quality protective workwear fabrics made of 100 percent polyester, which offer the greatest clothing comfort and often feel just like cotton. They are also compliant with the stringent requirements of the bluesign® system.

The sustainable wear2wear concept is synonymous with high-quality, responsible clothing. In European operations, textile fibres from used garments are used to produce new functional fabrics. Depending upon the area of intended use, they also meet strict waterproofing, breathability, protection and comfort requirements. To ensure that the raw material cycle comes full circle, these textiles can be recycled again when they reach the end of their service life. As a result, there is no waste, and they go on to produce new garments. As the wear-2-wear partner companies guarantee that – from the quality of the raw materials to the guaranteed recycling end process – these are 100 percent recyclable, functional fabrics made of recycled textile fibres. Water- and dirt-repelling technologies based on renewable raw materials, along with the most advanced membrane technology, will ensure that the textiles are manufactured and impregnated entirely without the use of PFC in the future too.

Five partner companies  
The five European partner companies in the wear2wear cooperation cover the entire recycling loop. Heinrich Glaeser Nachfolger GmbH is a German fibre and yarn producer and the “recycler” in the loop. Märkischen Faser GmbH (D) is the “upcycler” and fibre manufacturer. Carl Weiske GmbH & Co. KG (D) develops the polymers, fibres, yarns, chemical additives and textile systems, and TWD Fibres GmbH (D), a fully-integrated filament yarn producer, covers the entire range of polyester and polyamide 6.6 continuous filament yarns. Schoeller Textil AG, the innovative Swiss company, is responsible for textile production and manufactures sustainable high-tech fabrics with maximum clothing comfort. The matching climate-neutral and similarly 100 percent recyclable PTFE and PFC-free membrane, as well as recycled outer materials and linings, are supplied by Sympatex Technologies (D), the ecological alternative among the textile function specialists. DutchSpirit is a Dutch company which has been dedicated to environment-friendly clothing since 2010. Its mission is to significantly increase the awareness for sustainable clothing and offer recyclable clothing in the workwear segment. DutchSpirit is the initiator for the development of the Inspire products from Schoeller Textil and provided the inspiration for the wear2wear concept. Further garment-making partners who now also belong to the cooperative group include: Anchor Workwear BV (NL), Hüsler Berufskleider AG (CH), Groenendijk Bedrijfskleding BV (NL), Bedrijfskledingdiscounter BV (NL) and Rifka'S (NL).

(c) DyStar

DyStar® intensifies interaction with brands at PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich

DyStar®, the leading dyestuff and solution provider, for the first time will use the PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich (May 8th & 9th) as a platform to showcase its innovative new products and processes, partly developed in collaboration with selected partners.
Located at Hall C6, Booth P08, show visitors will have a chance to participate in several workshops that allow direct interaction with the specialists from DyStar Group on environmental and technical solutions to improve efficiency and significantly reduce waste of valuable resources.

The workshop on the Cadira® Polyester module, for example, will highlight that reductions of 50% water usage and more than 40% of energy consumption are possible with optimized processing.

As a market leading supplier of high-quality water-based inks for digital printing, DyStar will present their renowned Jettex® reactive, acid, disperse and vat ink ranges that enable digital printers to achieve digital prints with high fastness levels, outstanding depth and sustainable processing results.

DyStar®, the leading dyestuff and solution provider, for the first time will use the PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich (May 8th & 9th) as a platform to showcase its innovative new products and processes, partly developed in collaboration with selected partners.
Located at Hall C6, Booth P08, show visitors will have a chance to participate in several workshops that allow direct interaction with the specialists from DyStar Group on environmental and technical solutions to improve efficiency and significantly reduce waste of valuable resources.

The workshop on the Cadira® Polyester module, for example, will highlight that reductions of 50% water usage and more than 40% of energy consumption are possible with optimized processing.

As a market leading supplier of high-quality water-based inks for digital printing, DyStar will present their renowned Jettex® reactive, acid, disperse and vat ink ranges that enable digital printers to achieve digital prints with high fastness levels, outstanding depth and sustainable processing results.

Being fully committed to sustainability, DyStar will leverage on the PERFORMANCE DAYS fair to reach out to more brands and retailers with similar goals for potential collaboration in the areas of color, color inspiration, communication and realization tools.

Two of the five workshops conducted per day will also highlight examples of successful collaborations that provided innovation and efficiency to the textile industry.

Experts from LENZING™ will present LENZING™ Lyocell, a sustainable cellulosic fiber that provides innovative solutions for workwear.

Additionally, Datacolor® will present the new ColorReader Pro, a new Ultra-Portable Color Measurement Tool for the textile and apparel industry.

DyStar cordially invites you to Performance Days Functional Fabrics Fair, where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry will be showcased.

RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design (c) RUDOLF GmbH

RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

For an entire semester, the organisation remained focused on one, single goal without getting distracted from it: to become the partner of choice for environmentally conscious advancements in garment processing that are rooted in real experience and science.

Emphasis was put on listening attentively to the market and on engineering solutions proactively, without being prompted.
When it comes to Denim, two separate yet correlated calls for action were heard:
1. the need for a serious departure from established industrial practices that are environmentally questionable
2. the opportunity to change the current rules and stir toward enhanced product quality.


Departure from the environmentally questionable

  • HypNO: The next generation of bleach

Many attempts to technical alternatives to local and total denim bleaching have been launched in the market, over the past five years, by a number of competing players. Originality and innovation are at the base of HypNO technical uniqueness that can be injected into traditional denim processing, but that can also be used to create whole new processes and aesthetics.
Birth child of relentless dedication to science, HypNO is the latest alternative to the traditional denim bleaching agents currently under the spotlight because of their alleged safety issues. HypNO is the next generation of bleach.

- HypNO is based on the application of a whole new family of RUCORIT compounds, which are halogene-free and heavy metal-free
- HypNO can replace both potassium permanganate and sodium hypochlorite with one more eco-friendly solution
- HypNO is free from unpleasant smells; it is production friendly and suitable for both spray and bath applications
- HypNO does not require neutralisation with agents such as sodium metabisulphite or peroxides, hence reducing the need for chemicals significantly
- HypNO is GOTS approved. Bluesign and ZDHC Chemical Gateway certifications are intended
- HypNO further helps in the elimination of pumice stones
- HypNO is highly efficient and has been engineered to be cost competitive compared to other existing bleaching solutions


Toward enhanced product quality

  • SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue

Durability over time still builds a brands’ reputation for quality. The notion of “durability” has changed over the years and has moved from sturdy workwear to the product's ability to retain its characteristics and structural properties.

“It goes against the whole denim philosophy, but, jeans are increasingly bought for what they look like at the time of purchase and are expected to evolve as little as possible. It is what it is; you can’t argue with consumers” says De Conti.

SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue, the three new technical concepts launched at Kingpins Amsterdam by the RUDOLF GROUP all sit under the umbrella wings of enhanced quality and specifically address long-lasting softness, preservation of original look and depth of blue.

  • SoSoft

All appreciate the softness and suppleness of used/worn denim and the comfort benefit it delivers. It is a generic denim truth, and it is even stronger when it can extend over time. SoSsoft is about softeners carefully engineered for an enduring emotion, one that lives along favourite clothes.

Tried and tested to over 15 home washes, these marvels of chemical engineering allow consumers to toss domestic fabric softeners to the benefit of environmental sustainability.

  • RawLong

Denim lovers want raw jeans to fade with time, soften and transform into what feels like an extension of their body. More often, people just want to prolong the look they chose. In both cases, home washing is a headache.

Years of testing have identified RawLong innovative, highly durable and natural solution that keep wearers fresh and at ease in their jeans allowing for long-wearing without washing. Moreover, less home washing means much less impact on the environment.

  • DuraBlue

The role of designers is to come up with the bluest of blue jeans in a spectrum of fantastic new blue finishes and supporting textures. The role of DuraBlue is to ensure a continuously updated collection of technical solutions that keep that rich, deep, dark blueness of jeans for much longer while limiting the quality issues that come with denim rubbing. In other words, light underwear, snowy shoes, and white sofas no longer live in fear.


The launch of HUB 1922

  • Busto Arsizio, Italy.

On a discreet street of Busto Arsizio, a village at the North of Milan is a red-brick building which in the 1800’s was the house of a textile mill. This 150-year-old structure is where the RUDOLF GROUP, the 100-year-old leader of textile, functional, responsible chemistry, is about to open its Fashion Division. Or, better, it’s HUB 1922.

HUB 1922 is committed to research and develop innovation within garment processing for the privately held mother company. HUB 1922, whose doors are expected to open during fourth quarter of 2018, will foster collaborative efforts with international fashion brands and retailers, will provide product innovation ideas at the crossroad of fashion and utilitarian functionality and will introduce elements of unorthodox diversity rooted in deep scientific knowledge, true environmental responsibility, technical innovation and creativity. “At a time when science plays such a powerful role in the life of society, it is incumbent on fashion to be dealing with scientific research. HUB 1922 facilitates that reunion” concludes De Conti.

More information:
HUB 1922 Rudolf