From the Sector

218 results
KARL MAYER: Erfolgreicher Verkauf der Composite-Maschine MAX GLASS ECO (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER: Successful sale of MAX GLASS ECO composite machine

With the MAX GLASS ECO, the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles Business Unit offers a production machine for the economical manufacture of standard reinforcement textiles made from glass fibers, in particular non-crimp fabrics for the wind power industry. The newcomer can be adapted to the requirements of different application areas thanks to various optional functions and combines short amortization times. At a maximum speed of 1,800 min-1, it produces up to 410 m/h at a working width of 101". This performance is very well received on the composite market. Since the launch of the MAX GLASS ECO at JEC World in March this year, several purchase agreements have already been signed.

Some machines are going to India, and a larger number has been ordered by Chinese customers. Even the demonstration models in the KARL MAYER GROUP customer centers in Changzhou and Chemnitz have already been sold. However, the MAX GLASS ECO at KARL MAYER Technische Textilien in Saxony can still be used for processing trials and performance tests until September.

With the MAX GLASS ECO, the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles Business Unit offers a production machine for the economical manufacture of standard reinforcement textiles made from glass fibers, in particular non-crimp fabrics for the wind power industry. The newcomer can be adapted to the requirements of different application areas thanks to various optional functions and combines short amortization times. At a maximum speed of 1,800 min-1, it produces up to 410 m/h at a working width of 101". This performance is very well received on the composite market. Since the launch of the MAX GLASS ECO at JEC World in March this year, several purchase agreements have already been signed.

Some machines are going to India, and a larger number has been ordered by Chinese customers. Even the demonstration models in the KARL MAYER GROUP customer centers in Changzhou and Chemnitz have already been sold. However, the MAX GLASS ECO at KARL MAYER Technische Textilien in Saxony can still be used for processing trials and performance tests until September.

There is also great interest in Eastern Europe. At Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt, for example, the new composite machine was a topic of numerous meetings with Ralf Schramm, Sales Manager at KARL MAYER Technische Textilien for this region. "I held many orientation discussions about the machine's performance. But there were also customers with specific purchase requests, including the Polish manufacturer of high-quality, professional solutions for the composites industry, Rymatex," says the sales professional.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

CHT Group: Sustainability Report 2023 (c) CHT Germany GmbH

CHT Group: Sustainability Report 2023

The Sustainability Report 2023, which is now digitally available, provides insights into the past financial year and summarizes the main ecological, economic and social developments. Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate strategy of the CHT Group.

The Sustainability Report 2023, which is now digitally available, provides insights into the past financial year and summarizes the main ecological, economic and social developments. Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate strategy of the CHT Group.

  • The CHT Group uses the terms PEOPLE, PLANET and PERFORMANCE to emphasize its commitment to the 3 dimensions of sustainability worldwide and sets itself further goals. The CHT Group consistently aligns its sustainability strategy with all three ESG dimensions
  • Responsibility for sustainability lies with the Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Climate protection plays a central role worldwide - the corporate carbon footprint (Scope 1-3) 2023 adds up to 456 kt CO2(e)
  • The Group is pursuing the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045
  • At the end of 2021, the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5 °C target
  • SBTi has validated the CHT Group's reduction targets - by 2030, Scope 1+2 emissions will be reduced by - 42 % and Scope 3 emissions by - 25 %. 82 % of sales were achieved with sustainably classified products
  • In 2024 EcoVadis awards the CHT Group's sustainability management with the Gold level for the first time
More information:
CHT Gruppe Sustainability Report

CHT Germany GmbH


Chargeurs PCC acquires strategic business units of Cilander

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Under the agreement, CFT PCC also plans to acquire the shirt fabrics business, which mainly comprises the ALUMO brand, founded by Karl Albrecht, joined by Robert Morgen in 1941. For over a century, ALUMO has been at the forefront of offering fabrics made from the finest, highest-quality cotton for men's shirts. The company is the preferred supplier of tailors and specialized luxury brands worldwide, relying on its E-commerce platform.

In addition, Cilander's fabrics business includes the Eugster & Huber brand, aimed at women's fashion brands. The portfolio also comprises Brennet, known for its high-quality fabrics with a contemporary touch, and Swiss Ghutra, a brand specializing in high-end fabrics and headpieces for a clientele in the Middle East.

When completed, this acquisition will strengthen the development capabilities of Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies, a leader in interlinings for the garment industry. Thanks to Cilander’s high-tech products and solutions, the business line will open doors to new, particularly demanding niche markets, notably the military market and reinforce its market share in the apparel segment, especially shirt-making.


Curt Bauer GmbH insolvent: Ursachen sind Corona-Pandemie und Ukraine-Krieg

Der Spezialist für Heim- und technische Textilien Curt Bauer GmbH mit Sitz in Aue-Bad Schlema im Erzgebirge strebt eine Neuaufstellung im Rahmen eines Insolvenzverfahrens an. Das Familienunternehmen, das auf eine 1867 gegründete Weberei zurückgeht, entwirft, produziert und vertreibt luxuriöse Tisch- und Bettwäschesortimente, Bekleidungsdamaste für den afrikanischen Markt sowie anspruchsvolle Textilien für den Einsatz im Automobilbereich, im Kälteschutz. Rüdiger Bauch vom Chemnitzer Standort der bundesweit vertretenen Kanzlei Schultze & Braun prüft als vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter die wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen für eine Sanierung. Ziel ist, eine Fortführungs-Perspektiven für den Standort in Aue-Bad Schlema, die Bereiche Heimtextilien, Bekleidungsdamast für den afrikanischen Markt und technische Textilien und die insgesamt gut 100 hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitenden zu erreichen.

Der Geschäftsbetrieb von Curt Bauer läuft in vollem Umfang weiter. Bestellungen und Aufträge werden wie geplant bearbeitet, hergestellt, verpackt und ausgeliefert. Neubestellungen sind weiterhin möglich. Die Kunden wurden über die Entwicklung im Unternehmen informiert.

Der Spezialist für Heim- und technische Textilien Curt Bauer GmbH mit Sitz in Aue-Bad Schlema im Erzgebirge strebt eine Neuaufstellung im Rahmen eines Insolvenzverfahrens an. Das Familienunternehmen, das auf eine 1867 gegründete Weberei zurückgeht, entwirft, produziert und vertreibt luxuriöse Tisch- und Bettwäschesortimente, Bekleidungsdamaste für den afrikanischen Markt sowie anspruchsvolle Textilien für den Einsatz im Automobilbereich, im Kälteschutz. Rüdiger Bauch vom Chemnitzer Standort der bundesweit vertretenen Kanzlei Schultze & Braun prüft als vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter die wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen für eine Sanierung. Ziel ist, eine Fortführungs-Perspektiven für den Standort in Aue-Bad Schlema, die Bereiche Heimtextilien, Bekleidungsdamast für den afrikanischen Markt und technische Textilien und die insgesamt gut 100 hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitenden zu erreichen.

Der Geschäftsbetrieb von Curt Bauer läuft in vollem Umfang weiter. Bestellungen und Aufträge werden wie geplant bearbeitet, hergestellt, verpackt und ausgeliefert. Neubestellungen sind weiterhin möglich. Die Kunden wurden über die Entwicklung im Unternehmen informiert.

„Curt Bauer steht seit vielen Jahrzehnten für hochwertige Damaststoffe für die Bekleidungsbranche in Afrika, individuelle Heim- und technische Textilien sowie für Handwerk Made in Germany“, sagen Rüdiger Bauch sowie Claudia Bauer und Gert Bauer, die das Familienunternehmen in der fünften Generation führen. „Das Unternehmen hat seit seiner Gründung bereits zahlreiche Krisen bewältigt. Zusammen werden wir alles dafür tun, dass die Unternehmensgeschichte von Curt Bauer fortgeschrieben werden kann, und wir sind zuversichtlich, dass uns das gelingt.“ Bereits vor dem Insolvenzantrag hat die Unternehmensleitung an der Neuaufstellung von Curt Bauer gearbeitet und Gespräche mit Interessenten für einen Einstieg begonnen, die nun im Rahmen des Insolvenzverfahrens weitergeführt werden sollen.

„Das Ziel ist, dass die Curt Bauer GmbH in den Bereichen Heimtextilien, Bekleidungsdamast und technische Textilien auch in Zukunft von Aue-Bad Schlema aus am globalen Markt aktiv sein kann“, sagt der vorläufige Insolvenzverwalter. Dies wäre beispielsweise durch den Einstieg eines Investors in das Unternehmen und die damit verbundene Fortführung des Geschäftsbetriebs möglich, so Bauch. Die Löhne und Gehälter der gut 100 Beschäftigten sind bis mindestens Ende Juni gesichert. Ab Juli soll Curt Bauer wieder so aufgestellt sein, dass die Löhne und Gehälter aus dem laufenden Geschäftsbetrieb erwirtschaftet werden können.

Der Grund für die notwendige Neuaufstellung sind die Folgewirkungen der Corona-Pandemie sowie der Preissteigerungen in Folge des Krieges in der Ukraine. „Bis 2019 ist die Nachfrage nach unseren Produkten sowohl im Heimtextilien als auch im Bereich der technischen Textilien stetig angestiegen. Im Vertrauen darauf, dass sich dieser Trend fortsetzt, haben wir unsere Unternehmensstrukturen und Produktionskapazitäten angepasst, um den avisierten Kundenbestellungen auch in Zukunft gerecht werden zu können. Durch die Produktionseinschränkungen und die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Pandemie und die Konsumzurückhaltung vieler Verbraucher im Textilbereich mussten unsere Kunden ihre angekündigten Bestellungszahlen jedoch deutlich reduzieren. Wir haben unsere Produktionskapazitäten und -prozesse zwar schnell an die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen anpassen können, die entstandene Lücke in der Auslastung der Produktion und unseren Planungen konnten wir mit anderen Aufträgen allerdings nicht im erforderlichen Umfang schließen“, sagen Claudia Bauer und Gert Bauer. „Nach dem Ende der Corona-Pandemie deutete sich an, dass sich die Produktnachfrage wieder auf das übliche Niveau bewegen würde. Die positiven Geschäftsaussichten wurde aber durch die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Ukrainekriegs jäh beendet. Zudem sind die Kosten für Rohstoffe, Vormaterialien und Energie erheblich angestiegen“, sagen die Bauers. „Diese Kombination aus Preissteigerungen und Umsatzrückgängen, von denen nicht nur, aber eben gerade auch die Textilbranche stark betroffen ist, war und ist auch für uns als vorsichtig planendes und agierendes Familienunternehmen über einen Zeitraum von inzwischen mehr als vier Jahren nicht durchzuhalten.“ Claudia Bauer und Gert Bauer sind zuversichtlich, dass sie das Unternehmen mit dem nun begonnen Insolvenzverfahren neu und zukunftsfähig aufstellen können. Dabei gelte aber weiterhin, bei der Produktqualität keine Abstriche zu machen.

More information:
Curt Bauer Insolvenz

Schultze & Braun Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft für Insolvenzverwaltung mbH

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project (c) KARL MAYER

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

The textile machinery manufacturer KARL MAYER is contributing its expertise in the field of wearables to the project work. The TEXTILE CIRCUIT team of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE has already successfully implemented various projects in this area. In addition, an MJ 52/1 S from KARL MAYER is used at V-Trion, Grabher's research company in Lustenau, for the production of electrically conductive textiles.

DiMo-NEXT will be launched on April 1, 2024, shortly before Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. KARL MAYER will present its contribution to the project work at the trade fair for the sector.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design (c) CHT Gruppe

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.


CHT Gruppe

Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International launches Sustainable Fibres Program

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

In addition to leading the market within the framework of the European Green Deal, and alignment with the objectives of the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, Beaulieu Fibres International is committed to achieving its own sustainability targets outlined in its roadmap known as ROUTE 2030.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International

Archroma at Techtextil 2024 Photo: Archroma

Archroma at Techtextil 2024

Archroma will introduce its new Super Systems+ concept and highlight product innovations at Techtextil 2024, being held in Frankfurt, Germany from April 23 to 26.

A highlight of Archroma’s participation in Techtextil, Super Systems+ are powerful end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. The Super Systems+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

For textile partners to the automotive industry, Archroma is introducing DOROSPERS® KHF, a new range of high-lightfast disperse dyes that provide optimum build up on polyester microfiber, including artificial suede for car interiors.

For nonwoven applications in fields such as healthcare, hygiene and filtration, Archroma recommends APPRETAN® FFX6750, a new addition to its range of high-performance zero-formaldehyde acrylic copolymers, and APPRETAN® FFX1540.

Archroma will introduce its new Super Systems+ concept and highlight product innovations at Techtextil 2024, being held in Frankfurt, Germany from April 23 to 26.

A highlight of Archroma’s participation in Techtextil, Super Systems+ are powerful end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. The Super Systems+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

For textile partners to the automotive industry, Archroma is introducing DOROSPERS® KHF, a new range of high-lightfast disperse dyes that provide optimum build up on polyester microfiber, including artificial suede for car interiors.

For nonwoven applications in fields such as healthcare, hygiene and filtration, Archroma recommends APPRETAN® FFX6750, a new addition to its range of high-performance zero-formaldehyde acrylic copolymers, and APPRETAN® FFX1540.

APPRETAN® FFX1540 is a new APEO free and formaldehyde free self-crosslinking polymer, medium soft with very low tackiness, and strongly hydrophobic, developed for the chemical bonding of nonwovens and for the coating of technical textiles, where low water absorption and high-water tightness are required, combined with high durability in severe environment.

For workwear and uniforms that protect people under adverse conditions, Archroma solutions include HELIZARIN® ULTRA-FAST, for printing with pigment dispersions and metallic pigments, and the new ALBAFIX® ECO Plus wet fastness improver. Archroma’s PFC-free PHOBOTEX® R-ACE durable water repellent delivers excellent water repellence while preserving fabric quality and ensuring sustainability. Archroma has also expanded the revolutionary AVITERA® SE GENERATION NEXT range of resource-saving dyes with new colors.

Further solutions for active wear and workwear include the newly launched bio-based PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 durable water repellent product, which is PFAS free, formaldehyde free and crosslinker free, as well NYLOFIXAN® HFS, a new fixing agent for polyamide and blends that is fully compliant with the latest restrictions on bisphenol compounds.

Archroma is also launching ARKOPHOB® NTR-40 at Techtextil 2024. The company’s first crosslinker with an improved sustainability profile, its monomers are partially derived from renewably sourced, plant-based raw materials. Another new innovation is biocide-free OX20, an odor-neutralizing technology launched by Archroma in partnership with SANITIZED AG.

For home textiles, mills and brands can select ARKOFIX® NZW formaldehyde-free* resin for high whiteness and extraordinary product stability, with no yellowing during storage at elevated temperatures, even over a prolonged period of time. For a super-soft handle, the SILIGEN® EH1 is a vegan silicone macro-emulsion softener with 35% plant-based active content.

More information:
Archroma Techtextil



CHT mit nachhaltigen Hilfsmitteln auf Techtextil 2024

Vom 23. bis 26. April präsentiert die CHT auf der Techtextil 2024 nachhaltige Hilfsmittel für technische Textilien.

Das Produktportfolio der CHT Gruppe umfasst wässrige, aber auch silikonbasierte (z.B. LSR) Ausrüstungs- und Beschichtungssysteme, die neue innovative Funktionalitäten zulassen.

Produkte der TUBCOSIL-Reihe sind LSR-Beschichtungen, die auf fast allen Textilien und Nonwoven appliziert werden können. Aufgrund ihrer Materialeigenschaften können sie höchste technische Anforderungen hinsichtlich Beständigkeit, Mechanik, Haptik und Optik erfüllen. TUBCOSIL-Produkte sind lösemittelfrei und somit auch aus ökologischer Sicht interessant.

Ein sortenreines Endprodukt (z.B. Teppiche, Filter, Gepäcknetze usw.) lässt sich leicht recyceln und kann damit dem Wertstoffkreislauf wieder zugeführt werden. CHTs TUBICOAT PET-Linie ist speziell für sortenreine Materialien auf Basis Polyester (PES) entwickelt worden.

Vom 23. bis 26. April präsentiert die CHT auf der Techtextil 2024 nachhaltige Hilfsmittel für technische Textilien.

Das Produktportfolio der CHT Gruppe umfasst wässrige, aber auch silikonbasierte (z.B. LSR) Ausrüstungs- und Beschichtungssysteme, die neue innovative Funktionalitäten zulassen.

Produkte der TUBCOSIL-Reihe sind LSR-Beschichtungen, die auf fast allen Textilien und Nonwoven appliziert werden können. Aufgrund ihrer Materialeigenschaften können sie höchste technische Anforderungen hinsichtlich Beständigkeit, Mechanik, Haptik und Optik erfüllen. TUBCOSIL-Produkte sind lösemittelfrei und somit auch aus ökologischer Sicht interessant.

Ein sortenreines Endprodukt (z.B. Teppiche, Filter, Gepäcknetze usw.) lässt sich leicht recyceln und kann damit dem Wertstoffkreislauf wieder zugeführt werden. CHTs TUBICOAT PET-Linie ist speziell für sortenreine Materialien auf Basis Polyester (PES) entwickelt worden.

TUBINGAL® RISE ist der erste Textilweichmacher der CHT Gruppe aus recycelten Silikonen. Ganz im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft werden „End-oflife“-Silikone wiederverwertet und mit Emulgatoren aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen zu einem neuen hydrophilen Weichmacher formuliert. Die Produktqualität ist identisch zu einem Silikonweichmacher aus Primärrohstoffen – nur nachhaltiger. TUBINGAL® RISE ist für alle Faserarten geeignet.

Ebenfalls nach den Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft hat die CHT Gruppe das Produkt ARRISTAN rAIR entwickelt. Hierbei werden Kunststoffabfälle in ein hochwertiges Textilveredelungsprodukt umgewandelt, um damit beispielsweise ein optimales Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung zu erzielen. Weitere Anwendungsfelder sind Socken und Strumpfhosen im Bekleidungsbereich, Filtrationsmedien und Vliesstoffe im Bereich der technischen Textilen sowie Kissen und Vorhänge bei den Heimtextilien.

POLYAVIN bPEN ist die neue Plug-in-Lösung zum Ersatz von fossilen Rohstoffen. POLYAVIN bPEN ist das erste Ausrüstungsmittel mit einer Kohlenstoffaufnahme. Die Reduktion wird durch die Verwendung von biobasierten Rohstoffen, die Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre binden, erreicht. Das Produkt kann als Prozesshilfsmittel eingesetzt werden, um die Reibung von Garnen zu verringern, um Nähschäden bei der Konfektionierung zu verhindern, um gleichmäßige Raueffekte zu erzielen sowie um das Sanforisieren/Kompaktieren von Maschenwaren und Geweben zu unterstützen. POLYAVIN bPEN eignet sich auch als Leistungsadditiv zur Erhöhung der Reiß- und Scheuerfestigkeit sowie zur Veränderung der Haptik.

Produkte der APYROL-Reihe sind Flammschutzmittel, die im Brandfall die Flammenausbreitung zeitlich verzögern und so gefährdeten Personen mehr Zeit für Rettungs- bzw. Löschmaßnahmen oder zur Flucht verschaffen.

Eine Weiterentwicklung, speziell für die Anforderungen im Bereich wässriger Beschichtungen, stellt die neue PFC-freie Hydrophobierungsgamme unter der Bezeichnung ECOPERL COAT dar.

Die TUBICOAT PU ECO-Gamme umfasst biobasierte Beschichtungslösungen auf Basis von wässrigen Polyurethandispersionen.


CHT Germany GmbH

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: Launch of coaTTex at Techtextil 2024

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

Central adjustment of both the horizontal and vertical position of the beam, and also of the knife angle, enables easy adaptation to new projects and automatic tension control guarantees high quality production. In addition, the cleaning blade for the coating roller is pneumatically controlled, as is the lifting of the beam at seams and clamping during fabric standstill.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, Eva Baumann forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group. Photo CHT Group

Eva Baumann new CEO of the CHT Group

As of April 1, 2024, Eva Baumann takes over the position of CEO in CHT. Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, she forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group.

Until 2020, Eva Baumann had worked for many years in a leading global company in the chemical industry. She has been part of the CHT Group since January 2020 and, as Group Vice President, has headed the Business Field General Industries at Group level. As CEO, Eva Baumann is now responsible for Marketing, Sales, Corporate Strategy, Human Resources and Sustainability.

Eva Baumann has ambitious plans for the future of the CHT Group: "Together with my management team, I will continue to expand the CHT Group as a successful and profitable specialty chemicals group. We focus on what we have been particularly good at for over 70 years: turning innovative ideas into specialty applications. These ideas help our customers to secure their success and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to development. Our customer proximity and the outstanding quality of our products and services set us apart in the market.

As of April 1, 2024, Eva Baumann takes over the position of CEO in CHT. Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, she forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group.

Until 2020, Eva Baumann had worked for many years in a leading global company in the chemical industry. She has been part of the CHT Group since January 2020 and, as Group Vice President, has headed the Business Field General Industries at Group level. As CEO, Eva Baumann is now responsible for Marketing, Sales, Corporate Strategy, Human Resources and Sustainability.

Eva Baumann has ambitious plans for the future of the CHT Group: "Together with my management team, I will continue to expand the CHT Group as a successful and profitable specialty chemicals group. We focus on what we have been particularly good at for over 70 years: turning innovative ideas into specialty applications. These ideas help our customers to secure their success and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to development. Our customer proximity and the outstanding quality of our products and services set us apart in the market.

More information:
CHT Gruppe

CHT Group


SGL Carbon: CEO Dr. Torsten Derr will not extend contract

The CEO of SGL Carbon SE, Dr. Torsten Derr, informed the Chairman of the Supervisory Board today that he will not extend his contract, which expires on May 31, 2025. Dr. Derr will continue his duties until the new CEO is appointed, at the latest until May 31, 2025.

“SGL Carbon is once again a strong and stable company whose profitable development I will continue to work on with all my strength until the last day. But even without me, my colleague on the Board of Management, Thomas Dippold, and the team will continue to develop the company successfully. The last almost four years have always been the achievement of the entire SGL team. SGL Carbon is now sailing in stable waters and my transformation work will therefore be completed shortly,” explains Dr. Torsten Derr.

The CEO of SGL Carbon SE, Dr. Torsten Derr, informed the Chairman of the Supervisory Board today that he will not extend his contract, which expires on May 31, 2025. Dr. Derr will continue his duties until the new CEO is appointed, at the latest until May 31, 2025.

“SGL Carbon is once again a strong and stable company whose profitable development I will continue to work on with all my strength until the last day. But even without me, my colleague on the Board of Management, Thomas Dippold, and the team will continue to develop the company successfully. The last almost four years have always been the achievement of the entire SGL team. SGL Carbon is now sailing in stable waters and my transformation work will therefore be completed shortly,” explains Dr. Torsten Derr.

“We are grateful to Dr. Derr for talking to us early on and in a spirit of trust. This will allow us to take our time in arranging his succession. SGL Carbon can look back on three successful financial years, is financially strong and relies on a broad-based management team that continues to drive forward the expansion of the business in strong growth markets. In our appreciative discussions, Dr. Derr has promised to complete all important projects with his usual commitment until the handover of the CEO position,” says Prof. Dr. Frank Richter.

The Supervisory Board will immediately begin the search for a successor to Dr. Torsten Derr.

More information:
SGL Carbon SE CEO management

SGL Carbon SE

Freudenberg showcases sustainable solutions at Techtextil 2024 (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials
Freudenberg´s sustainable carrier material for green roofs on urban buildings is made from renewable resources

Freudenberg showcases sustainable solutions at Techtextil 2024

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is showcasing solutions for the automotive, building, apparel, filtration and packaging industries at this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main from April 23 – 26.

Sustainable nonwoven for car seats
One innovation highlight at Techtextil is a novel Polyester nonwoven material for car seat padding. Also available as a nonwoven composite with PU foam, it is not only easier for car seat manufacturers to handle during the mounting process, but also ensures better dimensional stability as well as providing soft and flexible padding. It has a minimum 25 percent recycled content, for example, by reusing nonwoven clippings and waste, and is fully recyclable. Full supply chain transparency enables customers to trace and verify the content of the nonwoven and thus ensures a responsible production process. The Freudenberg experts will also be presenting several other nonwoven solutions made of up to 80 percent recycled materials that can be used in car seat manufacturing.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is showcasing solutions for the automotive, building, apparel, filtration and packaging industries at this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main from April 23 – 26.

Sustainable nonwoven for car seats
One innovation highlight at Techtextil is a novel Polyester nonwoven material for car seat padding. Also available as a nonwoven composite with PU foam, it is not only easier for car seat manufacturers to handle during the mounting process, but also ensures better dimensional stability as well as providing soft and flexible padding. It has a minimum 25 percent recycled content, for example, by reusing nonwoven clippings and waste, and is fully recyclable. Full supply chain transparency enables customers to trace and verify the content of the nonwoven and thus ensures a responsible production process. The Freudenberg experts will also be presenting several other nonwoven solutions made of up to 80 percent recycled materials that can be used in car seat manufacturing.

Biocarrier for green roofs
Freudenberg is showcasing a sustainable carrier material for green roofs on urban buildings at the trade fair. The carrier is made from polylactide, i.e. from renewable resources. When filled with soil, it provides a strong foothold to root systems, enabling the growth of lightweight sedum blankets that can be rolled out to provide instant green roofs. These roofs not only help counter urban heat, they also improve stormwater management and regulate indoor temperatures.

From textile waste to padding
The company extended its circular thermal wadding product range with the release of comfortemp® HO 80xR circular, a wadding made from 70 percent recycled polyamide from discarded fishing nets, carpet flooring and industrial plastic. Because polyamide 6, also known as nylon, retains its performance characteristics after multiple recycling processes, the fibers can be used again and again to manufacture performance sporting apparel, leisurewear and luxury garments.

Packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits
Freudenberg is also showcasing products for sustainable packaging and filtration solutions. The long-lasting Evolon® technical packaging series is a substitute for disposable packaging used in the transport of sensitive industrial items such as automotive parts. The material is made from up to 85 percent recycled PET. A further highlight at Techtextil are Freudenberg’s fully bio-based solutions for manufacturing dessicant bags. The binder-free material based on bio-fibers is also industrially compostable.
In addition, the experts will be giving trade fair visitors an insight into Freudenberg’s filtration portfolio.


Freudenberg Performance Materials

Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

With Baldwin’s system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates. Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry.
Furthermore, the system offers automated speed tracking, fabric-width compensation, and real-time monitoring to track system uptime, performance and chemistry usage, as well as active care alerts.
In addition, the TexCoat™ G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water repellents, softeners, antimicrobials, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, and no special auxiliaries are required. The recipe is adjusted by increasing the concentration and reducing the pickup by a corresponding amount, so that the same level of solids is applied.
Some applications, such as durable water repellents, are only applied on the face of the fabric, instead of the traditional method of saturation through dipping and squeezing. Drier fabric entering the stenter means lower drying temperatures and faster process speeds. Single-side applications also open up the opportunity to process back-coated or laminated fabrics in a single pass of the stenter, instead of two passes.

Graphic CHT Germany GmbH

PERFORMANCE DAYS: CHT presents sustainable textile innovations

At the PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair in Munich on 20 and 21 March 2024, CHT will present its latest sustainable textile technologies with a focus on dyeing and effect chemicals.

These products are used to finish textiles with special functions such as water repellency, breathability and efficient moisture transport. Significant amounts of water and energy can be saved during the dyeing and finishing process, resulting in a lower CO2 footprint.

In addition to effect chemicals, CHT will be presenting its dyeing products with a focus on the use of bio-based, biodegradable and recycled materials to support the circular economy.

At the PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair in Munich on 20 and 21 March 2024, CHT will present its latest sustainable textile technologies with a focus on dyeing and effect chemicals.

These products are used to finish textiles with special functions such as water repellency, breathability and efficient moisture transport. Significant amounts of water and energy can be saved during the dyeing and finishing process, resulting in a lower CO2 footprint.

In addition to effect chemicals, CHT will be presenting its dyeing products with a focus on the use of bio-based, biodegradable and recycled materials to support the circular economy.


CHT Germany GmbH

Maite Kelly mit ihrer Maite x Sioux Sneaker-Kollektion Fotografin: Jasmin Pohlmann, Bildrechte: Sioux Holding GmbH
Maite Kelly mit der Maite x Sioux Sneaker-Kollektion

Sioux launcht Maite Kelly-Kollektion

Das Schuh-Label Sioux gilt als Erfinder des Mokassins und gewinnt im Jahr seines siebzigjährigen Bestehens Maite Kelly als Kooperationspartnerin.

Maite Kelly gehört zu den erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten im Musikbusiness in Deutschland und Europa. Mit vielen Auszeichnungen und Nummer-1-Hits ist sie eine der populärsten Solo-Künstlerinnen und Songwriterinnen in Deutschland.
Darüber hinaus schaffte sie es als Autorin mit ihren Kinderbuchreihen „Die kleine Hummel Bommel“ und „Püttchen“ auf SPIEGEL-Bestsellerlisten.

Maite Kelly entwarf in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sioux-Kreativteam eine exklusive „Maite Metallic“ Sneaker-Kollektion, die ab Mitte April 2024 in ausgewählten Fachgeschäften erhältlich ist.

Das Schuh-Label Sioux gilt als Erfinder des Mokassins und gewinnt im Jahr seines siebzigjährigen Bestehens Maite Kelly als Kooperationspartnerin.

Maite Kelly gehört zu den erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten im Musikbusiness in Deutschland und Europa. Mit vielen Auszeichnungen und Nummer-1-Hits ist sie eine der populärsten Solo-Künstlerinnen und Songwriterinnen in Deutschland.
Darüber hinaus schaffte sie es als Autorin mit ihren Kinderbuchreihen „Die kleine Hummel Bommel“ und „Püttchen“ auf SPIEGEL-Bestsellerlisten.

Maite Kelly entwarf in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sioux-Kreativteam eine exklusive „Maite Metallic“ Sneaker-Kollektion, die ab Mitte April 2024 in ausgewählten Fachgeschäften erhältlich ist.

More information:
Sioux Sneaker Maite Kelly

Sioux Holding GmbH


Hexcel showcases new fiber HexPly® M79 Prepregs at METSTRADE 2023

Hexcel will continue to celebrate its 75th anniversary and highlight its latest developments for the Marine market at METSTRADE 2023 on November 15-17. Hexcel will showcase innovative advanced lightweight material technologies including new intermediate and high modulus fiber HexPly® M79 prepregs and present example high-performance superyacht and windship components developed by customers using Hexcel materials.

The new intermediate modulus prepreg combines the low temperature curing and simple processing of the DNV GL accredited HexPly M79 resin system with the market-leading stiffness of HexTow® IM2C fiber, creating a uniquely optimized composite material for highly loaded components. Originally developed to provide best-in-class performance for America’s Cup and IMOCA hull and deck structures, the new combination minimizes structural deformation under load in parts such as rigs, foils, and other appendages.

Hexcel will continue to celebrate its 75th anniversary and highlight its latest developments for the Marine market at METSTRADE 2023 on November 15-17. Hexcel will showcase innovative advanced lightweight material technologies including new intermediate and high modulus fiber HexPly® M79 prepregs and present example high-performance superyacht and windship components developed by customers using Hexcel materials.

The new intermediate modulus prepreg combines the low temperature curing and simple processing of the DNV GL accredited HexPly M79 resin system with the market-leading stiffness of HexTow® IM2C fiber, creating a uniquely optimized composite material for highly loaded components. Originally developed to provide best-in-class performance for America’s Cup and IMOCA hull and deck structures, the new combination minimizes structural deformation under load in parts such as rigs, foils, and other appendages.

For a high modulus solution, HexTow® HM54 fiber is also now available with the HexPly M79 resin system. The unique mechanical properties of HexTow HM54 fiber allow structural designers to achieve higher safety margins for both stiffness and strength critical applications. Both products can be manufactured with Hexcel G-Vent technology for out-of-autoclave processing, delivering a reduction in process time and cost without compromising mechanical performance.

Hexcel will also display customer products that have benefited from the performance and processing gains provided by HexPly materials. A section of a Solid Sail mast made using Bureau Veritas (BV)-approved HexPly® M9.6 prepregs will be exhibited at METS. Such masts are used for wind propulsion and, by harnessing the power of ocean winds, they reduce reliance on engines, reducing fuel usage and emissions.

Visitors to the Hexcel booth will also see a section of a radar arch part from luxury motor yacht builder Sunseeker made using HexPly® XF surfacing technology and HexPly® SuperFIT semi-pregs. The part is lighter in weight and stiffer than versions made using resin-infusion processes and de-molds with a pinhole-free surface that needs minimal preparation to be ready for painting. Sunseeker has recorded an overall reduction in process time and material costs of around 30% against traditional prepreg parts, using Hexcel composite materials.



Foto: Globetrotter/Nadine Albrecht

Globetrotter Re:Think Store mit Red Dot Design Award ausgezeichnet

Erneute Auszeichnung für den Globetrotter Re:Think-Store: Das Design-Konzept des innovativen Stores wurde mit dem Red Dot Design Award in der Kategorie „Brands & Communication Design“ ausgezeichnet. Die Verleihung des Designpreises fand am 3. November im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala im Konzerthaus Berlin statt.

Erst vor wenigen Wochen war das Pionierprojekt mit dem 1. Platz beim Best Retail Cases Award in der Kategorie "Retail Store Design & Concept" ausgezeichnet worden. Nun folgt mit dem Red Dot Award eine weitere Auszeichnung des innovativen Konzepts. Red Dot zählt zu den renommiertesten Auszeichnungen für gutes Design und wird jährlich durch eine internationale Expertenjury in den Kategorien Product Design, Brands & Communication Design und Design Concept vergeben.

Erneute Auszeichnung für den Globetrotter Re:Think-Store: Das Design-Konzept des innovativen Stores wurde mit dem Red Dot Design Award in der Kategorie „Brands & Communication Design“ ausgezeichnet. Die Verleihung des Designpreises fand am 3. November im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala im Konzerthaus Berlin statt.

Erst vor wenigen Wochen war das Pionierprojekt mit dem 1. Platz beim Best Retail Cases Award in der Kategorie "Retail Store Design & Concept" ausgezeichnet worden. Nun folgt mit dem Red Dot Award eine weitere Auszeichnung des innovativen Konzepts. Red Dot zählt zu den renommiertesten Auszeichnungen für gutes Design und wird jährlich durch eine internationale Expertenjury in den Kategorien Product Design, Brands & Communication Design und Design Concept vergeben.

Mit dem Re:Think Store hat Globetrotter im Mai einen in Deutschland einmaligen Store eröffnet. Das Konzept: Die konsequente Weiternutzung bereits vorhandener und gebrauchter Materialien. Globetrotter hat bei diesem Projekt das Inventar des Vormieters Conrad Elektronik übernommen und auf kreative Art und Weise in den Ladenbau des neuen Stores integriert. Ergänzt wurde die Shop-Einrichtung durch Möbel aus dem eigenen Lagerbestand sowie durch weiteres gebrauchtes Material.

Mit der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Projektes durch EPEA sorgte Globetrotter darüber hinaus für maximale Transparenz: Erfasst wurden unter anderem die entstandenen und die vermiedenen CO2-Emissionen sowie die Re-use Quote im Ladenbau. Außerdem diente das Projekt als Inspiration für den neuen Circularity Passport Interior, der im September vorgestellt und erstmalig an den Bonner Re:Think Store vergeben wurde.

More information:
Globetrotter Re:Think-Store


CHT USA celebrates expansion of its headquarters in Michigan (c) CHT Group

CHT USA celebrates expansion of its headquarters in Michigan

With a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 24, 2023 CHT USA celebrated the $ 25 million expansion at its US headquarters in Cassopolis, Michigan. More than 100 attendees came to the celebrations, among others officials from local, county and state governments, neighbors, and area business leaders, CHT employees, CTO Dr. Bernhard Hettich as representative of CHT’s Global management team, and members of the press.

In his speech, Dr. Bernhard Hettich, CTO of CHT Group, thanked the local authorities for their business-friendly policies and stated that a development towards sustainability in many areas would not be possible without CHT's silicone products: "With CHT's largest single investment outside Europe, CHT is taking a big step and doubling its silicone production capacity. We intend to use this expansion not only to support our customers in the Americas, but also to leverage the capacity for our global growth. In line with the motto "CHT first", further steps in this direction will follow."

With a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 24, 2023 CHT USA celebrated the $ 25 million expansion at its US headquarters in Cassopolis, Michigan. More than 100 attendees came to the celebrations, among others officials from local, county and state governments, neighbors, and area business leaders, CHT employees, CTO Dr. Bernhard Hettich as representative of CHT’s Global management team, and members of the press.

In his speech, Dr. Bernhard Hettich, CTO of CHT Group, thanked the local authorities for their business-friendly policies and stated that a development towards sustainability in many areas would not be possible without CHT's silicone products: "With CHT's largest single investment outside Europe, CHT is taking a big step and doubling its silicone production capacity. We intend to use this expansion not only to support our customers in the Americas, but also to leverage the capacity for our global growth. In line with the motto "CHT first", further steps in this direction will follow."

For the Cass County site, the approximately 45,000 square feet new facility with 5 reactors and distillation units resulted in an increase in the total area of the company's site to 120,000 square feet. This will then allow sufficient space for additional reactors and downstream processes. The CHT USA site expansion has created approximately 30 highly skilled jobs in the community.

CHT USA’s Regional Sales and Marketing Director NORAM, Matthew Loman hosted the Ribbon Cutting ceremony.

More information:
CHT Group USA silicone

CHT Group


CHT awarded as “TOP PERFORMER” by adidas

In its latest evaluation, adidas ranked the suppliers of chemical products and auxiliaries used in the manufacture of its products. With 98 % ZDHC Level 3 auxiliaries and colorants in its portfolio CHT is supplier of choice in this ranking. On the one hand, this pays off the innovative strength of CHT's research and development, and on the other hand, it shows that CHT is the preferred partner for the sustainable chemical treatment of certifiable brand products.

CHT invests in sustainable textile value chains
In 2022, the CHT Group generated 77 % of its total sales with sustainably classified products. The company's own research and development is working ceaselessly to make the entire textile value chain more sustainable.
Customers from the manufacturing textile industry benefit from CHT’s know-how and technical expertise in machine application.

In its latest evaluation, adidas ranked the suppliers of chemical products and auxiliaries used in the manufacture of its products. With 98 % ZDHC Level 3 auxiliaries and colorants in its portfolio CHT is supplier of choice in this ranking. On the one hand, this pays off the innovative strength of CHT's research and development, and on the other hand, it shows that CHT is the preferred partner for the sustainable chemical treatment of certifiable brand products.

CHT invests in sustainable textile value chains
In 2022, the CHT Group generated 77 % of its total sales with sustainably classified products. The company's own research and development is working ceaselessly to make the entire textile value chain more sustainable.
Customers from the manufacturing textile industry benefit from CHT’s know-how and technical expertise in machine application.

CHT and textile standards
In this regard, CHT has already been active as a ZDHC Contributor since 2019 with a comprehensive range of more than 2200 certified products. Of these, 70 % are textile auxiliaries and 30 % are dyes in the portfolio that are certified to Level 3 ZDHC, bluesign® or C2C standards.
CHT supports its customers and business partners and invests in compliance and regulatory measures. Especially in the textile sector, the group of companies cooperates with all renowned standards and labels. Among others bluesign®, C2C or GOTS. Especially in the context of the ZDHC program, CHT is one of the global leaders. More than 2200 products certified by CHT currently reach LEVEL 3, the highest possible level for safe textile chemistry. It is particularly noteworthy that this includes textile auxiliaries (70 %) as well as dyes and pigments (30 %).

CHT Group is involved in several ZDHC task teams and is also a member of the ZDHC internal Chemical Industry Advisory Group (CIAG).


CHT Germany GmbH