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PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows (c) Boris Kralj
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

“We greatly regret the decision of course, especially after the success of our January events. The ban on large-scale events has been around for some time and has been publicly discussed. It hurts us to do it, but we are also conscious of our responsibility. If cancelling our trade shows, conferences and parties contributes to the safety of our customers and visitors, then we have to take this step.
We are in close contact with all our brands and partners and have spent the last four weeks discussing possible approaches, concepts and new focal topics for the summer. The bottom line is that digitalisation is clearly the focus. It’s all about using the time over the next few months sensibly. The timing for brands and retailers is now right – all market participants are aware of the necessity of this.

We have been working closely with JOOR, the leading B2B marketplace globally, for around a year, after successfully integrating our own digital platform, JOOR has digitalised the entire procurement process and ensures a seamless, functioning wholesale process on an international scale – both for brands and retailers.
We shall shortly be offering webinars on this and can offer our customers an optimal, digital ordering solution so as to use this time of the pandemic efficiently. We are very happy with this option and our year-long investment in the topic of digitalisation. This has come good for us now.
Our trade show formats have been about more than just ordering for a long time now. They are about encounters, emotion, inspiration, communication and, finally, the fashion community getting together. Although lots can take place digitally nowadays, it doesn't replace physically meeting up in person. We have seen this more than ever in the present situation.
We are going to work on new concepts for 2021, and we will liaise with the key stakeholders in Berlin and with all others too to ensure we hit the ground running again. We’re taking on the challenge and will come back to the industry when we have news.”


The Premium Group sets the dates for next summer

PREMIUM and SEEK, Europe’s most powerful fashion trade shows for contemporary fashion, plus the FASHIONTECH Berlin and FASHIONTECH Studio innovation events, will be held from Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2 July 2020. 

The summer editions will take place at the familiar event locations: STATION Berlin (PREMIUM) and ARENA Berlin (SEEK). As per in January, FASHIONTECH’s popular live talks, panel discussions and masterclasses will be held in close proximity to the trade shows so that visitors can access them without having to travel far. 

PREMIUM and SEEK, Europe’s most powerful fashion trade shows for contemporary fashion, plus the FASHIONTECH Berlin and FASHIONTECH Studio innovation events, will be held from Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2 July 2020. 

The summer editions will take place at the familiar event locations: STATION Berlin (PREMIUM) and ARENA Berlin (SEEK). As per in January, FASHIONTECH’s popular live talks, panel discussions and masterclasses will be held in close proximity to the trade shows so that visitors can access them without having to travel far. 


Premium Exhibitions GmbH

Photo: (c) Premium Group Berlin

The Art of connecting the fashion industry

"The atmosphere at all four shows and also the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN Conference was more successful than last summer. The exhibitors repeatedly praised the range of visitors – international buyers, well-founded fashion experts, people that love experiencing new trends and with a high level of awareness for our beautiful world. All of them took the chance to exchange and get inspired by the shows and events. Our strength is the concept of creating content, commerce and community – we connect the right people at the right time and at the right touchpoints. The entire network benefits from that. Furthermore the new digital b2b platform was featured on the PREMIUM and SEEK and received a very positive feedback."
– Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP

"The atmosphere at all four shows and also the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN Conference was more successful than last summer. The exhibitors repeatedly praised the range of visitors – international buyers, well-founded fashion experts, people that love experiencing new trends and with a high level of awareness for our beautiful world. All of them took the chance to exchange and get inspired by the shows and events. Our strength is the concept of creating content, commerce and community – we connect the right people at the right time and at the right touchpoints. The entire network benefits from that. Furthermore the new digital b2b platform was featured on the PREMIUM and SEEK and received a very positive feedback."
– Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP

On three days the PREMIUM GROUP once again showed and linked the most important international brands with buyers, influencers and other media representatives. Outcome: The real face-to-face exchange 2.0 is and remains important.
A total of 1,038 brands exhibited on the four formats. On top the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN offered the group's extensive and varied program as a conference. In addition to networking and trend scouting, the main focus was also on points of experience – an important aspect for the fashion industry, to which the PREMIUM GROUP increasingly relies. The halls of STATION Berlin, the Kühlhaus and the Arena Berlin were filled accordingly throughout the three days. The terrific summer weather contributed to the constantly positive atmosphere and invited all guests to enjoy all outdoor offers.



Premium Group Berlin


PREMIUM GROUP x BRIGHT Geschäftsführerwechsel

Marco Aslim und Thomas Martini, die beiden Gründer der Fachmesse BRIGHT für Streetwear, Skateboarding und Boardsport, treten zu Ende Februar nach 13 Jahren als Geschäftsführer zurück. Damit ist ein weiterer Schritt der Integration der BRIGHT in die Organisation der PREMIUM GROUP unter Anita Tillmann und Jörg Arntz vollzogen, die die BRIGHT bereits im Jahr 2015 zu 100 % übernommen haben.

„Die BRIGHT war von Anbeginn mehr als eine konventionelle B2B-Plattform. Die Community, das Arbeiten mit Freunden und der Basis der Industrie, Skateboarding, Art und Musik waren immer treibende Kraft und Hauptaugenmerk der Messe. Die Emotionen und die gemeinsam erlebten Momente, deren Stahlkraft weit über die Messe hinaus wirksam waren, sind bleibende Mehrwerte. Berührungen, die wir nie vergessen werden. Viele Menschen haben in den vergangenen Jahren viel getan, damit die BRIGHT zu dem wurde, was sie ist: eine große Familie. Dafür möchten wir uns in aller Form bedanken" (Thomas Martini, ehemaliger Geschäftsführer BRIGHT).

Marco Aslim und Thomas Martini, die beiden Gründer der Fachmesse BRIGHT für Streetwear, Skateboarding und Boardsport, treten zu Ende Februar nach 13 Jahren als Geschäftsführer zurück. Damit ist ein weiterer Schritt der Integration der BRIGHT in die Organisation der PREMIUM GROUP unter Anita Tillmann und Jörg Arntz vollzogen, die die BRIGHT bereits im Jahr 2015 zu 100 % übernommen haben.

„Die BRIGHT war von Anbeginn mehr als eine konventionelle B2B-Plattform. Die Community, das Arbeiten mit Freunden und der Basis der Industrie, Skateboarding, Art und Musik waren immer treibende Kraft und Hauptaugenmerk der Messe. Die Emotionen und die gemeinsam erlebten Momente, deren Stahlkraft weit über die Messe hinaus wirksam waren, sind bleibende Mehrwerte. Berührungen, die wir nie vergessen werden. Viele Menschen haben in den vergangenen Jahren viel getan, damit die BRIGHT zu dem wurde, was sie ist: eine große Familie. Dafür möchten wir uns in aller Form bedanken" (Thomas Martini, ehemaliger Geschäftsführer BRIGHT).

 Der Geschäftsführerwechsel geht mit einer neuen konzeptionellen Ausrichtung des Formats einher. Die Nähe zwischen BRIGHT und SEEK wird über die gemeinsame Location hinaus erweitert. So wird eine Auswahl der BRIGHT-Brands in das Format der SEEK integriert und neu definiert. Ziel ist es, auf der einen Seite den Spirit der Community der vergangenen 13 Jahre zu erhalten und gleichzeitig eine Transformation in Gang zu setzen, die die Anforderungen des Contemporary-Street- und Urban-Markts widerspiegelt und bedient. Die Teams der SEEK und der BRIGHT werden zukünftig noch enger zusammenarbeiten und gemeinsam neue Konzepte und Formate basierend auf den Werten der BRIGHT entwerfen.
„Wir schätzen Thomas Martini und Marco Aslim sehr und blicken auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit zurück. Wir haben viel gelernt und profitieren auch weiterhin von ihrem Wissen und Know-how. Die PREMIUM GROUP steht dafür, Konzepte kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln und neu zu definieren. Skateboarding ist einerseits eine Community-getriebene Nische und andererseits – ab 2020 – eine olympische Disziplin. Wir beobachten, dass sich die Werte, Kultur und Sprache der Community im globalen Kontext verändern und arbeiten daran, diese Vielfältigkeit im jeweils passenden Rahmen zu präsentieren" (Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP).
Die BRIGHT ist Europas führende Fachmesse für Streetwear, Skateboarding und Boardsport.  2005 begann die Geschichte der Messe in Frankfurt im ehemaligen Polizeipräsidium mit 50 Brands und 500 Besuchern. Fünf Jahre später, im Jahr 2010, ist die BRIGHT mit 250 Brands und 5.000 Besuchern nach Berlin gezogen. Im ehemaligen Stasi-Kongresszentrum in der Normannenstraße hat sich die Internationalität und die Besucherzahl fast verdoppelt. 2015 machte die BRIGHT als Teil der PREMIUM GROUP und zusammen mit der SEEK die Arena zum wichtigsten Street- und Skatewear-Hub Europas.

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PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH