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472 results
(c) BVMed

BVMed: „Kosten-Tsunami“ bei aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

  • Die Kosten für Superabsorber haben sich mehr als verdreifacht.
  • Die Kosten für Zellstoff, Polypropylen und Polyethylen haben sich mehr als verdoppelt.
  • Zusätzlich treibt die Verfünffachung der Energiepreise die Herstellkosten in ungeahnte Höhen.
  • Die nationalen und weltweiten Logistikkosten sind zudem aufgrund fehlender Transportkapazitäten und höherer Preise für Kraftstoffe, Verpackungen, Container und Paletten massiv gestiegen.

Zum Hintergrund der Versorgungsproblematik erläutert der BVMed, dass die Versorgung von Patient:innen mit Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung durch entsprechend qualifizierte Hilfsmittelleistungserbringer wie Sanitätshäuser oder Homecare-Versorger erfolgt. Diese vereinbaren mit Krankenkassen eine Erstattung für die monatliche Versorgung mit den Produkten sowie den dazu gehörigen Dienstleistungen wie die Auswahl des individuell erforderlichen Produkts, die Einweisung sowie die Unterstützung bei Komplikationen.

Das Problem: Die besondere Systematik bei der Vereinbarung dieser Erstattungsbeträge führt zu Vergütungen im sehr niedrigen zweistelligen Bereich. Die durchschnittliche Monatspauschale liegt aktuell bei unter 17 Euro für Versorgungen in der Häuslichkeit. Diese Pauschale umfasst alle individuell erforderlichen Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Logistik und sonstige Administration. Alle an der Versorgung Beteiligten seien nun aufgefordert, geeignete Antworten auf diese dramatischen Entwicklungen zu finden und Gegenmaßnahmen einzuleiten.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Kornit Digital issues Second-Annual Impact Report

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

  • Complete elimination of Acute Toxic Amines (CLP category 1, 2, 3) CMR
  • 20% reduction of VOC level in Robusto Inkset and 30% of VOC in Eco Ink/Green

DEI and Community Engagement

  • An increase in women in management, from 30% to 35%
  • Reporting 88% of employees feeling respected and free to be authentic at work - *Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.

Kornit Digital’s Impact Strategy
Propelled by an ambition to make a positive impact across all areas of its business and throughout the fashion and textile industries, Kornit further adjusted its Impact Strategy this year towards more expansive, longer-term goals and objectives. Kornit’s refined strategy reflects the Company's dual role as a change agent in the industry—both as a leader empowering the fashion industry to be more sustainable, and as an accountable participant responsible for embracing social and environmental change to make the world a better place.  
The holistic strategy accounts for both roles, across two fundamental pillars—"Enable the Change” and “Be the Change”—and incorporates both social and environmental KPIs designed to meet the Company’s goals and respond to stakeholders’ input, as well as industry and ecosystem needs

Kornit is officially unveiling the report during a press event at PRINTING United Expo 2022.

*Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.


Kornit Digital

(c) INDA

INDA announces new dates for IDEA®

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces new dates for the 22nd edition of IDEA® – The World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics. Originally scheduled to take place April 23-25, 2024, IDEA® now will be held April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL.

In 2022, IDEA® attracted 5,000 participants from across the global supply chain to engage with nonwovens & engineered materials senior-level leaders at the Miami Beach Convention Center. IDEA® 2022 was co-located with the second FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces new dates for the 22nd edition of IDEA® – The World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics. Originally scheduled to take place April 23-25, 2024, IDEA® now will be held April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL.

In 2022, IDEA® attracted 5,000 participants from across the global supply chain to engage with nonwovens & engineered materials senior-level leaders at the Miami Beach Convention Center. IDEA® 2022 was co-located with the second FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.



(c) IDTechex

Innovations in wearable sensor technology through watches and skin patches

IDTechEx report: Wearable Sensors 2023-2033

Overall, this report provides insight into how wearable sensors could be integrated into society long term - the technology underpinning value within the trend towards 'the quantified self'. The main drivers for growth identified are digital health and remote patient monitoring, extended reality, and the metaverse and performance analytics of athletes and sports people.

IDTechEx report: Wearable Sensors 2023-2033

Overall, this report provides insight into how wearable sensors could be integrated into society long term - the technology underpinning value within the trend towards 'the quantified self'. The main drivers for growth identified are digital health and remote patient monitoring, extended reality, and the metaverse and performance analytics of athletes and sports people.

More people than ever before are turning to wearable sensors to monitor their activity levels. Despite its origin in simple step counting, the market for wearable sensors is expanding into the more complex arena of health monitoring. Innovations in wearable sensor technology are expanding the envelope of biometrics accessible through watches and skin patches, addressing the rising demand for remote patient monitoring and decentralized clinical trials but also increasing consumer expectations. This includes easier access to health data, and extends further to sensor integration into headsets and accessories for immersive AR/VR experiences.
Motion sensors finding applications beyond step counting
Motion sensing hardware is well established, with accelerometers integrated into almost every wearable. Therefore, as profit margins for manufacturers diminish with commoditization, expanding the application space is crucial to maintain growth. This report provides an outlook for emerging use cases such as health insurance rewards, clinical trials, and professional athlete monitoring.
Optical sensors seeking to go further than heart-rate detection
Smart-watch wearers are familiar with the red and green lights on the back of their devices, used to obtain heart-rate data or blood oxygen and further analyzed for insights into calorie burn, VO2 max, and sleep quality.
Sensor developers are interested in pushing the boundaries of what can be measured non-invasively with light - whether it be through new software to analyze photoplethysmography (PPG) signals or new hardware for spectroscopy. Multiple companies are competing to lead in the commercialization of wearable blood pressure, with others setting their sights on ambitious 'clinic on the wrist' devices to replace common hospital tests and even glucose monitoring. This report appraises the potential for optical sensors, and overviews challenges for calibration requirements and regulatory approval.
Monitoring of the heart, muscle, and brain
Incorporating conductive materials into wearable technology is a simple concept. However, it has led to a vast variety of wearables sensors including wet electrodes stuck on the skin to measure the heart, dry electrodes in headphones to analyze brain signals, and microneedles within skin patches to quantify muscle movements. As such, this also creates a broad application space for electrodes ranging from vital sign monitoring and sleep analysis for healthcare, to emotional response and stress monitoring for marketing and productivity. This report dedicates a section to the four key categories of electrodes: wet, dry, microneedle, and electronic skin. This includes a summary of key material and manufacturing requirements.
Wearable sensors are fundamental to continuous monitoring of health, fitness, and wellness. As applications for wearable technology grow, there are increasing opportunities for sensors that detect parameters ranging from glucose levels to pressure and from motion to temperature. Based on a decade of market research on wearable technology hardware, this report analyses the technological and commercial landscape of this growing industry, both today and into the future. IDTechEx's research in wearables tracks the progress of over 50 wearable electronic product types. Within each of these products, a key focus of the research has been understanding and characterizing the prevalence of sensor types integrated into each.

More information:
wearable sensors IDTechex


(c) BVMed

BVMed: Ergebnisse der Herbstumfrage 2022

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Detaillierte Informationen zur Umfrage finden Sie hier.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) JEC Group

JEC Forum DACH reveals the Startup Booster Finalists

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

Cavicore: Water soluble salt cores for the production of hollow carbon fiber parts
CAVICORE produces ready-to-use water soluble cores for the realization of hollow composite parts. Their “lost cores” have the advantage of being temperature-resistant, stable as well as eco-friendly and recyclable, as they consist of pure salts without binders.

Composite Recycling: Closing the loop on Composite Materials
Composite Recycling has developed a highly energy efficient and sustainable process to separate the resin from the fibres. With the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the team has designed a post-treatment to clean the fibres and make them reusable in new composites, closing the loop.

Microwave Solutions GmbH: Imagineering a sustainable future
Agile and modular microwave plasma and selective depolymerization technology for molecular recycling, fiber recovery and nanomaterial creation.

(c) BTMA
The James Heal AirPro air permeability tester

BTMA: Testing equipment manufacturer James Heal celebrates 150th anniversary

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

The HydroView hydrostatic head tester is meanwhile designed to measure the penetration of water in materials which have an end use that requires water resistance, such as those in the medical, geotextiles and nonwovens sectors. It is also proving essential in the testing of end-use applications for technical textiles, such as in protective gloves, diving dry suits and winter sports apparel, to fishing waders, roofing, tenting, ground sheets and more.

(c) INDA

INDA: Highlights of the 12th edition of RISE®

  • DiaperRecycle Wins RISE® Innovation Award for Technology that Transforms Used Diapers into Cat Litter

Product development and innovators in nonwovens & engineered materials gained expert insights on material science innovation and sustainability at the 12th edition of RISE® — Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics conference, organized by INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute, North Carolina State University, Sept. 27-28 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.

More than 20 industry, academic, and government experts from across the globe presented technical developments in sessions focused on circularity and sustainable inputs from such sources as Polylactic Acid Polymers (PLA), natural fibers, biofibers, and waste products.

  • DiaperRecycle Wins RISE® Innovation Award for Technology that Transforms Used Diapers into Cat Litter

Product development and innovators in nonwovens & engineered materials gained expert insights on material science innovation and sustainability at the 12th edition of RISE® — Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics conference, organized by INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute, North Carolina State University, Sept. 27-28 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.

More than 20 industry, academic, and government experts from across the globe presented technical developments in sessions focused on circularity and sustainable inputs from such sources as Polylactic Acid Polymers (PLA), natural fibers, biofibers, and waste products.

Highlights included presentations on Achieving Supply Chain Circularity, by Kat Knauer, Ph.D., Program Manager – V Research, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL; The Global Plastic Crisis: Winners/Losers in the Marketplace, by Bryan Haynes, Ph.D., Senior Technical Director, Global Nonwovens, Kimberly-Clark Corporation; Sustainable Fibers – Development and the Future by Jason Locklin, Ph.D. Director, University of Georgia – New Materials Institute; PLA & PLA Blends: Practical Aspects of Extrusion by Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., William A. Klopman Distinguished Professor, and Executive Director, The Nonwovens Institute, North Carolina State University; and Mitigation of Quat Incompatibility with Cotton and other Cellulosic-based Substrates, by Doug Hinchliffe, Ph.D., Research Molecular Biologist, USDA-ARS.

RISE® Innovation Award Winner
DiaperRecycle was awarded the RISE® Innovation Award for its innovative technology to recycle used diapers into absorbent and flushable cat litter. The annual award recognizes innovation in areas within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry that use advanced science and engineering principles to develop unique or intricate solutions to problems and advance  nonwovens usage.

By diverting used diapers from households and institutions, and separating the plastic and fiber, DiaperRecycle strives to decrease the climate-changing emissions of diapers from landfills.  “I am thrilled and grateful to win this award — as it proves we are on the right track,” said Cynthia Wallis Barnicoat, CEO of DiaperRecycle.

Other award finalists included Binder BioHook® by Gottlieb Binder GmbH & Co. KG and Sero® hemp fibers from Bast Fibre Technologies, Inc. (BFT).

The 13th edition of RISE® — Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics conference will be held Sept. 12-13, 2023 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.




BVMed unterstützt GKV-Vorschlag zur Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Arznei- und Hilfsmittel

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt den Vorschlag des GKV-Spitzenverbandes, die Mehrwertsteuer auf Arznei- und Hilfsmittel einheitlich abzusenken.

Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Besteuerung bei Medizinprodukten sei es notwendig, mit einem einheitlichen Steuersatz für Klarheit bei allen Beteiligten zu sorgen. Als Beispiele nannte der BVMed Herzschrittmacher und Elektroden, die unterschiedliche Mehrwertsteuersätze hätten. Für Hüft- und Knieimplantate gelte der ermäßigte Mehrwertsteuersatz nur bei Bestellung von kompletten gelenkbildenden Komponenten. Für einzelne Teile und Zubehör, wie beispielsweise einem Hüftkopf, zähle dagegen der volle Mehrwertsteuersatz. Auch bei Wirbelsäulenschraubensystemen gebe es in der Praxis immer wieder Abgrenzungs- und Definitionsprobleme. „Wir sollten die jetzige Diskussion nutzen, um hier endlich Klarheit und Rechtssicherheit zu schaffen“, so Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt den Vorschlag des GKV-Spitzenverbandes, die Mehrwertsteuer auf Arznei- und Hilfsmittel einheitlich abzusenken.

Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Besteuerung bei Medizinprodukten sei es notwendig, mit einem einheitlichen Steuersatz für Klarheit bei allen Beteiligten zu sorgen. Als Beispiele nannte der BVMed Herzschrittmacher und Elektroden, die unterschiedliche Mehrwertsteuersätze hätten. Für Hüft- und Knieimplantate gelte der ermäßigte Mehrwertsteuersatz nur bei Bestellung von kompletten gelenkbildenden Komponenten. Für einzelne Teile und Zubehör, wie beispielsweise einem Hüftkopf, zähle dagegen der volle Mehrwertsteuersatz. Auch bei Wirbelsäulenschraubensystemen gebe es in der Praxis immer wieder Abgrenzungs- und Definitionsprobleme. „Wir sollten die jetzige Diskussion nutzen, um hier endlich Klarheit und Rechtssicherheit zu schaffen“, so Möll.

Die BVMed-Expert:innen verweisen in diesem Zusammenhang auf die Änderung der EU-Mehrwertsteuerrichtlinie (Richtlinie [EU] 2022/542) vom April 2022, die bis spätestens Ende 2024 national umgesetzt werden muss. Die EU-Richtlinie eröffnet die Möglichkeit für einen ermäßigten Mehrwertsteuersatz nicht nur „für Arzneimittel, die für ärztliche und tierärztliche Zwecke verwendet werden, einschließlich der Erzeugnisse für Zwecke der Empfängnisverhütung und der Monatshygiene sowie absorbierende Hygieneprodukte“, sondern auch „für medizinische Geräte, Vorrichtungen, Produkte, Artikel, Hilfsmittel und Schutzausrüstung, einschließlich Atemschutzmasken, die üblicherweise für die Verwendung in der Gesundheitsversorgung oder für den Gebrauch von Behinderten bestimmt sind, Gegenstände die wesentlich sind um eine Behinderung auszugleichen oder zu bewältigen, sowie die Anpassung, Instandsetzung, Vermietung und Leasing solcher Gegenstände.“

„Die EU ermöglicht einen ermäßigten Mehrwertsteuersatz auf Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte. Der Vorschlag ist sinnvoll, denn er entlastet die Krankenkassen und Krankenhäuser und sorgt für Klarheit und Rechtssicherheit bei den Herstellern. Ein einheitlicher Mehrwertsteuersatz muss endlich umgesetzt werden!“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Möll.


BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux Photo TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux
TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux

Coisne et Lambert: Acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux

Coisne et Lambert, the group composed of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, a leader in the production and marketing of technical fabrics for the professional clothing and PPE sector, announced the acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux.

TAD is specialized in the dyeing and finishing of knitted fabrics and has been in the market for over 30 years. Based in Le Coteau (France), the company has a production site of 9,000 m² and is a major player in the civil and administrative markets for technical textiles for professional clothing, medical, sport and apparel.

With a well equipped R&D laboratory, responsive and innovative sampling and production processes, TAD is ISO 14001 certified to manage its environmental performance.

TAD will extend the group's textile know-how adding expertise in knitwear finishing (dyeing, finishing and functionalities). The complimentary nature of their skillsets will allow the three companies to develop synergies for the benefit of their common and specific markets.

Coisne et Lambert, the group composed of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, a leader in the production and marketing of technical fabrics for the professional clothing and PPE sector, announced the acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux.

TAD is specialized in the dyeing and finishing of knitted fabrics and has been in the market for over 30 years. Based in Le Coteau (France), the company has a production site of 9,000 m² and is a major player in the civil and administrative markets for technical textiles for professional clothing, medical, sport and apparel.

With a well equipped R&D laboratory, responsive and innovative sampling and production processes, TAD is ISO 14001 certified to manage its environmental performance.

TAD will extend the group's textile know-how adding expertise in knitwear finishing (dyeing, finishing and functionalities). The complimentary nature of their skillsets will allow the three companies to develop synergies for the benefit of their common and specific markets.

This integration will enable TAD to strengthen its specific business model and its services as a French finishing company over the long term, for the benefit of its historical and future customers.

The group, which is made up of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, achieved a turnover of 185 million euros for the 2021-2022 financial year and employs more than 600 people. It also intends to expand its presence in new markets and geographical areas. Klopman International and TDV Industries want to offer markets more complete, flexible and competitive solutions for professional, civil and military clothing.


ANDRITZ to supply needlepunch equipment to Jasztex, Canada

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Jasztex Fibers Inc., Canada, to supply a crosslapper to its site of Pointe Claire (Quebec province).
The line will be dedicated to the production of polyester blends for a wide range of applications, including home furnishing, filtration, blankets, architectural, fire retardant, transportation. Start-up is planned for the second quarter of 2023.

ANDRITZ has been a regular supplier of Jasztex. Over the last years, ANDRITZ provided crosslappers for previous investments in Toronto (Ontario) and Pointe Claire (Quebec).

Jasztex’s nonwoven products are sold throughout the bedding, furniture, filtration, acoustic and thermal insulation, transportation and medical markets.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Jasztex Fibers Inc., Canada, to supply a crosslapper to its site of Pointe Claire (Quebec province).
The line will be dedicated to the production of polyester blends for a wide range of applications, including home furnishing, filtration, blankets, architectural, fire retardant, transportation. Start-up is planned for the second quarter of 2023.

ANDRITZ has been a regular supplier of Jasztex. Over the last years, ANDRITZ provided crosslappers for previous investments in Toronto (Ontario) and Pointe Claire (Quebec).

Jasztex’s nonwoven products are sold throughout the bedding, furniture, filtration, acoustic and thermal insulation, transportation and medical markets.



(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel’s Paint the Future India challenge awards two startups

Two startups in India have won Paint the Future awards and the chance to continue working together with AkzoNobel to accelerate their solutions.

The winning submissions answered the company’s call for innovative ways to enhance the digital consumer experience for Dulux paints in India. The winners are:

  • HyperReality Technologies - Collaborative platform for inspiration and visualization of a space in the metaverse
  • Fluid AI - Multi-channel, conversational, immersive and interactive AI platform to guide consumers during their painting journey

Having already signed letters of intent to work together on sustainable business opportunities, the two winners now join AkzoNobel’s accelerator program.

The India startup challenge is the third regional edition of Paint the Future. Run in partnership with NASSCOM Industry Partnership Program (NIPP), the challenge attracted 207 submissions from 33 cities across India.

Two startups in India have won Paint the Future awards and the chance to continue working together with AkzoNobel to accelerate their solutions.

The winning submissions answered the company’s call for innovative ways to enhance the digital consumer experience for Dulux paints in India. The winners are:

  • HyperReality Technologies - Collaborative platform for inspiration and visualization of a space in the metaverse
  • Fluid AI - Multi-channel, conversational, immersive and interactive AI platform to guide consumers during their painting journey

Having already signed letters of intent to work together on sustainable business opportunities, the two winners now join AkzoNobel’s accelerator program.

The India startup challenge is the third regional edition of Paint the Future. Run in partnership with NASSCOM Industry Partnership Program (NIPP), the challenge attracted 207 submissions from 33 cities across India.

Nine finalists were invited to an intense two-day bootcamp program, where customized sessions with AkzoNobel experts helped them further refine their solution’s value proposition before the final pitch to the Paint the Future jury.



Photo: Pincroft

Pincroft: Innovative non-skin contact vector protection for military fabrics

Pincroft announced the adoption of an innovative precision spray technology that allows the application of many finishes for textiles, including permethrin for vector protection, to the face of the fabric to avoid contact with the skin.

The system is a more versatile and environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional application method of padding and offers the possibility of applying the chemistry on either face side or both sides of the fabric across the full width.

The benefits of this new equipment are countless not only for the end user but also for the environment. The system allows for a reduction of energy, water and wet pick up of up to 50%, while 100% of the chemistry is recycled. Thanks to the equipment’s precision application technology, less water and chemistry are needed, and its no immersion system means the fabric would require less saturation and a shorter drying time.

Pincroft announced the adoption of an innovative precision spray technology that allows the application of many finishes for textiles, including permethrin for vector protection, to the face of the fabric to avoid contact with the skin.

The system is a more versatile and environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional application method of padding and offers the possibility of applying the chemistry on either face side or both sides of the fabric across the full width.

The benefits of this new equipment are countless not only for the end user but also for the environment. The system allows for a reduction of energy, water and wet pick up of up to 50%, while 100% of the chemistry is recycled. Thanks to the equipment’s precision application technology, less water and chemistry are needed, and its no immersion system means the fabric would require less saturation and a shorter drying time.

Mike Collins, Pincroft’s Managing Director: “This innovative equipment can be used in two ways. The single sided spray finishing can be used where the full effectiveness of the finish is only required on the face side of the end item, for example, vector, fluorocarbon and antimicrobial protection. The dual spray finish may be used to simulate the traditional padding method where full effectiveness of the finish is required dependant on end use, for instance, crease recovery, fabric softening, soil release and moisture management.”

This vector protection solution provided by Pincroft is ACTIGARD®, a branded technology developed by Sanitized AG, with long lasting active ingredients that have proved highly effective against mosquitoes and ticks. This product endures a high number of washes, is suitable for military uniforms and conforms to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex®.




EcoVadis Platinum rating for Stahl

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has been awarded the highest EcoVadis Platinum rating, placing it within the top 1% of companies assessed by EcoVadis. The award underlines Stahl’s commitment to collaborating with its partners to reduce its environmental impact and build a more responsible and transparent supply chain.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has been awarded the highest EcoVadis Platinum rating, placing it within the top 1% of companies assessed by EcoVadis. The award underlines Stahl’s commitment to collaborating with its partners to reduce its environmental impact and build a more responsible and transparent supply chain.

EcoVadis is a globally recognized evidence-based assessment platform that reviews the performance of more than 90,000 organizations across key sustainability criteria. These include environmental impact, labor and human rights standards, ethics, and sustainable procurement practices. The latest report from EcoVadis highlights Stahl’s positive progress across all these areas and builds on the Gold rating achieved by the company in 2021. Stahl’s 2030 target is to maintain the EcoVadis Platinum rating by working closely with its value-chain partners to help them reduce their environmental impact – including by supporting their transition to renewable feedstocks. In 2021, 80% of Stahl’s total spend on raw materials was supplied by EcoVadis-rated suppliers.
The new EcoVadis rating comes as Stahl accelerates its efforts to ensure a more responsible and transparent supply chain. Recent steps toward this goal have included establishing a dedicated Supply Chain Transparency division within the company’s Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) department. The division will be tasked with coordinating a new product development framework that prioritizes the responsible sourcing of raw materials. Furthermore, in July 2022, Stahl submitted a new greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target, including a specific commitment regarding the company’s Scope 3 upstream emissions. Stahl aims to reduce these by at least 25% over the next 10 years, compared with the base year (2021). Stahl expects to achieve this reduction primarily by working with its suppliers to replace fossil-based raw materials with lower-carbon alternatives.


Stahl Holdings B.V.

(c) dullboiiiii

Premium Group launches Charity Collection at The Ground event in Berlin

In cooperation with Platte Berlin, deadHYPE, Visionary Services and the Fashion Council Germany, The Ground invited to the Studio2Retail block party in Mitte. 950 guests, including creatives, influencers and the young Gen-Z Berlin fashion scene, came together for the first time since The Ground premiered in July to exchange and celebrate change.

The community had the exclusive opportunity to buy the limited pieces of the MUST-HAVE PEACE charity collection, which the Premium Group team initiated to support the people suffering from the war in Ukraine.

The collection includes 22 special items of clothing and accessories from 11 brands and designers from the Premium Group cosmos, of which 100% of the proceeds go to Be an Angel.

In cooperation with Platte Berlin, deadHYPE, Visionary Services and the Fashion Council Germany, The Ground invited to the Studio2Retail block party in Mitte. 950 guests, including creatives, influencers and the young Gen-Z Berlin fashion scene, came together for the first time since The Ground premiered in July to exchange and celebrate change.

The community had the exclusive opportunity to buy the limited pieces of the MUST-HAVE PEACE charity collection, which the Premium Group team initiated to support the people suffering from the war in Ukraine.

The collection includes 22 special items of clothing and accessories from 11 brands and designers from the Premium Group cosmos, of which 100% of the proceeds go to Be an Angel.

Be an Angel e.V. is an initiative of people from creative industries who are committed to the sustainable integration of people with a refugee background. Under the direction of Chairman Andreas Tölke, the team has been working intensively for the people from Ukraine for weeks, organising trips to Germany for refugees from Moldova, activating a nationwide network for accommodation and supplying hospitals in Odessa, Kyiv and Lemberg with medicine.


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH


New technology purifies wastewater from textile dyeing by using graphene

The substance graphene can become increasingly important as a component in textile catalysts when purifying water from textile dyeing as has been shown in a recently completed doctoral project at the University of Borås.

In his project, Milad Asadi, a new doctor in Textile Technology, has modified conventional yarn by encapsulating iron particles in graphene and developed a multifunctional smart e-textile. The focus was on developing a method for purifying wastewater from textile dyeing. The smart e-textile acts as a catalyst that causes the substance hydrogen peroxide to be formed, which is needed in order to break down pollutants in wastewater.

The project has generated a complete textile reactor for the treatment of wastewater through the so-called electro-Fenton technology, which is mainly used industrially to purify wastewater. The novelty of the technology is to use the properties of both graphene and iron, which is the main catalyst.

The substance graphene can become increasingly important as a component in textile catalysts when purifying water from textile dyeing as has been shown in a recently completed doctoral project at the University of Borås.

In his project, Milad Asadi, a new doctor in Textile Technology, has modified conventional yarn by encapsulating iron particles in graphene and developed a multifunctional smart e-textile. The focus was on developing a method for purifying wastewater from textile dyeing. The smart e-textile acts as a catalyst that causes the substance hydrogen peroxide to be formed, which is needed in order to break down pollutants in wastewater.

The project has generated a complete textile reactor for the treatment of wastewater through the so-called electro-Fenton technology, which is mainly used industrially to purify wastewater. The novelty of the technology is to use the properties of both graphene and iron, which is the main catalyst.

“Previous research has mainly been about the treatment of wastewater by using chemicals to break down the textile dyes. My project is the first where graphene, which is electrically conductive, is used to encapsulate iron. The e-textile can also be used several times, unlike when chemicals are used and which are then rinsed off. The challenge in the project was to scale up the technology so that the treated yarn can be fed into automatic knitting machines”, explained Milad Asadi.

The e-textile catalyst can be reused and hydrogen peroxide is formed internally inside the reactor, which reduces the use of biological catalysts, making the technology more sustainable compared to chemical methods.


University of Borås - The Swedish School of Textiles


OEKO-TEX® Annual Report 2021/2022: Positive business development

  • Values from the past 30 years more relevant than ever and are reflected in recent growth

During its 30th anniversary, the international OEKO-TEX® Association is still seeing positive business development despite numerous global challenges. In total, OEKO-TEX® issued more than 36,000 certificates and labels in the past financial year – an increase of 14% compared to the previous year. The STeP by OEKO-TEX® facility certification recorded the strongest growth, almost doubling compared to 2020/2021. The number of labels and certificates issued increased from 31,696 to 36,084 between July 1st, 2021, and June 30th, 2022.

  • Values from the past 30 years more relevant than ever and are reflected in recent growth

During its 30th anniversary, the international OEKO-TEX® Association is still seeing positive business development despite numerous global challenges. In total, OEKO-TEX® issued more than 36,000 certificates and labels in the past financial year – an increase of 14% compared to the previous year. The STeP by OEKO-TEX® facility certification recorded the strongest growth, almost doubling compared to 2020/2021. The number of labels and certificates issued increased from 31,696 to 36,084 between July 1st, 2021, and June 30th, 2022.

"Since OEKO-TEX® was founded in 1992, our business practices have been aligned with our core values," says OEKO-TEX® Secretary General Georg Dieners. “Sustainability, trust and safety build upon each other and are the basis of transparent and sustainable action. We underpin responsible action with our independent scientific methods and are valued in the industry as an effective, solution-oriented partner.” In the past financial year, this was reflected in the new Impact Calculator, with which STeP by OEKO-TEX®-certified companies calculate their CO2 emissions and measure their water consumption to ultimately reduce both. For OEKO-TEX®, a sustainable future is inextricably linked to a transparent status quo. "By setting the highest standards and communicating them openly, we encourage companies and consumers to do the same," says Dieners.

To maintain trust and credibility, OEKO-TEX® includes external perspectives. The International Advisory Board reviews proposals of the OEKO-TEX® Working Groups and provides important impetus for continuous optimization of the standards. Additionally, a Public Stakeholder Consultation was conducted in March 2022 to gain comprehensive insights from all interest groups. These are now being integrated into the further development of the standards and services. The investments of the past financial year reflect how important quality assurance and product control are for the OEKO-TEX® Association: Almost 40% of the total expenditure flowed into these two items.

In the meantime, the basic business continues to progress successfully. The number of STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificates issued in the 2021/2022 financial year exceeded 25,000 for the first time. More than 15,000 chemicals, colorants and auxiliaries were certified with ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX®.

In autumn 2022, OEKO-TEX® will launch a certification to help companies comply with upcoming due diligence laws. With RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS by OEKO-TEX®, OEKO-TEX® is responding to the increasing global expectations of compliance with due diligence requirements in companies. The new standard is based on the EU proposal for due diligence, the German Due Diligence Act, which will come into force from 2023, and numerous other international legislative proposals.


Oeko-Tex GmbH

(c) Chetna Organic / GoodTextiles Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation supports Indian village with cows

The GoodTextiles Foundation, initiated by Dibella, has implemented a new support project in India: Each family of a small village community of organic farmers received a cow from the donations received. The herd of fifty animals helps with farming, gives milk, produces sufficient natural fertilizer and should soon provide higher crop yields and a better income.

In 2016, Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile economy. The most recent project, "One cow for every family," has now taken the first, important intermediate step: Fifty cows arrived in the small village of Aliguda Village (Utnoor Division, Adilabad, Telangana, India) at the beginning of June 2022.

The GoodTextiles Foundation, initiated by Dibella, has implemented a new support project in India: Each family of a small village community of organic farmers received a cow from the donations received. The herd of fifty animals helps with farming, gives milk, produces sufficient natural fertilizer and should soon provide higher crop yields and a better income.

In 2016, Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile economy. The most recent project, "One cow for every family," has now taken the first, important intermediate step: Fifty cows arrived in the small village of Aliguda Village (Utnoor Division, Adilabad, Telangana, India) at the beginning of June 2022.

"Some of our organic cotton is grown on the farms of the village community managed by the smallholder organization Chetna Organic. During the filming of the German documentary "plan b", the farmers told us that they need more natural fertilizer to cultivate their fields ecologically and economically. The biggest wish of each family is therefore a cow. However, they cannot afford this because of the high price of the equivalent of 300 euros. That's how the idea for our next sponsorship project was born," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and member of the foundation's board of directors.

In addition to the most important reason for purchase - the production of fertilizer - the cows also serve as livestock. They are harnessed in front of the plow and make the strenuous work of tilling the soil easier for the farmers. As draft animals they serve to transport heavier loads, and as milk suppliers they contribute to a family's food supply. Surplus milk that is not needed in the household also provides families with an important additional income through sale.

More information:
GoodTextiles Dibella donations cotton

GoodTextiles Foundation

(c) Mimaki
Talha Güldeste, Founder of Makroser Tekstil, in front of the Mimaki TS300P-1800.

Makroser Tekstil uses Mimaki TS300P-1800 for carpet production

Turkish company, Makroser Tekstil specialises in manufacturing digitally printed carpets and over the years has become one of the leading suppliers in the sector. Utilising Mimaki’s high-performance TS300P-1800 sublimation transfer printer since 2020, the company has optimised their production potential to meet increasing customer expectations in this growing digital textile carpet market.

Alongside carpets, the company also offers other solutions to the carpet industry by producing backing and other materials

Turkish company, Makroser Tekstil specialises in manufacturing digitally printed carpets and over the years has become one of the leading suppliers in the sector. Utilising Mimaki’s high-performance TS300P-1800 sublimation transfer printer since 2020, the company has optimised their production potential to meet increasing customer expectations in this growing digital textile carpet market.

Alongside carpets, the company also offers other solutions to the carpet industry by producing backing and other materials

Acting as both a seller and a supplier, Makroser Tekstil has an approximate monthly output of 150,000 square meters of final product and sells about 70-80,000 square meters of intermediate goods per month. “Our market has four main pillars, including chain market groups, export, e-commerce and our own retail network. We have gained serious momentum in the sales of our final products in recent years, and we attach great importance to our sales and marketing processes, in addition to production, so to increase our profitability. We are currently exporting 35-40% of our production, and our branding and e-commerce activities show that we are making significant improvements”, says Makroser Tekstil’s co-founder, Talha Güldest.

Makroser Tekstil decided to invest in a Mimaki TS300P-1800 sublimation transfer printer back in August 2020, with the aim to strengthen their position in the digitally printed carpet market. “The investment in the TS300P-1800 has enabled us to have the capacity to respond quickly to e-commerce orders,” Güldeste commented. “Product quality is the main criterion in the supplies we provide to both online and retail outlets. We made this investment because we saw that we would increase our quality and customer satisfaction in the carpets we print. The Mimaki printer met our expectations, providing the results we wanted from the very first print after installation.” Considering the increased demand, Güldeste aims to further boost their printing capacity with investment in several more Mimaki printers.


Mimaki Europe B.V.


Monforts at ITMA ASIA + CITME

Monforts will highlight its technologies for special technical textile applications at this year’s ITMA ASIA + CITME which takes place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China, from November 20-24.

One of Monforts' developments is the Montex 8500 XXL stenter system for the production of technical fabrics in widths of up to 6.8 metres. Among the products made on this system are treated nonwovens for the geotextiles and filter media markets, tarpaulins, advertising banners, black-out curtains, membranes and many more.

On Montex©Coat coating lines, meanwhile, the possibilities range from the single-sided application of finishing agents for outdoor clothing and adding functionality to home textiles, to the creation of materials for sophisticated lightweight construction and automotive and aerospace components.

Monforts will highlight its technologies for special technical textile applications at this year’s ITMA ASIA + CITME which takes place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China, from November 20-24.

One of Monforts' developments is the Montex 8500 XXL stenter system for the production of technical fabrics in widths of up to 6.8 metres. Among the products made on this system are treated nonwovens for the geotextiles and filter media markets, tarpaulins, advertising banners, black-out curtains, membranes and many more.

On Montex©Coat coating lines, meanwhile, the possibilities range from the single-sided application of finishing agents for outdoor clothing and adding functionality to home textiles, to the creation of materials for sophisticated lightweight construction and automotive and aerospace components.

“Many more applications are possible, such as the overdyeing of denim, the creation of double-face coated materials, fabrics awnings, tents and medical drapes and the pre-treatment of substrates for digital printing”, explains Gunnar Meyer, Monforts area sales manager for China. “A range of different doctor blades and their combinations can be supplied to meet individual requirements, including air knife, roller knife, foam, screen and magnetic roller coating. The latter option is recommended for lines with working widths of over 2.4 metres.”

In addition, Monforts can provide the necessary explosion-proof ranges for solvent-based coatings and high temperature processes up to 320°C, such as the PTFE coating of nonwoven filter material. These lines are equipped with special burners, stenter chains, and insulation.


 A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG / AWOL Media