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 37. International Cotton Conference Bremen: Programmthemen Foto: Axel Trede, CSI

37. International Cotton Conference Bremen: Programmthemen

Am 20. März startet die 37. International Cotton Conference Bremen (20.-22. März). Auf die etwa 400 Tagungsteilnehmer wartet in Bremen wie online eine Mischung von wissenschaftlichen und praxisnahen Themen mit dem Fokus Baumwollqualität aus der internationalen Baumwolllieferkette.

Programmthemen auf der International Cotton Conference Bremen:
Mahmud Hossain vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Hochleistungsmaterialien an der Technischen Universität Dresden stellt ein gemeinsam mit dem Leibnitz-Institut Dresden entwickeltes Verfahren vor, welches die Reibung beim Verzwirnen von Spinnfäden eliminiert, so dass selbst bei hohen Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 50.000 U/min hochwertige Garne aus Natur- und Chemiefasern hergestellt werden können.

Im Zuge der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatten gewinnt das Verspinnen von Hanf in der Mischung mit Baumwollfasern mehr und mehr an Bedeutung. Ralf Müller vom Textilmaschinenhersteller Trützschler, Mönchengladbach, verdeutlicht in seiner Präsentation, wie die Naturfasern gemeinsam zu Qualitätsgarnen versponnen werden können.

Am 20. März startet die 37. International Cotton Conference Bremen (20.-22. März). Auf die etwa 400 Tagungsteilnehmer wartet in Bremen wie online eine Mischung von wissenschaftlichen und praxisnahen Themen mit dem Fokus Baumwollqualität aus der internationalen Baumwolllieferkette.

Programmthemen auf der International Cotton Conference Bremen:
Mahmud Hossain vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Hochleistungsmaterialien an der Technischen Universität Dresden stellt ein gemeinsam mit dem Leibnitz-Institut Dresden entwickeltes Verfahren vor, welches die Reibung beim Verzwirnen von Spinnfäden eliminiert, so dass selbst bei hohen Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 50.000 U/min hochwertige Garne aus Natur- und Chemiefasern hergestellt werden können.

Im Zuge der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatten gewinnt das Verspinnen von Hanf in der Mischung mit Baumwollfasern mehr und mehr an Bedeutung. Ralf Müller vom Textilmaschinenhersteller Trützschler, Mönchengladbach, verdeutlicht in seiner Präsentation, wie die Naturfasern gemeinsam zu Qualitätsgarnen versponnen werden können.

Jaswinder Bedi, einer der führenden Köpfe diverser Textilverbände des afrikanischen Kontinents, geschäftsführender Direktor der Bedi Investments Ltd. und Excecutive Director der Fine Spinners Uganda Ltd., hält auch einen Vortrag. Im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit arbeitet er stetig an der Entwicklung von vertikal integrierten Strategien vom Baumwollanbau bis zum fertigen Produkt. Dadurch generiert er Exportchancen für hochwertige Textilprodukte, hergestellt in afrikanischen Ländern.

Seit Jahren nimmt die Bedeutung der Forschung an Methoden zur exakten Feststellung des Klebrigkeitsgrades von Baumwolle zu. Hier hat sich das International Committee on Cotton Testing Methods (ICCTM) einen Namen gemacht hat. Jean-Paul Gourlot vom Zentrum für internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Agrarforschung und Entwicklung (CIRAD) im französischen Montpellier präsentiert als Mitglied im ICCTM die neusten Ergebnisse.

Mourad Krifa von der Kent State University, Oklahoma, USA macht deutlich, wie typische Verunreinigungen von Saatbaumwolle z. B. durch Blatt- und Borkenreste, Gras oder Saatschalenreste sowie Schmutz die Prüfergebnisse von High Volume Instrument-Tests beeinträchtigen können.

Deninson Lima vom brasilianischen Baumwollverband ABRAPA in Brasilia berichtet über die Entwicklung des ‚Standard Brazil HVI-Programms‘ (SBRHVI).

Efstratios Fragkotsinos vom Prüfinstrumentenhersteller Uster Technologies aus der Schweiz hebt die Bedeutung des Baumwollballenmanagement in Spinnereien hervor.

Justin Kühn vom Institut für Textiltechnik an der RWTH Aachen Universität stellt die Frage, ob die Methoden zur Regulierung der Feuchtigkeit des Rohstoffs in der Spinnereivorstufe oder im Entkörnungsprozess einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Faserqualität haben.

Marinus van der Sluijs von Textile Technical Services in Australien vergleicht in seiner Präsentation die Resultate der Reinigung von Baumwolle auf der Stufe der Entkörnung mit denen innerhalb der Vorstufen in der Spinnerei.

Derek Whitelock vom USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory La Cruces, New Mexico, USA stellt in einem Vortrag die Ergebnisse neuerer Tests seines Institutes mit unterschiedlichen Typen von Entkörnungsmaschinen zur Verfügung.

Jaya Shankar Tumuluru vom Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory des USDA-ARS klärt im Rahmen einer Studie darüber auf, wie sich der Einsatz eines pneumatischen Fraktionierers für die Baumwollentkörnung auf die Faserqualität von Upland-Baumwolle auswirkt.

Bremer Baumwollbörse. (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse.
Bremer Baumwollbörse.

Postponement of The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

In total, participants from more than 40 nations travel to Bremen for the Cotton Conference. In addition to the main conference, there are numerous side events. Many of our guests and conference participants are currently unsettled by the many negative reports. In the context of their responsibility, the organisers, the Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen, take the risks and concerns of all participants extremely seriously and would like to ensure planning reliability given the situation.

The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen with the motto “Passion for Cotton” will now take place from 17 to 19 March 2021.



Bremer Baumwollbörse.

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference Photo: Weser-Kurier
SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

Exciting keynote speakers and panel guest from fashion, science and the textile industry
Sustain will feature outstanding speakers from the economy, politics and society discussing for instance the possibilities of new techniques in stationary retail trade, the compatibility of fair production with business interests of manufacturers as well as the question whether consumers are willing to pay the additional costs of sustainability. These are themes that influence the vitality of the cities just as the purchase decisions of the consumers.

Prof. Dr Niko Paech, Professor of Economics, Wolfgang Krogmann, Advisory Director Primark, Urs-Stefan Kinting, Managing Partner of the Zero Group, Model & TV Presenter Alena Gerber, Rolf Heimann, CEO Hessnatur Stiftung, Kai Falk, Managing Director Communication of the German retail association Handelsverband Deutschland and many others confirmed their participation.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremer Rathaus (c) Bremen Cotton Exchange
Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremer Rathaus

International Cotton Conference Bremen 2020: keynotes

Focus on Sustainability and Climate Change

Passion for Cotton: The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen starts on 25 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall. But before subject-specific questions are discussed in depth in the individual sessions, the concise and inspiring keynotes by leading business experts from science and industry will draw attention to the current trends and challenges in the industry at the start of the conference. A large part of the presentations is shaped by the current discussion on environmental and sustainability issues and the resulting consequences for the global economy.

Climate Change and Sustainability

“Climate change - a storm in a teacup?” asks Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in a provocative speech. The aim of his presentation is to work out the challenges of climate change especially for agriculture and cotton production. This should form the basis for later discussion on concrete approaches and solutions within the cotton community.

Focus on Sustainability and Climate Change

Passion for Cotton: The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen starts on 25 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall. But before subject-specific questions are discussed in depth in the individual sessions, the concise and inspiring keynotes by leading business experts from science and industry will draw attention to the current trends and challenges in the industry at the start of the conference. A large part of the presentations is shaped by the current discussion on environmental and sustainability issues and the resulting consequences for the global economy.

Climate Change and Sustainability

“Climate change - a storm in a teacup?” asks Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in a provocative speech. The aim of his presentation is to work out the challenges of climate change especially for agriculture and cotton production. This should form the basis for later discussion on concrete approaches and solutions within the cotton community.

With his lecture “The HUGO BOSS sustainability programme ... and what our customer has to do with it” Andreas Streubig, Director of Global Sustainability at Hugo Boss AG, Metzingen, Germany, rolls up the textile value chain from a different angle, starting at the consumer level. As a representative of a premium brand for women's and men's clothing, Streubig discusses sustainability as a strategic element of the corporate strategy and provides information on how elements of the strategy are being implemented at Hugo Boss.

Rüdiger Senft, Head of Sustainability at Commerzbank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, looks at the changing role of banks in financing the cotton market. In addition to a general introduction to the topic of sustainability and banking regulation, Senft's presentation deals with the financing of the cotton trade from a social and ecological point of view.
The opening session on 25 March is hosted by Bill Ballenden, founder and owner of Dragontree, Swindon, UK, an online auction platform for the cotton trade. As a former cotton manager for Louis Dreyfus in Europe and Asia, Bill Ballenden has many years of experience in the industry.

Cross-Cutting Issues: Digitalisation, Gender, Value Chains

The subsequent session in the conference programme with the headline “A Wider View” is devoted to currently defining trends and important cross-cutting issues in the industry. This goes far beyond classic cotton themes.

A lecture by Mark Messura, Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain Marketing for Cotton Incorporated, Cary, North Carolina, deals with the role of cotton in an increasingly digitally controlled supply chain. Significant keywords here are faster delivery times, vertical integration, transparency and traceability.

The presentation by Roger Gilmartin, Managing Director of Tri-Blend Consulting, Charlotte, USA, entitled “The secret recipe for timely, cost-optimised and high-quality cotton clothing” promises exciting and enlightening insights. Tri-Blend Consulting conducts studies on the performance of different cotton varieties during the entire consumption process to the finished yarn and evaluates them from an economic point of view.

Amy Jackson, from the Better Cotton Initiative, London, UK, presents ICA Liverpool's “Women in Cotton” initiative. With this commitment, the initiative aims to increase the influence of women in the cotton industry and give them a stronger voice, for example by building networks in cooperation.

Navdeep Singh Sodhi, International Strategic Management Consultant at the Gherzi Textile Organisation, Switzerland, gives an insight into the current development of the value chain for cotton, textiles and clothing in Africa. Looking ahead to the coming decades, also in view of population growth, Africa is seen as having a high potential for building economic structures to improve income and prosperity.

Thomas Schneider, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and active in the field of production planning and control, textile materials and materials testing will host the session. A leading light in his field, Thomas Schneider has more than 30 years of experience in scientific and application-oriented research in the textile and fibre sector, including at the Fibre Institute Bremen e.V.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

34rd International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018 Die Bremer Baumwollbörse
Logo Bremer Baumwollbörse

34rd International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018

  • 'Cotton Insights' Looks to the Future
  • Register now!
  • Save the Date! The countdown has started for the renowned International Cotton Conference, which will take place from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Bremen.

As its theme 'Cotton Insights' illustrates, the Cotton Conference will provide a deep insight into the world of cotton, determine future challenges and offer solutions. Solutions that are not only important for the specialised cotton world, but also for the entire cotton supply chain from processing to textile retailing, because they focus on the needs of the end consumer.

The conference traditionally takes place in the historic Town Hall of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, in the immediate vicinity of the Cotton Exchange. Once again, more than 450 participants from around the world are expected. The Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen are the joint hosts of the Conference.

  • 'Cotton Insights' Looks to the Future
  • Register now!
  • Save the Date! The countdown has started for the renowned International Cotton Conference, which will take place from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Bremen.

As its theme 'Cotton Insights' illustrates, the Cotton Conference will provide a deep insight into the world of cotton, determine future challenges and offer solutions. Solutions that are not only important for the specialised cotton world, but also for the entire cotton supply chain from processing to textile retailing, because they focus on the needs of the end consumer.

The conference traditionally takes place in the historic Town Hall of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, in the immediate vicinity of the Cotton Exchange. Once again, more than 450 participants from around the world are expected. The Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen are the joint hosts of the Conference.

"We used the time after the end of our Cotton Conference in March 2016 to carefully analyse market developments and determine current topics and areas of activity that are of intense concern to the industry. They are of great benefit to the participants, so it's worth the visit", emphasise Elke Hortmeyer, Director of Communications and International Relations at the Cotton Exchange and Axel Drieling, Senior Manager Cotton at the Fibre Institute Bremen.

The subjects range from traceability and authenticity testing of cotton, to new requirements for cotton quality, process optimisation through digitalisation, future trends and production and, last but not least, the status of the sustainability debate. In all segments, the Conference offers informative lectures and panel discussions which appeal to a wide audience and are of overriding interest. Separate forums are offered for experts in the fields of science and research.

On Tuesday, March 20th, prior to the International Cotton Conference, the publisher and editors of the leading national daily newspaper “Weser Kurier” invite participants to their economic summit 'Sustain', in cooperation with the Bremen Cotton Exchange. Here, an expert forum will discuss development prospects on the African continent. As is well-known, almost 55 million people in Africa live from cotton cultivation which will be one of the focal points.

As of now, potential interested parties will receive up to date and detailed information about the Conference content and its subjects on the Conference homepage, as well as in regular newsletters and, moreover, by active press work. It is already possible to register for the Conference online and to make hotel bookings via the Bremen Tourist Office. Please, find further information here:

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Bremer Baumwollbörse

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse