From the Sector

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Official launch of ReHubs Europe

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

Chris Deloof will lead ReHubs Europe as Executive Director. Chris has a long-standing experience in the textile sector and is a passionate advocate for cross-industry collaboration. Moreover, Chris is deeply committed to driving the transition towards a circular economy, which aligns seamlessly with ReHubs Europe's mission.

ReHubs Europe will operate from Brussels, in close partnership with EURATEX. Membership is open to any companies who wish to invest in textile waste recycling in Europe.



Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry INDA

INDA Announces Conference Program for Hygienix™ 2023

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the conference program for Hygienix™ 2023, November 13-16 to be held at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA.

The program details can be found on the Hygienix website.

The keynote speaker is Courtney Scharf, Chief Client Officer, Trend Hunter. Trend Hunter leverages big data, human researchers, and AI to identify consumer insights, and deep dive opportunities for the world’s most innovative companies, such as Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive, Georgia-Pacific, Kroger, Johnson & Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser, Samsung, and Bacardi. Trend Hunter utilizes Artificial Intelligence and research to identify and curate top insights and trends to advise brands and businesses in their pursuit of innovation.

The Hygienix program will feature thought leaders in consumer-centric innovations, the circular economy, raw material advancements in sustainability, opportunities for advanced recycling in absorbent hygiene, optimizing the packaging footprint, new approaches for odor control, and market trends and drivers.

Experts presenting at Hygienix include:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the conference program for Hygienix™ 2023, November 13-16 to be held at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA.

The program details can be found on the Hygienix website.

The keynote speaker is Courtney Scharf, Chief Client Officer, Trend Hunter. Trend Hunter leverages big data, human researchers, and AI to identify consumer insights, and deep dive opportunities for the world’s most innovative companies, such as Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive, Georgia-Pacific, Kroger, Johnson & Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser, Samsung, and Bacardi. Trend Hunter utilizes Artificial Intelligence and research to identify and curate top insights and trends to advise brands and businesses in their pursuit of innovation.

The Hygienix program will feature thought leaders in consumer-centric innovations, the circular economy, raw material advancements in sustainability, opportunities for advanced recycling in absorbent hygiene, optimizing the packaging footprint, new approaches for odor control, and market trends and drivers.

Experts presenting at Hygienix include:

  • Aquapak Polymers Ltd. – “Creating Sustainable Nonwovens for Hygiene Applications with Thermally Processable Polyvinyl Alcohol; A Water Soluble, Environmentally Friendly and High-Performance Polymer”
  • Asahi Kasei Advance Corporation – “Continuous-Filament Cellulose Nonwovens”
  • Confitex Technology – “Reusables Production: It’s Not All Green”
  • Egal Pads, Inc. – “Closing the Circularity Gap One Used Pad at a Time”
  • Essity – “Diaper Collection & Recycling in Australia”
  • ExxonMobil Chemical Company – “Innovate New Levels of Strong Comfort with Hygiene Solutions”
  • Henkel Corporation – “Reducing the Packaging Waste from Personal Hygiene Products”
  • INNOVATEGRN – “Accelerating Innovation / Embracing a Consumer-Centric Approach”
  • Kuraray Europe GmbH – “Safe and Eco-friendly Elastics for Absorbent Hygiene Products”
  • Nexus Circular – “Increasing Plastics Circularity for the Hygiene Segment Through Advanced Recycling”
  • W. Pelz GmbH –“Disposable Pads Meet Reusable Underwear”
  • Price Hanna Consultants – “Squaring the Circle: Why Demonstration Projects = Good Sustainability Strategy” and “Wellness and Natural Materials”
  • Rem Brands, Inc. – “Effective Reduction of Material Odors, In-use Odors, and Post-use Odors”
  • Sequel – “Spiraling into Business: How a Dramatic Innovation to the Tampon Met the World’s Largest Manufacturer of Feminine Hygiene”
  • Sparkle Innovations Inc. – Sustainability and Circularity in the Absorbent Hygiene Products Industry”

The Hygienix program will offer a hands-on workshop as well as two pre-conference webinars. Jim Robinson, Principal, Absorbent Hygiene Insights, LLC, will lead the in-person workshop on AHP Absorbent Hygiene Systems, Monday afternoon, November 13th. This workshop evaluates SAP absorption for different SAPs and participants have the opportunity to deconstruct and examine several hygiene products including infant, adult, and period care products to increase the understanding of these systems.

More information:
Hygienix INDA

Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry INDA

(c) Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum: Innovative Lösungen für textile Unternehmen

Am 17. und 18. Juli 2023 informierten sich Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung „Textil Innovativ – Technologien für Mobilität und Schutz“ über Trends, Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Mobilität sowie Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) in Verbindung mit Digitalisierung und Recycling. Zudem wurde zur „Datenbasierten Wertschöpfung in der Textilindustrie“ diskutiert.

Mobilität in der Zukunft ist digital, komfortabel und natürlich nachhaltig. Der Schalter für die Sitzheizung ist in die textile Oberfläche der Mittelkonsole integriert. Das Gewebe der Sitzfläche heizt oder kühlt – je nach Bedarf. Der Dachhimmel leuchtet. Die Karosserie ist leicht und stabil, um Sprit zu sparen und trotzdem bei Unfällen zu schützen. Referenten und Aussteller zeigten, wie sie den besonderen Anforderungen an Maschinen, Produktionsprozesse sowie die neuen Materialien selbst gerecht werden.

Am 17. und 18. Juli 2023 informierten sich Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung „Textil Innovativ – Technologien für Mobilität und Schutz“ über Trends, Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Mobilität sowie Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) in Verbindung mit Digitalisierung und Recycling. Zudem wurde zur „Datenbasierten Wertschöpfung in der Textilindustrie“ diskutiert.

Mobilität in der Zukunft ist digital, komfortabel und natürlich nachhaltig. Der Schalter für die Sitzheizung ist in die textile Oberfläche der Mittelkonsole integriert. Das Gewebe der Sitzfläche heizt oder kühlt – je nach Bedarf. Der Dachhimmel leuchtet. Die Karosserie ist leicht und stabil, um Sprit zu sparen und trotzdem bei Unfällen zu schützen. Referenten und Aussteller zeigten, wie sie den besonderen Anforderungen an Maschinen, Produktionsprozesse sowie die neuen Materialien selbst gerecht werden.

Auch das Thema Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) birgt für Unternehmen Herausforderungen. Viele Funktionen, wie beispielsweise Hitzeschutz, erfordern eine spezielle chemische Ausrüstung der Textilien. Diese unterliegt jedoch häufig umweltschutzrechtlichen Einschränkungen und Verboten. Worauf Unternehmen bei der Produktion von PSA achten müssen, wurde ebenfalls erörtert.

Welche Potenziale die Digitalisierung für genau diese Anforderungen bietet, wurde in der Veranstaltung ebenfalls deutlich. Der Digitale Produktpass kommt. Er ist Teil eines EU-weiten Maßnahmenpakets zur Förderung von Ökodesign und Ressourceneffizienz und soll den Verbraucher informieren, wo das Produkt herkommt, woraus es besteht oder wie man es reparieren kann. Die Umsetzung betrifft alle Branchen und Dienstleistungen, mit weitreichenden Auswirkungen auf die unternehmerischen Geschäftsprozesse. Das setzt eine gewaltige Datenmenge voraus. Wie datenbasierte Wertschöpfung in der Textilindustrie funktioniert, war Thema in der abschließenden Diskussionsrunde.  

An welchen Stellen das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe kleine und mittlere Unternehmen unterstützen kann, erläuterte die Geschäftsführerin Anja Merker in einem Pitch-Beitrag sowie an einem Informationsstand vor Ort. Das Angebot des Zentrums umfasst nicht nur reine Wissensvermittlung zum Unternehmen der Zukunft in Verbindung mit Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz. Die Partner geben Orientierung und bilden Ihre Mitarbeiter weiter, entwickeln gemeinsam Ideen in Workshops und erarbeiten mit Ihnen Konzepte, die Sie im Unternehmen umsetzen können.


Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie e. V. / Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe


Design for Recycling: Mindeststandards berücksichtigen Anliegen der Recycler

Der Entwurf „Mindeststandards für die Bemessung der Recyclingfähigkeit von systembeteiligungspflichtigen Verpackungen“ findet die Zustimmung des bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung.

Design4Recycling 500x500pxIn einem Schreiben an die Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister machen bvse-Geschäftsführer Thomas Braun und bvse-Referent Dr. habil. Thomas Probst deutlich, dass der nunmehr zum fünften Male weiter entwickelte Mindeststandard aus Sicht des bvse sorgfältig erstellt wurde und die Anliegen der Recycler berücksichtigt.

Der bvse hebt hervor, dass die Mindeststandards inzwischen so ausgestaltet sind, dass die praktische Recycelbarkeit der Verpackungen immer mehr Berücksichtigung findet. So werden Verpackungen nicht nur daran gemessen, dass die verwendeten Materialien grundsätzlich für das Recycling geeignet sind, sondern es findet auch Berücksichtigung, ob die Verpackung nach bestimmungsgemäßer Entleerung noch einen Füllgutrest enthält, der die Recyclingfähigkeit beeinträchtigt. Außerdem muss beispielsweise die Trennbarkeit der Verpackungskomponenten sichergestellt sein, sofern das für ein hochwertiges werkstoffliches Recycling erforderlich ist.

Der Entwurf „Mindeststandards für die Bemessung der Recyclingfähigkeit von systembeteiligungspflichtigen Verpackungen“ findet die Zustimmung des bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung.

Design4Recycling 500x500pxIn einem Schreiben an die Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister machen bvse-Geschäftsführer Thomas Braun und bvse-Referent Dr. habil. Thomas Probst deutlich, dass der nunmehr zum fünften Male weiter entwickelte Mindeststandard aus Sicht des bvse sorgfältig erstellt wurde und die Anliegen der Recycler berücksichtigt.

Der bvse hebt hervor, dass die Mindeststandards inzwischen so ausgestaltet sind, dass die praktische Recycelbarkeit der Verpackungen immer mehr Berücksichtigung findet. So werden Verpackungen nicht nur daran gemessen, dass die verwendeten Materialien grundsätzlich für das Recycling geeignet sind, sondern es findet auch Berücksichtigung, ob die Verpackung nach bestimmungsgemäßer Entleerung noch einen Füllgutrest enthält, der die Recyclingfähigkeit beeinträchtigt. Außerdem muss beispielsweise die Trennbarkeit der Verpackungskomponenten sichergestellt sein, sofern das für ein hochwertiges werkstoffliches Recycling erforderlich ist.

"Wir begrüßen die im vorliegenden Entwurf enthaltenen Änderungen und Ergänzungen bei den systembeteiligungspflichtigen Verpackungen, dies umfasst insbesondere die Fraktionen PPK, Kunststoffe und Glas. Durch diese Vorgaben wird deren Recyclingfähigkeit voran gebracht. Änderungen oder Ergänzungen am Mindeststandard sind in der vorliegenden Entwurfsfassung daher nicht notwendig", betonen Thomas Braun und Thomas Probst.

In der Stellungnahme weist der bvse jedoch darauf hin, dass eine stringente Umsetzung der im Mindeststandard definierten Kriterien durch die Systeme zwingend erforderlich ist, um die anspruchsvollen Quotenvorgaben aus dem VerpackG, die zum 1. Januar 2022 nochmals deutlich erhöht wurden, zu erfüllen.

Abschließend mahnen die bvse-Vertreter jedoch an, dass ein Weg gefunden und umgesetzt werden müsse, wie recyclinggerechte Verpackungen bei der Lizensierung gefördert werden können. Denn das würde die Lenkungswirkung beim Design for Recycling noch weiter verbessern.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung

WOW 2023 (c) INDA Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

WOW 2023 with Attendance Records

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the successful conclusion of the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia. More than 495 senior-level leaders convened for new intelligence, connections, and business, which was a record turnout for the WOW event.

The 17th edition of WOW featured almost 60 tabletop exhibits, 26 presentations, and two pre-conference webinars. The program introduced Lightning Talks, “supersized elevator speeches” covering new trends, products, and ideas, and a 1.5-day revised WIPES Academy training course. WOW also featured a mentorship program for participants new to the wipes industry.

The WOW speakers shared their expert insights in these key topics:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the successful conclusion of the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia. More than 495 senior-level leaders convened for new intelligence, connections, and business, which was a record turnout for the WOW event.

The 17th edition of WOW featured almost 60 tabletop exhibits, 26 presentations, and two pre-conference webinars. The program introduced Lightning Talks, “supersized elevator speeches” covering new trends, products, and ideas, and a 1.5-day revised WIPES Academy training course. WOW also featured a mentorship program for participants new to the wipes industry.

The WOW speakers shared their expert insights in these key topics:

  • Inflation, Supply Chain Issues, Capacity/Demand Balance
  • Plastic Policy: Closing the Intention-Action Gap
  • Sustainability and Manufacturing Practices
  • Consumer Market Data and Trends
  • Wipes Advancements
  • Transparency in the Supply Chain
  • Regulation, Innovation, Standards & Education in Flushability

World of Wipes Innovation Award®
The winner of the World of Wipes Innovation Award was the Nonwoven Wipe Using Biotransformation Technology developed by Indorama Ventures and Polymateria. This innovative 100% polypropylene spunlace wipe utilizes advanced biotransformation technology, meeting the BSI PAS 9017 specification. The wipe is compatible with mechanical recycling however, in the event it becomes fugitive, and exposed to heat, sunlight, air and moisture, will transform into a harmless, bioavailable wax at its end-of-life, returning safely to nature without leaving behind microplastics or toxins. This polypropylene wipe represents a significant leap towards eco-friendly, sustainable nonwoven hygiene products.

INDA announced that WOW 2024 will be held June 17-20, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

More information:
INDA WOW nonwovens

INDA Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


VDMA Textile Machinery: Planned PFAS ban threatens important textile machine components

The EU's planned ban on the entire group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) would endanger many industrial processes, states VDMA Textile Machinery. Textile manufacturing would be affected twice – by missing important chemicals for technical textile production and by the lack of indispensable textile machine components. The latter would affect the whole supply chain from textile machinery manufacturers and its suppliers to the textile industry in the EU.

The EU's planned ban on the entire group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) would endanger many industrial processes, states VDMA Textile Machinery. Textile manufacturing would be affected twice – by missing important chemicals for technical textile production and by the lack of indispensable textile machine components. The latter would affect the whole supply chain from textile machinery manufacturers and its suppliers to the textile industry in the EU.

Solid PFAS parts are widely used in textile machinery production, especially where extreme conditions prevail. Verena Thies, Managing Shareholder Thies GmbH & Co. KG, explains: “Our textile dyeing machines are world leaders and set standards in efficiency and sustainability. They work under pressure at temperatures of up to 140° C using highly acidic, highly basic and/or oxidative or even reductive chemicals. This is precisely why PFAS is needed, for example, in seals and rings, flaps as well as valves for a long-lasting and high-quality machine concept – because there are no alternatives with qualitatively equivalent properties. In addition, PTFE semi-finished products enable a sliding and gentle contact with the textile fabric in ecologically important techniques in the transformation of textile wet finishing."

PTFE and also FKM are fluoropolymers (fluoroplastics and fluoroelastomers), a group within the broad PFAS range of about 10,000 substances which would be banned for production, use and sale in the EU. They are high-tech materials, and as so-called "polymers of low concern" are not a danger to the environment, according to the OECD. Furthermore, these components are installed inside a machine and exchanged or disposed of properly. PFAS such as PTFE and FKM must be exempted from the ban, demands the VDMA in its position paper.

"In this way, the association also supports the approach taken in Great Britain. With the 10,000 substances, everything is lumped together, although the various PFAS groups are very different," warns Dr Sarah Brückner, Head of VDMA Environmental Affairs and Sustainability. "We should take our cue from the UK and look at the substance groups in a differentiated way."
Apart from several types of dyeing machines, PFAS components are indispensable in textile drying machines (e.g., conveyor dryers, tumblers and stenters) and damping machines. They are also used in fully automatic chemical dispensing systems and pressure vessels for thermochemical treatment of textile recycling material, heat recovery systems and wastewater treatment technology. This means that a lot of machines needed for a sustainable textile production would be affected by the PFAS ban.

VDMA Textile Machinery will take part in the ongoing EU public consultation. The association will describe indispensable key functionalities and conditions of use in the textile machinery sector as well as the consequences for the companies and the customers in the EU if the ban is imposed. The consultation ends on September 25, 2023, and VDMA urged its members affected by the planned restriction to participate in the consultation at an early stage. This is the only way to ensure that the broad scope of the mechanical and plant engineering sector is represented.

More information:
VDMA Textilmaschinen PFAS

VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery



Three Finalists Announced for the 2023 World of Wipes Innovation Award®

2XL Corporation, Avgol Nonwovens, and Yowel to compete for Award
INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the World of Wipes Innovation Award®. The Award will be presented at the 17th annual World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, Georgia.    

The three products vying for this Award are a cleaning and disinfecting device from 2XL Corporation, a wipe utilizing biotransformation technology from Avgol Nonwovens, and a reusable towel dispensing system from Yowel.

The winner will be announced on July 20th at 11 am. The three companies competing for the Award are:

2XL Corporation, Avgol Nonwovens, and Yowel to compete for Award
INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the World of Wipes Innovation Award®. The Award will be presented at the 17th annual World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, Georgia.    

The three products vying for this Award are a cleaning and disinfecting device from 2XL Corporation, a wipe utilizing biotransformation technology from Avgol Nonwovens, and a reusable towel dispensing system from Yowel.

The winner will be announced on July 20th at 11 am. The three companies competing for the Award are:

Windup by 2XL Corporation
Meet the Windup: a groundbreaking new device that can clean and disinfect your home using a self-advancing microfiber roll that you never have to touch. Just one roll will clean your kitchen over 50 times. An innovative one-touch revolving roll and a versatile spray system that allows use of your favorite floor cleaner or our specially formulated disinfecting solution. No more stopping to change expensive pads or change filthy water. Get wound up for Windup.

Nonwoven wipe using biotransformation technology by Avgol Nonwovens
This innovative spunlace wipe utilized advanced biotransformation technology developed jointly by Indorama Ventures and Polymateria. Meeting the BSI PAS 9017 specification, this wipe in the event it becomes fugitive, and exposed to heat, sunlight, air and moisture will transform into a harmless, bioavailable wax at its end-of-life, eliminating microplastic pollution. Compatible with mechanical recycling and combatting ‘fugitive’ waste, this wipe represents a significant leap towards eco-friendly, sustainable nonwoven hygiene products.

The Yowel™ System by Yowel
Ready to help the earth and save money…every day? Yowel is a patented system for dispensing reusable towels. Instead of a roll of paper towels, place a Yowel full of reusable towels into your paper towel holder – or choose the countertop model, and you’re immediately reducing your paper towel consumption.  The Yowel System has 40 reusable towels and a mesh bag for used towels. Save money and help Mother Nature.

INDA’s Technical Advisory Board selected the finalists based on the creativity, uniqueness, and technical sophistication employed in finding novel ways to expand the utilization of nonwovens. Categories considered for the award were wipes related raw materials, roll goods, converting, packaging, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end-use products.

Nice-Pak’s SecureFLUSH® Technology Flushable Wipes received the 2022 World of Wipes Innovation Award for their unique, 100% cellulose nonwoven that is strong enough to clean, yet break apart rapidly, when flushed. A specialty “lock and key” design of plant-based fibers and formula leverages patent-pending technology to break apart five times faster than the leading brand of two-ply toilet paper and ensure responsible care of plumbing and wastewater. SecureFLUSH® Technology Flushable wipes are available in Walmart, Amazon, and at

More information:
INDA WOW nonwovens World of Wipes


Photo: AVK

AVK: Successful Flame Retardancy Conference in Berlin

  • Flame Retardancy for Composites Applications in the Transport Sector

On 10-11 May 2023, the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. in cooperation with the FGK - Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe e.V. in Berlin organised for the first time an international, English-language conference on flame retardancy.

In 18 compact lectures, more than 20 experts informed nearly 80 participants about new developments, requirements and innovations regarding specific flame retardant properties of components made of fibre-reinforced plastics/composites for the transport sector.

Among others, there were presentations by industry representatives from Saertex, BÜFA, Clariant, Diehl Aviation and Airbus, but also from institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institutes or the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Presentations on the topics of standardisation, raw materials, automotive or recycling were on the agenda, but also flame retardants for connectors and battery housings for electric vehicles or fire-retardant systems for rail vehicles or fire-retardant CFRP made from recycled CF nonwoven were presented.

  • Flame Retardancy for Composites Applications in the Transport Sector

On 10-11 May 2023, the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. in cooperation with the FGK - Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe e.V. in Berlin organised for the first time an international, English-language conference on flame retardancy.

In 18 compact lectures, more than 20 experts informed nearly 80 participants about new developments, requirements and innovations regarding specific flame retardant properties of components made of fibre-reinforced plastics/composites for the transport sector.

Among others, there were presentations by industry representatives from Saertex, BÜFA, Clariant, Diehl Aviation and Airbus, but also from institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institutes or the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Presentations on the topics of standardisation, raw materials, automotive or recycling were on the agenda, but also flame retardants for connectors and battery housings for electric vehicles or fire-retardant systems for rail vehicles or fire-retardant CFRP made from recycled CF nonwoven were presented.

More information:
AVK Composites flame retardant



Way2ITMA: Recycling technologies offered by VDMA members

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials



Alttextilmarkt: Preiskampf um Sammelmengen und wirtschaftliche Sortierung zunehmend schwierig

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Preiskampf um verfügbare Sammelmengen und Kostensteigerungen
„Aufgrund der in 2022 wieder freien Kapazitäten in den Sortierwerken führt die geringer verfügbare Menge an Sammelware zu einem Preiskampf. In der Folge konnten Sammelunternehmen Umsatzeinbußen aus 2020 teilweise wieder ausgleichen“, beschreibt der stellvertretende Fachverbandsvorsitzende Stephan Kowoll die Situation der Alttextilsammler.

Unternehmen, die Sortieranlagen betrieben, sahen sich hingegen trotz der an sich guten Verkaufserlöse durch drastisch erhöhte Kosten im Bereich des Wareneinkaufs und der Sortierkosten belastet. „Die massiv gestiegenen Löhne sorgen zusammen mit großen Steigerungen im Bereich der Energie- und Treibstoffkosten für eine Situation, die eine wirtschaftliche Sortierung in Deutschland immer mehr erschwert“, verdeutlicht der Fachverbandsvorsitzende Voigt die Lage der Sortierbetriebe.

Exportmärkte: Stop and Go mit hohen Frachtraten
In Afrika stieg die Nachfrage nach tragbaren Textilien in 2022 weiter an. Zeitgleich wurden infolge des Kriegs in der Ukraine EU-weit Exportverbote nach Russland – auch für Alttextilien – verhängt. „Der für die Branche existenziell wichtige Export der sortierten Alttextilprodukte in die Auslandsmärkte wurde durch die mittlerweile fast verdoppelten Frachtraten in die Destinationen Afrika und Südamerika stark belastet“, macht Vorsitzender Voigt auf weitere Kostensteigerungen für die Branche aufmerksam.

Erarbeitung und Einführung eines nationalen EPR-Systems im Fokus
Der Alttextilmarkt ist im Umbruch, darin ist sich die Fachverbandsspitze einigt. Politische und legislative Neuerungen auf EU- und Bundesebene werden die Dynamik des Alttextilmarkts sowohl in der EU als auch in Deutschland verändern. Im besonderen Fokus steht für den Fachverband dabei die mögliche Ausgestaltung eines nationalen Systems der Erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung (EPR), die auf den zukünftigen Alttextilmarkt entscheidenden Einfluss nehmen wird.  

„Durch die verpflichtende Getrenntsammlung ab 2025 wird es erwartungsgemäß zu einem weiteren Abfall der Rohwarenqualitäten bei steigenden Mengen kommen. Im Hinblick darauf ist die Einbeziehung der deutschen Sammler und Sortierer bezüglich einer Querfinanzierung der zu erbringenden abfalltechnischen Leistungen unabdingbar. Das in Deutschland bewährte und funktionierende Sammelsystem im Zusammenspiel mit den kommunalen, gewerblichen und gemeinnützigen Sammlern muss weiterhin aufrechterhalten und gestärkt werden“, betonten die Fachverbandschefs Stefan Voigt und Stephan Kowoll übereinstimmend.

More information:

bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling



100 days before ITMA 2023 in Milan, VDMA Textile Machinery launched its “Way2ITMA” webinar series. “Transforming the World of Textiles: efficient – digital – circular”. Under this heading, VDMA technology providers will present their solutions along the value chain.

Speakers of the virtual event were Dr. Janpeter Horn, Chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association and Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, Dirk Vantyghem, Director General, EURATEX, Francis Elias Junker, Area Sales Manager, Andritz Laroche and Tanja Karila, Chief Marketing Officer, Infinited Fiber Company.

With regard to the EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, Dr. Horn said: “This topic concerns all of us, consumers and producers. We as machinery builders position ourselves as enablers. We want to be part of the solution of this ambitious project”.

100 days before ITMA 2023 in Milan, VDMA Textile Machinery launched its “Way2ITMA” webinar series. “Transforming the World of Textiles: efficient – digital – circular”. Under this heading, VDMA technology providers will present their solutions along the value chain.

Speakers of the virtual event were Dr. Janpeter Horn, Chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association and Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, Dirk Vantyghem, Director General, EURATEX, Francis Elias Junker, Area Sales Manager, Andritz Laroche and Tanja Karila, Chief Marketing Officer, Infinited Fiber Company.

With regard to the EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, Dr. Horn said: “This topic concerns all of us, consumers and producers. We as machinery builders position ourselves as enablers. We want to be part of the solution of this ambitious project”.

Dirk Vantyghem introduced the core issues of the EU textile strategy launched in 2022, which is the most ambitious plan ever, to push the textile sector towards sustainability and transparency, and promote a new circular business model. If wrongly designed, that new framework may collapse the European textile value chain. But if done rightly, the changes ahead could bring a paradigm shift in the sector, where competitiveness is no longer based on price only, but also on sustainability and innovation, explained Vantyghem.

Francis Elias Junker showed high level of expertise for mechanical textile recycling for both spinning and nonwovens industries that Andritz has. The company has a diversity of solutions to offer and several cooperation partners, covering the value chain from recovery of fiber to the chemical modification and preparation for the production of yarn.

Tanja Karila gave an overview of how Infinited Fiber is turning textile waste into new fibers. Patented technology turns post-consumer textile waste into brand new premium quality fibers for the textile industry. The textile-to-textile recycling technology captures the value in waste that would otherwise be landfilled or burned.

More information:
ITMA 2023 Sustainability Webinar

VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery

(c) Euratex
RegioGreenTex - Kickoff meeting

New European initiative for SMEs: Transform textile waste into value

43 partners of the RegioGreenTex project met in Brussels to kick start a three-year project that should change the way we manage textile recycling.

Regions for Green Textiles – known as RegioGreenTex – is a quadruple-helix partnership initiative aiming at mapping and reducing the difficulties, which currently exist in the implementation of a circular economy model within the textile ecosystem across the EU.

RegioGreenTex will  support tangible solutions at SME level, where textile waste becomes a value. The project will contribute to maintain and develop jobs in the EU textile sector, reshoring the production in Europe and making the EU textile value chain more competitive and resilient. It will contribute to the EU Green Deal objectives of reducing carbon footprint, energy and water consumption.

More information:
Euratex SMEs textile waste EISMEA


Dr. Harald Weber and Thomas Waldmann. Photo: VDMA
from left to right: Dr. Harald Weber and Thomas Waldmann.

VDMA Textile Machinery Association: Dr Harald Weber succeeds Thomas Waldmann

Dr. Harald Weber will become the new managing director of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association on 1 January 2023. The 44-year-old industrial engineer succeeds Thomas Waldmann, who has held the position since 1991 and will retire at the end of the year.

After completing his doctorate at the Technical University of Darmstadt and working as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen (THM), Dr. Weber joined the VDMA in 2011. Since then, he has been responsible for the topics of technology and innovation in the Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association.

Dr. Janpeter Horn, Chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association and Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, commented on the change of personnel: "From his previous work in the plastics industry, Dr. Weber has profound knowledge and experience in topics that are also gaining in importance in textile machinery manufacturing. Examples include recycling and the circular economy, as well as digitalisation and especially the communication standard OPC UA."

Dr. Harald Weber will become the new managing director of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association on 1 January 2023. The 44-year-old industrial engineer succeeds Thomas Waldmann, who has held the position since 1991 and will retire at the end of the year.

After completing his doctorate at the Technical University of Darmstadt and working as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen (THM), Dr. Weber joined the VDMA in 2011. Since then, he has been responsible for the topics of technology and innovation in the Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association.

Dr. Janpeter Horn, Chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association and Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, commented on the change of personnel: "From his previous work in the plastics industry, Dr. Weber has profound knowledge and experience in topics that are also gaining in importance in textile machinery manufacturing. Examples include recycling and the circular economy, as well as digitalisation and especially the communication standard OPC UA."

Dr. Horn added: "We combine our warm welcome to Dr. Weber with a big thank you to Thomas Waldmann. 30 years as managing director at the Textile Machinery Association also stand for constantly changing framework conditions. Mr. Waldmann has always had his finger on the pulse of the industry and, together with his team, has represented the special interests of the member companies: From technology policy to challenges of market access to the leading trade fair ITMA and the European association CEMATEX. ITMA 2007 in Munich was certainly a highlight. The executive board of the association wishes Mr. Waldmann all the best for the new phase of his life that is now beginning."


VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery

Photo: Euratex

EURATEX & ATP Convention successfully concluded in Porto

  • European textile industry needs to prepare for a paradigm shift, and become global leader in sustainable textiles

Organised by EURATEX in partnership with the Portuguese Textile Association (ATP), the Porto Convention – Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – took place on 13-14 October in Porto, Portugal, with nearly 250 entrepreneurs attending from all over Europe. They discussed the current challenges of the European textile industry and set the grounds for a bright future, based on some strong foundations: innovation, creativity, quality and sustainability.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Pedro Siza Vieira, Former Minister for the Economy and Digital Transition of Portugal, assessed the geopolitical and macroeconomics changes, and how this will impact on the future of the textile industry: nearshoring and friend-shoring, independence from foreign gas through the use of European sustainable energy, as well as circular and automated production lines. While the current turbulence causes uncertainty, he sees a better future for our industry.

  • European textile industry needs to prepare for a paradigm shift, and become global leader in sustainable textiles

Organised by EURATEX in partnership with the Portuguese Textile Association (ATP), the Porto Convention – Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – took place on 13-14 October in Porto, Portugal, with nearly 250 entrepreneurs attending from all over Europe. They discussed the current challenges of the European textile industry and set the grounds for a bright future, based on some strong foundations: innovation, creativity, quality and sustainability.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Pedro Siza Vieira, Former Minister for the Economy and Digital Transition of Portugal, assessed the geopolitical and macroeconomics changes, and how this will impact on the future of the textile industry: nearshoring and friend-shoring, independence from foreign gas through the use of European sustainable energy, as well as circular and automated production lines. While the current turbulence causes uncertainty, he sees a better future for our industry.

The first CEO Panel, addressing the theme of How to Measure and Communicate about Sustainability, focused on the challenges to translate “sustainability” towards the consumers. The panel addressed the issue of greenwashing and the role of brands in communicating about sustainability. It looked at how the new European Commission regulations on eco-label, digital product passport (DPP) and product environmental footprint (PEF) will create a new framework.

The second CEO Panel, discussing Financing Sustainability, looked at the cost of sustainable investments, and how this cost should be managed within the entire supply chain, including the brands and retailers.

Four workshops with industry experts followed in the afternoon, addressing the themes of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Textiles, Digital Product Passport (DPP), Recycling Textile Waste and Labelling Textiles (Product Environmental Footprint). As these initiatives will roll out in the coming years – as part of the EU Textile Strategy – participants got a better understanding of the future framework for our industry.

Dirk Vantyghem, Director General of EURATEX, commented on this: “to prepare for a brighter future requires a new regulatory framework, where quality and durability become the norm, where transparency and sustainability is rewarded, where free riders – who do not comply with rules and standards – are kept outside the market. The EU Textile Strategy aims at creating such a framework, which must be fair and balanced, and requires a close and constant dialogue between the regulator and the industry.”

During the 2nd day of the convention, participants had the opportunity to visit state of the art textile companies (Têxteis J.F. Almeida, RIOPELE, and TMG Automotive) and the Portuguese textile  research centre CITEVE. They showcased how the Portuguese textile industry is making this transition, while remaining globally competitive.

Alberto Paccanelli, President of EURATEX, concluded: “We need to attract creative people in our companies, we need to produce top class quality products, and we need to become more sustainable. That is the recipe for our success in a globalised and highly competitive industry.” Paccanelli is positive about the future: “While we face very tough times, I am optimistic about the future of our European textile industry. The rest of the world is watching us, as we move forward with our strategy. We should become their benchmark and Europe should become a global leader in sustainable textiles.”





EURATEX and ATP: 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto

On 13-14 October, EURATEX in partnership with ATP is organising the 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto, Portugal; the convention marks also the 24th Textile Industry Forum for Portugal.

The Porto Convention – titled Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – will look at how companies can anticipate the new European regulatory framework, embrace innovation, and develop a business model where sustainability becomes a source of competitiveness and growth. In the current economic, social and political environment, Europe is facing many challenges: increased energy prices, unforeseen inflation and climate change, which add to the day-to-day challenges of running a business. Embracing the European Union’s commitment to a green and digital transformation, the textile industry needs to also move towards a new circular economy where recycling is at the core of the design process supported by digitalisation, innovation and new skills, and creativity. The conference will address explore solutions to turn quality and sustainability into a source of competitiveness.

On 13-14 October, EURATEX in partnership with ATP is organising the 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto, Portugal; the convention marks also the 24th Textile Industry Forum for Portugal.

The Porto Convention – titled Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – will look at how companies can anticipate the new European regulatory framework, embrace innovation, and develop a business model where sustainability becomes a source of competitiveness and growth. In the current economic, social and political environment, Europe is facing many challenges: increased energy prices, unforeseen inflation and climate change, which add to the day-to-day challenges of running a business. Embracing the European Union’s commitment to a green and digital transformation, the textile industry needs to also move towards a new circular economy where recycling is at the core of the design process supported by digitalisation, innovation and new skills, and creativity. The conference will address explore solutions to turn quality and sustainability into a source of competitiveness.

The Porto Convention will see representatives of national and European institutions, experts from the industry and like-minded entrepreneurs come together to discuss ideas, share experiences and find solutions to face common challenges.



Susan Gabler und Johannes Leis vom STFI bei Untersuchungen zum Recycling smarter Textilien. Foto: Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)
Susan Gabler und Johannes Leis vom STFI bei Untersuchungen zum Recycling smarter Textilien.

SmartERZ-Projekt zum Recycling von Smart Composites

Im Automobilbau, dem Schiffsbau und der Luftfahrtindustrie sowie bei Windenergieanlagen steigen die Materialanforderungen zusehends. Die verwendeten Werkstoffe sollen leicht, ressourcenschonend und gleichzeitig hochbelastbar sein. Faserverstärkte Kunststoffe (Composites) rücken immer mehr in den Vordergrund, da deren Eigenschaften in Kombination mit Glas- oder Carbonfasern metallischen Materialien oftmals überlegen sind. Mit Fokus auf die klimaneutrale Herstellung und Nutzung von Produkten wächst auch der Bedarf an Recyclinglösungen. Im SmartERZ-Projekt TRICYCLE arbeiten Unternehmen gemeinsam an geeigneten skalierbaren und wirtschaftlich tragfähigen Prozessen zum Recycling von Smart Composites. Momentan gibt es dafür keine Anbieter oder Konzepte am Markt.

Im Automobilbau, dem Schiffsbau und der Luftfahrtindustrie sowie bei Windenergieanlagen steigen die Materialanforderungen zusehends. Die verwendeten Werkstoffe sollen leicht, ressourcenschonend und gleichzeitig hochbelastbar sein. Faserverstärkte Kunststoffe (Composites) rücken immer mehr in den Vordergrund, da deren Eigenschaften in Kombination mit Glas- oder Carbonfasern metallischen Materialien oftmals überlegen sind. Mit Fokus auf die klimaneutrale Herstellung und Nutzung von Produkten wächst auch der Bedarf an Recyclinglösungen. Im SmartERZ-Projekt TRICYCLE arbeiten Unternehmen gemeinsam an geeigneten skalierbaren und wirtschaftlich tragfähigen Prozessen zum Recycling von Smart Composites. Momentan gibt es dafür keine Anbieter oder Konzepte am Markt.

Smart Composites bestehen aus Werkstoffen, deren Funktionalisierung durch die Integration oder Applikation elektrisch leitfähiger Komponenten, z. B. Sensoren oder Mikroprozessoren, erreicht wird. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel smarte Textilien, die elektronisch wärmen, Lichtsignale geben oder zur Datenübertragung genutzt werden können. Das breite Anwendungsspektrum und die vielseitigen Einsatzgebiete dieser intelligenten Verbundwerkstoffe und Multimaterialverbunde werden perspektivisch zu einem wachsenden Bedarf und einer stärkeren Nachfrage führen.

Die funktionale und vielschichtige Verbindung verschiedener Materialien wie Kunststoff, Metall und Textil wirft beim Thema Recycling Nachhaltigkeitsfragen auf. Im Erzgebirge werden dafür bereits heute Lösungen entwickelt. Im Rahmen des WIR!-Projektes SmartERZ ist das Verbundprojekt TRICYCLE entstanden. Mit dem Fokus auf den Strukturwandel im Erzgebirge haben sich acht ortsansässige Partner aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zusammengetan, um ein Recyclingkonzept aufzustellen und die Grobplanung für ein erzgebirgisches Recycling Center zu entwickeln. Das Ende des Produktlebenszyklus und die Nachnutzung bzw. Wiederaufbereitung stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt des Entwicklungsprozesses. Im Ergebnis sollen effektive und maßgeschneiderte Maßnahmen für eine möglichst hochwertige Wiederverwendung entstehen. Diese sollen dem steigenden Aufkommen an Abfällen aus diesem wachsenden Bereich der deutschen Industrie begegnen und anwendungsbereit sein.

Klassische Herausforderungen für die Projektbeteiligten sind die irreversiblen Verbindungstechniken (z. B. Kleben, Faser-Matrix-Haftung), die Integration vieler verschiedener Materialien in geringen Mengen sowie Form und Größe der Bauteile. Eigene Untersuchungen sowie Feedback von Partnerunternehmen bestätigen die Notwendigkeit sowie den Nutzen eines passgenauen Recyclingprozesses für Smart Composites und intelligente Multimaterialverbünde. Das Projekt soll dazu beitragen, den Wirtschaftsstandort Erzgebirge attraktiver und zukunftsfähiger zu gestalten.

Am 1. September 2021 gestartet, kann TRICYCLE erste Ergebnisse vorweisen. Zunächst wurden die Bedarfe bei mittelständischen Unternehmen in der Region Erzgebirge abgefragt, um die aktuellen Gegebenheiten und den Status quo in Bezug auf technologische Recyclingkonzepte bestmöglich abzubilden. Für ein fundiertes Recyclingkonzept hat das TRICYCLE-Team drei Referenzbauteile für den vorgesehenen Prozess ermittelt, die in der erzgebirgischen Wirtschaft Verwendung finden, und folgenden Bereichen zugeordnet: Automotive, Technische Textilien mit applizierter Zusatzfunktion und Technische Textilien mit integrierter Zusatzfunktion.

Basierend auf dieser Auswahl, analysiert das Projektteam momentan die Herstellungs- und bisherigen Recyclingprozesse der Referenzbauteile. Das beinhaltet auch die Planung praktischer Versuche zum Recycling. Dabei fokussieren sich die Projektpartner auf ihr Know-how in verschiedenen chemischen, thermischen und mechanischen Prozessen zur Separierung, Rückführung und Wiederverwendung der eingesetzten Materialien. Um die Produkte den Recyclingtechnologien zugänglich zu machen, wurde die Herangehensweise innerhalb des Projekts angepasst, da insbesondere Textil aufgrund von Form und Struktur (z. B. endlose Struktur) herausfordernd sein kann.

Obwohl die Materialien selbst recycelbar sind, müssen diese dennoch für den Prozess optimal vorbereitet bzw. fachgerecht aufbereitet werden. Die Expertise und die Technologiekompetenz, die hierfür benötigt werden, ist bei den beteiligten Projektpartnern durch jahrzehntelange Erfahrung und zahlreiche Innovationen vorhanden. Das Zusammenspiel aller Beteiligten im Projekt TRICYCLE stellt bereits jetzt die Weichen für das geplante Recycling Center, um dieses später zum Drehkreuz zwischen regionalen Produktionsunternehmen und dem Recycling weiterzuentwickeln. Dieses soll als „Open Factory“ aufgebaut werden, um den Unternehmen des SmartERZ-Bündnisses bzw. perspektivisch der Region Erzgebirge eine gemeinsame Nutzung zu ermöglichen.

„Die Wiederverwendung der eingesetzten Ressourcen ist sowohl aus ökonomischer als auch aus ökologischer Sicht zwingend geboten. Momentan gibt es weder Anlagenbauer noch Dienstleistungsanbieter mit den entsprechenden Kompetenzen zum Recycling von Smart Composites oder Multimaterialverbünden am Markt,“ stellt Johannes Leis, der Verbundkoordinator vom Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) in Chemnitz fest.Unter Leitung des STFI als Verbundkoordinator mit seiner über 30-jährigen Erfahrung in der Textilbranche und speziellem Know-how im Recycling von Carbonabfällen haben sich weitere Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen zusammengefunden. Dazu zählen das Textilunternehmen Curt Bauer GmbH, die Professur Fabrikplanung und Fabrikbetrieb der TU Chemnitz, das Ingenieurbüro Matthias Weißflog, der Hersteller für Faserverbundbauteile Cotesa GmbH, der Spezialvlieshersteller Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH, das Recyclingunternehmen Becker Umweltdienste GmbH und die Hörmann Rawema Engineering & Consulting GmbH. Am Ende der Projektlaufzeit sollen ein einsatzfähiges, technologisches Recyclingkonzept für die zukünftigen entstehenden smarten Produkte sowie die in der Produktion entstehenden Abfälle (bspw. durch fehlerhafte Bauteile und Randbeschnitte) und ein Konzept für den Aufbau eines Recycling Centers vorliegen, das im Erzgebirge entstehen soll.

(c) INDA

INDA Announces the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award Finalists

  • Innovations in Recycling and Sustainability: Sustainable Diaper Components, Natural Fibers, and Kitty Litter from Recycled Nappies

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists that will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 12th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference (RISE®) to be held in person September 27-28, 2022 at North Carolina State University.  The award recognizes novel innovations within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics.

  • Innovations in Recycling and Sustainability: Sustainable Diaper Components, Natural Fibers, and Kitty Litter from Recycled Nappies

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists that will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 12th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference (RISE®) to be held in person September 27-28, 2022 at North Carolina State University.  The award recognizes novel innovations within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics.

Finalists for the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award:
Cat Litter Made from Recycled Nappies – DiaperRecycle
DiaperRecycle has developed technology to recycle used diapers into cat litter. The aim of the company is to make an environmental impact and decrease the climate changing emissions of diaper waste. They’re diverting used diapers (used in households and businesses such as elder care) from landfill, separating the plastic and fiber and making cat litter. The plastic is prepared for recycling by plastics recyclers. The cat litter product is made by DiaperRecycle from the super absorbent fiber of diapers; it’s highly absorbent and flushable.

Biodegradable Diaper Components – Gottlieb Binder GmbH & Co. KG
Together, Avgol and Binder take on the challenge of disposable absorbent articles for the good of future generations and came up with sustainable diaper components. The technologies used are based on biotransformation technology, which makes it possible to achieve more sustainable products by supporting recycling and providing an alternative route for non-recyclable/fugitive waste management.

sero® hemp fibers – Bast Fibre Technologies, Inc.
Bast Fibre Technologies’ sero® hemp fibers offer the nonwoven industry an all-natural substitute for plastic fibers. From dedicated European- and US-based production facilities, BFT transforms raw bast fibers into premium natural fibers for applications ranging from single-use and durable wipes to industrial applications. Suitable for minority or majority blends, sero® hemp combines easily with standard nonwoven fibers to produce fabrics that meet the industry requirements for strength, uniformity, and processing efficiency.

RISE® conference attendees, technology scouts and product developers in the nonwoven/engineered fabrics industry seeking new developments to advance their businesses, will electronically vote for the recipient of the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award. The winner will be announced Wed., Sept. 28th.

Technical experts on INDA’s Technical Advisory Board selected three finalists from among 12 nominations.  The 22-member board of technical professionals is represented by companies such as Absorbent Hygiene Insights LLC, Attindas Hygiene Partners, Berry Global, Cotton Incorporated, Crown Abbey, LLC, The DAK Group, Fi-Tech, Inc. Freudenberg Performance Materials, Glatfelter Sontara Old Hickory, Inc., Lenzing Fibers, Inc., Natureworks LLC, Nice-Pak Products, Inc./PDI, Nonwovens by Design, Norafin (Americas) Inc., The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University, Poccia Consulting, LLC, The Procter & Gamble Company, RKW North America, Inc., Rockline Industries, Smith, Johnson & Associates, Suominen Corporation, and Texas Tech University.

“The RISE Conference recognizes and promotes innovation across the nonwoven and engineered material industry. Technology leaders will share invaluable information on innovative new approaches and concepts to resolve material science challenges. For any technical leader, technology scout or new product innovator, RISE is an event not to be missed,” said Tony Fragnito, INDA’s President.

The conference program will cover relevant and timely topics including: Creating a Circular Industry, Advancements in Sustainable Inputs in PLA, Developments in Natural Fibers I and II, Sustainable Inputs in Fibers and Biofibers, Sustainable Inputs from Waste Products, and Economic Insights and Market Intelligence.

More information:



Sustainable Developments in Absorbent Hygiene & Personal Care at Hygienix™

  • INDA Announces Full Program and Opens Registration for Premier Event in New Orleans

With reusable and recyclable products and new inputs offering growth opportunities in absorbent hygiene and personal care products, Hygienix™ will provide an insightful view into the market’s future this November in New Orleans.

Industry participants from around the world and throughout the supply chain will convene and connect for the eighth edition of the premier event for the fast-growing segment on November 14-17, at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel.

The in-person conference will highlight the segment’s continued growth and new opportunities with presentations by more than 20 industry experts on sustainable inputs, natural fibers, product transparency, reusable menstrual products, recyclable diapers and more as well as the latest market forecasts and insights into consumer buying trends.

  • INDA Announces Full Program and Opens Registration for Premier Event in New Orleans

With reusable and recyclable products and new inputs offering growth opportunities in absorbent hygiene and personal care products, Hygienix™ will provide an insightful view into the market’s future this November in New Orleans.

Industry participants from around the world and throughout the supply chain will convene and connect for the eighth edition of the premier event for the fast-growing segment on November 14-17, at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel.

The in-person conference will highlight the segment’s continued growth and new opportunities with presentations by more than 20 industry experts on sustainable inputs, natural fibers, product transparency, reusable menstrual products, recyclable diapers and more as well as the latest market forecasts and insights into consumer buying trends.

Hygienix also will offer two specialized workshops, and a myriad of business connection opportunities including a welcome reception on Nov. 14 and a first-time attendee mentorship program.
Participants will discover innovative products in absorbent hygiene and personal care at tabletop exhibits with evening receptions on Nov. 15-16, providing opportunities for 60 companies to showcase their unique offerings.

Three finalists will each present their innovative and technically sophisticated disposable absorbent hygiene products as they vie for the prestigious Hygienix Innovation Award™. Nominations are open until August 29. Demonstrating the interest in sustainability, last year’s award recipient was Kudos Diaper Subscription featuring its 100% cotton disposable diaper.

Hygienix Highlights
Absorbent hygiene – the single largest nonwoven end‐use category (by square meters) – is expected to continue its strong growth over the next four years, creating market opportunities in this thriving area driven by growing consumer interest for environmentally-friendly options in material inputs and end-of-life options.

Participants will hear the latest data and forecasts from analysts during presentations by Robert Fry, Jr., Ph.D., Principal of Robert Fry Economics LLC on the Global Economy – What we Can Expect in 2023; Pricie Hanna, Managing Partner, and Colin Hanna, Director of Market Research, Price Hanna Consultants on Disposables versus Reusables; and Simon Preisler, Vice President of Logistics, Central National Gottesman delivering a Logistic Market Update.

A panel of entrepreneurs will discuss the challenges, biases and taboos to bringing innovations into the marketplace. Experts sharing their insights will be Mia Abbruzzese and Alexandra Fennell, co-founders of Grace; Amrita Saigal, founder and CEO, Kudos; and Cindy Santa Cruz, President of ParaPatch.

A session on Next-Generation Menstrual Products and their Users will feature Liying Qian, Research Analyst, Euromonitor International providing market data on disposable and reusable period products; Frantisek Riha-Scott, Founder, Confitex discussing reusable products; and Greta Meyer, Co-Founder and CEO, Sequel on Reengineering the Tampon.
Also focusing on period products will be a presentation by Danielle Keiser, Managing Director, Impact, Madami on Changing the Conversation with Consumersmoderated by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC.

Other intriguing not-to-be-missed presentations centered on sustainability trends include:

  • Assessing Sustainable Fiber Options in the Context of Disposable Hygienic Products – Richard Knowlson, Principal, RPK Consulting LLC
  • Five Generations of Hygiene + Sustainability – Matt Schiering, Professor of Marketing, Dominican University
  • Recycling Approaches for Disposable Diaper Waste – Jeannine Cardin, Quality and R&D, RecycPHP Inc.

Hygienix will provide additional focused learning opportunities with two essential short courses (with separation registration fees) on Nov. 14 focused on Absorption Systems for Absorbent Hygiene Products, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. and Global Diaper Trends from 3:45 to 6 p.m.

More information:
Hygienix INDA



EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative: Fiber-to-fiber recycling

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative plans to pursue fiber-to-fiber recycling for 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030
According ReHubs Techno Economic Master Study (TES), the textile recycling industry could generate in Europe around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030, and increase need for nearshoring and reshoring of textile manufacturing.

The textile recycling industry in Europe could reach economic, social and environmental benefits for €3.5 billion to €4.5 billion by 2030
“Transform Waste into Feedstock” announced as first project supported by the ReHubs, and aiming at building up a first 50,000 tons capacity facility by 2024.

Europe has a 7-7.5 million tons textile waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today.  

Based on the ambitious European Waste law, all EU Member States must separately collect the textile waste in 2 years and half. While some countries are designing schemes to face the waste collection challenge, currently no large-scale plan exist to process the waste.

The largest source of textile waste (85%) comes from private households and approximately 99% of the textile waste was made using virgin fibers.

Euratex  assesses that to reach a fiber-to-fiber recycling rate of around 18 to 26 percent by 2030, a capital expenditure investment in the range of 6 billion € to 7 billion € will be needed, particularly to scale up sufficient sorting and processing infrastructure. The economic, social, and environmental value which could be realized, potentially total an annual impact of €3.5-4.5 billion by 2030.

Once matured and scaled, the textile recycling industry could become a profitable industry with a total market size of 6-8 billion € and around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030.

Next steps of the ReHubs initiative

  • A European textile recycling roadmap proposing Objectives and Key Results to recycle fiber-to-fiber 2.5 million of textile waste by 2030
  • A leading collaboration hub with large players and SMEs from across an extended European textile recycling value chain
  • A first concrete portfolio of 4 launching projects:
    - Transform textile waste into feedstock
    - Increase the adoption of mechanically recycled fibers in the value chain
    - Expand capacity by solving technical challenges for thermo-mechanical textiles recycling
    - Create capsule collection with post-consumer recycled products

The 1st project addresses current sorting technologies which have limits to identify materials with sufficient accuracy for the subsequent circular recycling processes. The “Transform Waste into Feedstock” project will focus on further developing and scaling such sorting technologies. The project group led by Texaid AG aims on building up a first 50,000 tons facility by the end 2024.




EPTA World Pultrusion Conference 2022 explores composites sustainability

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

Composites based on natural fibres offer a number of benefits, including low density and high specific strength, vibration damping, and heat insulation. The German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing pultrusion processes using bio-based resins and natural fibres. Projects include the BioMat Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart, a lightweight structure which combines ‘bamboo-like’ natural fibre-based pultruded profiles with a tensile membrane.

Applications for recycled carbon fibre (rCF):
The use of rCF in composite components has the potential to reduce their cost and carbon footprint. However, it is currently used to a limited extent since manufacturers are uncertain about the technical performance of available rCF products, how to process them, and the actual benefits achievable. Fraunhofer IGCV is partnering with the Institute for Textile Technology (ITA) in the MAI ÖkoCaP project to investigate the technical, ecological and economic benefits of using rCF in different industrial applications. The results will be made available in a web-based app.

Circularity and recycling:
The European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA) is drafting a circularity roadmap for the composites industry. It has collaborated with the European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU) on a position paper for the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) which outlines the benefits of co-processing end-of-life composites in cement manufacturing, a recycling solution that is compliant with the EU’s Waste Framework Directive and in commercial operation in Germany. Initial studies have indicated that co-processing with composites has the potential to reduce the global warming impact of cement manufacture by up to 16%. Technologies to allow recovery of fibre and/or resin from composites are in development but a better understanding of the life cycle assessment (LCA) impact of these processes is essential. EuCIA’s ‘circularity waterfall,’ a proposed priority system for composites circularity, highlights the continued need for co-processing.

Sustainability along the value chain:
Sustainability is essential for the long-term viability of businesses. Resin manufacturer AOC’s actions to improve sustainability include programmes to reduce energy, waste and greenhouse gas emissions from operations, the development of ‘greener’ and low VOC emission resins, ensuring compliance with chemicals legislation such as REACH, and involvement in EuCIA’s waste management initiatives. Its sustainable resins portfolio includes styrene-free and low-styrene formulations and products manufactured using bio-based raw materials and recycled PET.


European Pultrusion Technology Association EPTA