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Hohenstein: Artificial intelligence for workwear (c) Sizekick

Hohenstein: Artificial intelligence for workwear

An innovative web application now enables independent, flexible, and digital fitting when selecting workwear. By using Sizekick's AI-based technology, which the start-up developed together with Hohenstein, the textile service provider Elis is offering its customers personalised size recommendations based on individual body measurements for the first time.

The web application implemented by Sizekick in collaboration with Elis uses a two-stage process to determine the right size for the web shop’s customers: First, realistic body shapes are suggested and selected using the BodyFinder. Then, sizing is completed with the BodyScanner, a video-based body scan using a smartphone camera. The data is transmitted anonymously, so only the correct clothing size is sent to Elis, and the entire user-friendly sizing process only takes a few minutes.

An innovative web application now enables independent, flexible, and digital fitting when selecting workwear. By using Sizekick's AI-based technology, which the start-up developed together with Hohenstein, the textile service provider Elis is offering its customers personalised size recommendations based on individual body measurements for the first time.

The web application implemented by Sizekick in collaboration with Elis uses a two-stage process to determine the right size for the web shop’s customers: First, realistic body shapes are suggested and selected using the BodyFinder. Then, sizing is completed with the BodyScanner, a video-based body scan using a smartphone camera. The data is transmitted anonymously, so only the correct clothing size is sent to Elis, and the entire user-friendly sizing process only takes a few minutes.




Hohenstein: Neuer Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development“

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Das Schulungsprogramm umfasst 85 Stunden, verteilt auf 20 Einheiten. Davon finden zwei Tage in Präsenz in der Hohenstein Academy am Stammsitz Bönnigheim statt. Die übrigen Lehrinhalte werden in 18 Online-Workshops jeweils donnerstags und freitags vermittelt. Start des Lehrgangs ist am 12./13. September 2024. Voraussetzung, um daran teilzunehmen, sind der Zugang zu CLO, Style3D oder VStitcher sowie Erfahrung mit mindestens einem dieser 3D Simulations-Programme.

Der Zertifikatslehrgang kostet 4.750,- Euro. Bei Anmeldung bis zum 31.05. bietet Hohenstein aktuell einen Frühbucher-Rabatt in Höhe von 15 % (4040,00 € Gesamtkosten) an.

Hohenstein Sport-BH © Hohenstein
Je nach Sportart ist ein unterschiedlich hohes Supportlevel notwendig. Eine Handballspielerin braucht beispielsweise einen hohen Support.

Hohenstein: Neue objektive Sport-BH Prüfung

Ein neues Hohenstein Prüfverfahren misst auf wissenschaftlicher Basis das Support-Level von Sport-BHs, was bisher nur subjektiv möglich war. Die neue von den Hohenstein Passform-Expertinnen entwickelte Methode liefert reproduzierbare, unabhängige Ergebnisse, ohne menschlichen Einfluss. Die neutralen Daten helfen BH-Herstellern und Marken künftig, ihre Produkte zu verbessern und belegbare Aussagen zu kommunizieren.

Das neue BH-Prüfverfahren klassifiziert den Grad der Unterstützung, den ein Sport-BH bietet (hoch, mittel und niedrig). Außerdem wird der BH mit anderen Produkten auf dem Markt verglichen. Die Klassifizierungs- und Benchmarking-Daten helfen bei der Produktentwicklung, dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Überprüfung von Marketingaussagen. Unternehmen können die Ergebnisse auch für ein glaubwürdiges Point-of-Sale-Marketing gegenüber den Endverbrauchern einsetzen.

Ein neues Hohenstein Prüfverfahren misst auf wissenschaftlicher Basis das Support-Level von Sport-BHs, was bisher nur subjektiv möglich war. Die neue von den Hohenstein Passform-Expertinnen entwickelte Methode liefert reproduzierbare, unabhängige Ergebnisse, ohne menschlichen Einfluss. Die neutralen Daten helfen BH-Herstellern und Marken künftig, ihre Produkte zu verbessern und belegbare Aussagen zu kommunizieren.

Das neue BH-Prüfverfahren klassifiziert den Grad der Unterstützung, den ein Sport-BH bietet (hoch, mittel und niedrig). Außerdem wird der BH mit anderen Produkten auf dem Markt verglichen. Die Klassifizierungs- und Benchmarking-Daten helfen bei der Produktentwicklung, dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Überprüfung von Marketingaussagen. Unternehmen können die Ergebnisse auch für ein glaubwürdiges Point-of-Sale-Marketing gegenüber den Endverbrauchern einsetzen.

Ein speziell entwickelter 3D-Torso ermöglicht das Testen verschiedener Cups und Größen. Die Brust wird mit geeigneten Materialien nachgebildet und ist individuell formbar. Während der Prüfung wird die Bewegung der Brust in allen drei Bewegungsrichtungen (oben/unten, rechts/links, vorwärts/rückwärts) simuliert und analysiert.

„Unsere Bekleidungsingenieure befassen sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Markt und der Verbesserung der Passform. Das Wissen um die Zielgruppe – Verwendungszweck und Körbchengröße – ist einer der wichtigsten Faktoren", sagt Simone Morlock, Leiterin der Hohenstein Bekleidungstechnik. „Yoga und Reiten erfordern einen sehr unterschiedlichen Grad an Support". In Zusammenarbeit mit einer Marke geht das Hohenstein Team die Anforderungen durch und arbeitet daran, das Produkt für die jeweilige Zielgruppe zu optimieren.

Der Fokus liegt zwar auf Sport-BHs, die Prüfung ist aber nicht auf diesen Anwendungsbereich beschränkt. Sie funktioniert nur in Kombination mit einer Passformprüfung, für die auf einen großen Pool an menschlichen Fitting Models zurückgegriffen wird. Durch ein optimiertes Schnittmuster lässt sich die Bewegung der Brust reduzieren.




Hohenstein future part of the AI hotspot IPAI

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn ( sees itself as an innovation platform for applied AI and a German lighthouse project with international appeal. The center is intended to map the entire AI value chain, from the qualification of specialists to the application of ethically responsible AI. The aim is to use the AI ecosystem to bring together companies, start-ups, research institutions, scientists, and public institutions and to secure Germany's digital independence and competitiveness in a key future technology.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Sizekick

Hohenstein and Sizekick: AI for size recommendations

The Munich-based startup Sizekick launches a new technology and attracts well-known brands and retailers to reduce size-related returns in e-commerce. With the apparel technology know-how of the strategic partner and investor Hohenstein and the AI-based technology of Sizekick, more sustainable shopping in e-commerce with less CO2 emissions will be made possible. The technology company is now celebrating a successful market entry: The newly developed sizing AI is now available for fashion e-commerce stores and is pleased about the first successfully acquired customers. The first customers to join the company include the Swiss multi-brand store for sustainable fashion, Rrrevolve, the premium outdoor brand Black Diamond from the USA, and Marc Cain, a global brand with German roots in the premium sector.

The Munich-based startup Sizekick launches a new technology and attracts well-known brands and retailers to reduce size-related returns in e-commerce. With the apparel technology know-how of the strategic partner and investor Hohenstein and the AI-based technology of Sizekick, more sustainable shopping in e-commerce with less CO2 emissions will be made possible. The technology company is now celebrating a successful market entry: The newly developed sizing AI is now available for fashion e-commerce stores and is pleased about the first successfully acquired customers. The first customers to join the company include the Swiss multi-brand store for sustainable fashion, Rrrevolve, the premium outdoor brand Black Diamond from the USA, and Marc Cain, a global brand with German roots in the premium sector.

The solution promises to add value for both brands and consumers when shopping online by taking individual body measurements into account when recommending the right clothing size. The AI-based technology always offers two options to help arrive at the appropriate size recommendation. With BodyFinder, the AI suggests realistic body shapes to choose from. Alternatively, the video-based BodyScanner option enables a body scan via the smartphone's video function. All it takes to do this is to turn around in front of the phone's camera. Fashion brands and fashion retailers now have easy access to the new technology, as integration in the e-commerce store takes just a few minutes.

Hohenstein's expertise helped the Sizekick team to link accurate body measurements with the right product properties. Hohenstein is considered a leader in the field of size & fit and has been advising companies in the textile industry for over 75 years. The Sizekick fit analysis not only supports the brands' product teams, but is also used as direct input for Sizekick AI.



(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg launches biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlining range

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Energy-saving interlining
The new biodegradable shirt interlinings also show great potential for energy saving, as the fusing can be performed at a low temperature. Concretely, this means that the resulting temperature between the upper fabric and the shirt interlining during fusing is only 127°C which is significantly lower than the commonly used temperature of 143°C. Certified to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class II for successfully testing for no harmful substances, the shirt interlinings are washable at up to 40°C and resistant to dry cleaning. In addition, it has also passed all ecological-toxicological tests and is a perfect end-of-life cycle solution.

Product details and availability
The products in range 46xx are available in Europe in the color white and the following weight classes: 4605 (90g/m2), 4616 (150g/m2) and 4618 (55g/m2). The adhesive of the interlinings consists of a 100% degradable bio-polymer. The shirt interlinings are ideal for reinforcing shirt and blouse collars, cuffs and plackets used in fashion, leisure and business clothing. The biodegradable, non-toxic interlinings are particularly important for labels with an ecologically sustainable claim.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein zertifiziert Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln

Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.


Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.




(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein: First 3D measurement study to improve garment sizing for children

Garment fitting pioneer Hohenstein has conducted the first ever measurement series on babies and toddlers. The data will aid the pattern development and fit assessment that is particularly challenging for children's clothing. The new database will help brands and manufacturers design their children's clothing in an accurate, efficient and more sustainable way using fit testing and pattern optimisation.

Hohenstein has been taking body measurements for all target groups since 1957. Based on regular serial measurements taken with 3D body scans over 20 years, data is continuously updated. With the measurement of toddlers and babies, Hohenstein is now closing a large gap in the German market for the first time. 5626 girls and boys in sizes 56 to 182 were measured. This means that 3D scans of infants are available for the first time. The 3D body data form an indispensable basis for customer-specific measurement tables, child-friendly patterns and gradings, optimal fits as well as 3D children's avatars for the simulation of clothing.

Garment fitting pioneer Hohenstein has conducted the first ever measurement series on babies and toddlers. The data will aid the pattern development and fit assessment that is particularly challenging for children's clothing. The new database will help brands and manufacturers design their children's clothing in an accurate, efficient and more sustainable way using fit testing and pattern optimisation.

Hohenstein has been taking body measurements for all target groups since 1957. Based on regular serial measurements taken with 3D body scans over 20 years, data is continuously updated. With the measurement of toddlers and babies, Hohenstein is now closing a large gap in the German market for the first time. 5626 girls and boys in sizes 56 to 182 were measured. This means that 3D scans of infants are available for the first time. The 3D body data form an indispensable basis for customer-specific measurement tables, child-friendly patterns and gradings, optimal fits as well as 3D children's avatars for the simulation of clothing.

Hohenstein offers a wide range of tests for safe children's clothing from a single source. In addition to fit and pattern, Hohenstein carries out risk assessments and safety tests for children's clothing (e.g. cords according to DIN EN 13682), UV protection according to different standards, tests for harmful substances according to OEKO-TEX®, among others. Toy testing is also part of the portfolio.



(c) Hohenstein

OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON - New label for organic cotton

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

The certificate can be used for ready-made articles (e.g. T-shirt, bedspread, etc.) as well as for textile intermediate products (e.g. intermediate products such as raw fibers, yarns, etc.). Mixtures of organic and conventional cultivation are not permitted.




Hohenstein invests 1.3 million Euro in Sizekick

Aim: Reducing returns and thus increasing sustainability in fashion e-commerce

Hohenstein, a global market leader in apparel sizing and fit development, has invested in AI technology startup, Sizekick. The collaboration will enable accurate decisions on apparel size, improving online shopping experiences, reducing returns and preventing the associated CO2 emissions.

Hohenstein’s 1.3 million Euro investment in the 2022 startup will drive growth in the Sizekick team and enable the 2023 launch of its smartphone app for online shoppers.  The technology will enable online shoppers to find the right clothing size in a few seconds via smartphone.

Aim: Reducing returns and thus increasing sustainability in fashion e-commerce

Hohenstein, a global market leader in apparel sizing and fit development, has invested in AI technology startup, Sizekick. The collaboration will enable accurate decisions on apparel size, improving online shopping experiences, reducing returns and preventing the associated CO2 emissions.

Hohenstein’s 1.3 million Euro investment in the 2022 startup will drive growth in the Sizekick team and enable the 2023 launch of its smartphone app for online shoppers.  The technology will enable online shoppers to find the right clothing size in a few seconds via smartphone.

Sizekick puts an end to unnecessary size-related returns in fashion online retail. The Munich-based company uses artificial intelligence and computer vision technology to recommend the right clothing size to customers in partner web stores. With the help of the integrated Sizekick software and a smartphone, anyone can find the right size in a few seconds. Fashion and sports brands, but also multi-brand stores or marketplaces can integrate the "Sizekick Button" in their online store. Sizekick offers its solution as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

"The strategic partnership with Hohenstein enables us, as a new AI solution, to meet the high demands of the market right at the start and to take on the role of technology leader. Our artificial intelligence is already learning thanks to the comprehensive Hohenstein database of 3D body scans. This is an extremely big advantage for our AI," highlights Jake Lydon, CTO at Sizekick.



Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line (c) ROICA
Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™

  • Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals.

  • Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals.

In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.SENSIL® BioCare is the premium, sustainable nylon 6.6 fiber enriched with a special technology that helps reduce the persistence of textile waste in the ocean and landfills by acting during and after the product's life cycle. Therefore, if the microplastics in SENSIL® BioCare garments are released during washing, they will decompose much faster than conventional Nylon 6.6 fibers, reducing textile waste.

ROICA™ V550, part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, is the premium, sustainable stretch yarn that degrades without releasing harmful substances into the environment, according to the Hohenstein's environmental certification. ROICA™ V550 also carries the Gold Level Material Health certificate from the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, which evaluated the yarn's impact on human and environmental health.

The strong relationship established between Innova Fabrics and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a long-standing one: from the very beginning, the textile company chose ROICA™ as its main reference for premium stretch, using ROICA Colour Perfect™ in most of its articles. Having experienced the innovation of the ROICA™ line dedicated to high-quality color, Innova decided to opt for the ROICA Eco-Smart™ line as part of the extension of its environmentally conscious line.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

 Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line (c) Innova Fabrics
Innova Fabrics Residual Free Line

Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA

  • ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals. In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.

  • ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals. In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.

SENSIL® BioCare is the premium, sustainable nylon 6.6 fiber enriched with a special technology that helps reduce the persistence of textile waste in the ocean and landfills by acting during and after the product's life cycle. Therefore, if the microplastics in SENSIL® BioCare garments are released during washing, they will decompose much faster than conventional Nylon 6.6 fibers, reducing textile waste. ROICA™ V550, part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, is the premium, sustainable stretch yarn that degrades without releasing harmful substances into the environment, according to the Hohenstein's environmental certification. ROICA™ V550 also carries the Gold Level Material Health certificate from the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, which evaluated the yarn's impact on human and environmental health. The strong relationship established between Innova Fabrics and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a long-standing one: from the very beginning, the textile company chose ROICA™ as its main reference for premium stretch, using ROICA Colour Perfect™ in most of its articles. Having experienced the innovation of the ROICA™ line dedicated to high-quality color, Innova decided to opt for the ROICA Eco-Smart™ line as part of the extension of its environmentally conscious line.

Thanks to the constant synergy with its premium partner in innovative and responsible stretch, Innova continues its path towards a textile and fashion industry that respects the planet, without forgetting profit. And this is just the beginning. Innova Fabrics pieces containing SENSIL® BioCare and ROICA™ V550




Sarah Borghi's Green Collection is back with a range of sustainable tights and stockings

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

The collection presents a range of versatile, colorful products combined with extra-luxury comfort and designed for every type of woman: from seductive tights to everyday socks, together with knee- highs, up to athleisure with leggings.
The collection features two new generation materials. One is Amni Soul Eco®, a biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing of in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed by FULGAR. The other is ROICA™ V550 by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health. Moreover, it smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification. Key elements that makes ROICA™ V550 a precious choice when it comes to Circular Economy material approach.

*Reference System: ASTM D5511 - Standard Test Method for the Determination of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastics Under High-solids Anaerobic Digestion Conditions
** The Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, a non -profit organization, administer the Cradle-to-Cradle Certified™ Product Standard. It was created to bring about a new industrial revolution that turns the making of things into a positive force of society, economy and the planet. The Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Product Standard™ provides designers and manufacturers with criteria and requirements for continually improving what products are made of and how they are made aiming to achieve a circular economy approach.


ROICA™ / Sarah Borghi / GB Network

(c) Presize

Hohenstein and Presize partner for more sustainability for online shopping

Hohenstein, a leading specialist in fit and pattern engineering, has joined forces with digital size pioneer, Presize. The partnership now offers a variety of business services, including reliable size tables and digital scaling, that empower online retailers to automatically recommend appropriate garment sizes.

Merging traditional size tables, reliable garment fits and digital body measurements with smartphone technology reduces the number of returned online purchases. Proper fit also reduces waste, lowers footprint and bolsters customer loyalty.

“The better a brand understands sizes, fits and target groups, the more accurately they can automate size recommendations. We help brands meet the different requirements of various sizes, so the fit is comfortable across customer ranges, collections and suppliers,” states Simone Morlock, Head of Hohenstein’s Digital Fitting Lab.

Hohenstein, a leading specialist in fit and pattern engineering, has joined forces with digital size pioneer, Presize. The partnership now offers a variety of business services, including reliable size tables and digital scaling, that empower online retailers to automatically recommend appropriate garment sizes.

Merging traditional size tables, reliable garment fits and digital body measurements with smartphone technology reduces the number of returned online purchases. Proper fit also reduces waste, lowers footprint and bolsters customer loyalty.

“The better a brand understands sizes, fits and target groups, the more accurately they can automate size recommendations. We help brands meet the different requirements of various sizes, so the fit is comfortable across customer ranges, collections and suppliers,” states Simone Morlock, Head of Hohenstein’s Digital Fitting Lab.

This size and grading advice is now underpinned by digital measurement services and technology based on artificial intelligence. “All it takes to work out the right size, based on a user’s individual body measurements, are some quick questions regarding their age, height and weight, plus an optional video to take measurements. We use an algorithm that learns as it goes along, and this improves the advice given on sizes with each order or return,” states Presize co-founder and CEO, Leon Szeli.

Join the free webinar on “Hohenstein Meets Presize - How sizing fundamentals and reliable fit can increase the effectiveness of smartphone body measurements and reduce eCommerce returns” on March 24, 2022.*

*Click here for more information.



Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion © Iluna Group
SS 2023 campaign by Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa

SS 2023 campaign by Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa

  • Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion
  • 9-11 November - Palais de Festivals, Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, France, Booth 28-29

Values, strategies, an imprinting for innovation and a well-defined vision and expertise in sustainable fashion. This mix is  the  wide  and  solid  common  denominator  giving  birth  to  the  collaboration  between  Iluna  Group,  leader  in  the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey.

Two mature companies projected towards new formats of proactive collaboration, both established in common industries  - from underwear to beachwear  and  sportswear  -  that  have  chosen  to  create  a  symbiosis  of intents and strategies, each maintaining its own identity and independence.

  • Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion
  • 9-11 November - Palais de Festivals, Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, France, Booth 28-29

Values, strategies, an imprinting for innovation and a well-defined vision and expertise in sustainable fashion. This mix is  the  wide  and  solid  common  denominator  giving  birth  to  the  collaboration  between  Iluna  Group,  leader  in  the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey.

Two mature companies projected towards new formats of proactive collaboration, both established in common industries  - from underwear to beachwear  and  sportswear  -  that  have  chosen  to  create  a  symbiosis  of intents and strategies, each maintaining its own identity and independence.

"We are living in a moment of strong change, from the wave of sustainability  that  is  finally  sweeping  the  fashion  world  to  new  market scenarios. And we are convinced that collaboration is the key to facing these new  challenges.  In  Maglificio  Ripa  we  saw  a  complementary  and  unique partner with whom we can reach customers, suppliers and other partners in a  more  complete  way."  comments  Furio  Annovazzi,  CEO  of  Iluna  Group. "Ours is not a union between companies, but a new model of partnership, a sort of strategic symbiosis aimed at developing together new paths that can make the both of us grow, while offering a more complete proposal to the market." adds Luca Bianco, CEO of Maglificio Ripa.

One of the first examples of this new format is the joint stand at MarediModa, a single space where visitors can discover the latest  collections  of  the  two  companies,  and  imagine  new  designs  and solutions for sustainable fashion.

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa also created the new campaign and photo shoot together, as well as developed a trend scenario that allowed both companies to better embrace the evolving market by sharing information, perspectives and ideas.


Sarah Borghi: New Green Collection with a range of sustainable tights and stockings

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

The evolution of the Green Collection, the sustainable hosiery collection first launched in 2020, confirms the efforts of the brand in promoting a new generation of attractive fashion and design which actively encourages and supports a responsible change in culture and smart products offer.

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

The evolution of the Green Collection, the sustainable hosiery collection first launched in 2020, confirms the efforts of the brand in promoting a new generation of attractive fashion and design which actively encourages and supports a responsible change in culture and smart products offer.

Lately, a decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze, Sarah Borghi’s top-notch producer and first Italian company in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

The collection
The collection presents a range of versatile, colorful products combined with extra-luxury comfort and designed for every type of woman: from seductive tights to everyday socks, together with knee- highs, up to athleisure with leggings.
The responsible collection features two new generation materials. One is Amni Soul Eco®, the world’s first biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing of in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed by FULGAR. The other is ROICA™ V550 by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health. Moreover, it smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification. Key elements that makes ROICA™ V550 a precious choice when it comes to Circular Economy material approach.


Sarah Borghi / GB Network – for ROICA™

With the "SmartTex" shirt, astronauts can wear the necessary sensors comfortably on their bodies. © DLR
SmartTex Shirt

Research for cosmic missions: SmartTex provides data on vital functions

It looks like a normal shirt, but it has it all: The new SmartTex shirt uses integrated sensors to transfer physiological data from astronauts to Earth via a wireless communication network. In this way, the effects of the space environment on the human cardiovascular system will be evaluated and documented, especially with regard to long-term manned space missions. Developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in cooperation with DSI Aerospace Technology, the Medical Faculty of Bielefeld University and textile research partner Hohenstein, SmartTex will be tested for the first time as part of the Wireless Compose-2 (WICO2) project by German ESA astronaut Dr. Matthias Maurer, who will leave for his ‘Cosmic Kiss’ mission on the International Space Station (ISS) for six months on October 30, 2021.

It looks like a normal shirt, but it has it all: The new SmartTex shirt uses integrated sensors to transfer physiological data from astronauts to Earth via a wireless communication network. In this way, the effects of the space environment on the human cardiovascular system will be evaluated and documented, especially with regard to long-term manned space missions. Developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in cooperation with DSI Aerospace Technology, the Medical Faculty of Bielefeld University and textile research partner Hohenstein, SmartTex will be tested for the first time as part of the Wireless Compose-2 (WICO2) project by German ESA astronaut Dr. Matthias Maurer, who will leave for his ‘Cosmic Kiss’ mission on the International Space Station (ISS) for six months on October 30, 2021.

"We were already able to gain valuable insights into the interaction of the body, clothing and climate under microgravity conditions during the previous projects Spacetex (2014) and Spacetex2 (2018)," explains Hohenstein Senior Scientific Expert Dr. Jan Beringer. The insights provided at the time by the mission of ESA astronaut Dr. Alexander Gerst have now been directly incorporated into the development of the new SmartTex shirt at Hohenstein. "Matthias Maurer can wear his tailor-made shirt comfortably on his body during his everyday work on the International Space Station. For this, we used his body measurements as the basis for our cut development and the production of the shirt. We integrated the necessary sensors as well as data processing and communication modules into the shirt's cut in such a way that they interfere as little as possible and are always positioned in the right place, regardless of the wearing situation. This is the prerequisite for reliably measuring the relevant physiological data." The SmartTex shirt is intended to provide a continuous picture of the vital functions of astronauts. This will be particularly relevant for future long-term manned space missions to the Moon and Mars.

For example, during the BEAT experiment (Ballistocardiography for Extraterrestrial Applications and long-Term missions), Matthias Maurer will be the first astronaut to wear a T-shirt equipped with sensors that measure his ballistocardiographic data such as pulse and relative blood pressure. For this purpose, the sensors were calibrated in the :envihab research facility at the DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Cologne. Details on the contraction rate and opening and closing times of the heart valves, which are normally only accessible via sonography or computer tomography, can also be read from the data material. The goal is to study the effects of the space environment on the human cardiovascular system. To be able to analyse these effects realistically, Matthias Maurer's ballistocardiographic data will be recorded before, during and after his stay on the ISS. For the future, a technology transfer of the SmartTex shirt for application in the field of fitness or even in telemedicine is conceivable.

Wireless Compose-2 (WICO2)
The project was planned and prepared by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and its cooperation partners DSI Aerospace Technology, Hohenstein and the University of Bielefeld. The wireless communication network reads sensor data and can determine the position of people and objects in space by propagation times of radio pulses. It is also available as a platform for several experiments on the ISS. The determined data is temporarily stored within the network and read out at regular intervals by the astronauts. These data packets are then transferred to Earth via the ISS link and analysed by the research teams. It can generate its own energy from artificial light sources via solar cells.



ESA astronaut Dr. Matthias Maurer in summer 2021 during preliminary talks on the Cosmic Kiss mission in DLR's :envihab in Cologne. © DLR

Sensors measure physiological data during a test run on Earth. © DLR

With the "SmartTex" shirt, astronauts can wear the necessary sensors comfortably on their bodies. © DLR

Dr. Jan Beringer, Hohenstein Senior Scientific Expert. © Hohenstein

ISKO launches woven compression technology (c) ISKO, SANKO Group

ISKO launches woven compression technology

ISKO introduces ISKO RHEACT™ – a patented, cutting-edge garment manufacturing solution designed to improve everyday living and physical wellness for everyone, through the proven benefits of woven compression.

Building on the exponentially growing trend for wellbeing products in many consumer sectors, ISKO has leveraged its expertise in developing innovative technologies to create ISKO RHEACT, its own wellbeing product for the apparel industry. Available exclusively to ISKO’s trade partners, ISKO RHEACT is extremely versatile and suitable for use in a variety of consumer sectors, from lifestyle, to fitness and workwear.

ISKO introduces ISKO RHEACT™ – a patented, cutting-edge garment manufacturing solution designed to improve everyday living and physical wellness for everyone, through the proven benefits of woven compression.

Building on the exponentially growing trend for wellbeing products in many consumer sectors, ISKO has leveraged its expertise in developing innovative technologies to create ISKO RHEACT, its own wellbeing product for the apparel industry. Available exclusively to ISKO’s trade partners, ISKO RHEACT is extremely versatile and suitable for use in a variety of consumer sectors, from lifestyle, to fitness and workwear.

ISKO RHEACT stands out for its woven, gradual compression technology that helps boost the energy of the wearer through improved blood flow. It also provides a micro massaging effect by varying pressure in different areas of a garment. ISKO RHEACT is superior to knit compression as it works for up to 12 hours (compared to 3 hours) for any type of lifestyle – whether it’s taking a long-haul flight, lounging at home or during or after a workout where it helps with warming up before exercise and improves post-workout recovery. From a consumer standpoint, this translates to a garment that wears like a second skin, is durable, works to focus the mind, sharpens the senses, and energizes the body.

ISKO RHEACT products are certified by the independent Hohenstein Institute (Bönnigheim, Germany) and have received the endorsement of many physicians for their health and wellbeing benefits. They are also acknowledged by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as general wellness products as per section 513(g) of the FD&C Act.


ISKO / Menabò Group

Hohenstein: Digitale Materialparameter für 3D-Simulation (c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein: Digitale Materialparameter für 3D-Simulation

Präzise digitale Materialparameter sind der Schlüssel für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von 3D-Technologien in der Bekleidungsbranche. Hohenstein digitalisiert die Eigenschaften textiler Stoffe für Marken, Bekleidungshersteller und ihre Lieferanten. Die Hohenstein Daten sind kompatibel mit gängigen Software-Systemen und in allen benötigten Dateiformaten verfügbar. Unternehmen sind so in der Lage, realistische 3D-Simulationen durchzuführen und ihre Prozesse bei Design, Modellentwicklung und Produktkommunikation zu optimieren. Das spart Ressourcen und verkürzt die Zeit, bis die Kollektionen in den Markt kommen.

Präzise digitale Materialparameter sind der Schlüssel für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von 3D-Technologien in der Bekleidungsbranche. Hohenstein digitalisiert die Eigenschaften textiler Stoffe für Marken, Bekleidungshersteller und ihre Lieferanten. Die Hohenstein Daten sind kompatibel mit gängigen Software-Systemen und in allen benötigten Dateiformaten verfügbar. Unternehmen sind so in der Lage, realistische 3D-Simulationen durchzuführen und ihre Prozesse bei Design, Modellentwicklung und Produktkommunikation zu optimieren. Das spart Ressourcen und verkürzt die Zeit, bis die Kollektionen in den Markt kommen.

In speziell für die 3D-Simulation adaptierten Laborverfahren ermitteln die Hohenstein Experten an Stoffproben die physikalischen Kennwerte des Materials wie Gewicht, Dicke, Biegesteifigkeit und Dehnung. Anschließend erfolgt die Prüfung des Faltenvolumens und der Form mithilfe eines Drapemeters. Die Ergebnisse werden in die unterschiedlichen Dateiformate der 3D-Simulations-Systeme konvertiert, so dass die digitalen Materialparameter für jeden Kunden im passenden Dateiformat zur Verfügung stehen. Auf Wunsch simuliert Hohenstein auch die dazugehörigen Fallbilder in 3D, um für den Kunden das spezifische Fallverhalten des geprüften Materials zu visualisieren. So lassen sich digitale Prototypen erstellen, die im Anschluss die Freigabeprozesse beschleunigen und deutlich weniger Material beim Anfertigen von realen Mustern für die Produktion benötigen.

Bio-Baumwolle mit Sicherheit ohne Gentechnik © Hohenstein
Textilien ohne Gentechnik – bei diesem Anliegen setzen immer mehr Verbraucher auf Bio-Baumwolle und nehmen dafür gerne auch höhere Preise in Kauf.

Bio-Baumwolle mit Sicherheit ohne Gentechnik

  • Hohenstein ist als eines von wenigen Prüflaboren weltweit nach ISO 17025 für das ISO/IWA 32:2019 Protokoll akkreditiert

Textilien ohne Gentechnik – bei diesem Anliegen setzen immer mehr Verbraucher auf Bio-Baumwolle und nehmen dafür gerne auch höhere Preise in Kauf. Denn der Anbau von Bio-Baumwolle erfordert den Verzicht auf gentechnisch verändertes Saatgut sowie chemische Pestizide und Düngemittel. Dennoch finden sich immer wieder gentechnische Veränderungen in Textilien, die eigentlich mit den einschlägigen Bio-Labels ausgezeichnet sind. Die denkbaren Ursachen der Verunreinigung von Bio-Baumwolle durch gentechnische Veränderungen sind vielschichtig und reichen über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg. Der Textilprüfdienstleister Hohenstein ist aktuell eines von fünf Laboren europaweit, das die Prüfung von Textilien auf genveränderte Organismen (englisch: genetically modified organisms, GMO) gemäß dem ISO/IWA 32:2019 Protokoll akkreditiert durchführt.

  • Hohenstein ist als eines von wenigen Prüflaboren weltweit nach ISO 17025 für das ISO/IWA 32:2019 Protokoll akkreditiert

Textilien ohne Gentechnik – bei diesem Anliegen setzen immer mehr Verbraucher auf Bio-Baumwolle und nehmen dafür gerne auch höhere Preise in Kauf. Denn der Anbau von Bio-Baumwolle erfordert den Verzicht auf gentechnisch verändertes Saatgut sowie chemische Pestizide und Düngemittel. Dennoch finden sich immer wieder gentechnische Veränderungen in Textilien, die eigentlich mit den einschlägigen Bio-Labels ausgezeichnet sind. Die denkbaren Ursachen der Verunreinigung von Bio-Baumwolle durch gentechnische Veränderungen sind vielschichtig und reichen über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg. Der Textilprüfdienstleister Hohenstein ist aktuell eines von fünf Laboren europaweit, das die Prüfung von Textilien auf genveränderte Organismen (englisch: genetically modified organisms, GMO) gemäß dem ISO/IWA 32:2019 Protokoll akkreditiert durchführt.

Das Protokoll wurde von der International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) als International Workshop Agreement (IWA) auf Initiative von Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) und Textile Exchange entwickelt. Ziel ist es, ein offizielles, standardisiertes GMO-Testprotokoll für Textilien aus biologischem Anbau anwenden zu können. Demnach muss jede biologische Baumwolle frei von Gentechnik sein, wohingegen konventionelle Baumwolle den Einsatz von Gentechnik zulässt. Mitte Februar 2021 veröffentlichten die Initiatoren des ISO/IWA 32:2019 Protokolls eine Übersicht über die 14 Prüflabore weltweit, die Tests gemäß den Anforderungen des Protokolls durchführen dürfen, darunter auch der deutsche Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein.

Die Hohenstein Experten haben aber auch eigene molekularbiologische Nachweissysteme entwickelt, um gentechnisch veränderte Baumwolle an allen kritischen Punkten der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette prüfen zu können – von der Roh-Baumwolle über Garne und Flächengebilde bis hin zu konfektionierten Endprodukten. Damit erlaubt das Screening die lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit über die gesamte textile Kette hinweg mit klaren Ja-/Nein-Aussagen über GMO-freie Baumwolle bzw. Textilien. Als Partnerinstitut von OEKO-TEX® überprüft Hohenstein auch im Rahmen der STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierung Textilien auf gentechnisch veränderte Organismen. Bei Einhaltung der Vorgaben können die Artikel hier mit den Claims „Bio-Baumwolle“, „biologische Baumwolle“ oder „GMO nicht nachweisbar“ beworben werden.

Hersteller, Marken und der Handel, aber auch Zertifizierungsorganisationen profitieren von lückenlosen analytischen Nachweisen bis hin zum Endprodukt: Verbraucher können darauf vertrauen, dass in den gekauften Artikeln keinerlei gentechnisch veränderte Baumwolle nachgewiesen werden konnte. Denn: Bislang beinhalten die meisten Bio-Zertifizierungen entweder gar keine obligatorischen Labortests oder nur Stichproben-Tests am Baumwoll-Saatgut.

In zwei Schritten zu 100 Prozent Gewissheit - Die Hohenstein GMO-Tests laufen wie folgt ab:

1. Die Probe wird zerkleinert und die Baumwollfasern werden mechanisch und enzymatisch aufgeschlossen. Das Erbgut (DNA) wird aus der Faser isoliert und in einem mehrstufigen Prozess aufgereinigt.

2. Eine gentechnische Veränderung liegt vor, wenn in der DNA spezifische Zielsequenzen (Markergene) vorhanden sind. Diese lassen sich molekularbiologisch nachweisen. Kontrollreaktionen dienen zum Nachweis unveränderter Baumwoll-DNA sowie zum Ausschluss falsch-negativer Ergebnisse.

More information:
Hohenstein Bio-Baumwolle Gentechnik
