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(c) Delta Development

Positive Footprint Wearhouse in Dorsten kurz vor Fertigstellung

Nach 16 Monaten Bauzeit ist Deutschlands erstes Positive Footprint Wearhouse fast fertiggestellt. Mit der innovativen Logistikimmobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler Delta Development den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region und, realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht.

Nach 16 Monaten Bauzeit ist Deutschlands erstes Positive Footprint Wearhouse fast fertiggestellt. Mit der innovativen Logistikimmobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler Delta Development den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region und, realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht.

Circa 70.000 m² umfasst die neue Logistikimmobilie auf dem revitalisierten Bergbaustandort, die der Modemarke Levi Strauss für eine Mietdauer von 20 Jahren als Distributionszentrum dienen wird. Das C2C- Zentrum verfügt unter anderem über eine Material-Datenbank zur effizienten Wiederverwertung, höchster Materialgesundheit, nachhaltiges Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement sowie einem „Human Centered Design“. Das Großprojekt erfüllt die steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsansprüche an die Baubranche. Ein wesentlicher Fokus des Neubaus liegt auf der Verwendung von Materialien, die auf Wiederverwertung, Ressourcenschonung und Abfallreduktion ausgelegt sind. So wurden etwa Betonfundamente der stillgelegten Zeche Wulfen, die sich auf dem Entwicklungsgrundstück befunden haben, recycelt und anschließend im Neubau wiederverwendet.


textschwester GmbH & Co.KG

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: “Material Health” certification for comfortemp® product series

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Photo: «the Blue suit»

CIRCULAR CLOTHING: First Cradle to Cradle Certified® denim collection

The first Cradle to Cradle Certified® clothing collection is on the market one year after the collaboration platform for Swiss textile labels was launched. The Circular Clothing cooperative has succeeded, in close cooperation with European suppliers, in gaining access to circular materials and equipment and using this for the Black Denim Collection by the ethical fashion label “the Blue suit”. An important step for the cooperative, which receives funding from the Migros Pioneer Fund, is the development of an online assessment tool which can be used to help check the readiness of textile labels to operate in a circular manner.

The first Cradle to Cradle Certified® clothing collection is on the market one year after the collaboration platform for Swiss textile labels was launched. The Circular Clothing cooperative has succeeded, in close cooperation with European suppliers, in gaining access to circular materials and equipment and using this for the Black Denim Collection by the ethical fashion label “the Blue suit”. An important step for the cooperative, which receives funding from the Migros Pioneer Fund, is the development of an online assessment tool which can be used to help check the readiness of textile labels to operate in a circular manner.

The black denim was developed by a renowned manufacturer in Italy. Since no toxic chemicals are used in the production process, this denim is safe for biological cycles and Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold certified material by the Swiss company OceanSafe was used for the lining of the jacket. Special innovative design elements and production processes, such as the printed lining, also meet the stringent Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold requirements. Currently, 1% of the material of the Black Denim Collection is Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze. In the next few months, this percent and thus also the whole garments should reach the gold level.

The Cradle to Cradle® certification is based on the following five principles: Material Health, Product Circularity, Clean Air & Climate Protection, Water & Soil Stewardship, and Social Fairness. Depending on the extent to which all of these criteria are met by the manufacturing process, there are various levels of certification from bronze to silver, gold and platinum.



(c) Delta Development Group - Architekturbüro Quadrant4

Levi Strauss & Co.: Erstes Distributionszentrum mit Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle®

Die DELTA Development Group hat die Baugenehmigung für die innovative Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Wearhouse“ in Dorsten erhalten. In Kürze wird der niederländische Projektentwickler auf dem Industriepark „Große Heide Wulfen“ mit den ersten Bauarbeiten der grünen Logistikimmobilie beginnen. Sie ist das deutschlandweit erste Distributionszentrum, das vom Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® inspiriert ist und umfasst circa 70.000 m² auf dem revitalisierten Bergbaustandort, den die Modemarke Levi Strauss & Co. ab 2023 für eine Mietdauer von 20 Jahren als Distributionszentrum nutzen wird.

Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction und Projekt Management, Bremer AG als Generalunternehmer, den Architektenbüros von Quadrant4 und Phase 5 und mit dem spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.  Nutzer wird der Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. sein.

Die DELTA Development Group hat die Baugenehmigung für die innovative Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Wearhouse“ in Dorsten erhalten. In Kürze wird der niederländische Projektentwickler auf dem Industriepark „Große Heide Wulfen“ mit den ersten Bauarbeiten der grünen Logistikimmobilie beginnen. Sie ist das deutschlandweit erste Distributionszentrum, das vom Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® inspiriert ist und umfasst circa 70.000 m² auf dem revitalisierten Bergbaustandort, den die Modemarke Levi Strauss & Co. ab 2023 für eine Mietdauer von 20 Jahren als Distributionszentrum nutzen wird.

Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction und Projekt Management, Bremer AG als Generalunternehmer, den Architektenbüros von Quadrant4 und Phase 5 und mit dem spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.  Nutzer wird der Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. sein.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

DELTA plant landesweit erstes C2C®-Warenhaus für Levi Strauss & Co. (c) Delta/ Quadrant4

DELTA plant landesweit erstes C2C®-Warenhaus für Levi Strauss & Co.

Auf dem Grundstück des Industrieparks „Große Heide Wulfen“ lässt die DELTA Development Group derzeit das grünste Warenhaus Deutschlands entstehen: Mit der innovativen Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler dabei nicht nur den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region, sondern realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht. Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction Management mit der Nachhaltigkeitskonzeption, Bremer BAU als Generalunternehmer, dem Architektenteam von Quadrant4 und mit spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA so ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.

Auf dem Grundstück des Industrieparks „Große Heide Wulfen“ lässt die DELTA Development Group derzeit das grünste Warenhaus Deutschlands entstehen: Mit der innovativen Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler dabei nicht nur den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region, sondern realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht. Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction Management mit der Nachhaltigkeitskonzeption, Bremer BAU als Generalunternehmer, dem Architektenteam von Quadrant4 und mit spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA so ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.

Cradle-to-Cradle® goes Logistik
Innovation trifft Praxis: Circa 70.000 m² umfasst die neue Logistik-Immobilie auf dem revitalisierten Bergbaustandort, die der Modemarke Levi Strauss ab 2023 für eine Mietdauer von 20 Jahren als Distributionszentrum dienen wird. Dabei zeichnet sich das Fullfillment Center vor allem durch den innovativen Cradle-to-Cradle® (kurz: C2C) Ansatz aus. Dieser beschreibt eine zirkuläre Bauweise, die auf den Prinzipien der Wiederverwertung, Ressourcenschonung und Abfallreduktion basiert und das Ziel verfolgt, den ökologischen Fußabdruck so klein wie möglich zu halten. Bei der Übertragung ihres Nachhaltigkeitsanspruchs in die Logistik-Praxis des „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ konnte DELTA auf die Expertise des Architektenbüros Quadrant4 zurückgreifen, das diesen auf allen Lager-, Büro- und Gemeinschaftsflächen kompromisslos umsetzte.

Eine Architektur mit grünem Faden
Ganz im Sinne des C2C®-Ansatzes sind jegliche Baumaterialien des neuen Zentrums auf Wiederverwertung ausgelegt und werden in einer Material-Datenbank erfasst. Am Ende der Nutzungsperiode ermöglicht eine spezielle architektonische Verwendung die problemlose Trennung nach Materialtyp. Um die Luftqualität der Innenräume konstant hoch zu halten, wurden zudem ausschließlich schadstoffarme Materialien verwendet. Nicht nur beim Thema Gesundheit rückt die Immobilie den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt: Auf Grundlage des „Human Centered Designs“ ist das Zentrum auf sozialen Austausch und Inspiration ausgelegt und mit zahlreichen Gemeinschafts- und Grünflächen ausgestattet. Grün ist der Firmenstandort dabei sowohl im wörtlichen als auch im übertragenen Sinne: Neben den Grünflächen im Außenbereich verfügt die Immobilie über einen Dachgarten, der sowohl zur Aufrechterhaltung der Biodiversität als auch als Sammelstelle und Kläranlage des gebäudeinternen Wasserkreislaufs eingesetzt wird. Durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energiequellen kann Zentrum einen Großteil seines Energiebedarfs selbst decken. LEED1- und WELL2-Zertifizierungen untermauern den Nachhaltigkeitscharakter des Gebäudes zusätzlich.

Der nächste wichtige Schritt: Delta und Levi’s treiben Nachhaltigkeit voran
„Bereits seit 2003 folgen wir bei DELTA fast ausschließlich dem C2C®-Leitbild und rücken so konsequent die Zukunft des Planeten in den Fokus unserer Projekte. Nachhaltigkeit, Gesundheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit stellen dabei stets eine untrennbare Einheit dar“, erklärt Edwin Meijerink von DELTA Development den innovativen Ansatz. Mit dem Einzug der Modemarke Levi Strauss wird der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke der C2C®-Immobilie in die unternehmerische Praxis übertragen. Eine geteilte Wertehaltung war hierfür unerlässlich.

In den Niederlanden hat DELTA mit Immobilien wie dem ABC Square oder dem Fokker Logistics Park in Schiphol bereits zahlreiche nachhaltige Logistik-Großprojekte realisiert – in Deutschland steht der Projektentwickler noch am Anfang.

The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles (c) CHT
Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

The circular economy takes over a decisive role: In the CHT Group we are convinced that recyclable textile products are the right means to protect resources and reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, our team works closely with textile manufacturers and brands to achieve the common goal of avoiding waste and harmful substances along the textile production process and thus producing more ecological textiles.

The Cradle to Cradle approach provides a trend-setting concept in the textile world that perfectly fits the company's sustainable strategy: Right from the start products shall be created which are suited for the biological (compostable) or technical (recyclable) circulation.

The CHT Group focuses on the development of dyes, pigments and auxiliaries for textile finishing which can be decomposed without leaving any residues and easily returned to the natural circulation.

For textiles which are to be developed and produced strictly according to the Cradle to Cradle principle, CHT offers a comprehensive, constantly growing, compostable range for textile finishing. With 57 textile auxiliaries and 32 dyes/pigments CHT has succeeded in achieving the highest rating, the Platinum Material Health Certificate of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

These products help textile manufacturers to achieve the Platinum rating in Material Health, one of five categories of the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard on finished textiles. This contributes to giving textiles a positive ecological footprint.

Textiles can be given the decisive distinguishing feature through the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard. Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is the world's leading science-based standard for safe, recyclable and sustainable materials and products. CHT offers the possibility of designing tomorrow's sustainable textiles already today and is therefore part of the Circular Economy.

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a registered trademark of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.


 CHT Germany GmbH

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


The CHT Group is chemical partner at Lidl

For the cooperation with Lidl within the project “Biodegradable textiles with prints” the CHT Group developed innovative recyclable textile print products.

These Lidl textiles are produced with CHT print pastes and pigments and were certificated by the internationally active consulting institute EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees & Sommer according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Standard. With this pilot project the companies demonstrate their sense of responsibility for people and the environment as well as their commitment in the field of circular economy.

For the cooperation with Lidl within the project “Biodegradable textiles with prints” the CHT Group developed innovative recyclable textile print products.

These Lidl textiles are produced with CHT print pastes and pigments and were certificated by the internationally active consulting institute EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees & Sommer according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Standard. With this pilot project the companies demonstrate their sense of responsibility for people and the environment as well as their commitment in the field of circular economy.

According to the Cradle to Cradle approach, shortly C2C, products shall merge into a biological or technical cycle after the end of their life cycle. This re-use helps prevent waste and save raw materials. The impact on the environment and health of all of the ingredients of C2C textiles is already tested in the design stage and during manufacturing. C2C experts additionally ensure a gapless control of the manufacturing processes. They check the chemicals in use, make sure that the water is kept clean and that renewable energies are used. Since this control affects the complete textile supply chain, it guarantees absolute transparency.

The CHT Group can now offer high quality and sustainable substitutes for common textile print pastes with its first biodegradable print pastes and pigments.

More information:

CHT Group

(c) ROICA™

ROICA™ Premium Stretch Sustainable Innovations @ ISPO Brandnew Village

PMsExciting news out of ISPO Munich, this year ROICA™ premium stretch innovations will be showcased within ISPO Brandnew, the biggest platform for sporty startups worldwide. The ROICA™ booth will have a new centralized position at ISPO Munich, with an even more centralal position, to lead the way toward responsible innovation. Make certain to visit the fantastic new collections created by ROICA™ partners that combine; function and contemporary values for the modern customer. Asahi Kasei, the leader in sustainable stretch guaranteed to wow ISPO attendees with the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, an innovative range of the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers.
ROICA™ smart yarns are focused perfectly on responsible performance for the active sportswear, swimwear and athleisure categories. ROICA™ proudly presents sustainable solutions boasting impressive certifications:

PMsExciting news out of ISPO Munich, this year ROICA™ premium stretch innovations will be showcased within ISPO Brandnew, the biggest platform for sporty startups worldwide. The ROICA™ booth will have a new centralized position at ISPO Munich, with an even more centralal position, to lead the way toward responsible innovation. Make certain to visit the fantastic new collections created by ROICA™ partners that combine; function and contemporary values for the modern customer. Asahi Kasei, the leader in sustainable stretch guaranteed to wow ISPO attendees with the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, an innovative range of the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers.
ROICA™ smart yarns are focused perfectly on responsible performance for the active sportswear, swimwear and athleisure categories. ROICA™ proudly presents sustainable solutions boasting impressive certifications:

  • Global Recycled Standard (GRS) owned by Textile Exchange
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ will present The Modern Wardrobe concept in well-defined categories at ISPO:

  • ROICA™ WARDROBE, fashion collections for Summer 2019 with beautiful premium stretch solutions.
  • ROICA™ INNOVATION GALLERY, the latest textile performance innovations from partner mills that inspire creativityA rich fabric range that includes revolutionary ROICA Eco-Smart™ family of stretch fibers that are sustainably designed and the unique ROICA Feel Good™ family that promises a new level of well-being
  • ROICA™ CLOSET: new garment designs from our experimental lab that highlight functional ROICA™ families.
  • ROICA™ NOVELTIES DISPLAY, discover the latest ROICA™ innovations.
More information:

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days (c) TINTEX Textiles
80% Lenzing Modal® + 20% European Hemp rib by TINTEX Textiles

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

All the recent awards bestowed, demonstrate TINTEX continue research and commitment. They have been awarded for the Best product of the Base Layer Category by ISPO jury, moreover they have just received the prestigious German Design Awards 2019 and last but not least, they are selected as finalists for the Future Textile Awards in the category Best Innovation for Sustainable Textiles.
TINTEX continues to lead the way, as they proudly take part in the Make Fashion Circular initiative, by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and activate change industry wide. This initiative aims to collaborate and innovate towards a new textile economy based on the principles of a Circular Economy.

In addition, since this November, TINTEX is a bluesign® system partner, thus means that they are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system, continuously improving their environmental performance and always been focused on a sustainable future.

A milestone for TINTEX and fashion, as they launch Naturally Clean - an exceptional smart finishing process that is uniquely responsible. Naturally Clean enhances the natural beauty of cotton, takes a cost effective modern approach to eliminate aggressive treatments and optimizes clean surfaces, vivid colors, providing an exquisitely smooth handfeel. Naturally Clean achieves this by using Novozymes technology, a company that is indeed the world leader in biological solutions. Second, using textile chemicals with the lowest possible environmental impact, without compromising performance, from Beyond Surface Technologies AG. Naturally Clean maintains the original characteristics for an extended period of time. All materials are Oeko-Tex and soon bluesign® certified, thus eliminating harmful substances.
TINTEX’ Autumn/Winter 2019/2020 collection includes vibrant tones, refreshing turquoise and electric green, light and warm copper with chocolate browns that connect the natural and spiritual in an extra-sensorial universe. Infused with a stunning palette of nostalgic and multicultural colors - warm yellow with darkened reds, dynamic purple with urban greys - that express globalization and human connection.
Key smart ingredients of the season are:

  • A New Generation of Cotton: GOTS certified organic cotton, Supima® cotton, and ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi the smart cotton that saves up to 77.9% water consumption and introduces the concept of a circular economy.
  • SeaCell™ and Smartcel™: produced using the Lyocell process in a closed loop with no chemicals released as waste. The patented process of SeaCell™ allows that the positive properties of the seaweed are permanently preserved within the fiber, even after multiple washing cycles. Smartcel™ includes the essential trace element zinc providing anti-inflammatory capabilities.
  • REFIBRA™ by Lenzing technology involves upcycling a substantial proportion of cotton scraps e.g. from garment production, in addition to wood pulp, where the raw material is transformed to produce new TENCEL™ Lyocell fiber to make fabrics and garments.
  • Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei: A new generation GRS Certified material, made from cotton linters, with a biodegradability certification by Innovhub. A matchless, high tech natural material, with a special handfeel and aesthetics.
  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
    - ROICA™ EF has a percentage of pre-consumer recycled content that is more than 50%, and thanks to this it has been GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.
    - ROICA™ V550 a premium stretch innovative yarn boasting the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients as it was evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

Of special interest this season, the two TINTEX’s fabrics that made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category for their contribution to this season Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”.

A smart rib developed to reduce the water usage as most as possible, from cultivation of raw materials until fabric finishing. A blend of TENCEL™ Modal, cellulosic & biodegradable material treated with no hazardous chemicals, pesticides nor fertilizers, and European hemp, a fast-growing plant that requires very little water and no herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO seeds. Both fibres are biodegradable.

The second selected article is a 100% Merino Wool jersey made unique thanks to Colorau® by TINTEX, a patented natural dyeing process technique that uses vegetable herbs and extracts. A great amount of water was saved by avoiding subsequent washing steps. Also, lower water pollution is achieved by avoiding synthetic dyestuffs.

More information:
TINTEX ROICA™ Performance Days

GB Network

(c) Penn Textile Solutions

Penn Textile Solutions & Penn Italia and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei Introduce ECOINNOVATION @ MarediModa Cannes

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch fiber by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles. Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch fiber by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles. Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

ECOINNOVATION presents seven unique articles developed belonging to Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia’s family dreamshape® characterized by reinforced edges and seizing that includes the following recycled items; tulle, tulle galloons with dreamshape® reinforced edge, tricot, dreamshape® reinforced gripping edge (great for cycling shorts), stretch satin, polyester tulle and polyester double jersey perfect for laser cutting.

ECOINNOVATION Collection includes:
ROICA Eco-Smart™ family premium stretch fiber Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health. Evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health that strives to eliminate toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

RECO NYLON – a Nylon 6 yarn made from pre-consumer waste. NUREL, selected by us because of their commitment to science and technology, recycles the discarded nylon material diverting it from the waste stream during our manufacturing process and converts it into RECO NYLON yarn. We proudly boast an impressive savings of CO2 emissions: every 1.000 Kg of RECO Nylon reduces atmospheric CO2 emissions by 1.424 Kg.

Noyfi l SpA offers r-Radyarn®, a range of recycled products that use fully recycled polyester yarn r–Starlight®, produced as POY by its sister company Noyfi l SA in Switzerland. A continuous polyester filament derived from post-consumer recycled polymers increased value from the eco-compatibility of certified OEKOTEX Std 100 Class 1 additives and colors used for the solution dyeing process.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

ROICA™ Joins Première Vision Paris’ Smart Square (c) ROICA™

ROICA™ Joins Première Vision Paris’ Smart Square

  • September 19, 20, and 21, 2018
  • This September visit Première Vision’s Smart Square for a great opportunity to meet and greet ROICA™ experts to discuss responsible innovation and well-being.

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA™ Eco Smart family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.

On display in the Smart Square, a 800-sq. m. area dedicated to shed light on a new generation of values combining creativity, innovation and sustainability, is a  unique  range of ROICA™ Eco-Smart family based fabrics, the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

  • September 19, 20, and 21, 2018
  • This September visit Première Vision’s Smart Square for a great opportunity to meet and greet ROICA™ experts to discuss responsible innovation and well-being.

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA™ Eco Smart family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.

On display in the Smart Square, a 800-sq. m. area dedicated to shed light on a new generation of values combining creativity, innovation and sustainability, is a  unique  range of ROICA™ Eco-Smart family based fabrics, the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

  • Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ experts empower attendees with knowledge, and inspire creativity as they demonstrate ROICA™ Eco-Smart family functionality. Engage the experts in the Smart Square, ask questions and learn about the company’s ongoing commitment to responsible innovation. At the corporate level, ROICA™ has achieved the following certifications: Oeko Tex 100, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008. Moreover, ROICA™ mills in Germay achieved the certification of ISO 50001:2001.

ROICA™ partners exhibiting at Première Vision Paris presenting ROICA™ Eco-Smart family:

  • Fukui Warp Knitting CO.,LTD  (JP) Hall 6 booth H15
  • Iluna Group S.p.A (IT) Hall 5 booth N14 P13
  • Jackytex (IT) Hall 5 booth M24 N23
  • Lanificio Europa (IT) Hall 6 stand D12, F49
  • Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT) Hall 5 booth 5P29
  • M.I.T.I. Spa (IT) Hall 6 booth G19
  • Penn Textile Solutions GmbH / Penn Italia (DE/IT) booth 6G17
  • Sofileta (FR) Hall 6 booth H18 6J13
  • TINTEX Textiles (PT) Hall 5 booth N56

Additional ROICA™ partners at Première Vision also exhibiting a wide-range of other ROICA™ specialties:

  • Eusebio (IT) Hall 5 booth 5P34 5R15
  • Kurabo Industries LTD (JP) Hall 6 booth C20 D21

Lastly, on Friday 21st September 2018, at 1.30 pm, you are invited to join Dr. Stephan Hütte at Première Vision Smart Square as he facilitates an open discussion with exhibitors and introduces the audience to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family. Dr. Hütte will discuss ROICA™ textile innovations for contemporary consumer within the fashion, lingerie and activewear markets.

Recognizing Asahi Kasei for spearheading the premium stretch market, the Dorbinbirn-GFC Global Fiber Congress has invited Dr. Stephan Hütte, Development Manager ROICA™ Fibers at Asahi Kasei to present ROICA™ Eco-Smart family at this year’s congress. The Europe-centered innovation platform for the fiber industry is a distinguished idea and network generator hosting top-ranking international experts in fiber innovations. The event includes 700 participants from 30 nations and will take place September 12th through the 14th in Austria.

Last but not least, at Première Vision ROICA™ is proud to welcome Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager - ROICA™ Division. The company also announces an internal appointment: Mr. Hiroaki Shinohe elected as Chief Marketing Officer for European market.


GB Network Marketing & Communication


Penn Textile Solutions & Penn Italia and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei Introduce ECOINNOVATION @ INTERFILIERE Paris

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch yarn by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch yarn by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

ECOINNOVATION presents seven unique articles developed belonging to Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia’s family dreamshape® characterized by reinforced edges and seizing that includes the following recycled items; tulle, tulle galloons with dreamshape® reinforced edge, tricot, dreamshape® reinforced gripping edge (great for cycling shorts), stretch satin, polyester tulle and polyester double jersey perfect for laser cutting.


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