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SGL Carbon was raised to B3 by the rating agency Moody's

The Corporate Family Rating of SGL Carbon SE was raised to B3 by the renowned rating agency "Moody's Investors Services". At the same time, Moody's confirmed the B3 rating of the guaranteed senior secured notes (maturity: September 2024). As part of the upgrade, the outlook for the Company was changed from positive to stable.

The upgrade of SGL Carbon's corporate family rating to B3 is in particular based on the improvement of the company's liquidity profile over the last 12 months, the solid business development in 2021 and the expectation that SGL Carbon will continue to reflect the achieved credit metrics for the B3 rating in the next 12 to 18 months.

“We are pleased that the success of the transformation started at the end of 2020, the stabilization of our financial fundamentals and in particular the improvement of our liquidity situation are reflected in the Moody's upgrade. We also see the upgrade as a motivation to improve further," explains Thomas Dippold, CFO of SGL Carbon SE.

The Corporate Family Rating of SGL Carbon SE was raised to B3 by the renowned rating agency "Moody's Investors Services". At the same time, Moody's confirmed the B3 rating of the guaranteed senior secured notes (maturity: September 2024). As part of the upgrade, the outlook for the Company was changed from positive to stable.

The upgrade of SGL Carbon's corporate family rating to B3 is in particular based on the improvement of the company's liquidity profile over the last 12 months, the solid business development in 2021 and the expectation that SGL Carbon will continue to reflect the achieved credit metrics for the B3 rating in the next 12 to 18 months.

“We are pleased that the success of the transformation started at the end of 2020, the stabilization of our financial fundamentals and in particular the improvement of our liquidity situation are reflected in the Moody's upgrade. We also see the upgrade as a motivation to improve further," explains Thomas Dippold, CFO of SGL Carbon SE.


SGL Carbon


SGL Carbon: Initiated transformation shows effect in sales and earnings 2021

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

Based on the assumptions outlined and including the costs of the energy hedges, the company expects Group sales for the 2022 financial year to be at the previous year's level and EBITDApre to be between €110 million and €130 million.*

* See attachment document for more information,


SGL Carbon: Q3 2021 confirms encouraging upward trend

  • Sales increase 8.8% to €743.5 million compared to the same period of the previous year
  • EBITDApre improves by 59.1% to €108.5 million
  • Despite burdens from higher raw material and energy prices, stable revenue and earnings expected for Q4 2021

Following consolidated sales of €241.5 million in Q1 2021 and €255.2 million in Q2 2021, Q3 2021 confirms SGL Carbon's encouraging sales performance with €246.8 million. Due to increasing demand from almost all market segments, Group sales increased to a total of €743.5 million in the first nine months of the fiscal year (9M 2020: €683.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of 8.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

  • Sales increase 8.8% to €743.5 million compared to the same period of the previous year
  • EBITDApre improves by 59.1% to €108.5 million
  • Despite burdens from higher raw material and energy prices, stable revenue and earnings expected for Q4 2021

Following consolidated sales of €241.5 million in Q1 2021 and €255.2 million in Q2 2021, Q3 2021 confirms SGL Carbon's encouraging sales performance with €246.8 million. Due to increasing demand from almost all market segments, Group sales increased to a total of €743.5 million in the first nine months of the fiscal year (9M 2020: €683.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of 8.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Almost all business units contributed to the positive sales development. As largest business unit with a 44.7% share of Group sales, Graphite Solutions (GS) contributed €332.7 million to Group sales in the first nine months of 2021 (9M 2020: €308.0 million). The sales increase of 8.0% is based in particular on the positive development of the important market segments Semiconductor & LED as well as Automotive & Transportation. The business units Carbon Fibers and Composite Solutions contributed €244.7 million (9M 2020: €223.4 million) and €92.1 million (9M 2020: €60.7 million), respectively, to Group sales and benefited primarily from increased demand from the automotive industry. Compared to the previous year, sales increased by 9.5% in Carbon Fibers and by 51.7% in Composite Solutions. Only the Process Technology business unit, with sales down 4.9% to €62.1 million, was not yet able to participate in the general economic upward trend.

See the attached document for more infomation.

More information:
SGL Carbon sales



SGL Carbon: strong first half of 2021

  • Transformation program and improving order situation show first successes
  • Sales up 8.8% to €496.7 million compared with first half of previous year
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 70.7% to €71.7 million
  • Positive business development led to forecast increase on July 13, 2021

While the past fiscal year 2020 was still characterized by a Corona-related slump in orders in many business areas of SGL Carbon, demand picked up again in the first six months of 2021. Accordingly, Group sales increased by 8.8% to €496.7 million in H1 2021 (H1 2020: €456.5 million).

The Carbon Fibers and Composite Solutions Business Units particularly contributed to the €40.2 million increase in sales. Carbon Fibers contributed €166.4 million to Group sales, especially benefiting from increased demand from the automotive market segment. In the Composite Solutions Business Unit, the increase in sales of 52.4% to €60.2 million was also primarily based on the recovering demand from the automotive industry.

  • Transformation program and improving order situation show first successes
  • Sales up 8.8% to €496.7 million compared with first half of previous year
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 70.7% to €71.7 million
  • Positive business development led to forecast increase on July 13, 2021

While the past fiscal year 2020 was still characterized by a Corona-related slump in orders in many business areas of SGL Carbon, demand picked up again in the first six months of 2021. Accordingly, Group sales increased by 8.8% to €496.7 million in H1 2021 (H1 2020: €456.5 million).

The Carbon Fibers and Composite Solutions Business Units particularly contributed to the €40.2 million increase in sales. Carbon Fibers contributed €166.4 million to Group sales, especially benefiting from increased demand from the automotive market segment. In the Composite Solutions Business Unit, the increase in sales of 52.4% to €60.2 million was also primarily based on the recovering demand from the automotive industry.

With sales of €221.2 million, the Graphite Solutions business area contributed around 44.5% of SGL Group sales. The 3.8% increase in the division's sales was particularly due to the positive development in the important markets of the LED, semiconductor and automotive industries.

Transformation program:
The restructuring and transformation process initiated at SGL Carbon made a significant contribution to the Company's positive sales and earnings performance. In addition to leaner and more efficient structures as well as a reorganization of the business units with responsibility for results, a large number of improvements and cost initiatives in all business units and sites have contributed to the success of the ongoing transformation program.

Forecast increase:
Due to pleasing business development in the first half of the year as well as transformation successes, SGL Carbon raised its forecast for fiscal year 2021 on July 13, 2021. For the financial year 2021, the company now expects consolidated sales of around €1.0 billion (previously: €920 - 970 million). In line with developments in the first half of 2021 and the results from the transformation, adjusted EBITDA for 2021 is expected to be between €130 - 140 million (previously: €100 - 120 million). Accordingly, a slightly positive net profit is now forecasted for fiscal year 2021 (previously: €-20 million to €0).

More information:
SGL Carbon SGL Carbon SE




SGL Carbon SE: Preliminary sales and earnings figures for the first half of the year

  • Forecast raised for 2021

Based on the encouraging business performance in the first half of 2021 and the transformation successes, SGL Carbon expects strong Group results for the first six months of 2021 and raises its guidance for fiscal year 2021.

The company expects to exceed the upper end of the stated range of its Group EBITDA pre1 guidance (earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation adjusted by non-recurring items and one-time effects) for fiscal year 2021 of EUR 100 to 120 million and raises the EBITDA pre guidance for 2021 to EUR 130 –140 million.

SGL Carbon's sales forecast is also increased slightly to approximately EUR 1.0 billion for the current fiscal year, up from EUR 920 – 970 million originally. The company expects free cash flow for the full year to be correspondingly above the forecast of EUR 20 million given at the beginning of the year. A slightly positive consolidated net result is also predicted for 2021.

  • Forecast raised for 2021

Based on the encouraging business performance in the first half of 2021 and the transformation successes, SGL Carbon expects strong Group results for the first six months of 2021 and raises its guidance for fiscal year 2021.

The company expects to exceed the upper end of the stated range of its Group EBITDA pre1 guidance (earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation adjusted by non-recurring items and one-time effects) for fiscal year 2021 of EUR 100 to 120 million and raises the EBITDA pre guidance for 2021 to EUR 130 –140 million.

SGL Carbon's sales forecast is also increased slightly to approximately EUR 1.0 billion for the current fiscal year, up from EUR 920 – 970 million originally. The company expects free cash flow for the full year to be correspondingly above the forecast of EUR 20 million given at the beginning of the year. A slightly positive consolidated net result is also predicted for 2021.

Previously, the company had assumed a consolidated net result of between EUR -20 million and EUR 0. According to preliminary figures, SGL Carbon expects Group sales for H1 2021 of around EUR 496 million (H1 2020: EUR 456.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of around 9% compared to the same period of the previous year. Based on the sales increase and the cost effects achieved from the transformation, EBITDA pre (EBITDA before non-recurring items and one-time effects) increased to around EUR 72 million in the first six months of 2021 (H1 2020: EUR 42.0 million).

The updated forecast for fiscal 2021 has been prepared on the basis of the prevailing market environment and assumes no deterioration in conditions due to the corona pandemic. In particular, it is based on the assumption that purchasing prices and logistics chains remain stable and production lines remain in operation. The communicated medium-term targets up to 2025 remain unaffected by the forecast adjustment. SGL Carbon will release its 2021 half-year figures as planned on August 12, 2021.

More information:
SGL Carbon SGL Carbon SE

SGL Carbon SE


SGL Carbon: Solid Development in the first quarter of 2021

  • Group sales in the first quarter 2021 of €241.5 million, down 2% below prior year (currency adjusted on prior year level)
  • Expected positive impact from a contract termination with a customer of reporting segment Graphite Solutions contributes around €9 million to sales and earnings
  • Transformation program proceeds according to plan in all areas
  • EBITDA pre of €33.0 million significantly higher year-on-year (Q1/2020 €29.0 million), EBIT increases to €17.0 million (Q1/2020 €6.4 million)
  • Positive net result at €6.1 million (Q1/2020 minus €4.3 million)
  • Liquidity at €168.6 million also developed positively (year-end 2020 €141.8 million)
  • Net financial debt decreases by 5% to €271.5 million (year-end 2020 €286.5 million)
  • Equity ratio increases to 20.4% (Year-end 2020 17.5%)
  • Outlook for fiscal year 2021 fully confirmed

See attached document for more information.

  • Group sales in the first quarter 2021 of €241.5 million, down 2% below prior year (currency adjusted on prior year level)
  • Expected positive impact from a contract termination with a customer of reporting segment Graphite Solutions contributes around €9 million to sales and earnings
  • Transformation program proceeds according to plan in all areas
  • EBITDA pre of €33.0 million significantly higher year-on-year (Q1/2020 €29.0 million), EBIT increases to €17.0 million (Q1/2020 €6.4 million)
  • Positive net result at €6.1 million (Q1/2020 minus €4.3 million)
  • Liquidity at €168.6 million also developed positively (year-end 2020 €141.8 million)
  • Net financial debt decreases by 5% to €271.5 million (year-end 2020 €286.5 million)
  • Equity ratio increases to 20.4% (Year-end 2020 17.5%)
  • Outlook for fiscal year 2021 fully confirmed

See attached document for more information.

More information:
SGL Carbon sales Automotive



SGL Carbon Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

  • Konzernumsatz 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau
  • Nettoergebnis wegen Wertminderung bei CFM und Restrukturierungsaufwendungen bei minus 132,2 Mio. € (Vorjahr: -90,0 Mio. €)
  • EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen mit 50,2 Mio. € leicht über Vorjahr (48,4 Mio. €)
  • Operatives EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und Einmaleffekten mit 19,5 Mio. € leicht über den Erwartungen
  • Free Cashflow mithilfe von strengen Investitions- und Ausgabenbegrenzungen sowie Einmaleffekten deutlich gesteigert um 91,0 Mio. € auf 73,7 Mio. €
  • Nettofinanzschulden trotz Kaufpreiszahlung für Carbonfaserwerk in Moses Lake geringfügig reduziert auf 286,6 Mio. €
  • Restrukturierungs- und Transformationsprogramm: bis 2023 jährlich wiederkehrende Einsparungen in Höhe von mehr als 100 Mio. € avisiert, davon bereits 40 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020 erzielt
  • Prognose für 2021: Umsatzerlöse zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. €, bereinigtes EBITDA bei 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €)

Die Corona-Pandemie hatte im Geschäftsjahr 2020 einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Geschäftsentwicklung der SGL Carbon. Auch wenn die Produktion bei der SGL Carbon dank effektiver Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen zu keinem Zeitpunkt heruntergefahren werden musste, war das Unternehmen mit einer deutlich reduzierten Nachfrage konfrontiert. Während für das Berichtssegment Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM) eine Nachfrageerholung zum Jahresende festzustellen war, hat sich die Nachfrage im Berichtssegment Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) bis zum Jahresende nur wenig belebt. Der Konzernumsatz lag 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau (2019: 1.086,7 Mio. €). Wegen einer Wertminderung bei CFM sowie durch Restrukturierungsaufwendungen betrug zudem das Nettoergebnis minus 132,2 Mio. € nach minus 90,0 Mio. € im Vorjahr.

Prognose: Entwicklung des Konzerns

Nach dem starken wirtschaftlichen Einbruch im Jahr 2020 gehen wir davon aus, dass das Geschäftsjahr 2021 von einer moderaten Erholung geprägt sein wird. Die Umsatzerlöse sollten über dem Vorjahresniveau (2020: 919,4 Mio. €) in der Spanne zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. € liegen. Für das bereinigte EBITDA erwarten wir eine Verbesserung auf 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €). Hier werden sich insbesondere Einsparungen aus den eingeleiteten Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen positiv widerspiegeln. Nach einem Konzern-Jahresfehlbetrag der fortgeführten Aktivitäten von 132,9 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020, der primär auf Wertminderungen bei CFM und die Restrukturierungsaufwendungen zurückzuführen ist, dürfte sich das Nettoergebnis (fortgeführte Aktivitäten) im Jahr 2021 deutlich verbessern und im Bereich zwischen minus 20 Mio. € und einem ausgeglichenen Ergebnis liegen.



SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries (c) SGL Carbon
SGL Carbon's graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries

Funding for SGL Carbon

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

SGL Carbon is one of a few manufacturers of synthetic graphite for anode materials in Europe. The company’s contribution to the IPCEI project ranges from the development of anode materials with increased performance, energy-efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes to novel recycling concepts. It also includes scaling them up to pilot scale and finally mass production. Over the project lifetime until 2028, the goal is to also establish a closed cycle for this cell component. SGL Carbon has already created a solid foundation for the project through previous investments such as the battery application laboratory at its Meitingen site. The German federal government and the Free State of Bavaria provide funding for the SGL Carbon project totaling €42.9 million, which can be drawn down over the duration of the project.

"With our development and industrialization project for new innovative anode materials and processes, we make an essential contribution to establishing a sustainable and competitive European value chain and circular economy for lithium-ion batteries. In turn, this enables us to support our customers with tailored materials and services in their innovation and industrialization process. We are very pleased about the support from the federal and state governments in this important task and would like to express our sincere thanks," explains Burkhard Straube, President Business Unit Graphite Solutions at SGL Carbon.

"In order to produce competitive, high-performance and particularly environmentally friendly batteries in the future, we need innovations. The companies participating in the IPCEIs base their battery materials, cells and systems pursued in the projects on their own research - in cooperation with their partners. This way, we ensure that the battery ecosystem being created in Germany and Europe will also place us among the world leaders in terms of technology," says Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

"The funding ensures value creation in a central high-tech segment with great future potential, which is ideally suited to Bavaria as a business location. In the course of the project, 25 jobs will be secured or newly created in Meitingen. SGL Carbon is an important company for the entire region and a major employer," says Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs and Bavarian Deputy Minister-President.
Synthetic graphite is utilized as anode material for lithium-ion batteries in many fast-growing applications such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage systems and mobile consumer devices. Compared to natural graphite, synthetic graphite has a better performance, higher quality consistency and easier production scalability, as well as a better profile in terms of environmental footprint and safety in manufacturing. In the project described, SGL Carbon builds on its core competencies in the development and mass production of synthetic graphite.


SGL Carbon SE moves up to the SDAX after all

The Deutsche Börse AG Group announced that an incorrect data basis regarding the index changes published on March 3, 2021, had been corrected. As a result, the SGL Carbon SE share will be included in the small cap index SDAX on the chaining date on Monday March 22, 2021. The promotion to the SDAX is carried out within the framework of the so-called Regular Entry Rule.

The SDAX comprises 70 stocks, which follow the MDAX stocks in the ranking according to free float market capitalization and stock exchange turnover.

"We are very pleased that Deutsche Börse has corrected its previous decision and that we will be included in the SDAX," said Dr. Torsten Derr, Chief Executive Officer of SGL Carbon SE. "For us, the promotion is a confirmation of our restructuring efforts to date and at the same time an aspiration and obligation to consistently continue the path we have taken so far in the future."

The Deutsche Börse AG Group announced that an incorrect data basis regarding the index changes published on March 3, 2021, had been corrected. As a result, the SGL Carbon SE share will be included in the small cap index SDAX on the chaining date on Monday March 22, 2021. The promotion to the SDAX is carried out within the framework of the so-called Regular Entry Rule.

The SDAX comprises 70 stocks, which follow the MDAX stocks in the ranking according to free float market capitalization and stock exchange turnover.

"We are very pleased that Deutsche Börse has corrected its previous decision and that we will be included in the SDAX," said Dr. Torsten Derr, Chief Executive Officer of SGL Carbon SE. "For us, the promotion is a confirmation of our restructuring efforts to date and at the same time an aspiration and obligation to consistently continue the path we have taken so far in the future."


SGL Carbon SE

SGL Carbon Anlagen: Dichtheitsnachweis DIN EN1591-1 (c) SGL CARBON SE
PTFE Füllkörperkolonne

SGL Carbon plants: DIN EN1591-1 tightness certification

  • SGL Carbon supplies first plants with DIN EN1591-1 tightness certification to the chemical industry
  • First column already delivered to major European customer

In plant operation in the chemical industry, the tightness of flanged joints is becoming increasingly important when dealing with aggressive and corrosive operating media. In accordance with European Union requirements, the German government has defined new requirements in the first administrative regulation to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), which will apply from January 2021. SGL Carbon is the first manufacturer of PTFE-lined columns to be able to provide the required proof of tightness according to DIN EN 1591-1 and has already delivered the first column with the new certification to a major European customer.

  • SGL Carbon supplies first plants with DIN EN1591-1 tightness certification to the chemical industry
  • First column already delivered to major European customer

In plant operation in the chemical industry, the tightness of flanged joints is becoming increasingly important when dealing with aggressive and corrosive operating media. In accordance with European Union requirements, the German government has defined new requirements in the first administrative regulation to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), which will apply from January 2021. SGL Carbon is the first manufacturer of PTFE-lined columns to be able to provide the required proof of tightness according to DIN EN 1591-1 and has already delivered the first column with the new certification to a major European customer.

Specifically, the Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA-Luft) of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) prescribe new, stricter emission values (leakage class L0.01) for keeping the air clean, which must be complied with when operating plants requiring a permit. In order to be able to guarantee the technical tightness of steel/PTFE flanged joints, SGL Carbon, together with a working group of other companies, first determined the EN 13555 sealing characteristic values, which reflect the material-specific PTFE properties as well as the characteristic manufacture and shaping of the linings. With these characteristic values integrated in a database, SGL experts were able to perform realistic DIN EN 1591-1 calculations for flanged joints of a packed column lined with POLYFLURON PTFE and prove the tightness in accordance with TA-Luft. The design, final acceptance and pressure tests in accordance with Directive 2014/68/EU (PED) were successfully certified by a recognized notified body.

"With the rapid implementation of the new  tightness requirements for columns, our solutions offer customers further significant added value, which is currently also being applied to other products. Our sales team and technical service are available to provide customers with comprehensive advice on the new directives and our products," explains Ralph Spuller, Director Product Management in the Process Technology (PT) Business Unit at SGL Carbon.

SGL Carbon: Hydrochloric Acid synthesis unit in South India (c) SGL Carbon
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) synthesis unit with an integrated steam generation engineered and manufactured by SGL Carbon

SGL Carbon: Hydrochloric Acid synthesis unit in South India

  • Combined HCl acid and steam generation enables significant energy savings and increased cost efficiency

SGL Carbon delivered a Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) synthesis unit with integrated steam generation to Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd. (TCCL), a major producer in the chlor alkali business in South India. End of January, TCCL officially inaugurated its plant in Kochi in India’s Kerala state. Since then, the unit has already been ramped up at the customer’s site to full capacity.

  • Combined HCl acid and steam generation enables significant energy savings and increased cost efficiency

SGL Carbon delivered a Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) synthesis unit with integrated steam generation to Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd. (TCCL), a major producer in the chlor alkali business in South India. End of January, TCCL officially inaugurated its plant in Kochi in India’s Kerala state. Since then, the unit has already been ramped up at the customer’s site to full capacity.

The synthesis unit uses the efficient membrane wall technology and has a capacity of 60 tons of HCl per day. As an additional benefit, this innovative design enables the recovery of waste heat generated in the synthesis unit from the reaction of Hydrogen & Chlorine to produce up to 33 tons of steam at the high pressure of 10 bar every day. This steam can be used elsewhere in the chlor alkali plant, for example when concentrating caustic to flakes. As a result, the energy efficiency of TCCL’s plant goes up substantially since a huge portion of their steam demand can be covered by SGL’s unit. Thereby this helps to save costs as well as reduces CO2 emissions by more than 1.500 tons per year potentially.

The HCl synthesis has been completely engineered and produced at SGL’s production site in Pune, India. Scope of supply also included civil modification services at the customer site on a turnkey basis.

 “Our innovative combined HCl synthesis and steam production units offer a great business value to our customers in the growing Indian chemical market. Together with our proven technical and engineering competence on a global scale we can help our customers to enhance their energy efficiency as the example of TCCL shows”, comments Suneet Sangam, Sales Manager at SGL Carbon India.

“By engineering and producing our units also at SGL’s production site in India, we further strengthen our position as a global process solution provider for corrosive applications leveraging our extensive expertise from our worldwide network. Realizing such ambitious projects in these challenging times of Covid restrictions shows how capable our global team is.“ says Christoph Koch, Director Sales EMEIA at SGL Carbon.

SGL Carbon and Koller Kunststofftechnik manufacture composite windshield for BMW Group (c) Composites United
Skeletal windshield design based on injection molding with carbon fiber profiles

SGL Carbon and Koller Kunststofftechnik manufacture composite windshield for BMW Group

  • Carbon fibers combined with injection molding replace conventional steel construction
  • SGL Carbon supplies innovative carbon fiber profiles
  • Serial use in a future high-volume model of BMW Group
  • Construction method offers great potential for use in other automotive projects

Already in August, SGL Carbon received a multi-year order from Koller Kunststofftechnik GmbH for the production of novel carbon fiber profiles for serial use in windshields for a future high-volume model of BMW Group.

  • Carbon fibers combined with injection molding replace conventional steel construction
  • SGL Carbon supplies innovative carbon fiber profiles
  • Serial use in a future high-volume model of BMW Group
  • Construction method offers great potential for use in other automotive projects

Already in August, SGL Carbon received a multi-year order from Koller Kunststofftechnik GmbH for the production of novel carbon fiber profiles for serial use in windshields for a future high-volume model of BMW Group.

The profiles are particularly flexible fiber tows, pre-impregnated with thermoplastic resin in various dimensions. They will be compiled by SGL Carbon on the basis of its own 50k carbon fiber at its site in Innkreis, Austria, and subsequently processed by the injection molding experts at Koller to form a skeletal plastic component. The composite component will replace the previous steel-based windshield. Production of the carbon fiber profiles will start in the remainder of 2020 and will then be ramped up gradually over the next few years for the BMW Group model launch.

In the vehicle, the windshield is a connecting element between the roof frames and thus has an important stabilizing function. The carbon fiber profiles add the required stiffness and crash safety to the component. At the same time, they help to significantly reduce the weight of the roof and thus also support the driving dynamics. The injection molding process also enables particularly complex and material-efficient structures. In the BMW Group model, this innovative component concept will cut weight by 40 percent compared to conventional steel designs of the component while creating important space for cable ducts and sensors.

The production of the carbon fiber profiles themselves is also particularly geared to material and process efficiency in large-scale production. The profiles consist of several smaller fiber strands, the so-called rods, and are manufactured using the modern continuous pultrusion process. During product and process development it was one key objective to ensure that material loss during production is almost completely avoided.

"At SGL Carbon, we have been working on the development of thermoplastic carbon fiber profiles for use in injection molding for some time already. This development work is now beginning to pay off. Due to the many advantages and competitive costs, we see a great potential for the technology to be used in other automotive projects too," explains Sebastian Grasser, Head of the Automotive Segment in the Business Unit Composites - Fibers & Materials at SGL Carbon.

"Innovative lightweight construction with hybrid designs has developed into a strategically conclusive concept for Koller Group's OEM customers," confirms Max Koller, CEO of Koller Group. "SGL Carbon's high level of material expertise, combined with the process know-how of KOLLER Kunststofftechnik and KOLLER Formenbau, create the basis for a promising future in innovative lightweight construction technologies. With this order, the BMW Group has confirmed its confidence in the successful cooperation between SGL and Koller; we are particularly pleased about this", said Max Koller.
The Koller Group is a globally operating technology company with plants in Europe and China, as well as NAFTA. The Koller Group develops and manufactures lightweight construction, tools and serial components, primarily for the automotive industry.




SGL Carbon SE: Board of Management resolves restructuring program

An impairment charge has become necessary based on the current status of the new 5 year plan.

(Market Abuse Regulation N° 596/2014)
•    Impairment loss amounting to €80-100 million in the fourth quarter 2020 in the business unit CFM
•    Restructuring program resolved with savings target of more than €100 million until 2023
•    Guidance 2020 for Group sales and operating recurring Group EBIT confirmed
•    Guidance 2020 for net result reduced to minus €130-150 million

An impairment charge has become necessary based on the current status of the new 5 year plan.

(Market Abuse Regulation N° 596/2014)
•    Impairment loss amounting to €80-100 million in the fourth quarter 2020 in the business unit CFM
•    Restructuring program resolved with savings target of more than €100 million until 2023
•    Guidance 2020 for Group sales and operating recurring Group EBIT confirmed
•    Guidance 2020 for net result reduced to minus €130-150 million

In the current status of the 5 year plan, which is at present under preparation, significant deviations have already become apparent today, particularly in the market segments Automotive, Aerospace and Wind Energy in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM). Partially also due to the pandemic, Automotive and Aerospace is developing slower than anticipated in the last 5 year plan. In contrast, business with Wind Energy is growing much stronger than previously planned. These changes in the product mix lead to lower mid-term earnings at CFM compared to the prior 5 year plan. Following these deviations from the last 5 year plan, an event-driven impairment test was undertaken. This results in a non-cash impairment charge amounting to €80-100 million, which will be recorded in the fourth quarter 2020.

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE today also resolved the implementation of a restructuring program, with which the Company is targeting savings of more than €100 million until 2023 (compared to the base year 2019). These savings consist of a planned socially compatible reduction in personnel of more than 500 employees and substantial reduction in indirect spend, particularly in the areas of travel, consulting and external services. Costs of approximately €40 million are anticipated for the implementation of this restructuring program. A little more than half of this is expected to be recorded as expenses in the fourth quarter 2020, while the associated cash outflows are mainly forecasted for 2021.

This requires a partial adjustment of the guidance for 2020. The solid operational development in the third quarter 2020 with Group sales between €220 and €230 million and operating recurring EBIT1 between €13 and €15 million (plus approximately €9 million positive one-time effects) is within the framework of our expectations for the full year 2020. However, the Group net result is likely to develop below the prior year level of minus €90 million and reach approximately between minus €130 and €150 million due to the restructuring provisions as well as the impairment charge (prior guidance: improvement to a negative low double-digit million € amount).

With liquidity of €167 million as of September 30, 2020 (compared to €137 million at year-end 2019) and further cash inflows in the fourth quarter 2020 from successfully implemented additional funding measures, the Company’s position is solid. This liquidity is more than sufficient for the payment of the purchase price for SGL Composites USA in the amount of USD 62 million at the end of 2020 as well as the restructuring-related cash outflows expected mainly in 2021. The Company continues to have access to the revolving credit facility (RCF) in the amount of €175 million, which remains undrawn.

The quarterly statement as of September 30, 2020 will be published on November 12, 2020 as scheduled. Further details on the new 5 year plan as well as the guidance on the fiscal year 2021 will be presented with the publication of the Annual Report 2020 on March 25, 2021.

*The use of KPIs in this notification is aligned to the annual report 2019 and the interim report for the first half year 2020. There were no changes to the scope of consolidation or to valuation methods compared to the previous guidance.

More information:
SGL Carbon Composites Fibers


Thomas Dippold (c) Schaltbau Holding
Thomas Dippold

SGL Carbon SE: Thomas Dippold ist Mitglied des Vorstands

Wie am 17. August 2020 berichtet, hatte der Aufsichtsrat der SGL Carbon SE Thomas Dippold mit Wirkung zum 1. Dezember 2020 zum CFO und Mitglied des Vorstands der SGL Carbon SE bestellt. Erfreulicherweise kann Herr Dippold kurzfristig sein Amt als Vorstandsmitglied der SGL Carbon SE früher antreten, so dass der Aufsichtsrat der Gesellschaft seine Bestellung nun auf den 15. Oktober 2020 vorgezogen hat, auch um die geplante Übernahme der CFO-Position vorzubereiten.

Herr Dippold tritt wie berichtet zum 1. Dezember 2020 die Nachfolge des langjährigen Finanzvorstands Dr. Michael Majerus an, der zum 30. November 2020 in gutem gegenseitigen Einvernehmen aus seinem Amt ausscheidet.

Dr. Stephan Bühler legt plangemäß sein Amt als Vorstandsmitglied zum 15. Oktober 2020 nieder.

Wie am 17. August 2020 berichtet, hatte der Aufsichtsrat der SGL Carbon SE Thomas Dippold mit Wirkung zum 1. Dezember 2020 zum CFO und Mitglied des Vorstands der SGL Carbon SE bestellt. Erfreulicherweise kann Herr Dippold kurzfristig sein Amt als Vorstandsmitglied der SGL Carbon SE früher antreten, so dass der Aufsichtsrat der Gesellschaft seine Bestellung nun auf den 15. Oktober 2020 vorgezogen hat, auch um die geplante Übernahme der CFO-Position vorzubereiten.

Herr Dippold tritt wie berichtet zum 1. Dezember 2020 die Nachfolge des langjährigen Finanzvorstands Dr. Michael Majerus an, der zum 30. November 2020 in gutem gegenseitigen Einvernehmen aus seinem Amt ausscheidet.

Dr. Stephan Bühler legt plangemäß sein Amt als Vorstandsmitglied zum 15. Oktober 2020 nieder.


SGL Carbon SE

Thomas Dippold (c) Schaltbau Holding
Thomas Dippold

SGL Carbon SE: Thomas Dippold becomes member of the Board of Management

As reported on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE had appointed Thomas Dippold to CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020. Fortunately, Mr. Dippold is able to assume office of his mandate as member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE earlier, so that the Supervisory Board of the company has brought forward the appointment to October 15, 2020, also to prepare for the planned assumption of the CFO position.

As previously reported, and effective December 1, 2020, Mr. Dippold is succeeding the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who is resigning from his office effective November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

As planned, Dr. Stephan Bühler resigned from his office as member of the Board of Management effective October 15, 2020.

As reported on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE had appointed Thomas Dippold to CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020. Fortunately, Mr. Dippold is able to assume office of his mandate as member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE earlier, so that the Supervisory Board of the company has brought forward the appointment to October 15, 2020, also to prepare for the planned assumption of the CFO position.

As previously reported, and effective December 1, 2020, Mr. Dippold is succeeding the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who is resigning from his office effective November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

As planned, Dr. Stephan Bühler resigned from his office as member of the Board of Management effective October 15, 2020.


SGL Carbon SE

34 Auszubildende starten 2020 in ihr Berufsleben bei der SGL Carbon (c) SGL CARBON SE
Unsere neuen Auszubildenden und Duale Studenten am Standort Meitingen

34 Auszubildende starten 2020 in ihr Berufsleben bei der SGL Carbon

  • Am 1. September 2020 hat die SGL Carbon 33 neue Auszubildende in Deutschland begrüßt.

An den Standorten Meitingen und Bonn sind die jungen Menschen in unterschiedlichen technischen und kaufmännischen Berufen sowie in dualen Studiengängen in ihr Berufsleben gestartet. Am österreichischen Standort im Innkreis hat bereits Anfang August ein Lehrling die Arbeit aufgenommen.

Die Auszubildenden (in Österreich: Lehrlinge) werden in vielfältigen Fachrichtungen auf ihre spätere Laufbahn als Fachkräfte vorbereitet. Dazu zählen unter anderem die Berufe Industriemechaniker/in, Elektroniker/in für Betriebstechnik, Maschinen- und Anlagenführer/in, Chemielaborant/in, Verfahrensmechaniker/in und Bürokaufmann/-frau. Darüber hinaus bietet die SGL Carbon seit einigen Jahren auch duale Studiengänge mit betriebswirtschaftlichem oder technischem Schwerpunkt an. In diesem Jahr starten hier vier Studenten in den Fachrichtungen chemische Technik, Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik und Umwelttechnik.

  • Am 1. September 2020 hat die SGL Carbon 33 neue Auszubildende in Deutschland begrüßt.

An den Standorten Meitingen und Bonn sind die jungen Menschen in unterschiedlichen technischen und kaufmännischen Berufen sowie in dualen Studiengängen in ihr Berufsleben gestartet. Am österreichischen Standort im Innkreis hat bereits Anfang August ein Lehrling die Arbeit aufgenommen.

Die Auszubildenden (in Österreich: Lehrlinge) werden in vielfältigen Fachrichtungen auf ihre spätere Laufbahn als Fachkräfte vorbereitet. Dazu zählen unter anderem die Berufe Industriemechaniker/in, Elektroniker/in für Betriebstechnik, Maschinen- und Anlagenführer/in, Chemielaborant/in, Verfahrensmechaniker/in und Bürokaufmann/-frau. Darüber hinaus bietet die SGL Carbon seit einigen Jahren auch duale Studiengänge mit betriebswirtschaftlichem oder technischem Schwerpunkt an. In diesem Jahr starten hier vier Studenten in den Fachrichtungen chemische Technik, Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik und Umwelttechnik.

Uwe Moderer, Ausbildungsleiter in Meitingen, dem größten Standort der SGL Carbon: „Speziell in diesen besonderen Zeiten ist es wichtig, jungen Menschen eine Perspektive zu geben. Wir freuen uns daher sehr, unsere neuen Auszubildenden willkommen zu heißen.“

Pro Jahr stellt die SGL Carbon im Schnitt etwa 30 neue Auszubildende ein. Bereits jetzt läuft das Bewerbungsverfahren für den Ausbildungsbeginn im September 2021.

More information:
SGL Carbon Ausbildung


Thomas Dippold appointed as new member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE (c) Schaltbau Holding
Thomas Dippold

Thomas Dippold appointed as new member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE

  • Thomas Dippold succeeding Dr. Michael Majerus as CFO

During its meeting on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE decided to appoint Thomas Dippold (48) as CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020 with a tenure of five years. Thomas Dippold will succeed the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who will resign from his office as of November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

Thomas Dippold (German Diploma in Business Administration, MBA in USA) began his career at HSBC Bank in London and Düsseldorf. Further appointments led him to Schott AG amongst others in Singapore, followed by commercial management jobs and CFO positions in internationally active industrial companies headquartered in Germany. Mr. Dippold is currently CFO of the stock listed transportation technology company Schaltbau Holding AG.

  • Thomas Dippold succeeding Dr. Michael Majerus as CFO

During its meeting on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE decided to appoint Thomas Dippold (48) as CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020 with a tenure of five years. Thomas Dippold will succeed the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who will resign from his office as of November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

Thomas Dippold (German Diploma in Business Administration, MBA in USA) began his career at HSBC Bank in London and Düsseldorf. Further appointments led him to Schott AG amongst others in Singapore, followed by commercial management jobs and CFO positions in internationally active industrial companies headquartered in Germany. Mr. Dippold is currently CFO of the stock listed transportation technology company Schaltbau Holding AG.

The Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE, Mrs. Susanne Klatten, welcomes Mr. Dippold: “With the appointment of Mr. Dippold, we are pleased to have gained a convincing and highly respected personality in his field. We are convinced that Mr. Dippold possesses key qualifications to sustainably support SGL Carbon SE in its upcoming tasks given his comprehensive and long-standing experience as CFO.“

The Supervisory Board thanks Dr. Majerus very much for his great achievements in the interest of SGL Carbon. In the past six years, Dr. Majerus has stabilized the Company even in difficult times with several major capital market transactions and has meaningfully contributed to the strategic realignment of the Company with the successful divestment of the graphite electrode and cathode businesses. For nine months up to and including May 2020, Dr. Majerus additionally assumed nearly all responsibilities from the recently departed CEO and provided leadership to the Company as the Speaker of the Board of Management. In this position, he safely steered the Company through the immediate impacts of the Corona pandemic. In addition, he developed substantial future growth perspectives with, amongst others, the conclusion of a large supply agreement for fuel cell components. The Supervisory Board wishes him all the best and further success in his future endeavors.


SGL Carbon SE


As expected, SGL Carbon’s second quarter impacted by Corona pandemic

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales in the second quarter approximately 23 percent below prior-year period; Group recurring EBIT of around 2 million euros was slightly better than anticipated at the presentation of the results of the first quarter 2020
  • Group sales in the first half year 2020 at almost 457 million euros and thus around 19 percent below the prior-year period; decrease in sales due to pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM)
  • Group recurring EBIT down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros
  • As a result of measures taken at an early stage and contrary to the normal seasonal trend, cash and cash equivalents at nearly 154 million euros as of June 30, 2020 developed very positively compared to the end of 2019
  • According to the full year forecast published on July 28, 2020, SGL Carbon expects Group sales to decline by 15 to 20 percent and a slightly positive operating recurring EBIT
  • Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon: "My ambition is to achieve lasting success with SGL Carbon. Over the past two months, we have been conducting a comprehensive analysis of our processes, structures and markets. Based on this, we will identify the options that will enable us to sustainably increase our profitability. The Corona pandemic is forcing us to act even faster."

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronakrise Umsatz

SGL CARBON SE Corporate Communications

Sample from the development of the nano porous high-temperature thermal insulation material Sample from the development of the nano porous high-temperature thermal insulation material (© ZAE Bayern).

Consortium develops new generation of thermal insulation for high-temperature furnaces

In the joint project "AeroFurnace" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the consortium, consisting of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE Bayern) as joint coordinator, the furnace manufacturer FCT Systeme, and SGL Carbon has succeeded in improving the thermal insulation properties of a new composite material by up to 120 percent compared to commercially available felt-based carbon materials. This enabled the project partners to move into a new quality level of thermal insulation in high-temperature industrial applications and pave the way for more energy efficient thermal insulation.

Dr. Gudrun Reichenauer, coordinator of the joint project and head of the work group Nanomaterials at ZAE Bayern: "In this project, we have been able to make the latest findings from the world of nanomaterials accessible to the market through intensive cooperation and thus set new standards in the field of thermal insulation materials."

In the joint project "AeroFurnace" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the consortium, consisting of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE Bayern) as joint coordinator, the furnace manufacturer FCT Systeme, and SGL Carbon has succeeded in improving the thermal insulation properties of a new composite material by up to 120 percent compared to commercially available felt-based carbon materials. This enabled the project partners to move into a new quality level of thermal insulation in high-temperature industrial applications and pave the way for more energy efficient thermal insulation.

Dr. Gudrun Reichenauer, coordinator of the joint project and head of the work group Nanomaterials at ZAE Bayern: "In this project, we have been able to make the latest findings from the world of nanomaterials accessible to the market through intensive cooperation and thus set new standards in the field of thermal insulation materials."

Dr. Thomas Kirschbaum, project manager at SGL Carbon: "In furnace simulations at the partner FCT, we have already been able to demonstrate what the new material can do: Depending on the temperature program, up to 40 percent of the required process energy can be saved with the new thermal insulation material. The potential of the new material is great." This prediction will be reviewed under real conditions in a demonstrator component in the second half of 2020 as part of the still ongoing BMWi project.

Dr. Jürgen Hennicke, project lead and head of R&D at FCT Systeme: "As a leading manufacturer of industrial vacuum or inert gas high temperature furnaces, the new generation of insulating materials enables us to create furnaces with a more favorable ratio of usable space to external dimensions, thus offering customers improved cost efficiency and productivity".

Based on laboratory samples in plate form it has already been demonstrated that the production of the new material can be represented by technically simple processes and is in principle well scalable. However, there is still a long way to go before the product is ready for serial production.

The third largest share of final energy in Germany is used for the generation of heat in industrial processes (22.6 percent). In many industries, e.g. in the steel and ceramics industry, energy-intensive high-temperature processes run above 1000°C – these alone require almost 50 percent of the industrial process heat. Suitable thermal insulation materials can significantly reduce energy demand while maintaining the same usable volume.




SGL Carbon achieves results in line with initial expectations

No significant impact yet from Covid-19 pandemic in the first quarter 2020:

No significant impact yet from Covid-19 pandemic in the first quarter 2020:

  • Group sales revenues at 247 million euros approximately 15 percent below prior year’s level, but slightly above the guidance corridor (220 to 240 million euros) as published in March 2020
  • Decline in Group sales due to changes in the lithium-ion battery supply chain in the business unit Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) as well as restructuring-driven lower sales in Textile Fibers in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM)
  • Group recurring EBIT approximately 50 percent below prior year level at 9 million euros and at the upper end of the guidance corridor (mid to high single-digit million euros amount)
  • Due to timely implemented measures and in contrast to the usual seasonal pattern, liquidity of approximately 150 million euros as of March 31, 2020 developed very favorably compared to year-end 2019 (137 million euros)
  • Dr. Michael Majerus, Spokesman of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon: “We acted decisively and took various measures at an early stage, both to ensure the safety of our employees and to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic.”
  • Guidance for the full year 2020 remains suspended due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic; decline in Group sales revenue and negative Group recurring EBIT expected for the second quarter 2020

In the first quarter 2020, SGL Carbon has not yet been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and reached sales revenues slightly above the guidance corridor of 220 to 240 million euros published on March 12, 2020. In total, Group sales at 247 million euros was approximately 15 percent below the prior year level. The development is primarily attributable to changes in the lithium-ion battery supply chain in the business unit Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) as well as to restructuring-driven lower sales in Textile Fibers in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM). As planned, Group recurring EBIT decreased by approximately 50 percent to 9 million euros and thus reached the upper end of the guidance corridor of a mid to high single-digit million euros amount.

As the global measures taken to contain the pandemic led to disruptions in production and supply chains in April and early May 2020, a significant double-digit percentage decrease in Group sales revenue and a negative Group recurring EBIT are expected for the second quarter 2020.  

SGL Carbon implemented various measures to counter the economic impact of the pandemic at an early stage. For this reason, liquidity developed very favorably compared to year-end 2019 and in contrast to the usual seasonal pattern and improved from 137 million to approximately 150 million euros.

More information:
SGL Carbon

SGL Carbon SE