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Projekt futureTEX präsentiert Highlights aus sieben Jahren Textilforschung (c) P3N MARKETING GMBH
In der Labtour durch die „Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ konnten die Vor-Ort-Teilnehmer Industrie 4.0 in der Textilindustrie live erleben

Projekt futureTEX präsentiert Highlights aus sieben Jahren Textilforschung

Als interdisziplinäres Kompetenznetzwerk aus Industrie- und Forschungspartnern ist futureTEX 2014 gestartet, um den Wandel der traditionsreichen Textilbranche im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zu einem zukunftsfähigen Industrieplayer – mit Technischen Textilien (TechTex) als Fundament – zu gestalten. In dieser Zeit ist das Konsortium auf mehr als 300 involvierte mittelständische Unternehmen, wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen und textile Branchenverbände angewachsen, die sich in insgesamt 34 Vorhaben der textilen Zukunft verschrieben haben. Das erklärte Ziel der Akteure bestand darin, die Position Deutschlands als Weltmarktführer im Textilmaschinenbau zu stärken sowie den Weg zu einer globalen Spitzenposition bei den Technischen Textilien bis 2025 zu ebnen.

Nun befindet sich das Projekt auf der Zielgeraden: Über 20 der insgesamt 34 Vorhaben wurden bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen – Die noch in Arbeit befindlichen werden in den kommenden Monaten folgen.

Als interdisziplinäres Kompetenznetzwerk aus Industrie- und Forschungspartnern ist futureTEX 2014 gestartet, um den Wandel der traditionsreichen Textilbranche im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zu einem zukunftsfähigen Industrieplayer – mit Technischen Textilien (TechTex) als Fundament – zu gestalten. In dieser Zeit ist das Konsortium auf mehr als 300 involvierte mittelständische Unternehmen, wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen und textile Branchenverbände angewachsen, die sich in insgesamt 34 Vorhaben der textilen Zukunft verschrieben haben. Das erklärte Ziel der Akteure bestand darin, die Position Deutschlands als Weltmarktführer im Textilmaschinenbau zu stärken sowie den Weg zu einer globalen Spitzenposition bei den Technischen Textilien bis 2025 zu ebnen.

Nun befindet sich das Projekt auf der Zielgeraden: Über 20 der insgesamt 34 Vorhaben wurden bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen – Die noch in Arbeit befindlichen werden in den kommenden Monaten folgen.

Um die erreichten Ziele der vergangenen Projektjahre Revue passieren zu lassen sowie einen Ausblick zu geben, wie es nach Projektende weitergeht, hatte der Konsortialführer – das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) – zur hybriden Abschlussveranstaltung geladen. Rund 50 Teilnehmer folgten online und vor Ort dem abwechslungsreichen Rahmenprogramm.*


*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.

(c) FET
FET meltspinning system for biomedical applications

FET: Further Gains in the Biomedical sector

Fibre Extrusion Technology of Leeds, UK has delivered nine meltspinning systems to clients in the biomedical sector since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a similar number currently on order for 2021/22. This way FET could confirm the position as an acknowledged world leader in meltspinning equipment for the production of precursor materials used in medical devices and as a default supplier for absorbable suture production systems, with orders virtually doubling year on year.

Recent installations include a multi-functional system that can produce both multifilament and monofilament pre-cursor fibres, but nonwoven systems have been particularly prominent, driven by the burgeoning demand for FFP3 masks, gowns and other medical products required during the pandemic. These have been sold to medical device manufacturing companies across the globe, including the Far East, USA and Europe. Research organisations have also invested in FET systems for biomedical applications, the most recent being the University of Leeds in a laboratory scale Spunbond system.

Fibre Extrusion Technology of Leeds, UK has delivered nine meltspinning systems to clients in the biomedical sector since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a similar number currently on order for 2021/22. This way FET could confirm the position as an acknowledged world leader in meltspinning equipment for the production of precursor materials used in medical devices and as a default supplier for absorbable suture production systems, with orders virtually doubling year on year.

Recent installations include a multi-functional system that can produce both multifilament and monofilament pre-cursor fibres, but nonwoven systems have been particularly prominent, driven by the burgeoning demand for FFP3 masks, gowns and other medical products required during the pandemic. These have been sold to medical device manufacturing companies across the globe, including the Far East, USA and Europe. Research organisations have also invested in FET systems for biomedical applications, the most recent being the University of Leeds in a laboratory scale Spunbond system.

The FET in-house Process Development Laboratory and ongoing collaboration with biomaterial polymer suppliers has helped to optimise the biomedical melt spinning technology. The Laboratory is at the disposal of customers for all aspects of confidential testing and evaluation. To further increase this competitive edge, FET will be opening a new Process Development Laboratory and Visitor Centre in early 2022.

More information:
meltspinning FET

Projectmarketing for FET

(c) Fibre Extrusion Technology

New FET meltspinning system upgrade for NIRI

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd of Leeds, UK has installed a new meltspinning system to upgrade research facilities at NIRI, the Nonwovens Innovation & Research Institute Ltd UK, a global leader in nonwoven engineering and product development.

Established in 1998, FET is a leading supplier of laboratory and pilot meltspinning systems with installations in over 35 countries and has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.
The installation comprises a FET-102 Series Laboratory Meltblown Spinning System and FET-103 Monofilament Meltspinning System. This advanced equipment enhances NIRI’s extensive pilot facilities and state-of-the-art analytical laboratory for fast tracking innovation. In particular, the FET meltblown system will be utilised for R&D, pilot projects, sampling and prototyping, proof of concept testing and for designing cost-effective, sustainable and innovative products.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd of Leeds, UK has installed a new meltspinning system to upgrade research facilities at NIRI, the Nonwovens Innovation & Research Institute Ltd UK, a global leader in nonwoven engineering and product development.

Established in 1998, FET is a leading supplier of laboratory and pilot meltspinning systems with installations in over 35 countries and has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.
The installation comprises a FET-102 Series Laboratory Meltblown Spinning System and FET-103 Monofilament Meltspinning System. This advanced equipment enhances NIRI’s extensive pilot facilities and state-of-the-art analytical laboratory for fast tracking innovation. In particular, the FET meltblown system will be utilised for R&D, pilot projects, sampling and prototyping, proof of concept testing and for designing cost-effective, sustainable and innovative products.

NIRI supports global manufacturing companies to identify new opportunities for meltblown nonwovens, develop their next generation of products and accelerate their commercialisation activities. NIRI’s new upgraded laboratory and pilot system from FET can process a wide range of polymer types, including chemically recycled polymers, bio-polymers and many difficult-to-process materials.


Project Marketing for Fibre Extrusion Technology


FET installs new Spunbond system at University of Leeds

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd, UK has completed the installation and commissioning of a new FET Laboratory Spunbond system for the University of Leeds.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd, UK has completed the installation and commissioning of a new FET Laboratory Spunbond system for the University of Leeds.

This FET spunbond system is now an integral part of the research facilities of the CCTMIH (Clothworkers’ Centre for Textile Materials Innovation for Healthcare), led by Prof. Stephen Russell based in the School of Design, University of Leeds, who commented “The new spunbond system is perfectly suited to our academic research work, and is already proving itself to be extremely versatile and intuitive to use”.
This spunbond system complements existing research lab facilities at the university, which covers all areas of fibre and fabric processing, physical testing and characterisation. It forms part of a wider investment in facilities to support fundamental, academic research on ‘future manufacturing’ for medical devices, where the focus is on studying small-scale processing of unconventional polymers and additive mixes to form spunbond fabrics with multifunctional properties.
Key to this research is developing the underlying process-structure-performance relationships, based on the measured data, to provide detailed understanding of how final fabric performance can be controlled during processing.

As a rule, many exciting materials developed in academic research struggle to progress beyond the bench, because of compatibility issues with key manufacturing processes such as spunbond. By leveraging mono, core-sheath and island-in-the-sea bicomponent technology, the Leeds University team is working with polymer and biomaterial research scientists, engineers and clinicians to explore the incorporation of unusual materials in spunbond fabrics, potentially widening applications.
FET has built on its melt spinning expertise to develop a true laboratory scale spunbond system and is currently working on a number of other such projects globally with research institutions and manufacturers.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd / Project Marketing Ltd