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(c) Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG

RÖSCH Care: Zertifizierte medizinische Gesichtsmasken Typ II und Typ II R

Die Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG produziert ab sofort unter dem Label RÖSCH Care nach DIN EN 14683 zertifizierte medizinische Gesichtsmasken am Firmensitz in Tübingen. Die individualisierbaren Masken vom Typ II sowie Typ II R werden aus Zutaten deutscher Lieferanten unter strengen Qualitätsbedingungen hergestellt und wurden mit einer Filterwirksamkeit (BFE) von 99,97% beziehungsweise 99,2% zertifiziert.

Rösch Fashion hat auf den sich veränderten Maskenmarkt reagiert und von der Produktion von Stoffmasken auf medizinische Gesichtsmasken umgestellt. Hierfür wurde eine neue Maskenmaschine angeschafft und im Mai 2021 am Standort Tübingen in Betrieb genommen. Mit der erfolgten Zertifizierung vertreibt der süddeutsche Textilbetrieb nun medizinische Gesichtsmasken Typ II und Typ II R unter dem Label “RÖSCH Care”. Die Masken mit dreilagigem Aufbau aus hochleistungsfähigen Vlies-Lagen sind nicht nur besonders atmungsaktiv, sondern durch stabile Nasenbügel und bequeme Ohrschlaufen weich und komfortabel.

Die Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG produziert ab sofort unter dem Label RÖSCH Care nach DIN EN 14683 zertifizierte medizinische Gesichtsmasken am Firmensitz in Tübingen. Die individualisierbaren Masken vom Typ II sowie Typ II R werden aus Zutaten deutscher Lieferanten unter strengen Qualitätsbedingungen hergestellt und wurden mit einer Filterwirksamkeit (BFE) von 99,97% beziehungsweise 99,2% zertifiziert.

Rösch Fashion hat auf den sich veränderten Maskenmarkt reagiert und von der Produktion von Stoffmasken auf medizinische Gesichtsmasken umgestellt. Hierfür wurde eine neue Maskenmaschine angeschafft und im Mai 2021 am Standort Tübingen in Betrieb genommen. Mit der erfolgten Zertifizierung vertreibt der süddeutsche Textilbetrieb nun medizinische Gesichtsmasken Typ II und Typ II R unter dem Label “RÖSCH Care”. Die Masken mit dreilagigem Aufbau aus hochleistungsfähigen Vlies-Lagen sind nicht nur besonders atmungsaktiv, sondern durch stabile Nasenbügel und bequeme Ohrschlaufen weich und komfortabel.

“Mit unserer Schwesterfirma RÖKONA sind wir schon seit Jahren im medizinischen Textilsektor unterwegs und konnten von diesem internen Know-how profitieren”, so Arnd-Gerrit Rösch, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Familienbetriebs.

More information:
Rösch Masken

Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG


SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH cancelled – moved to January 2022

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

SEEK and PREMIUM are live events and therefore spaces for engaging with others face-to-face. They are a vital meeting point for the whole industry that can only be augmented by our digital offerings. Under the current unpredictable conditions the usual levels of service cannot be guaranteed for clients and visitors.

July will see the start of Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) digital. Frankfurt Fashion Week Studio is the core element of the FFW opening season and encompasses the whole FFW ecosystem – with its key themes of Fashion Business, sustainability and digitisation – in the form of a digital portal.

FFW Studio is a progressively curated and staged platform that brings together all German fashion trade shows, conferences, fashion experiences and events under one roof for the first time. First as a digital venue, then as a hybrid one. For pioneers, brands, experiences, entertainment and networking.

“Over the past year we have felt a great sense of solidarity. The industry has given us enormous encouragement and the assurance that we are not only missed but needed. So we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to get together in a few short months’ time to present concepts and projects, meet up face-to-face, and shape the future together. Now more than ever!” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP   

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week PREMIUM


Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital stattfinden (c) Frankfurt Fashion Week

Frankfurt Fashion Week findet vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital statt

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

Neben den pandemischen Rahmenbedingungen ist vor allem die partnerschaftliche Verantwortung gegenüber allen Stakeholder*innen ausschlaggebender Punkt für diese Entscheidung – schließlich würde ein unverändertes Festhalten an den bisherigen Planungen das finanzielle Risiko für eine physische Durchführung der Frankfurt Fashion Week auf die Schultern der Austeller*innen, Besucher*innen und Partner*innen verlagern. Die Prognosen hinsichtlich des Impffortschritts stimmen aktuell grundsätzlich positiv. Dennoch müssen Tradeshows und Präsentationen, die auf der physischen Präsenz eines internationalen Besucher*innen- und Aussteller*innenportfolios aufbauen, den zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt maßgeblichen Entscheidungsfaktoren Rechnung tragen. Zu diesen zählen insbesondere sowohl externe Kriterien, wie andauernde Einschränkungen im Reiseverkehr sowie umfangreiche Quarantänebestimmungen als auch unternehmensinterne Aspekte wie Reiserestriktionen oder auch Kurzarbeitsregelungen, die Stakeholder*innen eine Zusage der physischen Teilnahme an der Frankfurt Fashion Week Anfang Juli 2021 momentan unmöglich machen.

Digital Impulse für die Transformation der Fashionbranche setzen
„Jetzt heißt es, nach vorne blicken. Wir sind angetreten, um die Frankfurt Fashion Week mit ihrem Ecosystem zum Taktgeber der Mode- und Textilbranche zu machen und relevante Zukunftsthemen auf der Agenda der Industrie zu setzen. An diesem Anspruch halten wir fest. Beispielsweise der neue Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by der Conscious Fashion Campaign in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships und die durch die "New European Bauhaus"-Initiative der Europäischen Union inspirierte Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, organisiert vom Fashion Council Germany in Kooperation mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week, versprechen einen hochkarätigen digitalen Aufschlag. Unserer Intention, in Frankfurt eine Fashion Week gänzlich neu zu interpretieren und einen international Impact entwickelnden Impuls zu setzen, wie die Zukunft der Modeindustrie transformativ zu gestalten ist, werden wir somit auch unter diesen herausfordernden Umständen gerecht!“, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

„Es bricht mir das Herz, zum dritten Mal in Folge unsere Tradeshows, Konferenzen und Events, ebenso die geplanten Kollektionspräsentationen und Showen abzusagen. Machen wir uns nichts vor, für die Fashionbranche ist das dramatisch. Uns bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als den Tatsachen ins Auge zu sehen, die Konsequenzen zu ziehen und die physischen Elemente einer Frankfurt Fashion Week – auf die wir uns alle so sehr freuen – für den Januar 2022 zu planen. Für den Juli werden wir nun alle Kräfte bündeln, um auch ohne persönliches Get-together unserer Verantwortung der Branche gegenüber digital gerecht zu werden: Im FFW STUDIO werden wir Inspiration bieten, vor allem aber die Themen zu Sustainability und Digitisation vorstellen und auf höchstem Niveau in entsprechenden Formaten diskutieren. Es geht darum, eine Art Pre-Season unserer Vision einer neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, trotz Corona, Realität werden lassen“, sagt Anita Tillmann, Managing Director der Premium Group. "Jetzt erst recht!"

Das FFW STUDIO entsteht auf der Website und wird der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für alle Textil- und Modeprofis, Fashion People und Interessierte. In einem professionell kuratierten Live-Stream wird während der Frankfurt Fashion Week eine ganzheitliche User Experience entstehen, die mit den vier Kanälen Trade Show, Conference, Experience sowie Arts & Entertainment die vier Säulen des Frankfurt Fashion Week Ökosystems abbildet und dabei stets die Leitmotive Sustainability und Digitisation in Szene setzt. Die Inhalte werden im Anschluss an die Liveübertragung in Form einer Video-on-Demand-Serie allen Stakeholdern für die Interimssaison zur Verfügung stehen. So entsteht eine konzentrierte und hochqualitative Essenz der zukunftsorientierten Themenfelder der Frankfurt Fashion Week.
Das Programm ist State-of-the-Art und wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt: In exklusiven Future Talks internationaler Leitmedien werden zukunftsrelevante Fragestellungen mit führenden Entscheidungsträger*innen der Branche diskutiert. Weitere Programmhighlights sind Deep Dives und Einblicke in die beiden Leit-Konferenzen der neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit sowie die Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, die beide erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgerichtet werden. Die Programmdetails werden zeitnah bekanntgegeben.


BDSE Handelsverband Schuhe: Lockdown bringt den Schuhhandel an den Rand der Existenz

Abgesehen von kurzen und regional unterschiedlichen Öffnungsphasen, meist nur mit vorheriger Terminvereinbarung, durfte der stationäre Fachhandel seine Ladentüren in diesem Jahr noch nicht öffnen. Jeden Monat, in dem der stationäre Schuhhandel geschlossen bleiben muss, gehen rund 700 Millionen Euro Umsatz verloren.  Nach den Verkaufssaisons Frühjahr/Sommer 2020 und Herbst/ Winter 2020/21 ist dies nun die dritte Saison in Folge, in der die Unternehmen auf einem großen Teil ihrer eingekauften Ware sitzen bleiben und hohe Verluste einfahren werden. Allein in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres hat der stationäre Schuhfachhandel pandemiebedingt und im Vergleich zur Vorcorona-Zeit schätzungsweise 1,5 Milliarden Umsatz eingebüßt.

Abgesehen von kurzen und regional unterschiedlichen Öffnungsphasen, meist nur mit vorheriger Terminvereinbarung, durfte der stationäre Fachhandel seine Ladentüren in diesem Jahr noch nicht öffnen. Jeden Monat, in dem der stationäre Schuhhandel geschlossen bleiben muss, gehen rund 700 Millionen Euro Umsatz verloren.  Nach den Verkaufssaisons Frühjahr/Sommer 2020 und Herbst/ Winter 2020/21 ist dies nun die dritte Saison in Folge, in der die Unternehmen auf einem großen Teil ihrer eingekauften Ware sitzen bleiben und hohe Verluste einfahren werden. Allein in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres hat der stationäre Schuhfachhandel pandemiebedingt und im Vergleich zur Vorcorona-Zeit schätzungsweise 1,5 Milliarden Umsatz eingebüßt.

Da die staatlichen Hilfen bei weitem nicht reichen, zahlreiche Schuhhäuser sogar gänzlich leer ausgehen, werden viele Schuhhäuser den langanhaltenden Lockdown kaum überleben können. Nach einer aktuellen Handelsbefragung des HDE gehen 58 Prozent der Schuhfach-händler davon aus, dass sie ohne weitere staatliche Hilfen ihr Geschäft noch in diesem Jahr aufgeben müssen! Bei gut 3.000 Unternehmen mit rund 10.000 Stores sind empfindliche Lücken in unseren Innenstädten zu befürchten, zumal die wirtschaftliche Situation im Beklei-dungshandel ähnlich dramatisch ist.

Deutliche Verschiebung der Absatzkanäle
Die Pandemie führte im Schuhmarkt zu einer deutlichen Verschiebung der Marktanteile der Absatzkanäle. Eindeutiger Krisengewinner ist der Onlinehandel, der im vergangenen Jahr seinen Marktanteil nach BDSE-Berechnungen von 26 Prozent auf 34 Prozent ausbauen konnte. Gewachsen sind nicht nur die Online Pure Player wie bspw. Zalando, sondern auch die Online-Umsätze der Multichannel-Schuhhändler mit stationären Wurzeln, die ihren digitalen Vertriebsweg in den vergangenen 12 Monaten mangels Alternativen zum Teil kräftig ausbauten. Wie überhaupt viele kleine und mittelgroße Schuhgeschäfte in der Zeit des Shutdowns neue digitale Kommunikationskanäle zu ihren Kunden sich erschlossen oder ihre digitalen Tools aus Servicegründen weiter optimiert haben. Deren Online-Verkäufe, oftmals über Online-Marktplätze und -Plattformen getätigt, vermochten aber bei weitem nicht die Umsatz- und Renditeverluste des stationären Geschäfts auszugleichen. Aber sie konnten darüber zumindest den Kundenkontakt halten und versuchen, überschaubare Teile ihrer Warenüberhänge trotz Öffnungsverbot abzusetzen.

Rückläufiges Marktvolumen
Die Kanalverschiebungen finden in einem insgesamt rückläufigen Markt statt. Denn die Verbraucher halten sich mit ihren Konsumausgaben Corona-bedingt auch bei Schuhen aktuell zurück. Nach vorläufigen BDSE-Berechnungen schrumpfte das Marktvolumen bei Schuhen in 2020 um 13,5 Prozent auf 10,2 Mrd. Euro. Zwar konnte der Online- und Katalogversandhandel bei Schuhen um 15 Prozent zulegen, doch gingen in dieser Zeit dem stationären Schuhhandel rund 23 Prozent seiner Umsätze verloren. Neben den Schuhfachgeschäften mussten auch andere Vertriebsformen des Einzelhandels, die dem Lockdown unterlagen, bei ihren Schuhumsätzen zweistellige Einbußen verkraften, so beispielsweise die Schuhsortimente der Kauf- und Warenhäuser und jene der Bekleidungsgeschäfte.

"Schuhhandel muss wieder öffnen dürfen"
Die Schuhbranche hofft auf eine Nachbesserung der Corona-Hilfen. Dies insbesondere auch im Zuge der anstehenden Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes, das mit einer Verlängerung der Lockdownphase und verschärften regionalen Öffnungsszenarien verbunden sein wird. Wenn schon der Nonfood-Handel diesen Kraftakt zur Eindämmung der Pandemie leisten soll, dann müsse der Staat auch für einen fairen Schadensausgleich sorgen. Wobei aus Sicht des BDSE und durch wissenschaftliche Studien des RKI, der TU Berlin und der Berufsgenossenschaft belegt sei, dass die Ansteckungsgefahr im Einzelhandel – insbesondere bei Beachtung der gängigen Abstands- und Hygienevorschriften – ausgesprochen gering sei.

Vor diesem Hintergrund fordern die Handelsverbände, dass bei der Novellierung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes und den weiteren Corona-Maßnahmen das Problem bei der Wurzel gepackt wird. Gesetzgeber und Behörden sollten sich auf die wirklich wirksamen Lösungen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie konzentrieren und nicht auf Wirtschaftsbereiche, die nach wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen kaum Effekte auf das Infektionsgeschehen haben. Hinzu komme beim Verkauf von Schuhen der Gesundheitsaspekt einer fachkundigen Beratung. Denn nicht nur bei Babys und Kindern, deren Füße in bestimmten Altersklassen rasch und innerhalb nur eines Jahres über mehrere Schuhgrößen hinweg wachsen, ist mit Blick auf die Passform eine qualifizierte und zeitnahe Beratung beim Schuhkauf sehr wichtig. Sondern auch bei Erwachsenen sei gut passendes Schuhwerk gesundheitlich geboten, nicht zuletzt um Fußdeformationen, Nervenschmerzen und Fehlhaltungen mit entsprechenden orthopädischen Folgeschäden vorzubeugen. Auch aus diesem Grund, und sich auf ein Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes vom 31. März dieses Jahres stützend, hat der BDSE unlängst nicht nur die Öffnung der Kinderschuhgeschäfte, sondern die Öffnung aller Schuhfachgeschäfte gegenüber Bund und Ländern gefordert.

Unabhängig davon kämpft der BDSE seit Monaten gemeinsam mit den Landesverbänden und dem HDE für eine Verbesserung der staatlichen Überbrückungshilfen. Noch immer erhalten viele kleine inhabergeführte Geschäfte, aber auch die großen Schuhfilialisten, überhaupt keine Überbrückungshilfen, um die aktuelle Krise zu überstehen. Und für die allermeisten jener Schuhgeschäfte, für die Hilfsgelder in den Fördermaßnahmen vorgesehen sind, reichen diese nicht aus, um die schließungsbedingten Verluste auch nur annähernd zu decken und die Unternehmen finanziell ausreichend zu entlasten.

More information:
BDSE Schuhmode

BDSE Handelsverband Schuhe anlässlich der Gallery SHOES & FASHION April 2021


STOLL Webinar for Fashion Council Germany

  • On 22.03 STOLL will offer a webinar through the online platform of Fashion Council Germany on the topic of digitalisation and sustainability in STOLL flat knitting.

Webinar Description
Digitalisation and sustainability are becoming increasingly essential for the success and existence of fashion companies. The flat knitting industry with its immense flexibility and diversity offers many opportunities for digital solutions and sustainable practices. In this webinar, Karl Mayer Stoll will share how digital design tools enable more sustainable knitwear development.

  • On 22.03 STOLL will offer a webinar through the online platform of Fashion Council Germany on the topic of digitalisation and sustainability in STOLL flat knitting.

Webinar Description
Digitalisation and sustainability are becoming increasingly essential for the success and existence of fashion companies. The flat knitting industry with its immense flexibility and diversity offers many opportunities for digital solutions and sustainable practices. In this webinar, Karl Mayer Stoll will share how digital design tools enable more sustainable knitwear development.

Fashion Council Germany
The FCG is the patron to strengthen the German fashion and design landscape for a visionary, technological & sustainable future in a global market.
The Fashion Council Germany represents the interests of fashion "designed in Germany". Founded in January 2015 in Berlin. On the initiative of national industry experts, the Fashion Council Germany promotes German fashion design as a cultural and economic asset and supports young designers from Germany. In addition to the promotion of young designers, special attention is paid to education, sustainability and fashion technology as well as to the promotion of cross-disciplinary dialogue and networking. Against this background, the Council carries out essential lobbying work in politics, business and culture, strives for visibility and emphasises the global relevance of fashion design and Germany as a fashion location at home and abroad.

Since the beginning of last year, the FCG offers workshops on various business topics in the fashion industry. Until further notice, all FCG seminars will take place online due to the Corona crisis.



KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion © Lottermann and Fuentes
Anita Tillmann and Detlef Braun

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.
Frankfurt am Main, 2 December 2020. Joining forces to improve the fashion industry: Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself as the host of the future of fashion and actively driving forward the transformation towards a future-oriented, more sustainable fashion and textile industry. All decision-makers looking to instigate this change will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021. The initiators of Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt and the Premium Group – have achieved a real coup: Conscious Fashion Campaign, working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, will be the presenting partner. Messe Frankfurt will build on its collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and establish Frankfurt Fashion week as the platform on which to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and help guide the fashion industry into the 'Decade of Action'.
“Frankfurt will play host to the whole world. We are seeing a very positive response indeed,” confirmed Peter Feldmann, Senior Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, at today’s digital press conference, before going on to say: “The fact that the initiators are able to rethink the concept of a Fashion Week in such a way is extremely impressive and proves that the fashion industry is correctly interpreting the signs of the present and future. The time has come for value creation and values to be reconciled. Consistent alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals is an important step in this direction.”
“Frankfurt Fashion Week aims to play a crucial role in finding solutions for macrosocial challenges and supporting the goals of international politics such as the European Green Deal. The fashion and textile industries are also expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. If we want to achieve this, we all need to pull together. Frankfurt Fashion Week is inviting all initiators and supporters of sustainable concepts and congresses or shows dedicated to sustainability to meet in Frankfurt, partake in discussions and make tangible decisions for the greater good. We will connect the most relevant players and pave the way for a future-proof fashion and textile industry,” says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt.
“Given its global reach, the fashion industry is uniquely positioned to collaborate and engage on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on climate action and responsible production and consumption,” said Annemarie Hou, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships. “Frankfurt Fashion Week and the Summit will serve as an important platform for education and engagement of the fashion and textile industry in the Decade of Action,” emphasised Ms Hou.
The aim of Frankfurt Fashion Week is for all exhibitors, participants and partners to align with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The SDGs will also be incorporated into all formats of Frankfurt Fashion Week. This will help to make the UN’s sustainability goals visible and tangible for the Fashion Week audience, therefore bringing its claim, goals and specific proposals for implementation to an international opinion-forming fashion and lifestyle community. During a one-day Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign, topics like gender equality, clean water, climate protection, social justice and their significance for a forward-looking fashion industry will be examined in greater depth. Another point on the sustainability agenda: Frankfurt Fashion Week is launching a Sustainability Award for outstanding, innovative, sustainable design, alongside other categories with a global appeal for the fashion and textile industry.
"We are committed to setting the wheels of transformation in motion. Not only does the overall mindset have to fundamentally change; the entire industry also needs to have the courage to be transparent and honest. It’s important to see values and value creation as opportunities rather than contentious. We are doing what we do best: connecting the relevant players at all levels. With its ecosystem, Frankfurt Fashion Week will become the enabler. We are creating a platform that will orchestrate industry-wide change. With this as our inspiration, we are also developing our tradeshow formats from a ‘marketplace of products’ to a ‘marketplace of purpose and ideas’,” explains Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the Premium Group.
A new start in Frankfurt: In summer 2021 the entire fashion industry will be coming to the metropolis on the Main river to inform themselves, be inspired, discuss, negotiate and celebrate. “There’s a huge need to finally meet in person again, to exchange ideas and be inspired. At the same time, digital tools and formats have become an integral part of the fashion industry,” says Markus Frank, Head of the City of Frankfurt’s Department of Economic Affairs and therefore also responsible for its creative industry. “To implement such a future-oriented, all-encompassing overall concept, Frankfurt’s business and creative scenes offer an almost unique concentration of different expertise with its internationally networked agencies, universities and museums. The city’s multifaceted, high-end club, bar and restaurant scene, diverse hotel industry and internationally renowned retail landscape will become the stage for this. This network will be a key factor in the successful implementation of Frankfurt Fashion Week and the way in which it will expand into the public space as a cultural and social happening.”
A number of major publishing houses are also showing their commitment to the new Fashion Week in Frankfurt with conferences, events and awards: Textilwirtschaft, the leading professional fashion journal by the Deutscher Fachverlag publishing house, is moving its traditional meeting of the industry’s top decision-makers – the TW Forum, the presentation of the renowned Forum Award, as well as its subsequent conference – from Heidelberg to Frankfurt’s Palmengarten botanical gardens, and will therefore be kicking off Frankfurt Fashion Week on Sunday evening and Monday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be hosting its traditional fashion party for the first time in Frankfurt and publishing a special edition of its FAZ Magazin on Frankfurt Fashion Week. And the ZEIT publishing group is holding its ‘UNLOCK Style by ZEITmagazin’ conference, which was established in 2014, and the ZEITmagazin Fashion Week party in Frankfurt for the first time and will dedicate the whole new issue of ZEITmagazin Frankfurt to Frankfurt Fashion Week. Condé Nast will also be involved in next summer’s Frankfurt Fashion Week with an exclusive event by GQ. And the Burda publishing house will also be represented with various event formats from its lifestyle and fashion brands.There will also be talks with SHINE  Conventions, the organiser of GLOW, about what a mutual collaboration could look like.
Frankfurt Fashion Week is also delighted to have the Fashion Council Germany (FCG) on board.  The FCG is theinstitution when it comes to German fashion design. It promotes designers, is committed to gaining more political relevance and strengthens the international visibility and awareness of German fashion. At Frankfurt Fashion Week, the FCG will contribute selected formats, such as its already established Fireside Chat, and a future-oriented accelerator format to support German designers.
“What really impresses me about Fashion Week is the whole networking aspect: the creative industries will meet the financial world and sustainability is the common denominator. The Green Finance Cluster is another project that we could link with Frankfurt Fashion Week in the future. This will provide new inspiration in the fashion industry, which will certainly extend way beyond its own horizon of Frankfurt and Hesse. After a very difficult year for the trade fair industry, the concept is an encouraging breath of fresh air,” sums up Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development and Deputy Minister-President of the state of Hessen.

Lenzing introduces blockchainenabled traceability platform (c) Lenzing

Lenzing introduces blockchainenabled traceability platform

  • New level of transparency in the textile industry
  • Building on several successful pilot projects with TextileGenesis™, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced.

The Lenzing Group, a leading company in the area of wood-based specialty fibers, celebrates another milestone on the way to making the textile and apparel industry more sustainable and transparent. Since 2019, Lenzing has been using the blockchain technology powered by the Hong Kong start-up TextileGenesis™ to ensure the traceability of textiles from fiber to production and distribution. After several successful pilot projects, the digital platform was launched on 5 November for TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. The platform provides customers and partners as well as consumers with an overview across the entire textile supply chain.

  • New level of transparency in the textile industry
  • Building on several successful pilot projects with TextileGenesis™, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced.

The Lenzing Group, a leading company in the area of wood-based specialty fibers, celebrates another milestone on the way to making the textile and apparel industry more sustainable and transparent. Since 2019, Lenzing has been using the blockchain technology powered by the Hong Kong start-up TextileGenesis™ to ensure the traceability of textiles from fiber to production and distribution. After several successful pilot projects, the digital platform was launched on 5 November for TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. The platform provides customers and partners as well as consumers with an overview across the entire textile supply chain.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more changes have been brought to the already transforming fashion and textile industries. To date, supply chain traceability has become a top priority for apparel and home brands. With the blockchain-enabled supply chain traceability platform powered by TextileGenesis™, Lenzing supports the entire supply chain in meeting the increasing demand for transparency and sustainability.

Phased onboarding and new digital certificates

A follow-up of a 12-month pilot program and field trials with four leading sustainable brands (H&M, ArmedAngels, Mara Hoffman and Chicks) and supply chain players from 10 countries in three regions, the global roll-out of Lenzing’s blockchain-enabled supply chain traceability platform will be conducted in phases. During the first phase, Lenzing’s supply chain partners based in South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) will complete the onboarding process within Q4 2020. An estimated 300+ supply chain partners in China and Turkey will also join the program in Q1 2021. It is estimated that by Q2 2021,  most eligible Lenzing supply chain partners will be onboarded into the platform, ensuring full supply chain traceability.

One of the core components of the platform powered by TextileGenesis™ is integration with the Lenzing EBranding fabric certification system, which allows brands and retailers not only to access the full supply chain traceability for TENCELTM and LENZINGTM ECOVEROTM branded fibers but also to view the results of forensic (physical) verification of fabric samples via the digitally signed Lenzing E-Branding fabric certificates. “

Over the past year, during the pilot program and field trials we have been receiving very positive feedback from brands and supply chain partners. Our brand partners have also been encouraging us to accelerate the global roll-out for traceability of Lenzing fibers. With this new system and the integration with Lenzing E-Branding fabric certificates, the entire Lenzing ecosystem will create an unprecedented level of transparency. This will provide consumers with the most sustainable and climate-friendly clothing and home textile products that are made of TENCEL™ or LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers”, says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer and Member of the Board at Lenzing.

“With increasing compliance and reputational risks, CEOs and Boards of top 100 fashion brands have committed to using 100% sustainable and traceable fibers over the next 5 years, with transparency being a core part of business priorities. Sustainability and traceability are two sides of the same coin, and it’s great to see Lenzing paving the way for the entire fashion industry to follow. Our supply chain traceability platform will create digital accounting for Lenzing’s innovative and sustainable fibers across the entire supply chain using Fibercoins™ traceability technology”, says Amit Gautam, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of TextileGenesis™.

Fibercoin™ technology to ensure traceability across supply chain

Through using the innovative Fibercoin™ technology of the TextileGenesis™ platform, Lenzing and other brand
partners are now able to issue digital tokens (blockchain assets) in direct proportion to the physical shipments of TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. These digital tokens provide a unique “fingerprint” and authentication mechanism, preventing adulteration, providing a more secure, trustworthy, digital chain-of custody across the entire textile supply chain, and most importantly, ensuring the materials are sustainably produced.

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events (c) Premium Group
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

We have carried out market research and surveyed exhibitors, partners and buyers on the current circumstances. The objective was to obtain a data-based assessment of the current economic situation, a summary of the success of the exclusively digital events, and insights into the requirements of our network with regard to the physical trade shows. Following analysis of the data gathered we have established that there is a personal wish for an event to happen – inclusive of the appropriate hygiene measures – however, this is unfortunately not currently possible from a professional perspective. As long as there are delays to production and constantly changing travel and contact restrictions in place, we cannot put on any trade shows, conferences or events that would meet our demands or the demands of our exhibitors.

We have therefore decided not to hold PREMIUM, SEEK or FASHIONTECH next January. This was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Especially because we didn't want to say goodbye to Berlin without a fitting farewell.

Now, though, it’s about looking forward and concentrating on what is certain: Frankfurt Fashion Week, which we will be staging in July 2021 together with Messe Frankfurt, the City of Frankfurt and the region of Hessen. We have big plans and are working on a new, fresh start – not only for us, but also for all stakeholders in the fashion industry, nationally and internationally.

Another press conference is planned for the end of November, when we shall be introducing new concepts, partners and event formats. Preparations are already in full swing: we are having numerous discussions, sitting in workshops, activating partners, designers, publishers, politics and society so as to get a unique, fully formed event successfully up and running. Expectations are huge – and we intend to satisfy them. We are putting all our energy into this future-focussed project.

With the aim of being able to share our enthusiasm, we are planning a FFW Preview to present the new locations in Frankfurt am Main and the concepts to journalists, brands and retailers at the beginning of next year.

Until then, all we can say is this: stay curious. Stay optimistic. Because even though there won't be any events this coming January, the show does go on. True to form, that means there will be more business opportunities than ever before, along with innovative formats, events and conferences and a fully formed city concept that has never been imagined before.”


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

First Swiss “Community Mask” with TESTEX label by Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG Photo: Schoeller Textil AG
First Swiss “Community Mask” with TESTEX label by Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG

First Swiss “Community Mask” with TESTEX label by Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG

With immediate effect, the first fabric mask with the official “TESTEX Community Mask” test label is available from the two Swiss textile firms, Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG. Since May, the companies have been able to offer their masks with official EMPA recommendation. The sustainable and economical quality products consist primarily of recycled performance fabric which can be recycled once again at the end of its service life.

Swiss cooperation
With the product from the two companies based in the east of Switzerland, Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG, the Swiss market now boasts the first textile mask featuring the label “TESTEX Community Mask”. Together with the EMPA, TESTEX has developed a testing procedure which analyses textile masks with regard to their filter function, spray resistance, comfort of wear, reusability and additionally skin-friendliness of the textiles. By now, numerous Swiss and international consumers, as well as the employees of major companies (e.g. transport companies) have satisfied themselves of the suitability of the Swiss Community Masks for everyday use.

With immediate effect, the first fabric mask with the official “TESTEX Community Mask” test label is available from the two Swiss textile firms, Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG. Since May, the companies have been able to offer their masks with official EMPA recommendation. The sustainable and economical quality products consist primarily of recycled performance fabric which can be recycled once again at the end of its service life.

Swiss cooperation
With the product from the two companies based in the east of Switzerland, Schoeller Textil AG and Forster Rohner AG, the Swiss market now boasts the first textile mask featuring the label “TESTEX Community Mask”. Together with the EMPA, TESTEX has developed a testing procedure which analyses textile masks with regard to their filter function, spray resistance, comfort of wear, reusability and additionally skin-friendliness of the textiles. By now, numerous Swiss and international consumers, as well as the employees of major companies (e.g. transport companies) have satisfied themselves of the suitability of the Swiss Community Masks for everyday use.

Recyclable fabric made with 60 % recycled fibres
The high-quality fabric components in the mask were developed by the innovative Rheintal-based company Schoeller Textil AG. The two-layer polyester fabric is hydrophilic (having an affinity to water) on the outside and hydrophobic (water-repelling) on the outside and furthermore features an antibacterial finish. Thanks to the cotton-like feel, the fabric offers pleasant wearing comfort. The sustainable fabric consists of 60 % recycled fibres. Within the framework of the wear2wear recycling cooperation (, the masks can be recycled once again when they reach the end of their life cycle.

The reusable mask is made up by Forster Rohner AG in St. Gallen and in its European subsidiaries. It impresses with optimum fit and tested skin tolerance. All components of
the mask comply with the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100. The testing process screens for numerous controlled and non-controlled substances. Masks with the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 label are safe to wear. Forster Rohner also added a fashion component to the technicallyinnovative mask. The subsidiary, Jakob Schlaepfer AG, created a special print for the mask of the kind otherwise only developed for famous couture and prêt-à-porter fashion labels around the world. In addition to white and plain-coloured masks, a limited edition of available print designs emerges, or specific colours or even individual print designs are created for major customers.


Sustainable fashion: How are the leaders in fast fashion doing? Post-COVID-19 survey

  • 10% of their offer is eco-responsible.
  • Sustainable cotton is a priority for retailers for the coming years.
  • Sustainable garments cheaper than standard garments.

Brands are prepared for the new health protection rules and have reopened their stores. But aside from the direct impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, is the fashion market ready to respond to customers’ desire to act by changing their spending habits?

Based on analyses by Retviews, a recently acquired startup, Lectra has produced a survey of sustainable fashion among the leading fast fashion brands*.

The COVID-19 crisis has given many people the desire to live more meaningfully and to act more responsibly. The crisis period could be seen as the catalyst that forces the fashion industry to change the way it designs, produces and distributes its products. Since, for consumers, buying is a way of expressing a commitment and affirming their values, brands have an incentive to change their offer in preparation for the future, by taking a more eco-responsible, authentic and transparent approach.

  • 10% of their offer is eco-responsible.
  • Sustainable cotton is a priority for retailers for the coming years.
  • Sustainable garments cheaper than standard garments.

Brands are prepared for the new health protection rules and have reopened their stores. But aside from the direct impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, is the fashion market ready to respond to customers’ desire to act by changing their spending habits?

Based on analyses by Retviews, a recently acquired startup, Lectra has produced a survey of sustainable fashion among the leading fast fashion brands*.

The COVID-19 crisis has given many people the desire to live more meaningfully and to act more responsibly. The crisis period could be seen as the catalyst that forces the fashion industry to change the way it designs, produces and distributes its products. Since, for consumers, buying is a way of expressing a commitment and affirming their values, brands have an incentive to change their offer in preparation for the future, by taking a more eco-responsible, authentic and transparent approach.

While these factors were apparent before the pandemic, they have now become the key to interacting with consumers wanting a more responsible offer. The era of the consumer activist, long heralded without actually becoming a reality, is now here, and brands must adapt in response.

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
Lectra, PLM Covid-19 Retviews

Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™ (c) Sitip-Rosti
Sitip Rosti Mask

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

And solutions that are also a manifestation of our personality, which remains hidden and entrusted to the mere expression of the eyes. Walking on the streets we sometimes even don’t even recognize each other, since we are so hidden; and the desire to minimize the situation often takes over, together with that desire to make us recognizable, to possess and express an identity anyway. For fans of escaping homologation (now more than ever mandatory and for this reason even more difficult) “rescue comes” - and this is the case to say it - from illuminated companies who have thought about creative solutions for those with masks has to do all day, at home, at work, during sports and in leisure time. To feel more comfortable, there are many proposals: more “street style” for sports addicted and young people - inside and outside -, more elegant and sophisticated for women.

Textiles companies have joined the fight against Covid-19 engaging a strong and decisive personal and productive battle, which has seen many of them transform and convert their production units for the production of masks and gowns intended for medical personnel and the community.

Some of the most established excellences of the textile sector as Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip have made use of the precious collaboration of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber by Asahi Kasei. ROICA™ is the innovative and smart premium ingredient chosen by these companies to guarantee even more comfort, thanks to an exceptional top-level component that gives elasticity for perfect adherence to the skin. Each of the companies then declined its production according to its specificity. And this is their important contribution.

Cifra presents the eco-sustainable version of the mask, the ECO-MASK™, which combines the high performance of Cifra knitting technology with the sustainability of the materials used. The 100% regenerated yarns create a 100% sustainable mask with 83% ECONYL and 17% ROICA™ V550 elastomer, the stretch fiber certified Cradle to Cradle Gold Health Level which allows excellent and lasting printability, as well as advantages regarding the circular economy as it does not release harmful substances into the test environment according to the Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification.

Iluna Group, European leader in the production of lace, has recently donated 400 protective “smart”  made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Multi-use, washable, bacteriostatic, breathable and water-repellent prevention masks gave to San Gerardo Hospital in Monza to answer to the Call to action launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana De Marsanich, with the responsible and innovative materials expert Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, the fashion designer Marina Spadafora of Fashion Revolution Italia and the entrepreneur Simona Roveda of LifeGate. Iluna Group also announces the launch of the website dedicated to the direct sale of the different kind of masks all made with three layers, antibacterial and anti-drip treatment and washable up to 10 times. Iluna Group has also created the “smart” masks made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar.

In addition to the “smart” masks, available for women, men and children, Iluna Group has created two special versions of Lace Masks, covered with refined lace. One embroidered on a cotton base and one with soft microfiber.

Rosti, historic knitwear factory based in Brembate specialized in the design and production of cycling clothing with the best technical fabrics and the most advanced technologies, has put its experience at the service of the production of protective masks washable up to 20 times, made with Sitip fabric and with the anti-drop treatment Ecoacquazero®. Fascinating and protective like a second skin, the masks are sold in a pack of 10 pieces with captivating, colorful, geometric and original graphics, designed for every personality.

Rosti masks contain the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ Resistance, a family of premium stretch yarn with particular performances of resistance and durability.

PREMIUM GROUP cancels summer events

PREMIUM GROUP cancels summer events

 The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July.  Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.

 The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July.  Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.


(c) PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Logo Mimaki
Mimaki starts to produce masks

Energiapura: production of masks

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

  • The Italian company, a specialist manufacturer of functional sportswear, conducted research and began producing masks in response to the COVID-19 crisis
  • Using Mimaki sublimation printers, the masks can be customised, getting away from their connotation with hospitals and transforming them into a fashion accessory

From functional sportswear to combatting the spread of the Coronavirus: Energiapura, an Italian company has developed a mask that meets the Class I medical device requirements. The EP PA 2020 (Energiapura Pure Air) facial device, optimised for air filtering and breathability, provides protection while working, and can be reused. But Energiapura has gone even further, branding and customising the masks with sublimation printing.
The EP PA 2020 mask, compliant with 93/42 EEC Medical Devices – Class I washable, meets the essential requirements of UNI EN 14683:2019. Having redirected the manufacturing process, Energiapura is now stepping up production levels to meet the rising demand from hospitals, pharmacies, chemists, companies and consumers.

Pure Air, Energiapura’s mask
The EP PA 2020 is based on a functional concept: protection, breathability and reusability are the main principles. EP PA 2020 is made up of three layers of fabric: the first, the outer layer, is DWR-treated polyester, the second is TNT polyester, providing a filtering function, and the third, which comes into contact with the face, is polyester containing special fibres, such as coolmax and carbon.  Therefore it can be reused via normal washing and steam ironing, which also sterilises it.
The CEO of Enegiapura, Alberto Olivietto explains the idea of the customisation of the mask: “We wanted to disassociate our masks from the hospital image. By decorating them with company branding and designs provided by customers.” This is where the Mimaki JV300 wide-format printer comes in.


More information:
corona virus face masks

(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.

Primary Vittorio Segramora of San Gerardo Hospital with a nurse wearing one of the 1,800 donated gowns (c) GB Network
Primary Vittorio Segramora of San Gerardo Hospital with a nurse wearing one of the 1,800 donated gowns

Call to action of the fashion world

  • Diana, Giusy, Simona and Marina. The call to action of the fashion world was born from four women engaged in the field of sustainability. On the occasion of Fashion Revolution Week, we tell you their story and the results achieved

A task force of Italian textile companies active in our area supported the first call to action launched at the fashion world by four women who have always been involved in the field of sustainability. The appeal launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S.

  • Diana, Giusy, Simona and Marina. The call to action of the fashion world was born from four women engaged in the field of sustainability. On the occasion of Fashion Revolution Week, we tell you their story and the results achieved

A task force of Italian textile companies active in our area supported the first call to action launched at the fashion world by four women who have always been involved in the field of sustainability. The appeal launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy)the eco multi-platform hub specialized in integrating a new generation of eco values into fashion, products and companies, Simona Roveda, Editorial Director and Director of Institutional Communication of LifeGate and Marina Spadafora, Italian Country Coordinator of Fashion Revolution and currently collaborating with Luxury Fashion Brands to implement responsible strategies in their companies have luaunched a call-to-action project which has brought together textile companies to manufacture PPE garments for the medical staff working in San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, near Milan.

The companies that answered the call-to-action are: Filo d’Oro, Mantero, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) e Zerobarracento, Iluna Group, Lg Electronics, Jimmy Lion, Personal Genomics, Isamar Holyday Village, Marcolin Eyewear, Maglificio Ripa.

During the last weeks the 4 women collected about 1,800 non-drip cotton and non-woven TNT gowns for sanitary use, about 400 protective masks for multipurpose washable, bacteriostatic, breathable and water-repellent prevention, 1,000 washable cotton surgical caps, 150 complete protective googles eye masks, two microwave ovens for hospital departments to offer support to medical and healthcare personnel by helping them in the few breaks during the grueling shifts of this period, a supply of samples of cotton socks, 300 cotton masks + polyester outer layer, water-repellent and antibacterial, and free weekly stays made available to doctors, nurses, civil protection personnel and families with related children involved in the Covid-19 pandemic.


GB Network Marketing Communications Srl


PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows (c) Boris Kralj
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

“We greatly regret the decision of course, especially after the success of our January events. The ban on large-scale events has been around for some time and has been publicly discussed. It hurts us to do it, but we are also conscious of our responsibility. If cancelling our trade shows, conferences and parties contributes to the safety of our customers and visitors, then we have to take this step.
We are in close contact with all our brands and partners and have spent the last four weeks discussing possible approaches, concepts and new focal topics for the summer. The bottom line is that digitalisation is clearly the focus. It’s all about using the time over the next few months sensibly. The timing for brands and retailers is now right – all market participants are aware of the necessity of this.

We have been working closely with JOOR, the leading B2B marketplace globally, for around a year, after successfully integrating our own digital platform, JOOR has digitalised the entire procurement process and ensures a seamless, functioning wholesale process on an international scale – both for brands and retailers.
We shall shortly be offering webinars on this and can offer our customers an optimal, digital ordering solution so as to use this time of the pandemic efficiently. We are very happy with this option and our year-long investment in the topic of digitalisation. This has come good for us now.
Our trade show formats have been about more than just ordering for a long time now. They are about encounters, emotion, inspiration, communication and, finally, the fashion community getting together. Although lots can take place digitally nowadays, it doesn't replace physically meeting up in person. We have seen this more than ever in the present situation.
We are going to work on new concepts for 2021, and we will liaise with the key stakeholders in Berlin and with all others too to ensure we hit the ground running again. We’re taking on the challenge and will come back to the industry when we have news.”

Logo Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG
Rösch Fashion verkauft Mund- und Nasenmasken nun online

Rösch Fashion: Mund-Nasenmasken jetzt auch online für Privatkunden

Die Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG in Tübingen hat nun wie angekündigt den Verkauf der selbstgefertigten Mund-Nasen-Masken im eigenen Onlineshop für Privatkunden gestartet. Ab sofort können bis zu zwei VKE zu je 10 Masken pro Person erworben werden.

Rösch Fashion verkauft über seinem Onlineshop nun, die aus dem ungarischen Werk sowie vor Ort produzierten, Mund-Nasen-Masken an Privatpersonen. Maximal zwei Verpackungseinheiten zu je 10 Masken können pro Einkäufer  erworben werden. Die Masken werden farblich unsortiert in unterschiedlichen Farben geliefert.

Die Mund-Nasen-Masken von Rösch Fashion sind dreilagig konstruiert, wobei die außenliegenden Seiten aus hochwertigem Baumwolljersey bestehen, die Mittellage bildet ein Vlies. Die Masken können bei bis zu 90 Grad gewaschen werden und sind Trockner geeignet.


Die Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG in Tübingen hat nun wie angekündigt den Verkauf der selbstgefertigten Mund-Nasen-Masken im eigenen Onlineshop für Privatkunden gestartet. Ab sofort können bis zu zwei VKE zu je 10 Masken pro Person erworben werden.

Rösch Fashion verkauft über seinem Onlineshop nun, die aus dem ungarischen Werk sowie vor Ort produzierten, Mund-Nasen-Masken an Privatpersonen. Maximal zwei Verpackungseinheiten zu je 10 Masken können pro Einkäufer  erworben werden. Die Masken werden farblich unsortiert in unterschiedlichen Farben geliefert.

Die Mund-Nasen-Masken von Rösch Fashion sind dreilagig konstruiert, wobei die außenliegenden Seiten aus hochwertigem Baumwolljersey bestehen, die Mittellage bildet ein Vlies. Die Masken können bei bis zu 90 Grad gewaschen werden und sind Trockner geeignet.


More information:
Coronavirus Mund-Nasen-Masken

Rösch Fashion GmbH & Co. KG


Coronakrise:Verbände sehen Fashion-Branche vor dem Kollaps

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

Ein großes Problem der Fashionbranche ist zudem die lange, internationale Lieferkette. Selbst während der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wird neue Ware angeliefert, die bereits vor Monaten bei den Lieferanten bestellt wurde und trotz fehlender Einnahmen angenommen und bezahlt werden muss. Eine Aussetzung der Belieferung ist schwierig, da die Industrie bei ihren Vorlieferanten in der gleichen Situation ist.

Partnerschaftliche Lösungen werden zwar diskutiert, sie verschieben das Problem aber lediglich. „Die Produzenten stehen vor großen Herausforderungen, weil bereits die Beschaffung für die Herbstmode läuft und kostenintensive Verpflichtungen bestehen“, erklärt Gerd Oliver Seidensticker, Präsident des deutschen Modeverbandes GermanFashion.

Aufgrund dieser speziellen Situation steht eine ganze Branche mit Hunderttausenden von Arbeitsplätzen in Handel und Industrie vor dem Aus. Bereits die beschlossenen Öffnungsverbote bis Ende April werden zu zahlreichen Insolvenzen führen. „Wenn nicht spätestens im Mai die Geschäfte wieder öffnen, droht eine noch nie dagewesene Insolvenzwelle speziell von mittelständischen Händlern und Lieferanten“, warnen Jost und Seidensticker.

Dramatisch werden die Folgen für die Innenstädte und Shoppinglagen. Wenn neben der Gastronomie Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser für immer ihre Türen schließen, werden die Lebensqualität und das Gewerbesteueraufkommen in den Städten und Gemeinden massiv sinken. „Der Internethandel kann diese Lücke nicht einmal in Ansätzen schließen“, mahnt Jost.

Die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion fordern daher rasche Hilfen von der Politik. Ein finanzieller Schutzschirm wäre die beste Lösung. Nach Ende der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wären ebenso neue unbürokratische Möglichkeiten für Sonntagsöffnungen eine echte Hilfe. „Der stationäre Handel braucht jede sich bietende Gelegenheit zum Verkauf seiner Produkte, damit er auch künftig noch am Standort bestehen und Arbeitsplätze in Handel und Industrie sichern kann!“, fordert der BTE-Präsident. Die Verbände werden mit einem konkreten Maßnahmenkatalog auf die Politik zugehen.


BTE e.V. und GermanFashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V.