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 OETI präsentiert: “INSPECTED QUALITY für Mund-Nasen Masken” @ OETI

OETI präsentiert: “INSPECTED QUALITY für Mund-Nasen Masken”

  • viel mehr als eine zuverlässige Produktkennzeichnung
  • Neues Label für Mund-Nasen-Masken (Community Masks)

Mit “INSPECTED QUALITY für MUND-NASEN MASKEN“ bietet OETI seit kurzem eine zuverlässige Produktkennzeichnung und unterstützt Unternehmen dabei parallel in der Produktentwicklung.

Mit dem Label “INSPECTED QUALITY für MUND-NASEN MASKEN“ werden Masken auf Funktionalität und Schadstoffe geprüft. Das Label basiert auf den Vorgaben des Workshop-Agreements CWA 17553. Beim Agreement handelt es sich um einen Leitfaden für Mindest-Anforderungen sowie Prüf- und Verwendungs-methoden von sogenannten „Community Masks“. Er wurde im Juni 2020 vom unabhängigen Europäischen Komitee für Normung (insgesamt 34 CEN-Mitgliedsstaaten) herausgegeben.

Damit stellt das OETI Geschäftskunden sowie Verbrauchern ein zuverlässiges Label zur Verfügung, welchem die Sicherheit eines unabhängigen, von externer Stelle erstellten Workshop-Agreements zu Grunde liegt.

Herausforderungen im Produktionsprozess

  • viel mehr als eine zuverlässige Produktkennzeichnung
  • Neues Label für Mund-Nasen-Masken (Community Masks)

Mit “INSPECTED QUALITY für MUND-NASEN MASKEN“ bietet OETI seit kurzem eine zuverlässige Produktkennzeichnung und unterstützt Unternehmen dabei parallel in der Produktentwicklung.

Mit dem Label “INSPECTED QUALITY für MUND-NASEN MASKEN“ werden Masken auf Funktionalität und Schadstoffe geprüft. Das Label basiert auf den Vorgaben des Workshop-Agreements CWA 17553. Beim Agreement handelt es sich um einen Leitfaden für Mindest-Anforderungen sowie Prüf- und Verwendungs-methoden von sogenannten „Community Masks“. Er wurde im Juni 2020 vom unabhängigen Europäischen Komitee für Normung (insgesamt 34 CEN-Mitgliedsstaaten) herausgegeben.

Damit stellt das OETI Geschäftskunden sowie Verbrauchern ein zuverlässiges Label zur Verfügung, welchem die Sicherheit eines unabhängigen, von externer Stelle erstellten Workshop-Agreements zu Grunde liegt.

Herausforderungen im Produktionsprozess

Unsere Erfahrungswerte im Testen von Community Masks, zeigten, dass bei den zwei wichtigsten Produkteigenschaften Filtrationseffizienz und Atmungsaktivität, derzeit nur 10% der getesteten Masken alle Anforderungen erfüllen. Daher ist es wichtig jede einzelne Entwicklungs-Phase zu testen, um sicher zu stellen, dass das Endprodukt die Anforderungen erfüllt. Eine Neu-Entwicklung ist zeitaufwändig und teuer. Darüber hinaus sind die dazu benötigten Prüfgeräte teuer.

OETI’s Know-how im Entwicklungsprozess

Das OETI testet daher die einzelnen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses für Geschäftskunden, damit die richtige Wahl für Materialen und die bei der Herstellung der Masken verwendeten Prozesse getroffen werden kann. Großer Vorteil dabei ist, dass Teile des Produktes, die bereits während des Entwicklungsprozesses getestet wurden und die Anforderungen nachweislich erfüllen, nicht erneut getestet werden müssen. Auch werden – abhängig von der Art der Zertifizierung – vorzertifizierte Teile des Produkts ebenfalls anerkannt (z.B. STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®)

Was wird getestet und welche Art von Masken werden getestet?

“INSPECTED QUALITY FÜR MUND-NASEN MASKEN” legt, zum einen, bestimmte Kriterien zum Schutz des Trägers vor Schadstoffen fest. Zweitens hilft es, die orale Übertragung zu verringern, indem verhindert wird, dass das Virus durch kontaminierte Hände in Nase oder Mund gelangt. Abschließend trägt die gemäß CWA 17553 getestete Maske dazu bei, das Risiko andere durch Sprechen, Niesen und Husten zu infizieren zu verringern.

Die Zertifizierung umfasst Funktionstests wie Atmungsaktivität oder Schrumpfverhalten sowie Tests auf Schadstoffe wie Formaldehyd und verbotene Arylamine.

Die Kennzeichnung gilt für alle Einweg- und wiederverwendbaren Mund-Nasen-Masken, die nicht unter die Vorschriften für Schutzausrüstung oder Medizinprodukte fallen.

Hans-Jürgen Schmidt (links), Geschäftsführer von DORNIER, und Lars Öller (rechts), Leitung Technologiezentrum Webmaschinen (c) CF
Hans-Jürgen Schmidt (links), Geschäftsführer von DORNIER, und Lars Öller (rechts), Leitung Technologiezentrum Webmaschinen

Lindauer DORNIER initiiert Entwicklung von wiederverwendbaren Masken an den DITF

  • Fertigung von One Piece Masks aus Präzisionsgewebe in Jacquard-Webtechnik

Angestoßen durch den Webmaschinenhersteller Lindauer DORNIER, starten die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) ein Projekt zur Entwicklung wiederverwendbarer, medizinischer Gesichtsmasken auf Basis hochpräziser Luftdüsen-Webtechnik. Das Vorhaben schafft die Voraussetzungen, um zusammen mit namhaften Industriepartnern aus der Region und dem Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnovation gGmbH innerhalb von 4-6 Monaten die Entwicklung, Prüfung, Zulassung, Anlaufproduktion und den Reinigungsservice für wiederverwendbare medizinische Gesichtsmasken aufzubauen. Das Projekt wurde zusammen mit zwei weiteren herausragenden Corona-Projekten aus 120 landesweit eingereichten Anträgen ausgewählt und wird mit 195 000 Euro durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau unterstützt.

  • Fertigung von One Piece Masks aus Präzisionsgewebe in Jacquard-Webtechnik

Angestoßen durch den Webmaschinenhersteller Lindauer DORNIER, starten die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) ein Projekt zur Entwicklung wiederverwendbarer, medizinischer Gesichtsmasken auf Basis hochpräziser Luftdüsen-Webtechnik. Das Vorhaben schafft die Voraussetzungen, um zusammen mit namhaften Industriepartnern aus der Region und dem Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnovation gGmbH innerhalb von 4-6 Monaten die Entwicklung, Prüfung, Zulassung, Anlaufproduktion und den Reinigungsservice für wiederverwendbare medizinische Gesichtsmasken aufzubauen. Das Projekt wurde zusammen mit zwei weiteren herausragenden Corona-Projekten aus 120 landesweit eingereichten Anträgen ausgewählt und wird mit 195 000 Euro durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau unterstützt.

Das nun bewilligte Projekt unter Leitung von Dr. Hans Jürgen Bauder, Bereichsleiter Webtechnologien an den DITF, adressiert diese Anforderungen mit einem völlig neuen Fertigungsansatz: Während die gängigen Schutzmasken aus Vliesstoff hergestellt und nach einmaligem Gebrauch weggeworfen werden, setzen die Denkendorfer Forscher auf „konfektionsfreie“ One Piece Masks aus leistungsfähigem Präzisionsgewebe in Jacquard-Webtechnik und schaffen ergänzend die Voraussetzung zur Mehrfachverwendung, um Abfall zu sparen und Lieferengpässe zu vermeiden. Es wird ein innovatives Herstellungskonzept für flexibel anpassbare Masken mit deutlich verbessertem Tragekomfort und damit auch höherer Schutzfunktion realisiert. Die Herstellkosten liegen nach erster Kalkulation bei 6-8 Cent/Maske und bieten damit eine realistische Grundlage für die Massenproduktion.

Für das ambitionierte Vorhaben nutzen die DITF modernste Technik verbundener Textilmaschinenbauer und Textilhersteller: Lindauer Dornier stellt die benötigten Luftdüsenwebmaschinen zur Verfügung, die Stäubli AG ist Projektpartner für die Jacquardwebtechnik. Für die aufwendige Herstellung des Kettbaums und das Einziehen der Kettfäden hat Global Safety Textiles Unterstützung zugesagt. Die Firma TWD-Fibres liefert für die Prototypen und die Anlaufproduktion antimikrobielle Filamentgarne und Texturgarne. Parallel werden aus den DITF Technika voraussichtlich auch sogenannte Splittfasern, die eine erhöhte Abscheideleistung begünstigen und fast so fein sind wie die Fasern für Masken aus Meltblow-Vliesstoff, eingesetzt.

Die medizinischen Gesichtsmasken müssen nicht steril, aber zwingend keimarm (desinfiziert) sein. Projektpartner ist deshalb auch das Reinigungsunternehmen Textilpflege Mayer, das sich dieser Aufgabe annimmt und für die Bewertung der Masken mit dem Ortenau Klinikum in Offenburg zusammenarbeitet. Die Prüfung der Masken nach den Vorgaben der EN 14683 führt das Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnovation gGmbH durch.

Der Fokus im Projekt liegt im technischen Design der gewebten Gesichtsmaske, das den 15 Textilunternehmen in Europa, die insgesamt mehr als 200 Jaquard-Webmaschinen betreiben, für die Herstellung zur Verfügung gestellt werden soll. Die Fertigungseinstellungen der an den DITF entwickelten Masken können sofort auf bestehende Produktions-anlagen übertragen werden. Damit wären die 15 Webereien kurzfristig in der Lage, zusammen über 2 Millionen Masken pro Tag herzustellen – ein nennenswerter Beitrag für die weitere Stabilisierung der Versorgungslage mit Schutzmasken.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang

More information:
DITF Dornier Masken Covid-19


Rieter Investor Update 2020 (c) Rieter Management AG
Rieter Investor Update 2020

Rieter Investor Update 2020

  • Significant recovery in order intake in third quarter 2020
  • Order intake of CHF 425.1 million after nine months
  • COVID crisis management in place
  • Continuous implementation of the strategy
  • Outlook 2020

The market recovery, which Rieter reported in June 2020, has continued. This is reflected in capacity utilization at spinning mills worldwide, which Rieter monitors. In April 2020, the proportion of producing spinning mills was around 40% while at the end of September 2020 this was around 90%. Against this backdrop, the Rieter Group increased order intake in the third quarter of 2020 to CHF 174.4 million (2nd quarter 2020: CHF 45.7 million). In the first nine months of 2020, the Rieter Group achieved a cumulative order intake of CHF 425.1 million (2019: CHF 524.5 million). Compared to the previous year period, this represents a decline of 19%.

Order Intake by Business Group

  • Significant recovery in order intake in third quarter 2020
  • Order intake of CHF 425.1 million after nine months
  • COVID crisis management in place
  • Continuous implementation of the strategy
  • Outlook 2020

The market recovery, which Rieter reported in June 2020, has continued. This is reflected in capacity utilization at spinning mills worldwide, which Rieter monitors. In April 2020, the proportion of producing spinning mills was around 40% while at the end of September 2020 this was around 90%. Against this backdrop, the Rieter Group increased order intake in the third quarter of 2020 to CHF 174.4 million (2nd quarter 2020: CHF 45.7 million). In the first nine months of 2020, the Rieter Group achieved a cumulative order intake of CHF 425.1 million (2019: CHF 524.5 million). Compared to the previous year period, this represents a decline of 19%.

Order Intake by Business Group

Due to the positive development in the third quarter of 2020, order intake at the Business Group Machines & Systems reached a total of CHF 234.5 million in the first nine months. The reason for the relatively small decline of 8% compared to the previous year is that the new machinery business was already characterized by investment restraint in the first three quarters of the year 2019. The Business Group Components recorded a reduction of 33% to CHF 116.6 million while the Business Group After Sales posted an order intake of CHF 74.0 million, a decrease of 23%. This illustrates the effects of low capacity utilization at the spinning mills, especially in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The order backlog as of September 30, 2020, was around CHF 515 million (September 30, 2019: CHF 285 million). Cancellations were in the normal range of around 5%.

COVID Crisis Management in Place

Rieter has quickly implemented comprehensive COVID crisis management. Priority is being given to protecting employees, fulfilling customer commitments and ensuring liquidity. The necessary measures to protect employees have been implemented worldwide and the order backlog is being processed largely as planned. Rieter has introduced 40% short-time working in Switzerland and Germany for the second half of 2020. Similar measures were implemented worldwide within the scope of the available legal options. As of September 30, 2020, Rieter had liquid funds of CHF 216.7 million and unused credit lines in the mid three-digit million range in order to ensure liquidity. At the end of September 2020, net debt of CHF 1.2 million was disclosed.

Continuous Implementation of the Strategy

In recent years, Rieter has consistently implemented the strategy with the focus on innovation leadership, strengthening the business on the installed base and optimization of the costs. The company intends to forge ahead with the strategy in the coming months in order to strengthen the market position for the time after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rieter CAMPUS is an important element of Rieter’s innovation strategy. Depending on the business situation, construction work is due to begin in the first half of 2021.

Outlook 2020

As already announced, in terms of sales and profitability Rieter expects a stronger second half of the year compared to the first half of 2020. Nevertheless, due to the deferral of deliveries by customers, Rieter will also conclude the second half of the year − and thus the full year 2020 − with a net loss. Due to the existing uncertainties, it continues to be difficult to forecast sales and profitability for the second half of 2020. For this reason, Rieter refrains from providing more specific information for the full year 2020.

More information:
Rieter Holding Ltd. Covid-19

Rieter Management AG

Wärmebild eines Laserdruckers [rechts] im Vergleich zu einem Inkjetdrucker [links] (c) Epson
Wärmebild eines Laserdruckers [rechts] im Vergleich zu einem Inkjetdrucker [links]

Epson: Nachhaltig auf- und ausbauen

Epson befragte im Sommer 2020 in einer europaweiten Umfrage mehr als 4.000 Menschen zu ihren Ansichten und Erwartungen über nachhaltiges Verhalten von Unternehmen und wie dies zu einer schnelleren Erholung von der Covid-Pandemie führen kann. Ein auffallendes Resultat der Erhebung ist, dass sich die Wünsche der Verbraucher und Angestellten nach umweltfreundlichen Strategien der Marken nochmals deutlich erhöht haben. Dabei wurde ebenfalls klar, dass die große Mehrheit der Befragten (75 Prozent) nachhaltig wirtschaftende Firmen sowohl als Kunden als auch als Mitarbeiter bevorzugen.

Der Bericht stellt ebenso heraus, dass rund 71 Prozent der befragten Mitarbeiter die Verantwortung ihres Unternehmens gegenüber sozialen und Umweltthemen für wichtig oder sehr wichtig halten. Weitere 78 Prozent sind der Meinung, dass eine tragfähige Strategie die Wahrnehmung einer Marke positiv beeinflusst und die Markentreue spürbar verbessert. Knapp zwei Drittel meinen zudem, dass diese Themen nach Covid-19 nochmals an Bedeutung gewinnen werden.

Epson befragte im Sommer 2020 in einer europaweiten Umfrage mehr als 4.000 Menschen zu ihren Ansichten und Erwartungen über nachhaltiges Verhalten von Unternehmen und wie dies zu einer schnelleren Erholung von der Covid-Pandemie führen kann. Ein auffallendes Resultat der Erhebung ist, dass sich die Wünsche der Verbraucher und Angestellten nach umweltfreundlichen Strategien der Marken nochmals deutlich erhöht haben. Dabei wurde ebenfalls klar, dass die große Mehrheit der Befragten (75 Prozent) nachhaltig wirtschaftende Firmen sowohl als Kunden als auch als Mitarbeiter bevorzugen.

Der Bericht stellt ebenso heraus, dass rund 71 Prozent der befragten Mitarbeiter die Verantwortung ihres Unternehmens gegenüber sozialen und Umweltthemen für wichtig oder sehr wichtig halten. Weitere 78 Prozent sind der Meinung, dass eine tragfähige Strategie die Wahrnehmung einer Marke positiv beeinflusst und die Markentreue spürbar verbessert. Knapp zwei Drittel meinen zudem, dass diese Themen nach Covid-19 nochmals an Bedeutung gewinnen werden.

Jörn von Ahlen, Leiter Marketing der Epson Deutschland GmbH, sagt dazu: „Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und stromsparende Technologien gehören zur DNA von Epson. So blicken wir als Unternehmen bereits auf Jahrzehnte von hohem Engagement im Segment CSR zurück. Wir wissen bereits aus dem Feedback von Kunden und Handelspartnern, dass die Sensibilität gegenüber Umwelt- und Sozialthemen in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich gestiegen ist. Heute sind es nicht mehr vorwiegend die öffentlichen Auftraggeber oder große Firmen, die besonderes Gewicht auf Nachhaltigkeit legen. Gerade auch der Mittelstand erkennt verstärkt eine Chance, sich hier positiv und äußerst engagiert im Markt zu positionieren. Epson bietet allen diesen Firmen mit seinen umweltfreundlichen, stromsparenden IT-Lösungen einen Königsweg an, sowohl den Stromverbrauch und den CO2-Ausstoß zu senken als auch moderne, leistungsfähige Lösungen auch für die neue Arbeitswelt nach Covid-19 einzusetzen.“

Covid-19 hat dabei viele bislang latent vorhandene Trends beschleunigt. Einer davon ist der Übergang zu flexibleren Arbeitsumgebungen in Firmen aller Größenordnungen. Die Ergebnisse der Epson Umfrage zeigen auch, dass es entscheidend für den Erfolg sein wird, wie sich Unternehmen auf die Rückkehr zu einem normalen Betrieb vorbereiten werden.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

Oerlikon (c) Oerlikon
f.l.t.r Jochen Adler, Ralf Morgenroth, Markus Reichwein, Matthias Schmitz

Oerlikon Experts share their know-how online

In order to ensure the transfer of know-how and technology in times of the pandemic, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group will start its new webinar series in November. Four interesting technology lectures are planned until the end of 2020 which will be held in English. Current trends in the production of manmade fibers as well as Oerlikons technology solutions will be presented and discussed with the participants. A continuation of the webinar series is already planned for 2021.

In order to ensure the transfer of know-how and technology in times of the pandemic, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group will start its new webinar series in November. Four interesting technology lectures are planned until the end of 2020 which will be held in English. Current trends in the production of manmade fibers as well as Oerlikons technology solutions will be presented and discussed with the participants. A continuation of the webinar series is already planned for 2021.

  • Factory know-how from a single source – A boost for your efficiency
    4. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Jochen Adler, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers CTO*
  • VarioFil – Your compact spinning solution
    11. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Ralf Morgenroth, Head of Engineering Textile Machinery BB Engineering (BBE)*
  • Green Technologies – Join us on the road to a sustainable fiber industry
    2. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management Oerlikon Manmade Fibers*
  • VacuFil – Your future upcycling plant, from waste to value
    9. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Matthias Schmitz, Head of Engineering Recycling Technology, BB Engineering (BBE)*


*Please read the attached document for more information


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Anker Carpet (c) Anker

Anker, Devan and Shark Solutions develop flame retardant aviation carpet

Anker, Devan and Shark Solutions teamed up to create the world’s first flame retardant aviation carpet using a recycled binder. Inspired by the knowledge and the needs of the aviation market, Anker motivated to achieve this new goal together. The PVB binder reuses laminated glass, from windshields and architectural/building glass, that otherwise would go to landfill.

German carpet manufacturer Anker is the first company to offer flame retardant carpets for aviation that are made with a recycled binder. In the search for a more sustainable binder, Anker discovered the PVB from Shark Solutions, a Danish cleantech company focused on giving a new life to post-consumer PVB. Properties of the aviation carpet with PVB as binder are the same as those of traditional non-sustainable carpets. The market has been looking for this type of solutions for a long time and market introduction has already started. Anker will introduce well known and special developed styles of aviation carpets with PVB and plan to take out traditional non-sustainable aviation carpets stepwise as soon as possible.

Anker, Devan and Shark Solutions teamed up to create the world’s first flame retardant aviation carpet using a recycled binder. Inspired by the knowledge and the needs of the aviation market, Anker motivated to achieve this new goal together. The PVB binder reuses laminated glass, from windshields and architectural/building glass, that otherwise would go to landfill.

German carpet manufacturer Anker is the first company to offer flame retardant carpets for aviation that are made with a recycled binder. In the search for a more sustainable binder, Anker discovered the PVB from Shark Solutions, a Danish cleantech company focused on giving a new life to post-consumer PVB. Properties of the aviation carpet with PVB as binder are the same as those of traditional non-sustainable carpets. The market has been looking for this type of solutions for a long time and market introduction has already started. Anker will introduce well known and special developed styles of aviation carpets with PVB and plan to take out traditional non-sustainable aviation carpets stepwise as soon as possible.

Shark’s PVB reuses laminated glass, from windshields and architectural/building glass, that otherwise would go to landfill. The non-toxic binder (no chlorine or phthalates) is fully recyclable and thus lives up to the future standards of the industry.

Textile innovator Devan Chemicals, known for its tailor-made flame retardant solutions, was called in to develop the flame retardant back coating, which is compliant with the Airbus and Boeing safety standards. “Based on many years of experience and competences in customer related developments, improving recycling rates is getting more and more important”, says Dirk Vanpachtenbeke, R&D manager Flame Retardants at Devan. “We are very proud that, together with Anker and Shark Solutions, we can contribute to this rising demand for products that meet the standards of a circular economy solution.”

In other news, Anker and Devan are already working on a new project, which includes Devan’s antimicrobial/viral-reducing technology. Recently, Devan published test results on the activity of their technology (BI-OME®) against SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. According to independent testing, BI-OME is proven to achieve 99% and higher virus reduction, including of SARS-COV-2, on samples before washing and retains 98.5% even after 25 wash cycles. This technology has been recognized with the 2020 European Technology Innovation Leadership Award by Frost & Sullivan.


Devan Chemicals NV / Marketing Solutions NV

Oerlikon: Virtual Exhibition (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon at Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show

The textile machinery industry is eagerly awaiting the start of the virtual trade show "Innovate Textile & Apparel". What and how will the more than 160 exhibitors present themselves virtually? How will the approximately 10,000 registered visitors accept the digital offer? WTIN is breaking new ground as organizer with this platform. But one thing is already certain: From 15 to 30 October 2020, they will bring the textile machinery industry a little closer together again in the Corona Pandemic. Oerlikon invites all visitors to take a look into the future of manmade fibers production and get to know the comprehensive range of products and services.

The textile machinery industry is eagerly awaiting the start of the virtual trade show "Innovate Textile & Apparel". What and how will the more than 160 exhibitors present themselves virtually? How will the approximately 10,000 registered visitors accept the digital offer? WTIN is breaking new ground as organizer with this platform. But one thing is already certain: From 15 to 30 October 2020, they will bring the textile machinery industry a little closer together again in the Corona Pandemic. Oerlikon invites all visitors to take a look into the future of manmade fibers production and get to know the comprehensive range of products and services.

"Reconnecting innovation in the textile & apparel value chain" is the motto of WTIN's virtual trade show. And Oerlikon intends to more than live up to this motto. With more than 50 active experts from sales, customer service and technology as well as partners from its international network of representatives, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group will try to be represented around the clock. "It is an interesting experiment for all of us and we would like to see it succeed," explains André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. "Our aim is to meet our existing customers again, make new contacts and see 'old friends' from the industry. We have prepared an attractive digital offer for them all. Those of you who missed our roller coaster ride in Barcelona last year can now enjoy the journey through time in peace and quiet from your home office on your digital tour of the fair. And, there are no more waiting times either," promises Wissenberg.

Factory know-how from a single source
From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens. From the polycondensation and the processing of PTA and MEG as well as the extrusion of, for example, recycled polyester chips all the way through to hundreds of thousands of packaged and stored or directly-delivered textured bobbins for a market within the textile industry worth billions. From the planning and construction of highly complex production plants to the engineering of large-scale plant projects and competent customer services. This business model runs like a red thread through the self-conception of the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group. The right partner, especially – but not exclusively – for newcomers to the textile industry. "With us they get everything they need for a successful business: Factory know-how from a single source. And that's what we would like to show our visitors at our virtual trade fair booth," says Wissenberg.

With the PFAFF 4520, engineers and technicians from PFAFF have designed a full-automatic production line (CE compliant) for processing multi-layer disposable masks, which meets the requirements of "German engineering" in a unique way. (c) PFAFF
PFAFF 4520: Full-automatic mask production unit

PFAFF 4520: Full-automatic mask production unit

With the PFAFF 4520, engineers and technicians from PFAFF have designed a full-automatic production line (CE compliant) for processing multi-layer disposable masks, which meets the requirements of "German engineering" in a unique way. The product combines 150 years of expertise in joining textile materials and a concentrated know-how of the PFAFF INDUSTRIAL and KSL brands in the areas of process control, automation and robotics.

The PFAFF 4520 is an investment in a robust and sophisticated production line (MADE IN GERMANY) with an exceptionally reliable working process. In times of Covid-19 it is so important to rely on the right equipment for the mask production and avoid costly readjustments or an unnecessary second investment!

Key facts of the unit:

With the PFAFF 4520, engineers and technicians from PFAFF have designed a full-automatic production line (CE compliant) for processing multi-layer disposable masks, which meets the requirements of "German engineering" in a unique way. The product combines 150 years of expertise in joining textile materials and a concentrated know-how of the PFAFF INDUSTRIAL and KSL brands in the areas of process control, automation and robotics.

The PFAFF 4520 is an investment in a robust and sophisticated production line (MADE IN GERMANY) with an exceptionally reliable working process. In times of Covid-19 it is so important to rely on the right equipment for the mask production and avoid costly readjustments or an unnecessary second investment!

Key facts of the unit:

-    Size of the mask: 175 x 95 mm
-    Output:  3,500 – 4,000 masks per hour
-    1-, 2- or 3 ply processing  (Non-woven/filtration fabric)
-    SPS (PLC) control of the entire mask system
-    Exceedingly quiet working process of the whole unit
-    Ultrasonic welding components from German manufacturers
-    Protective housing for occupational safety of the operator
-    Packing station + printing station for personalized masks (on request)

The machine package also includes important features in the pre- and after sales:

PFAFF technicians ensure the adjustment of the desired customer material (non-woven or similar filter material) and the number of layers (1-, 2-, 3-ply) to the machine and make a "Ready to production" installation of the whole unit at the customer.  A fast service response time in after-sales (by involvement of the PFAFF sales- and service partner on site) ensures a maximum production output.

(c) NCTO

NCTO President & CEO Kim Glas Testifies at U.S. International Trade Commission Hearing on Challenges Related to U.S. PPE Production

The U.S. International Trade Commission held a public hearing on September 23-24 as part of its investigation of conditions impacting U.S. industry sectors and supply chains in the production of medical goods related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President & CEO Kim Glas is testifying on panel 5.

“Amid the devastating challenges of responding to COVID-19, NCTO members have been at the forefront of deploying manufacturing resources to address the critical need for personal protective equipment (PPE),” Glas said in testimony prepared for delivery.  “Our members quickly mobilized, proactively retooling production lines and retraining workers to provide U.S.-made PPE to frontline medical workers.”

“Despite these heroic efforts to confront the ongoing crisis, the onshoring of a permanent PPE industry will only materialize if proper government policies are implemented to incentivize the long-term investment needed to sustain PPE production in the United States,” Glas said.

The U.S. International Trade Commission held a public hearing on September 23-24 as part of its investigation of conditions impacting U.S. industry sectors and supply chains in the production of medical goods related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President & CEO Kim Glas is testifying on panel 5.

“Amid the devastating challenges of responding to COVID-19, NCTO members have been at the forefront of deploying manufacturing resources to address the critical need for personal protective equipment (PPE),” Glas said in testimony prepared for delivery.  “Our members quickly mobilized, proactively retooling production lines and retraining workers to provide U.S.-made PPE to frontline medical workers.”

“Despite these heroic efforts to confront the ongoing crisis, the onshoring of a permanent PPE industry will only materialize if proper government policies are implemented to incentivize the long-term investment needed to sustain PPE production in the United States,” Glas said.

Glas’ testimony as prepared for delivery can be found here.

More information:

National Council of Textile Organizations

130 Million Liters of Water Saved in One Year (c) Huntsman Corporation
ERIOPON® E3-SAVE saves time, water, energy and cost

130 Million Liters of Water Saved in One Year

Singapore – As global interest in sustainable textile production continues to soar, mills that have adopted Huntsman Textile Effects’ all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary for polyester processing, which launched one year ago, have collectively saved more than 130 million liters of water.

Demand for polyester fabric is being driven by seemingly insatiable consumer appetite for sportswear and athleisure clothing. Sales in the sector have been on an upward trend for several years and are even proving resilient amid Covid-19 market disruption. However, dyeing of polyester and its blends has traditionally been resource intensive, time consuming and costly.

Huntsman Textile Effects’ next-generation ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary was engineered to address these challenges. It eliminates the need for separate pre-scouring, allowing pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing to be combined in a single bath. Mills that use ERIOPON® E3-SAVE can thus dramatically shorten the polyester dyeing process and save water, energy and cost.

Singapore – As global interest in sustainable textile production continues to soar, mills that have adopted Huntsman Textile Effects’ all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary for polyester processing, which launched one year ago, have collectively saved more than 130 million liters of water.

Demand for polyester fabric is being driven by seemingly insatiable consumer appetite for sportswear and athleisure clothing. Sales in the sector have been on an upward trend for several years and are even proving resilient amid Covid-19 market disruption. However, dyeing of polyester and its blends has traditionally been resource intensive, time consuming and costly.

Huntsman Textile Effects’ next-generation ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary was engineered to address these challenges. It eliminates the need for separate pre-scouring, allowing pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing to be combined in a single bath. Mills that use ERIOPON® E3-SAVE can thus dramatically shorten the polyester dyeing process and save water, energy and cost.

“Our innovations aim to help mills improve their productivity and competitiveness while also contributing to the textile industry’s shift to more sustainable practices and a reduced environmental footprint,” said Kerim Oner, Global Marketing Manager, Huntsman Textile Effects. “With ERIOPON® E3-SAVE, we have harnessed the unparalleled technical expertise and application know-how of our research and field teams to develop a product that is proven to reduce costs for mills and that meets current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.”

Dae Young Textile Vietnam Co., Ltd, a forerunner in sustainable textile production in Asia, was an early adopter of the ERIOPON® technology. Results from bulk production show that ERIOPON® E3-SAVE has reduced process time by over 20 percent and water consumption by over 50 percent, delivering annual cost savings of up to 30 percent.

“ERIOPON® E3-SAVE delivers a combination of best-in-class performance and value. It allows us to have the shortest possible processing cycle, which is key for us to deal with increasing industry pressure for faster turnarounds,” Jeong Won Oh, General Manager, Dae Young Textile Vietnam, said. “Alongside dramatic time savings, we are also saving water, energy and ultimately cost. Huntsman’s best-in-class products and high level of technical support help keep businesses like us productive.”

This unique polymer technology of ERIOPON® E3-SAVE promotes controlled exhaustion to ensure right-first-time level dyeing. It extracts oil and oil-based impurities from the fiber during processing and displays a high affinity to disperse dyes, enabling the rapid removal of unfixed surface dyes from the fiber during reduction clearing. The technology also enhances reproducibility and improves wet- and rub-fastness.

ERIOPON® E3-SAVE saves time, water, energy and cost in polyester dyeing by combining pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single bath. An advanced multi-action dyeing auxiliary in the dyEvolutionTM range, it delivers environmental and economic sustainability.


Huntsman Corporation

Baldwin installs six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.
Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 precision spray system produces ideal results in fabric finishing, because the exact required amount of water and chemistry is always applied.

Baldwin: six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

These systems enable fabric producers to significantly reduce chemical and water consumption, while speeding up production times and eliminating production steps, including drying and bath changeovers when switching fabric colors. “Our customers are major manufacturers in fabric dying, finishing and remoistening, and we want to provide outstanding service and support—even in times like this,” said Rick Stanford, Business Development Leader at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the US installations. “Not only does our precision spray technology enhance productivity in their process, but there is also zero waste, which goes hand-in-hand with the increased sustainability focus in the textile industry.”

In North Carolina, two new TexCoat G4 precision spray systems are now in production with major international vertical manufacturers of outdoor living, performance fabrics and automotive fabrics. In Georgia, a major vertical manufacturer of workwear and protective fabrics installed a sanfor precision spray system, which has helped the customer obtain deeper penetration of moisture into fabrics treated with durable water repellents. In Turkey, three new TexCoat G4 systems were installed in Çorlu, northwest of Istanbul, for a large producer of knit fabrics, such as T-shirts. “In Turkey, the manufacturer purchased and installed one TexCoat G4 system before COVID-19, and the customer was so pleased with the results that, during the pandemic, three more were purchased,” said Simone Morellini, Sales Manager- EMEAR at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the Turkish installations. “The systems were manufactured and installed during the lockdown, and now, all four systems are up and running, and being used heavily on a daily basis.” “With the success we have seen, we plan to apply the same strategies for upcoming installations, including the next one in Honduras: strong local management and customer coordination, combined with  effective remote support during the installation,” said Stanford.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask (c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
The masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

A third Montex stenter line was installed at the company’s Grefrath plant in 2015, by which time the company had grown to 40 people and a major new market had opened up in the supply of fabrics for promotional materials at exhibitions and trade shows.

“We had a fantastic two years in 2018 and 2019 and everything was going great for the first three months of this year, but in April it all came crashing down,” said Oliver Hurtz. “Coronavirus put an end to trade shows in 2020, which had a very serious impact on our business.”

At the same time, however, the company was exploring the potential of a new biocidal product from one of its chemicals suppliers which has both antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


“We had already been producing coated fabrics for hot gas filtration and realised that in combination with this new microporous coating we had the basis for a very effective single-layer face mask,” Rainer said. “Achieving this with a single layer product rather than the usual three has resulted in a significant advance in comfort for the wearer and because the mask is able to disinfect itself and helps regulate humidity, it can be worn a number of times without needing to be washed, for greater convenience. It only needs to be washed when it gets dirty and can also be washed up to twenty times without losing its properties, which has to be preferable to single-use disposables.”

Catus face masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride certified to ISO 20743 for their antibacterial effect, and to ISO 18184 for their antiviral effect.

They are proven to  eliminate over  99.99% of the human coronavirus 229 E, with the multiplication of microorganisms such as germs and bacteria prevented by the biostatic action of silver salts and viruses destroyed by oxygen-releasing substances and a mechanism that attacks their fatty envelope. The virus membrane loses its cholesterol content and the virus is inactivated.


Gorilla Protect next plans to make the masks available in four colours – black, Bordeaux, olive and grey – and is also working on colour branding and printing labels.

“It’s not possible to print on the surface of the mask after it has been coated, but its is possible for volume orders to be printed before the treatment,” Oliver Hurtz said.

“Face masks are going to become an established part of life in the West like they are in Asia and need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible for the wearer,” his father concluded. “With these things in mind, we believe Catus is a significant step forward.”

Devan lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan lauded by Frost & Sullivan

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals was lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry, known under its trade name as BI-OME®.

RONSE, BELGIUM – The non-leaching attributes of the technology coupled with its ability to reduce microbial mutation make it a potential candidate for textiles where durability and safe human contact are highly valued.

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals was lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry, known under its trade name as BI-OME®.

RONSE, BELGIUM – The non-leaching attributes of the technology coupled with its ability to reduce microbial mutation make it a potential candidate for textiles where durability and safe human contact are highly valued.

Based on its recent analysis of the European antimicrobial technology for the textile market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes the Belgium-headquartered Devan Chemicals NV (Devan) with the 2020 European Technology Innovation Leadership Award. Devan’s highly relevant antimicrobial technology addresses issues concerning the contamination of PPE and textiles, including the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, viral transmissions, and hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Its quat-silane technology, due to its non-migrating behaviour, physically punctures the microorganism cell to destroy it without interfering with cell DNA. Notably, it eliminates the adverse effects of leaching antimicrobials while providing high efficiency in the range of 99.9 percent to 99.99 percent, even after multiple washes.

"By providing non-migrating antimicrobial technology for the textile industry, Devan plugs the safety and performance gaps inherent in current inorganic and organic antimicrobial agents. Its antimicrobial technology, unlike silver- or triclosan-based technology, comprises non-migrating monomers and prepolymers such as organo-functional silane," said Monami Dey, Industry Manager, Frost & Sullivan. "The organo-silane polymers are covalently bonded and polymerized to the textile surface as a coating via padding, exhaust, and spraying techniques. The coating forms a non-leaching reactive surface and destroys the microbes on contact, without releasing harmful components into the environment."

Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck is very happy with the award: “The best practice award is a nice recognition of the hard work we did in the last 6 months to evaluate the performance against viral activity. It’s great to see our efforts didn’t go unnoticed.”

Earlier this month Devan published new test results confirming the high performance virus-reducing capabilities of its BI-OME fabric coating technology on both unwashed and intensely washed fabrics. The Belgian company has worked closely with a series of international third party laboratories to test different fabric substrates against a wide range of enveloped viruses. Before washing, samples treated with Devan BI-OME score very good to excellent (99% and higher according to ISO 18184) results on virus reduction. Different substrates, like polyester, cotton and polycottons, were exposed to enveloped viruses like SARS-COV-2 (known to cause COVID-19), Feline Corona, Vaccinia (the EU standard for enveloped viruses) and Porcine Respiratory viruses. After 30minutes, BI-OME already reduced 99.96% of the activity of SARS-COV-2.

After washing, a decrease in virus reduction performance of coating technologies is normal and expected. However, BI-OME is confirmed to deliver only a minimal reduction, retaining up to 98.5% virus reduction even when the fabric is washed 25 times.

"Devan is working towards sustainability and green chemistry. For instance, its technology does not contain any harmful solvents such as formaldehyde or polychlorinated phenols and fulfills the regulatory obligations of the EU BPR," noted Dey. "Its commitment to promoting sustainability in textile finishes with a strong focus on GMO-free, kosher, as well as halal certifications, and recyclability has given the company an edge in launching new products at an accelerated pace to match customers’ most pressing concerns and demands."

One of those innovations is BI-OME NTL (natural), a natural, bio-based antimicrobial solution that guarantees an optimal freshness and hygiene for textiles. The active ingredient is the well-known Linseed oil, obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant. The active ingredients in BI-OME NTL are GMO free, Halal, Kosher and recyclable.

Acafintex looks to a bright future with new Monforts technology (c) AWOL Media
Acafintex father and son ownership team Don Francisco and Lic Francisco Moyano at the new Monforts installation.

Acafintex looks to a bright future with new Monforts technology

At a total length of over 71 metres, the Montex finishing line that has just been installed by Monforts for Acafintex at its plant in Puebla, Mexico, is one of the highest capacity stenters the German technology leader has delivered to date.

Puebla is known as the epicentre of Mexico’s textile and clothing industry and is ideally placed for supplying both the USA and Europe, being three hours from the Gulf of Mexico for shipping via the Atlantic, and five hours from the Pacific coast as well.

Mexico's textile and clothing industry spans the entire production chain – from cotton growing and man-made fibre production to the manufacture of yarn, fabric, finished clothing and accessories. The industry is estimated to directly employ around 640,000 workers and to provide livelihoods for many more people indirectly. The country is a key supplier of textiles and clothing to the USA, but has faced fierce competition from China, which has until recently been the largest supplier of textiles and clothing to the US market.

At a total length of over 71 metres, the Montex finishing line that has just been installed by Monforts for Acafintex at its plant in Puebla, Mexico, is one of the highest capacity stenters the German technology leader has delivered to date.

Puebla is known as the epicentre of Mexico’s textile and clothing industry and is ideally placed for supplying both the USA and Europe, being three hours from the Gulf of Mexico for shipping via the Atlantic, and five hours from the Pacific coast as well.

Mexico's textile and clothing industry spans the entire production chain – from cotton growing and man-made fibre production to the manufacture of yarn, fabric, finished clothing and accessories. The industry is estimated to directly employ around 640,000 workers and to provide livelihoods for many more people indirectly. The country is a key supplier of textiles and clothing to the USA, but has faced fierce competition from China, which has until recently been the largest supplier of textiles and clothing to the US market.

However, the position of Mexico in the US import market has become more stable following the signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which came into force in July this year. The country has also been a key beneficiary of the current trade war that is raging between China and the USA.

In addition, there is scope for higher sales in Mexico’s domestic market. The country has a population of 129 million people who are becoming increasingly prosperous, with a large proportion of younger people who are spending more on clothing.

Flexible operation

Founded in 1986, family-owned Acafintex operates as a commission dyehouse, finishing both knitted and woven fabrics for local companies in Mexico, in widths of between 100cm to 3.6 metres. The company is run by father and son team Don Francisco and Lic Francisco Moyano.

“We have very flexible operations for fabric finishing and also produce and sell our own fabrics for both the fashion industry and for the uniforms market,” says Don Francisco. “These days, we are increasingly finishing materials for technical textiles and for the automotive industry too. We have both local and international suppliers of both yarns and base fabrics and make sure we choose the best and most reliable sources. Exports now account for over 40% of our sales.”

European contract

With a  width of 3.8 metres, the new Monforts Montex line at Acafintex is equipped with no less than 12 double TwinAir drying chambers to meet the requirements of specific technical textiles to a European customer, in a contract secured following the company’s ISO 9001 certification in 2019. The line is equipped with an integrated heat recovery system and also benefits from an exhaust air cleaning system to ensure the most resource-efficient processing available on the market.

On the Monforts TwinAir system, the airflows above and below the fabric being dried can be regulated completely independently of each other, with Optiscan Auto-Balance fully controlling the distance between the fabric and the dryer nozzles via variable-frequency fan motors and CCD chip evaluation. As a result, the evaporation rate of the stenter and its energy utilisation are always fully optimised. Contact-free drying eliminates the possibility of fabric marking or stitch draft.

Highly-intuitive Monforts Qualitex visualisation software allows all machine functions and process parameters to be assessed and controlled easily, and thousands of article specific settings and formulations to be called up at any time – with 100% reproducible results.

In combination with an existing Montex stenter, the new line has expanded finishing capacity at Acafintex to an annual 20 million linear metres.


“From the installation to the start-up, we were supported by a team of Monforts technicians and local representative Arnulf Thaler at Sattex here in Mexico,” says Lic Francisco. “Of course, every installation has its challenges and with such big machines we needed to modify several things inside the factory and also required certain modifications from Monforts which were all carried out successfully.”  

Forced, like much of the textile industry globally, to temporarily suspend operations at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Acafintex is now back to full production, having installed the necessary safety measures for its employees, and is anticipating a bright future.

“We are passionate about developing new materials in search of mutual benefit for both our clients and suppliers, as well as our own workforce and the environment,” Don Francisco Moyano concludes. “Investment in the latest technology like this new Monforts line plays a key role in helping us achieve our long-term goals.”

Reach Group: Composites China Trade Show (c) REACH Group

AMAC/Germany and REACH Group/China: first life business activity since Covid-19 at the Composites China Trade Show in Shanghai

As the first composites trade show worldwide since the Covid-19-crisis, the China Composites in Shanghai (September 2 to 4, 2020) took up its activity. The show counted about 600 exhibitors and over 20 000 visitors, mostly Chinese locals, attended the exhibition.

Chinese Reach Group under the lead of its president Daniel He represented a large portfolio of European companies and their recent developments through their cooperation with Dr. Michael Effing´s AMAC/Germany, among them Airborne (NL), Textechno (D) and Conbility (D).

As the first composites trade show worldwide since the Covid-19-crisis, the China Composites in Shanghai (September 2 to 4, 2020) took up its activity. The show counted about 600 exhibitors and over 20 000 visitors, mostly Chinese locals, attended the exhibition.

Chinese Reach Group under the lead of its president Daniel He represented a large portfolio of European companies and their recent developments through their cooperation with Dr. Michael Effing´s AMAC/Germany, among them Airborne (NL), Textechno (D) and Conbility (D).

Daniel He describes the situation: „The Chinese market is picking up again; a price increase of 7% for glass fibers was announced right before the China Composites Show, on August 25th 2020, which was even leading to a temporary material shortage. Today, the most booming industries in China are wind energy, building and infrastructure and innovation for electric cars. Unlike the rest of the world, where the aircraft industry undergoes a deep decline, in China it takes up by 50 %, which is very promising. Furthermore, we expect half a year for a full recovery of the industry, while the China growth of 2020 is still expected to be between 2 and 4 %.“

Michael Effing replied: “Enabling the composites business between China and Europe is the aim of our cooperation with Reach and with our customers, which are active in digital automatization, testing equipment or cost optimization software. We are very happy to have been present in China through our representant Reach and are looking forward to bridge and overcome the Covid-19-crisis with our upcoming event in Germany, the Composites for Europe in Stuttgart in November and hope to be back to full global business speed at the JEC in Paris in 2021.“



Devan shows high activity of BI-OME against SARS-COV-2 and other viruses after intense washing (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan shows high activity of BI-OME against SARS-COV-2 and other viruses after intense washing

RONSE, BELGIUM – Devan today announces new test results confirming the high performance virus-reducing capabilities of its BI-OME fabric coating technology on both unwashed and intensely washed fabrics. According to independent testing, BI-OME is proven to achieve 99% and higher virus reduction, including of SARS-COV-2, on samples before washing and retains 98.5% even after 25 wash cycles.
“In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and fast-approaching autumn/winter flu season, we were keen to provide textile manufacturers with concrete assurance regarding virus reduction performance on washed samples according to ISO 18184. This exceeds the limitations of the post-wash antimicrobial results most commonly shared for other technologies, giving the textile industry a clear, more precise overview of performance and wash durability,” comments Sven Ghyselinck, CEO of Devan.

RONSE, BELGIUM – Devan today announces new test results confirming the high performance virus-reducing capabilities of its BI-OME fabric coating technology on both unwashed and intensely washed fabrics. According to independent testing, BI-OME is proven to achieve 99% and higher virus reduction, including of SARS-COV-2, on samples before washing and retains 98.5% even after 25 wash cycles.
“In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and fast-approaching autumn/winter flu season, we were keen to provide textile manufacturers with concrete assurance regarding virus reduction performance on washed samples according to ISO 18184. This exceeds the limitations of the post-wash antimicrobial results most commonly shared for other technologies, giving the textile industry a clear, more precise overview of performance and wash durability,” comments Sven Ghyselinck, CEO of Devan.

Over recent months, Devan has worked closely with a series of international third party laboratories to test different fabric substrates against a wide of enveloped viruses. Before washing, samples treated with Devan BI-OME score very good to excellent (99% and higher according to ISO 18184) results on virus reduction. Different substrates, like polyester, cotton and polycottons, were exposed to enveloped viruses like SARS-COV-2 (known to cause COVID-19), Feline Corona, Vaccinia (the EU standard for enveloped viruses) and Porcine Respiratory viruses. After 30minutes, BI-OME already reduced 99.96% of the activity of SARS-COV-2.

After washing, a decrease in virus reduction performance of coating technologies is normal and expected. However, BI-OME is confirmed to deliver only a minimal reduction, retaining up to 98.5% virus reduction even when the fabric is washed 25 times. Devan is further improving its formulas to improve wash resistance even more and at the same time keep the economical add-on cost as low as possible.
Devan’s BI-OME is already endorsed by a wide range of companies. Their collections span diverse applications including bedding, clothing, travel accessories, and transport.

BI-OME is a non-metal non-leaching quat silane-based chemistry. The product is BPR (EU, TR) and EPA registered and Ökotex class 1 registered. Through its nature it is inherently biodegradable.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Covid-19 BI-OME

Marketing Solutions NV

10,460 kilometers: First direct complete train with Austrian TENCEL™ branded fibers from Vienna to China (c) Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
Departure ceremony with Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler

10,460 kilometers: First direct complete train with Austrian TENCEL™ branded fibers from Vienna to China

  • Due to the short-term increase in demand from Chinese customers, Lenzing AG is breaking new ground. For the first time in the history of Austria, a local company is sending goods that are 100 percent produced in Austria directly to China by train.

Vienna – The Lenzing Group stands for the ecologically responsible production of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood. Due to the high demand from Chinese brands and retailers for sustainably produced fibers, Lenzing delivers fibers from the two Austrian production sites Lenzing and Heiligenkreuz directly to customers in China by train for the first time.

  • Due to the short-term increase in demand from Chinese customers, Lenzing AG is breaking new ground. For the first time in the history of Austria, a local company is sending goods that are 100 percent produced in Austria directly to China by train.

Vienna – The Lenzing Group stands for the ecologically responsible production of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood. Due to the high demand from Chinese brands and retailers for sustainably produced fibers, Lenzing delivers fibers from the two Austrian production sites Lenzing and Heiligenkreuz directly to customers in China by train for the first time.

Austria's first complete train with goods exclusively “Made in Austria” will leave the Vienna South Terminal towards China on August 20, 2020 at 11 am. The train is loaded with Lenzing fibers and provided by NUNNER Logistics. In strict compliance with the COVID-19 protective measures, Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, His Excellency Xiaosi Li, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Austria, Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group, Thomas Kargl, Board Member of the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group, Erwin Cootjans, CEO Nunner Logistics and Erich Hampel, Chairman of the Board of the B&C Private Foundation, took part in the departure ceremony.

The train, which started at Vienna, brings 41 containers with TENCEL™ branded Lyocell and Modal fibers with a total value of EUR 1.8 million directly to customers in China. On its 16-day trip to Shanghai, the train covers a total of 10,460 kilometers and passes seven countries: Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and China. “With this new transport route, we can meet the high demand from our customers for sustainably produced fibers more quickly. Thanks to train transport, the urgently needed fibers arrive at our customers in China twice as quickly as by sea freight,” says Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group. Lenzing has had very good experiences with rail transport for a long time when it comes to delivering the renewable raw material wood to its plants. Almost 70 percent of the wood processed at the Lenzing site is already delivered by rail. “Our declared goal is to shift more freight traffic to rail. Rail is the only way to combine climate goals and economic interests and thus transport growth. That is why we are happy to be part of this unique project for our long-standing customer,” says Thomas Kargl, Board Member of the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group. “Transporting goods by rail to China is possible. And this train from Vienna to China is an integral part of climate protection. Because we want to support the shift from road to rail, especially in freight transport. Today's train is the first step – I am convinced this train will set an example”, says Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

Archroma joins hands with Liberty Textile Mills Limited to produce life-saving PPE in Pakistan © Liberty Textile Mills Limited
Product lines of Liberty Textile Mills Limited.

Archroma joins hands with Liberty Textile Mills Limited to produce life-saving PPE in Pakistan

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has joined hands with Liberty Textile Mill Limited (Liberty), a leading producer in healthcare textiles to produce high quality personal protective equipment (PPE).

Liberty will be benefitting from Archroma’s specialty solutions for hygiene protection, and well-established technical expertise in the area of medical textiles. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the PPEs manufactured by Liberty are aimed at easing the current shortage of PPEs for medical professionals in Pakistan.

Liberty carries over two decades of experience in medical textiles and exporting them all over the world. Its partnering with Archroma is a major step forward towards creating enhanced protection in the current crisis. With its advanced scientific knowledge and technical expertise, Archroma provides a complete set of specialty chemicals required to produce PPEs, in particular in the area of antimicrobial and barrier coatings. The project will assist in enhancing medical standards in hospitals, isolation centers and intensive care units, in Pakistan and, very soon, worldwide.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has joined hands with Liberty Textile Mill Limited (Liberty), a leading producer in healthcare textiles to produce high quality personal protective equipment (PPE).

Liberty will be benefitting from Archroma’s specialty solutions for hygiene protection, and well-established technical expertise in the area of medical textiles. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the PPEs manufactured by Liberty are aimed at easing the current shortage of PPEs for medical professionals in Pakistan.

Liberty carries over two decades of experience in medical textiles and exporting them all over the world. Its partnering with Archroma is a major step forward towards creating enhanced protection in the current crisis. With its advanced scientific knowledge and technical expertise, Archroma provides a complete set of specialty chemicals required to produce PPEs, in particular in the area of antimicrobial and barrier coatings. The project will assist in enhancing medical standards in hospitals, isolation centers and intensive care units, in Pakistan and, very soon, worldwide.

“By continuously challenging the status quo, we at Archroma are able to support our customers operating in or entering the area of medical textiles, with a holistic and expert approach to hygiene protection. With our collaboration with Liberty, we are so proud to be able to bring state-of-the art protection to health professionals and the general public,” comments Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan.

“Liberty has a presence of more than five decades with high achieving accolades. Our processing units are fully equipped with latest equipment complying with international standards. We take this new partnership with Archroma as a start of building a strong relationship in the area of medical textiles. The COVID-19 pandemic has given a wake-up call to work extensively towards enhancing healthcare facilities. We are looking forward to new innovations in producing top-class PPEs,” adds Taimoor Mukaty, Director of Liberty Textile Mills Limited.

Der Einzelhandel trifft Vorkehrungen: Steigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen des Handels - Checkpoint Systems (c) Checkpoint Systems
Checkpoint Systems bietet System für Einzelhandel

Der Einzelhandel trifft Vorkehrungen: Steigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen des Handels - Checkpoint Systems

Der Einzelhandel ist besorgt über erneut ansteigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und ergreift Schutzmaßnahmen für Kunden und Mitarbeiter

  • Checkpoint Systems verwendet SmartOccupancy
  • System steuert die Belegung zum Schutz der Gesundheit automatisch
  • Gewährleistet somit Social Distancing

Hirschhorn – Aufgrund des erneuten rapiden Anstiegs der Covid-19-Fallzahlen in ganz Europa während des letzten Monats ist die Möglichkeit einer zweiten Welle, welche den Kontinent treffen könnte, nicht zu leugnen. Nach Angaben des Europäischen Zentrums für die Prävention und Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) [1] wurden in Europa mittlerweile mehr als drei Millionen Fälle [2] gemeldet, angeführt vom Vereinigten Königreich, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich.

Aufgrund dieser Situation verstärkt der Einzelhandel seine Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens seiner Kunden und Mitarbeiter durch innovative Lösungen, die eine soziale Distanzierung durch die Kontrolle der Belegung der Einzelhandelsgeschäfte ermöglichen.

Der Einzelhandel ist besorgt über erneut ansteigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und ergreift Schutzmaßnahmen für Kunden und Mitarbeiter

  • Checkpoint Systems verwendet SmartOccupancy
  • System steuert die Belegung zum Schutz der Gesundheit automatisch
  • Gewährleistet somit Social Distancing

Hirschhorn – Aufgrund des erneuten rapiden Anstiegs der Covid-19-Fallzahlen in ganz Europa während des letzten Monats ist die Möglichkeit einer zweiten Welle, welche den Kontinent treffen könnte, nicht zu leugnen. Nach Angaben des Europäischen Zentrums für die Prävention und Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) [1] wurden in Europa mittlerweile mehr als drei Millionen Fälle [2] gemeldet, angeführt vom Vereinigten Königreich, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich.

Aufgrund dieser Situation verstärkt der Einzelhandel seine Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens seiner Kunden und Mitarbeiter durch innovative Lösungen, die eine soziale Distanzierung durch die Kontrolle der Belegung der Einzelhandelsgeschäfte ermöglichen.

Große Einkaufszentren und Outlets, aber auch Supermärkte und Modeeinzelhändler haben sich für den Einsatz von Tools wie SmartOccupancy an ihren Standorten entschieden. SmartOccupancy verwendet innovative Technologie von Checkpoint Systems, um die Belegung automatisch in Echtzeit zu steuern und dadurch die Gesundheit der Menschen zu schützen. Ziel ist es, in den Geschäften soziale Distanzierung sicherzustellen und das Risiko einer möglichen Ansteckung zu minimieren, indem die neuen Belegungsgrenzen eingehalten werden.

Die Kunden haben sich der Nutzung dieser Technologien gegenüber offen gezeigt, da sie es ihnen ermöglichen, beruhigter und sicherer einzukaufen. Denn die Technologien tragen dazu bei, Menschenmassen zu verhindern, die zur Verbreitung des Virus führen könnten.

Angesichts des erneuten Anstiegs der Fallzahlen und der Wahrnehmung einer möglichen Lockerung der sozialen Distanzierungsmaßnahmen installieren die Einzelhändler Tools zur Belegungskontrolle. Konkret wurde SmartOccupancy von der Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) – einer Organisation der Vereinten Nationen – aus über 1.000 Unternehmen und Lösungen aus mehr als 100 Ländern als Finalist ausgewählt, und zwar als eine der innovativsten und bahnbrechendsten Lösungen zur Minimierung der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf den Tourismus.

Das System zählt automatisch und präzise alle eintretenden Personen, ebenso alle, welche das Geschäft wieder verlassen. Bei Annäherung oder Überschreitung der Kapazitätsgrenzen des Geschäfts sendet SmartOccupancy eine Warnung an das Personal. Dieses kann mit Hilfe eines Tablets, das ein Farbsystem zur Bestimmung der Belegungsgrenze der Einrichtung verwendet, eine Alarmmeldung ausgeben. Darüber hinaus wird bei Änderungen ein zusätzlicher Alarm an die Mitarbeiter gesendet, damit diese angemessen reagieren können.

Miguel Garcia Manso, Business Unit Director Germany von Checkpoint Systems, kommentiert: „Der Einzelhandelssektor ist entschlossen, zusammenzukommen, um auf ein gemeinsames Ziel hinzuarbeiten: Gesundheit für alle. Checkpoint bietet die richtige Technologie, um dieses Engagement zu unterstützen, und wir sind zum perfekten Partner geworden, wenn es darum geht, die Gesundheit der Menschen zu schützen und soziale Distanzierung an jedem Ort und in jedem geschlossenen Raum umzusetzen.“


Carta GmbH

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft (c) Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

COVID-19 impacts revenue and earnings of the Lenzing Group in the first half of 2020

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure
  • Measures to protect employees, customers and suppliers and to keep plants operational implemented successfully
  • Joint venture Hygiene Austria established for industrial production of protective masks in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – new distribution channel via
  • Strategic investment projects progress according to plan – financing agreements for construction of pulp plant in Brazil concluded as planned
  • Revenue and operating result in the remaining quarters of 2020 expected to exceed that of the second quarter

Lenzing – In the first half of 2020, the Lenzing Group faced a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. To counteract that, Lenzing intensified its cooperation with partners along the value chains and adjusted its production volumes and sales prices to market reality.

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure
  • Measures to protect employees, customers and suppliers and to keep plants operational implemented successfully
  • Joint venture Hygiene Austria established for industrial production of protective masks in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – new distribution channel via
  • Strategic investment projects progress according to plan – financing agreements for construction of pulp plant in Brazil concluded as planned
  • Revenue and operating result in the remaining quarters of 2020 expected to exceed that of the second quarter

Lenzing – In the first half of 2020, the Lenzing Group faced a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. To counteract that, Lenzing intensified its cooperation with partners along the value chains and adjusted its production volumes and sales prices to market reality. The disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy and the focus on specialty fibers continued to have a positive impact.*

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
Lenzing AG Covid-19 Coronakrise

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft