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Foto: Oerlikon

Wachstumsmärkte für nachhaltige Anlagenlösungen für die Chemiefaserindustrie: Indien und Bangladesch

Der Geschäftsbereich Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns präsentiert sich auf der ITME 2022 unter dem Motto "From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens". Die internationale Fachmesse findet im India Exposition Mart Ltd, Noida, in der Nähe von Neu Delhi, Indien, statt. Zwischen dem 8. und 13. Dezember dieses Jahres werden mehr als 1800 Aussteller und über 150.000 Besucher erwartet. Oerlikon wird eine breite Palette von Produkten und Dienstleistungen präsentieren, die sich auf die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Chemiefasern konzentrieren.

Neben verschiedenen neuen Komponentenexponaten aus den Bereichen kontinuierliche Polykondensation einschließlich Zahnraddosierpumpen, Filament- (POY, FDY, IDY, BCF) und Stapelfaserspinnerei, Texturierung sowie Vliesstoffherstellung soll der Dialog nach fast sechs Jahren ohne ITME in Indien wieder im Mittelpunkt des Messegeschehens stehen.

Der Geschäftsbereich Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns präsentiert sich auf der ITME 2022 unter dem Motto "From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens". Die internationale Fachmesse findet im India Exposition Mart Ltd, Noida, in der Nähe von Neu Delhi, Indien, statt. Zwischen dem 8. und 13. Dezember dieses Jahres werden mehr als 1800 Aussteller und über 150.000 Besucher erwartet. Oerlikon wird eine breite Palette von Produkten und Dienstleistungen präsentieren, die sich auf die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Chemiefasern konzentrieren.

Neben verschiedenen neuen Komponentenexponaten aus den Bereichen kontinuierliche Polykondensation einschließlich Zahnraddosierpumpen, Filament- (POY, FDY, IDY, BCF) und Stapelfaserspinnerei, Texturierung sowie Vliesstoffherstellung soll der Dialog nach fast sechs Jahren ohne ITME in Indien wieder im Mittelpunkt des Messegeschehens stehen.

Für Oerlikon ist dies der dritte Auftritt in der Region im vierten Quartal diesen Jahres, nachdem im November zwei Kundenveranstaltungen in Daman, Indien, und Dhaka, Bangladesch, stattfanden. Indien und Bangladesch zeichnen sich derzeit noch durch ihr Investitionsverhalten aus und bieten gute Chancen für weitere Projekte in der Polymerverarbeitung.

Indien verzeichnet aktuell ein überdurchschnittliches Wirtschaftswachstum mit einem Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) von 6,8% für 2022. Experten sprechen von einem "Lichtblick in einer globalen Tristesse": Die indische Textilindustrie ist eine der größten der Welt mit einer großen Rohstoffbasis und einer starken Produktion in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette.

Indien ist weltweit:

  • der zweitgrößte Produzent von MMF-Fasern und der sechstgrößte Exporteur von Textilien und Bekleidung.
  • der zweitgrößte Hersteller von persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA).
  • der sechstgrößte Hersteller von technischen Textilien mit einem globalen Anteil von 6 % (12 % CAGR) und der größte Produzent von Baumwolle und Jute in der Welt.

Die Branche trägt wertmäßig zu 7 % der Industrieproduktion, zu 2 % des indischen BIP und zu 12 % der Exporteinnahmen des Landes bei. Der Anteil von Textilien, Bekleidung und Kunsthandwerk an den indischen Gesamtexporten lag 2021-22 bei 10,62 %. Die Textilindustrie in Indien ist einer der größten Wirtschaftssektoren, der am meisten zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen im Land beiträgt, ihr Anteil macht ca. 10,28 % an der Gesamtbeschäftigung aus. Die inländische Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie in Indien trägt 2,3 % zum BIP des Landes bei und macht wertmäßig 7 % der Industrieproduktion aus. Die inländische Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie hatte im Jahr 2021 ein Volumen von 152 Mrd. USD.

"Das größte Wachstum der Textilindustrie wird von der Chemiefaserindustrie ausgehen", sagte Shri Piyush Goyal, Unionsminister für Textilien, Verbraucherangelegenheiten, Lebensmittel und öffentliche Verteilung sowie Handel und Industrie, Ende Oktober in Indien. Er schlug vor, dass die Industrie einander verstehen und in Synergie arbeiten sollte, um die Probleme zwischen den Herstellern und Nutzern von Polyester in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette einvernehmlich zu lösen. Die Industrievertreter hoffen, in den nächsten 5 bis 6 Jahren ein Exportvolumen von 100 Milliarden USD zu erreichen.

Bangladesch verfügt über ein riesiges Potenzial, insbesondere für die Chemiefaserindustrie. Im so genannten Downstream (Weben, Stricken, Veredeln etc.) ist das Land bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten, was jedoch fehlt, ist eine eigene Rohstoffproduktion (MEG, PTA) und deren Verarbeitung in einer kontinuierlichen Polykondensationsanlage, wie sie von Oerlikon geliefert wird. Mit Modern Syntex wird derzeit in Chittagong, Bangladesch, unter Oerlikon Leitung die erste "From Melt to Yarn and Fibers"-Anlage gebaut.

Bangladesch ist mit mehr als 164 Millionen Einwohnern das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Welt. Damit ist es eines der am dichtesten besiedelten Länder der Welt. Die Wirtschaft des aufstrebenden Landes wächst rasant weiter, auch während der Covid-19-Pandemie, und die Armutsquote konnte seit 2000 halbiert werden. Bis 2026 wird Bangladesch offiziell den Status eines am wenigsten entwickelten Landes (Least Developed Country, LDC) verlassen haben, und bis 2041 will das Land zu einem Industrieland mit hohem Einkommen (High Income Industrialized Country, HIC) werden.

Bangladeschs wirtschaftlicher Erfolg beruht vor allem auf seiner Textilindustrie, die 10 % des Bruttosozialprodukts und 80 % der Exporterlöse erwirtschaftet. Das Land ist der weltweit zweitgrößte Exporteur von Textilien.



Die BCF S8 setzt in punkto Farbseparation neue Standards. (c) Oerlikon Manmade Fibers.
Die BCF S8 setzt in punkto Farbseparation neue Standards.

Egy Stitch & Tex 2020: Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Teppichgarne im Fokus

Mit einem klaren Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse des afrikanischen Marktes präsentiert sich das Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment vom 5. bis 8. März 2020 auf der Egy Stitch & Tex 2020 in Kairo. Auf dem Stand des Oerlikon Vertreters ATAG Export & Import in Halle 1, Standnummer B2 werden auch Experten von Oerlikon Barmag und Oerlikon Neumag as umfassende Produkt- und Serviceportfolio des Weltmarktführers für Chemiefasergarnanlagen erläutern.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen beim Messeauftritt des Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers zwei Kerntechnologien: Zum ersten Mal im afrikanischen Markt wird die neue Texturiermaschinengeneration eAFK Evo von Oerlikon Barmag vorgestellt. Sie verspricht eine höhere Geschwindigkeit und Produktivität bei konstant hoher Produktqualität, sowie einen geringeren Energieverbrauch und eine einfachere Bedienung als vergleichbare Marktlösungen. Unter den vielfältigen Features, die für spürbaren Mehrwert sorgen, überzeugen zwei besonders mit cooler Technik: der optimierte, innovative EvoHeater und der EvoCooler, eine komplett neu entwickelte aktive Kühlung.

Mit einem klaren Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse des afrikanischen Marktes präsentiert sich das Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment vom 5. bis 8. März 2020 auf der Egy Stitch & Tex 2020 in Kairo. Auf dem Stand des Oerlikon Vertreters ATAG Export & Import in Halle 1, Standnummer B2 werden auch Experten von Oerlikon Barmag und Oerlikon Neumag as umfassende Produkt- und Serviceportfolio des Weltmarktführers für Chemiefasergarnanlagen erläutern.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen beim Messeauftritt des Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers zwei Kerntechnologien: Zum ersten Mal im afrikanischen Markt wird die neue Texturiermaschinengeneration eAFK Evo von Oerlikon Barmag vorgestellt. Sie verspricht eine höhere Geschwindigkeit und Produktivität bei konstant hoher Produktqualität, sowie einen geringeren Energieverbrauch und eine einfachere Bedienung als vergleichbare Marktlösungen. Unter den vielfältigen Features, die für spürbaren Mehrwert sorgen, überzeugen zwei besonders mit cooler Technik: der optimierte, innovative EvoHeater und der EvoCooler, eine komplett neu entwickelte aktive Kühlung.

Der zweite Technologieschwerpunkt bietet speziell dem ägyptischen Markt und den Märkten im mittleren Osten neue Chancen: Mit der BCF S8 Mono- und Tricolor Anlage von Oerlikon Neumag wird das Segment sein neues Flaggschiff im Bereich Teppichgarnproduktion vorstellen. Höchste Spinngeschwindigkeiten, bis zu 700 Einzelfilamente, feine Titer bis zu 2,5 dpf – die Leistungsdaten und technologischen Feinheiten der neuen Anlage machten bereits auf zahlreichen Messen und Roadshows im vergangenen Jahr großen Eindruck. Die Kernkomponente der Tricolor Lösung ist die neue, zum Patent angemeldete Color Pop Compacting Einheit (CPC-T) für eine noch flexiblere und gleichmäßigere Farbseparation. Individuell kontrollierbare Luftdrücke je Farbe sorgen in der CPC-T für eine Vorvertangelung, welche eine Akzentuierung der Farben zur Folge hat und dadurch über 200.000 verschiede Farbschattierungen möglich macht. War es bisher auch nur schwer möglich, stark farbseparierte oder akzentuierte BCF Garne aus Polyamid 6 herzustellen, ist dies zukünftig dank der CPC-T machbar. Durch das neue Design ist die CPC-T nun auch für Prozesse mit niedrigen Fadenspannungen geeignet.

Erweitertes Produktangebot für die Herstellung von Teppichgarnen
Das Wissen über alle relevanten Technologien in der Chemiefaserspinnerei ermöglicht es Oerlikon als einzigem Hersteller weltweit, sein Leistungsangebot für die Produktion von Teppichgarnen zu erweitern. Das Anlagenkonzept auf Basis eines POY- und Texturier-Prozesses ist für einen Teppich- und Heimtextil- Produktbereich ausgelegt, der besonders weiche und bauschige Polyesterfäden mit BCF-ähnlichen Eigenschaften fordert. Zielrichtung sind hierbei Garne mit einem Titer bis zu maximal 1300dtex und typischerweise über 1000 Filamente. Typische Produkte sind zum Beispiel ein 1300dtex f1152 oder 660dtex f1152 sowie 990dtex f768. Das Maschinenkonzept besteht aus dem bekannten WINGS HD POY Wickler sowie der eAFK Big-V Texturiermaschine.



 Oerlikon Manmade Fibers.

 The BCF S8 sets new standards with regards to color separation. (c) Oerlikon Manmade Fibers
The BCF S8 sets new standards with regards to color separation.

Egy Stitch & Tex 2020: Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Focuses on Carpet yarns

The Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment will be presenting itself at the Egy Stitch & Tex 2020 between March 5 and 8, 2020 in Cairo – with a clear focus on the needs of the African market. In Hall 1, Stand B2 The Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag experts will also be showcasing the comprehensive product and service portfolio of the world market leader for manmade fiber systems at the stand of Oerlikon’s representative ATAG Export & Import.

The spotlight of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment’s trade fair attendance will be on two core technologies: the new generation of Oerlikon Barmag eAFK Evo texturing machines is to be unveiled within the African market for the very first time. It promises higher speeds and productivity with consistently high product quality, along with lower energy consumption and simpler operation vis-à-vis comparable market solutions. In particular, the numerous value-added features include two that convince with cutting-edge technology: the optimized, innovative EvoHeater and the EvoCooler, a completely newly-developed active cooling unit.

The Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment will be presenting itself at the Egy Stitch & Tex 2020 between March 5 and 8, 2020 in Cairo – with a clear focus on the needs of the African market. In Hall 1, Stand B2 The Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag experts will also be showcasing the comprehensive product and service portfolio of the world market leader for manmade fiber systems at the stand of Oerlikon’s representative ATAG Export & Import.

The spotlight of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment’s trade fair attendance will be on two core technologies: the new generation of Oerlikon Barmag eAFK Evo texturing machines is to be unveiled within the African market for the very first time. It promises higher speeds and productivity with consistently high product quality, along with lower energy consumption and simpler operation vis-à-vis comparable market solutions. In particular, the numerous value-added features include two that convince with cutting-edge technology: the optimized, innovative EvoHeater and the EvoCooler, a completely newly-developed active cooling unit.

The second technology focus offers new opportunities for the Egyptian market and the Middle Eastern markets in particular: with Oerlikon Neumag’s BCF S8 monocolor and tricolor system, the segment will be unveiling its new carpet yarn production flagship. Superlative spinning speeds, up to 700 individual filaments, finer titers of up to 2.5 dpf – the performance data and technological finesse of the new system have already made a huge impression at numerous trade fairs and roadshows over the past year. The tricolor’s core component is the new, patent-pending Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T) for even more flexible and more even color separation. With the CPC-T, individually-controllable air pressures for each color provide pre-tangling, which accentuates the colors and hence makes more than 200,000 different shades possible. Whereas it has been very difficult to manufacture strongly color-separated or color-accentuated BCF yarns from polyamide 6 to date, this will in future be possible thanks to the CPC-T system. As a result of the new design, the CPC-T is now also suitable for processes with low yarn tensions.
Expanded product offering for manufacturing carpet yarns
Know-how covering all relevant technologies deployed in manmade fiber spinning plants enables Oerlikon – as the world’s only manufacturer – to expand its range of products and services for making carpet yarns. The POY- and texturing-based system concept is designed for a carpet and home textiles segment that demands particularly soft and bulky polyester yarns with BCF-like properties. Here, the aim is to produce yarns with titers of max. 1300dtex and typically more than 1,000 filaments, with typical products including, for example, 1300dtex f1152, 660dtex f1152 and 990dtex f768. The machine concept comprises the well-known WINGS HD POY winder, along with the eAFK Big-V texturing machine.



Oerlikon Manmade Fibers

(c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon zeigte Weltpremieren in China

Oerlikon showed world premieres in China

Oerlikon has invited all visitors to this year's Shanghaitex in China on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 25 to 28 November 2019, the world market leader showed all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production at its 100 m² stand in Hall E1, D20: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." was the motto of the future. And this was only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon was presenting the four ITMA Barcelona world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

Oerlikon has invited all visitors to this year's Shanghaitex in China on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 25 to 28 November 2019, the world market leader showed all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production at its 100 m² stand in Hall E1, D20: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." was the motto of the future. And this was only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon was presenting the four ITMA Barcelona world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

Launched to create new standards in texturing: the eAFK Evo generation of machines promises superior speeds, greater productivity and consistently high product quality, along with lower energy consumption and simpler operation vis-à-vis comparable market solutions. Oerlikon Barmag showed these wideranging capabilities at the trade fair with a high-end design from the new system platform. In particular, the numerous value-added features include two that are excelling with cool technology: the optimized EvoHeater and the EvoCooler, a completely newly-developed active cooling unit.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Oerlikon feiert vier Weltpremieren zur ITMA Barcelona 2019 (c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon Shuttle ITMA 2019

Oerlikon celebrates four world premieres at ITMA Barcelona 2019

  • Clean Technology. Smart Factory.

Remscheid – Oerlikon invites all visitors to this year's ITMA in Barcelona on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 20 to 26 June 2019, the world market leader will show all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production in a virtual 4D showroom at its 1,000 m² stand in Hall 7, A101: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." is the motto of the future. And this is only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon is presenting four world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

The challenges for the manmade fiber industry are manifold and Oerlikon shows its customers solutions:

  • Clean Technology. Smart Factory.

Remscheid – Oerlikon invites all visitors to this year's ITMA in Barcelona on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 20 to 26 June 2019, the world market leader will show all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production in a virtual 4D showroom at its 1,000 m² stand in Hall 7, A101: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." is the motto of the future. And this is only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon is presenting four world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

The challenges for the manmade fiber industry are manifold and Oerlikon shows its customers solutions:

1. Choosing the right business model
Price pressure on fiber and yarn manufacturers is growing due to global market consolidation. Here it is important to position oneself correctly. Are you producing polyester, nylon or polypropylene for the niche market and skimming off good margins with innovative products and ingenious material properties, or are you looking for business success through economies of scale in the volume market such as the constantly growing apparel sector? Oerlikon has the right answers for both business models. And the most important thing: the market leader supplies all solutions from a single source. See for yourself at the world premieres of the machine and system concepts of WINGS FDY PA6, BCF S8 Tricolor and the revolutionary eAFK Evo texturing machine.

2. Finding alternatives for good personnel
Finding good operators in the manmade fiber industry is becoming increasingly difficult, even in emerging industrial nations such as China, India and Turkey. The solution is obvious. What, for example, the automotive industry achieved years ago with the 3rd Industrial Revolution is now also taking its course in the textile industry. And at the same time it is even shifting up a gear. In the next step, automation in combination with digitization will lead to new, sustainable production. Oerlikon will be showing how automation and digitization interact at ITMA. Self-learning machines and systems, artificial intelligence (AI), remote services and edge computing are just a few of the key words in the digital half of the new Oerlikon Manmade Fibers DNA.

3. Guarantee quality and traceability
The qualities of the fibers and yarns must meet the highest demands and their production must be traceable throughout the textile value chain. This no longer only plays an important role in the automotive industry, where safety is of paramount importance. Other branches of industry that use fibers, yarns and nonwovens also want to know where the raw materials they produce for consumer articles come from. Legal regulations are demanding this more and more frequently. Oerlikon offers optimal solutions with its DIN ISO certified manufacturing processes. More than half of the world's manmade fiber producers are convinced every day that the qualities produced on Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven equipment are right – and all visitors to ITMA can do the same on site.

4. Efficient and sustainable production
In the future, the materials produced from manmade fibers must become part of a further improved global recycling economy. The recycling of polyester – with over 80% market share the most frequently used manmade fiber in the world – has not only been on the agenda since today. Oerlikon already has solutions at hand: from PET bottles to fibers and filaments, to textiles and carpets. ITMA is the next step. With the VacuFil® Oerlikon in cooperation with the subsidiary company BBEngineering presents the world premiere No. 4 – a recycling solution within a running polyester production with a waste-free approach.

Vision becomes reality
The Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment thus demonstrates what the ITMA in Barcelona promises as the world's leading trade fair for textile machinery and plant construction: "Innovating the world of textiles – sourcing for a sustainable future". In Hall 7, A101, this is already reality.

More information:
ITMA Oerlikon Fibers Automation


Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon - Partnerships are the focus of IDEA 2019

  • Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami

Neumünster – Oerlikon presents its complete nonwoven plant portfolio for the production of airlaid, meltblown, spunbonded and hybrid materials at this year’s IDEA in Miami from 25–28 March. The focus of its presentation will be on solutions for hygiene, medical and other disposable nonwovens. Visitors to this year’s IDEA can inform themselves on the wide range of products at Oerlikon’s exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Two strong partnerships for disposable nonwovens

While two years ago the Nonwoven business unit of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment focused almost exclusively on solutions for technical applications, the company has now expanded its product portfolio to include solutions for disposable nonwovens by establishing strong partnerships.

Oerlikon & Teknoweb Materials – two strong partners for the nonwoven industry

  • Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami

Neumünster – Oerlikon presents its complete nonwoven plant portfolio for the production of airlaid, meltblown, spunbonded and hybrid materials at this year’s IDEA in Miami from 25–28 March. The focus of its presentation will be on solutions for hygiene, medical and other disposable nonwovens. Visitors to this year’s IDEA can inform themselves on the wide range of products at Oerlikon’s exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Two strong partnerships for disposable nonwovens

While two years ago the Nonwoven business unit of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment focused almost exclusively on solutions for technical applications, the company has now expanded its product portfolio to include solutions for disposable nonwovens by establishing strong partnerships.

Oerlikon & Teknoweb Materials – two strong partners for the nonwoven industry

As early as spring 2017, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers' Nonwoven business unit had entered into a strategic partnership with the Italian company Teknoweb Materials. Teknoweb Materials is an established technology supplier in the field of wipes and other disposable nonwovens. With its LEVRA technology, the company has its own patented, particularly efficient manufacturing process for wipes. It also has extensive process know-how on the making and further processing of these nonwoven materials. The Nonwoven business unit of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers segment completes this partnership with its well-established machine and plant solutions. Teknoweb Materials will also be represented at IDEA at the Oerlikon exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Cooperation with Shaoyang Textile Machinery

For spunmelt systems solutions for hygiene and medical applications, Oerlikon has been in cooperation with the Chinese machine and plant manufacturer Shaoyang Textile Machinery since Autumn of last year. The goal of these cooperation partners is to advance the international marketing of spunmelt plants outside of China. Oerlikon Manmade Fibers’ Nonwoven business unit contributes its plant engineering know-how and is responsible for product and process guarantees. Oerlikon also assumes the overall project responsibility as well as world-wide customer service outside of China. In return, Shaoyang, with its headquarters in the city of the same name in the Hunan province, supplies the plant technologies.The advantage for the customer: competitive solutions at an attractive price level with comparatively low investments.


Oerlikon - Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs


Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8 (c) Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8

Oerlikon Neumag presents world innovation at the DOMOTEX

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide.

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide. At the ITMA ASIA 2018, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment had already announced that it would be presenting revolutionary solutions in 2019 – both in hardware and software. And the DOMOTEX marks only the start.

According to manufacturer information, the new BCF S8 is the most efficient Oerlikon Neumag BCF system of all times. “We have succeeded in achieving a new level of greater productivity and even broader product diversity. These allow our clientèle to better cater to changing market requirements and achieve a competitive edge in tough market conditions”, explains Martin Rademacher, Vice President Sales Oerlikon Neumag. As a pre-taste, the machine specialists from Neumünster are serving up performance figures and results from comprehensive trials conducted at their own BCF technology center as well as from two pilot systems which have been tried and tested within the market for months now.

BCF S8 performance in numbers
With up to 700 potential filaments per yarn end, the BCF S8 is raising the benchmark considerably compared to the Oerlikon Neumag S+ BCF system (400 filaments) that has dominated the global market to date. Oerlikon Neumag guarantees fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. Furthermore, the process speed is higher than ever before – 3,700 m/min (winder speed). This permits throughputs of up to 15 percent greater compared to predecessor technologies. Overall, system efficiency is 99 percent – almost unbeatable. True to the Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers segment e-save philosophy, energy savings of up to 5 percent per kilogram of yarn are achievable.

BCF S8 innovations – from straight yarn paths to large cooling drums

This comprehensive progress has been achieved with numerous smart innovations. To this end, one key element above all has been optimized. The yarn path from the spinning system to the new, large cooling drum has now been almost completely straightened. This yarn path, unique to the BCF market to date, ensures that the individual filaments are subjected to minimum friction, hence once again considerably reducing yarn breaks and optimizing the overall production process. Especially noteworthy here are the, for the first time, straight yarn inlet in the texturing head – guaranteeing superior yarn quality.

And the considerably reduced distance between the heating godet duo and the texturing head also has a positive impact on the texturing process. It ensures a more even twist to the yarn and reduces the compressed air consumption. Furthermore, the texturing chambers can be removed individually, which additionally shortens servicing times. The now closed units also provide the best possible protection for the texturing jets and lamellar chambers.

The 800-mm diameter cooling drum optimally and gently cools the filaments. And this has a positive influence on the yarn quality. The new cooling drum is now equipped with a V groove for all polymers (PET, PA6 and PP) as standard.

The RoTac3 tangling unit, already established within the market, once again reduces the compressed air consumption by around 50%, while the newly-developed Witras III-37 winder achieves production process speeds of 3,700 m/min.

First intuitively-operable human-machine interface (HMI)
The new BCF S8 is the first Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment system equipped with the innovative human-machine interface (HMI) for intelligent controlling and monitoring. In this case, the interface between man and machine has been oriented on the daily requirements of users in BCF production. With its new ‘look and feel’, it supports intuitive operation and offers direct access to important information as well as actual and target values at each take-up position by means of a touch screen. A completely new ‘alarm philosophy’ also simplifies troubleshooting and malfunction analysis. “This smart HMI system is a logical step in the digitalization of our products”, explains Dr. Friedrich Lennemann, Vice President R&D Oerlikon Neumag.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG