Aus der Branche


NCTO Statement on Signing of Phase One Deal on 301 Tariffs

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) released the following statement on the Phase One Deal on 301 tariffs signed today by the U.S. and China.

“While we are still studying the details of the deal signed today, we applaud the administration for finally pressing China for a more rational and equal trade relationship,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “Our industry has been severely damaged by China’s predatory practices over the past 30 years and we are anxious to see a new era of sound trade principles and balanced trade.

At the same time, we question the last-in, first-out approach to the tariff reductions.  In our sector, this means that the penalty 301 tariffs on finished apparel and sewn products--the areas where tariffs have the most potential to effect reforms in China while bolstering the Western Hemisphere supply chain-- are cut in half while U.S. manufacturers continue to face full tariffs on certain inputs and equipment not available domestically.”


The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) released the following statement on the Phase One Deal on 301 tariffs signed today by the U.S. and China.

“While we are still studying the details of the deal signed today, we applaud the administration for finally pressing China for a more rational and equal trade relationship,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “Our industry has been severely damaged by China’s predatory practices over the past 30 years and we are anxious to see a new era of sound trade principles and balanced trade.

At the same time, we question the last-in, first-out approach to the tariff reductions.  In our sector, this means that the penalty 301 tariffs on finished apparel and sewn products--the areas where tariffs have the most potential to effect reforms in China while bolstering the Western Hemisphere supply chain-- are cut in half while U.S. manufacturers continue to face full tariffs on certain inputs and equipment not available domestically.”


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