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(c) Neonyt/Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Circularity and Fashion: Interview about the Business and Communication Platform Neonyt

Circular instead of throwaway economy - from fast fashion to zero-waste philosophy. The key elements of the circular economy in the fashion business are: Avoiding waste and pollution through new processes, continuous recycling of products and materials, and regeneration of natural systems. Textination talked with Olaf Schmidt, Vice President of Textiles & Textile Technologies, and Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director of Neonyt, from Messe Frankfurt about the Neonyt trade show as a business and communication platform for circularity & fashion.
It has been about 10 years since Messe Frankfurt ventured onto the "sustainable" fashion trade show stage. Initially with the Ethical Fashion Show, then with the Greenshowroom, there were two trade show formats in Berlin dedicated to the topic of green fashion. What prompted you as a trade show organizer to launch such a special format in Germany at that time?

Circular instead of throwaway economy - from fast fashion to zero-waste philosophy. The key elements of the circular economy in the fashion business are: Avoiding waste and pollution through new processes, continuous recycling of products and materials, and regeneration of natural systems. Textination talked with Olaf Schmidt, Vice President of Textiles & Textile Technologies, and Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director of Neonyt, from Messe Frankfurt about the Neonyt trade show as a business and communication platform for circularity & fashion.
It has been about 10 years since Messe Frankfurt ventured onto the "sustainable" fashion trade show stage. Initially with the Ethical Fashion Show, then with the Greenshowroom, there were two trade show formats in Berlin dedicated to the topic of green fashion. What prompted you as a trade show organizer to launch such a special format in Germany at that time?

Olaf Schmidt: Messe Frankfurt's Texpertise Network brings together the world's most important textile trade shows - at around 60 events worldwide, we show what drives the textile and fashion industry. We present the current topics and trends and set impulses for the entire textile value chain. Messe Frankfurt recognized the need for a suitable platform for the future topic of sustainability at an early stage. It was therefore obvious to expand our expertise in the field of fashion and to meet the demand from this segment. To achieve this, we have adapted and realigned existing formats: After launching the Ethical Fashion Show in Paris in 2004, Messe Frankfurt France took over the event in 2010. Two years later, Messe Frankfurt founded the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin in Germany and found, with the moving of the event to the polarizing capital, the ideal location for the coming years. Messe Frankfurt merged the already existing Greenshowroom with the Ethical Fashion Show, and from January 2015 the two shows took place in one venue. For Messe Frankfurt, hosting these events was the next logical step on our way to a sustainable fashion future - the concept is now established in the sustainable fashion market and has a continuous growth potential. The merging of the trade show duo in 2019, with the current name Neonyt, allowed us, our exhibitors and visitors a new content orientation and a holistic approach to the topic of sustainability as well as a more direct access to the conventional fashion market, especially with regard to retail. In summer 2021, Neonyt will take place for the first time in the new fashion hotspot Frankfurt as part of the new Frankfurt Fashion Week.

In 2019, both event formats were merged, the new trade show Neonyt was born and 1 + 1 became what? What components does Neonyt offer in addition to the previous trade show concepts, what is so "new-new" and how did you actually come up with the name?

Thimo Schwenzfeier: One plus one, as you so nicely put it, did not simply add up to two with Neonyt. One plus one equals unique, neo-new, internationally relevant: Among other things, the trade show business was supplemented by the international conference format Fashionsustain and a showcase to gradually bring
together the topic of sustainability with the topics of technology, innovation and prepress. Our content creator format Prepeek ensures the necessary lifestyle and the fashion show provides the glamour of the fashion world. Neonyt combines the most important elements of the international textile and fashion industry - style, business, inspiration, innovation, knowledge, fun and community. And that is exactly what makes Neonyt so "new-new". Progressive and polarizing - the artificial word Neonyt is derived from the ancient Greek word "neo" (eng. new, revolutionary) and the Scandinavian word "nytt" (eng. new). "The renewed new" - Neonyt is our synonym for the fundamental transformation process of the textile and fashion industry, a reinterpretation of what has already been there and our commitment not to stand still and to promote positive change together.

For the Neonyt trade show format, you have teamed up with partners - for example, for conferencing components and in the design area. What expertise do they provide, and what is the added value for exhibitors and visitors?

Thimo Schwenzfeier: We know which future topics our brands and the community are currently dealing with and therefore create the right platform - for personal encounters and exchange, for networking and successful business deals. To put it simply: we organize trade shows, we organize events, we provide the right setting, we connect people and business. Neonyt therefore forms the global interface between the various players in the textile and fashion industry - between industry, trade, politics, services and consumption. And so that a lively, transparent and, above all, authentic dialog can develop between all counterparts, we naturally draw on the knowledge of industry experts and form strong partnerships to push fashion and sustainability forward. Only together can we achieve real change and guarantee that our community is provided with sufficient and, above all, the right information to make self-determined decisions.

In recent years, the keyword circularity - or rather closing the loop - has been encountered everywhere in the fashion industry. Whether Stella McCartney, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, or large retail groups - many players and decision-makers are of the opinion that the future of the fashion world lies only in a circular economy and not in downcycling of any kind. What is Neonyt's view on this?
Thimo Schwenzfeier: That's right, the concept of circular economy is not new, nor is it limited to the textile and fashion industry. Circularity - actually the ultimate for every product, every industry, for our global society. The concept is supposedly simple: All materials and products are kept in a closed loop, the useful life is increased and at the end of the product life cycle everything is recycled. Many sustainable fashion labels are already showing how it's done. Neonyt brands are right at the forefront and are already implementing practices that should become the norm as soon as possible: starting with T-shirts or shoes made from recycled materials and take-back systems for collection items. As well as compostable clothing that "dissolves" at the end of the product life cycle and breaks down into its natural components, and on to repair services and leasing models for denim and co. - thinking holistically, acting in a sustainable manner and producing in a circular way are definitely the trends of the coming fashion seasons and at least one important, if not the most important, component of the future fashion world.

For the idea of a circular economy to be implemented successfully, there needs to be an interplay between technology, production, design and sales. What presentation options and forms of communication does Neonyt have in store for the various components?  

Thimo Schwenzfeier: The combined innovative power of technology, sustainability and digitization is an important driver of the current developments in the textile and fashion industry - including the topic of circularity. Processes and production sequences are changing along the entire value chain - the industry has to reinvent itself for the most part. Neonyt shows how this can work successfully in the long term, with the internationally established Fashionsustain conference format - including spin-offs in China, Europe and the USA - and the supplementary Showcase. Together, these two formats offer the ideal mix of orientation and inspiration to prepare the industry for the future. Virtual fashion, authentic brands and textile value chains, science and innovation as well as retail, business models and impact investment - at Fashionsustain, top-class experts will exchange ideas with an interested professional audience and discuss the change and new solutions in the textile and fashion industry. The Neonyt Showcase takes a deeper look at the topics and innovations presented and discussed on the Fashionsustain stage. Expert knowledge on-demand, so to speak: whether microfactories or installations - Neonyt brands as well as brands from the rest of the Texpertise Network of Messe Frankfurt, such as exhibitors at Texprocess, get the chance to present sustainable innovations, new technologies and materials, initiatives, change-maker campaigns or research projects. Here they interact directly and practically with Neonyt's international cross-sector community.

Last year was an unprecedented challenge for trade show companies due to the pandemic situation. Neonyt was also affected by this - and physical events had to be canceled. With a digital format "Neonyt on Air" you have tried to offer exhibitors and visitors an alternative platform. What has been your experience: Did the focus of the trade show and its community perhaps even help to make such a virtual event easier to launch? 

Olaf Schmidt: Corona has already changed a lot and will certainly continue to do so in one way or another. Nevertheless, it will continue to be our task as trade show organizers to offer the industry the best possible meeting platforms for presenting their new products worldwide. We are convinced that people will continue to want to meet in person and discuss new products as well as services in the future. This is particularly the case in the textile sector, where haptics plays a very crucial role. We expect that there will even be a certain catch-up effect after the crisis. Because what the last two very successful digital seasons of Neonyt on Air, for example, have nevertheless shown clearly: Fashion lives from personalities, presentation and inspiration. Digital formats can support this, but they cannot fully replace it.
Thimo Schwenzfeier: The digital Neonyt on Air was far from being a total replacement for the original physical seasons, but nevertheless a huge success. For one week, fashion, lifestyle and digital experts were discussing about more authenticity, immediacy and transparency in the textile and fashion industry in numerous keynotes, interviews and panel discussions. With more than 24,000 international followers on Instagram, we generated around 50,000 impressions and more than 4,700 content interactions with our presenting partners Grüner Knopf, Hessnatur and Oeko-Tex in just five days. These figures show, that the topic of sustainability has arrived in the middle of society and is being discussed across all industries. I think that the polarization and, above all, the prevailing restrictions, as far as trade and commerce are concerned, have certainly contributed to holding a successful digital format. Digitization was truly the booster for the fashion industry in this case: Instead of replacing personal exchange, it helps to maintain and expand the business activities of brands, especially in the current times. And quite clearly, the need for exchange in the fashion industry and the motivation to initiate together a change are still enormous. Neonyt on Air has once again shown us that clearly. However, we are already looking forward to the next physical edition of Neonyt.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also left its mark on the textile and clothing industry. When you look back on just under a year of "state of emergency" - what positive experiences do you take with you, where do you see a need for improvement, for what support are you grateful for and where did you feel you were left on your own? 

Olaf Schmidt: A year like no other - that can clearly be said about the last one. The Corona pandemic caught everyone off guard - us as trade show organizers, but of course also our exhibitors, visitors and partners. Especially in the near future, we must continue to expect, that trade shows can only be held under stricter health and safety regulations at first. Messe Frankfurt reacted quickly and developed a comprehensive safety and hygiene concept. One thing was clear: we all had to adjust and deal with a new situation. And so far, we've done a great job together, the team understanding among each other, the close contact - although physically at a distance, but globally networked - between all those involved, makes me feel positive about the future. For me, an important realization of this global pandemic, a credo almost, is to be open to new ways and opportunities and to find ways to combine things rather than separate them: Hybrid solutions, so to speak.    

Thimo Schwenzfeier: There was no master plan for Neonyt, and in places there was also the impression that we now had to "reinvent the wheel": How does collaboration work when face-to-face meetings cannot take place? Can digitized contact compensate for the social distancing that is currently being imposed and still make it possible to work closely together? How can business relationships be maintained when stores are closed? How can priorities be set when well-tested solutions and established annual plans lose their validity? Who am I, who are 'the others' and what defines community? Never have questions about our creation and existence, about what makes us who we are and what we want to be, been more relevant than right now. One thing that I take away from the current situation and that allows me to continue to look forward positively despite difficult circumstances is the fact, that cohesion and solidarity with one another - both privately and professionally - have become increasingly important. Like a magnifying glass, the crisis has magnified existing opportunities, but also challenges, and brought the essentials into focus. I think that if we continue to try to experience things more consciously and not take them for granted, we will manage together to create a " new normal " and leave this crisis with more strength.

As in the past in Berlin, Neonyt is currently also located in Frankfurt in the environment of the Fashion Week and conventional trade shows. Can you imagine that a special event concept like Neonyt will be unnecessary in a few years, because the circularity concept will have established itself in the clothing industry worldwide?

Olaf Schmidt: A clear no. Sustainability per se is already no longer a unique selling point. The important thing is to keep up with the times, to follow trends or, even better, to track down new trends yourself and develop them further. Things, strategies, concepts will always change - if last year showed us one thing, it was certainly that. It is more than desirable that we all learn from this crisis and reflect on the really important values, on solidarity between partners, on climate protection and sustainability. It may be exactly for this reason, that companies that place particular emphasis on sustainability will emerge even stronger from this crisis. So you can be sure that we, as a leading international trade show organizer for the textile industry, will continue to focus on sustainability and support future-oriented companies and solutions. However, this will not make our formats obsolete due to the establishment and normalization of holistic business practices in the textile industry. But it is impossible to make an exact forecast for the coming decades. Over the last few months, we have all noticed ourselves in our personal everyday lives or in our professional lives, how uncertain and volatile the future is. What is clear, however, is that the fashion industry - the world in general - will change even faster than before. And therein lies the opportunity for formats like Neonyt. The ten-year history shows in how many directions Neonyt has already developed, content focal points have been shifted and it has reinvented itself - this will also be the case in the future.

Mr. Schwenzfeier, in addition to your role as Director of Marketing Communications for Messe Frankfurt's textile exhibitions, you have also been Show Director of Neonyt since 2018. You have spoken to many exhibitors and visitors - which ideas or creations have particularly impressed you?

Thimo Schwenzfeier: I think it's not so much the individual innovations or creations of the exhibitors at our trade shows. And I deliberately choose the plural here. Because in my function as Director of Marketing Communications in the Textiles & Textile Technologies division of Messe Frankfurt, Neonyt is just one of "my" events. I think it's more the variety of fashion, technical and professional innovations that brands, labels, companies, start-ups and designers present every year. But if I really had to choose one innovation, it would probably be the vegan "Currywurst" sneakers made of red pepper and recycled PET bottles - the same label also offers shoes made of wood, stone, coffee and mushrooms or now even meteorite particles. It is impressive to experience every season anew of how creative the textile and fashion industry is.

Breaking new ground means being willing to make decisions, overcoming fears - and thus also having the courage to fail. Not every project can succeed. In retrospect, about which entrepreneurial decision by Messe Frankfurt are you particularly glad, that you made?
Olaf Schmidt: Clearly the decision to create Neonyt. To establish our own trade show format for fashion, sustainability and innovation and to integrate the freedom and lifestyle, which entail this topic, into our event. After more than a decade, we may be saying goodbye to Berlin in 2021, but not to our community and our spirit. Together we look back on many fashionable seasons and great locations in the capital: starting in the Hotel Adlon Kempinski to the Ewerk, the Postbahnhof, the Kronprinzenpalais, the Funkhaus and the Kraftwerk to the last physical event in Tempelhof. With the turn of the year and in the setting of Frankfurt Fashion Week, Neonyt is about to move to the metropolis by the Main. In Frankfurt, worlds collide: Skyscrapers and 19th-century villas. Architectural sins and masterpieces. Business and middle class. Red-light district and luxury boulevard. Frankfurt Fashion Week sets new impulses in this area of conflict. And in the middle of all this is Neonyt. The signs are pointing to a new beginning - a restart for the entire fashion industry, together we are taking sustainability to the next level - the focus topics Applied Sustainability and Applied Digitization are creating a completely new Fashion Week ecosystem in the metropolis by the Main.

If everything works out, Neonyt can be held again as a face-to-face event for the first time in July 2021. What are your plans? What and who can visitors look forward to? And what backup is there for a worst-case scenario?

Thimo Schwenzfeier: Of course, due to the currently ongoing tense situation around Covid-19, it is difficult to make binding statements about the next physical event. However, we are cur rently expecting the situation to ease into the summer summer 2021 is therefore on the health of everyone - exhibitors, visitors, partners and employees of Neonyt. Messe Frankfurt has developed a concept that includes detailed hygienic measures: Hygiene, distance and fresh air supply are important factors, which we coordinate with the responsible authorities in Frankfurt and those in charge of Frankfurt Fashion Week. In due course, the Neonyt community will receive advice and recommendations for the trade show attendance and participation, that comply with current regulations. We have not yet thought about a concrete backup for a worst-case scenario, as we are currently anticipating a physical B2B event - but the last two seasons have shown, should it not be possible to hold the Neonyt face-to-face, that we are quite well positioned with the digital Neonyt on Air and could certainly adapt the format for another summer event. We regularly exchange ideas with all market participants and try to get a sense of opinions and wishes from our community through surveys. Wait and see, one might say - in the end, we also have to act according to what the current health situation allows and what decisions are made by politicians.

The Interview was conducted by Ines Chucholowius,
Managing Partner, Textination GmbH

Copyright Fotos: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


From 2-4 July 2019, Neonyt will transform Kraftwerk Berlin into the global hub for fashion, sustainability and innovation with 170 international labels, making the tradeshow the world’s biggest hotspot for progressive, sustainable fashion and technological innovations. Numerous speakers from renowned institutions and companies will be driving forward the change of fashion with unmissable talks and discussions on the issues that matter

Microplastics and ocean pollution, Fridays for Future and unprecedented election results – climate change and the solutions for a sustainable future are the topics currently dominating our society.

From 2-4 July 2019, Neonyt will transform Kraftwerk Berlin into the global hub for fashion, sustainability and innovation with 170 international labels, making the tradeshow the world’s biggest hotspot for progressive, sustainable fashion and technological innovations. Numerous speakers from renowned institutions and companies will be driving forward the change of fashion with unmissable talks and discussions on the issues that matter

Microplastics and ocean pollution, Fridays for Future and unprecedented election results – climate change and the solutions for a sustainable future are the topics currently dominating our society.

Like no other platform during Berlin Fashion Week, Neonyt tackles the challenges of the fashion world of tomorrow head on. At Kraftwerk Berlin, industry participants can look forward to browsing a wide array of progressive fashion by 170 international sustainable labels and, during a three-day event line-up, also receiving answers to the pressing questions facing the future of fashion.

“With Neonyt and its predecessors Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show, we have been synonymous with sustainable fashion for ten years now. We have stayed true to Berlin, the top destination for sustainability, to increase awareness and acceptance of this topic. And thanks, in a large part, to Neonyt, Berlin Fashion Week is now the world’s most important hub for sustainable fashion, which gives it a real USP over the other Fashion Weeks,” says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President of Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt.

Trailblazers and shooting stars
The summer edition of Neonyt features a line-up of international trailblazers in sustainable fashion including Bleed, Dedicated, Degree Clothing, Ecoalf, Erdbär, Jan ’n June, Langer Chen, Lanius, Les Racines du Ciel, Melawear, Nat-2, PeopleTree, Pyua, Rhumaa and SKFK. Returning brands include Recolution, Lovjoi, Mud Jeans and Feuervogl, who will be joined by firsttime exhibitors such as Wunderwerk and Derbe Hamburg.

“The ground and mezzanine floors of Kraftwerk are booked to full capacity with 170 labels in total. We are delighted that countless cool, urban labels are recognising Neonyt as the epicentre of sustainable fashion. And, for the first time, we even have a waiting list due to the huge demand,” explains Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director of Neonyt.

Sustainability is coming to retail
At the upcoming summer edition, Neonyt will be putting the spotlight on conventional retailers in order to bring the topic even closer to the end
consumer. As part of the newly created Retail Forum, over two days there will be talks and discussion panels featuring renowned speakers on highly topical, turnover-related retail topics.

The list of speakers taking to the stage includes Dr Daniel Terberger from Katag, Marc Ramelow from the fashion chain store of the same name, Bernd Keller from True Standard, Hannah Kussel from Das Gerber and representatives from Tchibo, WWF, Zalando and the United Nations.
On a separate space and in a keynote speech under the title “Econic Goods of Gerber”, Stuttgart shopping centre Das Gerber will be presenting its shop floor vision of how sustainability can be

seamlessly embedded into existing POS surroundings.
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will also be represented at the launch of the Grüner Knopf (Green Button) sustainability standard. And before the tradeshow officially begins at 9:00 am, Neonyt is offering retailers a daily, complimentary Retail Breakfast – for a laid-back and well-informed start to the day from 8:30 am in the sunny garden of Kraftwerk.


The Highlights of the Shows and Presentations in July 2018

More than 3,500 exhibitors presenting their latest collections for spring/summer 2019 at the Berlin Fashion Week from the 3rd - 7th January 2018. The Berlin Fashion Week is the meeting point for buyers, press and media members from all over the world. Berlin has national and international appeal and is an exciting mix of art, film, music and fashion. This is where the trends of tomorrow are born. After a few seasons, Berlin has established itself as one of the top five capitals of fashion with more than 100,000 trade visitors and numerous events during Berlin Fashion Week, including fashion shows, trade show platforms, receptions and showrooms.

More than 3,500 exhibitors presenting their latest collections for spring/summer 2019 at the Berlin Fashion Week from the 3rd - 7th January 2018. The Berlin Fashion Week is the meeting point for buyers, press and media members from all over the world. Berlin has national and international appeal and is an exciting mix of art, film, music and fashion. This is where the trends of tomorrow are born. After a few seasons, Berlin has established itself as one of the top five capitals of fashion with more than 100,000 trade visitors and numerous events during Berlin Fashion Week, including fashion shows, trade show platforms, receptions and showrooms.

The order business has a constant growth with the fashion fairs Premium Exhibition, Panorama, Show & Order, Bright, Seek und Selvedge Run, the Greenshowroom, the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, #FASHIONTECH Berlin, FashionSustain and Playtime Berlin. Also, this season young and established designer will show their collection at "Der Berliner Mode Salon" at Kronprinzenpalais.
Last season 100.000 Professionals, national and international Journalists came to Berlin to see the collections. The result: 5.000 reports in national and international newspapers, more than 5.000 online reports.

Only a few more hours until the Berlin Fashion Week starts – the tension is rising. When thinking about Berlin Fashion Week, images of the runway shows or well-known and talented designers come to mind, plus the showrooms exhibiting their creations and works of the designer. The Berlin Fashion is especially known for the big presentation platforms MBFW and Der Berliner Salon, which attract the professional audience each season. Read some minor spoilers about the biggest highlights of the upcoming fashion week:

MBFW (former Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week), July 03 to 07 2018
The new concept, which MBFW successfully introduced in July 2018 will be continued this edition. At ewerk Berlin, Wilhelmstraße in Mitte, emerging designers and established fashion brands will present their creations and collections from 3rd until 5th of July. Together with the Berlin-based creative agency NOWADAYS, MBFW has staged the platform very artistically for the designers. The theme of this MBFW is “Follow MBFW – Liberate Fashion”.

The schedule is nicely filled with outstanding talents. The programme kicks off on Monday, 2nd of July with the show by Guido Maria Kretschmer, a well-known designer, who will present his spring/summer-2019 collection.

High-End Labels and established, excellent fashion brands will show to be experienced, on the following days. On Tuesday, Botter, Maisonnoée Berlin, Lena Hoschek and Irene Luft will present their Spring/Summer-2019 collection. Additionally, the fashion how “Greenshowroom Selected” will take place for the first time as part of MBFW. A selection of the collections and styles by the designers exhibiting at Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin will be presented. As another highlight, the show will be live streamed at Kraftwerk Berlin.
On Wednesday, shows by Sportalm Kützbühel, Rebekka Ruétz, Maison Common, Riani and the upcoming-talent Danny Reinke, who won one of the MBFW show slots, funded by Projekt Zukunft.
The Thursday is the third main day of the Berlin Fashion Week and presents Marina Hoermanseder, Ivanman, who is seen as another emerging talent in the menswear field, Lana Müller and Isabel Vollrath, who will present her new styles. The big final, the Rebelpin Fashion Awards by ACTE is taking place on Thursday night.

DER BERLINER SALON, July 05 to 07 2018
For the eights time already, another highlight will take place as part of the Berlin Fashion Week. Designer from the German-speaking area will present their latest collections during Defilees, events and a group exhibition.

This edition of the Berliner Salon starts with an event in cooperation with the Walt Disney Company. On 5th of July, from 9.30 am - 11.30 am, the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse will be celebrated – four German labels (Odeeh, Rianna + Nina, Strenesse und William Fan) created exclusive collections to honor the mouse.
Not only the pieces of names designers, but also well-known runway pieces by international fashion houses, e. g. Jimmy Choo, from the archives of Disney will be presented.

Zeitmagazin & Vogue Conference
The Disney morning will be followed by the known “Zeitmagazin & Vogue” conference with the theme “Change Fashion”. Already in the past years, important topics, such as the essence of fashion, were discussed by the podium speakers. This year, the audience can expect another important discussion and interesting keynotes for the 7th time as part of Berliner Salon. Model Toni Garrn, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, and the designer Wales Bonner will be on stage.

The last two days of Der Berliner Salon will be defined by presentations and defilees. Various fashion labels, such as Dawid Tomaszewski, Odeeh, and William Fan will present their spring/summer-2019 collections.
Group Exhibition
Last but not least, the biggest event as part of Berliner Salon will be the group exhibition. For the opening of such, major and Senator for Economy Ramona Pop will be present. That and the expansion of the exhibition by artistic-designed creations by product designers show, how the format stands up for a new, public awareness of demanding, German design.
Altogether, 42 designers, photographers and artists from German-speaking countries will present their latest works to the audience, from 12pm - 5pm, on 6th of July.


Messe Frankfurt intensifies its textile-related involvement in Africa © Pixabay


  • Morocco, Ethiopia and South Africa: Network comprises the most important textile regions in Africa
  • Emerging continent: positive forecasts in the textile sector

First Ethiopia, then South Africa and shortly Morocco: Messe Frankfurt is expanding its portfolio of textile trade fairs on the African continent. With its forthcoming cooperation with the two trade fairs Maroc in Mode and Maroc Sourcing, the global market leader for textile trade fairs is expanding its presence in North West Africa. ‘In future, our network will extend across important textile regions in Africa and encompass the leading trade fairs on the emerging continent’, explains Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt. ‘With our commitment to Ethiopia, South Africa and, in future, Morocco, we have created excellent conditions to support the positive developments in Africa's textile industry’.

  • Morocco, Ethiopia and South Africa: Network comprises the most important textile regions in Africa
  • Emerging continent: positive forecasts in the textile sector

First Ethiopia, then South Africa and shortly Morocco: Messe Frankfurt is expanding its portfolio of textile trade fairs on the African continent. With its forthcoming cooperation with the two trade fairs Maroc in Mode and Maroc Sourcing, the global market leader for textile trade fairs is expanding its presence in North West Africa. ‘In future, our network will extend across important textile regions in Africa and encompass the leading trade fairs on the emerging continent’, explains Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt. ‘With our commitment to Ethiopia, South Africa and, in future, Morocco, we have created excellent conditions to support the positive developments in Africa's textile industry’. Demographic change, increasing urbanisation and shifts in economic forces - these global developments are promoting the growth of the African economy and having a significant impact on the textile industry.

According to the UN Economic Report on Africa 2017, Africa has the fastest growing population. The current population of around 1.2 billion people will more than double by 2050. The number of working people on the African continent is also increasing rapidly. The largest working population (1.1 billion) in the world is predicted to be in Africa by 2034. These demographic changes are causing personal and business consumption to increase sharply, and this will primarily benefit regional economic markets. 

Morocco: Maroc in Mode & Maroc Sourcing

Morocco in particular offers great potential for the clothing trade: Morocco's proximity to important fashion markets such as the EU and the USA, various free trade agreements and a recent economic growth rate of four per cent (between 2010 and 2015, Nachrichten für den Außenhandel, NfA, 19 January 2017) create a secure business climate. The Maroc in Fashion and Maroc Sourcing trade fairs, which have been in existence since 2014, currently showcase around 120 exhibitors from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, China and a number of Western European countries. The extensive product portfolio inspires with its strong expertise in fashion. The trade fairs are regarded as a hotspot for fast fashion and not only present fashion, denim, lingerie and knitwear, but also sports and casualwear, workwear and accessories. Messe Frankfurt will agree on a cooperation with AMITH (Association Marocaine des Industries du Textile et de l’Habillement), the organiser of the event, for the next edition. The trade fair will take place on 26-27 October 2017 at the Exhibition Park Hassan Circuit in Marrakesh. 

South Africa: Source Africa & ATF Expo

South Africa is the continent's strongest economic power and one of the largest consumer markets. The country has the most powerful retail sector and is the best networked of all African countries. This international networking and its regional free trade agreements make South Africa an important hub for trade with other African countries as well as neighbouring Pacific countries such as the Arabian Peninsula and India.

With the recently approved takeover of the Source Africa and ATF fairs, Messe Frankfurt is driving the exchange between international and regional buyers, manufacturers and suppliers in this region. Source Africa was founded in 2014 as a trade fair for African producers of fabrics, accessories, clothing, shoes and leather items. It appeals not only to African trade buyers but also to international manufacturers of clothing and fashion. The fifth edition of the fair will take place on 20-21 June 2018 at the International Convention Center (CTICC) in Cape Town. ATF Expo will open its doors at the same venue from  21 to 23 November 2017. Ever since 1998, this trade fair has offered an internationally-oriented product range of fabrics, clothing, shoes, leather goods and accessories as well as services for a predominantly local and regional purchasing community.

Ethiopia: successful start for Texworld, Apparel Sourcing and Texprocess

In eastern Africa, Ethiopia has developed into an attractive contract manufacturing country for clothing and leather goods thanks to the government's strategy of focusing on light industry. Ethiopia also benefits from free trade agreements such as AGOA that are aimed at promoting the African economy. With the Africa Sourcing and Fashion Week (ASFW), Messe Frankfurt has had a strong partner at its side ever since the latest edition in October 2017. Offshoots of the three trade fair brands Texworld, Apparel Sourcing and Texprocess were integrated into the Africa Sourcing & Fashion Week for the first time. It is a sourcing platform for mainly European and US fashion companies. The seventh edition brought together around 200 international exhibitors from 25 countries in Addis Ababa's Millennium Hall. Clothing fabrics, contract manufacturing, fashion and accessories were exhibited as well as machinery for contract manufacturing, CAD/CAM systems, printers, printing inks and accessories. In addition, the trade fair also impressed visitors with a fashion show, a series of lectures, a trend section and a matchmaking platform.

Messe Frankfurt: A strong presence in global textile markets

With a portfolio of over 50 international textile trade fairs, Messe Frankfurt is the global market leader in trade fairs for the textile industry. In 2016, around 19,500 exhibitors and approx. 477,000 visitors came to the events in Europe, North America and Asia. With the name Texpertise Network, the textile event offer of Messe Frankfurt covers the entire value creation chain – from apparel fabrics and fashion to home and contract textiles, technical textiles and the processing and care of textiles. The trade fairs include the successful brands Texworld, Apparel Sourcing, Ethical Fashion Show, Greenshowroom, Intertextile, Yarn Expo, Leatherworld, Emitex, Avantex, Avanprint, Heimtextil, Intertextile Home Textiles, Interior Lifestyle, Home Textiles Sourcing, Techtextil, Texprocess, Simatex, Confemaq and Texcare.

Maroc in Mode & Maroc Sourcing: www.marocsourcing.ma
Source Africa & AFT: www.sourceafrica.co.za / www.atfexpo.co.za
Africa Sourcing & Fashion Week: www.asfw-online.com

Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin @Getty Images


  • Impetus for retailers: Practice-oriented talk in cooperation with TEXTILWIRTSCHAFT and shop-in-shop concept “JETZT!”
  • Optimised hallstructure: better overview with new segmentation

The trade fair duo Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin will start the coming summer season with a new location, fresh impetus and a special focus on retail. The new Funkhaus Berlin abode in particular has met with great enthusiasm and promises to give the three-day fashion event during the Berlin Fashion Week (4-6 July 2017) an extra boost. 'Numerous key players and established labels have already announced their intention to take part in the trade fair and we and they are looking forward to the excellent presentation possibilities that the Funkhaus offers', says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt.

  • Impetus for retailers: Practice-oriented talk in cooperation with TEXTILWIRTSCHAFT and shop-in-shop concept “JETZT!”
  • Optimised hallstructure: better overview with new segmentation

The trade fair duo Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin will start the coming summer season with a new location, fresh impetus and a special focus on retail. The new Funkhaus Berlin abode in particular has met with great enthusiasm and promises to give the three-day fashion event during the Berlin Fashion Week (4-6 July 2017) an extra boost. 'Numerous key players and established labels have already announced their intention to take part in the trade fair and we and they are looking forward to the excellent presentation possibilities that the Funkhaus offers', says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt.

With the so-called Shedhalle, the new location has a level exhibition hall flooded with light, meaning that the trade fair duo can be hosted in spacious and clearly laid out surroundings. As part of this change of location, Messe Frankfurt is optimising the structure of the exhibition space and introducing new segmentation. This will provide better orientation for visitors to the trade fair. The multifaceted Ethical Fashion Show Berlin in particular will gain from this new structural segmentation.  The fashion shows will also take place in the Shedhalle. The Funkhaus offers a stimulating backdrop for the catwalk shows, during which the exhibiting labels will present their highlights.

Greenshowroom: contemporary and high fashion

Greenshowroom will present an exclusive selection from the contemporary and high fashion segment. High-class labels will showcase avant-garde design in the front section of the Shedhalle.  Greenshowroom highlights include Ackermann Taschenmanufaktur, Biaggi, Jan ’n June, Jungle Folk, Nat-2, Ombre Claire, Suite 13, Werner 1911 and Xess+Baba.

Ethical Fashion Show Berlin: New segments for a better overview

At the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, identifying segments in the following way will make orientation easier in future: denim and streetwear labels that present progressive and authentic styles can be found in the “Urbanvibe” category (Grand Step Shoes, Feuervogl, Jaya, LangerChen, Miss Green, Recolution, Skunkfunk, Ultrashoes, Zerum). “Moderncasual” stands for clear, long-lasting collections that range from casual to business (Alma & Lovis, Frieda Sand, Harold’s, John W. Shoes, La-na, Lanius, Naturaline, Ten Points). “Craft” presents products made with traditional craftsmanship interpreted in a new way (Toino Abel). “Individual” comprises pioneers of eco fashion and showcases styles with individual class (El Naturalista, Insecta Shoes, Minu). And the “Kids” area delivers fash-ionable highlights for children and teens (Disana, Serendipity Organics).

Focal point retail: Retail area “JETZT!”, presentations and practice-oriented talk in co-operation with TextilWirtschaft

The trade fair duo is focusing more on the visitor group of retailers than ever before, providing them with a range of attractive information and inspirational offers. The central point of focus is the retail area “JETZT!”. With it, the trade fair duo presents a concept space that gives retailers a vision of how they can integrate sustainable fashion and lifestyle brands in their product ranges – showcased in a fashionable, experience-oriented and contemporary manner. The area presents a shop-in-shop concept that can be individually decorated by retailers within a variable space. Greenshowroom and the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin function as a source of ideas with the aim of making access to the topic of sus-tainable product worlds easier for retailers and motivating them to establish contemporary presentations in their own shops. Guided tours are also offered to interested visitors to get them more involved in the sales concept.

The programme of talks also provides information and incentives relating to retail. In addition to a range of talks from retail experts, visitors can look forward to a special event highlight on the third day of the trade fair at 11 a.m. in the Shedhalle of the Funkhaus: with the practice-oriented talk “How you can earn money with green fashion”, TextilWirtschaft, as a media partner of the trade fair duo, has developed a new discussion format. It is derived from the TW Fair Fashion and will take place on the exhibition grounds of Greenshowroom and the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin for the first time in cooperation with BTE Handelsverband Textil. On the podium, experts from the eco fashion industry will discuss how you can be successful in retail with fair fashion. 

Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


  • New exhibition area at the Club
  • Key topic "ActiveSlow": design and performance meet resource efficiency and recyclability

Enlarged surface area and strong support from exhibitors: excellent signs for Greenshowroom and the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin as they enter the busy preparation phase. 'The booking situation for both trade fairs is highly promising. We have a number of strong labels on board, including both global pioneers and up-and-coming newcomers from the eco fashion segment', says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt. From 17-19 January 2017, visitors can look forward to an inspiring product range and the largest exhibition surface area the trade fair duo has so far enjoyed on the site of the Berlin Postbahnhof.

  • New exhibition area at the Club
  • Key topic "ActiveSlow": design and performance meet resource efficiency and recyclability

Enlarged surface area and strong support from exhibitors: excellent signs for Greenshowroom and the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin as they enter the busy preparation phase. 'The booking situation for both trade fairs is highly promising. We have a number of strong labels on board, including both global pioneers and up-and-coming newcomers from the eco fashion segment', says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt. From 17-19 January 2017, visitors can look forward to an inspiring product range and the largest exhibition surface area the trade fair duo has so far enjoyed on the site of the Berlin Postbahnhof.

Greenshowroom is all about highquality labels presenting contemporary styles. The highlights on the upper floor of the Postbahnhof include Ackermann Taschenmanufaktur with its timelessly elegant bags made from olive leaf-dyed cow leather and aged chamois tanned deer leather – designed and made at the company's own manufactory in Lüneburg. Living Blue, a premium label from northern Bangladesh, will present its new products once again. It creates superb accessories and fashionable pieces using local craftsmanship and home-grown organic indigo dye. New to the trade fairs is the Dutch-New  to Greenshowroom: Rhumnaa South African newcomer label Rhumnaa. The designers at Rhumnaa get their inspiration from the stories of South African artists and develop high-quality fashion lines.

The streetwear segment at the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin will also sparkle with numerous top players. With ShineConcept, Johanna Riplinger presents her second line in the casual segment. The new women's outerwear collection is based on the use of organic cotton that has been enhanced by pure vegetable dyes and is fairly produced in India. Langbrett from Berlin promises trendy clothing, art and zest for life for city residents who surf and is thus one of the major emerging labels at the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin. Remei presents its new Naturaline collection: shirts, sweaters, trousers and more made from sustainably produced organic cotton for the whole family. Lanius will present a collaboration with Kunert, a premium expert in hosiery. Their special focus is on colourful knit groups and new developments in the merino wool segment, namely Lanius ecowool. And the Danish label Amov will celebrate its début at the trade fair – stylish, minimalistic and long-lasting everyday favourites. In January, the Danish newcomers will unveil their third main collection, which has been developed by designer Winnie Wilki Fristrup. The Ethical Fashion Show is developing not only in terms of quality, but also space, and will be expanding its surface area: an additional exhibition area will be created in the Club at the Postbahnhof. The expansion of the surface area has been made possible by moving the fashion shows to the neighboring Energieforum.

Key topic "ActiveSlow"

Progressive design and performance in combination with resource efficiency and recyclability are the central themes of the winter season. In a showcase entitled "Active Wear +", Manufactum and ESMOD Berlin International University of Art for Fashion present a selection of prototypical functional clothing. Selected exhibitors from both trade fairs will also present design innovations that are characterised by their particular focus on resource efficiency, slowness and recyclability. More in-depth information will be provided at the panel discussion entitled: "Save the sea: the issue of textile shedding into water bodies".



  • DTB Info Day: CSR-focused series of talks on the Wednesday of the trade fair
  • Three-day programme: fashion shows, talks, podium discussions and tours
With an extensive event programme, the two trade fairs for eco-fashion, Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, will provide a comprehensive update on sustainability and fashion-related issues. From 28-30 June 2016, the talks, podium discussions and tours will provide first-rate information and networking opportunities. Well-known representatives from the worlds of fashion, politics, film and television are expected to attend the podium discussions and be in the audience. The two fashion shows "Salonshow" and "Ethical Fashion on Stage" promise an increased glamour factor.
  • DTB Info Day: CSR-focused series of talks on the Wednesday of the trade fair
  • Three-day programme: fashion shows, talks, podium discussions and tours
With an extensive event programme, the two trade fairs for eco-fashion, Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, will provide a comprehensive update on sustainability and fashion-related issues. From 28-30 June 2016, the talks, podium discussions and tours will provide first-rate information and networking opportunities. Well-known representatives from the worlds of fashion, politics, film and television are expected to attend the podium discussions and be in the audience. The two fashion shows "Salonshow" and "Ethical Fashion on Stage" promise an increased glamour factor. Invited guests can look forward to catwalk presentations by international Designers.
All eyes will be on the catwalk from the very first day of the trade fair onwards (Tuesday 28 June): The event will kick off with the "Salonshow" as an official offshoot event of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin. From 3 p.m. onwards, designers from Greenshowroom will present selected high fashion looks from their 2017 summer collections in the Club of the Postbahnhof. The show will be given a new Parisian slant: designer Eymeric François will be working on the staging of the salon show for the first time. As a director of numerous fashion shows, he has already enjoyed much success at Messe Frankfurt's textile trade fairs in Paris. 'The challenge lies in creating a highly professional internationally-oriented show that is up-to-date with trends and also retains the ethical aspect', explains François about the aim of the event.
Part two of the show programme follows at 5 p.m.: the catwalk show "Ethical Fashion on Stage" showcases street and casualwear. Lavera will also present the winner of the Lavera Green Fashion Awards, Ina Budde. The designer and founder of Design for Circularity has developed a circular collection for the label Jan'n June – which can be seen live at "Ethical Fashion on Stage".
The second day of the trade fair (Wednesday 29 June) focuses on CSR: for the first time, the Dialog Textil-Bekleidung (DTB) will host its CSR day in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt. There will also be a whole-day symposium held in the Club of the Postbahnhof entitled "Responsible Management of Supply Chains – Social Compliance and Chemical Input". The agenda includes topics such as "The consequences of globalised trade", "Corporate Responsibility Review 2016" and "Transparent and sustainable sourcing". An open panel discussion on the theme of "The Emperor's New Clothes – is transparency coming to the fashion world?" invites attendees to discuss practical questions in greater depth with speakers, exhibitors and companies.
On the third day of the trade fair (Thursday 30 June), a comprehensive programme awaits – with presentations by Fairtrade Deutschland, GOTS and IVN, Textile Exchange and Fair Wear Foundation. Renate Künast (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Stefan Genth (HDE Handelsverband Deutschland),  Matthias Hebeler (Brainshirt) and Claudia Lanius (Lanius) will discuss transparency in the supply chain at 2 p.m.

An overview of the programme (location: Club at the Postbahnhof):
Tuesday 28 June 2016

10 a.m. Opening. In German.
10.30 a.m. Press tour following the opening (start point: press Lounge)
11 a.m. Press conference TransFair e.V. "Designing supply chains to be sustainable – Fairtrade textile standards and textile plan" (location: press lounge, upper floor, Postbahnhof). In German.
2 p.m. Press tour (start point: press Lounge)
3 p.m. Salonshow with outfits by Austriandesign.at, Bhusattva, Carpasus, Cocccon, Elementum by Daniela Pais, Elisa F., Heartcouture, Inti Ferreira, Lanius, Soome, Studio Elsien Gringhuis, Studio Jux, Tuschimo. Invitation only!
5 p.m. Ethical Fashion on Stage with outfits by Anzüglich organic and fair, Chapati, Daily´s Nothings Better, De'qua, Get Lazy, La Robe d'Inna, Milena with Love, Mud Jeans, Najha, Noumenon, Päälä, Tijar, Tranquillo, Verena Bellutti. Invitation only!

Wednesday 29 June 2016
DTB Infotag – Responsible Management of Supply Chains Social Compliance and Chemical Input
Moderation: Rolf Heimann, Vorstand, hessnatur Stiftung

10.00 a.m. Welcome and introduction by the DTB and Messe Frankfurt
10.15 a.m. "The consequences of global free trade", Dr Sabine Ferenschild, Research Assistant, Südwind e.V.
10.45 a.m. "Corporate Responsibility Review 2016 – annual report on global corporate responsibility", Lisa Häuser, Senior Analyst, Oekom Research AG
11.30 a.m. "Transparent and sustainable sourcing", Deniz Thiede, Managing Director, ATICS GmbH
11.50 a.m. "Sustainability, REACH etc. – Quo Vadis?“, Dr Dirk von Czarnowski, Vice President Global Chemical, Intertek Holding Deutschland GmbH
12.15 a.m. Guided tour(s) of the trade fairs
1.45 p.m. Update on the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, Dr Bernhard Felmberg, assistant state secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
2 p.m.  Presentation of a collaborative project to promote sustainability, Carolin Bohrke, hessnatur Stiftung
2.20 p.m. "Best practices in supply chain management transparency", Prof. Patrick Kugler, HAW Hamburg
2.40 p.m. "Company-customer relationships in a CSR context", Prof. Rudolf Voller, Hochschule Niederrhein
3.15 p.m. "The Emperor's New Clothes – is transparency coming to the fashion industry?" Panel discussion with speakers, exhibitors and companies in the industry
12.30 p.m. Press conference Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien / GiZ (location: press lounge, upper floor, Postbahnhof)

Thursday 30 June 2016

10 a.m. Talk “The true costs of cotton", Mariska Przyklenk, Fairtrade Deutschland. In German.
11.30 a.m. Talk "GOTS and IVN-Best summarised. How the certification ensures that you can meet the requirements of governmental and non-governmental organisations", Claudia Kersten, GOTS und Heike Scheuer, IVN. In German.
1 p.m. Talk "More sustainable fibres and materials – from vision to volume", Simone Seisl, Textile Exchange. In German.
2 p.m. Podium discussion "Transparency in the supply chain", with Renate Künast (MdB, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Stefan Genth (Managing Director HDE Handelsverband Deutschland), Matthias Hebeler (Managing Director Brainshirt), Claudia Lanius (Managing Director Lanius). In German.
3.30 p.m. Talk and interactive game: "Fair Wear Foundation towards sustainable global garment supply chains", Andrea Spithoff and Maaike Payet, Fair Wear Foundation. In English.


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