Aus der Branche

2 Ergebnisse
 Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse
Präsidium der Bremer Baumwollbörse: Fritz Grobien, Stephanie Silber, Jean-Paul Haessig, Jens D. Lukaczik (v.l.n.r.)

Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse

Der Vorstand der Bremer Baumwollbörse bestätigte anlässlich der Generalversammlung am 21. Juni Jean-Paul Haessig im Amt des Präsidenten des Verbandes. Haessig ist Direktor des in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam und Singapur ansässigen Handelsunternehmens Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd.

Weiterhin im Präsidium vertreten sind die Vize¬präsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäfts¬führender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen und Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH.

Der Vorstand der Bremer Baumwollbörse bestätigte anlässlich der Generalversammlung am 21. Juni Jean-Paul Haessig im Amt des Präsidenten des Verbandes. Haessig ist Direktor des in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam und Singapur ansässigen Handelsunternehmens Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd.

Weiterhin im Präsidium vertreten sind die Vize¬präsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäfts¬führender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen und Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH.

Gastredner Jean-François Gribomont
Als Gastredner der diesjährigen Generalversammlung hatte Jean-François Gribomont, CEO der belgischen Textilfabrik Utexbel NV zugesagt. Griboment berichtete in seiner Funktion als Präsident des europäischen Textilverbandes EUROCOTON über die aktuelle Situation der Textilwirtschaft in Europa und die anstehenden Gesetzesvorhaben auf europäischer Ebene. EUROCOTON - Europäischer Verband der Baumwoll- und verwandter Textilindustrien ist das Sprachrohr der europäischen Textilindustrie für Baumwolle und synthetische Stapelfasern, von der Baumwollentkörnung über die Herstellung von Garnen und Geweben aus Baumwolle und synthetischen Stapelfasern. Wegen der Aktualität der Thematik schloss sich eine lebhafte Aussprache unter den Teilnehmern an, die ihren Blick auf diese Entwicklungen aus Unternehmersicht deutlich machten.

Neuwahlen des Vorstands
Die 150. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse im 152. Jahr nach Gründung des Vereins genehmigte die Rechnungsablage, nahm den Jahresbericht des Vorstandes für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 entgegen und erteilte Vorstand und Geschäftsführung einstimmig Entlastung.

Wie üblich fanden während der Generalversammlung auch Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt. Henning Hammer, Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen und Jan Kettelhack, Hch. Kettelhack GmbH + Co. KG, Rheine, schieden turnusgemäß aus dem Vorstand aus. Jan Kettelhack wurde neu in das Gremium gewählt. Peter Spoerry, Spoerry 1886 AG, Flums/Schweiz, schied auf eigenen Wunsch aus dem Vorstand aus.

Weitere Mitglieder im Vorstand sind:
Hannes Drolle, Getzner Textil AG, Bludenz/Österreich, Ernst Grimmelt, Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dr. Uwe Mazura, Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie, Berlin, Konrad Schröer, Setex-Textil-GmbH, Hamminkeln-Dingden, Roland Stelzer, Gebr. Elmer & Zweifel GmbH & Co. KG, Bempflingen und Axel Trede, Cotton Service International GmbH, Bremen.

Als beratende Mitglieder sind Manfred Kern als Repräsentant der Vereinigung Textilindustrie Österreich und Björn von der Crone als Vertreter des Schweizer Textilverband Swisstextiles im Vorstand vertreten.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

Photo Pixabay

Euratex, EuroCoton, Edana, CIRFS and ETSA join forces for the European Textile Industry

The associations published a joint European textiles industry statement on the energy package claiming incisive actions with no further delay.
Here is the statement in full:

Last month, when gas wholesale prices reached the record level of 340€/MWh – triggering also sky-high electricity prices – the European textiles industry called on the European Union to adopt a wholesale price cap for gas, the revision of the merit-order principle in the electricity market, support for SMEs and a single European strategy. On 14 September 2022, on the occasion of the State of the Union address by President Von der Leyen, the Commission announced initiatives aimed at tackling the dramatic energy crisis that the Europe is facing.

We, the European associations representing the whole textiles’ ecosystem,  welcome these proposals by the Commission to change the TTF benchmark parameters and decouple the TTF from the electricity market and the revision of the merit-order principle for the electricity market, which is no longer serving the purpose it was designed for.

The associations published a joint European textiles industry statement on the energy package claiming incisive actions with no further delay.
Here is the statement in full:

Last month, when gas wholesale prices reached the record level of 340€/MWh – triggering also sky-high electricity prices – the European textiles industry called on the European Union to adopt a wholesale price cap for gas, the revision of the merit-order principle in the electricity market, support for SMEs and a single European strategy. On 14 September 2022, on the occasion of the State of the Union address by President Von der Leyen, the Commission announced initiatives aimed at tackling the dramatic energy crisis that the Europe is facing.

We, the European associations representing the whole textiles’ ecosystem,  welcome these proposals by the Commission to change the TTF benchmark parameters and decouple the TTF from the electricity market and the revision of the merit-order principle for the electricity market, which is no longer serving the purpose it was designed for.

We also welcome the proposal to amend the state-aid framework that, in our view, should include the textiles finishing, the textiles services and the nonwoven sectors as well as a simplification of the application requirements. Furthermore, we call for a uniform implementation across the EU.

However, we acknowledge that the Commission proposal lacks in ambition and – if confirmed – it will come at the cost of losing European industrial capacity and European jobs. Ultimately, Europe will remain without its integrated textiles ecosystem, as we know it today, and no mean to translate into reality the EU textiles strategy, for more sustainable and circular textiles products.

An ambitious and meaningful European price cap on the wholesale price of natural gas is absolutely necessary. Europe is running out of time to save its own industry. It is now time to act swiftly, decisively in unity and solidarity at European level. We understand a very high price cap has been so far discussed among Ministries and that is not reassuring for companies across Europe: if any cap is, as expected, above 100/MWh, these businesses will collapse.

Already in March 2022, with EU gas wholesale prices at 200€/MWh, the business case for keeping textiles production was no longer there. To date, natural gas wholesale prices have reached the level of 340€/MWh, more than 15 times higher compared to 2021! Currently, many businesses have suspended their production processes to avoid the loss of tens of thousands of euros every day. We hope this will not become the new normal and – to reduce the likelihood of such a scenario – we call on the Commission, the EU Council and the Parliament to swiftly adopt decisive, impactful and concrete actions to tackle the energy crisis and ensure the survival of the European industry.

Given the dire international competition in which the EU textiles industry operates, it is not possible to just pass on the increased costs to consumers. Yet, with these sky-high prices, our companies cannot afford to absorb those costs. The EU textiles companies are mainly SMEs that do not have the financial structure to absorb such a shock.  In contrast with such reality in Europe, the wholesale price of gas in the US and China is 10€/MWh, whereas in Turkey the price is 25€/MWh. If the EU does not act, our international competitors will easily replace us in the market, resulting in the de-industrialisation of Europe and a worsened reliance on foreign imports of essential products.

Specific segments of the textile industry are particularly vulnerable:

  • The man-made fibres (MMF) industry for instance is an energy intensive sector and a major consumer of natural gas and electricity in the manufacturing of its fibres. Not only is it being affected by higher energy process, it is also experiencing shortages and sharply rising costs of its raw materials.
  • For the nonwovens segment, production processes – which use both fibres and filaments extruded in situ – are also highly dependent on gas and electricity. Polymers melting and extrusion, fibres carding, web-forming, web-bonding and drying are energy-intensive techniques. Nonwoven materials can be found in many applications crucial to citizens like in healthcare (face masks) or automotive (batteries).
  • It also is to be noted that for some segments the use of gas has no technological substitute: for example, the dyeing and finishing production units make very intense use of gas. These production units are mainly composed by boilers and driers, which only work on gas and there is no alternative technology.
  • The textile services sector is also struggling: with the critical nature of the service they provide, they require a considerable amount of energy to keep services, particularly hospitals and care homes stocked with lifesaving material as well as clothing and bed linens for the patients themselves. Losing these businesses would cause a lack of clothing for healthcare professionals, including protective sanitary gowns for surgeons, nurses and doctors, uniforms including other forms of personal protective equipment.
