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BVMed-Infoblätter zum Umweltrecht

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) gibt Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen mit einer Reihe von Infoblättern eine Übersicht zu den immer komplexer werdenden umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service unter vermittelt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus der Umweltgesetzgebung.

Mit der aktuellen Umsetzung des „Green Deal“ der Europäischen Union soll Europa der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. „Hierfür sind rund 80 Initiativen geplant, viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche“, so die BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertinnen Dr. Christina Ziegenberg und Clara Allonge. Themen wie Klimaneutralität und ressourcenschonende Produktionsprozesse werden immer stärker in den Fokus rücken und die Verbandsarbeit neu ausrichten. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Übersicht zu den umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben an.

Die ersten sechs Infoblätter geben eine Übersicht zu folgenden Gesetzen und Themen:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) gibt Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen mit einer Reihe von Infoblättern eine Übersicht zu den immer komplexer werdenden umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service unter vermittelt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus der Umweltgesetzgebung.

Mit der aktuellen Umsetzung des „Green Deal“ der Europäischen Union soll Europa der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. „Hierfür sind rund 80 Initiativen geplant, viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche“, so die BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertinnen Dr. Christina Ziegenberg und Clara Allonge. Themen wie Klimaneutralität und ressourcenschonende Produktionsprozesse werden immer stärker in den Fokus rücken und die Verbandsarbeit neu ausrichten. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Übersicht zu den umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben an.

Die ersten sechs Infoblätter geben eine Übersicht zu folgenden Gesetzen und Themen:

  • Abfallverbringungsverordnung: Aktuell liegt ein Vorschlag für eine komplette Neufassung der AbfallverbringungsVO vor.
  • CLP-Verordnung über die Einstufung, Kennzeichnung und Verpackung von Stoffen und Gemischen: Aktuell wird auf EU-Ebene die Revision der CLP-VO vorangetrieben.
  • „Green Claims“: Enthält relevante rechtliche Themen im Bereich der Werbung mit Aussagen aus dem Bereich ESG („environmental, social, governance“).
  • Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz: Vor dem Hintergrund des „Green Deal“ und des darunter verabschiedeten „Circular Economy Action Plan“ der EU sind gegenwärtig alle abfallrechtlichen Regelungsbereiche Gegenstand von Evaluierungs- und Überarbeitungsprozessen.
  • Ökodesign-Regulierung: In Deutschland setzen das Energieverbrauchsrelevante-Produkte-Gesetz (EVPG) und die EVPG-Verordnung (EVPGV) die Ökodesign-Richtlinie in nationales Recht um.
  • Verpackungsgesetz: Gegenwärtig läuft auf EU-Ebene eine Initiative zur Überarbeitung der Richtlinie. Am 30. November 2022 wurde der Vorschlag für eine Verordnung über Verpackungen und Verpackungsabfälle von der EU-Kommission veröffentlicht.

Die Info-/Themenblätter decken folgende Inhalte ab:

  • Name und Verkündungsstand des Rechtsaktes
  • Hintergrundinformationen (beispielsweise die Umsetzung des europäischen Rechts durch nationale Rechtsakte)
  • Beschreibung von Anwendungsbereich und Ausnahmen
  • Beschreibung von Betroffenheit/Rollen
  • Stichpunkte zu den Pflichten
  • aktuelle Entwicklungen (beispielsweise laufende Gesetzgebungsverfahren oder Ankündigungen in Arbeitsprogrammen)

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei wird der BVMed in den nächsten Monaten weitere Infoblätter erarbeiten.

Weitere Informationen:
BVMed Green Deal Umweltrecht



GOTS revision: Second round of public comments

The second public consultation period for the GOTS Version 7.0 revision draft began October 3, and will last for 30 calendar days, ending October 31. The revised draft has incorporated input from contributors along with members of the Standard Revision Committee (SRC), a group of experts convened by GOTS to oversee the revision.

The first comment period, which ended in April, elicited 335 individual comments. Each comment was recorded and deliberated, and all changes have been logged and made available to the public on the GOTS website. During this second comment period, new topics will not be considered, but comments and input on decisions taken during the first comment period are encouraged.

The responses received in this comment period will be deliberated by the SRC through December 2022, and a final edition of GOTS Version 7.0 will be released in March of 2023. For certified entities, full implementation of Version 7.0 begins in March 2024.    

The second public consultation period for the GOTS Version 7.0 revision draft began October 3, and will last for 30 calendar days, ending October 31. The revised draft has incorporated input from contributors along with members of the Standard Revision Committee (SRC), a group of experts convened by GOTS to oversee the revision.

The first comment period, which ended in April, elicited 335 individual comments. Each comment was recorded and deliberated, and all changes have been logged and made available to the public on the GOTS website. During this second comment period, new topics will not be considered, but comments and input on decisions taken during the first comment period are encouraged.

The responses received in this comment period will be deliberated by the SRC through December 2022, and a final edition of GOTS Version 7.0 will be released in March of 2023. For certified entities, full implementation of Version 7.0 begins in March 2024.    

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS revision

Global Organic Textile Standard


GOTS Standard revision process enters next phase

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

Beginning in 2022, the GOTS revision process is following a newly developed and more inclusive Standard Setting Procedure, which includes oversight of the process by a Standard Revision Committee (SRC). The SRC consists of experts from different stakeholder groups, including scientists, textile industry professionals, sustainability, sourcing and human rights specialists and others. Members work together throughout the entire revision process to establish terms of reference and make decisions on any changes.

The comments received are being compiled and will be available for viewing on the GOTS website shortly. For the next stage of the revision process, the SRC will deliberate all comments, and a second draft of the revision will be released for a second and final 30-day period of public input in September 2022, which will be announced on the GOTS website and social media. The final version of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0 will be released in March 2023, and will come into effect one year later.

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS revision



Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) seeks public input for standard revision

The worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), seeks public input as it begins the revision process for GOTS standard version 7.0.

As a solution for sustainability-related challenges in textile processing, GOTS sets strict and binding requirements regarding ecological and social parameters. These are updated every three years in an open and transparent revision process which fosters constant progress towards the development of better textile processing methods. In this process of continuous improvement, GOTS collaborates with all relevant international stakeholders, including the textile and apparel industry, chemical suppliers, organic farming and environmental organisations, workers' rights groups and labour unions, to ensure ongoing relevance and account for changes in the industry.

The initial period of public input runs from 14 April through 12 June. During this phase, all interested parties, including industry representatives, NGO’s and consumers, are encouraged to participate by submitting comments, feedback, and ideas through GOTS’s online portal.

The worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), seeks public input as it begins the revision process for GOTS standard version 7.0.

As a solution for sustainability-related challenges in textile processing, GOTS sets strict and binding requirements regarding ecological and social parameters. These are updated every three years in an open and transparent revision process which fosters constant progress towards the development of better textile processing methods. In this process of continuous improvement, GOTS collaborates with all relevant international stakeholders, including the textile and apparel industry, chemical suppliers, organic farming and environmental organisations, workers' rights groups and labour unions, to ensure ongoing relevance and account for changes in the industry.

The initial period of public input runs from 14 April through 12 June. During this phase, all interested parties, including industry representatives, NGO’s and consumers, are encouraged to participate by submitting comments, feedback, and ideas through GOTS’s online portal.

“We are looking forward to receiving input from stakeholders around the world for GOTS version 7.0. This open call for feedback is part of what keeps our certification requirements up-to-date with the most cutting-edge developments in the industry,” says GOTS Managing Director Rahul Bhajekar.

Beginning in 2022, the revision process will follow the newly developed Standard Setting Procedure, which provides for the constitution of a Standard Revision Committee (SRC) for each revision. This group will serve as the pivotal force behind decisions about the revisions. The SRC consists of experts from different stakeholder groups, including associations, organisations, companies and individuals. All input received by June 12 will be carefully considered by the SRC as well as compiled and made public for an additional 30-day consultation period later this year. All drafts of the standard will also be made public. GOTS standard version 7.0 will be finalised in early 2023, and will be available on the GOTS website.

The timeline for the revision to GOTS version 7.0 is as follows:

  1. Constitution of GOTS SRC- April 2022
  2. Release of first revision draft for public consultation - 14 April 2022
  3. First public consultation period - 60 days (April 14 to June 12)
  4. Deliberations by the SRC on input received - May to August 2022
  5. Release of second revision draft for public consultation - September 2022
  6. Second public consultation period - 30 days from release
  7. Deliberations by the SRC on input received - October to November 2022
  8. Finalisation of GOTS version 7.0 - February 2023
  9. Release of GOTS version 7.0 - March 2023
Weitere Informationen:
GOTS revision stakeholder