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SHIMA SEIKI at SPINEXPO 40th Session Shanghai

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will participate in the 40th Session of SPINEXPO in Shanghai, China from 12th - 14th April 2023.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will participate in the 40th Session of SPINEXPO in Shanghai, China from 12th - 14th April 2023.

At SPINEXPO, SHIMA SEIKI will offer visitors a choice between its "SDS®-ONE APEX4" apparel design system and its "APEXFiz®" subscription-based design software. Whereas SDS®-ONE APEX4 is offered as an all-in-one proprietary hardware + software package, APEXFiz® is subscription-based design software that can be installed on customers' individual computers. Both SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® software support the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. When a design is approved for production, knitting data is automatically generated for converting to machine data, allowing smooth communication for digitally bridging the gap between studio and factory. APEXFiz® thereby helps to realize sustainability while digitally transforming the fashion supply chain.

Also on display at SPINEXPO will be SHIMA SEIKI's "yarnbank®," an online web service for searching and viewing the latest yarns, developed with cooperation from yarn companies from around the world. Registered users can download yarn data for free, for use in fabric simulation and virtual sampling on APEXFiz®, avoiding the need to scan yarn on their own. By using yarn that is used in actual production, designers and apparel companies can furthermore rest assured that the simulations created using yarn from yarnbank® are not merely realistic images but accurate representations using yarn that can actually be purchased and used in production. With yarnbank®, the entire supply chain from yarn companies and apparel companies to knit manufacturers can be connected digitally.

SHIMA SEIKI will also display the latest collection of its knit samples, including WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear that is knit in its entirety on the machine without the need for linking or sewing afterward. Together with virtual sampling performed on APEXFiz®, WHOLEGARMENT® offers smart production for realizing a sustainable fashion supply chain.



(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: 100% biobasiertes Garn aus Rizinusöl

Die RadiciGroup stellte Biofeel® Eleven, ein Garn natürlichen Ursprungs, auf der Messe Performance Days (die am 15. und 16. März in München stattfand) vor. Biofeel® Eleven wird aus Rizinusöl gewonnen und eignet sich zur Gewinnung von Bio-Polymer. Es kann für hochwertige Gewebe und Stoffe verwendet werden, die in zahlreichen Branchen zum Einsatz kommen: von der Mode bis hin zum Sport, vom Kraftfahrzeug bis hin zu Heimtextilien.

Heute befinden sich 80 % der Rizinus-Plantagen der Welt in Indien, vor allem in der Region Gujarat, wo die Klimabedingungen besonders günstig sind. Hier kann die lokale Bevölkerung durch den Anbau auf eher dürren Feldern, die für den Anbau von Lebensmitteln kaum geeignet sind, auf ein zusätzliches Einkommen zählen und die im Laufe der Zeit erworbenen Kompetenzen dieser Tätigkeit widmen. Dank der Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation der Wertschöpfungskette wurden im Laufe der Jahre die Samen ausgewählt und zertifiziert, die entsprechend der Endverwendung die besten Qualitätsmerkmale des Endprodukts gewährleisten.

Die RadiciGroup stellte Biofeel® Eleven, ein Garn natürlichen Ursprungs, auf der Messe Performance Days (die am 15. und 16. März in München stattfand) vor. Biofeel® Eleven wird aus Rizinusöl gewonnen und eignet sich zur Gewinnung von Bio-Polymer. Es kann für hochwertige Gewebe und Stoffe verwendet werden, die in zahlreichen Branchen zum Einsatz kommen: von der Mode bis hin zum Sport, vom Kraftfahrzeug bis hin zu Heimtextilien.

Heute befinden sich 80 % der Rizinus-Plantagen der Welt in Indien, vor allem in der Region Gujarat, wo die Klimabedingungen besonders günstig sind. Hier kann die lokale Bevölkerung durch den Anbau auf eher dürren Feldern, die für den Anbau von Lebensmitteln kaum geeignet sind, auf ein zusätzliches Einkommen zählen und die im Laufe der Zeit erworbenen Kompetenzen dieser Tätigkeit widmen. Dank der Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation der Wertschöpfungskette wurden im Laufe der Jahre die Samen ausgewählt und zertifiziert, die entsprechend der Endverwendung die besten Qualitätsmerkmale des Endprodukts gewährleisten.

Die Bohnen des tropischen Wunderbaums enthalten circa 45 % Öl, das reich an Ricinolein ist, aus dem das biobasierte Polyamid 11 gewonnen wird, aus dem die RadiciGroup ihr Garn Biofeel® Eleven herstellt. Die Reste aus dem ersten Pressverfahren werden zu hocheffizientem Biodünger, der wieder dem Boden zurückgeführt wird.

Biofeel® Eleven kann zudem direkt in der Produktionsphase spinngefärbt werden, was zu großen Wasser- und Energieeinsparungen sowie einer besseren Farbstabilität führt.



Foto: Messe Frankfurt

Auftakt für Heimtextil Materialbibliothek: Interior.Architecture.Hospitality LIBRARY

Die Produktauswahl für die Interior.Architecture.Hospitality LIBRARY steht fest. Am 30. November 2022 hat die Jury über die in der LIBRARY ausgestellten Funktionstextilien auf der Heimtextil 2023 entschieden. 85 Aussteller wurden aus einer hohen Anzahl an Einreichungen ausgewählt, um ihre Produkte in der aufwendig inszenierten LIBRARY in Halle 4.0 zu präsentieren. Die Textilien werden mit dem Namen des Herstellers und der Standnummer gekennzeichnet.

Die neue Ausgabe der Materialbibliothek für Funktionstextilien stellt 2023 die Eigenschaften „schwer entflammbar“, „schalldämmend“, „lichtbeständig“, „antimikrobiell“ und „wasserabweisend“ in den Fokus. Neben der Funktionalität wurden ebenfalls das Design und die Innovation bei der Auswahl berücksichtigt. Mit Gerhard Sperling, Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Industrie e.V., Jasmin Grego, GREGO Jasmin Grego & Stephanie Kühnle Architektur GmbH und Felix Diener, Marburger Tapetenfabrik, werden die Expertise eines Textilingenieurs und zweier Anwendungsexpert*innen in der Jury vereint.

Die Produktauswahl für die Interior.Architecture.Hospitality LIBRARY steht fest. Am 30. November 2022 hat die Jury über die in der LIBRARY ausgestellten Funktionstextilien auf der Heimtextil 2023 entschieden. 85 Aussteller wurden aus einer hohen Anzahl an Einreichungen ausgewählt, um ihre Produkte in der aufwendig inszenierten LIBRARY in Halle 4.0 zu präsentieren. Die Textilien werden mit dem Namen des Herstellers und der Standnummer gekennzeichnet.

Die neue Ausgabe der Materialbibliothek für Funktionstextilien stellt 2023 die Eigenschaften „schwer entflammbar“, „schalldämmend“, „lichtbeständig“, „antimikrobiell“ und „wasserabweisend“ in den Fokus. Neben der Funktionalität wurden ebenfalls das Design und die Innovation bei der Auswahl berücksichtigt. Mit Gerhard Sperling, Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Industrie e.V., Jasmin Grego, GREGO Jasmin Grego & Stephanie Kühnle Architektur GmbH und Felix Diener, Marburger Tapetenfabrik, werden die Expertise eines Textilingenieurs und zweier Anwendungsexpert*innen in der Jury vereint.

„Die Interior.Architecture.Hospitality LIBRARY verschafft Besucher*innen gezielt Orientierung über alle fünf Funktionskategorien hinweg. Textilien müssen unbedingt dreidimensional erfahrbar sein, um sie im Licht live erleben zu können und mit ihren Innovationen kreativ anzuregen“, sagt Felix Diener.
Jasmin Grego erklärt: „Vergleichsmöglichkeiten zwischen Produkten zu kreieren, sehe ich als eine klare Stärke der LIBRARY-Sonderschau an. Kuratierte Einreichungen nebeneinander inszeniert zu erleben, zeigt die Bandbreite haptisch-materieller Ausgestaltungen bei gleicher Funktionalität. So wird auch Unerwartetes greifbar.“
„Entscheidend sind feststehende DIN-, EN- bzw. ISO-Normen – diese Klassifikationen bieten (Innen-)Architekt*innen technisch-funktionale Orientierung mit Tiefe: Normen sagen nicht nur aus, ob Textilien beispielsweise wasserabweisend oder lichtbeständig sind, sondern vor allem wie wasserresistent oder wie lichtecht die Stoffbeschaffenheit im
Vergleich genau ist“, fasst Gerhard Sperling zusammen.

Besucher*innen können die LIBRARY auf der Heimtextil vom 10. bis 13. Januar in Halle 4.0 live erleben. In der Mitte von Ausstellern von Decorative & Furniture Fabrics und Fibres & Yarns bietet sie für das Publikum aus dem Objektbereich einen optimalen Anlaufpunkt. Einen tieferen Einblick und Austausch ermöglichen die von den Kuratoren an den ersten beiden Messetagen angebotenen LIBRARY TOURS.

Online steht die LIBRARY das ganze Jahr unter zur Verfügung und ermöglicht einen gefilterten Überblick über die kuratierten Produkte mit unterschiedlichen Funktions- und Anwendungsprofilen.


Messe Frankfurt

Photo: Filidea Technical Yarns

Filidea Technical Yarns: New products and markets under the banner of sustainable evolution

  • New yarns for the contract furnishing world, for industrial sewing threads and the challenge of biodegradable polyester

At the product level, big impulse has been given to the range of industrial sewing threads for various uses, with new references both in the polyester + polyester compositions as well as in cotton + polyester. The industrial threads, marketed as raw material, allow the company to consolidate its position on some strategic markets, such as in Germany.

As a result of the partnership with Trevira® for the spinning of the flame-retardant Trevira®CS fibre, Filidea Technical Yarns reinforces its offer of non-dyed performant yarns aimed at the world of contract furnishings. The sector of hospitality, of furnishings for public and work spaces, fairs and areas for social-cultural gatherings will find a comprehensive answer to its demands in the Trevira®CS-based yarns: with regard to fireproof standards, versatility, resistance to wear and tear, excellent colour rendering, and last but not least, the component of fibre sustainability, an essential value for the design of spaces for collective use.

  • New yarns for the contract furnishing world, for industrial sewing threads and the challenge of biodegradable polyester

At the product level, big impulse has been given to the range of industrial sewing threads for various uses, with new references both in the polyester + polyester compositions as well as in cotton + polyester. The industrial threads, marketed as raw material, allow the company to consolidate its position on some strategic markets, such as in Germany.

As a result of the partnership with Trevira® for the spinning of the flame-retardant Trevira®CS fibre, Filidea Technical Yarns reinforces its offer of non-dyed performant yarns aimed at the world of contract furnishings. The sector of hospitality, of furnishings for public and work spaces, fairs and areas for social-cultural gatherings will find a comprehensive answer to its demands in the Trevira®CS-based yarns: with regard to fireproof standards, versatility, resistance to wear and tear, excellent colour rendering, and last but not least, the component of fibre sustainability, an essential value for the design of spaces for collective use.

Continuing in the development of sustainable production across the sector, the company has undertaken two important initiatives with other actors in the textile supply chain. Filidea participates in Trick, the European blockchain project – part of the European Horizon 2020 programme – involving 29 partners from six different nations to reinforce the circular economy thanks to the development of a digital platform which is complete, traceable and available to operators in the textile sector.

MagnoLab, the network of enterprises in the textile supply chain, and of which Filidea is one of the founding members, gives the impulse to constant R&D activities. MagnoLab was established in 2022 in order to develop tangible solutions for the sector, to create values and to collaborate with regard to current and future demands.

MagnoLab brings together textile companies which are active at various stages of and with complementary roles in the supply chain, and which work in synergy and share objectives, resourcefulness and long-sightedness, with the aim of developing innovation in a structured way. MagnoLab is also open to welcome new partners.


Filidea Technical Yarns


C.L.A.S.S. will be at Filo to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation

The international eco-hub will be at Filo (23-24 February) with key partners such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Ghezzi, Circular Systems™ and SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation.

C.L.A.S.S. is ready for yet another moment dedicated to share and amplify its message of responsible innovation together with its key partners. The international eco-hub has been invited to attend the Filo fair with its own space in order to spread the word on the utmost importance of injecting innovation, sustainability and change starting from the very beginning of the supply chain.

“We are extremely pleased to be here at Filo, the fair for the very first and fundamental ingredient of fashion” Says Giusy Bettoni, Founder and CEO C.L.A.S.S. “We believe this is a valuable opportunity to  share possibilities and chances to start a conscious and yet innovative fashion product by learning about the latest developments in smart yarns”.

The international eco-hub will be at Filo (23-24 February) with key partners such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Ghezzi, Circular Systems™ and SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation.

C.L.A.S.S. is ready for yet another moment dedicated to share and amplify its message of responsible innovation together with its key partners. The international eco-hub has been invited to attend the Filo fair with its own space in order to spread the word on the utmost importance of injecting innovation, sustainability and change starting from the very beginning of the supply chain.

“We are extremely pleased to be here at Filo, the fair for the very first and fundamental ingredient of fashion” Says Giusy Bettoni, Founder and CEO C.L.A.S.S. “We believe this is a valuable opportunity to  share possibilities and chances to start a conscious and yet innovative fashion product by learning about the latest developments in smart yarns”.

(c) Marchi & Fildi Group

Marchi & Fildi Group: Positive balance for 10 years of the photovoltaic installation

10 years after the installation of the photovoltaic plant in the production units in the Biellese region, the Marchi & Fildi Group takes stock of the operation and publishes the data on energy produced, consumed, and fed back into the grid.

The photovoltaic plant owned by the Group is made up of 11,385 modules divided between the three facilities in Biella (Production), Cerrione (Dyeing mill) and Verrone (Logistics), which in total cover a surface of 16,515 sq.m.

The balance to be drawn from these 10 years is a positive one: in total 22,974,828 kWh have been produced, of which 7,292,027 kWh have been used in company activities, with a saving in energy costs of approximately €1m over 10 years.  

The energy kWh produced and not used by the company was fed back into the grid and corresponds to the average annual consumption of around 4630 families.*

10 years after the installation of the photovoltaic plant in the production units in the Biellese region, the Marchi & Fildi Group takes stock of the operation and publishes the data on energy produced, consumed, and fed back into the grid.

The photovoltaic plant owned by the Group is made up of 11,385 modules divided between the three facilities in Biella (Production), Cerrione (Dyeing mill) and Verrone (Logistics), which in total cover a surface of 16,515 sq.m.

The balance to be drawn from these 10 years is a positive one: in total 22,974,828 kWh have been produced, of which 7,292,027 kWh have been used in company activities, with a saving in energy costs of approximately €1m over 10 years.  

The energy kWh produced and not used by the company was fed back into the grid and corresponds to the average annual consumption of around 4630 families.*

The Marchi & Fildi Group has always been committed to rationalising electric energy consumption with the aim of contributing towards an eco-sustainable development without compromising the rate of production and the ability to grow. In addition to producing its own electric energy, over the years, the company has also achieved an increasing number of Energy Efficiency Titles (TEE), otherwise known as white certificates. In 2021, 138 TEEs have been awarded as a result of such interventions as the introduction of LED lighting and the optimisation of the production processes which, while still as efficient as before, permit the company to reduce the electric energy consumption of the machinery.

*In the meter class for the range of 3kW to 4.5 kW, the average consumption for residential properties is the equivalent of 3,382 kWh (source: Arera Relazione annual state of services for the year 2020). The calculations are the results of an internal study conducted by the Marchi & Fildi Group.


Marchi & Fildi Group

(c) ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei will showcase at Filo

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

Bemberg™ will be at Filo showing some selected fabric innovation, and three responsible-driven designers representing different and complementary part of contemporary consumer wardrobe: ZEROBARRACENTO, Maurizio Miri and WAXEWUL.
Bemberg™ will be also involved in two speeches – entitled “Il viaggio di Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei verso una moda contemporanea, premium e responsabile” - organized by the fair (Sept. 29th and 30th at 4pm), where it will share its story made of creation, production and process, as well as product performance, aspects related to sustainability and circular economy approach.


Asahi Kasei / GB Network / C.L.A.S.S.

Foto: modus intarsia
Fertiges Garn. Mütze und Schal sind aus Chiengora®.

Garn aus Hundefell: nachhaltig und ethisch vertretbar

Die Textil- und Modebranche muss nachhaltiger werden. Das junge Brand modus intarsia zeigt seinen Weg: Aus der Unterwolle von Hunden, die normalerweise ausgekämmt wird und im Müll landet, haben die zwei Gründerinnen ein hochwertiges Garn entwickelt. Die Modedesignerin Ann Cathrin Schönrock hatte die Idee, und die Textilingenieurin Franziska Uhl von der Hochschule Reutlingen hat gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler:innen an den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) das entwickelte Garn an Industriemaschinen erprobt und in größerem Maßstab hergestellt.

Chiengora® nennen sie das Kaschmir-ähnliche Garn – „Chien“, Französisch für „Hund“, und „gora“ in Anlehnung an das ursprünglich von Hasen stammende feine Angora. Das Garn hat den Vorteil, dass der Rohstoff nicht eingeflogen werden muss und die Tiere nicht für die Wollproduktion gezüchtet und gehalten werden. Der Rohstoff für das Garn entsteht nebenbei bei der täglichen Tierpflege, vor allem, wenn die Tiere im Frühjahr ihr Winterfell verlieren. Damit schont die Nutzung von Chiengora® Ressourcen und dient dem Tierwohl.

Die Textil- und Modebranche muss nachhaltiger werden. Das junge Brand modus intarsia zeigt seinen Weg: Aus der Unterwolle von Hunden, die normalerweise ausgekämmt wird und im Müll landet, haben die zwei Gründerinnen ein hochwertiges Garn entwickelt. Die Modedesignerin Ann Cathrin Schönrock hatte die Idee, und die Textilingenieurin Franziska Uhl von der Hochschule Reutlingen hat gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler:innen an den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) das entwickelte Garn an Industriemaschinen erprobt und in größerem Maßstab hergestellt.

Chiengora® nennen sie das Kaschmir-ähnliche Garn – „Chien“, Französisch für „Hund“, und „gora“ in Anlehnung an das ursprünglich von Hasen stammende feine Angora. Das Garn hat den Vorteil, dass der Rohstoff nicht eingeflogen werden muss und die Tiere nicht für die Wollproduktion gezüchtet und gehalten werden. Der Rohstoff für das Garn entsteht nebenbei bei der täglichen Tierpflege, vor allem, wenn die Tiere im Frühjahr ihr Winterfell verlieren. Damit schont die Nutzung von Chiengora® Ressourcen und dient dem Tierwohl.

Das Gründerinnen-Team besteht aus Ann Cathrin Schönrock (31) aus Berlin und Franziska Uhl (25) aus Reutlingen. Als gelernte Mode- und Strickdesignerin mit hohen Ansprüchen an Qualität, Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit hat Ann Cathrin Schönrock schon 2017 mit dem Sammeln der Unterwolle vom eigenen Hund, von Hunden von Bekannten und Freunden, aber auch von Hundefriseuren und Züchtern begonnen. Nach ersten Machbarkeitsstudien stieß Franziska Uhl von der Fakultät für Textil & Design an der Hochschule Reutlingen dazu. Sie hat im Rahmen ihrer Bachelorarbeit erforscht, welche Hundehaare sich besonders gut für die Garnentwicklung eignen. An den DITF hat sie mit Volkan Ünal und Waltraud Abele ihre Thesen an Maschinen im Industriemaßstab überprüft und die Produktionsprozesse optimiert – von den Wollfaserflocken bis zum fertigen Wollgarn.

Das Potenzial ist groß. Allein in Deutschland leben über 10,4 Millionen Hunde. Obwohl nicht alle Hunderassen geeignete Unterwolle haben, landen europaweit bisher jedes Jahr über 1000 Tonnen davon im Müll. Schönrock und Uhl haben ein dezentrales Sammlernetzwerk ins Leben gerufen. Jeder kann daran teilnehmen, die Unterwolle seines Vierbeiners sammeln und nach Reutlingen schicken. Unterstützt wird das Projekt mit dem staatlichen EXIST-Gründungsstipendium und einem Investment aus der Textilindustrie. Die Unternehmerin Anna Yona von Wildling investiert in „Yarnsustain“.

Weitere Informationen:
Tierhaar Garn aus Hundefell


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and  unveils its new visual identity (c) ROICA, Asahi Kasei Corporation

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and unveils its new visual identity

"ROICA™ new identity is the ultimate upgrade and milestone of the brand’s evolution path which brings together and merges performance, innovation and responsible imprint. ROICA™ strategic commitment is built on two main pillars that meet value driven consumer’s expectations: first, continuous R&D and innovation activities focusing on new contemporary stretch functionalities with the highest integration of sustainability. Second, developing synergies and partnerships with leading responsible innovators throughout the whole value chain from throwsters down to consumers, people and companies sharing the same goals", declares Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager of ROICA Division.

ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

"ROICA™ new identity is the ultimate upgrade and milestone of the brand’s evolution path which brings together and merges performance, innovation and responsible imprint. ROICA™ strategic commitment is built on two main pillars that meet value driven consumer’s expectations: first, continuous R&D and innovation activities focusing on new contemporary stretch functionalities with the highest integration of sustainability. Second, developing synergies and partnerships with leading responsible innovators throughout the whole value chain from throwsters down to consumers, people and companies sharing the same goals", declares Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager of ROICA Division.

ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

Balanced geometries, calibrating color and different anatomical details: the visual identity is then declined in 5 different designs, each for one of the 5 applications that can be enhanced by ROICA™ yarns: ACTIVATION for performative sportswear garments, AQUA for smooth swimwear, STYLE#FIT for casual wear and athleisure, ESSENTIALS for next to skin lingerie and underwear and LEGWEAR for stylish hosiery. A complete wardrobe.

The company also created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for complete transparency and transparent authentic communication.

Constant investments in R&D, people and technology allowed the company to engineer agile, multi-facetted and sustainable stretch yarns which redefine the new circularity, delivering the style, support and finish, trusted to match the performance demands and ambitions of the new generation contemporary consumer.

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ fibres Yarns digital

GB Network Marketing & Communication

B.I.G. Yarns unveils ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets (c) B.I.G. Yarns
ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets

B.I.G. Yarns unveils ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets

  • Create truly unique yarn designs: with up to 6 colors from a large predefined color range and infinite combinations of twisting & air entanglement
  • Endlessly recyclable yarn solution - available in both standard PA6 and 75% recycled content EqoCycle PA6 yarn
  • Efficient and flexible - all colors in stock to shorten lead-time; customized lot sizes

B.I.G. Yarns brings inspirational design freedom to high-end loop-pile contract and automotive carpets with the unveiling of ColorMind. The innovative yarn technology is B.I.G. Yarns’ first venture into a two steps yarn collection, offering a unique solution for creating multi-color PA6 yarns for any carpet design.

Available from mid-June 2021 in both standard and EqoCycle 75% recycled content yarn, designers are invited to work closely with B.I.G. Yarns experts to realize the designs they have always wanted. Combinations of variable levels of twisting and air entanglement, using up to 6 colors at once, elevate design possibilities beyond current limitations.

  • Create truly unique yarn designs: with up to 6 colors from a large predefined color range and infinite combinations of twisting & air entanglement
  • Endlessly recyclable yarn solution - available in both standard PA6 and 75% recycled content EqoCycle PA6 yarn
  • Efficient and flexible - all colors in stock to shorten lead-time; customized lot sizes

B.I.G. Yarns brings inspirational design freedom to high-end loop-pile contract and automotive carpets with the unveiling of ColorMind. The innovative yarn technology is B.I.G. Yarns’ first venture into a two steps yarn collection, offering a unique solution for creating multi-color PA6 yarns for any carpet design.

Available from mid-June 2021 in both standard and EqoCycle 75% recycled content yarn, designers are invited to work closely with B.I.G. Yarns experts to realize the designs they have always wanted. Combinations of variable levels of twisting and air entanglement, using up to 6 colors at once, elevate design possibilities beyond current limitations.

The ColorMind color bank features predefined colors, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom. To preview a taster of the potential directions opened up for loop-pile carpets, B.I.G. Yarns has used the technology to achieve its own “Optica” dot effect and “Illusion” wave effect as inspiration for customers’ design explorations.

“ColorMind offers never-seen yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. We’re very proud and excited to enter into two steps yarns with a solution offering something truly special, the result of intensive dedication from our design and development teams,” comments Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager, B.I.G. Yarns. “ColorMind combines our strengths in delivering high-performance, more sustainable yarns to fit the evolving demands of these segments, underpinned by our expertise in color sequencing and color mixing. We’re looking forward to exciting collaborations and innovative, eye-catching designs for future loop-pile carpets.”

ColorMind PA6 yarns are based on a unique Solution Dyed Nylon yarn and are suitable for Class 33 certification (heavy commercial use). The EqoCycle yarn version is mainly based on post-industrial waste and supports contract and automotive carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end carpets.




Flocus™ produces and enhances Kapok Fibers

Flocus™ offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens, which provide the textile industry with a naturally sustainable and regenerative alternative which has not been available before.

Kapok is a natural fiber, traditionally used by local population for fillings but with no large scale applications until Flocus™ founding. Beside kapok several interesting properties, there were some limits that had been inhibiting the possibility to use it at a larger scale and build a supply chain on textile products based on it: kapok fibers are short stapled ones (2-4 cm length), very light and empty inside: for this reason they incorporate air and made the spinning attempts unsuccessful.

Flocus™ pioneers sustainable and regenerative textile solutions based on kapok fiber, and it is creating a responsible supply chain for kapok.

With one of the most advanced technologies in the market, FLOCUS™ can spin the highest kapok percentage, offer yarns in the thinnest counts with the possibility of low minimum order quantity per blend.

Flocus™ offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens, which provide the textile industry with a naturally sustainable and regenerative alternative which has not been available before.

Kapok is a natural fiber, traditionally used by local population for fillings but with no large scale applications until Flocus™ founding. Beside kapok several interesting properties, there were some limits that had been inhibiting the possibility to use it at a larger scale and build a supply chain on textile products based on it: kapok fibers are short stapled ones (2-4 cm length), very light and empty inside: for this reason they incorporate air and made the spinning attempts unsuccessful.

Flocus™ pioneers sustainable and regenerative textile solutions based on kapok fiber, and it is creating a responsible supply chain for kapok.

With one of the most advanced technologies in the market, FLOCUS™ can spin the highest kapok percentage, offer yarns in the thinnest counts with the possibility of low minimum order quantity per blend.

Flocus™ Kapok offers products which can reduce the presence of animal and synthetic products in the market, utilizing a completely natural alternative without abandoning functionality.

The Flocus™ team works in partnership with companies who want to investigate the use of the eco-responsible fibers and is testing the wide range of applications of Flocus™ kapok stuffing, yarns, fabrics, nonwovens for thermo and sound insulation, waddings, foam replacement, medical, automotive and technical uses and others.




VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Webtalk on Technologies for Technical Textiles

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th December 2020, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm (CET). The topic will be “Technologies for Technical Textiles”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Bena Manasieva Cavus from company Georg Sahm, will show how to add value and performance to your technical yarns with a single end extrusion coating line. Title of the presentation: “Winding and Yarn coating of Technical Textiles”

Janpeter Horn and Dennis Behnken, HERZOG Flechtmaschinen will present new developments in technical braids such as rope braiding/tension members to replace steel wire, medical braids for stents, ligaments, sutures and composites for lightweight construction and near net-shape preforms. Title of the presentation: “New Developments in Technical Braids”

  • Webtalk on Technologies for Technical Textiles

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th December 2020, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm (CET). The topic will be “Technologies for Technical Textiles”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Bena Manasieva Cavus from company Georg Sahm, will show how to add value and performance to your technical yarns with a single end extrusion coating line. Title of the presentation: “Winding and Yarn coating of Technical Textiles”

Janpeter Horn and Dennis Behnken, HERZOG Flechtmaschinen will present new developments in technical braids such as rope braiding/tension members to replace steel wire, medical braids for stents, ligaments, sutures and composites for lightweight construction and near net-shape preforms. Title of the presentation: “New Developments in Technical Braids”

Hagen Lotzmann: "At KARL MAYER we work closely with our customers to offer the best cost–benefit ratio. We do this by using our advanced standard platforms as the basis for developing customised solutions." Title of the presentation: “Engineered solutions for technical textiles and composites – from standard application machines to customized systems”

After the presentations, the three experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Registration is possible.


VDMA e.V. Textilmaschinen

Oerlikon: Handhebel (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: Handhebel noch ergonomischer

Feineres Regulieren der Fadenabzugskraft, weniger Luftverbrauch bei gleicher Fadenspannung, leichtgängiges und ergonomisches Druckluftventil – das verspricht die Modernisierung der Fadenabsaug-Geräte AS H 32 und AS H 38.

Handinjektoren, wie die Fadenabsauggeräte auch genannt werden, gehören bei jeder Spinnposition zur Standardausrüstung. Die leistungsfähigen Handinjektoren der Baureihen AS H 32 und AS H 38 überzeugen vor allem mit weniger Luftverbrauch bei gleicher Fadenspannung. Möglich wird das durch höhere Fadenabzugskräfte speziell der Baureihe AS H 38. Bei einigen Anwendungen ist darüber hinaus das Anlegen ohne ‚Ramp-Up‘ möglich. Neu ist ebenfalls ein leichtgängigeres und ergonomischeres Druckluftregelventil, was die Handhabung der Fadenabsauggeräte für den Anwender angenehmer macht. Zudem lässt sich die Einstellung der benötigten Fadenabzugskraft feiner regulieren.

Die neuen ‚Hochleistungsgeräte‘ sind für Anwendungen konzipiert, die besonders hohe Saugleistungen erfordern. Als Pilotprojekte sind sie bereits seit Monaten erfolgreich zum Beispiel auch in einer BCF Garnanwendung in Europa und einer Bändchengarn-Anlage in den USA im Einsatz.

Feineres Regulieren der Fadenabzugskraft, weniger Luftverbrauch bei gleicher Fadenspannung, leichtgängiges und ergonomisches Druckluftventil – das verspricht die Modernisierung der Fadenabsaug-Geräte AS H 32 und AS H 38.

Handinjektoren, wie die Fadenabsauggeräte auch genannt werden, gehören bei jeder Spinnposition zur Standardausrüstung. Die leistungsfähigen Handinjektoren der Baureihen AS H 32 und AS H 38 überzeugen vor allem mit weniger Luftverbrauch bei gleicher Fadenspannung. Möglich wird das durch höhere Fadenabzugskräfte speziell der Baureihe AS H 38. Bei einigen Anwendungen ist darüber hinaus das Anlegen ohne ‚Ramp-Up‘ möglich. Neu ist ebenfalls ein leichtgängigeres und ergonomischeres Druckluftregelventil, was die Handhabung der Fadenabsauggeräte für den Anwender angenehmer macht. Zudem lässt sich die Einstellung der benötigten Fadenabzugskraft feiner regulieren.

Die neuen ‚Hochleistungsgeräte‘ sind für Anwendungen konzipiert, die besonders hohe Saugleistungen erfordern. Als Pilotprojekte sind sie bereits seit Monaten erfolgreich zum Beispiel auch in einer BCF Garnanwendung in Europa und einer Bändchengarn-Anlage in den USA im Einsatz.



VacuFil (c) Oerlikon

Recycling becomes a focus

Mountains of waste, plastic-infested oceans, negative CO2 footprints – the need for more sustainable ways of living has never been more urgent. Consequently, it is logical that recycling solutions are becoming increasingly important within the textile industry. This was also tapped into at the first virtual Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn with a session that focused specifically on the topic. In front of around 400 participants, Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management at Oerlikon Barmag, also spoke about solutions currently on the market.

As one of only manufactureres, the Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment offers the entire mechanical recycling chain –from preparing the recycled materials, producing the melt all the way through to the textured package. Here, the company utilizes the VacuFil solution supplied by its subsidiary Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE) –which, in addition to mastering bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-textile processes, is also able to process textile waste into chips. This permits the running of textile production operations very much in line with the zero-waste philosophy.

Mountains of waste, plastic-infested oceans, negative CO2 footprints – the need for more sustainable ways of living has never been more urgent. Consequently, it is logical that recycling solutions are becoming increasingly important within the textile industry. This was also tapped into at the first virtual Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn with a session that focused specifically on the topic. In front of around 400 participants, Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management at Oerlikon Barmag, also spoke about solutions currently on the market.

As one of only manufactureres, the Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment offers the entire mechanical recycling chain –from preparing the recycled materials, producing the melt all the way through to the textured package. Here, the company utilizes the VacuFil solution supplied by its subsidiary Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE) –which, in addition to mastering bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-textile processes, is also able to process textile waste into chips. This permits the running of textile production operations very much in line with the zero-waste philosophy.

VacuFil ensures a stable process in the case of recycled quality yarns
The reliable removal of contaminants is vital for a stable and efficient spinning process and outstanding yarn quality. At the same time, stable operating conditions with minimal fluctuations are essential. The greatest challenge here is the differing qualities of the bottle flakes fed into the system, as the extrusion process is barely able to balance these fluctuations. Here, the VacuFil concept counters with blending silos, which reduce the differences in the viscosity of the polymers considerably and guarantee high yarn and fabric quality.

The VacuFil concept is installed upstream to an Oerlikon Barmag POY system, which transforms the recycled melt into filament yarn of the accustomed high quality. As texturing solutions, Oerlikon Barmag offers its state-of-the-art automatic eAFK-series systems, including the latest generation of the eAFK Evo, which was unveiled at the ITMA Barcelona last year. Yarn manufacturers wishing to continue texturing manually can use the eFK series.

With the VarioFil R+, producers of smaller batches now also have a compact system with an integrated recycled materials preparation unit at their disposal. The system offers a special extrusion system for bottle flake materials, the very latest metering and mixing technology for spin-dying and expanded 2-stage melt filtration. The four spinning positions are each equipped with an Oerlikon Barmag 10-end WINGS POY winder.

While mechanical recycling has already been extensively developed, chemical recycling for mixed fabrics is still presenting the textile industry with huge challenges. The Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment is currently working on solutions and concepts for transforming these fabrics into new textiles.


Weitere Informationen:
Oerlikon Sustainability Yarns


(c) Beaulieu International Group

Beaulieu International Group announces global price increases for its Engineered Products

Beaulieu Engineered Products announces global price increases across its Fibres, Yarns and Technical Textiles divisions effective as of January 1st 2019, or as contract terms allow.
The move follows on-going significant increases in energy, raw material and delivery costs.

Sales representatives will contact customers individually over the coming weeks to discuss the impact of the price changes on their specific products.
Karena Cancilleri, Vice President of Beaulieu Engineered Products, comments: “Through the price increases, Beaulieu Engineered Products will be able to maintain the level of innovative and reliable support our customers expect. At the same time, our three divisions will continue to look at ways to improve their operations to limit the effect of any further internal cost increases on customers.”


Beaulieu Engineered Products announces global price increases across its Fibres, Yarns and Technical Textiles divisions effective as of January 1st 2019, or as contract terms allow.
The move follows on-going significant increases in energy, raw material and delivery costs.

Sales representatives will contact customers individually over the coming weeks to discuss the impact of the price changes on their specific products.
Karena Cancilleri, Vice President of Beaulieu Engineered Products, comments: “Through the price increases, Beaulieu Engineered Products will be able to maintain the level of innovative and reliable support our customers expect. At the same time, our three divisions will continue to look at ways to improve their operations to limit the effect of any further internal cost increases on customers.”


Weitere Informationen:
Beaulieu International Group

Beaulieu International Group


EqoBalance® von Beaulieu Yarns erhält Green Product Award 2018

  • Erste Biomassebilanz-Polyamidgarne für Teppiche
  • Teppichhersteller können damit zum reduzierten Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe, zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen und so zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen
  • Geeignet für Teppichfliesen, -dielen und -böden im Objektmarkt sowie zur Automobil- und Raumausstattung

Beaulieu Yarns, weltweit aktiver Hersteller hochwertiger synthetischer Polyamid- und Polypropylengarne, ist für die Familie seiner EqoBalance® Biomassebilanz-Garne mit dem Green Product Award 2018 in der Kategorie Material ausgezeichnet worden.

EqoBalance, die ersten Biomassebilanz-Polyamidgarne für Teppiche, gehörten zu einer Vorauswahl von 400 Einreichungen aus 25 Ländern. Rund 100 Kandidaten wurden dann einer internationalen Jury vorgestellt, die sie nach fachlichem Design, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit beurteilte. In 12 Kategorien wurden schließlich insgesamt 24 Preisträger gekürt. Eine Publikumswertung für den Audience Award findet vom 17. Juli bis zum 17. August statt.

  • Erste Biomassebilanz-Polyamidgarne für Teppiche
  • Teppichhersteller können damit zum reduzierten Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe, zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen und so zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen
  • Geeignet für Teppichfliesen, -dielen und -böden im Objektmarkt sowie zur Automobil- und Raumausstattung

Beaulieu Yarns, weltweit aktiver Hersteller hochwertiger synthetischer Polyamid- und Polypropylengarne, ist für die Familie seiner EqoBalance® Biomassebilanz-Garne mit dem Green Product Award 2018 in der Kategorie Material ausgezeichnet worden.

EqoBalance, die ersten Biomassebilanz-Polyamidgarne für Teppiche, gehörten zu einer Vorauswahl von 400 Einreichungen aus 25 Ländern. Rund 100 Kandidaten wurden dann einer internationalen Jury vorgestellt, die sie nach fachlichem Design, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit beurteilte. In 12 Kategorien wurden schließlich insgesamt 24 Preisträger gekürt. Eine Publikumswertung für den Audience Award findet vom 17. Juli bis zum 17. August statt.

EqoBalance PA6-Garne folgen dem Biomassebilanz-Prinzip, das auf der allerersten Stufe der Wertschöpfungskette in der Produktion von Polymeren zur Garnherstellung die Substitution fossiler Ressourcen durch erneuerbare natürliche Rohmaterialien sicherstellt. Die nachhaltigen Garne entsprechen dem TÜV SÜD Standard CMS 71 zur Zertifizierung des Einsatzes erneuerbarer Rohstoffe. Die Zertifizierung bestätigt die Einsparungen an fossilen Ressourcen. Das Potenzial zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen als Folge der Substitution fossiler Stoffe wird im Rahmen einer Lebenszyklusbewertung (Life Cycle Analysis, LCA) errechnet. Demnach ermöglichen EqoBalance-Garne gegenüber Beaulieu-Garnprodukten auf fossiler Basis eine um bis zu 75 Prozent reduzierte Kohlendioxidäquivalenz (CO2eq/kg).
Emmanuel Colchen, Global Sales Director, Beaulieu Yarns, kommentiert: „Wir freuen uns sehr, diesen Green Product Award für unsere ® Familie zu erhalten. Diese PA6-Garne erschließen Teppichherstellern eine direkte, in Qualität und Leistung gleichwertige Alternative zu fossil basierten Produkten. Mit EqoBalance können sie zum reduzierten Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe, zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen und so zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen.“

Beaulieu Yarns bietet ein breites Portfolio an PA6-Garnen zur Fertigung von Teppichfliesen, -dielen und -böden für den Einsatz in geschäftlichen Büroräumen, Gastgewerbe-, Bildungs- und Gesundheitspflege-Einrichtungen, Kraftfahrzeugen und Wohnbereichen.

Der Green Product Award ist ein jährlicher internationaler Wettbewerb für innovative, nachhaltige Produkte und Dienstleistungen in den Kategorien Architektur, Arbeitswelt, Energie, Elektronik, Mode, Forschung, Freestyle, Kinder, Kommunikation, Konsumgüter, Mobilität, Möbel und Wohnaccessoires. Der Preis richtet sich an etablierte Firmen und Start-ups.

Ziel des Preises ist, eine Sammlung „grüner“ Lösungen für Verbraucher und Einkäufer zu erstellen, die bestehende Produkte nachhaltig substituieren. Seit 2013 hat der Wettbewerb Einreichungen aus über 40 Ländern erhalten. Seitdem wurden die Exponate auf internationalen Fachmessen und Designfestivals mehr als 500.000 Besuchern präsentiert.

Weitere Informationen:
Beaulieu Beaulieu Yarns

EMG for Beaulieu International Group