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8 Ergebnisse
Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative (c) Celanese Corporation

Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

NEOLAST™ fibers will be produced using recyclable elastoester polymers. As end users transition to a more circular economy, Celanese and Under Armour are exploring the potential of the fibers to improve the compatibility of stretch fabrics with future recycling systems and infrastructure.

In addition to the sustainability benefits, the new NEOLAST™ fibers deliver increased production precision, allowing spinners to dial power-stretch levels up or down and engineer fibers to meet a broader array of fabric specifications.


Celanese Corporation

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) launch fibre made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles (c) ADVANSA

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) launch fibre made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) join forces to launch REMOTION®, a premium fibre for sports and activewear, made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles with full end-to-end traceability from Prevented Ocean Plastic™. REMOTION® offers a solution for textiles that merges ocean protection with built-in biodegradability. The fibres break-down in marine environments to prevent microplastic pollution of the oceans, a problem which can be the consequence of fibre-shedding from apparel laundry waste-water.

Remotion® offers a solution with various sustainable features such as biodegradability and recyclability, with customized performance features such as anti-bacterial properties and moisture management built-in to the fibre. Moreover, the fibre is also offered in customer curated colours that guarantee very good colour fastness. Thus, this “all-in-one” fibre contributes to a sustainable and healthy environment with savings in water, energy, chemicals, and CO2. The fibre is available in a range of filament and staple options with two variants: REMOTION® Blue made from ocean-bound plastic bottles, REMOTION® Green made from domestic recycled plastic bottles.

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) join forces to launch REMOTION®, a premium fibre for sports and activewear, made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles with full end-to-end traceability from Prevented Ocean Plastic™. REMOTION® offers a solution for textiles that merges ocean protection with built-in biodegradability. The fibres break-down in marine environments to prevent microplastic pollution of the oceans, a problem which can be the consequence of fibre-shedding from apparel laundry waste-water.

Remotion® offers a solution with various sustainable features such as biodegradability and recyclability, with customized performance features such as anti-bacterial properties and moisture management built-in to the fibre. Moreover, the fibre is also offered in customer curated colours that guarantee very good colour fastness. Thus, this “all-in-one” fibre contributes to a sustainable and healthy environment with savings in water, energy, chemicals, and CO2. The fibre is available in a range of filament and staple options with two variants: REMOTION® Blue made from ocean-bound plastic bottles, REMOTION® Green made from domestic recycled plastic bottles.

REMOTION® Blue is a specially engineered polyester fibre made from ocean-bound plastic as a premium raw material with a social aspect. ADVANSA and APF are cooperating with Prevented Ocean Plastic™, a global recycling initiative that helps tens of thousands of people around the world to clean their coastlines, prevent ocean plastic pollution and earn additional income. Discarded plastic bottles are picked up by plastic collectors from coastal areas at risk of ocean plastic pollution and are taken to collection centres. The plastic bottles are then sorted out, cleaned and processed into raw material flakes which are used as a premium ingredient for REMOTION® Blue range of products.

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers are launching REMOTION® at the Performance Days in Munich from 3-5 October 2023.



Die beiden Preisträgerinnen Nadine Bullerdiek (l.) und Antonia Dannenberg Foto Hochschule Niederrhein

Wilhelm-Lorch-Preis für Antonia Dannenberg und Nadine Bullerdiek

Die Studentinnen Antonia Dannenberg und Nadine Bullerdiek vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein sind von der Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung ausgezeichnet worden. Dannenberg erhielt den Preis in der Kategorie Technik für ihre Arbeit „Graphen in alpiner Wintersportbekleidung“, Bullerdiek hatte die Jury mit ihrer englischsprachigen Arbeit „Dyeing of Poly(lactic acid) Fibres for Circular Textile Products“ überzeugen können. Der Preis ist mit 5000 Euro dotiert.

In der Arbeit von Antonia Dannenberg (Betreuende Professor:innen Dr. Robert Groten & Karin Stark) werden unterschiedliche mit Graphen ausgerüstete Polyesterproben hinsichtlich ihrer Wärmeleitfähigkeit untersucht. Graphen ist eine zweidimensionale Kohlenstoffatomschicht mit einzigartigen Eigenschaften. Viele Outdoor-Bekleidungshersteller bringen immer mehr mit Graphen ausgerüstete Produkte auf den Markt. Insbesondere in der alpinen Wintersportbekleidung gewinnt der Werkstoff zunehmend an Bedeutung.

Die Studentinnen Antonia Dannenberg und Nadine Bullerdiek vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein sind von der Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung ausgezeichnet worden. Dannenberg erhielt den Preis in der Kategorie Technik für ihre Arbeit „Graphen in alpiner Wintersportbekleidung“, Bullerdiek hatte die Jury mit ihrer englischsprachigen Arbeit „Dyeing of Poly(lactic acid) Fibres for Circular Textile Products“ überzeugen können. Der Preis ist mit 5000 Euro dotiert.

In der Arbeit von Antonia Dannenberg (Betreuende Professor:innen Dr. Robert Groten & Karin Stark) werden unterschiedliche mit Graphen ausgerüstete Polyesterproben hinsichtlich ihrer Wärmeleitfähigkeit untersucht. Graphen ist eine zweidimensionale Kohlenstoffatomschicht mit einzigartigen Eigenschaften. Viele Outdoor-Bekleidungshersteller bringen immer mehr mit Graphen ausgerüstete Produkte auf den Markt. Insbesondere in der alpinen Wintersportbekleidung gewinnt der Werkstoff zunehmend an Bedeutung.

Eingearbeitet in textile Flächen bzw. Bekleidung, soll Graphen diesen die Eigenschaft verleihen, Wärme von erhitzen Stellen der Bekleidung an kühlere Stellen zu leiten. Durch diesen Wärmeausgleich würden Sportler:innen potenziell weniger Energie verbrauchen und wären somit leistungsfähiger. Dannenbergs Arbeit hat sich mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, ob Graphen tatsächlich zur Optimierung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit der Textilien beitragen.

Die durchgeführte Untersuchung hat gezeigt, dass die Wärme sich im aktuellen Forschungsstadium noch nicht wie gewünscht über das Textil verteilt. Keine Probe wies erkennbare Veränderungen auf. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt befindet sich die Übertragung der Eigenschaften von Graphen auf textile Flächen in einem frühen Forschungsstadium. Eine Kommerzialisierung von textilen Graphen-Produkten ist demnach aus Forschungssicht bisher noch nicht ausreichend umsetzbar. Aufgrund des weltweiten Interesses ist aber damit zu rechnen, dass in naher Zukunft das Material alltagstauglich und funktionsoptimierend in Bekleidung integriert werden kann. Antonia Dannenberg rundete ihre technische Arbeit mit einer zusätzlichen Designarbeit zum Thema Sportswear ab.

Nadine Bullerdiek hat sich in ihrer Bachelorarbeit („Dyeing of Poly(lactic acid) Fibres for Circular Textile Products”) mit dem Färben von PLA-Fasern für kreislauffähige textile Produkte auseinandergesetzt (Betreuende Professorin: Dr. Maike Rabe).

PLA-Fasern (engl. poly(lactic acid)) gelten als vielversprechende Alternative zu konventionellen Polyesterfasern. Sie sind biobasiert, recyclingfähig und unter industriellen Bedingungen biologisch abbaubar. Somit eignen sie sich für die Herstellung kreislauffähiger Textilien.

Das Problem: PLA-Fasern sind hydrolyseanfällig, besonders unter alkalischen Bedingungen und hohen Temperaturen. Dies bedeutet, dass es beim Färben im Wasserbad zu einem Festigkeitsverlust der Fasern kommen kann. Die Preisträgerin hat in ihrer Arbeit die Auswirkungen der Färbeparameter Zeit, Temperatur und pH-Wert auf die Festigkeit und Farbintensität eines PLA-Zwirns untersucht. So konnten die idealen Färbebedingungen mit möglichst hoher Farbintensität und möglichst geringem Festigkeitsverlust für das Färben des PLA-Zwirns mit Dispersionsfarbstoffen ermittelt werden. Die Arbeit wurde in Kooperation mit dem niederländischen Start-up Arapaha durchgeführt.


Hochschule Niederrhein

comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x Bild Freudenberg
comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x

Freudenberg mit nachhaltigen Produktneuheiten auf der ISPO 2022

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel präsentiert als Spezialist für Einlagen aus Geweben, Gewirken, Gestricken sowie Vliesstoffen und Thermo-Isolierungen nachhaltige Lösungen für Sportbekleidung und angrenzende Produktsegmente aller auf der ISPO in München.

Die Messebesucher erwartet ein breites Spektrum innovativer und nachhaltiger Einlagenstoffe für Aktivsport-Outfits, Stretch-Einlagen für Yoga Wear, Pilates & Co sowie Thermo-Isolierungen, die Outdoor-Tragekomfort mit Wärmespeicherung verbinden. Mit Thermo-Isolierungen der Marke comfortemp® und der Active Range zeigt Freudenberg ein Gesamtpaket für Outdoor- und Sportbekleidung für den Wintersport: Thermo-Isolierungen, Einlagen, Bänder, Futterstoffe und Klebelösungen.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel präsentiert als Spezialist für Einlagen aus Geweben, Gewirken, Gestricken sowie Vliesstoffen und Thermo-Isolierungen nachhaltige Lösungen für Sportbekleidung und angrenzende Produktsegmente aller auf der ISPO in München.

Die Messebesucher erwartet ein breites Spektrum innovativer und nachhaltiger Einlagenstoffe für Aktivsport-Outfits, Stretch-Einlagen für Yoga Wear, Pilates & Co sowie Thermo-Isolierungen, die Outdoor-Tragekomfort mit Wärmespeicherung verbinden. Mit Thermo-Isolierungen der Marke comfortemp® und der Active Range zeigt Freudenberg ein Gesamtpaket für Outdoor- und Sportbekleidung für den Wintersport: Thermo-Isolierungen, Einlagen, Bänder, Futterstoffe und Klebelösungen.

Die unabhängige Jury hat das zu 100 Prozent biologisch abbaubare Volumenvlies comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x, hergestellt aus Lyocell-Regeneratfasern, für den Textrends Award zur Saison Herbst/Winter 2024/25 nominiert. Prämiert werden ausschließlich innovative Produkte, die wegweisend für die Entwicklung der Textilbranche sind. comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x weist eine Vielzahl von Leistungsmerkmalen auf, ist wärmeisolierend, bakterienhemmend und schnell trocknend, ferner wasserabweisend. Hoher Tragekomfort und die Sicherung eines perfekten Feuchtigkeitshaushalts zeichnet das Volumenvlies für den Einsatz in der Sportswear aus.

Freudenberg stellt auf der Messe das gesamte europäische und globales Produktportfolio aus seinem “House of Sustainability“ vor. Das “House of Sustainability“ unterstützt das untenrehmen dabei, seinen ökologischen Fußabdruck zu minimieren und seinen ökologischen Handabdruck zu maximieren. Dafür werden die eigenen Herstellungsprozesse so gestaltet, dass die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt auf ein Minimum reduziert werden. Darüber hinaus werden Produkte entwickelt, die Kunden dabei unterstützen nachhaltiger zu produzieren.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

(c) adidas

adidas by Stella McCartney: Industry-First, with Viscose Sportswear

The garment is part of the New Cotton Project, an EU Consortium of key players united to demonstrate the potential of circular garment production
adidas by Stella McCartney presented a first of its kind sportswear garment designed to demonstrate the potential of a circular fashion ecosystem. Joining forces with leading names and innovators in the fashion industry to create, test, and innovate, the tracksuit forms the pinnacle expression of the brand’s pilot circularity program, Made to Be Remade. A take-back scheme where consumers can wear it down and then return it by scanning a QR code via the product so it can be remade. Moving adidas closer to its goal to help end plastic waste.

The garment is part of the New Cotton Project, an EU Consortium of key players united to demonstrate the potential of circular garment production
adidas by Stella McCartney presented a first of its kind sportswear garment designed to demonstrate the potential of a circular fashion ecosystem. Joining forces with leading names and innovators in the fashion industry to create, test, and innovate, the tracksuit forms the pinnacle expression of the brand’s pilot circularity program, Made to Be Remade. A take-back scheme where consumers can wear it down and then return it by scanning a QR code via the product so it can be remade. Moving adidas closer to its goal to help end plastic waste.

It’s currently estimated that just under 1% of all textiles worldwide are recycled into new textiles, so it’s vital the textile industry comes together to learn and knowledge-share. Scheduled across a three-year period, the consortium which includes partners such as Frankenhuis have collected and sorted post-consumer end-of-life textiles, which using pioneering Infinited Fiber technology have been regenerated into a new man-made cellulosic fiber called Infinna™ - which looks and feels just like virgin cotton. This is then turned into a yarn blended with organic cotton, for garment production.

Designing the tracksuit, made using viscose (60% viscose, 40% organic cotton) as a consortium member took the process from a linear to a circular model , as the apparel’s function and style were of equal focus to the garment’s end of life existence.

At the end of the project, consortium partner Aalto University, a Finnish multidisciplinary community specialising in science, art, technology , and design, will distribute learnings with the industry and bring this potential circular design solution to the ever-eco-conscious consumer.



(c) adidas AG

adidas introduces FW22 Made with Nature Capsule Collection

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

Christopher Wheat, Global Category Director Running Footwear said: “At adidas, we understand that change is not only possible, it’s an urgent necessity. With Made with Nature, we are on a journey to a world beyond plastic. We’re calling time on conventional materials and methods of make. Once depleted, there’s no coming back for fossil resources. But when we design in synergy with natural processes, when we make with nature, we can use materials that regrow or regenerate – and change the way products are made."


adidas AG

(c) Hologenix

Hologenix: Pure White Celliant wins ISPO Textrends Award

Hologenix® is pleased to announce that its newest innovation – pure white CELLIANT® – is a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24. Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. It’s no surprise that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared technology can be embedded in fibers and for those fibers to be pure white, has achieved this honor. Pure white expands the potential applications of CELLIANT to crisp white performance and athleisure apparel, athletic uniforms and jerseys, towels, bedding, baby clothes, medical apparel and more, while maintaining its well-known wellness benefits. Pure white is the foundation that makes delicate pastel fabrics, as well as any color, possible.

Hologenix® is pleased to announce that its newest innovation – pure white CELLIANT® – is a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24. Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. It’s no surprise that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared technology can be embedded in fibers and for those fibers to be pure white, has achieved this honor. Pure white expands the potential applications of CELLIANT to crisp white performance and athleisure apparel, athletic uniforms and jerseys, towels, bedding, baby clothes, medical apparel and more, while maintaining its well-known wellness benefits. Pure white is the foundation that makes delicate pastel fabrics, as well as any color, possible.

Pure white CELLIANT still captures and converts body heat into infrared energy, increasing local circulation, aiding in temperature regulation and promoting stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep. Pure white CELLIANT is also still made from ethically sourced minerals from the earth and is available in nylon, polyester and recycled polyester fibers, while retaining the natural characteristics of the polymer.

This award follows on the heels of the 2022/23 ISPO Textrends Awards finalist selection of CELLIANT viscose in the Fibers and Insulations category, which features CELLIANT embedded into plant-based fibers.  “We are honored to achieve this recognition from ISPO for our pure white CELLIANT,” said Courtney OKeefe, Chief Supply Chain Officer for Hologenix. “This new formulation took years of work to achieve and is a testament to the dedication and talent of our global research team. We are also very proud to be able to state that we now have two ISPO-recognized fibers.”

Weitere Informationen:
Hologenix Celliant Sportswear Fibers

Hologenix, LLC / Sarah P. Fletcher Communications 

(c) ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei will showcase at Filo

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

Bemberg™ will be at Filo showing some selected fabric innovation, and three responsible-driven designers representing different and complementary part of contemporary consumer wardrobe: ZEROBARRACENTO, Maurizio Miri and WAXEWUL.
Bemberg™ will be also involved in two speeches – entitled “Il viaggio di Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei verso una moda contemporanea, premium e responsabile” - organized by the fair (Sept. 29th and 30th at 4pm), where it will share its story made of creation, production and process, as well as product performance, aspects related to sustainability and circular economy approach.


Asahi Kasei / GB Network / C.L.A.S.S.