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13 Ergebnisse

BVMed-Positionspapier zur Europawahl

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seinem Positionspapier zur Europawahl am 9. Juni 2024 einen eigenen Gesundheitsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament, um den gestiegenen Stellenwert der Gesundheitsthemen abzubilden. Unter dem Titel „Medizintechnik-Standort Europa stärken“ ist es für den deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband besonders wichtig, dass Europa Lehren aus der Corona-Pandemie zieht, die Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems stärkt und damit die medizinische Versorgung krisenfest gestaltet. „Wir brauchen als MedTech-Branche vor allem einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen – ohne zusätzliche oder gar weitergehende Standards in den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seinem Positionspapier zur Europawahl am 9. Juni 2024 einen eigenen Gesundheitsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament, um den gestiegenen Stellenwert der Gesundheitsthemen abzubilden. Unter dem Titel „Medizintechnik-Standort Europa stärken“ ist es für den deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband besonders wichtig, dass Europa Lehren aus der Corona-Pandemie zieht, die Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems stärkt und damit die medizinische Versorgung krisenfest gestaltet. „Wir brauchen als MedTech-Branche vor allem einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen – ohne zusätzliche oder gar weitergehende Standards in den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Um ein widerstandsfähiges Gesundheitssystem zu schaffen, fordert der BVMed attraktive Rahmenbedingungen für lokale Produktion und die Stärkung der Resilienz der Lieferketten. Eine „digitale Bestandsplattform für versorgungskritische Medizinprodukte und Arzneimittel“ könne zudem dazu beitragen, dass kritische Produkte uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung stehen. Sinnvoll sei auch eine „Whitelist für kritische Rohstoffe unter dem Critical Raw Materials Act“. Bei der Erarbeitung von politischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz und Integrität von Lieferketten müssen alle relevanten Stakeholder einbezogen werden – „inklusive der Medizintechnikbranche“, heißt es im BVMed-Europapapier.

Beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit spricht sich der MedTech-Verband dafür aus, die Vorgaben des europäischen Green Deals am Wohl der Patient:innen auszurichten. „Neue oder geänderte Regulierungen dürfen niemals die Versorgung von Patient:innen gefährden“, heißt es im Positionspapier. Da Produktänderungen zeit- und ressourcenintensiv sowie in der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) streng reguliert seien, benötigen umwelt- und nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Regulierungen, die Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheitsversorgung haben, angemessene Ausnahmeregelungen und Übergangsfristen.

Ein wichtiges Anliegen sind dem BVMed die Verbesserungen der MDR, um einen effizienten regulatorischen Rahmen für Medizinprodukte zu schaffen, der die Patient:innenversorgung gewährleistet. Der BVMed fordert daher unter anderem die Abschaffung der fünfjährigen Re-Zertifizierungs-Pflicht, die Einführung eines Fast-Track-Verfahrens für innovative Produkte, Orphan Devices und Nischenprodukte, die Steigerung der Effizienz, der Transparenz und der Berechenbarkeit des MDR-Systems sowie die Zusammenführung der Verantwortung im System über eine zu schaffende Governance-Struktur. Doppelregulierungen müssten durch die Harmonisierung der Anforderungen in verschiedenen Rechtsakten verhindert werden.

Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Positionen des deutschen MedTech-Verbandes ist es, Innovationen voranzutreiben und Digitalisierung zu forcieren. Der Europäische Raum für Gesundheitsdaten (EHDS) lege die Grundlage für den Datenaustausch und die Datennutzung für Unternehmen. Der Artificial Intelligence Act (AI-Act) solle bessere Möglichkeiten für die KI-Entwicklung schaffen, bringe aber auch neue Pflichten für Medizinprodukte mit sich, die effizient mit der bestehenden MDR in Einklang gebracht werden müssten. Der BVMed setzt sich für die Schaffung eines echten Binnenmarkts für digitale Gesundheitslösungen mit europaweiten Zulassungen und einheitlichen Standards für Datensicherheit aus. Der EHDS müsse allen Stakeholdern einen gleichberechtigten mit geringem bürokratischem Aufwand bieten. Außerdem müsste die Interoperabilität von Daten auf der Grundlage von international anerkannten Standards ausgebaut werden – „bei weitgehendem Verzicht auf nationale Besonderheiten bei Datenstandards“.

Schließlich sei es auf europäischer Ebene wichtig, Handel auszubauen, Fachkräfte zu sichern und Exporte zu stärken. Tendenzen der Renationalisierung und des Protektionismus erschwerten Europa die Handelsbeziehungen mit Drittstaaten und sorgen für erhebliche Marktzugangshürden. „Eine offene Handelspolitik ist jedoch für die exportstarke Medizintechnik-Branche ein entscheidender Faktor. Damit die Industrie so stark bleibt, bedarf es zudem der Sicherung des nötigen Fachkräftebedarfes“, heißt es in dem BVMed-Papier.



Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

ITMF: Increase in raw materials consumption (c) ITMF
Global Installed Capacities and Raw Material Consumption in the Short-Staple Organized (Spinning Mill-) Sector of the Textile Industries (1992-2022)

ITMF: Increase in raw materials consumption

ITMF (International Textile Manufacturer Federation) has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world.

The global number of installed short-staple spindles has grown from 225 million units in 2021 to 227 million units in 2022. The number of installed open-end rotors increased from 8.3 million in 2021 to 9.5 million in 2022. This constitutes the strongest growth ever recorded in this market with investment disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles continued to increase in all regions in 2022.

ITMF (International Textile Manufacturer Federation) has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world.

The global number of installed short-staple spindles has grown from 225 million units in 2021 to 227 million units in 2022. The number of installed open-end rotors increased from 8.3 million in 2021 to 9.5 million in 2022. This constitutes the strongest growth ever recorded in this market with investment disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles continued to increase in all regions in 2022.

The substitution between shuttle and shuttle-less looms continued in 2022. The number of installed shuttle-less looms increased from 1.72 million in 2021 to 1.85 in 2022 while installed shuttle looms reached 952 thousand. Total raw material consumption in the short-staple organized sector slightly decreased from 45,6 million tons in 2021 to 44,26 million tons in 2022. Consumption of raw cotton and synthetic short-staple fibers decreased by -2.5% and -0.7%, respectively. Consumption of cellulosic short-staple fibers increased by 2.5%.


ITMF - International Textile Manufacturer Federation


Way2ITMA: Recycling technologies offered by VDMA members

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials
Weitere Informationen:
VDMA ITMA 2023 ITMA Recycling raw materials



Source Fashion: New international fashion sourcing platform in UK

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The main Indian Pavilion at this year’s Source Fashion, in collaboration with the Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council, will showcase 20 established garment and textile exporters specialising in wool, woollen and acrylic fibres. The exhibitors will be showing full garments including men’s, women’s and kidswear as well as a selection of fabrics and raw materials. These exhibitors are regular export partners to the UK retail industry and already work with some big retailers in white label production.

The China Pavilion will present a selection of high-quality Chinese manufacturers ranging from full garment manufacturing through to raw materials, fabrics, cashmere and components.

Other producers and manufacturers attending Source Fashion from across Europe and the UK include:

  • Mivania - an Italian knitwear manufacturer producing garments in 100% cashmere and cashmere blends.
  • SATCoL (Salvation Army Trading Company) - a charity-owned textiles collector in the UK, actively working with retailers to reduce their carbon footprints.
  • Kusilas - a Spanish company monitoring all the stages of the production process.
  • Prime Casual - based in Leicester, UK, they specialise in the design and manufacture of ladies clothing from fast fashion, wholesale to bespoke tailoring.
  • Athos Pallas - a fashion and textile agency located in Thessaloniki, Greece.



Source Fashion by Hyve / Good Results PR


Lenzing reagiert mit Einsparprogramm auf Ergebnisentwicklung

Die Lenzing Gruppe war in den ersten drei Quartalen 2022 wie die gesamte verarbeitende Industrie zunehmend von den extremen Entwicklungen an den globalen Energie- und Rohstoffmärkten betroffen. Insbesondere im Verlauf des dritten Quartals verschlechterte sich das Marktumfeld drastisch und das sich eintrübende Konsumklima belastete die Geschäftsentwicklung der Lenzing zusätzlich.

Die Lenzing Gruppe war in den ersten drei Quartalen 2022 wie die gesamte verarbeitende Industrie zunehmend von den extremen Entwicklungen an den globalen Energie- und Rohstoffmärkten betroffen. Insbesondere im Verlauf des dritten Quartals verschlechterte sich das Marktumfeld drastisch und das sich eintrübende Konsumklima belastete die Geschäftsentwicklung der Lenzing zusätzlich.

  • Umsatzerlöse in den ersten drei Quartalen um 24 Prozent gesteigert, deutlich verschlechtertes Marktumfeld belastet aber Ergebnisentwicklung
  • Ergebnis 2022 im Bereich der aktuellen Markterwartung
  • Programm zur Reorganisation und Kostensenkung in Höhe von EUR 70 Mio. in Umsetzung
  • Aufsichtsrat bestellt neuen Chief Financial Officer – Nico Reiner folgt per 01.01.2023 Thomas Obendrauf nach (siehe hier)

Der Krieg in der Ukraine, Chinas Zero-Covid-Politik und die stark gestiegene Inflation haben die Weltwirtschaft deutlich beeinträchtigt. Der Internationale Währungsfonds senkte seine Wachstumserwartungen für das laufende Kalenderjahr im Juli auf 3,2 Prozent. Dieses verschlechterte Marktumfeld belastet zunehmend auch das Konsumklima sowie die Stimmung in den für Lenzing relevanten Industrien. Infolgedessen gingen die Geschäftsaussichten im dritten Quartal deutlich zurück.

Der Zwischenbericht 01-09/2022 ist auf der Unternehmenswebsite abrufbar.


Lenzing AG

Foto: Texhibition

Premiere der TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair

  • Erfolgreicher Start der Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair mit über 10.000 Besuchern aus 63 Ländern
  • 166 Austeller haben auf ca. 5.000 qm im Istanbul Expo Center Stoffe, Garne und Acessoires präsentiert
  • Zahlreiche Ordertätigkeit von über 1 Mrd. US$
  • Zielsetzung des Veranstalters: die Fläche und Ausstellerzahl der zweiten Veranstaltung im September zu verdoppeln

Mit über 10.000 Besuchern ist die Premierenveranstaltung der Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organisiert von der Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) und dem Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) vom 16. bis 18. März 2022 erfolgreich gestartet.

  • Erfolgreicher Start der Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair mit über 10.000 Besuchern aus 63 Ländern
  • 166 Austeller haben auf ca. 5.000 qm im Istanbul Expo Center Stoffe, Garne und Acessoires präsentiert
  • Zahlreiche Ordertätigkeit von über 1 Mrd. US$
  • Zielsetzung des Veranstalters: die Fläche und Ausstellerzahl der zweiten Veranstaltung im September zu verdoppeln

Mit über 10.000 Besuchern ist die Premierenveranstaltung der Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organisiert von der Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) und dem Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) vom 16. bis 18. März 2022 erfolgreich gestartet.

İTHİB Präsident Ahmet Öksüz: „Unsere Messeplattformen Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair und IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection, die von unserem Schwesterverband IHKIB im Februar gelauncht wurde, spielen eine wichtige Rolle dabei, Istanbul zum Fashion-Zentrum der türkischen Textil und Bekleidungsindustrie zu machen. Zur Folgeveranstaltung der Texhibition im September diesen Jahres erwarten wir eine Verdopplung der Ausstellerzahl und Fläche.”

Die türkische Textilindustrie verfolgt 2022 ein Exportziel von 15 Milliarden US$. Die Messeveranstalter gehen davon aus, dass ihre Plattformen 1 Milliarde US$ dazu beitragen werden. Die Türkei ist für die europäische Textilindustrie einer der wichtigsten Beschaffungsmärkte und gewinnt im Zuge der weltweiten Lieferkettenproblematik noch mehr an Bedeutung und gehört nun zu den Top 3 der interessantesten Beschaffungsstandorte miit ihren günstigen Preisen, qualitativ guten Produkten, zuverlässigen Lieferanten und kurzen Lieferzeiten.

Im Texhibition Forum wurde mit Experten zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Neue Trends, Supply Chain und GMO-Free Cotton, die einen Ausblick auf die kommenden Trends und Entwicklungen der türkischen Textilindustrie gaben, diskutiert. Sämtliche Veranstaltungen wurden von den Besuchern stark frequentiert.

Nächster Termin:
Texhibition September 21-23, 2022

Weitere Informationen:
Texhibition Türkei


RadiciGroup: Producing apparel from waste oil (c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: Producing apparel from waste oil

RadiciGroup demonstrates the feasibility of industrial-scale production of polyamides (nylon) starting from bio adipic acid obtained from renewable raw materials, including waste oil and by-products of the oil industry. Potential application sectors for the process and products are textile/fashion, automotive, design, electrical and electronics.

The research was conducted through the Ulysses project and experimentation was performed in collaboration with research centres and universities. Partial funding was received from the Region of Piedmont, within the scope of the “Call for Proposals IR2 (Industrialization of research results)”. The ambitious, innovative multiyear project was launched in March 2018 and stemmed from RadiciGroup's desire to increase the sustainability of its products, whilst delivering the same quality and performance as required by product standards. What is more, the Group wanted to meet the demand coming from its various strategic sectors, in line with the European targets for the development of low-emission businesses and a circular economy.

RadiciGroup demonstrates the feasibility of industrial-scale production of polyamides (nylon) starting from bio adipic acid obtained from renewable raw materials, including waste oil and by-products of the oil industry. Potential application sectors for the process and products are textile/fashion, automotive, design, electrical and electronics.

The research was conducted through the Ulysses project and experimentation was performed in collaboration with research centres and universities. Partial funding was received from the Region of Piedmont, within the scope of the “Call for Proposals IR2 (Industrialization of research results)”. The ambitious, innovative multiyear project was launched in March 2018 and stemmed from RadiciGroup's desire to increase the sustainability of its products, whilst delivering the same quality and performance as required by product standards. What is more, the Group wanted to meet the demand coming from its various strategic sectors, in line with the European targets for the development of low-emission businesses and a circular economy.



INDA: IDEA® Achievement Awards for 2022 (c) INDA

INDA: IDEA® Achievement Awards for 2022

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine announced the opening of nominations for the prestigious IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies may now nominate their products, or their customers’ products, in the following categories:

  • Sustainability Advancement (advances one or more elements of sustainability or circularity since 2019)
  • Equipment (best new equipment introduction since 2019)
  • Raw Materials (best new raw materials introduction since 2019)
  • Short-Life (best new disposable product introduction since 2019)
  • Long-Life (best new durable product introduction since 2019)
  • Nonwoven Product (best new nonwoven product introduction since 2019)

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine announced the opening of nominations for the prestigious IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies may now nominate their products, or their customers’ products, in the following categories:

  • Sustainability Advancement (advances one or more elements of sustainability or circularity since 2019)
  • Equipment (best new equipment introduction since 2019)
  • Raw Materials (best new raw materials introduction since 2019)
  • Short-Life (best new disposable product introduction since 2019)
  • Long-Life (best new durable product introduction since 2019)
  • Nonwoven Product (best new nonwoven product introduction since 2019)

Sateri continues its collaboration with Infinited Fiber Company

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producers and a member of the RGE group of companies, continues its collaboration with Infinited Fiber Company, a textile fibre technology group based out of Finland, and participated in the company’s latest EUR30 million funding round completed on 30 June 2021. In addition to existing investors like Sateri, Infinited Fiber Company has attracted new investors including adidas and BESTSELLER.

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producers and a member of the RGE group of companies, continues its collaboration with Infinited Fiber Company, a textile fibre technology group based out of Finland, and participated in the company’s latest EUR30 million funding round completed on 30 June 2021. In addition to existing investors like Sateri, Infinited Fiber Company has attracted new investors including adidas and BESTSELLER.

This securement of new funding follows Infinited Fiber Company’s April announcement of plans to build a flagship factory in Finland in response to the strong growth in demand from global fashion and textile brands for its regenerated textile fibre Infinna™. The factory, which will use household textile waste as raw material, is expected to be operational in 2024 and to have an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons. The new funding enables Infinited Fiber Company to carry out the work needed to prepare for the flagship factory investment and to increase production at its pilot facilities in the years leading to 2024. The engineering progress supported by the additional funds also accelerates Infinited Fiber Company’s ongoing collaboration and potential technology licensing with Sateri.

Sateri strategically contributes to RGE’s commitment and strategic business direction. Sateri has developed and produced a diverse range of circular and sustainable products including Lyocell and FINEX™, which is made from recycled textile waste. The in-house R&D efforts and the investment in Infinited Fiber Company are part of RGE’s $200 million investment commitment to advance next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology.


Sateri / Omnicom Public Relations Group

Lenzing is on the path to climate-neutral production (c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing ist auf dem Weg zu klimaneutraler Produktion

  • Neue Luftreinigungs- und Schwefelwiederaufbereitungsanlage am Standort Lenzing erfolgreich in Betrieb genommen
  • Weiterer Schritt zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaziele gesetzt
  • Rohstoffeigenversorgung weiter optimiert

Die Lenzing Gruppe marschiert weiterhin konsequent in Richtung gruppenweite CO2-Neutralität. Mit der erfolgreichen Fertigstellung und Inbetriebnahme einer Luftreinigungs- und Schwefelwiederaufbereitungsanlage am Standort Lenzing ist ein weiterer Meilenstein auf diesem ambitionierten Weg erreicht. Lenzing investierte seit dem Baustart im Jahr 2019 EUR ca. 40 Mio. in dieses Projekt.

Dank dem Einsatz modernster Technologie erlaubt die Anlage, den CO2-Ausstoß des Standortes Lenzing um 15.000 Tonnen zu senken. Darüber hinaus gewährleistet sie eine Erhöhung der Eigenversorgung mit kritischen Prozessrohstoffen, wodurch die nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Standortes gestärkt wird.

  • Neue Luftreinigungs- und Schwefelwiederaufbereitungsanlage am Standort Lenzing erfolgreich in Betrieb genommen
  • Weiterer Schritt zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaziele gesetzt
  • Rohstoffeigenversorgung weiter optimiert

Die Lenzing Gruppe marschiert weiterhin konsequent in Richtung gruppenweite CO2-Neutralität. Mit der erfolgreichen Fertigstellung und Inbetriebnahme einer Luftreinigungs- und Schwefelwiederaufbereitungsanlage am Standort Lenzing ist ein weiterer Meilenstein auf diesem ambitionierten Weg erreicht. Lenzing investierte seit dem Baustart im Jahr 2019 EUR ca. 40 Mio. in dieses Projekt.

Dank dem Einsatz modernster Technologie erlaubt die Anlage, den CO2-Ausstoß des Standortes Lenzing um 15.000 Tonnen zu senken. Darüber hinaus gewährleistet sie eine Erhöhung der Eigenversorgung mit kritischen Prozessrohstoffen, wodurch die nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Standortes gestärkt wird.

„Mit dieser Investition macht Lenzing den nächsten Schritt in der Umsetzung ihrer Klimaziele und erzielt gleichzeitig eine deutlich höhere Unabhängigkeit bei einem ihrer Schlüsselrohstoffe“, sagt Christian Skilich, Mitglied des Vorstandes der Lenzing Gruppe.

Lenzing legte sich 2019 strategisch fest, ihre gruppenweiten Treibhausgasemissionen pro Tonne Produkt bis 2030 um 50 Prozent zu reduzieren. Das Ziel für 2050 lautet klimaneutral zu sein.


Lenzing AG


Sateri to Acquire Funing Aoyang’s Viscose Fibre Business

Sateri has entered into agreement with Funing Aoyang Technology Co., Ltd. (Funing Aoyang) to acquire its viscose fibre business. The acquisition is part of Sateri’s growth strategy which will bring Sateri’s total number of viscose mills in China to six and total annual production capacity to more than 1.8 million tonnes.

Funing Aoyang is a subsidiary of listed company Jiangsu Aoyang Health Industry Co., Ltd. Its 330,000-tonne per annum mill that will be acquired by Sateri under the agreement, is located in Aoyang Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Sateri is a member of the RGE group of companies; RGE manages a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations spanning Indonesia, China, Brazil, Spain and Canada.

Sateri has entered into agreement with Funing Aoyang Technology Co., Ltd. (Funing Aoyang) to acquire its viscose fibre business. The acquisition is part of Sateri’s growth strategy which will bring Sateri’s total number of viscose mills in China to six and total annual production capacity to more than 1.8 million tonnes.

Funing Aoyang is a subsidiary of listed company Jiangsu Aoyang Health Industry Co., Ltd. Its 330,000-tonne per annum mill that will be acquired by Sateri under the agreement, is located in Aoyang Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Sateri is a member of the RGE group of companies; RGE manages a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations spanning Indonesia, China, Brazil, Spain and Canada.

Allen Zhang, Sateri’s President, said: “This acquisition will boost Sateri’s market footprint and further strengthen our ability to serve customers in eastern and northern China. We will invest in advanced technologies to upgrade the mill so as to enhance its process technology, safety and environmental performance. Through better management and operational excellence, we hope to make a positive impact to the local economy and accelerate the sustainable development of the industry.”

The closing of the acquisition is subject to procedural approvals by relevant authorities.

Weitere Informationen:
Sateri viscose fibers raw materials China

Omnicom Public Relations Group


Clariant breaks ground on joint venture production site in Cangzhou, China

  • New facility marks further step in Clariant’s regional growth strategy
  • Joint venture with Tiangang targets growing Chinese demand for process and light stabilizer additives
  • Production planned to begin in first half of 2019

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, and Beijing Tiangang Auxiliary Co., Ltd. (Tiangang), today conducted a groundbreaking ceremony in Cangzhou (China), just over 200 km south of Beijing. The ceremony marked the start of the construction of a world-class production facility for stabilizers for plastics and textiles that will form the heart of the joint venture between both parties. The event was marked by a special event with representatives from both companies, as well as local officials.

  • New facility marks further step in Clariant’s regional growth strategy
  • Joint venture with Tiangang targets growing Chinese demand for process and light stabilizer additives
  • Production planned to begin in first half of 2019

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, and Beijing Tiangang Auxiliary Co., Ltd. (Tiangang), today conducted a groundbreaking ceremony in Cangzhou (China), just over 200 km south of Beijing. The ceremony marked the start of the construction of a world-class production facility for stabilizers for plastics and textiles that will form the heart of the joint venture between both parties. The event was marked by a special event with representatives from both companies, as well as local officials.

The joint venture between Clariant and Tiangang was established in September 2017, and combines the technology and production knowledge of both companies to provide even better process and light stabilizers for various growing industries in China, including automotive and textiles. China is a key market for Clariant high-end process and light stabilizers, which include the state-of-the-art Nylostab® S-EED® chemistry – invented by the company – a unique multifunctional hindered amine light stabilizer, or HALS. Tiangang, which was founded in 1991, is already an important manufacturer of light stabilizers and UV absorbers, with two plants in China backward integrated with production of key intermediates.

During the ceremony, Clariant Global Business Unit Head of Additives, Stephan Lynen, said: “This new facility enables the successful implementation of our joint venture, and we are excited about the improved proximity to customers and raw material suppliers.” Mr. Gang Liu, Deputy General Manager of Tiangang announced: “We look forward to the facility coming on-stream in the first half of 2019 and start serving the growing demand for high-end additives solutions in Asia even faster. The Cangzhou National Coastal-Port Economy & Technology Development Zone is an ideal production base for additives, with very good access to necessary raw materials and other support.”

The ground-breaking took place just one day after Clariant officially opened wholly-owned plants for Ceridust® micronized waxes and AddWorks® synergistic additive solutions in Zhenjiang, 1250 km further south. Lynen added that “Clariant is committed to sustainable growth in China and therefore continues to invest across the country to increase its local production capability and competitiveness. I am proud to announce these two instances of the Business Unit Additives making progress on this expansion strategy in such short succession and look forward to leveraging this new capacity towards achieving sales growth supported by new and sustainable developments.”



Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025 ©Research and Markets
Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025

Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025

The global protective textiles market is expected to reach USD 7.78 billion by 2025, according to this new report. The market is expected to witness growth at 3.4% CAGR owing to increasing industrial fatalities in developing economies owing to the lack of protective gear coupled with growing awareness of worker's health and safety are expected to drive the market growth.

The increasing importance of raw materials that offer features such as lightweight, comfort, higher heat resistance, and wear & tear resistance for workwear has been a significant incentive for companies to conduct R&D activities extensively. The initiatives are mainly intended at attaining multi-functionality of workwear fabrics and rise its application scope. Improving product designs and specifications are expected to provide market participants with immense opportunities over the forecast period.

The global protective textiles market is expected to reach USD 7.78 billion by 2025, according to this new report. The market is expected to witness growth at 3.4% CAGR owing to increasing industrial fatalities in developing economies owing to the lack of protective gear coupled with growing awareness of worker's health and safety are expected to drive the market growth.

The increasing importance of raw materials that offer features such as lightweight, comfort, higher heat resistance, and wear & tear resistance for workwear has been a significant incentive for companies to conduct R&D activities extensively. The initiatives are mainly intended at attaining multi-functionality of workwear fabrics and rise its application scope. Improving product designs and specifications are expected to provide market participants with immense opportunities over the forecast period.

Ballistic protective apparel is estimated to witness the highest penetration and growth over the projected period, owing to the increasing use of high performance protective textiles in the military sector. Defense sector holds the largest market segment in the global ballistic fabrics industry and is anticipated to have remarkable growth over the next few years driven by rising concerns over national security and escalating geopolitical unrests.

Further key findings from the report suggest:

  • The heat and flame-resistant garments application segment was worth USD 1.21 billion in 2016 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of around 3%, owing to rising demand in end-use industries such as oil & gas, refineries, iron & steel plants, and aluminum plants
  • Mechanical protective clothing in the U.S. accounted for over 17% of the total revenue in 2016
  • Chemical defending garments segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2017 to 2025
  • Electrical protection apparel is estimated to reach USD 637.1 million by 2025 and is projected to witness moderate growth over the next few years
  • In the application of surgical garments, the protective textiles play a significant role in the absorption of excessive heat during surgical procedures from the body, which is estimated to raise the product demand for health care sector
  • The market in North America is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 3.5% over the next decade to reach a net worth exceeding USD 2.30 million by 2025
  • Asia Pacific is projected to witness the maximum growth over the next nine years. The region accounted for 19.1% of the total revenue in 2016
  • Key players such as DuPont, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc., Royal Ten Cate NV, and Schoeller Textil AG dominated the global protective textile market over the past few years

Companies Mentioned:

- W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
- DuPont
- Royal Ten Cate NV
- DyStar Group
- Kusumgar Corporates
- Madhuram Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.
- Schoeller Textil AG
- PBI Performance Products, Inc.
- Teijin Limited
- Marina Textil S.L.
- ARGAR S.r.l

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Market Research Protective Textiles

Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin