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Mayer & Cie. China shows first in-house development at Shanghaitex (c) Mayer & Cie
Mayer & Cie. China shows first in-house development at Shanghaitex

Mayer & Cie. China zeigt erste Eigenentwicklung auf der Shanghaitex

Auf der Messe Shanghaitex hat Mayer & Cie. China (MCN) seine neue Maschinentype zur Herstellung von Bindefadenfutter vorgestellt. Die MFC 3.2 ist die erste Eigenentwicklung des Tochterunternehmens des Rundstrickmaschinenherstellers aus Süddeutschland. Die Maschine stellt leichte bis schwere Futterware her und ist speziell auf die Verarbeitung von Polyestergarnen abgestimmt. Zum Einsatz kommen können die Stoffe der MFC 3.2, die ab Frühjahr 2020 erhältlich sein wird, im Bereich Sport- und Freizeitmode.

„Bindefadenfutterstoffe sind weltweit populär“, sagt Marcus Mayer, technischer Geschäftsführer von Mayer & Cie., „allerdings mit wichtigen regionalen Unterschieden: In Europa und Amerika schätzen Kunden die schwereren, warmen Baumwollstoffe, während in Asien die leichten, flauschigen Gestricke aus Kunstfasermix die Nase vorn haben. Die MFC 3.2 ist deshalb eine wichtige Ergänzung zu unserem chinesischen Portfolio.“

Auf der Messe Shanghaitex hat Mayer & Cie. China (MCN) seine neue Maschinentype zur Herstellung von Bindefadenfutter vorgestellt. Die MFC 3.2 ist die erste Eigenentwicklung des Tochterunternehmens des Rundstrickmaschinenherstellers aus Süddeutschland. Die Maschine stellt leichte bis schwere Futterware her und ist speziell auf die Verarbeitung von Polyestergarnen abgestimmt. Zum Einsatz kommen können die Stoffe der MFC 3.2, die ab Frühjahr 2020 erhältlich sein wird, im Bereich Sport- und Freizeitmode.

„Bindefadenfutterstoffe sind weltweit populär“, sagt Marcus Mayer, technischer Geschäftsführer von Mayer & Cie., „allerdings mit wichtigen regionalen Unterschieden: In Europa und Amerika schätzen Kunden die schwereren, warmen Baumwollstoffe, während in Asien die leichten, flauschigen Gestricke aus Kunstfasermix die Nase vorn haben. Die MFC 3.2 ist deshalb eine wichtige Ergänzung zu unserem chinesischen Portfolio.“

MFC 3.2: Erprobte Basis, marktspezifische Ausrichtung
Die Vorlage der neuen chinesischen Bindefadenfuttermaschine ist die etablierte Mayer-Maschinentype MBF 3.2, deren Qualitäten in der MFC 3.2 zum Tragen kommen. Dazu zählen die hochwertige Stoffqualität auf beiden Warenseiten sowie die Herstellung anspruchsvoller Bindungen. Gleichzeitig hat das chinesische Mayer & Cie.-Team Wert darauf gelegt, lokalen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, allen voran der Verarbeitung von Polyestergarnen. Dank der eigens entwickelten Schlossteile erledigt die neue Maschine das zuverlässig und effizient: Mit bis zu 30 Umdrehungen bei 30 Zoll pro Minute produziert die MFC 3.2 Bindefadenfutter für Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung.

Gleichzeitig ist die MFC 3.2 mehr als eine Bindefadenfuttermaschine. Mittels eines Umbausatzes wird aus der MFC 3.2 die MSC 3.2 II, ihres Zeichens populärste Maschine des chinesischen Mayer & Cie.-Portfolios. Dass der Umbau in beide Richtungen möglich ist, wertet die Single-Jersey-Maschine weiter auf, denn „im stark gesättigten chinesischen Single-Jersey-Markt ist es ein wichtiges Verkaufsargument, dass aus der MSC 3.2 II eine Bindefadenfuttermaschine werden kann“, sagt Geschäftsführer Mayer.

Weitere Informationen:
Mayer & Cie ShanghaiTex

Mayer & Cie GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon zeigte Weltpremieren in China

Oerlikon zeigte Weltpremieren in China

Auf eine Reise in die Zukunft der Chemiefaserherstellung lud Oerlikon alle Besucher der diesjährigen Shanghaitex ein. Vom 25. bis 28. November 2019 zeigte der Weltmarktführer all seinen Gästen auf seinem über 100 m² großen Messestand in Halle E1, D20, seine Vision einer nachhaltigen und automatisierten Chemiefaserproduktion: „Clean Technology. Smart Factory“ lautete das Motto der Zukunft. Und diese war auf dem Stand nur einen Katzensprung von der Realität entfernt. Denn in der Gegenwart präsentierte Oerlikon seine vier ITMA Barcelona Weltpremieren für effiziente Maschinen- und Anlagenkonzepte in einem neuen innovativen Industriedesign. Zusammen mit zahlreichen anderen Innovationen bildet das alles die neue DNA des Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers.

Auf eine Reise in die Zukunft der Chemiefaserherstellung lud Oerlikon alle Besucher der diesjährigen Shanghaitex ein. Vom 25. bis 28. November 2019 zeigte der Weltmarktführer all seinen Gästen auf seinem über 100 m² großen Messestand in Halle E1, D20, seine Vision einer nachhaltigen und automatisierten Chemiefaserproduktion: „Clean Technology. Smart Factory“ lautete das Motto der Zukunft. Und diese war auf dem Stand nur einen Katzensprung von der Realität entfernt. Denn in der Gegenwart präsentierte Oerlikon seine vier ITMA Barcelona Weltpremieren für effiziente Maschinen- und Anlagenkonzepte in einem neuen innovativen Industriedesign. Zusammen mit zahlreichen anderen Innovationen bildet das alles die neue DNA des Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers.

Sie tritt an, um die Messlatte in der Texturierung neu aufzulegen: Die Maschinengeneration eAFK Evo verspricht mehr Geschwindigkeit, Produktivität und konstant hohe Produktqualität sowie weniger Energieverbrauch und einfachere Bedienung als vergleichbare Marktlösungen. Diesen Höchstanspruch auf breiter Front zeigte Oerlikon Manmade Fibers mit der neuen Anlagenplattform auf der Messe. Unter den vielfältigen Features, die für spürbaren Mehrwert sorgen, machen zwei besonders Dampf mit cooler Technik: der optimierte innovative EvoHeater und der EvoCooler, eine komplett neu entwickelte aktive


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Novibra Boskovice s.r.o.

Novibra at ShanghaiTex 2019

Novibra presents the latest innovations in spindle technology and energy saving measures at the forthcoming ShanghaiTex.
The energy saving spindle LENA has been designed for the highest speeds and lower energy consumption. It is the only spindle in the market with 17.5 mm wharve diameter and energy savings in the average of up to 6%.

The new generation of clamping crowns CROCOdoff and CROCOdoff Forte introduce genuine doffing without underwinding. The crowns work automatically depending on the spindle speed. The major advantages are significant reductions in maintenance costs. That is based on a lower ends down rate after doffing and minimized cleaning of the underwinding area.

Novibra’s goal is to bring beneficial and customized solutions to the customers helping them to keep their leading position in the market. Novibra is looking forward to discussing the new products that fulfil one of today’s biggest demands for energy savings and maintenance costs reduction.

Novibra presents the latest innovations in spindle technology and energy saving measures at the forthcoming ShanghaiTex.
The energy saving spindle LENA has been designed for the highest speeds and lower energy consumption. It is the only spindle in the market with 17.5 mm wharve diameter and energy savings in the average of up to 6%.

The new generation of clamping crowns CROCOdoff and CROCOdoff Forte introduce genuine doffing without underwinding. The crowns work automatically depending on the spindle speed. The major advantages are significant reductions in maintenance costs. That is based on a lower ends down rate after doffing and minimized cleaning of the underwinding area.

Novibra’s goal is to bring beneficial and customized solutions to the customers helping them to keep their leading position in the market. Novibra is looking forward to discussing the new products that fulfil one of today’s biggest demands for energy savings and maintenance costs reduction.

Weitere Informationen:
Novibra ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Graf + Cie AG

Graf at ShanghaiTex 2019

Graf introduces at ShanghaiTex three novelties for the textile market: a new card clothing with up to 30% longer lifetime, a height adjustable comb and a helpful solution for card clothing management.
MULTISHARP, the unique wear resistant alloy for card clothings, increases the lifetime of metallic card clothings on the cylinder by up to 30%. Additionally, the work load of the maintenance team can be minimized by providing longer service cycles and less unplanned downtimes.

The yield on raw material can be increased without compromising the quality requirements – thanks to the continuous height adjustability of the new combs series. The continuous and exact gap setting between nipper and circular comb on each individual combing head provides customers a new level on raw material utilization. Additionally, the maintenance people will appreciate the comfortable and easy installation of the circular comb.

Graf introduces at ShanghaiTex three novelties for the textile market: a new card clothing with up to 30% longer lifetime, a height adjustable comb and a helpful solution for card clothing management.
MULTISHARP, the unique wear resistant alloy for card clothings, increases the lifetime of metallic card clothings on the cylinder by up to 30%. Additionally, the work load of the maintenance team can be minimized by providing longer service cycles and less unplanned downtimes.

The yield on raw material can be increased without compromising the quality requirements – thanks to the continuous height adjustability of the new combs series. The continuous and exact gap setting between nipper and circular comb on each individual combing head provides customers a new level on raw material utilization. Additionally, the maintenance people will appreciate the comfortable and easy installation of the circular comb.

With the card clothing management the overall investment costs can be reduced. This is based on minimizing the operational expenses including optimizing the overall equipment effectiveness. Graf’s card clothing management prolongs the lifetime of flexible flats by up to three times without comprising on the quality parameters throughout the entire life cycle.

Weitere Informationen:
Graf ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Bräcker AG

Bräcker at ShanghaiTex 2019

Bräcker presents a new traveller with up to 50% longer lifetime and shorter running-in period. This is only one highlight out of the impressing product variety.
A novelty Bräcker shows at ShanghaiTex is the new CARBO traveller for ring spinning machines. It is specially designed for man-made fiber spinners. CARBO is a new coating technology which improves the sliding properties. This results in up to 50% longer lifetime and a shorter running-in period. Recommended applications next to man-made fibers are also their blends, core yarns and all yarn counts.

In addition, Bräcker exhibits its well-known portfolio of high-quality products which meets the continually rising demands on the textile market like higher speeds and productivity. The rings and travellers offer long service lives, lowest yarn breaks and no thermal damages when processing man-made fibers.

Bräcker presents a new traveller with up to 50% longer lifetime and shorter running-in period. This is only one highlight out of the impressing product variety.
A novelty Bräcker shows at ShanghaiTex is the new CARBO traveller for ring spinning machines. It is specially designed for man-made fiber spinners. CARBO is a new coating technology which improves the sliding properties. This results in up to 50% longer lifetime and a shorter running-in period. Recommended applications next to man-made fibers are also their blends, core yarns and all yarn counts.

In addition, Bräcker exhibits its well-known portfolio of high-quality products which meets the continually rising demands on the textile market like higher speeds and productivity. The rings and travellers offer long service lives, lowest yarn breaks and no thermal damages when processing man-made fibers.

Weitere Informationen:
Bräcker ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH

Suessen at ShanghaiTex 2019

Suessen presents the new compacting devices for high flexibility, new weighting arms and premium rotor spinning components for excellent yarn quality.
COMPACTeasy is the new mechanical compacting device available as a plugon/ plug-off unit for any ring spinning machine type and suitable for most common applications like cotton, man-made fibers and blends. COMPACTeasy is the solution in compacting without additional energy requirement.

New EliTe is a versatile compact-spinning system with new innovative components. The customers profit from higher productivity, better quality and lower operational costs. Upgrade packages and spare parts packages enable the customers to benefit also on existing installations.

The new Top Weighting Arm HP 4080 for roving frames offers a new design for easy settings and improved stability. In addition, consistent yarn quality over the lifetime is guaranteed.

Suessen presents the new compacting devices for high flexibility, new weighting arms and premium rotor spinning components for excellent yarn quality.
COMPACTeasy is the new mechanical compacting device available as a plugon/ plug-off unit for any ring spinning machine type and suitable for most common applications like cotton, man-made fibers and blends. COMPACTeasy is the solution in compacting without additional energy requirement.

New EliTe is a versatile compact-spinning system with new innovative components. The customers profit from higher productivity, better quality and lower operational costs. Upgrade packages and spare parts packages enable the customers to benefit also on existing installations.

The new Top Weighting Arm HP 4080 for roving frames offers a new design for easy settings and improved stability. In addition, consistent yarn quality over the lifetime is guaranteed.

Weitere Informationen:
Suessen ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

© SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG

SSM at ShanghaiTex 2019

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

Saurer’s highly efficient FusionTwister at ShanghaiTex 2019 (c) Saurer AG
FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns

Saurer’s highly efficient FusionTwister at ShanghaiTex 2019

In its 19th year, the international textile industry exhibition ShanghaiTex will take place from 25 to 28 November 2019. Saurer Twisting Solutions would be delighted to welcome customers and visitors to Saurer's Stand D40 in Hall E1. The focus is on the highly efficient FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns.

The FusionTwister sets the benchmark for the cost-effective production of two-for-one twisted staple fibre yarns. In order to achieve this, we have taken into account the three main factors affecting our customers’ profitability, namely energy, economics and ergonomics.

In its 19th year, the international textile industry exhibition ShanghaiTex will take place from 25 to 28 November 2019. Saurer Twisting Solutions would be delighted to welcome customers and visitors to Saurer's Stand D40 in Hall E1. The focus is on the highly efficient FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns.

The FusionTwister sets the benchmark for the cost-effective production of two-for-one twisted staple fibre yarns. In order to achieve this, we have taken into account the three main factors affecting our customers’ profitability, namely energy, economics and ergonomics.

The machines’ reliably low energy consumption is an important characteristic for decision-makers to take into account. Achieved by means of an optimised spindle drive as well as a great variety of spindle and feeding sizes for all kinds of applications, it is the main element in the equation of production costs.

Power consumption and costs are closely related, with energy efficiency positively influencing the return on investment, since it is daily challenge to process the maximum feeding weight while keeping electricity usage at a comfortable level.

The machine’s short set-up times, fast air threading and easy handling were key considerations with regard to optimising ergonomics.


Saurer AG