From the Sector

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AZL Aachen GmbH: Project on fibre composite reinforcement sleeves (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL Aachen GmbH: Project on fibre composite reinforcement sleeves

AZL Aachen GmbH announces a ‘Joint Partner Project’ focusing on the technology for reinforcing electric motors with fibre composite reinforcement sleeves. The nine-month project will investigate current and future applications for electric motors, their requirements for armouring sleeves and provide technological insights.

The project, entitled "Rotor Sleeves for Electric Motors: Potentials for Composite Materials and Technologies", aims to address the growing demand for more efficient, powerful and compact electric motors in mobility and industrial applications.

Compared to metals, composite rotor sleeves with their high stiffness, low density, almost zero thermal expansion and favourable electromagnetic properties are particularly suitable to contribute to all the development goals.

AZL Aachen GmbH announces a ‘Joint Partner Project’ focusing on the technology for reinforcing electric motors with fibre composite reinforcement sleeves. The nine-month project will investigate current and future applications for electric motors, their requirements for armouring sleeves and provide technological insights.

The project, entitled "Rotor Sleeves for Electric Motors: Potentials for Composite Materials and Technologies", aims to address the growing demand for more efficient, powerful and compact electric motors in mobility and industrial applications.

Compared to metals, composite rotor sleeves with their high stiffness, low density, almost zero thermal expansion and favourable electromagnetic properties are particularly suitable to contribute to all the development goals.

The application, manufacturing and material technologies for composite rotor sleeves have been proven to be mature, so far mostly in niche high power applications. Due to the increasing demand for efficient electric drives, the demand for rotor sleeves and the corresponding production volumes is growing rapidly. Composite based rotor sleeves are expected to expand into mass applications for electric vehicles, power tools, machine tools, electric aircraft and other industrial applications.

AZL will bring together experts from across the value chain to investigate current and future applications, analyse requirements and assess the impact on design, material selection and production concepts.

Companies interested in the project can join the consortium consisting of Kümpers GmbH, Rassini and Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH, among others, until the kick-off on September 12th, 2024.


AZL Aachen GmbH

Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH receives ISCC PLUS certification (c) Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH

Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH receives ISCC PLUS certification

Teijin Carbon Europe has been awarded ISCC PLUS certification (Certificate Number: ISCC-PLUS-Cert-DE100-15897124). This ISCC PLUS certification covers Tenax™ Carbon Fiber produced at the Heinsberg-Oberbruch plant in Germany. This accreditation enables the Teijin Group to offer its customers sustainable products that contribute to circular economy. Teijin has selected the ISCC certification route as the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is an independent organisation and the leading certification system in this field.

Teijin Carbon Europe has been awarded ISCC PLUS certification (Certificate Number: ISCC-PLUS-Cert-DE100-15897124). This ISCC PLUS certification covers Tenax™ Carbon Fiber produced at the Heinsberg-Oberbruch plant in Germany. This accreditation enables the Teijin Group to offer its customers sustainable products that contribute to circular economy. Teijin has selected the ISCC certification route as the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is an independent organisation and the leading certification system in this field.

The ISCC PLUS certification is a voluntary system which administers the circular economy of chemicals, plastics, packaging, textiles and renewable raw materials. Raw materials which are made from sustainable source materials (e.g. via recycling or bio-based sources) are labelled with a sustainability declaration (country of origin of the raw material, quantity and type of sustainable raw material, user ID, etc.). This document then follows the product during further processing – even over several stages – until it is used by the end customer. If all partners in the chain are ISCC PLUS certified, the documents can be passed on clearly and reliably.

The Teijin Group is globally establishing a carbon fiber production and supply system based on ISCC PLUS certification. The attractiveness of ISCC PLUS certification for the Teijin Group is exemplified by the future production of sustainable carbon fibers. Teijin uses various chemical building blocks for the internal production of polyacrylonitrile. Conventional and sustainable raw materials can now be purchased and processed on the global market. In future, Teijin also intends to purchase materials that are obtained via recycling or directly based on a bio-based source.

These raw materials will then be processed into a sustainable polyacrylonitrile precursor. As the production processes are identical to those used in the conventional production of carbon fibers, the mechanical and chemical properties are identical. Based on the sustainability declaration, a clear mass balance is used to differentiate between sustainable and conventional products.

The Teijin Group obtained ISCC PLUS certification for carbon fiber and the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor fiber produced at Teijin's Mishima Plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in June 2023, and began mass production of carbon fiber based on the certification in December of the same year. The Teijin Group benefits from this approach as customers are offered products that contribute to the circular economy or continue to use conventional raw materials.


Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH

Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources (c) Renewable Carbon Initiative
European Policy under the new green deal

Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

The goal is to create sustainable carbon cycles. This requires comprehensive carbon management of renewable sources, which includes carbon from biomass, carbon from Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – the industrial use of CO2 as an integral part – as well as mechanical and chemical recycling. And only the use of all alternative carbon streams enables a true decoupling of the chemical and materials sector from additional fossil carbon from the ground. Only in this way can the chemical industry stay the backbone of modern society and transform into a sustainable sector that enables the achievement of global climate goals. The Renewable Carbon Initiative’s (RCI) major aim is to support the smart transition from fossil to renewable carbon: utilising carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling instead of additional fossil carbon from the ground. This is crucial because 72% of the human-made greenhouse gas emissions are directly linked to additional fossil carbon. The RCI supports all renewable carbon sources available, but the political support is fragmented and differs between carbon from biomass, recycling or carbon capture and utilisation (CCU). Especially CCU has so far not been a strategic objective in the Green Deal and Fit-for-55.

This will change fundamentally with the European Commission's communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” published on 15 December. The position in the paper represents an essential step forward that shows embedded carbon has reached the political mainstream – supported by recent opinions from members of the European parliament and also, apparently, by the upcoming IPCC assessment report 6. Now, CCU becomes a recognised and credible solution for sustainable carbon cycles and a potentially sustainable option for the chemical and  material industries. Also, in the political discussions in Brussels, the term “defossilation” is appearing more and more often, complementing or replacing the term decarbonisation in those areas where carbon is indispensable. MEP Maria da Graça Carvahlo is among a number of politicians in Brussels who perceive CCU as an important future industry, putting it on the political map and creating momentum for CCU. This includes the integration of CCU into the new Carbon Removal Regime and the Emission Trading System (ETS).

As the new policy documents are fully in line with the strategy of the RCI, the more than 30 member companies of the initiative are highly supportive of this new development and are ready to support policy-maker with data and detailed suggestions for active support and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles and a sound carbon management. The recent political papers of relevance are highlighted in the following.

Brussels: Communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles”
On 15 December, the European Commission has published the communication paper “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” . For the first time, the importance of carbon in different industrial sectors is clearly stated. One of the key statements in the paper is the full recognition of CCU for the first time as a solution for the circular economy, which includes CCU-based fuels as well. The communication paper distinguishes between bio-based CO2, fossil CO2 and CO2 from direct air capture when addressing carbon removal and it also announces detailed monitoring of the different CO2 streams. Not only CCU, but also carbon from the bioeconomy is registered as an important pillar for the future. Here, the term carbon farming has been newly introduced, which refers to improved land management practices that result in an increase of carbon sequestration in living biomass, dead organic matter or soils by enhancing carbon capture or reducing the release of carbon. Even though the list of nature-based carbon storage technologies is non-exhaustive in our view, we strongly support the paper’s idea to deem sustainable land and forest management as a basis for the bioeconomy more important than solely considering land use as a carbon sink. Surprisingly, chemical recycling, which is also an alternative carbon source that substitutes additional fossil carbon from the ground (i.e. carbon from crude oil, natural gas or from coal), is completely absent from the communication paper.

Berlin: Coalition paper of the new German Government: “Dare more progress – alliance for freedom, justice and sustainability”
The whole of Europe is waiting to see how the new German government of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals will shape the German climate policy. The new reform agenda focuses in particular on solar and wind energy as well as especially hydrogen. Solar energy is to be expanded to 200 GW by 2030 and two percent of the country's land is to be designated for onshore wind energy. A hydrogen grid infrastructure is to be created for green hydrogen, which will form the backbone of the energy system of the future – and is also needed for e-fuels and sustainable chemical industry, a clear commitment to CCU. There is a further focus on the topic of circular economy and recycling. A higher recycling quota and a product-specific minimum quota for the use of recyclates and secondary raw materials should be established at European level. In the coalition paper, there is also a clear commitment to chemical recycling to be found. A significant change for the industry is planned to occur in regards to the so-called “plastic tax” of 80 cents per kilogram of non-recycled plastic packaging. This tax has been implemented by the EU, but most countries are not passing on this tax to the manufacturers and distributors, or only to a limited extent. The new German government now plans to fully transfer this tax over to the industry.

Düsseldorf: Carbon can protect the climate – Carbon Management Strategy North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
Lastly, the RCI highly welcomes North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW, Germany) as the first region worldwide to adopt a comprehensive carbon management strategy, a foundation for the transformation from using additional fossil carbon from the ground to the utilisation of renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling. For all three alternative carbon streams, separate detailed strategies are being developed to achieve the defossilisation of the industry. This is all the more remarkable as North Rhine-Westphalia is the federal state with the strongest industry in Germany, in particular the chemical industry. And it is here, of all places, that a first master plan for the conversion of industry from fossil carbon to biomass, CO2 and recycling is implemented. If successful, NRW could become a global leader in sustainable carbon
management and the region could become a blueprint for many industrial regions.

(c) NRW.Energy4Climate
Minister Pinkwart zur Carbon Management Strategie NRW

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Carbon Management Strategie NRW

Zahlreiche Produkte unserer Industriegesellschaft wie Stahl, Aluminium, Zement oder Kunststoff bestehen aus Kohlenstoff oder benötigen ihn, um hergestellt werden zu können. Zentrale Ansätze, wie der Umgang mit Kohlenstoff neu und nachhaltig gestaltet werden kann, hat das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie (MWIDE) mit der Carbon Management Strategie NRW vorgelegt. Ziel ist eine klimaneutrale Industrie. Auf einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung des Thinktanks IN4climate.NRW und des MWIDE hat Wirtschafts- und Energieminister Prof. Andreas Pinkwart mit Expert*innen aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft die Inhalte diskutiert.

Zahlreiche Produkte unserer Industriegesellschaft wie Stahl, Aluminium, Zement oder Kunststoff bestehen aus Kohlenstoff oder benötigen ihn, um hergestellt werden zu können. Zentrale Ansätze, wie der Umgang mit Kohlenstoff neu und nachhaltig gestaltet werden kann, hat das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie (MWIDE) mit der Carbon Management Strategie NRW vorgelegt. Ziel ist eine klimaneutrale Industrie. Auf einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung des Thinktanks IN4climate.NRW und des MWIDE hat Wirtschafts- und Energieminister Prof. Andreas Pinkwart mit Expert*innen aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft die Inhalte diskutiert.

»Für uns ist klar: Kohlenstoff kann Klimaschutz«, so Minister Pinkwart. »Mit unserer Carbon Management Strategie zeigen wir ganz konkret, wie eine klimaneutrale Kohlenstoffwirtschaft in Nordrhein-Westfalen aussehen kann. Wir wollen Kohlenstoff nicht nur reduzieren, sondern auch nachhaltig so oft wie möglich im Kreislauf nutzen und die Gesellschaft transparent einbinden. Wir sind damit das erste Bundesland überhaupt, das sich dem Thema annimmt. So können wir unsere ehrgeizigen Klimaschutzziele erreichen und den Industriestandort von morgen gestalten.«

Eine klimaneutrale Industrie braucht nachhaltige Kohlenstoffquellen
Dr. Iris Rieth, Projektmanagerin für Kohlendioxidwirtschaft und Circular Economy bei IN4climate.NRW: »Eine klimaneutrale Industrie braucht nachhaltige Kohlenstoffquellen. Die Circular Economy und die Nutzung von CO2, dessen Ausstoß nicht vermieden werden kann, müssen wir weiter ausbauen. IN4climate.NRW hat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen und der Wissenschaft wichtige Ansätze erarbeitet, die den unterschiedlichen Industrieprozessen gerecht werden. Die Carbon Management Strategie führt nun die Bausteine der Transformation zusammen und setzt die notwendigen politischen Leitplanken, an denen wir uns in unserer weiteren Arbeit orientieren können.«
Infrastruktur für den Transport von CO2 muss aufgebaut werden

Kohlenstoffdioxid war bislang kein Bestandteil von Infrastrukturplanungen in Deutschland. Dabei wird es auch in Zukunft Prozesse geben, bei denen unvermeidlich CO2 entsteht, wie etwa bei der Herstellung von Zement. Verschiedene Projekte arbeiten bereits daran, CO2 direkt am Ofen abzufangen und anderen Branchen, vor allem der chemischen Industrie, als Rohstoff zur Verfügung zu stellen (engl. Carbon Capture and Utilisation, CCU). Eine Infrastruktur für den Transport muss jedoch erst noch aufgebaut werden.

Konkrete Optionen, wie ein solches Pipeline- und Transportsystem aussehen könnte, hat IN4climate.NRW Mitte Oktober in dem Diskussionspapier »CO2 in einer klimaneutralen Grundstoffindustrie« veröffentlicht. In einem weiteren Diskussionspapier »Circular Economy in der Grundstoffindustrie« hat IN4climate.NRW zudem aktuelle Stoffströme analysiert und Lösungsansätze für eine zukünftige industrielle Circular Economy erarbeitet. Beide Papiere sind maßgeblich in die Carbon Management Strategie des Landes eingeflossen.

An der Paneldiskussion haben neben Wirtschafts- und Energieminister Prof. Andreas Pinkwart teilgenommen:

  • Dr. Iris Rieth, Projektmanagerin für Kohlendioxidwirtschaft und Circular Economy bei IN4climate.NRW,
  • Prof. Görge Deerberg, stellvertretender Institutsleiter des Fraunhofer UMSICHT,
  • Dr. Christoph Sievering, Head of Global Energy and Climate Policy & Site Transformation bei Covestro,
  • Arne Grotenrath, Experte für Treibhausgasbilanzierung bei Germanzero sowie
  • Michael Theben, Abteilungsleiter Klimaschutz im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT