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64 Ergebnisse
Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit XDi at Snuggle

Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

Kornit Atlas MAX is the first digital direct-to-garment production system to feature XDi technology, which empowers users to simulate embroidery, dye sublimation, vinyl heat transfer, and 3D graphic effects with one single-step platform, using Kornit’s eco-friendly NeoPigment™ inks. Delivering superior graphic detail, consistent retail quality, and low and consistent cost per print to ensure profitability in any quantity, the system is engineered for adaptability to long-term automation needs, which helps businesses like Snuggle address the ongoing labour shortage.

With seven Kornit Digital systems in total, Snuggle is now able to produce up to 12,000 units daily, and has expanded its production space more than threefold since first investing in the technology. While the business does include an embroidery unit, Snuggle rejected screen printing due to its slow setup process, inefficient sampling for bulk orders, and the inability to generate profit from smaller custom orders. Furthermore, digitally-enabled production on demand was critical to their adapting when the pandemic economy caused many customers to cancel bulk orders suddenly.

Weitere Informationen:
Kornit Digital Atlas MAX

Kornit Digital

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital unveils Ink Manufacturing Site in Israel

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced on 26th January the official opening of its new scalable, state-of-the-art ink manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, Israel.  

The modern, 11,000-square-meter facility incorporates advanced automation, sophisticated workflows, and innovative technologies for production optimization. The new high-volume production facility is expected to fulfill global demand for Kornit consumables for the next decade.

Recently completed at an estimated investment of $25 million USD, the facility was built in accordance with the highest quality, safety, and security standards, reflecting the Company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets embedded in Kornit Digital’s 2020 Impact Report.

“This is a key milestone in our journey to become a $1 billion company by 2026 and will ensure we can support the tremendous growth our customers are experiencing, for many years to come,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are proud to lead the charge for a cleaner and more responsive textile industry as we continue to write the operating system for sustainable fashion and textiles on demand.”

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced on 26th January the official opening of its new scalable, state-of-the-art ink manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, Israel.  

The modern, 11,000-square-meter facility incorporates advanced automation, sophisticated workflows, and innovative technologies for production optimization. The new high-volume production facility is expected to fulfill global demand for Kornit consumables for the next decade.

Recently completed at an estimated investment of $25 million USD, the facility was built in accordance with the highest quality, safety, and security standards, reflecting the Company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets embedded in Kornit Digital’s 2020 Impact Report.

“This is a key milestone in our journey to become a $1 billion company by 2026 and will ensure we can support the tremendous growth our customers are experiencing, for many years to come,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are proud to lead the charge for a cleaner and more responsive textile industry as we continue to write the operating system for sustainable fashion and textiles on demand.”

Weitere Informationen:
Kornit Digital digital digital printing

Kornit Digital / pr4u

(c) Kornit

Blur setzt auf Kornit Digital für Skalierbarkeit, betriebliche Flexibilität und Produktion

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab bekannt, dass der portugiesische Textilveredler Blur eine Kornit Presto S mit Weichgriffmittel (Softener) für den nachhaltigen textilen Rollendruck in einem Arbeitsschritt auf mehrere Gewebearten – in beliebiger Stückzahl – installiert hat. Dieser Druckdienstleister, der die Produktionsanforderungen führender Modemarken unterstützt, hat bereits mehrere Kornit Atlas- und Avalanche-Systeme für den industriellen digitalen Textildirektdruck (DTG; Direct-to-Garment) on Demand installiert.

Mit der effizienten, umweltbewussten Technologie und den umweltfreundlichen Verbrauchsmaterialien von Kornit kann Blur Aufträge schnell bearbeiten und liefern – angefangen von Einzelstücken bis zur Massenproduktion mit durchschnittlich etwa 500 Stück pro Auftrag. Seit ihrer Installation war die Kornit Presto S Tag und Nacht im Einsatz, tagsüber während der üblichen Geschäftszeiten zur Herstellung von Mustern und nachts zur Erfüllung verschiedenster eingehender Aufträge.

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab bekannt, dass der portugiesische Textilveredler Blur eine Kornit Presto S mit Weichgriffmittel (Softener) für den nachhaltigen textilen Rollendruck in einem Arbeitsschritt auf mehrere Gewebearten – in beliebiger Stückzahl – installiert hat. Dieser Druckdienstleister, der die Produktionsanforderungen führender Modemarken unterstützt, hat bereits mehrere Kornit Atlas- und Avalanche-Systeme für den industriellen digitalen Textildirektdruck (DTG; Direct-to-Garment) on Demand installiert.

Mit der effizienten, umweltbewussten Technologie und den umweltfreundlichen Verbrauchsmaterialien von Kornit kann Blur Aufträge schnell bearbeiten und liefern – angefangen von Einzelstücken bis zur Massenproduktion mit durchschnittlich etwa 500 Stück pro Auftrag. Seit ihrer Installation war die Kornit Presto S Tag und Nacht im Einsatz, tagsüber während der üblichen Geschäftszeiten zur Herstellung von Mustern und nachts zur Erfüllung verschiedenster eingehender Aufträge.

Nach Auffassung von Mariano Dias, CEO bei Blur, ist sein Unternehmen mit der Technologie von Kornit in der Lage, schnell und flexibel auf die sich ständig ändernden Kundenanforderungen zu reagieren. Zu seinem Kundenstamm gehören sowohl größere etablierte Marken, die große Stückzahlen benötigen, als auch ambitionierte Designer, die eine Marke mit geringeren Risiken oder Investitionen aufbauen möchten. Meist erstellen sie unterschiedliche Designs für Kunden in Europa und Nordamerika.

„Die Qualität ist einfach hervorragend. Manche Kunden wollen nur mit der Kornit-Drucktechnologie arbeiten“, so Dias. „Wir sind äußerst zufrieden mit der Zusammenarbeit von Kornit. Unsere Drucksysteme sind absolut zuverlässig rund um die Uhr im Einsatz. Textildruckereien, die in die Modebranche einsteigen und mit renommierten Marken zusammenarbeiten möchten, sind auf Funktionen für den textilen Rollendruck (DTF) und den Textildirektdruck (DTG) angewiesen. Daher empfehlen wir den Kauf der Drucksysteme Kornit Atlas und Kornit Presto, damit sie sich erfolgreich am Markt behaupten.”

Er fügte hinzu, dass Blur aufgrund seines Geschäftserfolgs mit den jetzigen Kornit-Systemen und der gestiegenen Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Textilien den Kauf einer zweiten Kornit Presto S in Erwägung zieht, um die Produktionskapazität zu erhöhen.

„Wie viele unserer Kunden war Blur eher in der traditionellen Textilveredelung – in ihrem Fall im Besticken von Textilien – tätig, bevor Blur das enorme Wachstumspotenzial und die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten des schnellen und effizienten On-Demand-Digitaldrucks erkannt hat“, erklärte Chris Govier, Präsident von Kornit Digital Europe, Middle East und Africa. „Ganz gleich, ob man für ein international bekanntes Modelabel, das Wert auf flexibleres Fulfillment und einfachere Lieferketten legt, oder für einen selbständigen Designer arbeitet, der seine Kreationen zum Leben erwecken möchte, bietet das Produktportfolio von Kornit immer wieder Möglichkeiten, um die Marktanforderungen zu erfüllen, neue Märkte zu erschließen und unter den gegebenen Marktbedingungen zu expandieren.“


Kornit / pr4u

(c) Kornit Digital / Brodelec

Brodelec complements printing systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that France-based Brodelec has recently complemented its existing Kornit Avalanche direct-to-garment (DTG) and Kornit Presto S direct-to-fabric print systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology. The print services provider, which produces personalized markings on textiles, luggage, and promotional pieces, has used Kornit Digital production technologies for more than 15 years.

Tourism accounts for 30% of Brodelec’s business, and clients include zoos, museums, and tourist attractions, as well as communication agencies. They established an on-demand web platform enabling small brands and YouTube users to order and receive custom gear quickly. By investing in a broad cross-section of Kornit’s technologies for single-step, eco-friendly, just-in-time production, Brodelec creates new opportunities and sales channels, which proved fortuitous when the pandemic economy suddenly impacted consumer behaviors.

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that France-based Brodelec has recently complemented its existing Kornit Avalanche direct-to-garment (DTG) and Kornit Presto S direct-to-fabric print systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology. The print services provider, which produces personalized markings on textiles, luggage, and promotional pieces, has used Kornit Digital production technologies for more than 15 years.

Tourism accounts for 30% of Brodelec’s business, and clients include zoos, museums, and tourist attractions, as well as communication agencies. They established an on-demand web platform enabling small brands and YouTube users to order and receive custom gear quickly. By investing in a broad cross-section of Kornit’s technologies for single-step, eco-friendly, just-in-time production, Brodelec creates new opportunities and sales channels, which proved fortuitous when the pandemic economy suddenly impacted consumer behaviors.

Using Kornit’s Oeko-Passport and GOTS-certified inks, these systems produce consistent, high-quality impressions within minutes, giving Brodelec the flexibility to produce a variety of applications, in multiple materials, with a single ink set. The business complemented Kornit’s quick, efficient production capabilities with a laser cutting system and several sewing machines, empowering them to offer finished pieces such as imprinted cushions, tote bags, aprons, and towels.


Kornit Digital / pr4u

(c) Kornit

Save Our Souls Clothing Scales Upward

  • Launching “Buy That Merch” Platform with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced that United Kingdom-based Save Our Souls Clothing has implemented the Kornit Storm HD6 Lite system for just-in-time production of its “alternative” custom apparel. Replacing a fleet of smaller, low-capacity digital direct-to-garment (DTG) machines, the Kornit system has enabled the company to scale its business upward with minimal time and labour needs.

  • Launching “Buy That Merch” Platform with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced that United Kingdom-based Save Our Souls Clothing has implemented the Kornit Storm HD6 Lite system for just-in-time production of its “alternative” custom apparel. Replacing a fleet of smaller, low-capacity digital direct-to-garment (DTG) machines, the Kornit system has enabled the company to scale its business upward with minimal time and labour needs.

Save Our Souls offers print services to a community of artists “driven by a love of tattoos, music, art, and life,” with a growing catalogue of designs applied to a variety of apparel at the time it is ordered, ensuring minimal inventory waste and carbon footprint. The success of their Kornit implementation, which enabled the brand to produce higher quantities with a single operator while eliminating pretreatments and heat presses from their routine, has empowered them to launch the “Buy That Merch” platform for artists, broadcasters, and musicians to produce and sell their own merchandise directly, without the fees associated with existing online marketplaces.

“With the Kornit, you can print pretty much anything, so when we work with artists, they can just do what they love, and we can print it,” said Marc Carter, Finance Director at Save Our Souls. “It changed everything. We could market more, bring more business on, and we didn’t need as much staff as we needed prior to that, so it’s actually more cost-effective. Our monthly cost has actually dropped, and maintenance is next to nothing.”



(c) Kornit

Kornit Digital bringt Presto MAX für die On-Demand-Produktion auf den Markt

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab heute die Markteinführung seines Kornit Presto MAX-Systems für die nachhaltige On-Demand-Produktion von Kleidungsstücken und anderen Textilien bekannt. Das neue System wird auf der Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event erstmals live vorgeführt. Bei dieser Veranstaltung vom 2. bis 5. November werden technische Innovationen, Partnerschaften und bewährte Strategien vorgestellt, die den geschäftlichen Nutzen der nachhaltigen On-Demand-Produktion von Modeartikeln und Textilien überzeugend unter Beweis stellen.

Mit völlig neuen Funktionen zur Umsetzung virtueller Konzepte in brillante, individuell designte Stoffe für Modeartikel, Heimtextilien und andere textile Anwendungen ist die Kornit Presto MAX das erste Digitaldrucksystem, das den Weißdruck auf farbige Stoffe ermöglicht und so die Dekorationsmöglichkeiten für dunkle farbige Stoffe enorm erweitert. In dieses System können problemlos zukünftige Varianten und Weiterentwicklungen der XDi-Technologie für dekorative 3D-Anwendungen, wie Stickeffekte, hochdichter Druck, Vinyl und andere innovative Effekte, integriert werden.

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab heute die Markteinführung seines Kornit Presto MAX-Systems für die nachhaltige On-Demand-Produktion von Kleidungsstücken und anderen Textilien bekannt. Das neue System wird auf der Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event erstmals live vorgeführt. Bei dieser Veranstaltung vom 2. bis 5. November werden technische Innovationen, Partnerschaften und bewährte Strategien vorgestellt, die den geschäftlichen Nutzen der nachhaltigen On-Demand-Produktion von Modeartikeln und Textilien überzeugend unter Beweis stellen.

Mit völlig neuen Funktionen zur Umsetzung virtueller Konzepte in brillante, individuell designte Stoffe für Modeartikel, Heimtextilien und andere textile Anwendungen ist die Kornit Presto MAX das erste Digitaldrucksystem, das den Weißdruck auf farbige Stoffe ermöglicht und so die Dekorationsmöglichkeiten für dunkle farbige Stoffe enorm erweitert. In dieses System können problemlos zukünftige Varianten und Weiterentwicklungen der XDi-Technologie für dekorative 3D-Anwendungen, wie Stickeffekte, hochdichter Druck, Vinyl und andere innovative Effekte, integriert werden.

Die Kornit Presto MAX ist mit Natur-, Kunst- und Mischfasern kompatibel und verfügt über fortschrittliche Algorithmen für intelligente, autonome Kalibrierung. Sie zeichnet sich durch hohe Druckqualität mit kurzen Durchlaufzeiten und minimalen manuellen Eingriffen oder Defekten aus. Das System wurde auf Kompatibilität mit dem globalen Fulfillment-ÖkosystemX ausgelegt, um die Produktion jederzeit und überall zu ermöglichen. Es unterstützt ein verteiltes Modell zur Produktion näher beim Endkunden, spart Zeit und logistischen Aufwand und sorgt gleichzeitig für Qualität und Konstanz in allen Systemen und Produktionsstätten.

Die Kornit Presto MAX legt den Grundstein für eine intelligente, effiziente und nachhaltige EcoFactory. Sie bietet Herstellern die Möglichkeit, mehr Teile in den Prozess – vom Design bis zum fertigen Produkt – zu integrieren, ihre CO2-Emissionen zu verringern, ihre personellen Ressourcen auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren und weniger Abfall bzw. Ausschuss zu produzieren. Dadurch wird unnötiger Zeit-, Arbeits- und Lieferaufwand innerhalb der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette vermieden. Dank der kundennahen Produktion können die hohen Anforderungen des globalen Online-Markts schneller erfüllt, neue Vertriebskanäle erschlossen und intelligente Geschäftsmodelle für langfristiges Geschäftswachstum entwickelt werden.


Kornit / PR4U

Kornit Digital introduces Presto MAX for sustainable on-demand production (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital introduces Presto MAX for sustainable on-demand production

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced the release of its Kornit Presto MAX system for sustainable on-demand production of apparel and other textile goods. The new system will make its live debut at Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event, which the company is hosting November 2-5 to showcase technology innovations, partnerships, and proven strategies driving the business case for sustainable, on-demand production of fashion and textile goods worldwide.

Kornit Presto MAX is the first digital print system to offer white printing on colored fabrics, enhancing decoration capabilities for dark colored fabrics more broadly. It is the only single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, delivering the highest quality and softest feel with brilliant whites and brighter neon colors. The system is ready to incorporate future iterations and evolutions of XDi technology—3D decorative applications to produce threadless embroidery, high-density, vinyl, screen transfer, and other innovative effects.

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced the release of its Kornit Presto MAX system for sustainable on-demand production of apparel and other textile goods. The new system will make its live debut at Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event, which the company is hosting November 2-5 to showcase technology innovations, partnerships, and proven strategies driving the business case for sustainable, on-demand production of fashion and textile goods worldwide.

Kornit Presto MAX is the first digital print system to offer white printing on colored fabrics, enhancing decoration capabilities for dark colored fabrics more broadly. It is the only single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, delivering the highest quality and softest feel with brilliant whites and brighter neon colors. The system is ready to incorporate future iterations and evolutions of XDi technology—3D decorative applications to produce threadless embroidery, high-density, vinyl, screen transfer, and other innovative effects.

Kornit Presto MAX is compatible with natural fabrics, synthetics, and blends, and includes advanced algorithms for smart autonomous calibration, to deliver high-quality results with short cycle times and minimal manual interruptions or defects. The system was devised for compatibility with the KornitX global fulfillment ecosystem to enable anywhere, anytime production, supporting a true distributed production model that fulfills nearer the end consumer, eliminating time and logistical waste from the experience while empowering brands to ensure quality and consistency across all systems and production sites.

Kornit Presto MAX provides the cornerstone of a smart, efficient, sustainable EcoFactory that empowers producers to cover and integrate more parts of the process, from design to finished product, to decrease their carbon footprint, use minimum manpower, and generate less waste. This means eliminating excessive time, labor, and shipping throughout the value chain, enabling proximity production to meet the accelerated demands of a web-driven global marketplace—revealing new sales channels and clever business models to grow the business long-term.


Kornit Digital / pr4u

GoCustom Clothing Adopts Kornit Avalanche HD6 (c) Kornit Digital / GoCustom Clothing

GoCustom Clothing Adopts Kornit Avalanche HD6

Kornit Digital announced that United Kingdom-based GoCustom Clothing has installed the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for on-demand, direct-to-garment (DTG) digtal production. This installment coincides with GoCustom Clothing’s implementation of the KornitX platform, which provides a streamlined end-to-end workflow between the brand’s online customer stores and their production floor.

GoCustom Clothing offers print and embroidery services, and began by providing workwear for local businesses before branching out to school hoodies and uniforms. As their e-commerce business grew and orders became more diverse, GoCustom Clothing determined it was best to add digital DTG production capabilities, which could accommodate both orders of 1,000-plus pieces and single pieces. GoCustom originally invested in a Kornit Storm system for on-demand production, before upgrading to a Kornit Avalanche HD6 for increased capacity.

Kornit Digital announced that United Kingdom-based GoCustom Clothing has installed the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for on-demand, direct-to-garment (DTG) digtal production. This installment coincides with GoCustom Clothing’s implementation of the KornitX platform, which provides a streamlined end-to-end workflow between the brand’s online customer stores and their production floor.

GoCustom Clothing offers print and embroidery services, and began by providing workwear for local businesses before branching out to school hoodies and uniforms. As their e-commerce business grew and orders became more diverse, GoCustom Clothing determined it was best to add digital DTG production capabilities, which could accommodate both orders of 1,000-plus pieces and single pieces. GoCustom originally invested in a Kornit Storm system for on-demand production, before upgrading to a Kornit Avalanche HD6 for increased capacity.

Kornit Avalanche HD6 can digitally produce numerous apparel types without considerable setup time.  Pallets can be changed quickly to handle different sizes and applications, versus the costly and time-consuming processes associated with screen printing operations. Furthermore, digitizing operations with KornitX,  Kornit’s operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, means increased control and management of the end-to-end fulfillment process, from front-end steps including design, order management, and virtual catalog to smart routing of orders, production, packaging, and shipping.


Kornit Digital / pr4u

Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro

Fotorealistische Sportbekleidung On-Demand

  • FLYERALARM sports nutzt Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro

Kornit Digital, ein weltweiter Marktführer im Bereich digitaler Textildrucktechnologie, gab bekannt, dass das deutsche Unternehmen FLYERALARM sports eine Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro implementiert hat, um die Design- und Funktionsmöglichkeiten für die On-Demand-Produktion seiner beliebten Sportbekleidungslinie zu erweitern.

FLYERALARM ist eine der größten E-Commerce-Marken in Deutschland und einer der führenden Online-Druckanbieter in Europa. Die Tochtergesellschaft FLYERALARM sports erweitert den Marktanteil des Unternehmens im Bereich Textildruck und nutzt die nachhaltige Direct-to-Garment-Lösung von Kornit Digital, um eine Ende-zu-Ende-Digitalisierung für ein durchgängiges Nutzererlebnis, eine agile Produktion für neue Produktanforderungen sowie ein abfallfreies Vertriebsmodell zu erreichen.

  • FLYERALARM sports nutzt Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro

Kornit Digital, ein weltweiter Marktführer im Bereich digitaler Textildrucktechnologie, gab bekannt, dass das deutsche Unternehmen FLYERALARM sports eine Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro implementiert hat, um die Design- und Funktionsmöglichkeiten für die On-Demand-Produktion seiner beliebten Sportbekleidungslinie zu erweitern.

FLYERALARM ist eine der größten E-Commerce-Marken in Deutschland und einer der führenden Online-Druckanbieter in Europa. Die Tochtergesellschaft FLYERALARM sports erweitert den Marktanteil des Unternehmens im Bereich Textildruck und nutzt die nachhaltige Direct-to-Garment-Lösung von Kornit Digital, um eine Ende-zu-Ende-Digitalisierung für ein durchgängiges Nutzererlebnis, eine agile Produktion für neue Produktanforderungen sowie ein abfallfreies Vertriebsmodell zu erreichen.

FLYERALARM sports entschied sich für die On-Demand-Technologie von Kornit weil sie fotorealistische  Druckqualitäten mit dem Digitaldruck auf Polyester liefert und mit der E-Commerce-Plattform der Marke kompatibel ist. Vereine und Einzelsportler laden ihr Wunschmotiv  in den Online-Teamshop hoch und erhalten dann individuelle Trikots, Shirts und Trainingsanzüge aus weißem oder farbigem Polyestermaterial. Kleine Auflagen werden praktisch ohne Einrichtungsaufwand und -kosten erfüllt, und jeder Auftrag ist profitabel, da die Produktionskosten konstant sind.

Weitere Informationen:
Kornit Digital Avalanche Poly Pro

Kornit Digital

LOVE HERO uses Kornit Digital for sustainable Fashion (c) Kornit Digital Europe GmbH / LOVE HERO

LOVE HERO uses Kornit Digital for sustainable Fashion

Kornit Digital announced that the London-based LOVE HERO fashion label uses Kornit’s sustainable, digitized, on-demand production capabilities to deliver its complete line of nature-themed apparel.

All fabrics are traceable and certified via their blockchain platform, Retraced, to minimize their eco footprint. Cut-and-sew operations take place in Portugal.

LOVE HERO is currently engaged with Kornit on the mechanics of imprinting silk, biodegradable nylon, and other diverse materials. One such application involves two-sided fabrics—nylon on top, with cotton on the reverse.

“Kornit is committed to becoming the operating system for sustainable fashion fulfillment, on demand,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “With visionary creators like Joshua and LOVE HERO ready to test the bounds of our design and color capabilities, and our growing network of digitized producers ready to make those visions tangible with speed, economy, and quality from all corners of the globe, we’re changing the public percetion of what digital can do—meeting the global sustainability imperative, without demanding compromise from any actor in that value chain.”

Kornit Digital announced that the London-based LOVE HERO fashion label uses Kornit’s sustainable, digitized, on-demand production capabilities to deliver its complete line of nature-themed apparel.

All fabrics are traceable and certified via their blockchain platform, Retraced, to minimize their eco footprint. Cut-and-sew operations take place in Portugal.

LOVE HERO is currently engaged with Kornit on the mechanics of imprinting silk, biodegradable nylon, and other diverse materials. One such application involves two-sided fabrics—nylon on top, with cotton on the reverse.

“Kornit is committed to becoming the operating system for sustainable fashion fulfillment, on demand,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “With visionary creators like Joshua and LOVE HERO ready to test the bounds of our design and color capabilities, and our growing network of digitized producers ready to make those visions tangible with speed, economy, and quality from all corners of the globe, we’re changing the public percetion of what digital can do—meeting the global sustainability imperative, without demanding compromise from any actor in that value chain.”


Kornit Digital Europe GmbH / pr4u

Kornit Digital at the New York Fashion Week (c) Kornit

Kornit Digital at the New York Fashion Week

  • Kornit Digital and threeASFOUR Give Shape to the Future of Fashion and Technology with the KUNDALINI Collection at New York Fashion Week
  • Event will showcase how fashion technology transforms creativity and expression, and eliminates wasteful overproduction prominent in the fashion industry

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced today a collaboration with fashion designers threeASFOUR. The new collection, KUNDALINI, premiered today during New York Fashion Week, demonstrating exceptional capabilities for designers in the fashion industry to express brilliance, creativity, and extraordinary quality by using Kornit’s sustainable, on-demand fashion production technologies.

  • Kornit Digital and threeASFOUR Give Shape to the Future of Fashion and Technology with the KUNDALINI Collection at New York Fashion Week
  • Event will showcase how fashion technology transforms creativity and expression, and eliminates wasteful overproduction prominent in the fashion industry

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced today a collaboration with fashion designers threeASFOUR. The new collection, KUNDALINI, premiered today during New York Fashion Week, demonstrating exceptional capabilities for designers in the fashion industry to express brilliance, creativity, and extraordinary quality by using Kornit’s sustainable, on-demand fashion production technologies.

Founded in 2005, threeASFOUR has built a legacy of fusing cutting-edge technology with traditional craftsmanship to create pieces that are both fashion and art. The intricate designs in the KUNDALINI collection unlock the full value of Kornit’s innovative and cutting-edge technology and showcase the power of the digital-first approach for fashion. The entire collection was produced using Kornit’s revolutionary MAX technology, which offers never-before-seen digital decoration and design capabilities.

Working closely with Kornit, threeASFOUR was able to maintain complete design freedom in accordance with their vision, while producing quickly and significantly eliminating waste. Using Kornit technologies enabled their designers to shrink design cycles to mere days—or even hours in some cases—which is inconceivable in the traditional ways of producing fashion.

“Collaborating with top global designers like threeASFOUR demonstrates that fashion production can be cleaner and more sustainable, while also being efficient and more responsive to inspiration and creativity,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital Chief Executive Officer. “Following the massive success of Tel Aviv Fashion Week, we are now creating exhibits and partnerships in New York, Los Angeles, London—and other global fashion hubs that need to adopt eco-conscious digital means of production. This collaboration with threeASFOUR is another step on our journey to become the operating system for on-demand sustainable, proximity fashion.”

“We’ve built our brand on pushing boundaries, advancing social progress, and uniting fashion with nature and with self, while experimenting with technological innovations,” said Adi Gil, Creative Director at threeASFOUR. “Our vision for more sustainable and meaningful fashion unites us with Kornit Digital, whose technologies seem to have been designed from the ground up to help us achieve our goals. We’re excited about the infinite design freedom that Kornit on-demand production solutions offer the fashion industry, and how it could help grow our brand and raise our profile and accessibility in the marketplace.”
Kornit Digital’s on-demand production ecosystem uses considerably less water and energy and generates far less greenhouse gas emissions relative to traditional analog production processes. As the cornerstone of an efficient micro-factory production model, Kornit’s technology uses safe and sustainable consumables to enable proximity production, eliminating the logistical waste, vulnerability, and time to market associated with multinational supply chains.


Rialto Designs: Flexible, Sustainable Fashion Production on Demand with Kornit Presto S

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced UK textile printing company Rialto Designs has invested in a Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution to drive printed textile fashion innovation.

Founded 25 years ago by textile technologist brothers Riyaz and Mohsin Omarji, Rialto Designs has established a client base that includes many of the UK’s leading fashion brands.
In recent years, the company has downsized its analog screen production and adopted digital direct-to-garment capabilities. Two Kornit Avalanche HD6 systems for on-demand DTG production have streamlined operations and increased output to gain new market opportunities.

The latest single-step, eco-friendly Kornit Presto S helps align Rialto’s roll-to-roll workflow with commercial growth and delivers high-quality natural and synthetic pieces, in any quantity and in short order.

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced UK textile printing company Rialto Designs has invested in a Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution to drive printed textile fashion innovation.

Founded 25 years ago by textile technologist brothers Riyaz and Mohsin Omarji, Rialto Designs has established a client base that includes many of the UK’s leading fashion brands.
In recent years, the company has downsized its analog screen production and adopted digital direct-to-garment capabilities. Two Kornit Avalanche HD6 systems for on-demand DTG production have streamlined operations and increased output to gain new market opportunities.

The latest single-step, eco-friendly Kornit Presto S helps align Rialto’s roll-to-roll workflow with commercial growth and delivers high-quality natural and synthetic pieces, in any quantity and in short order.

Kornit’s DTG technology supports Rialto to deliver a service that sets it apart on speed, sustainability, and high quality. Clients can now order printed samples across hundreds of fabric bases—polyester and natural—and receive their orders within 24 hours.




Kornit Digital acquires Voxel8

  • Expanding additive manufacturing technology portfolio for next generation of sustainable on-demand textile production

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced the acquisition of all associated assets of Somerville, Massachusetts-based Voxel8.  

Voxel8’s advanced additive manufacturing technology for textiles allows for digital fabrication of functional features with zonal control of material properties, in addition to utilizing high-performance elastomers adhering to inkjet technology.

  • Expanding additive manufacturing technology portfolio for next generation of sustainable on-demand textile production

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced the acquisition of all associated assets of Somerville, Massachusetts-based Voxel8.  

Voxel8’s advanced additive manufacturing technology for textiles allows for digital fabrication of functional features with zonal control of material properties, in addition to utilizing high-performance elastomers adhering to inkjet technology.

"By integrating Voxel8’s technology into Kornit’s product roadmap, we will be able to transform numerous market segments and verticals, accelerating our collective visions and technology advancements," . “Voxel8 offers direct 3D print-on-part capabilities, advanced design software that can be easily integrated with any production floor software workflow, and versatile chemistry enabling on-the-fly formulation of high-performance elastomers to change the material properties of the resulting printed structures by multiple orders of magnitude. This means reflective, high-density, silicone and metallics, as well as compression elements for sports and therapeutics, protection elements like cushioning and impact resistance, and functionality applications like anti-slip, waterproofing, and other qualities combining form and function that are key to Kornit’s vision of digitizing production in every conceivable manner,” explained Kobi Mann, Kornit Digital Chief Technology Officer


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Kornit Digital Partners with design platform Canva

Kornit Digital announced a new partnership with online visual communications and design platform Canva.

As part of the partnership, KornitX, an operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, will become one of Canva’s first certified integration partners, empowering Canva to help leading Print Service Providers (PSPs), brands, and organizations easily add the Canva design tool to their e-commerce websites, making it easier to create personalized products from design, to order, to product fulfillment, in minutes. KornitX will also manage and route all orders through Kornit’s extensive global fulfillment network. Canva’s online visual communications platform currently serves more than 55 million private and enterprise users globally.

Kornit Digital announced a new partnership with online visual communications and design platform Canva.

As part of the partnership, KornitX, an operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, will become one of Canva’s first certified integration partners, empowering Canva to help leading Print Service Providers (PSPs), brands, and organizations easily add the Canva design tool to their e-commerce websites, making it easier to create personalized products from design, to order, to product fulfillment, in minutes. KornitX will also manage and route all orders through Kornit’s extensive global fulfillment network. Canva’s online visual communications platform currently serves more than 55 million private and enterprise users globally.


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Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

(c) Kornit Digital

Sustainable On-Demand Textile Production: new Partners for Kornit Digital

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

In Kornit’s pigment-based digital textile production capabilities and efficient workflow solutions, Fashion-Enter Ltd. sees an answer for brands serving the needs of today’s consumers, while reducing inventory waste and improving supply chain management and garment quality.


Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Introducing Kornit Atlas MAX and ActiveLoad Automation
Kornit also debuted the ActiveLoad Automation technology, a new robotic system to significantly ease the burden of manual and labor-intensive media handling in the textile decoration industry. This increases total output per shift while ensuring minimal downtime and exceptional reliability. The new patent pending ActiveLoad Automation technology ensures continuous production and consistency, while decreasing human error and fatigue, regardless of employee experience and training, for ultimate results and best operational efficiency.

The first product with MAX technology is now commercially available in the Kornit Atlas MAX, a carbon-neutral, industrial-scale DTG production system, providing unsurpassed retail quality, exceptional color-matching capabilities, and a wide, vivid color gamut, with exceptional durability. The Atlas MAX is delivered with the new XDi technology built in, for 3D printing capabilities.


Brodelec uses Direct-To-Fabric Printing with Kornit Digital Printing Technology

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

He continues: "The Kornit Presto S has allowed us to bring our latest project to life: the creation of a website entirely dedicated to ordering custom masks. Thanks to an online editor and our 200 models, our customers can order their masks in quantities ranging from 1 to several thousand pieces if necessary. As the Kornit Presto is free of certain technical and chemical constraints and has adapted perfectly to Brodelec's workflow system; we are currently printing more than 10,000 masks per week and can respond to requests within extremely short deadlines while guaranteeing quality and sharpness of detail. The masks meet the recommendations of the AFNOR and are designed with a fabric that filters out particles in the air by over 90%! Therefore, the designed and printed fabric masks are designated as category 1 and meet the UNS1 standards. They are distributed after testing for 60 washes."

Kitlocker Implements Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro for Efficient, Versatile Sportswear Production on Demand (c) Kitlocker
Mike Kent

Kitlocker Implements Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro for Efficient, Versatile Sportswear Production on Demand

The machines are quick and reliable, with very little downtime, which is massively important to me as a business owner.”

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced United Kingdom-based Kitlocker has implemented two Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro systems for efficient, retail-quality production of branded and customized apparel on demand.

The machines are quick and reliable, with very little downtime, which is massively important to me as a business owner.”

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced United Kingdom-based Kitlocker has implemented two Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro systems for efficient, retail-quality production of branded and customized apparel on demand.

Kitlocker operates within several sectors of the sports and leisurewear market, providing team gear for schools, football clubs, and other sporting organizations, managing e-commerce platforms on behalf of those organizations. Enabling their customers to embellish popular styles on demand, in any quantity, drove them to explore available technologies for speed and versatility, particularly regarding polyester apparel, a cornerstone of sportswear. Kornit’s Poly Pro system is the only single-step digital direct-to-garment (DTG) technology developed specifically for imprinting polyester and poly-blend materials, extending the company’s patented process for waste-free production with durability, precise graphic detail, and the broadest colour gamut to popular sports and athleisure apparel.

“The Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro allows for far superior quality of finish for embellishment compared to traditional print techniques,” says Mike Kent, Co-Owner of Kitlocker. “When we were shopping around for alternatives, it was obvious the sort of single pass, and its ability to print on polyester, was certainly market-leading—there was no alternative that could do that. The machines are quick and reliable, with very little downtime, which is massively important to me as a business owner.”

According to Kent, the technology has enabled Kitlocker to approach new markets that had always been off-limits previously, driving incremental business and building out new product ranges. The process lent itself to simple integration with their workflow and online design tools, empowering customers to visualize their own pieces and receive finished gear, with superior retail quality and precise logo colour matching, in mere days.

“The system allows us bigger print areas, more colours, and more elaborate designs, and our customers to uniquely embellish their garments on a wide range of products from different brands with lots of different kinds of creative outputs,” adds Kent.

“Our systems help brands like Kitlocker sync supply with demand, eliminating waste and making them more reactive to customer needs,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro extends the efficiency, sustainability, quality, and logistical benefits of digitization to the booming sports and athleisure apparel market. Being able to give their customers the widest assortment of gear, customized in any quantity, on demand, is a winning game plan for Kitlocker.”


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Kornit Digital: Printful will be adding more than 50 Kornit Atlas systems

Kornit Digital announced global on-demand printing and warehousing provider Printful will be adding more than 50 Kornit Atlas systems during 2021 for direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, representing a considerable expansion of their current production capabilities. This coincides with the print-on-demand leader’s addition of new production facilities in Los Angeles, Dallas, Charlotte, Mexico, Spain, and Canada, as well as expansion of existing facilities globally.

Printful has provided a consistent model of success for on-demand fulfillment to B2B and B2C customers in the e-commerce age.

Kornit Digital announced global on-demand printing and warehousing provider Printful will be adding more than 50 Kornit Atlas systems during 2021 for direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, representing a considerable expansion of their current production capabilities. This coincides with the print-on-demand leader’s addition of new production facilities in Los Angeles, Dallas, Charlotte, Mexico, Spain, and Canada, as well as expansion of existing facilities globally.

Printful has provided a consistent model of success for on-demand fulfillment to B2B and B2C customers in the e-commerce age.

“Consumers today want customization and personalization, social media engagement, responsible and eco-friendly business practices, and instant gratification—whether they’re buying, designing, or building their own personal brand,” said Davis Siksnans, Printful Co-Founder and CEO. “Kornit’s agile, versatile, efficient technologies power our success by answering those demands with ease, and their quality, reliability, and scalability are a key reason we’re now shipping more than a million finished pieces every month. By bringing our proven production capabilities to more corners of the globe, Printful will be positioned to meet and exceed the demands of today’s creative digital natives for years to come.”