Aus der Branche

105 Ergebnisse
Garmont: Preview der neuen Outdoorschuh-Kollektion (c) Garmont

Garmont: Preview der neuen Outdoorschuh-Kollektion

Die italienische Outdoorschuhmarke GARMONT präsentiert mit dem 9.81 BOLT 2.0 und dem GROOVE MID G-DRY zwei Neuheiten für Frühjahr 2022:

  • Der 9.81 BOLT 2.0 ist ein leichter, atmungsaktiver Outdoor-Schuh für alle, die am Berg gern schnell und intensiv unterwegs sind. Gefertigt wird er aus dem recycelten Nylon ECONYL®. Im Vergleich zur Produktion aus originärem Nylon reduzieren die Italiener die Emissionen so um bis zu 87 Prozent und den Bruttoenergiebedarf um bis zu 44 Prozent.
  • Der neue GROOVE MID G-DRY vereint Vielseitigkeit, Funktionalität und Schutz. Der Comfort Fit mit seiner breiten und besonders bequemen Passform bietet optimalen Halt und gleichzeitig maximale Bewegungsfreiheit für Komfort und Trittsicherheit bei jedem Schritt.

Die italienische Outdoorschuhmarke GARMONT präsentiert mit dem 9.81 BOLT 2.0 und dem GROOVE MID G-DRY zwei Neuheiten für Frühjahr 2022:

  • Der 9.81 BOLT 2.0 ist ein leichter, atmungsaktiver Outdoor-Schuh für alle, die am Berg gern schnell und intensiv unterwegs sind. Gefertigt wird er aus dem recycelten Nylon ECONYL®. Im Vergleich zur Produktion aus originärem Nylon reduzieren die Italiener die Emissionen so um bis zu 87 Prozent und den Bruttoenergiebedarf um bis zu 44 Prozent.
  • Der neue GROOVE MID G-DRY vereint Vielseitigkeit, Funktionalität und Schutz. Der Comfort Fit mit seiner breiten und besonders bequemen Passform bietet optimalen Halt und gleichzeitig maximale Bewegungsfreiheit für Komfort und Trittsicherheit bei jedem Schritt.

Garmont / crystal communications


SUPREME GREEN COTTON® in the latest Collections of three Brands

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®, the water-saving smart-tech yarn by Varvaressos has been chosen by Diesel, Champ Blanc and Muntagnard, and won the Gold Award at the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020.

Thanks to a pioneering satellite-powered drip irrigation system, SUPREME GREEN COTTON® saves up to 40% of water. The range of yarns is entirely Made in Europe and comes with influential sustainable verifications. The MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® label guarantees that the yarns have been tested for harmful substances and manufactured using sustainable processes under socially responsible working conditions in accordance with STeP by OEKO-TEX®. Complete transparency and traceability are guaranteed throughout the whole production and supply chain by the unique diafania SI platform, powered via blockchain technology.

Global clothing and lifestyle Italian premium jeans brand Diesel stands out for its unique mindset and sustainable imprint. That’s why it chose SUPREME GREEN COTTON® for its collection ‘Green Label’ and ‘NightCrush’ as well as its ‘Malign’ jersey T-shirts, available in two different colours and prints.

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®, the water-saving smart-tech yarn by Varvaressos has been chosen by Diesel, Champ Blanc and Muntagnard, and won the Gold Award at the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020.

Thanks to a pioneering satellite-powered drip irrigation system, SUPREME GREEN COTTON® saves up to 40% of water. The range of yarns is entirely Made in Europe and comes with influential sustainable verifications. The MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® label guarantees that the yarns have been tested for harmful substances and manufactured using sustainable processes under socially responsible working conditions in accordance with STeP by OEKO-TEX®. Complete transparency and traceability are guaranteed throughout the whole production and supply chain by the unique diafania SI platform, powered via blockchain technology.

Global clothing and lifestyle Italian premium jeans brand Diesel stands out for its unique mindset and sustainable imprint. That’s why it chose SUPREME GREEN COTTON® for its collection ‘Green Label’ and ‘NightCrush’ as well as its ‘Malign’ jersey T-shirts, available in two different colours and prints.

Thee Swiss brand Muntagnard believes in «sustainability» as a powerful lever for innovative solutions for people who go their own way and think outside the box to advance sustainable development. Muntagnard rethinks textiles - from the sewing thread to the label – selecting only sustainable materials and minimizing the use of plastic to the bone while seeking sensible, biodegradable textile alternatives. The MANGOLA collection of T-sets is 100% made of SUPREME GREEN COTTON®.

CHAMP BLANC is a responsible French brand renown for its ready-to-wear men clothing and for its strong commitment to traceability. The brand has been working for nearly 8 months on the design of the "Traceable T-shirt" made of 100% SUPREME GREEN COTTON®. The result is a high quality and finishing t-shirt to make it last. By relying on existing technologies, the entire production chain is traceable and can be discover thanks a QR-code on the label.

SUPREME GREEN COTTON® has also been bestowed with the influential Gold Award in the “Top Branded Export Product” category of the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020


Varvaressos / GB Network Marketing & Communication

Brennet launcht Order Tool zur saisonübergreifenden Designs (c) BRENNET Fashion AG

Brennet launcht Order Tool zur saisonübergreifenden Designs

Frühjahr/Sommer, Herbst/Winter – die zwei Saison-Kollektionen pro Jahr sind in der Modebranche gelernt und etabliert. Brennet, der Schweizer Spezialist für individuelle Textil-Lösungen, möchte diese starren Strukturen flexibler gestalten und setzt mit einem neuen, digitalen Order Tool auf die permanente Präsentation kreativer Design-Ideen.

Mit dem neuen Kollektionsviewer hat Brennet ein innovatives Portal gelauncht, das es Kunden ab sofort ermöglicht, saisonübergreifend noch schneller und komfortabler die passenden Stoffe zu finden. Mittelfristig möchte das Unternehmen damit von einer saisonalen auf eine rollende Kollektion übergehen.

Frühjahr/Sommer, Herbst/Winter – die zwei Saison-Kollektionen pro Jahr sind in der Modebranche gelernt und etabliert. Brennet, der Schweizer Spezialist für individuelle Textil-Lösungen, möchte diese starren Strukturen flexibler gestalten und setzt mit einem neuen, digitalen Order Tool auf die permanente Präsentation kreativer Design-Ideen.

Mit dem neuen Kollektionsviewer hat Brennet ein innovatives Portal gelauncht, das es Kunden ab sofort ermöglicht, saisonübergreifend noch schneller und komfortabler die passenden Stoffe zu finden. Mittelfristig möchte das Unternehmen damit von einer saisonalen auf eine rollende Kollektion übergehen.

«Wir leben in einer schnelllebigen Welt, in der der Fokus auf das Set-up von zwei Saison-Kollektionen, Katalog Aussendungen und Messeauftritten längst nicht mehr zeitgemäß ist. Unsere Kunden sollen – unabhängig von Raum und Zeit – einfach und intuitiv die passenden Stoffe für ihre Bedürfnisse finden. Deshalb war es für uns nur logisch, an einer digitalen Lösung zu arbeiten», erklärt Marco Zhu-Schneider, CSO der Cilander-Gruppe, zur Idee hinter der Entwicklung des neuen Order Tools. Der Kollektionsviewer zeigt die E-Collection, in der alle Stoffmuster alphabetisch geordnet, mit colorierten Bildern, Namen und Referenzen aufgelistet sind. Per Klick auf das gewünschte Stoffmuster öffnet sich dieses in der Detailansicht inkl. der Angabe aller relevanter Daten, wie der Zusammensetzung, des Gewichts, der Maße, des Preises, der Bemusterung sowie der Lieferzeiten. So finden Kunden schnell und unkompliziert was sie suchen, oder können sich bei Bedarf von den vielen Design-Ideen inspirieren lassen.

Der Mehrwert für die Kunden liegt dabei für Zhu-Schneider klar auf der Hand: «Wir können schnell auf Trends reagieren und unseren Kunden eine kontinuierliche und saisonübergreifende Entwicklung von Design-Ideen als Inspirationsquelle bieten. Die Auswahl und Bestellung von Stoffmustern waren nie schneller und unkomplizierter».


BRENNET Fashion AG / crystal communications GmbH


Garmont: Neuer Vertriebspartner für UK und Irland

Garmont International Srl, eine internationale führende Performance Schuhmarke für Bergsteiger, Wanderer und Outdoor-Sportler, präsentiert Ultra Sport EU als exklusiven Vertriebspartner für Großbritannien und Irland. Ultra Sport EU vertreibt seit mehr als 40 Jahren namhafte Action Sport Marken und nimmt mit GARMONT® nun auch Outdoor-Schuhe ins Portfolio auf.

"Ich kenne Gordon, den Geschäftsführer von Ultra Sport EU, und sein Team seit vielen Jahren und habe die Entwicklung von Ultra Sport EU immer genau verfolgt", kommentierte Michele Battocchio, Head of Sales bei Garmont International, die Ankündigung. "Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit und darauf, gemeinsam den Vertrieb der Marke GARMONT® aufzubauen. Es ist ihr erster Schritt auf dem Markt für Outdoor-Schuhe. Ich bin aber sehr zuversichtlich, dass sie der richtige Partner für uns sind und alles daransetzen werden, GARMONT® zu einem starken Player im britischen Markt zu machen."

Garmont International Srl, eine internationale führende Performance Schuhmarke für Bergsteiger, Wanderer und Outdoor-Sportler, präsentiert Ultra Sport EU als exklusiven Vertriebspartner für Großbritannien und Irland. Ultra Sport EU vertreibt seit mehr als 40 Jahren namhafte Action Sport Marken und nimmt mit GARMONT® nun auch Outdoor-Schuhe ins Portfolio auf.

"Ich kenne Gordon, den Geschäftsführer von Ultra Sport EU, und sein Team seit vielen Jahren und habe die Entwicklung von Ultra Sport EU immer genau verfolgt", kommentierte Michele Battocchio, Head of Sales bei Garmont International, die Ankündigung. "Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit und darauf, gemeinsam den Vertrieb der Marke GARMONT® aufzubauen. Es ist ihr erster Schritt auf dem Markt für Outdoor-Schuhe. Ich bin aber sehr zuversichtlich, dass sie der richtige Partner für uns sind und alles daransetzen werden, GARMONT® zu einem starken Player im britischen Markt zu machen."


Garmont / crystal communications GmbH

ATSKO: Langlebige Pflege für die Outdoor-Ausrüstung (c) ATSKO

ATSKO: Langlebige Pflege für die Outdoor-Ausrüstung

Damit Outdoor-Kleidung und -Equipment lange im Einsatz bleiben können, ist die richtige Pflege entscheidend. Die Reinigungs- und Imprägnierungsprodukte von ATSKO bewahren und schonen das Gewebe – und auch die Natur.

Damit Outdoor-Kleidung und -Equipment lange im Einsatz bleiben können, ist die richtige Pflege entscheidend. Die Reinigungs- und Imprägnierungsprodukte von ATSKO bewahren und schonen das Gewebe – und auch die Natur.

Die Outdoor-Saison hat begonnen – Wanderer, Trailrunner, Biker, Camper und viele andere zieht es nun wieder hinaus in die Natur. Damit Funktionskleidung und Gear für jede Situation optimal gerüstet sind, sollten sie regelmäßig gereinigt, gepflegt und imprägniert werden, vor allem wenn die Wasserdichtigkeit nachlässt oder Verschmutzungen dem Gewebe zusetzen. Eine gründliche Reinigung und Pflege zum Saisonende sorgen zusätzlich dafür, dass das Outdoor-Equipment die Einlagerung im Keller oder auf dem Dachboden gut übersteht und auch im nächsten Jahr wieder seine volle Leistung entfalten kann. Seit fast 90 Jahren entwickelt der US-Hersteller ATSKO nachhaltige Produkte für die extremsten Outdoor-Herausforderungen. ATSKO steht für Nässeschutz sowie imprägnierende und pflegende Mittel für Schuhe, Kleidung und Outdoor-Zubehör, die die Funktionalität erhalten und die Lebensdauer verlängern. Dank ihrer natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe sind die Produkte von ATSKO nachhaltig und schonen die Natur.

Bekannt ist ATSKO vor allem für drei Marken: SNO-SEAL® Bees Wax wird eingesetzt zur Pflege und Schutz von Lederschuhen und Lederprodukten und basiert auf natürlichem Bienenwachs. Das SILICONE WATER-GUARD®-Spray schützt Funktionstextilien und Equipment vor Nässe sowie Abnutzung und ist atmungsaktiv. Seit 1982 hat sich SPORT-WASH© zum führenden Waschmittel für High Performance-Sportswear und Funktionskleidung entwickelt. Alle Produkte sind auch in praktischen Reisegrößen erhältlich, die sich problemlos mit auf Tour oder in den Urlaub nehmen lassen.


C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD 2021 goes to DUARTE

The second C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD expands its vision embracing fashion streetwear with an attitude and bets on DUARTE, an emerging label committed to sustainability that shows a new way of being cool, yet responsible. “The C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD is much more than prize, it’s an open workshop with influential professionals that will support DUARTE in reaching the next level and being able to share my vision for responsible fashion”, comments Ana Duarte.

The designer (b.1991) launched her label DUARTE in 2016 just after graduation. Since then, the fresh, colourful and power-propelling brand has conquered both catwalks and cities’ streets with a responsible message. “Sustainability means durability, fair work practices, recycled materials and zero-waste,” is Ana’s mantra. Indeed, the collection is the result of a virtuous balance between production and locally-sourced, recyclable high-quality materials harnessed from factories’ deadstock. DUARTE also means circularity, the garments can be re-used and upcycled to create new collections.

The second C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD expands its vision embracing fashion streetwear with an attitude and bets on DUARTE, an emerging label committed to sustainability that shows a new way of being cool, yet responsible. “The C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD is much more than prize, it’s an open workshop with influential professionals that will support DUARTE in reaching the next level and being able to share my vision for responsible fashion”, comments Ana Duarte.

The designer (b.1991) launched her label DUARTE in 2016 just after graduation. Since then, the fresh, colourful and power-propelling brand has conquered both catwalks and cities’ streets with a responsible message. “Sustainability means durability, fair work practices, recycled materials and zero-waste,” is Ana’s mantra. Indeed, the collection is the result of a virtuous balance between production and locally-sourced, recyclable high-quality materials harnessed from factories’ deadstock. DUARTE also means circularity, the garments can be re-used and upcycled to create new collections.

The C.L.A.S.S. ICON AWARD is a project led by C.L.A.S.S. with the special support of IDEE BRAND PLATFORM which assists fashion brands in commercial activity, WHITE Milano, international fair supporting the new generations and independent brands with special projects since its inception and responsible shopping platform Renoon. Together they will all support DUARTE for a full year at 360°, from consultancy to communication.


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network Marketing & Communication

Millet: Kollektion Spring/Summer 2022 (c) Millet
Grepon Carbon Pro

Millet: Kollektion Spring/Summer 2022

Millet, ein Spezialist für Hochgebirgsausrüstung mit Sitz im französischen Annecy Le Vieux, begleitet seit 100 Jahren Bergsportbegeisterte bei ihrer Leidenschaft.

Die UBIC-Reihe wurde überarbeitet und besteht aus 100% recycelten Fasern
Das UBIC-Sortiment, seit vielen Jahren ein Bestseller bei MILLET, wurde in diesem Jahr überarbeitet. Die Rücksäcke werden gänzlich aus 100% recycelten Fasern hergestellt. Außerdem wurde die Integration des Variloop™-Systems verbessert, das es ermöglicht, das ganze Jahr über Alpin- und Campingausrüstung komfortabel am Rucksack zu befestigen.
Hauptmaterialien: HONEYCOMB 3LINE RECYCLED - 100% recyceltes Polyamid - PFC-freie DWR / P 600D 100% recycelt- 100% recyceltes PES - Wassersäule: 1000 mm

Trilogy Fragment 3L JKT M
Minimalistische Jacke, die leichten und abriebfesten Schutz bei jedem Wetterumschwung in den Bergen bietet.
Hauptgewebe: PERTEX® SHIELD XLIGHT 3L - 100% Polyamid / Dampfdurchlässigkeit: 20 000 g.m².24h / Wassersäule: 20 000 mm – PFC-freie DWR

Millet, ein Spezialist für Hochgebirgsausrüstung mit Sitz im französischen Annecy Le Vieux, begleitet seit 100 Jahren Bergsportbegeisterte bei ihrer Leidenschaft.

Die UBIC-Reihe wurde überarbeitet und besteht aus 100% recycelten Fasern
Das UBIC-Sortiment, seit vielen Jahren ein Bestseller bei MILLET, wurde in diesem Jahr überarbeitet. Die Rücksäcke werden gänzlich aus 100% recycelten Fasern hergestellt. Außerdem wurde die Integration des Variloop™-Systems verbessert, das es ermöglicht, das ganze Jahr über Alpin- und Campingausrüstung komfortabel am Rucksack zu befestigen.
Hauptmaterialien: HONEYCOMB 3LINE RECYCLED - 100% recyceltes Polyamid - PFC-freie DWR / P 600D 100% recycelt- 100% recyceltes PES - Wassersäule: 1000 mm

Trilogy Fragment 3L JKT M
Minimalistische Jacke, die leichten und abriebfesten Schutz bei jedem Wetterumschwung in den Bergen bietet.
Hauptgewebe: PERTEX® SHIELD XLIGHT 3L - 100% Polyamid / Dampfdurchlässigkeit: 20 000 g.m².24h / Wassersäule: 20 000 mm – PFC-freie DWR

Trilogy Edge Aircore Hoodie
Die extrem leichte, isolierende Jacke besteht aus winddichtem und sehr atmungsaktivem Pertex® Quantum Air, während die Primaloft® Gold Wattierung mit Cross Core™ Aerogel für ein ausgezeichnetes Gewicht/Wärme-Verhältnis selbst bei Nässe sorgt.
Hauptmaterialien: PERTEX AIR CRINKLE - 100% Polyamid – PFC-freie DWR / Isolation: PRIMALOFT® GOLD INSULATION CROSS CORE TECH 40 GR - 90% recyceltes Polyester - 10% Polyester

Trilogy Black Crag Pant
Das dehnbare und abriebfeste Cordura® Ripstop Gewebe dieser Kletterhose wird mit strategisch platzierten Dyneema® Stretch-Einsätzen kombiniert, um die Bewegungsfreiheit und die Haltbarkeit des Kleidungsstücks zu erhöhen.
Hauptmaterialien: CORDURA® AIR RIPSTOP - 53% Cordura® - 41% Polyamid - 6% Elasthan – PFC-freie DWR DYNEEMA® STRETCH - 48% Polyamid - 31% Elasthan - 21% Polyethylen

Grepon Carbon Pro: Ultraleichter und isolierter Alpinstiefel
Der ultraleichte, technische Schuh bietet volle Steifigkeit in schwierigen Routen, sowohl am Fels als auch bei Mixed-Bedingungen mit Steigeisen.
Hauptmaterialien: Italian Extreme Tenacity Upper, GORE-TEX Membran

Prolighter 30+10 W
Mit einer angepassten Passform präsentiert sich dieser Rucksack im Sommer 2022 mit einem leichteren und cleanen Design. Der abnehmbare Deckel und der Gurt ermöglichen eine 20%ige Gewichtsreduzierung.
Hauptmaterialien: N210D HONEYCOMB ROBIC - 100% Polyamid - Wassersäule: 1000 mm, PFC-freie DWR / Innenfutter: P250D OXFORD - 100% recyceltes Polyester - Wassersäule: 1000 mm, PFC-freie DWR

Damenjacke aus GORE-TEX® 3L, entwickelt für den ganzjährigen Einsatz.
Hauptmaterialien: GORE-TEX PLAIN 3L - 100% Polyamid - Dampfdurchlässigkeit: RET < 9m²Pa.W - Wassersäule: 28.000 mm, PFC-freie DWR

Summit XCS Rip Pant W
Wasserabweisende und winddichte Hose, für alpine Abenteuer. Das Stretchmaterial und die Passform garantieren Bewegungsfreiheit, während die Verstärkungen an den Knien und Unterschenkeln die Strapazierfähigkeit erhöhen.
Hauptmaterialien: X.C.S. BRUSHED RIPSTOP - 89% Polyamid - 11% Elasthan – PFC-freie DWR RUGGED TOUGHTEX - 72% Polyamid - 14% Polyester - 14% Elasthan


Millet / crystal communications

Photo: pixabay

Dow and Cotton Inc. are combining expertise for more Sustainable Fashion

Combining expertise for more sustainable fashion
Ever wonder how much water was used to make your favorite cotton T-shirt? About 2,700 liters, or roughly three years of drinking water. What first comes to mind is probably the water that was essential to growing the cotton crop. Surprisingly, cotton is a drought-tolerant plant, and often less recognized is the strain that can be put on water resources to dye cotton textiles.

Progress is being made across the industry to lessen the strain on our precious water resources. Over the past several years, Dow collaborated with Cotton Incorporated to research and validate their product, ECOFAST™ Pure Sustainable Textile Treatment, that can help drastically reduce water and chemical use during the dyeing process. Major fashion brands are integrating it into their supply chain to dye more sustainably, without sacrificing color or quality.

Combining expertise for more sustainable fashion
Ever wonder how much water was used to make your favorite cotton T-shirt? About 2,700 liters, or roughly three years of drinking water. What first comes to mind is probably the water that was essential to growing the cotton crop. Surprisingly, cotton is a drought-tolerant plant, and often less recognized is the strain that can be put on water resources to dye cotton textiles.

Progress is being made across the industry to lessen the strain on our precious water resources. Over the past several years, Dow collaborated with Cotton Incorporated to research and validate their product, ECOFAST™ Pure Sustainable Textile Treatment, that can help drastically reduce water and chemical use during the dyeing process. Major fashion brands are integrating it into their supply chain to dye more sustainably, without sacrificing color or quality.

Cotton dyeing is very resource-intensive and puts strain on local waterways. A large amount of water is used in the dyeing process – up to 5 trillion liters a year, or nearly enough to supply all of humanity with drinking water. Significant amounts of chemicals and dye are needed to get the desired colors consumers expect too. This is part of the reason textile mills account for 20% of industrial water pollution globally. Wastewater from the dyeing process can be polluting and require costly treatment and these challenges are found in regions that already face water scarcity.

Reforming processes in an industry as established as textiles is no easy feat. Collaboration across the sector is needed to bring about sustainable change. With that in mind, Cotton Incorporated approached Dow. They wanted help scaling a cotton technology to support more sustainable textile dyeing.Leveraging Cotton Incorporated’s industry expertise and Dow’s material science knowledge, they worked together to understand and validate the benefits of our patented ECOFAST™ Pure Sustainable Textile Treatment.

How can colors be more responsible?  
ECOFAST™ Pure is a pretreatment applied before the dyeing process to produce cationic cotton. This means the charge of cotton is permanently changed from negative to positive, so it acts like a magnet to attract negatively charged dye to the material. How does that benefit the textile mill? It significantly decreases the amount of water, chemicals, dye and energy needed to color cotton. A third party reviewed and validated life cycle assessment, available by request, helped further prove the benefits.



G&S Business Communications



How to recognize truly sustainable fashion? How can responsible recycling of garments and fabrics - as well as new formulas for circular economy - make a difference in fighting the climate emergency? These are just some of the topics addressed during THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM, the open-ended program of virtual meetings with some of the most influential fashion and sustainability experts organized by the Museo del Tessuto di Prato in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The museum and the international platform that creates awareness and supports professionals who believe in fashion and sustainable textiles have joined forces to talk not only to fashion enthusiasts but to everyone, and explore a hot and often underestimated topic that involves everyday life. The series of meetings deepens and complements the new section entirely dedicated to circular textiles in the museum's Textile Library.

How to recognize truly sustainable fashion? How can responsible recycling of garments and fabrics - as well as new formulas for circular economy - make a difference in fighting the climate emergency? These are just some of the topics addressed during THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM, the open-ended program of virtual meetings with some of the most influential fashion and sustainability experts organized by the Museo del Tessuto di Prato in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The museum and the international platform that creates awareness and supports professionals who believe in fashion and sustainable textiles have joined forces to talk not only to fashion enthusiasts but to everyone, and explore a hot and often underestimated topic that involves everyday life. The series of meetings deepens and complements the new section entirely dedicated to circular textiles in the museum's Textile Library.

Like a real symposium, THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM is a conversation arena involving 10 game changers who have been able to innovate not only with high-tech and responsible products and materials but also with new formulas, business models and production systems that respect the planet and people. Among the speakers of the cycle, visionary innovators who generate change at all levels: from the entire production system and beyond to retailers, leading international brands, research companies and communication experts, all the way to the final consumer.

The first appointment is Wednesday, May 13 at 5 pm CEST with the talk THE SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE. True sustainable fashion is a choral and capillary system in which every actor plays a fundamental role. During the meeting, professionals from different fields, from cultural institutions to industrial production, from marketing to retail, will share their perspective on sustainability.

Recycling is the key word in THE SECOND CHANCE, the second meeting scheduled for June 10 h. 5 p.m CEST.

On September 29, also at 5 p.m. CEST, appointment for the talk A TICKET TO FASHION... AND BACK entirely dedicated to the new models of circular economy.

You can register here.


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network Marketing & Communication

Emma Scalcon wins Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award (c)Emma Scalcon
Emma Scalcon project TAKE A WALK ON THE GREEN SIDE

Emma Scalcon wins Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award

  • EMMA SCALCON is the winner of the first edition of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION AWARD, an international competition for communication in sustainable fashion.

The award was established in October 2020 by Connecting Cultures and C.L.A.S.S. with the aim of creating new visual imagery and innovative communication models in sustainable fashion. Stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators, artists and other creatives, invited to rethink how to communicate the new generation of values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system, joined the open and international call.

The name of the winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar on March 30th at 4pm led by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub; Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting  Cultures; Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London; and Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts.

  • EMMA SCALCON is the winner of the first edition of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION AWARD, an international competition for communication in sustainable fashion.

The award was established in October 2020 by Connecting Cultures and C.L.A.S.S. with the aim of creating new visual imagery and innovative communication models in sustainable fashion. Stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators, artists and other creatives, invited to rethink how to communicate the new generation of values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system, joined the open and international call.

The name of the winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar on March 30th at 4pm led by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub; Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting  Cultures; Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London; and Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts.

Born in Padua, Italy, 22 years old, and a student in her second year in Textile & Fashion Design at IAAD - Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design, Emma Scalcon won the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition with her project TAKE A WALK ON THE GREEN SIDE, designing communications crafted with strong and impactful images and simple but detailed wording intended for younger consumers to inform them about sustainable fashion issues.

Scalcon ranked first among the finalists selected by a high profile jury composed of:
·   Anna Detheridge, Founder and President, Connecting Cultures
·   Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S.
·   Rita Airaghi, Director, Gianfranco Ferré Foundation
·   Paola Arosio, Head of New Brands & Sustainability Projects, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
·   Jeanine Ballone, Managing Director, Fashion 4 Development
·   Evie Evangelou, Founder and President, Fashion 4 Development
·   Chiara Luisi, Sustainability Projects Coordinator, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
·   Sara Kozlowski, Director of Education and Sustainable Strategies, Council of Fashion Designers of America  
·   Dio Kurazawa, Socio fondatore, The Bear Scouts
·   Renata Molho, Founding Partner, The Bear Scouts
·   Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London
·   Stefania Ricci, Director, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo

Emma Scalcon was awarded the €3,000 prize, made possible by the Main Sponsor ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and by the other sponsors of the project: ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei - a latest generation fabric collection that promotes responsible innovation with advanced high-tech performance, C.L.A.S.S., and the Greek smart cotton SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos.
“It is time to be pioneers in communication and for this we have supported the Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award,” commented Takaaki Kondo, global marketing department manager for ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Main Sponsor of the award. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a high quality stretch fibre with an innovative range of intelligent functions to satisfy every modern wardrobe need for sports, underwear, and fashion. “We believe that together with responsible innovation, communication is the key to bring sustainability to the next level: to inspire, educate, inform and allow both professionals and consumers to make the right choices.”

“The competition is an opportunity to rethink how to communicate the new and different values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system,” explained Anna Detheridge. “I am quite impressed with the results of the competition — the diversity of forms that we received show both an interesting change in sensibility and a practical approach to communicating these values. There is less visual rhetoric and reliance on compelling images and more investment in basic information and a greater variety of narratives.

It is a great pleasure to see the energies from a wealth of young creatives, small businesses, and designers from all over the world with cross-disciplinary interests and a diversity of talents who are ushering in a new culture of design. My heartiest congratulations go to Emma Scalcon".

“I completely agree with Anna's comments on the quality of the work submitted by participants in the competition and together we have renewed our intention to continue IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION into 2021 with a new edition of the award,” stated Giusy Bettoni. “After this initial experience, we find ourselves even more motivated to explore some of the themes that emerged during the selection process, in particular those regarding the ethics of intellectual and cultural property, a topical issue in an industry like fashion. For this reason, we are already working together on organizing a webinar on this topic with outside specialists, including legal experts.”

 21 Grams, the group comprised of Veronica De Nigris, Serena Paone e Immacolata Esposito, won a special contest open to the public among the finalists selected by the jury, receiving the most votes from Instagram followers on C.L.A.S.S.’s corporate Instagram profile. The media partner for the initiative is Renoon, the leading search tool and data hub for sustainable fashion, a rising start-up of the year, aggregating +190 brands offering sustainable options to consumers. 


PrimaLoft® präsentiert überarbeitete ThermoPlume® Isolation

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein führender Anbieter fortschrittlicher Materialtechnologien, hat PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume®, eine seiner meistverkauften Daunenalternativen, noch nachhaltiger gemacht. Die synthetische Füllung wird nun vollständig aus recycelten Post-Consumer-Materialien (PET-Flaschen) hergestellt. Seit ihrer Einführung vor vier Jahren hat sich die erste blasbare synthetische Isolierung einen guten Ruf erarbeitet. Mehr als 70 Outdoor- und Modemarken verwenden PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume® als lose Mikrofaserisolierung in ihren Produktlinien für die Herbst/Winter-Saison 2021/22.

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein führender Anbieter fortschrittlicher Materialtechnologien, hat PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume®, eine seiner meistverkauften Daunenalternativen, noch nachhaltiger gemacht. Die synthetische Füllung wird nun vollständig aus recycelten Post-Consumer-Materialien (PET-Flaschen) hergestellt. Seit ihrer Einführung vor vier Jahren hat sich die erste blasbare synthetische Isolierung einen guten Ruf erarbeitet. Mehr als 70 Outdoor- und Modemarken verwenden PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume® als lose Mikrofaserisolierung in ihren Produktlinien für die Herbst/Winter-Saison 2021/22.

"Als wir 2017 erstmals PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume® entwickelten, reagierten wir auf die wachsende Nachfrage von Designern, Marken und Kunden nach einer ethischen Alternative zu tierischen Produkten – ein Kaufkriterium, das immer wichtiger wird. Gleichzeitig war es unerlässlich weiterhin die hervorragende Leistung zu bieten, die Menschen von PrimaLoft®-Produkten erwarten", sagt Mike Joyce, Präsident und CEO von PrimaLoft. "Das gleiche Maß an Komfort und Wärme in einer vollständig recycelten Version zu erreichen, ist der nächste logische Schritt in unserem Relentlessly Responsible™-Ansatz, der sowohl Nachhaltigkeit als auch Performance durch Innovation steigert."

PrimaLoft® Insulation ThermoPlume® wird aus kleinen, seidigen Faser-Büscheln gefertigt, die gemeinsam eine lose Isolationsfüllung bilden. Diese imitiert die Haptik, Ästhetik und Beweglichkeit einer Daune, besitzt darüber hinaus aber die bewährten wasserabweisenden Eigenschaften der PrimaLoft®-Fasern. Somit wird eine weiche, komprimierbare Wärmeleistung selbst bei Nässe gewährleistet.


crystal communications


Origin Materials und PrimaLoft entwickeln CO2-negative Isolationsfasern

  • PrimaLoft und Origin Materials haben ein gemeinsames Programm ins Leben gerufen, mit dem sie CO2-negative Hochleistungsisolationsfasern für die Bekleidungsbranche, darunter namhafte Outdoor-, Mode und Lifestyle-Marken, sowie für Heimtextilien wie Allergikerbettzeug herstellen wollen.
  • PrimaLoft, der Experte für spezialisierte Materialforschung und die Entwicklung von Hochleistungsfasern für Isolation und Funktionstextilien, wird die Fasern zusammen mit Origin Materials entwickeln um den Bedarf für nachhaltige Hochleistungsmaterialien bei seinen mehr als 900 Markenpartnern aus aller Welt zu decken. Bekannte Markenpartner von PrimaLoft sind Patagonia, Stone Island, L.L. Bean, Lululemon, Adidas und Nike.
  • Im Herzen des Programms stehen CO2-negatives PET und Next-Generation-Polymere, die mit der patentierten Technologie aus dem Hause Origin Materials gefertigt werden. Dabei werden nachhaltige Holzabfälle zu kostengünstigen CO2-negativen Materialen verarbeitet, was den Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe drastisch reduziert.

Origin Materials, Inc.

  • PrimaLoft und Origin Materials haben ein gemeinsames Programm ins Leben gerufen, mit dem sie CO2-negative Hochleistungsisolationsfasern für die Bekleidungsbranche, darunter namhafte Outdoor-, Mode und Lifestyle-Marken, sowie für Heimtextilien wie Allergikerbettzeug herstellen wollen.
  • PrimaLoft, der Experte für spezialisierte Materialforschung und die Entwicklung von Hochleistungsfasern für Isolation und Funktionstextilien, wird die Fasern zusammen mit Origin Materials entwickeln um den Bedarf für nachhaltige Hochleistungsmaterialien bei seinen mehr als 900 Markenpartnern aus aller Welt zu decken. Bekannte Markenpartner von PrimaLoft sind Patagonia, Stone Island, L.L. Bean, Lululemon, Adidas und Nike.
  • Im Herzen des Programms stehen CO2-negatives PET und Next-Generation-Polymere, die mit der patentierten Technologie aus dem Hause Origin Materials gefertigt werden. Dabei werden nachhaltige Holzabfälle zu kostengünstigen CO2-negativen Materialen verarbeitet, was den Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe drastisch reduziert.

Origin Materials, Inc. („Origin Materials“), ein weltweiter Marktführer in CO2-negativen Materialien, und PrimaLoft, ein führender Innovator in Sachen Hochleistungsisolationen und Funktionstextilien, gaben den Start eines gemeinsamen Programms zur Entwicklung CO2-negativer Hochleistungsfasern bekannt. Die Fasern sollen in den unterschiedlichsten Produkten verarbeitet werden, von Isolationen für namhafte Outdoor-, Mode- und Lifestyle-Marken bis hin zu Heimtextilien wie Allergikerbettzeug.

Dabei setzen die beiden Unternehmen auf die bestehende Origin-Materials-Plattform, um innerhalb kürzester Zeit neue Produkte zu entwickeln und auf den Markt zu bringen. Das Programm setzt auf PrimaLofts Marktposition als spezialisierter Hersteller von Isolationsfasern und -filamenten mit über 900 Markenpartnern aus aller Welt. Ebenso zentral ist PrimaLofts umfangreiches globales Netzwerk aus Fertigungsstätten, die eine große Bandbreite von Herstellungsverfahren (Extrusion, Kardieren, Spinnen, Veredeln, Weben, Wirken, Färben, Airlaid, Meltblown usw.) einsetzen, um die Produkte herzustellen.

In der Kooperation manifestiert sich deutlich PrimaLofts Credo „Relentlessly Responsible™“ – die Mission, durch Innovationen Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit gleichermaßen voranzubringen. Integriert in die gemeinsame Plattform ist PrimaLoft® Bio™, das Ende 2018 zur Bekämpfung des Mikroplastiks in den Weltmeeren auf den Markt gebracht wurde; ebenso PrimaLoft® P.U.R.E.™, ein Herstellungsverfahren, bei dem mehr als 50 % CO2 eingespart werden; und schließlich PrimaLofts Recycling-Initiative. Das nächste große Thema sind erdölfreie Rohstoffe, biologisch abbaubare Produkte und andere Kreislaufwirtschaftslösungen.


crystal communications

BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance (c) RUDOLF GmbH
BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance


  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

Back in 2003, RUDOLF GROUP borrowed from Mother Nature the idea of dendrimers (from dendron, Greek word for ‘tree’), molecules made of multi-functional branches that interact among themselves, co-crystallize, and self-organize into highly ordered, multicomponent systems. These hyper-branched polymers attach to the textile and embed fluorine-free, durable water-repellent performance.
In 2021 BIONIC-FINISH®ECO comes as a reviewed and extended family of unique nonhalogenated, APEO-free, fluorine-free formulations suited for different materials and designed for different applications and needs. Still very much based on patented dendrimer technology, the new and strengthened BIONIC-FINISH®ECO’s product portfolio:

• Provides non-fluorinated and highly durable water repellent textile finishes for high-performance, professional applications (e.g. when brushing resistance is required);
• Delivers highly efficient and durable performance with low application amounts thus not affecting fabric feel and appearance (e.g. when remarkable softness is important);
• Fulfills a range of challenging technical requirements (e.g. minimal impact on flame retardant properties of technical fibers);
• Is suitable for both sportswear and outdoor applications, as well as for casual apparel and fashion clothing;
• Is bluesign® approved, ZDHC chemical gateway certified and compliant with most RSLs;

BIONIC-FINISH®ECO new portfolio includes universal and versatile solutions targeting the most standard requirements, as well as customized solutions that meet more demanding and specific expectations such as improved resistance to dry-cleaning. “None of us can entirely predict where our voyage will lead” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, RUDOLF GROUP Managing Director. “However, BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP will always be the fluorine-free, durable water repellent for ultimate  performance. As it is today”.


Tonello/RUDOLF HUB1922: Collaboration with new laser effects

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Laser Smoother (RUCO-SPECIAL LSM)
All-in-one formulation - very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning - that translates into a very natural image that is similar to what is created by hand. RUCO SPECIAL LSM amplifies the laser action, completely removes the grey/brow patina produced by the burning of cotton and last but not least, creates a micro-unevenness that simulates manual scraping and celebrates the fabric construction.

The combination of THE Laser and RUCO-SPECIAL LSM (ideally applied through CORE system) is a process that nothing adds to the usual way of working. It is a radical paradigm shift that takes the product directly to a dimension of real, highly sustainable craftsmanship:

  • Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics;
  • Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping;
  • A better and more efficient way of working.


CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 (c) C.L.A.S.S.
C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto


  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto  

During the Smart Voice, the C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, the 2021 edition of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON competition and the Sustainability Formula were presented.

C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award is an international award for visionary creatives in the fashion world who are able to convey the values of sustainability not only to fashion professionals, but also to the wider public: consumers. "We created C.L.A.S.S. ICON to reward visionary designers who create their collections by combining design, innovation and responsibility and who are able to communicate the values behind their garments authentically and effectively to consumers. It's time for storymaking and storytelling to align, otherwise it's just greenwashing" says Giusy Bettoni.

From 15th of February to 15th of April it will be possible to apply by sending an email to, with a description and objectives of the brand, the sustainability values adopted and the strategy, the designer's profile, a photo-video story of the latest collection, and any previous awards won (all info on

During the panel, designer Gilberto Calzolari, the first winner of the first C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award, shared his vision for responsible fashion and his current projects. "My brand is a laboratory of experimentation. I create fashion to open conversations and change the way people behave and think. My creativity, from the choice of fabrics and processes to the image I decide to communicate, are the weapons at my disposal. Since the beginning, I have been really excited to team up with C.L.A.S.S. in order to share a common and challenging journey, with the perspective to be part of a constantly growing network activating mutual support. I have always thought at my collections as a call to action for a better future and now more than ever my mission as C.L.A.S.S. ICON is to make people understand that commitment and sustainability can and must go hand in hand with beauty and elegance. The adage 'kalòs kai agathòs' is one of the classical teachings that should never be forgotten: aesthetics, in my opinion, is inseparable from ethics. That's why I don't just target professionals, but also the end consumer, fashionistas and beyond" says Gilberto.

"For the first edition of C.L.A.S.S. ICON in 2020 Gilberto was decreed as our chosen one, and the path together was sanctioned at that moment: the sharing of values and visions is an indissoluble bond that keeps us united over time. Like Gilberto, each ICON will be part of a community where together with C.L.A.S.S. will try to make a real smart fashion and above all create an important voice," says Giusy Bettoni.

In support of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON award, C.L.A.S.S. presented its Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, which summarises the values that C.L.A.S.S. has been researching, communicating and developing since 2007: the role of the ethical company and its transparent production, the importance of traceable and healthy products, with total respect for people and the environment. A commitment to a circular economy with a positive impact that also means safeguarding the seas, the ocean, the use of water, energy and resources.

"A Manifesto for fashion with the lowest possible impact on the planet and on people and animals’ health thanks to responsible innovation, perfectly up to the challenges of contemporary lifestyle. This is why I created the Sustainability Formula, which only exists when there is design, responsible innovation and we are able to track and measure the impact of products and processes and communicate the new values in an appropriate way. In a word, when there is knowledge" concludes Giusy Bettoni.
F = D x I x S x C
F= Fashion

CityZen: Sauber gekleidet für Business, Freizeit und Sport (c) CityZen
Auch in der Freizeit und beim Sport sauber und wohl duftend

CityZen: Sauber gekleidet für Business, Freizeit und Sport

  • Adieu Schweiß, Schmutz und Geruch: Newcomer CityZen revolutioniert T-Shirts mit Baumwolle in Hightech

CityZen, Newcomer für Mode aus Hightech-Naturfaser, revolutioniert das traditionelle Baumwoll-Shirt. Die neuartigen T-Shirts und Polohemden aus reiner Baumwolle zeigen keinen Schweiß, widerstehen Schmutz, verhindern Körpergeruch und sind zudem bügelfrei und nachhaltig farbbeständig. Das junge Bekleidungsunternehmen aus der Tschechischen Republik hat eine innovative Textiltechnik entwickelt, die ohne Chemiefasern auskommt. „Der überwältigende Erfolg seit unserer Unternehmensgründung im September 2018 bestätigt unsere Vision von intelligenten T-Shirts“, erläutert René Němeček, CTO und einer der drei Gründer von CityZen. „Unsere Hightech-Baumwolle schmeichelt der Haut und verbindet höchsten Tragekomfort mit Funktionalität.“ Angefangen mit einem einfachen T-Shirt umfasst die aktuelle Kollektion T-Shirts und Poloshirts in unterschiedlichen Schnitten und Farben für Damen und Herren. Die Größen reichen von Small bis Oversize in 6XL.

  • Adieu Schweiß, Schmutz und Geruch: Newcomer CityZen revolutioniert T-Shirts mit Baumwolle in Hightech

CityZen, Newcomer für Mode aus Hightech-Naturfaser, revolutioniert das traditionelle Baumwoll-Shirt. Die neuartigen T-Shirts und Polohemden aus reiner Baumwolle zeigen keinen Schweiß, widerstehen Schmutz, verhindern Körpergeruch und sind zudem bügelfrei und nachhaltig farbbeständig. Das junge Bekleidungsunternehmen aus der Tschechischen Republik hat eine innovative Textiltechnik entwickelt, die ohne Chemiefasern auskommt. „Der überwältigende Erfolg seit unserer Unternehmensgründung im September 2018 bestätigt unsere Vision von intelligenten T-Shirts“, erläutert René Němeček, CTO und einer der drei Gründer von CityZen. „Unsere Hightech-Baumwolle schmeichelt der Haut und verbindet höchsten Tragekomfort mit Funktionalität.“ Angefangen mit einem einfachen T-Shirt umfasst die aktuelle Kollektion T-Shirts und Poloshirts in unterschiedlichen Schnitten und Farben für Damen und Herren. Die Größen reichen von Small bis Oversize in 6XL. Die Shirts sind die ideale Basisausstattung, um sich im Business, in der Freizeit und beim Sport rundum wohl zu fühlen und einen guten Eindruck zu geben. CityZen erweitert sein Angebot ständig weiter, als Nächstes kommen Kindershirts, antibakterielle Boxershorts und Langarmshirts ins Programm.

Neuartige Baumwoll-Shirts mit innovativer Textiltechnik

„Die Qualität unserer Shirts resultiert in erster Linie aus der Erfahrung und Präzision, mit der wir entwickeln und produzieren“, ergänzt René Němeček. „Wir führen alle Produktionsschritte bei uns vor Ort durch: vom ersten Faden, über Stricken, Färben, Anwenden unserer CityZen-Technologie bis hin zum Schneiden und Nähen.“ Dank einer speziellen Behandlung speichert der Stoff aus 100 Prozent Baumwolle die Körperfeuchtigkeit auf der Innenseite des T-Shirts. Im Gegensatz zu funktioneller Sportunterwäsche fließt der Schweiß nicht auf die Oberfläche, sondern der Stoff fängt ihn innen auf. Dort breitet er sich großflächig aus. Da die Hightech-Baumwolle ausgesprochen atmungsaktiv ist, verdunstet der Schweiß sehr schnell. Damit sind außen keine Schweißflecken sichtbar und der Körper bleibt trocken. Das verhindert auch das Wachstum feuchtigkeitsliebender Bakterien, die sonst Körpergerüche verursachen. Die Shirts sind nicht nur schweißabweisend sondern unterbinden damit auch unangenehme Gerüche. Die Stoffoberfläche ist zudem so ausgerüstet, dass fast nichts haften bleibt. Schmutz lässt sich leicht mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen. Die innovative Textiltechnik macht auch Bügeln überflüssig und lässt die Farben lange leuchten. Die Shirts stellt CityZen ausschließlich in der Tschechischen Republik mitten in Europa her.  

Eröffnungs-Aktion zum Valentinstag

CityZen eröffnet den Verkauf in Deutschland mit einer Rabatt-Aktion zum Valentinstag: Ab heute bis einschließlich 14. Februar 2021 gibt es auf das gesamte Sortiment im Online-Shop ( 10 Prozent Ermäßigung plus Gratislieferung ab 99 Euro Bestellwert. 

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources (c)RUDOLF GROUP
It makes sense and it’s logic. It’s BIO-LOGIC

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is an absolute breakthrough and the first Durable Water Repellent (DWR) agent based on plant-derived processing wastes. In fact, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is made of natural waste that accumulates as by-product during the processing of cereal grains in the food industry. The leftover material that would otherwise be disposed of is refined to create a powerful water and stain repellent textile finish.

“By turning natural waste into DWR we have optimized the biologic character of RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR where the active component is made of more than 90% bio carbon” states Dr. Dirk Sielemann, R&D Director at RUDOLF GROUP. He continues: “Although most of the product is composed by recycled biomass, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR meets the performance and durability of conventional water repellent textile finishes”.

RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is an equally outstanding product innovation where DWR is entirely based on a carefully selected mix of natural plant extracts. The well-balanced mix of plant-based ingredients combines excellent water and stain repellent effects with breathability and a natural handfeel. 

Unlike other 100% renewable raw materials, those used in the making of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are chemically and genetically non-modified and are not used as food, feed or fuel. Furthermore, all of the plant extracts that compose RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are subject to a strict conservation and sustainability framework. “That’s why the supply of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is likely to remain limited to the creation and marketing of performance outdoor and sports apparel programs embedding state-of-the-art sustainable technology” concludes Dr. Duschek.

Both RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR and RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are marketed through the BIO-LOGIC trademark, registered by RUDOLF GROUP.

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry (c) RUDOLF Group

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

At RUDOLF GROUP modern, real science means pushing R&D so to constantly explore new technology and innovations that help transform the textile and fashion industries. We work to reduce the overall dependency on traditional and virgin resources.  Getting textile manufacturers as well as brand and retailers on board is key to achieve real change. By 2030 we aim for a significant fraction of our products to be either sourced through paths alternative to the traditional petrochemicals, or by upcycling waste and/or byproducts from other industries.

“This is the kind of genuine, tangible, environmental consciousness that truly defines us and that entails that RUDOLF GROUP has a responsibility for the needs of society as a whole.” Said Alberto De Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division “We have a maniacal attention to the environmental impact of our operations and products. We have truly embedded in ourselves the notion that “sustainability” is a key issue and critical to the long-term survival of our company and of society at large. “

The combination of modern, real science and environmental consciousness leads to what RUDOLF GROUP call aspirational chemistry something unique and something that positions us as shining example and guiding light throughout the industry. That is, in fact, BETTER CHEMISTRY.

Two are the innovations rooted in aspirational chemistry that RUDOLF HUB1922 presents. The first one is our WASHLESS technology and the second one is a brand new launch: LASER SMOOTHER, which supports laser technology and helps creating much better denim looks.


HUB1922 WASHLESS, which can be applied to both denim and non-denim, is the simultaneous application of
-    proprietary fluorine-free DWR (Durable Water Resistance) based on biomimicry to repel dirt
-    anti-microbial, anti-bacteria and anti-viral, non-migrating chemistry to stop body odour.
The combination of the 2 translates into garments that don’t require to be washed as much.

Life cycle assessment studies on clothes, detergents and washing machines show that home laundering is always the most energy‐demanding period during these products' life cycle, even higher than production or transportation phases.

“WASHLESS aims at changing consumer habits in clothing maintenance to a more environmentally friendly direction and represents a change that is the most feasible and efficient. Making washing machines obsolete is impossible, but even though the technologies in clothes cleaning have improved greatly, the washing frequency has not been reduced. We own more and more clothing and wash it more frequently. This increased amount of washing counteracts the technological improvements in home laundry. “ said De Conti.

It is only by understanding the climate change impact associated with home laundering that product innovations and consumer education can be explored. Studies consistently show that a carbon dioxide reduction of 105 MT and electricity savings of 142 thousand GWh can be obtained by reducing home laundering, on average, by 1/3. This is roughly equivalent to removing 12% of the 140 M passenger cars in the US, or taking 23 coal power plants off the grid. In addition, more than 60% of water consumed while laundering (2,000 billion liters) can be reduced through these strategies.


Laser denim is the current dominant technology available to the denim industry to create locally abraded areas, vintage effects, whiskers, patterns, patches, and even intentional holes and tears in a garment. Laser technology uses less water, harmful chemicals (such as potassium permanganate) and energy to create a wide variety of denim looks.

However, laser is not always able to produce the desired look, on the desired fabric, in the desired time. Therefore, chemical companies have been developing laser boosters that can be pre-applied to the garments in order to intensify the effect of the laser to mimic heavier bleaching applications. Unfortunately, laser boosters can create blurred images where the definition is lower and the overall image less natural.

The brand new RUDOLF HUB1922 LASER SMOOTHER is an all-in-one formulation, very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning and that return a very natural image which is very similar to the highly desirable hand scraping. Laser smoother can be applied by traditional exhaust or through nebulization and it dries at normal temperature in normal tumble driers.  Advantages of LASER PRIMER are:

•    Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics (heightening of material)
•    Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping (craftsmanship dimension)
•    Reduced required laser power to achieve the wanted effect (conspicuous energy saving)
•    A faster laser burning process (significant time saving, depending on the final effect)
•    Any other chemical spray is not required (environmental friendliness)
•    Reduced cost compared to other solution (financial viability)

Weitere Informationen:
Rudolf Group HUB1922 Denim


Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk © Tonello
Sustainable denim collection by Piero Turk

Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The All-in-One System performs all washing operations by integrating 4 sustainable technologies into a single machine: ECOfree 2, which uses ozone in both the water and air; NoStone® for authentic and pumice-free stone-wash effects; UP, for washing processes with at least 50% less water; Core, a nebulizing system improving performance and reducing water consumption.

As a result of The Laundry (R )Evolution, Tonello developed two innovative and patent-pending processes: OBleach and Wake.

OBleach is the new Tonello process, which, by using only ozone, “returns to the future” with an authentic, sustainable and cool Bleach. Without chemicals.
This is possible thanks to a combination of the technologies part of our All-In-One System.
In short, the real Bleach without Bleach has finally arrived. And this in the year of the total ban of permanganate too.

Wake is the first totally natural dyeing system that uses only plants and biodegradable vegetable waste like flowers, berries and roots, without harmful chemicals additives.

The capsule collection will be displayed at KINGPINS24 on October 27th during the seminar held by Alice Tonello and Piero Turk.

Milano Unica: Iluna Group presents the FW 21-22 collection (c) Iluna Group
Green Label and BIOLINE laces

Milano Unica: Iluna Group presents the FW 21-22 collection

  • Trust the vibes, energy doesn’t lie!

Advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality, made of “ethical” laces and tights of very high quality standards and a careful look at fashion. Iluna Group, strengthened by this heritage, with a smart approach, carefully selected materials, know-how on processes and particular attention to the ecosystem, is a leader in its sector

With the FW 21-22 collection, Iluna Group focuses on design excellence aimed at perfection driven by this particular historical moment, in which preferring quality over quantity has become necessary: offering ever higher standards of quality is combined with the choice of reducing minimum waste in a way of working that becomes more thoughtful, studied, focused and less hectic.

  • Trust the vibes, energy doesn’t lie!

Advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality, made of “ethical” laces and tights of very high quality standards and a careful look at fashion. Iluna Group, strengthened by this heritage, with a smart approach, carefully selected materials, know-how on processes and particular attention to the ecosystem, is a leader in its sector

With the FW 21-22 collection, Iluna Group focuses on design excellence aimed at perfection driven by this particular historical moment, in which preferring quality over quantity has become necessary: offering ever higher standards of quality is combined with the choice of reducing minimum waste in a way of working that becomes more thoughtful, studied, focused and less hectic.

The range of sustainable products expands by adding to the GRS certified Green Label, the BIOLINE, made with raw materials such as the precious ROICA™ V550 premium stretch fiber which belongs to ROICA Eco-Smart ™ family produced by Asahi Kasei able to combine elasticity and comfort and other benefits in terms of circular economy related to the health of materials, as demonstrated by the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute, and by the world's first biodegradable polyamide 6.6 yarn AMNI SOUL ECO®, fibers that degrade completely in the environment under anaerobic conditions.

The exceptional natural dyes proposed are made with vegetable dyes extracted from various plants, with a color chart that now has 14 shades, all with solidity within the OEKO TEX® Standard 100 and all GOTS certified. No chemical product is used for the dyes, including the softening finish, for which an equally natural product is used.

All the products of the Iluna Group collections can be made in a recycled or organic variant.

Iluna Group participates to Milano Unica and digitally at all sector fairs, a new way of communicating that together with the use of social media - accompanied by the launch last year of the official website and e-commerce with all the collections and the site dedicated to the sale of the exclusive Iluna masks - it can be transformed from a necessity to a great resource and an opportunity to enhance a 360° sustainable attitude. Iluna, even before the pandemic, has always considered the sustainable aspect a priority in its work and now, in the light of this new landscape, the many years of experience gained benefits the company by pushing it to place itself more and more as a precursor of sustainable innovation.

The constant commitment to responsible solutions makes Iluna Group the only lace manufacturer to use - since 2017 - transformed stretch in the entire range of its elastic laces. Iluna Group excellence is based 100% on responsible innovation, guaranteed by the most important certifications. The creation of smart lace, strictly Made in Italy, is also Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. Today Iluna is a reference point for international markets and boasts products with OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certification.


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