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48 Ergebnisse

Asahi Kasei presents fibrillation finishing technology and LCA study report

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

The roll out of the evolved VelutineTM Evo technology will start its journey and activation with Infinity, a BembergTM partner and textile manufacturer located in Rovereto, in the Trentino Alto Adige area of Italy. Research and experimentation with new materials and finishings are part of Infinity’s daily work and results are guaranteed through attention to traceability, the use of certifications, and quality control throughout the process. Each material is closely selected from a sustainability standpoint, while the chemical impact of treating textiles is something that they also take extremely seriously. Infinity guarantees the traceability of every product that they make. Every step of the working process can be traced, thanks to a network of trusted suppliers who share their ethos and values.

Asahi Kasei is also releasing the LCA study report - Life Cycle Assessment. The study evaluated and quantified the environmental impact indicators associated with the technological processes involved in the production of BembergTM dyed fabric through the application of the traditional technology of fibrillation. LCA report study made by Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile confirms all the projected data savings:

  • Global Warming Potential: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Water consumption for ennobling process: 40% reduction

Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub

Die Partner bei der Auftaktveranstaltung von BioFibreLoop. Foto: DITF
Die Partner bei der Auftaktveranstaltung von BioFibreLoop.

Forschungsprojekt BioFibreLoop gestartet

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) koordinieren das Forschungsprojekt, das im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramms Horizon Europe der Europäischen Union gefördert wird. Ziel von BioFibreLoop ist es, rezyklierbare Outdoor-, und Arbeitskleidung aus erneuerbaren biobasierten Materialien zu entwickeln. Am 26. und 27. Juni 2024 fand in Denkendorf die Auftaktveranstaltung statt.

Die Textilindustrie steht vor zwei Herausforderungen: zum einen muss die Produktion nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher werden und zum anderen erwarten die Verbraucher von Kleidung immer mehr intelligente Funktionen.

Bei der Herstellung von Funktionstextilien werden zudem häufig Chemikalien verwendet, die die Umwelt und die Gesundheit belasten und das spätere Recycling erschweren.

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) koordinieren das Forschungsprojekt, das im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramms Horizon Europe der Europäischen Union gefördert wird. Ziel von BioFibreLoop ist es, rezyklierbare Outdoor-, und Arbeitskleidung aus erneuerbaren biobasierten Materialien zu entwickeln. Am 26. und 27. Juni 2024 fand in Denkendorf die Auftaktveranstaltung statt.

Die Textilindustrie steht vor zwei Herausforderungen: zum einen muss die Produktion nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher werden und zum anderen erwarten die Verbraucher von Kleidung immer mehr intelligente Funktionen.

Bei der Herstellung von Funktionstextilien werden zudem häufig Chemikalien verwendet, die die Umwelt und die Gesundheit belasten und das spätere Recycling erschweren.

Intelligente Innovationen sollen deshalb dafür sorgen, schädliche Chemikalien zu ersetzen, Wasser einzusparen, verstärkt langlebige, recycelbare biobasierte Materialien einzusetzen und so den meist erhebliche CO2-Fußabdruck von textilen Produkten zu reduzieren. Digitalisierte Prozesse sind im Einsatz, um für mehr Effizienz und einen geschlossenen Kreislauf zu sorgen.

Im Projekt BioFibreLoop werden mit Hilfe von Lasertechnologie natürliche Strukturen nachgeahmt, um Kleidungsstücke mit wasser- und ölabweisenden, selbstreinigenden und antibakteriellen Eigenschaften herzustellen. Am Ende der Forschungsarbeit stehen erschwingliche, ressourcen- und umweltfreundliche, aber dennoch leistungsstarke und haltbare Fasern und Textilien aus erneuerbaren Quellen wie Lignin, Zellulose und Polymilchsäure. Alle Prozesse zielen auf eine Kreislaufwirtschaft mit einem umfassenden Recycling und einer nahezu abfallfreien Funktionalisierung nach dem Vorbild der Natur ab. Die Treibhausgasemissionen könnten auf diese Weise bis 2035 um 20 Prozent verringert werden.

Die Technologie für die Funktionalisierung und das Recycling von biobasierten Materialien wird in drei industriellen Demonstrationsprojekten in Österreich, der Tschechischen Republik und Deutschland entwickelt. Am Ende des Projekts steht ein patentiertes zirkuläres, nachhaltiges und zuverlässiges Verfahren für die Herstellung von rezyklierbaren Funktionstextilien.

Das Projekt BioFibreLoop hat eine Laufzeit von 42 Monaten und ein Gesamtbudget von knapp 7 Millionen Euro, 1,5 Millionen gehen an den Koordinator DITF.

Das Konsortium besteht aus 13 Partnern aus neun Ländern, die Kompetenzen und Ressourcen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie mitbringen:

  • Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), Koordinator, Deutschland
  • Next Technology Tecnotessile Società nazionale di ricerca R. L., Italien
  • Centre Technologique ALPhANOV, Frankreich
  • G. Knopf’s Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, Deutschland
  • FreyZein Urban Outdoor GmbH, Österreich
  • BEES - BE Engineers for Society, Italien
  • BAT Graphics Vernitech, Frankreich
  • Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum, Belgien
  • Idener Research & Development Agrupacion de Interes Economico, Spanien
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Finnland
  • Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø, Dänemark
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Deutschland
  • NIL Textile SRO, Tschechien

Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung


Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert in Mahlos Richtautomatik

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 zählt zu den bedeutenden italienischen Unternehmen im Bereich der Textilveredelung. Gegründet 1973 in Masserano im Textilviertel von Biella, bietet das Unternehmen die komplette Palette von Färben aller Arten von Fasern, Veredelung, Digitaldruck, Laminierung und Membranauskleidung. Diese Prozesse dienen dazu, den Stoffen bestimmte Eigenschaften zu verleihen, wie z.B. Farbe, Muster, Weichheit, Glanz oder Wasserdichte.

Kunden profitieren bei Tintoria Finissaggio davon, dass alle Prozesse unter einem Dach abgewickelt werden, von der Unterstützung beim Design bis zur Veredelung von Stoffen, wobei jahrzehntelange Erfahrung mit den neuen Möglichkeiten der Laminierung und des Digitaldrucks kombiniert wird. Die Färberei in Masserano ist eine hochmoderne Anlage, die die strengsten Umweltschutznormen erfüllt. Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert kontinuierlich in modernste Technologien und Produktionsanlagen, um hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen und nachhaltige Produktionsverfahren zu gewährleisten.

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 zählt zu den bedeutenden italienischen Unternehmen im Bereich der Textilveredelung. Gegründet 1973 in Masserano im Textilviertel von Biella, bietet das Unternehmen die komplette Palette von Färben aller Arten von Fasern, Veredelung, Digitaldruck, Laminierung und Membranauskleidung. Diese Prozesse dienen dazu, den Stoffen bestimmte Eigenschaften zu verleihen, wie z.B. Farbe, Muster, Weichheit, Glanz oder Wasserdichte.

Kunden profitieren bei Tintoria Finissaggio davon, dass alle Prozesse unter einem Dach abgewickelt werden, von der Unterstützung beim Design bis zur Veredelung von Stoffen, wobei jahrzehntelange Erfahrung mit den neuen Möglichkeiten der Laminierung und des Digitaldrucks kombiniert wird. Die Färberei in Masserano ist eine hochmoderne Anlage, die die strengsten Umweltschutznormen erfüllt. Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert kontinuierlich in modernste Technologien und Produktionsanlagen, um hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen und nachhaltige Produktionsverfahren zu gewährleisten.

Auf Innovation setzte Tintoria Finissagio 2000 auch bei der Ausrüstung eines neuen Spannrahmens. Hier entschied man sich für die aktuelle Entwicklung des deutschen Maschinenbauers Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG: die Richtautomatik Orthopac RXVMC-20. Das neue Richtkonzept ist speziell für die Verarbeitung von Textilien mit hoher Verzugsdynamik, d.h. Textilien mit stark veränderlichen Verzügen, ausgelegt. Zwei einzeln gesteuerte und angetriebene Richtmodule mit insgesamt drei Bogen- und vier Schrägwalzen sorgen dafür, dass die Korrektur von Bogen- und Schrägverzügen in kleinen Schritten erfolgt. Neu ist auch das Ansteuerungskonzept. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Einlauf der Richtmaschine erkennt Verzüge, noch bevor sie die Korrekturwalzen erreichen. So werden die Walzen direkt in Position gebracht und die Ware bereits ab dem ersten Zentimeter korrigiert. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Auslauf erkennt zusätzlich möglichen Restverzug, der den am zweiten Richtmodul korrigiert wird.


Pincroft boosts textile operations with Baldwin's TexCoat ™ G4

Pincroft, a textile dyeing, printing and finishing company, bolstered its efforts to achieve efficient and sustainable textile operations by adopting Baldwin Technology’s innovative TexCoat™ G4 system.
The U.K-based company offers a range of technical finishes, including flame-retardant treatments, anti-mosquito solutions and durable water repellents. As a provider of finishing solutions for workwear and military fabrics, Pincroft holds itself to high quality expectations and compliance standards, ensuring that its products deliver superior performance in challenging environments.

Pincroft, a textile dyeing, printing and finishing company, bolstered its efforts to achieve efficient and sustainable textile operations by adopting Baldwin Technology’s innovative TexCoat™ G4 system.
The U.K-based company offers a range of technical finishes, including flame-retardant treatments, anti-mosquito solutions and durable water repellents. As a provider of finishing solutions for workwear and military fabrics, Pincroft holds itself to high quality expectations and compliance standards, ensuring that its products deliver superior performance in challenging environments.

Since installing Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 system in September 2022, Pincroft has reduced finishing chemistry usage by 20%, with no waste or color changeovers and no need for periodic pad renewals. It has also reduced water consumption by 50% as a result of increased chemistry concentration enabled by precision spray technology. Additionally, with TexCoat G4, productivity has increased by 50%, due to lower wet pick up, allowing for a significantly higher line speed.
By reducing time needed in the stenter, the TexCoat G4 system uses just 10% of the energy required by the traditional pad finishing process.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin Technology's TexCoat™ G4 system Photo Baldwin Technology
Baldwin Technology's TexCoat™ G4 system

NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles: Transformative Digital Finishing Technology

North Carolina State University’s Wilson College of Textiles has been making inroads challenging the conventional pad finishing process and significantly reducing its environmental footprint in collaboration with Baldwin Technology Inc. Front and center in its finishing lab is Baldwin’s TexCoat G4™ digital finishing system.
For nearly 125 years, the Wilson College of Textiles has been a hub of innovation and learning, transforming students into experts in the world of textiles. As the textile industry grapples with sustainability challenges, the college has embraced new technologies and innovations to address the issue head-on.
At the forefront of this transformation is the Zeis Textiles Extension for Economic Development, an arm of Wilson College which serves the textile industry’s prototyping and pilot production needs in its five laboratories – spun yarn, knitting, weaving, dyeing and finishing, and physical testing. Collaborations with various textile companies have allowed the university to foster industry partnerships that bring forth groundbreaking ideas.

North Carolina State University’s Wilson College of Textiles has been making inroads challenging the conventional pad finishing process and significantly reducing its environmental footprint in collaboration with Baldwin Technology Inc. Front and center in its finishing lab is Baldwin’s TexCoat G4™ digital finishing system.
For nearly 125 years, the Wilson College of Textiles has been a hub of innovation and learning, transforming students into experts in the world of textiles. As the textile industry grapples with sustainability challenges, the college has embraced new technologies and innovations to address the issue head-on.
At the forefront of this transformation is the Zeis Textiles Extension for Economic Development, an arm of Wilson College which serves the textile industry’s prototyping and pilot production needs in its five laboratories – spun yarn, knitting, weaving, dyeing and finishing, and physical testing. Collaborations with various textile companies have allowed the university to foster industry partnerships that bring forth groundbreaking ideas.
The partnership with Baldwin Technology marks a major milestone for the Raleigh, North Carolina-based college’s efforts to contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow.
To tackle the longstanding challenges of unsustainable fashion, NC State has taken the lead in demonstrating to students and industry the transition from the traditional pad finishing process to Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 system. It offers an innovative “non-contact” precision spray that significantly reduces water consumption, energy usage and chemical waste.
“Instead of needing to take the fabric, dip it into a bath to saturate it, squeeze the excess, dry and cure it, you can now precisely add the exact amount of finish you need on the fabric,” explained Rick Stanford, Baldwin's VP Global Business Development of Textiles. “The TexCoat™ G4 system will reduce the amount of pick-up that’s required to carry the chemical onto the fabric. This will also take a lot less energy to dry the fabric, increasing production speeds.”
The adoption of the TexCoat™ G4 system signals a new era for the college, allowing students to actively participate in shaping a sustainable future for the textiles industry. In the global effort to protect the planet and its resources, NC State's Wilson College of Textiles is at the forefront, preparing the next generation of professionals to be the leaders of the sustainable textile movement.


NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles

Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish Photo: Archroma

Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Sportswear, fashion and home textiles treated with the PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ durable water repellent qualify for the High IQ® Repel assurance program. The High IQ® program assures consumers that these products deliver performance, protection and comfort and meet strict environmental standards.



Graniteville Specialty Fabrics installs Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics installs Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has set new standards by challenging the traditional pad finishing process. With Baldwin Technology’s spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.
Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 is part of a facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has set new standards by challenging the traditional pad finishing process. With Baldwin Technology’s spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.
Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 is part of a facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

With sustainability benefits, tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat™ G4 provides high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. This system utilizes non-contact precision-spray technology, ensuring precise finishing coverage with the exact amount of chemistry. Changeovers (pad bath emptying, cleaning and refilling) are reduced, resulting in substantial chemical conservation and increased productivity.

Active Apparel Group: Partnership with textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies (c) Active Apparel Group

Active Apparel Group: Partnership with textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies

Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, announces the seventh anniversary of their partnership with the sustainable textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies.

AAG is the first apparel manufacturer to adopt FUZE’s permanent, chemical-free textile finish, and the only company in China able to apply FUZE in a closed-loop system. AAG leverages the platform to provide a range of performance characteristics to customers, including odor control, UV protection, moisture management, and cooling.

The FUZE finish utilizes gold and silver particles permanently bonded to a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials to achieve a range of performance characteristics. AAG customers employing the FUZE finish create apparel for the yoga, active lifestyle, workout, golf, and swimwear markets. 

Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, announces the seventh anniversary of their partnership with the sustainable textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies.

AAG is the first apparel manufacturer to adopt FUZE’s permanent, chemical-free textile finish, and the only company in China able to apply FUZE in a closed-loop system. AAG leverages the platform to provide a range of performance characteristics to customers, including odor control, UV protection, moisture management, and cooling.

The FUZE finish utilizes gold and silver particles permanently bonded to a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials to achieve a range of performance characteristics. AAG customers employing the FUZE finish create apparel for the yoga, active lifestyle, workout, golf, and swimwear markets. 


Active Apparel Group

Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

With Baldwin’s system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates. Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry.
Furthermore, the system offers automated speed tracking, fabric-width compensation, and real-time monitoring to track system uptime, performance and chemistry usage, as well as active care alerts.
In addition, the TexCoat™ G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water repellents, softeners, antimicrobials, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, and no special auxiliaries are required. The recipe is adjusted by increasing the concentration and reducing the pickup by a corresponding amount, so that the same level of solids is applied.
Some applications, such as durable water repellents, are only applied on the face of the fabric, instead of the traditional method of saturation through dipping and squeezing. Drier fabric entering the stenter means lower drying temperatures and faster process speeds. Single-side applications also open up the opportunity to process back-coated or laminated fabrics in a single pass of the stenter, instead of two passes.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

EMPEL Green Theme Technologies

PFAS-free and water-free textile finishing enters Japanese market

Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the PFAS-free and water-free EMPEL® textile finishing platform, delivers advanced performance and a long term sustainability solution to the Japanese market. Green Theme Technologies, Inc. (GTT) is a US-based textile innovation company with a global vision to increase performance and eliminate pollution.

EMPEL® is a solution for textile mills looking to provide clean, high-performance finishes, and GTT actively promotes this innovative technology to all relevant Japanese companies, including mills, manufacturers, and brands. YKK, the Japanese global leader in zipper manufacturing, has already adopted the EMPEL® technology into their manufacturing process and promotes the technology globally in their new DynaPel™ collection.

Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the PFAS-free and water-free EMPEL® textile finishing platform, delivers advanced performance and a long term sustainability solution to the Japanese market. Green Theme Technologies, Inc. (GTT) is a US-based textile innovation company with a global vision to increase performance and eliminate pollution.

EMPEL® is a solution for textile mills looking to provide clean, high-performance finishes, and GTT actively promotes this innovative technology to all relevant Japanese companies, including mills, manufacturers, and brands. YKK, the Japanese global leader in zipper manufacturing, has already adopted the EMPEL® technology into their manufacturing process and promotes the technology globally in their new DynaPel™ collection.

GTT’s activities in Japan are supported by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. GTT has been approved for JETRO’s Invest Japan Support Program, which allows GTT to leverage its resources to set up an office in Japan in the future and for J-Bridge Program to forge relationships with prospective Japanese partners.


Green Theme Technologies

Devan high cooling Photo: Devan Chemicals

Devan Chemicals presents latest sustainable textile finishes at Heimtextil 2024

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

R-Vital® NTL Chamomile oil: Chamomile oil is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. Additionally, this oil is believed to have antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Furthermore, chamomile oil is renowned for its calming effects and potential to reduce stress and anxiety, helping improve sleep quality.

R-Vital® NTL Warming: Engineered to deliver a gentle warmth, the R-Vital NTL Warming technology ensures a cozy and comfortable sleeping experience. This blend is a solution that infuses a sense of warmth, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

R-Vital NTL Arnica Montana: Harnessing the natural benefits of Arnica Montana, this ingredient, is celebrated for its potent healing and recovering properties.

At Heimtextil Devan will also present a new high cooling technology that provides an optimal and refreshing sleeping climate, ensuring a cool and restful night's sleep. Thermic High Cooling is based on reactive microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs). The smart heat exchange mechanism keeps the body within its comfort zone. This makes the body suffer less from night sweats, and results in a longer, healthier and more comfortable sleep with fewer awakenings. This new formulation with high cooling level and high solid content, presents around 30% more cooling than standard PCM formulations. One padding allows to achieve high cooling level (no need to run multiple applications). A Bio-based version is also available - Thermic® Bio, where the PCMs are derived from sustainable, natural sources.


Devan Chemicals

HeiQ Skin Care Photo HeiQ

HeiQ launches a probiotics infused textile technology

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

A second skin that takes care of the first
The skin, the largest organ in human body, is home to a diverse community of microorganisms called the skin microbiome. It plays a crucial role in maintaining good skin condition, acting as a protective barrier against harmful agents. However, various factors, such as hormones, diet, smoking, environmental exposures, and excessive UV radiation, can disrupt its balance, leading to skin conditions like rashes, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, skin irritation, redness, eczema, and odor. Maintaining a balanced skin microbiome is essential for preserving skin integrity.

HeiQ Skin Care is suitable for all textile fibers, both natural and synthetic, and can be applied to all textile items that come in direct contact with the skin. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for daily use- at work, during sports, leisure activities, or as bedding items like bed sheets and pillows.

Intensive wear trials conducted during the development stage have proven the consistent release of synbiotics (prebiotics and probiotics) onto the skin, creating conditions to foster a well-balanced microbiome.





Mahlo präsentiert neue Lösungen auf der ITMA Asia 2023

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG präsentiert zusammen mit Shanghai Kuantex auf der ITMA Asia (19. und 23. November) ihre Systeme und Lösungen für eine effiziente und qualitativ hochwertige Textilproduktion und -veredlung. Im Fokus steht dabei das neue Richtkonzept, Orthopac RXVMC, des Maschinenbauers.

„Beim neuen Richtkonzept wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die Richtmechanik und deren Zusammenspiel mit der Analyseelektronik des Tastkopfsystems gelegt“, erklärt Vertriebsleiter Thomas Höpfl. Neu ist auch das Ansteuerungskonzept. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Einlauf der Richtmaschine erkennt Verzüge, noch bevor Sie die Korrekturwalzen erreichen. So werden die Walzen direkt in Position gebracht und die Ware bereits ab dem ersten Zentimeter korrigiert. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Auslauf erkennt zusätzlich möglichen Restverzug, der den am zweiten Richtmodul korrigiert wird. Das ermöglicht eine noch präzisere und schnellere Reaktion, wenn es gilt auf schnell wechselnde Verzügen zu reagieren. Seine volle Stärke zeigt das Orthopac RXVMC daher beim Richten von Maschenwaren und verzugsempfindlichen Geweben.

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG präsentiert zusammen mit Shanghai Kuantex auf der ITMA Asia (19. und 23. November) ihre Systeme und Lösungen für eine effiziente und qualitativ hochwertige Textilproduktion und -veredlung. Im Fokus steht dabei das neue Richtkonzept, Orthopac RXVMC, des Maschinenbauers.

„Beim neuen Richtkonzept wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die Richtmechanik und deren Zusammenspiel mit der Analyseelektronik des Tastkopfsystems gelegt“, erklärt Vertriebsleiter Thomas Höpfl. Neu ist auch das Ansteuerungskonzept. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Einlauf der Richtmaschine erkennt Verzüge, noch bevor Sie die Korrekturwalzen erreichen. So werden die Walzen direkt in Position gebracht und die Ware bereits ab dem ersten Zentimeter korrigiert. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Auslauf erkennt zusätzlich möglichen Restverzug, der den am zweiten Richtmodul korrigiert wird. Das ermöglicht eine noch präzisere und schnellere Reaktion, wenn es gilt auf schnell wechselnde Verzügen zu reagieren. Seine volle Stärke zeigt das Orthopac RXVMC daher beim Richten von Maschenwaren und verzugsempfindlichen Geweben.

Zur hochwertigen Textilherstellung und Veredlung trägt auch das Famacont PMC zur Regelung von Schussfaden- und Maschenreihendichte bei, das auf der ITMA Asia ebenfalls zu sehen ist. Das Famacont PMC-15 misst mittels Sensor die Faden- bzw Maschendichte und vergleicht sie mit dem in der Rezeptdatenverwaltung hinterlegtem Sollwert. Die erkannte Abweichung der Fadendichte vom Sollwert wird genutzt, um die Voreilung beim Aufnadelprozess am Spannrahmen vollautomatisch zu regeln. Interessierte können sich die Funktionsweise am Mahlo-Stand mit Hilfe eines Demo-Towers und eigener oder zur Verfügung gestellter Stoffproben erklären lassen.

Weiter großes Thema bleibt die Industry 4.0. Denn die besten gemessen Daten nützen nichts, wenn sie nicht verwertet werden können. Mahlo hat seine digitale Umgebung mSmart kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. „Unsere Systeme generieren Daten, die der Kunde sofort nutzen kann, um Ware on-line zu regeln. Gleichzeitig werden alle Messwerte in unserem Datenmanagementsystem mLog enhanced gesichert und sind jederzeit abrufbar. Mit diesen historischen Daten können Prozesse optimiert und Schwachstellen im Ablauf zu minimiert werden“, erklärt Vertriebsleiter Thomas Höpfl.


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

Baldwin at ITMA Asia 2023 with Precision Spray TexCoat™ System (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin at ITMA Asia 2023 with Precision Spray TexCoat™ System

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA Asia 2023 (November 19-23, National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai). ITMA Asia participants can stop by and see Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing feels like while learning how the technology eliminates chemistry waste on changeover, saves water, and achieves faster speeds through the stenter frame and relaxed dryer.
Baldwin’s team will be available to discuss how the company’s technology can meet the textile supply chain’s sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money. In the context of a cost-sensitive global economy and an increased focus by brands, consumers and regulatory agencies on sustainability, customers are placing a premium on sustainability-advantage textile production.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA Asia 2023 (November 19-23, National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai). ITMA Asia participants can stop by and see Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing feels like while learning how the technology eliminates chemistry waste on changeover, saves water, and achieves faster speeds through the stenter frame and relaxed dryer.
Baldwin’s team will be available to discuss how the company’s technology can meet the textile supply chain’s sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money. In the context of a cost-sensitive global economy and an increased focus by brands, consumers and regulatory agencies on sustainability, customers are placing a premium on sustainability-advantage textile production.

TexCoat G4’s non-contact spray technology offers numerous advantages compared to outdated finishing-chemistry application methods. TexCoat G4 processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellents –  including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy-care and flame retardants. The company's technology uses the same chemicals as found in traditional pad baths with no special auxiliaries required.

Testimonial videos from Pincroft Dyeing and Print Works and Graniteville Specialty Fabrics along with a video highlighting Baldwin’s partnership with North Carolina State University will also be screened at their stand.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil präsentiert FLEX SHIELD Kollektion auf der A+A

Moderne Lebensstile erfordern mehr als nur funktionelle Bekleidung. Die FLEX SHIELD Kollektion bietet eine Palette von Textilien, die Schutz und Komfort bieten und ein Trageerlebnis auf hohem Niveau bieten, ohne die Bewegungsfreiheit einzuschränken

Die Flex Shield Kollektion spiegelt Schoeller’s Engagement wider, Textilien zu schaffen, die Personen zu außergewöhnlichen Leistungen befähigen. Dabei können sie ihre Aktivitäten mit dem Wissen ausleben, dass sie sich auf ihre Ausrüstung verlassen können, die spezifisch für anspruchsvolle Bedingungen konzipiert ist.

Jeder Artikel in der Kollektion ist mit mindestens einer von Schoeller’s innovativen Textiltechnologien ausgestattet. Diese Innovationen gewährleisten Atmungsaktivität, thermische Regulierung sowie Wind- und Wasserabweisung.

Moderne Lebensstile erfordern mehr als nur funktionelle Bekleidung. Die FLEX SHIELD Kollektion bietet eine Palette von Textilien, die Schutz und Komfort bieten und ein Trageerlebnis auf hohem Niveau bieten, ohne die Bewegungsfreiheit einzuschränken

Die Flex Shield Kollektion spiegelt Schoeller’s Engagement wider, Textilien zu schaffen, die Personen zu außergewöhnlichen Leistungen befähigen. Dabei können sie ihre Aktivitäten mit dem Wissen ausleben, dass sie sich auf ihre Ausrüstung verlassen können, die spezifisch für anspruchsvolle Bedingungen konzipiert ist.

Jeder Artikel in der Kollektion ist mit mindestens einer von Schoeller’s innovativen Textiltechnologien ausgestattet. Diese Innovationen gewährleisten Atmungsaktivität, thermische Regulierung sowie Wind- und Wasserabweisung.

Besonders interessant ist die schoeller®-ceraspaceTM Technologie, die ihre Schutzeigenschaften einer Zusammensetzung von speziellen Keramikpartikeln verdankt, die in einer Polymermatrix verankert sind. Die Keramikpartikel sind nahezu so hart wie Diamanten und als 3-dimensionale Beschichtung fest mit dem Textil verbunden. Ein Textil mit schoeller®-ceraspaceTM weist in Bezug auf Abriebfestigkeit signifikant bessere Leistungen auf als hochwertiges Leder. Bei einem mit schoeller®-ceraspaceTM ausgestatteten Gewebe kann während des Entwicklungsprozesses exakt definiert werden, welche Stretch-Eigenschaften das Endprodukt haben soll. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die wesentlich geringere Menge von Abfallmaterial, die beim Herstellungsprozess entsteht im Vergleich zu Lederproduktion.

Weitere Informationen:
Schoeller Textil AG A+A Textilveredlung

Schoeller Textil AG


Rudolf commissions Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 lab-scale precision spray unit

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

The new TexCoat lab-scale unit at Rudolf’s Geretsried, Germany-based Customer Solution Center, tests the sprayability of chemicals on fabrics as an additional tool to help the market transition to precision spray with confidence in the performance and sustainability of the end result.
With Baldwin’s innovative system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates.
Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry. On wet-on-dry processes, the finish is applied with 50% of the amount of water required for pad finishing. Dryer fabric entering the stenter means less water to evaporate resulting in less energy and higher production speeds.
More specifically, with Baldwin’s TexCoat G4, textile finishers can track and control the finishing process. Changeovers are quickly performed thanks to recipe management, including automated chemistry and coverage selection. Furthermore, the system takes speed information from the drying process to insure exact coverage regardless of any change in speed. TexCoat G4 measures every drop of chemical usage ensuring that the amount of chemical add-on is precise.
In addition, the TexCoat G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy care resins, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, with no special auxiliaries required.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

  • Aloe vera: Known for its skin-smoothing and softening properties.
  • Avocado seed oil: Known for its skin-moisturizing capabilities.
  • CBD: Known for its relaxation properties.
  • Multivitamin: A blend of provitamin D, vitamins C and E, and ginger.
  • Vitamin E: Known to offer protection against free radicals and premature aging

Devan Chemicals NV

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH
(Von links) Dr. Frank Heislitz, CEO Freudenberg Performance Materials, Andrea Luzi, Bürgermeister von Sant'Omero, Dr. Tilman Krauch, CTO Freudenberg Gruppe, Christian Cavaletti, Head of Operations Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Italy, Jonathan Oh, Senior Vice President & General Manager Global Business Division Apparel, und Dr. Hannah Koeppen, Vice President & General Manager Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe.

Freudenberg: Neues Kompetenzzentrum für Bekleidungseinlagen in Italien

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) hat seinen Standort im italienischen Sant`Omero zum Kompetenzzentrum für die Beschichtung und Veredelung von Bekleidungseinlagen ausgebaut. Das Kompetenzzentrum wurde am 26. Mai 2023 feierlich eröffnet.

Das Freudenberg-Team in Sant´Omero verfügt über eine mehr als 35-jährige Expertise in der Herstellung hochwertiger Einlagen für die HAKA (Herrenmode): Dafür produziert der Standort Basismaterialien, die er den Kundenanforderungen entsprechend veredelt und beschichtet. Mit dem Ausbau zum Kompetenzzentrum fokussiert er sich nun zudem auf die Beschichtung und Veredelung aller Bekleidungseinlagen aus Vliesstoff, Geweben und Gewirken des Freudenberg-Portfolios. Kunden in ganz Europa profitieren von einer flexibleren Herstellung und einem vielfältigeren Produktangebot.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) hat seinen Standort im italienischen Sant`Omero zum Kompetenzzentrum für die Beschichtung und Veredelung von Bekleidungseinlagen ausgebaut. Das Kompetenzzentrum wurde am 26. Mai 2023 feierlich eröffnet.

Das Freudenberg-Team in Sant´Omero verfügt über eine mehr als 35-jährige Expertise in der Herstellung hochwertiger Einlagen für die HAKA (Herrenmode): Dafür produziert der Standort Basismaterialien, die er den Kundenanforderungen entsprechend veredelt und beschichtet. Mit dem Ausbau zum Kompetenzzentrum fokussiert er sich nun zudem auf die Beschichtung und Veredelung aller Bekleidungseinlagen aus Vliesstoff, Geweben und Gewirken des Freudenberg-Portfolios. Kunden in ganz Europa profitieren von einer flexibleren Herstellung und einem vielfältigeren Produktangebot.

Freudenberg hat das neue Kompetenzzentrum in Italien in den vergangenen Monaten mit der erforderlichen Veredelungs- und Beschichtungstechnologie ausgestattet und dafür auch eine neue Produktionshalle gebaut. Bisher wurde ein Großteil der Einlagen in Weinheim, Deutschland, beschichtet und veredelt. Der dortige Standort konzentriert sich nun als weiteres Kompetenzzentrum auf die Herstellung von Basismaterialien für Bekleidungseinlagen.

Parallel zum Aufbau des Kompetenzzentrums hat Freudenberg seine Logistik verbessert gestaltet. Ein zusätzliches Zentrallager in Italien beliefert nun die Kunden in Südeuropa. Es ergänzt das Zentrallager in Deutschland, das Ware an Kunden in Nordeuropa ausliefert. Damit verkürzt Freudenberg die Lieferwege und Lieferzeiten.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Photo: CHT

BEZAKTIV ONE: New Reactive dyes range by CHT

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

BEZAKTIV ONE dyes can be dyed, rinsed and soaped between 40 and 60 °C. Therefore, the BEZAKTIV ONE exhaust dyeing process is significantly shorter compared to conventional reactive dyeing processes, where temperatures between 60 and 98 °C are required. This advantage means savings in process time and higher productivity for the textile dyer.

The advantages become particularly clear when dyeing medium to dark shades with the BEZAKTIV ONE process. Due to the high fixation level in combination with good color build-up dark shades can be matched with lower dye concentrations of BEZAKTIV ONE than with conventional bifunctional reactive dyes. The addition of the auxiliary COTOBLANC SEL in the second soap bath has an additional positive effect, so that a washing process with low water and energy consumption generates excellent wet fastness properties on the textile.

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin Technology demonstrates spray finishing system at ITMA 2023

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will present its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA 2023.

ITMA 2023 will be held June 8-14 at the Fiera Milano Rho Exhibition Centre (Milan). Baldwin will demonstrate TexCoat G4 as well as its Plasma Pure treater. ITMA participants can stop by and “touch” Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing “feels” like.  Experts will be on hand to discuss how Baldwin Technology can assist in transitioning the textile supply chain to reach their sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money.

TexCoat G4 processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy-care and flame retardants, just to name a few. The company's technology uses the same chemicals as found in traditional pad baths with no special auxiliaries required.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will present its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA 2023.

ITMA 2023 will be held June 8-14 at the Fiera Milano Rho Exhibition Centre (Milan). Baldwin will demonstrate TexCoat G4 as well as its Plasma Pure treater. ITMA participants can stop by and “touch” Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing “feels” like.  Experts will be on hand to discuss how Baldwin Technology can assist in transitioning the textile supply chain to reach their sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money.

TexCoat G4 processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy-care and flame retardants, just to name a few. The company's technology uses the same chemicals as found in traditional pad baths with no special auxiliaries required.

In addition to TexCoat G4, Baldwin is offering its Plasma Pure treatment for textiles. The system enhanced and more efficient dyeing, coating and lamination of textiles and nonwovens. Its ceramic electrodes generate an air plasma used to efficiently treat the fabric surface. Key benefits include dramatically improved absorption and adhesion properties of the fabric, boosting productivity while enhancing the absorption properties with an optimized and uniform dyeing result and a significant acceleration of the absorption process. Laminated fabrics benefit from Plasma Pure technology with greater bonding strength.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.