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26 Ergebnisse

Kelheim Fibres Partner in ETP-Programmen „Bio-Based Fibres“ und “Circular Economy”

Der bayerische Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres ist Partner der European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP) in zwei strategischen Programmen: „Bio-Based Fibres“ und „Circular Economy“.

Im Sinne der immer wichtigeren Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion vollziehen sich gerade fundamentale Veränderungen innerhalb der textilen Kette. Dem tragen die jeweils dreijährigen Programme „Bio-Based Fibres“ und „Circular Economy“ des ETP Rechnung. Es geht darum, Schlüsselfiguren aus Industrie und Forschung zusammenzubringen und gemeinsam eine Langzeitstrategie zu entwickeln, um die nachhaltige Neuausrichtung der Europäischen Textilindustrie aktiv zu gestalten.

Der bayerische Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres ist Partner der European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP) in zwei strategischen Programmen: „Bio-Based Fibres“ und „Circular Economy“.

Im Sinne der immer wichtigeren Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion vollziehen sich gerade fundamentale Veränderungen innerhalb der textilen Kette. Dem tragen die jeweils dreijährigen Programme „Bio-Based Fibres“ und „Circular Economy“ des ETP Rechnung. Es geht darum, Schlüsselfiguren aus Industrie und Forschung zusammenzubringen und gemeinsam eine Langzeitstrategie zu entwickeln, um die nachhaltige Neuausrichtung der Europäischen Textilindustrie aktiv zu gestalten.

„Wir stellen seit beinahe 85 Jahren bio-basierte Fasern her – sie bestehen aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz und sind am Ende ihres Lebenszyklus vollständig biologisch abbaubar. Als Alternative zu erdölbasierten Materialien finden diese Fasern mehr und mehr Anklang in den verschiedensten Einsatzgebieten. Das liegt auch daran, dass wir unsere Spezialfasern während des Produktionsprozesses ganz gezielt mit den jeweils geforderten Eigenschaften funktionalisieren können. Im Hinblick auf die Performance müssen sie sich nicht hinter synthetischen Materialien verstecken“, erklärt Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Leiterin der Abteilung New Business Development bei Kelheim Fibres.

Zu Kelheims Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch gehört aber auch, den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte zu betrachten. Wenn aus einem Textil am Ende seines Gebrauchs der Rohstoff für neue Fasern und neue Produkte entstehen kann, ist das für Crnoja-Cosic ein großes Plus in Puncto Nachhaltigkeit. „Wir wollen das Bestmögliche – biobasierte Fasern UND Kreislaufwirtschaft sind der Weg dahin.“


Contact Kelheim Fibres

Logo (c) Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres erreicht Spitzenplatz im Canopy Hot Button Report

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres hat im aktuellen „Hot Button Report“ der kanadischen NGO Canopy einen Spitzenplatz erreicht: Die Bayern befinden sich unter den Top 5 aller Viskosefaserhersteller und wurden mit einem dunkelgrün/grünen Hemd ausgezeichnet. Dabei konnte Kelheim Fibres sein Vorjahresergebnis sogar noch verbessern.

Wie schon 2019 wird dem Unternehmen generell ein „Geringes Risiko“ der Rohstoffbeschaffung aus alten und bedrohten Wäldern bescheinigt. Darüber hinaus hat Kelheim Fibres signifikant in „Next Generation Fibre Solutions“ investiert mit dem Ziel, hier 2025 Marktreife zu erlangen. Das und die Erhöhung des Anteils an FSC®-zertifizierten Fasern wurden bei der Bewertung besonders hervorgehoben.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres hat im aktuellen „Hot Button Report“ der kanadischen NGO Canopy einen Spitzenplatz erreicht: Die Bayern befinden sich unter den Top 5 aller Viskosefaserhersteller und wurden mit einem dunkelgrün/grünen Hemd ausgezeichnet. Dabei konnte Kelheim Fibres sein Vorjahresergebnis sogar noch verbessern.

Wie schon 2019 wird dem Unternehmen generell ein „Geringes Risiko“ der Rohstoffbeschaffung aus alten und bedrohten Wäldern bescheinigt. Darüber hinaus hat Kelheim Fibres signifikant in „Next Generation Fibre Solutions“ investiert mit dem Ziel, hier 2025 Marktreife zu erlangen. Das und die Erhöhung des Anteils an FSC®-zertifizierten Fasern wurden bei der Bewertung besonders hervorgehoben.

Auch die Empfehlung aus dem letzten Canopy-Audit, einen Aktionsplan zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit zu entwickeln, wurde bei Kelheim Fibres angenommen: Mit einer ISO 50001-Zertifizierung (Energiemanagement), einer laufenden EMAS-Zertifizierung, der Anmeldung bei ZDHC (Roadmap to Zero) und der Schaffung der neuen Position des Sustainablity Managers konnten die Spezialfaserexperten in kurzer Zeit schon Beachtliches in die Tat umsetzen.

„Der Hot Button Report steht nicht nur für einen ethisch einwandfreien Rohstoffbezug – generell gilt er in der Branche als Nachhaltigkeitsindikator für Viskosefaserproduzenten.“, so Matthew North, Commercial Director bei Kelheim Fibres. „Wir sind stolz auf unsere Platzierung und werden diesen Weg weiterverfolgen: Unsere Fasern sollen eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu synthetischen Materialen darstellen. Dazu gehören ein zertifiziert nachhaltiger Rohstoffbezug, eine ressourcensparende und emissionsarme Produktion und die fortwährende Suche nach Verbesserungen und zukunftsweisenden Lösungen.“

Weitere Informationen:
Kelheim Fibres Canopy Viskosefasern

Kelheim Fibres

Sateri Sustainability Vision for 2030 (c) Sateri

Sateri Launches Sustainability Vision for 2030

  • Sateri pledges to Be World’s Leading Net-Positive Fibre Producer

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producer, has launched its sustainability vision for 2030 to guide the company’s strategic growth in the coming decade. The Vision is anchored around four key pillars in response to environmental and social challenges faced by the cellulosic fibre industry: Climate and Ecosystem Protection, Closed Loop Production, Innovation and Circularity, and Inclusive Growth.

The Vision comes with a time-bound roadmap and measurable targets. It encompasses notable targets including net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, achieving 98% Sulphur recovery rate at all its mills by 2025, utilising textile waste and produce viscose products with 50% recycled content by 2025 and 100% by 2030, and supporting more than 300,000 local families and smallholder farmers to develop sustainable livelihoods.

  • Sateri pledges to Be World’s Leading Net-Positive Fibre Producer

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producer, has launched its sustainability vision for 2030 to guide the company’s strategic growth in the coming decade. The Vision is anchored around four key pillars in response to environmental and social challenges faced by the cellulosic fibre industry: Climate and Ecosystem Protection, Closed Loop Production, Innovation and Circularity, and Inclusive Growth.

The Vision comes with a time-bound roadmap and measurable targets. It encompasses notable targets including net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, achieving 98% Sulphur recovery rate at all its mills by 2025, utilising textile waste and produce viscose products with 50% recycled content by 2025 and 100% by 2030, and supporting more than 300,000 local families and smallholder farmers to develop sustainable livelihoods.

Highlighting the significance of the Vision to the company, Sateri’s President Allen Zhang said, “As a raw material supplier, Sateri will do our part and respond to the urgent need to decouple growth from further resource impact. This is something that will underpin our growth, in addition to QPC (Quality, Productivity, Cost) and continuous improvement which are well-embedded in the company.”*

Sateri’s 2030 Vision was conceived after months of discussions with management members and external stakeholders including customers, brands and NGOs. The process was facilitated by BSR, a sustainability consultancy, led by its Asia Pacific Vice President, Jeremy Prepscius.

“The challenges facing the garment industry require all value chain participants to invest, innovate and integrate sustainability into their business models. This requires leadership and alignment and will need determination to succeed, which is what Sateri is striving to do,” said Prepscius.*

In the coming months, Sateri will form workgroups to develop action plans to deliver on the identified targets. Progress towards realising Sateri 2030 Vision will be reported in the company’s annual sustainability report and online sustainability dashboard.

Read more about Sateri 2030 Vision:


*Please see attached document for more information

Weitere Informationen:
Sateri viscose fibers Sustainability

Omnicom Public Relations Group

(c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres nominated for the Sustainbability Heroes Award

Kelheim Fibres has been selected as a finalist for the Sustainability Heroes Award in the category “Sustainable Innovation”. The award is presented by DQS (German Association for Sustainability) and DGQ (German Association for Quality) to pioneers in sustainability and aims to further encourage active involvement in this field.
The viscose speciality fibres manufacturer has secured the selection with its innovative plant-based fibres that can substantially contribute to a plastic-free future in absorbent hygiene products such as femcare or incontinence products.

In contrast to other plant-based fibres, viscose fibres can be precisely modified and functionalised during the production process. They can be adapted to meet the exact requirements of the single components of a hygiene product in terms of their liquid management properties (from water repellent to highly absorbent) and so match the performance of synthetic fibres that are still used in the majority of these single-use products.

Kelheim Fibres has been selected as a finalist for the Sustainability Heroes Award in the category “Sustainable Innovation”. The award is presented by DQS (German Association for Sustainability) and DGQ (German Association for Quality) to pioneers in sustainability and aims to further encourage active involvement in this field.
The viscose speciality fibres manufacturer has secured the selection with its innovative plant-based fibres that can substantially contribute to a plastic-free future in absorbent hygiene products such as femcare or incontinence products.

In contrast to other plant-based fibres, viscose fibres can be precisely modified and functionalised during the production process. They can be adapted to meet the exact requirements of the single components of a hygiene product in terms of their liquid management properties (from water repellent to highly absorbent) and so match the performance of synthetic fibres that are still used in the majority of these single-use products.

Whereas today, environmentally conscious consumers must often decide between feeling safe and a clear conscience, the Bavarian fibre experts are actively developing more and more products that do justice to both: Kelheim combines sustainably manufactured and completely biodegradable fibres with the technical performance of synthetic fibres. The aim is to help to reduce the use of crude-oil-based plastics in single-use products and their negative impact on the environment.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Sateri Joins Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, Pledges Ambitious Climate Change Goals and Steps Up Industry Engagements (c) Sateri

Sateri Joins Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, Pledges Ambitious Climate Change Goals and Steps Up Industry Engagements

Shanghai - Sateri has signed the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, becoming the first viscose producer in China to support this global fashion agenda. An initiative convened by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this charter calls on the fashion industry to support the goals of the Paris Agreement in limiting global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, by achieving 30 per cent aggregate reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, including the supply chain.

Niclas Svenningsen, Manager of Global Climate Action, UNFCCC, said, “UNFCCC is excited to have Sateri joining the Fashion Industry Charter on Climate Action and committing towards global climate action as the first Chinese viscose producer to do so. We hope that it will inspire more textile companies from China to join and take action.”

Shanghai - Sateri has signed the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, becoming the first viscose producer in China to support this global fashion agenda. An initiative convened by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this charter calls on the fashion industry to support the goals of the Paris Agreement in limiting global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, by achieving 30 per cent aggregate reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, including the supply chain.

Niclas Svenningsen, Manager of Global Climate Action, UNFCCC, said, “UNFCCC is excited to have Sateri joining the Fashion Industry Charter on Climate Action and committing towards global climate action as the first Chinese viscose producer to do so. We hope that it will inspire more textile companies from China to join and take action.”

As a signatory of the Charter, Sateri looks forward to participating in relevant Working Groups which bring together stakeholders and experts in the fashion and textile sectors. In recent months, Sateri has joined several other leading industry multi-stakeholder associations. These include the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), China Association of Circular Economy (CACE), and the European Disposables and Nonwovens Association (EDANA).

Allen Zhang, President of Sateri, said, “Sateri is committed to growing our business as sustainably as we can. Our adoption of the Fashion Charter goals is a bold leap but we believe that pushing the boundaries is necessary. We are also stepping up on our engagement with industry partners to be part of the collective action to accelerate efforts against climate change.  As we formulate Sateri Vision 2030 for a sustainable business, carbon reduction will be one of our key focus areas”.

In addition to stepping up greenhouse gas emission reductions in its own operations, the company will continue to support decarbonisation efforts of the downstream textile value chain. Late last year, in collaboration with the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), a Climate Leadership Whitepaper was published. The paper analysed how innovation in Sateri’s EcoCosy® fibre products help reduce carbon emission during yarn and fabric manufacturing stages, and also proposed next steps in achieving industry-wide emission reduction goals.   

Sateri attained an ‘A-‘ score in CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) for Climate Change in 2019;  a score which is higher than the ‘C’ average globally, in Asia, as well as in the Textiles and Fabric Goods sector. 

President of Indonesia Inaugurates Country’s Largest Viscose Rayon Facility (c) APR
President of Indonesia Inaugurates Country’s Largest Viscose Rayon Facility

APR: New Viscose Rayon Facility

  • Investment of Rp. 15 trillion (USD1,1 billion) in facility
  • Supports development of national textile industry and ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’ roadmap

The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, today inaugurated Indonesia's largest integrated viscose rayon production facility, injecting a boost for the country’s textile sector and the Indonesian Government’s industrial 4.0 development strategy.

The new Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) facility is located in the same production complex as APRIL Group in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau province, Sumatra. This co-location allows integrated operations where renewable plantation pulp supply from APRIL feeds directly to APR for viscose rayon production. The new operation represents a total investment of approximately Rp.15 trillion (USD1.1 billion).

The APR facility has an annual production capacity of 240,000 tons. The inauguration ceremony included the signing of a plaque by President Widodo and the symbolic sealing by the President of an export container with 10,190 tons of viscose rayon fibre for shipment to Turkey, one of APR’s key export markets, and another 12,000 tons to Central Java.

  • Investment of Rp. 15 trillion (USD1,1 billion) in facility
  • Supports development of national textile industry and ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’ roadmap

The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, today inaugurated Indonesia's largest integrated viscose rayon production facility, injecting a boost for the country’s textile sector and the Indonesian Government’s industrial 4.0 development strategy.

The new Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) facility is located in the same production complex as APRIL Group in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau province, Sumatra. This co-location allows integrated operations where renewable plantation pulp supply from APRIL feeds directly to APR for viscose rayon production. The new operation represents a total investment of approximately Rp.15 trillion (USD1.1 billion).

The APR facility has an annual production capacity of 240,000 tons. The inauguration ceremony included the signing of a plaque by President Widodo and the symbolic sealing by the President of an export container with 10,190 tons of viscose rayon fibre for shipment to Turkey, one of APR’s key export markets, and another 12,000 tons to Central Java.

The ceremony was also graced by the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto, the Governor of Riau, Syamsuar, RGE Founder and Chairman Sukanto Tanoto, and Anderson Tanoto, Director, RGE.

Speaking at the inauguration, President Widodo welcomed APR's investment in the development of the national textile industry. The role of the private sector was influential in driving economic growth, alongside the stimulus provided by the Government, he said. “Our garment industry should be greater than Vietnam. We already have our own raw materials here, such as viscose rayon, to support the industry,” he said.

Economic Contribution
APR’s business aligns with President Jokowi's vision to encourage more value-added investment in the nation and the strengthening of the national textile and textile product (TPT) industry, as set out in the Making Indonesia 4.0 Road map. In addition, the production of viscose rayon will reduce dependence on the import of textile raw materials, particularly cotton, to meet domestic demand.

Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Minister for Industry, said: “By optimising the availability and use of raw materials originating from Indonesia, we can boost the performance of our textile sector. This is just one of several steps we are taking to continue to improve the performance and competitiveness of the labour-intensive industry.”

Basrie Kamba, Director APR, said: “The presence of APR will have a positive impact on employment and business opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses in the upstream and downstream sectors of the textiles and textile products industry. We are honoured and grateful to President Jokowi for inaugurating our new facility”.

In addition to Turkey, APR’s products are exported to 14 other countries including key textile centres such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Brazil, and various parts of Europe. The products also support an expanding Indonesia fashion industry.

It is estimated that APR may generate foreign exchange revenues exceeding Rp1.77 trillion (USD130 million) annually, and reduce dependence on imported raw materials by about Rp2.01 trillion (USD149 million) annually.

Sustainable Production
APR produces sustainable viscose rayon fiber from renewable, traceable and biodegradable raw materials. The company’s raw materials are supplied by APRIL Group, which is recognised as a responsible pulp producer through national (Timber Legality Verification System) and international (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification/PEFC) certifications.

APR is the first viscose rayon manufacturer in Indonesia to receive the internationally recognised STeP certification from OEKO-TEX ®, an independent Swiss-based certification organisation, for the responsible manufacturing of viscose staple fibre.

APR has launched the ‘Everything Indonesia’ campaign to promote the sustainable sourcing and production of fashion from Indonesia. The aim is to support Indonesia’s resurgence as a global centre for textile manufacturing, and catalyse home-grown fashion design and creativity.

Weitere Informationen:
viscose fibers Asia Pacific Rayon

Omnicom Public Relations Group