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25 Ergebnisse

Winners of the RECO Sustainable Young Designer Competition

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) named the winners of ‘RECO Young Designer Competition’, Thailand's largest upcycling fashion design event, parading haute couture garments containing at least 60% recycled materials.

Eleven finalists showcased 33 handmade sustainable outfits at the 9th edition of the fashion show at IVL’s headquarters in Bangkok, using recycled PET and polyester items to craft creative fashions. Under the concept of ‘REVIVE: Start from the Street,’ RECO supports young Thai designers while raising awareness of recycling. The designs use a range of recycled materials including recycled PET yarns, discarded fabric from factories, and even repurposed safety belts.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) named the winners of ‘RECO Young Designer Competition’, Thailand's largest upcycling fashion design event, parading haute couture garments containing at least 60% recycled materials.

Eleven finalists showcased 33 handmade sustainable outfits at the 9th edition of the fashion show at IVL’s headquarters in Bangkok, using recycled PET and polyester items to craft creative fashions. Under the concept of ‘REVIVE: Start from the Street,’ RECO supports young Thai designers while raising awareness of recycling. The designs use a range of recycled materials including recycled PET yarns, discarded fabric from factories, and even repurposed safety belts.

RECO awarded finalists and winners with 500,000 baht in prizes to support their careers. First prize of 125,000 baht was awarded to 23-year-old emerging furniture designer Prem Buachum for his ‘The Origin of Rebirth’ collection, using fabric recycled from post-consumer PET bottles. The first runner-up, Sathitkhun Boonmee, was awarded 75,000 baht for his ‘Remembering Your Favorite Teddy Bear’ collection, using old dolls made of polyester fibers. Second runners-up, Worameth Monthanom and Tanakorn Sritong, received 50,000 baht for their ‘Regeneration of Nature (into Spring)’ collection, using unused fabrics and discarded PET film. Napat Tansuwan, a finalist with his’ Don’t Judge’ collection, will go on to create designer merchandise for sponsor Buriram United Football Club using local weaving techniques from communities in Buriram province.

Mrs. Aradhana Lohia Sharma, Vice President at Indorama Ventures and RECO Young Designer Competition Chairperson, said, “Since 2011, RECO's ambition has been to uplift recycling and inspire people to realize the value of recyclable materials to produce great new products for daily life. We have witnessed many thoughtful initiatives on upcycling through the collections created by our talented young Thai designers. The designs this year showcase stunning wearability and innovation while using a large percentage of recycle materials. Public interest in recycling has been growing immensely, and we are grateful to strengthen the relationship with partners like Buriram United Football Club.”

“Indorama Ventures hopes this competition will be a driving force in nurturing sustainable fashion concepts and increasing the acceptance of recycled materials, especially post-consumer PET. We are proud to be a stepping-stone for our youth's design journey and our community’s sustainable future.”




McKinsey Studie: Aus 20% des Textilabfalls könnte neue Kleidung werden

  • Weniger als 1% Textilmüll wird derzeit zu neuer Kleidung recycelt
  • 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilmüll fallen jährlich in Europa an
  • Nur 30-35% des Textilmülls werden getrennt gesammelt
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien könnte 2030 15.000 neue Jobs in Europa schaffen und 6-8 Milliarden Euro Marktgröße erreichen
  • 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Anstoß-Investitionen bis 2030 nötig

Mehr als 15 Kilogramm Textilmüll produziert jeder Mensch in Europa im Durchschnitt pro Jahr, 2030 könnten es bereits über 20 Kilogramm pro Kopf sein. Der größte Anteil (85%) des Abfalls wird durch die privaten Haushalte verursacht: aus ihrer Kleidung und Heimtextilien. Weniger als 1% dieses Mülls wird derzeit in der EU-27 und der Schweiz zu neuen Textilprodukten recycelt. Mehr als 65% landen ohne Umwege direkt in der Müllverbrennung oder auf der Mülldeponie.

  • Weniger als 1% Textilmüll wird derzeit zu neuer Kleidung recycelt
  • 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilmüll fallen jährlich in Europa an
  • Nur 30-35% des Textilmülls werden getrennt gesammelt
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien könnte 2030 15.000 neue Jobs in Europa schaffen und 6-8 Milliarden Euro Marktgröße erreichen
  • 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Anstoß-Investitionen bis 2030 nötig

Mehr als 15 Kilogramm Textilmüll produziert jeder Mensch in Europa im Durchschnitt pro Jahr, 2030 könnten es bereits über 20 Kilogramm pro Kopf sein. Der größte Anteil (85%) des Abfalls wird durch die privaten Haushalte verursacht: aus ihrer Kleidung und Heimtextilien. Weniger als 1% dieses Mülls wird derzeit in der EU-27 und der Schweiz zu neuen Textilprodukten recycelt. Mehr als 65% landen ohne Umwege direkt in der Müllverbrennung oder auf der Mülldeponie.

„Dabei könnten, wenn das volle technische Recyclingpotenzial genutzt und mehr Textilien gesammelt würden, bereits im Jahr 2030 zwischen 18 und 26 Prozent des Textilmülls für die Herstellung von neuen Kleidungsstücken wiederverwertet werden“, sagt Karl-Hendrik Magnus, Senior Partner und Leiter der Modeindustrieberatung bei McKinsey in Deutschland. „Ein skaliertes Textilrecycling würde nicht nur vier Millionen Tonnen CO2 einsparen, sondern auch einen profitablen Wirtschaftszweig mit 15.000 Jobs in Europa schaffen.“ Das sind Ergebnisse der Studie „Scaling textile recycling in Europe – turning waste into value“ von McKinsey & Company, für die Szenarien berechnet wurden, wie sich das Textilmüllvolumen sowie Sammel- und Recyclingraten bis 2030 entwickeln können.

Höhere Sammelrate von Kleidung entscheidend für mehr Recycling
Derzeit wird etwa ein Drittel der benutzten Kleidung gesammelt und wiederverwendet: entweder als Second-Hand-Mode, als grob recyceltes Textilprodukt wie Lappen und weniger als 1% als recycelte Textilfasern für neue Mode. Diese Sammelrate könnte bis 2030 auf 50-80% gesteigert werden. Entsprechend könnte auch die Kreislaufwirtschaft, die aus Textilabfall neue Fasern für Mode produziert, auf 18-26% skaliert werden. Heute ist es weniger als 1%. „Dieses so genannte Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling, bei dem aus Textilfasern neue Fasern für Mode hergestellt werden, stellt die nachhaltigste Möglichkeit dar, um aus Müll etwas Neues mit Wert zu generieren“, erklärt Jonatan Janmark, Co-Autor der Studie und Partner im Stockholmer Büro von McKinsey. Gleichzeitig bietet diese Kreislaufwirtschaft enormes finanzielles Potenzial mit sechs bis acht Milliarden Euro Umsatz als Marktgröße und möglichen jährlichen Renditen von 20-25% für die Recyclingindustrie.

Möglich wird diese Entwicklung hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft durch neue Technologien, wie mechanisches Recycling von Baumwolle, das bereits recht etabliert ist, die innovative Verarbeitung zu Viskosefasern sowie chemisches Recycling für die Wiederverwertung von Polyester, was aktuell im Teststadium ist. Allerdings steht das Sammeln und die Aufbereitung der Altbekleidung und -textilien durch fragmentierte, kleinteilige Strukturen und noch meist manuelle Arbeitsvorgänge immer noch vor großen Herausforderungen.  Kleidungsabfälle müssen nach Qualitätskriterien sortiert, Knöpfe und Reißverschlüsse entfernt und Faserzusammensetzungen eindeutig identifiziert werden. Viele Produkte aus Mischfasern stellen noch ein ungelöstes Problem für Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling dar.

Investitionen für Skalierung nötig
Um das volle Potenzial des Textilrecyclings nutzen zu können, werden insgesamt etwa 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Investitionen bis 2030 benötigt, die in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette wie beim Sammeln, Sortieren und dem Aufbau von Recyclingfabriken gebraucht werden. „Die Investition ins Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling lohnt sich nicht nur aus Nachhaltigkeitsgründen. Es können beim Recycling neue Rohmaterialien entstehen, die mehr Modeproduktion in Europa ermöglichen würden. Dadurch könnte diese Recyclingindustrie sogar noch mehr Wert generieren“, sagt Jonatan Janmark.

Weitere Informationen:
Textilabfällen McKinsey Studie



TEXAID supports the Swiss textile recycling ecosystem with professional collecting and sorting of textiles

TEXAID as a professional collector and sorter with roots in Switzerland contributes to this ecosystem to enable the textile-to-textile recycling.  The creation of Swiss Textile Recycling Ecosystem marks a key milestone in the upscaling of Worn Again Technologies’ recycling process technology with technology scale-up partner Sulzer Chemtech in Winterthur. It also supports its ambition to create a circular economy where non-reusable, hard-to-recycle textiles can be reintroduced into supply chains to become new fibers.

To cause a paradigm shift in the fashion industry and realize true circularity requires all members of the value chain to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. The Swiss Textile Recycling Ecosystem is a network comprising fabric and textile manufacturers, waste collectors and sorters, as well as retailers, brand owners and technology providers – all coordinated by Swiss Textiles. All these parties will cooperate to make their shared vision of a more sustainable fashion industry a reality, where used textiles can be recycled into new textiles.

TEXAID as a professional collector and sorter with roots in Switzerland contributes to this ecosystem to enable the textile-to-textile recycling.  The creation of Swiss Textile Recycling Ecosystem marks a key milestone in the upscaling of Worn Again Technologies’ recycling process technology with technology scale-up partner Sulzer Chemtech in Winterthur. It also supports its ambition to create a circular economy where non-reusable, hard-to-recycle textiles can be reintroduced into supply chains to become new fibers.

To cause a paradigm shift in the fashion industry and realize true circularity requires all members of the value chain to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. The Swiss Textile Recycling Ecosystem is a network comprising fabric and textile manufacturers, waste collectors and sorters, as well as retailers, brand owners and technology providers – all coordinated by Swiss Textiles. All these parties will cooperate to make their shared vision of a more sustainable fashion industry a reality, where used textiles can be recycled into new textiles.

TEXAID as a stakeholder in the Swiss Textile Recycling Ecosystem and as leading textile recycling company with over 40 years of experience will support the initiative through collecting, sorting, pre-processing and providing pre- and post-consumer feedstock to the Demonstration Plant. At its headquarters in Schattdorf (CH), TEXAID will investigate possibilities to automate the sorting and pre-processing of textile feedstock for recycling. Currently, TEXAID processes more than 80,000 tons of end-of-use textiles and footwear every year all over Europe and the US.

Weitere Informationen:
Texaid Sulzer textile recycling



AFRY to digitalize Renewcell’s textile recycling processes

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. With the technology they have developed, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn it back into fiber pulp. Renewcell has had a production site in Kristinehamn since 2017 and is now scaling up the production in their new production plant in Sundsvall. The new plant is expected to be operating during the first half of 2022. “Modern production and logistics require a high level of digitalization to meet the demands for, e.g., traceability, and therefore the systems and experience from AFRY will be very important to us,” says Ylva Stjernquist, Supply Chain Manager and Project Leader at Renewcell.

AFRY has a long experience in Industrial IT and will now deliver the two leading, closely integrated digital solutions for production management to Renewcell. The AFRY MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a highly advanced digital information system that connects, monitors, and controls the complex production systems and data flows of the production processes. AFRY ProTAK is a digital tool that measures the effectiveness of a plant’s production machine performance. The system gathers information from different sources (e.g., DCS, MES, Maintenance) and combines that with the operators’ notes to calculate or present Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), which will lead to optimized production and increased profitability.

Together these tools will improve traceability and secure a high production efficiency by integrating data from all production systems and equipment. “We are focusing on improving sustainability within process industries, and it is therefore an honor to be part of Renewcell’s textile recycling through a full-scale digitalized solution. Our modern and competitive digital solution will definitely bring added value to these types of processes,” says David Andersson, Business Segment Manager Digitalization, AFRY Process Industries Sweden.  

AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK will be installed to both Kristinehamn and Sundsvall plants. The installation is planned to be up and running during Q2 2022.


Process Industries Sweden


ISKO invests in Green Technology for Recycling Solution

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ programme, it is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum 50%+ GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy for consumers to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product they purchase.


ISKO / Menabò Group