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2nd Bangladesh Circular Economy Summit Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

2nd Bangladesh Circular Economy Summit

Fashion industry leaders, organizations, and government representatives came together for the 2nd Bangladesh Circular Economy Summit in Dhaka to exchange insights and expertise aimed at advancing circularity within the apparel and textiles sector in Bangladesh.

The Summit, organized by the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in collaboration with German development cooperation agency GIZ and in association with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh at Radisson Blu Water Garden, Dhaka on June 11, spotlighted the importance and ways of transitioning from a linear economic model to one that prioritizes resource efficiency and waste reduction.

The discussions and engagement at the summit aimed at propelling the transition from a linear to a circular model in Bangladesh’s apparel and textile industries.

The summit began with an inaugural ceremony, followed by four insightful plenary sessions, three engaging panel discussions, and an innovative breakout session. Through these platforms, participants explored strategies to accelerate the adoption of circular practices within Bangladesh’s apparel and textile industries.

Fashion industry leaders, organizations, and government representatives came together for the 2nd Bangladesh Circular Economy Summit in Dhaka to exchange insights and expertise aimed at advancing circularity within the apparel and textiles sector in Bangladesh.

The Summit, organized by the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in collaboration with German development cooperation agency GIZ and in association with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh at Radisson Blu Water Garden, Dhaka on June 11, spotlighted the importance and ways of transitioning from a linear economic model to one that prioritizes resource efficiency and waste reduction.

The discussions and engagement at the summit aimed at propelling the transition from a linear to a circular model in Bangladesh’s apparel and textile industries.

The summit began with an inaugural ceremony, followed by four insightful plenary sessions, three engaging panel discussions, and an innovative breakout session. Through these platforms, participants explored strategies to accelerate the adoption of circular practices within Bangladesh’s apparel and textile industries.

Speakers at the Opening ceremony

  • H.E. Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Honorable Minister for Textiles & Jute, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,
  • Mr. Siddiqur Rahman, former President of BGMEA
  • Mr. Thijs Woudstra, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh
  • Mr. Jan Janowski, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Germany in Bangladesh
  • Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Completion of Mosque for workers of Fashion Forum Limited (c) Asif Salman

Completion of Mosque for workers of Fashion Forum Limited

The Zebun Nessa Mosque, recently completed in Ashulia, Dhaka, is a shining example of the progressive initiatives being undertaken by the Bangladeshi garment industry. Fashion Forum Ltd., a company of IDS Group, spearheaded this project, demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing the welfare and environment for its workers.

Bangladesh, renowned as the second-largest exporter of ready-made garments globally, is setting new benchmarks in workplace safety, worker welfare, and environmental sustainability. Mr. Idris Shakur, managing director of IDS Group, epitomizes the industry’s progressive outlook. He has dedicated the mosque to the workers of Fashion Forum Limited, naming it in honour of his late mother. The gesture is designed to foster compassion and unity within the industrial community.

The Zebun Nessa Mosque, recently completed in Ashulia, Dhaka, is a shining example of the progressive initiatives being undertaken by the Bangladeshi garment industry. Fashion Forum Ltd., a company of IDS Group, spearheaded this project, demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing the welfare and environment for its workers.

Bangladesh, renowned as the second-largest exporter of ready-made garments globally, is setting new benchmarks in workplace safety, worker welfare, and environmental sustainability. Mr. Idris Shakur, managing director of IDS Group, epitomizes the industry’s progressive outlook. He has dedicated the mosque to the workers of Fashion Forum Limited, naming it in honour of his late mother. The gesture is designed to foster compassion and unity within the industrial community.

The mosque, designed by Studio Morphogenesis and completed in 2023, reflects a forward-thinking architectural philosophy. Sustainability was a core consideration, with the design incorporating recycled red bricks from demolished houses for the exterior walls. Pink concrete, weatherproofed with lime plaster mixed with red brick powder, blends tradition with modernity, creating a spiritual and communal haven for the workers.

A key feature of the mosque is its majestic arched opening facing the qibla, offering worshippers a serene view of the adjacent waterbody and enhancing their connection with nature. The structure's double-layered walls provide thermal comfort and facilitate natural light and ventilation, transforming the mosque into a "breathing pavilion." Enclosed gardens, reminiscent of light courts, provide a peaceful retreat from the bustling industrial environment.

Inside, an intricate perforated metal stairway leads to a crescent-shaped upper floor, dedicated exclusively to the female workers. This space serves as a serene meeting area and prayer room, empowering women and reinforcing their importance within the workforce.

The Zebun Nessa Mosque also showcases advanced construction technology, designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, further underscoring the innovative and resilient spirit of Bangladeshi garment manufacturers.

This mosque stands as a testament to the progressive and compassionate ethos driving Bangladesh’s garment industry. It highlights how manufacturers are not only focusing on economic growth but also prioritising the well-being and empowerment of workers, setting new standards for the industry worldwide.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Teilnehmer Global Apparel Conference Foto CNTAC

China National Textile & Apparel Council lud ein zur Global Apparel Conference

Unter dem Motto "Together for a shared future" fand vom 16. bis 18. November 2023 die erste Global Apparel Conference in der Hafenstadt Humen, Dongguang, Provinz Guangdong, auf Einladung des China National Textil and Apparel Councils (CNTAC) mit über eintausend Teilnehmern von Organisationen, Branchenverbänden und Unternehmen aus nahezu 20 Ländern und Regionen wie Italien, Frankreich, der UK, Spanien, Deutschland, Südkorea, Vietnam, Kambodscha, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesien, Pakistan, Malaysia, Marokko etc. statt.

Im Fokus der Global Apparel Conference stand der internationale kulturelle Austausch mit dem Ziel, Lösungen für gemeinsame Herausforderungen zu finden, denen die Bekleidungsindustrie weltweit gegenüber steht und eine langfriste Kommunikation zwischen den Teilnehmern aufzubauen, Erkenntnisse zu sammeln, Konsens zu bilden und die Zusammenarbeit zu vertiefen.

Unter dem Motto "Together for a shared future" fand vom 16. bis 18. November 2023 die erste Global Apparel Conference in der Hafenstadt Humen, Dongguang, Provinz Guangdong, auf Einladung des China National Textil and Apparel Councils (CNTAC) mit über eintausend Teilnehmern von Organisationen, Branchenverbänden und Unternehmen aus nahezu 20 Ländern und Regionen wie Italien, Frankreich, der UK, Spanien, Deutschland, Südkorea, Vietnam, Kambodscha, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesien, Pakistan, Malaysia, Marokko etc. statt.

Im Fokus der Global Apparel Conference stand der internationale kulturelle Austausch mit dem Ziel, Lösungen für gemeinsame Herausforderungen zu finden, denen die Bekleidungsindustrie weltweit gegenüber steht und eine langfriste Kommunikation zwischen den Teilnehmern aufzubauen, Erkenntnisse zu sammeln, Konsens zu bilden und die Zusammenarbeit zu vertiefen.

Zu dieser Sitzung trafen sich die Vertreter der Branchenverbände der Confindustria Moda aus Italien, Moda Espana / Confederation of Spanish Fashion Companies, Spanish Textile and Fashion Observatory, AMDIE und AMITH aus Marokko, Malaysian Official Designers' Association (MODA), Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Assocation (BGMEA), Myanmar Garments Manufacturers Association (MGMA), Textile Apparel Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC), Indonesian Textile Association, Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC), Pakistan Textile Exporters Assocation, Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PHMA), Towel Manufacturers Assocation of Pakistan (TMA), Vietnam Textile & Apparel Association (VITAS) mit dem Veranstalter der Konferenz, dem China National Textile & Apparel Council.

Auf der Agenda standen u.a. das Wissenschafts- und Technologieforum, das Fashion Forum und das Sustainable Forum. Themen wie "Von der Digitalisierung zur Lieferkettenplanung", "Von Modetrends zu kulturellen Wurzeln" und "Von Umweltschutzkonzepten zu Produktionstechnologien" wurden diskutiert. Parallele Veranstaltungen präsentierten Stoffinnovationen, neueste Farbentwicklungen und Kreationen und Brand Development.

Integration, Kooperation und Transparenz waren die Kernpunkte, auf die sich die Teilnehmer der GAC Plenarsitzung einigten und die mit der Global Apparel Conference Vision (Humen Vision) veröffentlicht wurden.



Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

Denim Asia Limited, Knit Asia Limited, Progress Apparels Limited, Ananta BD, Reverse Resources, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) played pivotal roles in this initiative. Knit Asia Ltd, notably acclaimed for their commitment to sustainable practices, along with Denim Asia, associated with the sustainable brand Noize Jeans, showcased their commitment to sustainable manufacturing processes.
Progress Apparels Limited, a ready-made garment producer and part of PDS Limited demonstrated its advanced sustainable production facilities. Reverse Resources and the BGMEA hosted an intimate “Meet and Greet Networking Session”, to boost awareness about the technologies in the industry.

Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, emphasized the significance of this event for the wider Bangladeshi textile industry, " Bangladesh has the biggest manufacturing sector in South Asia and this tour marks a critical step towards a circular fashion ecosystem, also how can the fashion industry become more sustainable in Bangladesh. It's not just an event; it's part of a larger movement to incorporate innovative recycling, Sustainable Fashion technologies and establish global partnerships for a sustainable fashion industry."

Featuring interactive sessions, factory visits, and knowledge sharing, this initiative offered a platform for fostering collaborations between manufacturers and technology innovators.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good are optimistic about a future where Bangladesh leads in sustainable and circular apparel manufacturing.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

BAE: ‘Best of Bangladesh Europe’ in Amsterdam Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

BAE: ‘Best of Bangladesh Europe’ in Amsterdam

On 5th September 2023, the Amsterdam: Best of Bangladesh Europe’ started in the venue of Wastergas in Amsterdam. The 2-day nation branding event was organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE), with support from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Ministry of Commerce, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh and in association with PDS.

Tipu Munshi, MP, Commerce Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Michiel Sweers, Vice Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Shahriar Alam, MP, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Md Siddiqur Rahman,  Former president of BGMEA; M Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands; Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation; Pallak Seth, Founder & Vice Chairman, PDS Limited; and Mostafiz Uddin, Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange; attended the inaugural ceremony of the ‘Best of Bangladesh’.

On 5th September 2023, the Amsterdam: Best of Bangladesh Europe’ started in the venue of Wastergas in Amsterdam. The 2-day nation branding event was organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE), with support from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Ministry of Commerce, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh and in association with PDS.

Tipu Munshi, MP, Commerce Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Michiel Sweers, Vice Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Shahriar Alam, MP, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Md Siddiqur Rahman,  Former president of BGMEA; M Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands; Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation; Pallak Seth, Founder & Vice Chairman, PDS Limited; and Mostafiz Uddin, Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange; attended the inaugural ceremony of the ‘Best of Bangladesh’.

Three MoU were signed in the inaugural for the development of the industries of Bangladesh.
The 1st MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Eindhoven International Project Office (EIPO). The 2nd MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Apparel Impact Institution. The 3rd MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Oxfam.
More than 35 companies from various fields, including apparel, textiles, agriculture, handicrafts, and other sectors, participated in the initiative.

The event held six interactive panel sessions on the topics "Bangladesh – Perspectives from an Emerging Economy", "Sustainable Sourcing Realities: Challenges, Achievements & Next Steps”, “Empowering the Future: Advancing Safety & Well-being for Garments Workforce in Bangladesh", "Bangladesh Agro-Food: A Next Opportunity for Collaboration", "Impact Investing - The Next Frontier", and “Sustainable Synergy: Circular Economy, Climate Action & Bangladesh’s Future".

A Bangladesh Innovation Runway was presented by Pacific Jeans at the event. The Bangladesh Innovation Runway showcased the ability of the country in producing high end, sustainable and innovative apparel products.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

First show of ‘Best of Bangladesh’ in Europe (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

First show of ‘Best of Bangladesh’ in Europe

‘Best of Bangladesh’ -- the first ever sole ‘Made in Bangladesh’ show in Europe -- aims to open the doors for Europe to experience what the Bangladeshi industries has to offer.

As Bangladesh celebrates five decades of strong ties with Europe, in order to further strengthen the ties and deepen collaborations with the partners across Europe, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, supported by the Bangladesh Embassy in the Netherlands, is organizing the event in Amsterdam, Netherlands on September 4th and 5th, 2023.

The ‘Best of Bangladesh’ aims to serve as a dynamic platform to showcase the progress and potential across diverse sectors of Bangladesh economy, especially manufacturing.

A total of 40 Bangladeshi companies each of which is the country’s best from apparel, textile, leather, Agro, jute, handicrafts, pharmaceutical, light engineering, digital industry, FMCG and bicycle will showcase their sustainable and innovative products in the Best of Bangladesh.  

‘Best of Bangladesh’ -- the first ever sole ‘Made in Bangladesh’ show in Europe -- aims to open the doors for Europe to experience what the Bangladeshi industries has to offer.

As Bangladesh celebrates five decades of strong ties with Europe, in order to further strengthen the ties and deepen collaborations with the partners across Europe, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, supported by the Bangladesh Embassy in the Netherlands, is organizing the event in Amsterdam, Netherlands on September 4th and 5th, 2023.

The ‘Best of Bangladesh’ aims to serve as a dynamic platform to showcase the progress and potential across diverse sectors of Bangladesh economy, especially manufacturing.

A total of 40 Bangladeshi companies each of which is the country’s best from apparel, textile, leather, Agro, jute, handicrafts, pharmaceutical, light engineering, digital industry, FMCG and bicycle will showcase their sustainable and innovative products in the Best of Bangladesh.  

Bangladesh economy ranks as the world’s 37th largest now and it’s rapidly-expanding. The ‘Best of Bangladesh’ is being organized to accelerate interests and burgeoning engagements between the entrepreneurs and private sector entities on both European and Bangladeshi sides. The event has been structured to serve as a platform to showcase the multifaceted progress made and potential across diverse sectors of Bangladesh’s economy.

There will be an inaugural and 7 interactive panel sessions at the Best of Bangladesh on the topics ‘Bangladesh – Perspectives From An Emerging Economy’, ‘Bangladesh - Your Sustainable Sourcing Destination’, ‘Empowering the Future: Advancing Safety & Well-being for Garments Workforce in Bangladesh’, ‘Bangladesh Agro-Food: A Next Opportunity for Collaboration’, ‘Impact Investing - The Next Frontier’, ‘Sustainable Synergy: Circular Economy, Climate Action & Bangladesh’s Future’, and ‘Digitization and Digital Economy in Bangladesh’.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Photo: pixabay

Bangladesh to stage climate event for fashion and textiles

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Also presenting at the event will be the Government of Bangladesh, which will address Bangladesh’s actions to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate change and is ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world according to a report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods, coastal and riverbank erosion, droughts and landslides are the major climate-induced hazards in Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will also look at approaches towards decarbonization, including NetZero goals and timelines. Speakers will discuss globally recognised pathways for electricity/transportation/industry decarbonisation.

Renewable energy will also be under discussion. If fashion brands are to hit climate targets, it is imperative that supply chains switch to renewable energy and away from gas and fossil fuels. The event will look at challenges around the de-carbonisation of the electricity grid in Bangladesh, as well as the rate of transition toward renewable resources by garment factories, including solar power.

A key element of the event will be evaluation of practical solutions for Bangladesh’s RMG industry. It will profile specific solutions such as energy efficiency, machine upgrades, the electrification of thermal loads, direct power purchase agreements and biomass fed thermal systems. It will also discuss the challenges faced in the industry including business climate (and cycles), pricing, financing challenges, target setting and execution, policy opportunities, knowledge gaps and availability/scaling of solutions.

Financial challenges around decarbonisation of supply chains are significant, and it is far from clear who will pay for the technological upgrades required. While some investment support systems exist – such as lower interest financing – these are not always available, accessible or affordable for the majority of the RMG companies.

The event will explore financial options, changes to business/pricing models, opportunities for de-risking/underwriting investments, direct investment and other tools that need to emerge to address financial challenges and plug the funding gap. The event will also explore opportunities to decouple climate action from business cycles so that the 2030 targets can be met.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

2nd Denim Innovation Night held in Bangladesh

2nd Denim Innovation Night presented by Pacific Jeans was held during the 14th Bangladesh Denim Expo to showcase the innovation in the country’s denim industry.

The show displayed the very latest in sustainably produced and innovative denim products from Pacific Jeans to apparel brands and retailers, embassy representatives, development partners and to the representatives of the industry supply chain.

About 500 invited guests got the opportunity to witness the denim research, design and production innovation provided by the Bangladeshi denim Group highlighting the breadth and depth of denim innovation available in the country – from fibre, through to fabrics, design, manufacture and finishing.

Pacific Jeans Limited manufactures premium jeans in Bangladesh and exports to over 50 countries. With a continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards safe and sustainable industry, the group has become one of the preferred suppliers to leading global fashion retailers.

2nd Denim Innovation Night presented by Pacific Jeans was held during the 14th Bangladesh Denim Expo to showcase the innovation in the country’s denim industry.

The show displayed the very latest in sustainably produced and innovative denim products from Pacific Jeans to apparel brands and retailers, embassy representatives, development partners and to the representatives of the industry supply chain.

About 500 invited guests got the opportunity to witness the denim research, design and production innovation provided by the Bangladeshi denim Group highlighting the breadth and depth of denim innovation available in the country – from fibre, through to fabrics, design, manufacture and finishing.

Pacific Jeans Limited manufactures premium jeans in Bangladesh and exports to over 50 countries. With a continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards safe and sustainable industry, the group has become one of the preferred suppliers to leading global fashion retailers.

The program was inaugurated by Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi, MP; while the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Bangladesh H.E. Charles Whiteley was the Guest of Honor; President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Faruque Hassan and Country Representative of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in Bangladesh Yuji Ando were special guests at the program.

The 1st Denim Innovation Night was presented by Pacific Jeans during the 7th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo in November 2017.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

(c) CHT Gruppe

CHT Gruppe: Neue Produktionsstätte in Bangladesch

Die CHT Gruppe, ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen für Spezialchemikalien, hat eine neue Produktionsstätte in der Meghna Industrial Economic Zone (MIEZ), Narayanganj, errichtet, die am 9. Mai 2023 eingeweiht wurde.

Die CHT Gruppe, ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen für Spezialchemikalien, hat eine neue Produktionsstätte in der Meghna Industrial Economic Zone (MIEZ), Narayanganj, errichtet, die am 9. Mai 2023 eingeweiht wurde.

Martin Stangs, Regional Sales Manager APAC Auxiliaries bei CHT, sagt: „Die langjährige Erfolgsgeschichte mit der RH Corporation wird nun auf ein noch höheres Niveau gehoben. Neben dem jahrzehntelangen Service durch motivierte Kollegen der RH Corporation und ständigen Besuchen durch erfahrene CHT-Kollegen werden CHT-Produkte nun durch unsere neue Produktionsstätte bei CHT Bangladesch auch vor Ort verfügbar gemacht. Dies wird unser derzeitiges High-End-Angebot mit den nun möglichen zeitnahen Lieferungen weiter verbessern. Die bekannten Dienstleistungen unserer modernen Laboreinrichtung in Dhaka werden weiterhin bestehen bleiben. Unterstützt wird dies durch die profunde analytische und technische Ausstattung der CHT Germany sowie der CHT Switzerland. Weniger Wasser, weniger Energie, weniger Zeit und trotzdem "fit-for-purpose performance": Diese Anforderungen sind uns nicht fremd. Im Sinne unserer CHT-Gruppenpolitik 'We take care' werden wir auch diese Probleme lösen".

Nachhaltigkeit ist bei der CHT Gruppe tief verankert und spielt auch in Bangladesch eine wichtige Rolle. Das neue Werk der CHT Gruppe trägt in mehrfacher Hinsicht zur Nachhaltigkeit bei: Die Dächer von zwei Gebäuden sind vollständig mit Photovoltaik-Modulen bedeckt. Für eine optimale Nutzung des natürlichen Lichts sind alle anderen Gebäude rundum mit Glas und mit transparenten Dächern ausgestattet. Außerdem gibt es einen Grundwassertank zum Sammeln von Regenwasser sowie eine biologische Kläranlage zur Wiederverwendung des gereinigten Wassers als Brauchwasser im Werk.


CHT Germany GmbH

(c) Mayer & Cie.
Das Batliboi-Team auf der ITME 2022, gemeinsam mit einigen Kollegen von Mayer & Cie.

Neues Set-up der Mayer & Cie. Vertretungen in Bangladesch und Nepal

Seit 01. April 2023 stehen Vertrieb und Service von Rundstrickmaschinen von Mayer & Cie. in Bangladesch und Nepal unter neuer Leitung: Ein neues Team “Mayer Bangladesch” ist entstanden. Die langjährige indische Vertretung von Mayer & Cie., Batliboi, nimmt sich seit Monatsbeginn der Geschäfte in Bangladesch an. Unterstützt wird Batliboi von der bisherigen Vertretung Brady Services sowie Almani Biz.

Mit Batliboi hat Mayer & Cie. einen jahrzehntelangen Geschäftspartner als Vertreter in Bangladesch eingesetzt: Seit rund vier Jahrzehnten kümmert sich das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Mumbai um Vertrieb und Service der Rundstrickmaschinen von Mayer & Cie. in Indien. Abhay Sidham leitet den entsprechenden Geschäftsbereich, die Textile and Machinery Group bei Batliboi. Er und sein Team bringen langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich des strategischen Marketings mit. Die Umsetzung der Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Verarbeitung recycelter Rohmaterialien sind Teil der Batliboi-Expertise.

Seit 01. April 2023 stehen Vertrieb und Service von Rundstrickmaschinen von Mayer & Cie. in Bangladesch und Nepal unter neuer Leitung: Ein neues Team “Mayer Bangladesch” ist entstanden. Die langjährige indische Vertretung von Mayer & Cie., Batliboi, nimmt sich seit Monatsbeginn der Geschäfte in Bangladesch an. Unterstützt wird Batliboi von der bisherigen Vertretung Brady Services sowie Almani Biz.

Mit Batliboi hat Mayer & Cie. einen jahrzehntelangen Geschäftspartner als Vertreter in Bangladesch eingesetzt: Seit rund vier Jahrzehnten kümmert sich das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Mumbai um Vertrieb und Service der Rundstrickmaschinen von Mayer & Cie. in Indien. Abhay Sidham leitet den entsprechenden Geschäftsbereich, die Textile and Machinery Group bei Batliboi. Er und sein Team bringen langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich des strategischen Marketings mit. Die Umsetzung der Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Verarbeitung recycelter Rohmaterialien sind Teil der Batliboi-Expertise.

Diese Kompetenzen sind im Markt in Bangladesch relevant, denn: „Wir haben hier einen starken Wettbewerb durch Hersteller aus dem asiatischen Raum“, erklärt Wolfgang Müller, Vertriebsleiter bei Mayer & Cie. Man beobachte, dass der Premiummarkt kleiner werde, während der Trend Richtung Spezialitäten gehe, also ‚Value Added fabrics‘, Abstandsgestrick sowie Athleisure mit hohem Elasthanteil. Mayer & Cie. sieht in diesen Anforderungen deutliches Potential für seine Maschinen – und in Batliboi einen Partner, der aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen in der Lage ist, diese optimal zu nutzen.

Ein Baustein im Vertreter Set-up bleibt unverändert: Brady Services wird unter Batliboi-Leitung weiterhin seine engen Kontakte in den lokalen Markt einbringen. Eine größere Anzahl Bestandskunden wird weiterhin direkt durch Brady Services bedient.

Der zweite – neue – Untervertreter des “Mayer Bangladesch”-Teams ist Almani Biz mit Sitz in Dhaka. Als Händler für Öle für Rundstrickmaschinen ist Almani Biz in der Rundstrick-Welt in Bangladesch gut vernetzt.

Mayer & Cie. fühlt sich mit diesem Set-up gut aufgestellt. Wolfgang Müller: „Wir sind der Meinung, dass der Markt für Textilmaschinen in Bangladesch in Zukunft wachsen wird. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir mit der Verstärkung unseres Teams für Sales, Service und Marketing diese Chance für uns nutzen können.“

Schon in der Vergangenheit sorgten Kunden aus Bangladesch für umfangreiche Aufträge. Der jüngste, abgeschlossen im Januar, umfasste mehrere Dutzend Maschinen, die im Herbst ausgeliefert werden. Weitere Aufträge von Apex sowie von BEXIMCO (Bangladesch Export Import Company) sollen ebenfalls im zweiten Halbjahr 2023 geliefert werden.

Im Zuge der Neuorganisation des Vertreter Set-Ups in Bangladesch hat Batliboi auch die Mayer & Cie.-Vertretung in Nepal übernommen. Bisher gab es keine eigene Vertretung vor Ort. Gefragt sind Basismaschinen für gängige Gestricke wie Interlock, 8-Schloss und Single Jersey – wobei sich die Absatzzahlen im Land noch im einstelligen Bereich bewegen.


Mayer & Cie.


Sustainable Apparel Coalition partners with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), an independent and impact-creating organization that brings together around half of the apparel industry to enable positive social and environmental impact at scale, announces its strategic partnership with the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) for its fourth edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum. The event aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas on how to advance sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

Taking place on March 15 and 16, 2023, this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum will focus on five key subject areas of the apparel and textile supply chain: circular economy, climate impact & action, renewable energy & green funding, skill development and green job prospects & challenges. Delegates in attendance will include, garment manufacturers, brands and retailers, development partners, foreign missions and embassies in Bangladesh, impact creating organizations, apparel and textile associations, industry leaders, government officials, secretariats and ministers.

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), an independent and impact-creating organization that brings together around half of the apparel industry to enable positive social and environmental impact at scale, announces its strategic partnership with the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) for its fourth edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum. The event aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas on how to advance sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

Taking place on March 15 and 16, 2023, this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum will focus on five key subject areas of the apparel and textile supply chain: circular economy, climate impact & action, renewable energy & green funding, skill development and green job prospects & challenges. Delegates in attendance will include, garment manufacturers, brands and retailers, development partners, foreign missions and embassies in Bangladesh, impact creating organizations, apparel and textile associations, industry leaders, government officials, secretariats and ministers.

The first day of the forum will be geared towards roundtable discussions and workshop sessions on circularity, while day two, the main conference day of the event, will feature panel discussions, presentations & keynote speeches along with strategic guidelines from government officials and industry leaders.

Vidhura Rapanawe, Board Director, Andrew Martin, VP, Membership and Stakeholder Engagement, and Joyce Tsoi, Director of Collective Action Programs, along with other team members, will represent the SAC, including participation in a discussion on decarbonization and what it will take for the industry to achieve the necessary reduction of carbon emissions. The SAC will also actively participate and organize a special workshop for manufacturers as part of their continued stakeholder engagement efforts.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)


‘MADE IN BANGLADESH WEEK’: 12th -18th November 2022, Dhaka

  • Made in Bangladesh Week is organized by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
  • A week-long event in November will showcase sustainability strides being made by Bangladesh garment makers
  • The event will host 17 physical events like - conferences, expositions, photo exhibitions, fashion runway shows, sustainable design and innovation awards, factory tours –and many more.

The Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, will inaugurate the first ever Made in Bangladesh Week in November. The event represents a major branding exercise for Bangladesh’s burgeoning garment manufacturing industry as it looks to position itself as the first-choice apparel sourcing hub for global fashion retailers.

It is the first branding event of the Bangladesh Apparel Industry dedicated solely to celebrating and showcasing the newest innovations, compliance, and sustainable developments of the RMG sector in the global market.

  • Made in Bangladesh Week is organized by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
  • A week-long event in November will showcase sustainability strides being made by Bangladesh garment makers
  • The event will host 17 physical events like - conferences, expositions, photo exhibitions, fashion runway shows, sustainable design and innovation awards, factory tours –and many more.

The Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, will inaugurate the first ever Made in Bangladesh Week in November. The event represents a major branding exercise for Bangladesh’s burgeoning garment manufacturing industry as it looks to position itself as the first-choice apparel sourcing hub for global fashion retailers.

It is the first branding event of the Bangladesh Apparel Industry dedicated solely to celebrating and showcasing the newest innovations, compliance, and sustainable developments of the RMG sector in the global market.

The event aims to promote the apparel industry of Bangladesh locally and globally by showcasing the compelling stories of the ready-made garments sector, especially its impressive strides in the areas of workplace safety, environmental sustainability and workers’ wellbeing.

The event is expected to draw a gathering of more than a thousand people from home and abroad, including key stakeholders in the local and global fashion industry.

Bangladesh’s garment manufacturing industry has undergone a renaissance in recent times. Significant strides have been made in technological innovation, eco-friendly production, worker welfare and factory safety.

In addition to panels, seminars, awards, fashion shows and exhibitions, the week will also provide an opportunity for factory tours to give journalists and other stakeholders a chance to see for themselves innovative garment production in Bangladesh.

Made in Bangladesh Week will be organised by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE).

Weitere Informationen:

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange
Hall View Sustainable Apparel Forum

News from Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF)

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

The Sustainable Apparel Forum brings together government representatives and industry leaders

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

Speakers of the SAF include Dr Tawfiq-e-elahi Chowdhury, Bir Bikrom, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on power, energy and mineral resources; Salman F Rahman, MP, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on private industry & investment; Tipu Munshi, MP, commerce minister of Bangladesh; Begum Monnujan Sufian, MP, state minister for labor and employment of Bangladesh; Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP, chairman of parliamentary standing committee on ministry of environment, forest and climate change of Bangladesh;  Anna Athanasopoulou, head of unit for social economy & creative industries European Commission;  Barbara Bijelic, financial sector and regulatory engagement lead centre for responsible business conduct, OECD;  Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu, sectors engagement lead, UNFCCC; Gagan Bansal, global material innovation & strategy manager, H&M; Javier Santonja Olcina,  regional head, Bangladesh & Pakistan, Inditex; Faruque Hassan, president, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA); Dr Mark Anner, founding director, Center for Global Workers’ Rights and also professor, Penn State University, USA; Ayesha Barenblat, founder and CEO, Remake;  Najet Draper, vice president research, Better Buying; and  Tuomo Poutiainen,  country director, Bangladesh, ILO.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

11th Bangladesh Denim Expo Ends Highlighting Responsibility

The 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo attracted 99 exhibitors from 11 countries and once again proved itself the most significant show of its kind in Bangladesh. In total there were 5,692 visitors – a remarkable achievement.

The great and good of this diverse industry once again descended on the expo which illustrated, once again, that the denim sector of Bangladesh is in rude health.

In this edition exhibitors displayed fabrics, garments, threads, machinery, finishing equipment and accessories, positioning the show as a true representation of Bangladesh’s denim industry - the second largest denim exporter to the EU and third largest to the United States. The expo also saw other participating countries including china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

Responsibility was the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo. Founder and CEO Bangladesh Denim Expo Mostafiz Uddin said: “It is the duty of all stakeholders in the denim industry to acknowledge their responsibility and to analyse the business practices for the benefit of all.”

The 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo attracted 99 exhibitors from 11 countries and once again proved itself the most significant show of its kind in Bangladesh. In total there were 5,692 visitors – a remarkable achievement.

The great and good of this diverse industry once again descended on the expo which illustrated, once again, that the denim sector of Bangladesh is in rude health.

In this edition exhibitors displayed fabrics, garments, threads, machinery, finishing equipment and accessories, positioning the show as a true representation of Bangladesh’s denim industry - the second largest denim exporter to the EU and third largest to the United States. The expo also saw other participating countries including china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

Responsibility was the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo. Founder and CEO Bangladesh Denim Expo Mostafiz Uddin said: “It is the duty of all stakeholders in the denim industry to acknowledge their responsibility and to analyse the business practices for the benefit of all.”

 Sustainability Takes Centre-stage At Leading Bangladesh Shows (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Sustainability Takes Centre-stage At Leading Bangladesh Shows

  • Bangladesh’s biggest denim expo takes place 5-6 November
  • The show runs concurrently with the Sustainable Apparel Forum Bangladesh
  • From 4-6 November, Bangladesh becomes the perfect meeting point for stakeholders in the global apparel industry

DHAKA - Responsibility is the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo which takes place on 5th and 6th November at International Convention City in Bashundhara, Dhaka. The event, now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, runs alongside the Bangladesh Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Bangladesh Denim Expo

Around 100 exhibitors from 11 countries, including host Bangladesh, will participate in this year’s denim expo. Other participating countries are china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

  • Bangladesh’s biggest denim expo takes place 5-6 November
  • The show runs concurrently with the Sustainable Apparel Forum Bangladesh
  • From 4-6 November, Bangladesh becomes the perfect meeting point for stakeholders in the global apparel industry

DHAKA - Responsibility is the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo which takes place on 5th and 6th November at International Convention City in Bashundhara, Dhaka. The event, now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, runs alongside the Bangladesh Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Bangladesh Denim Expo

Around 100 exhibitors from 11 countries, including host Bangladesh, will participate in this year’s denim expo. Other participating countries are china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

H&M Group is collaborating with Bangladesh Denim Expo for the forthcoming 11th edition of the event and a number of guest speakers will be present from the company, including Pierre Borjesson, head of sustainability, global production. Other guest speakers include Andrew Olah, the founder of Kingpins Denim show, Alice Tonello, R&D director with the Tonello Group, world renowned denim designer, Piero Turk and Jordi Juani, Asia regional director with Jeanologia.

Through a series of product displays, presentations, seminar sessions & panel discussions, the Expo will encourage healthy debate and interaction among exhibitors and visitors to champion a more responsible denim industry. One of these, of course, is sustainability and within this sits the issue of responsibility – an overriding theme of this year’s event. Denim manufacture faces huge challenges with regards its social and environmental responsibility, with production techniques having potentially far-reaching ramifications for the environment as well as people involved in the production process.

However, the industry and its supply chain are making impressive progress on these issues with Bangladesh – now the world’s largest producer of denim – leading the way in terms of addressing some of the sustainability challenges relating to denim production, including excessive use of water and chemicals. Mostafiz Uddin is the organiser of Bangladesh Denim Expo. Uddin has watched with interest the evolution of the denim industry, with each Expo marking continued and gradual progress being made by the more progressive players in the industry.

Uddin says: “The way that business and product development is conducted can have far reaching consequences on the environment, on the people that make the product and the product’s end use & life-span. “It is the duty of all stakeholders in the apparel industry to acknowledge this responsibility and to analyse our business practices, for the benefit of all.” Emphasising the theme of responsibility within Denim Expo is the fact that revenues from the expo support the running and presentation of the Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Sustainable Apparel Forum

The Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) is the biggest annual sustainable apparel event in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) along with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) as co-organiser will jointly carry out the 2nd edition of the SAF on 5th Nov 2019.

This is the second edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum, with the first-ever forum held in 2017 in Dhaka. The objective of this year’s forum is accelerating the momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

The forum will see more than 50 speakers gathered from Bangladesh and overseas sharing expert opinions across five panel discussions covering current issues in the country’s apparel industry. These include human resources, transparency in business, water conservation, purchasing practices, sustainable chemical management, waste management, circular economy in textiles and climate change to name a few.

Additionally, the conference will host several knowledge building technical presentations from renowned organisations which will cover different issues relating to sustainability, including waste management, protection of the environment and better working conditions.

Speakers at the show include Md. Shahriar Alam, MP, Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh, H. E. Benoit Préfonatine High Commissioner, High Commission of Canada, Bangladesh, and Dr. Rubana Huq President, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers’ and Exporters’ Association, Sheikh Fazle Fahim, President, Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Pierre Börjesson, Head of Sustainability – Global Production, H&M Group, Tuomo Poutiainen, Country Director, International Labor Organization, Peter McCallister, Executive Director, Ethical Trading Initiative and H.E. Winnie Estrup Petersen Ambassador, Embassy of Denmark, Bangladesh.

Prior to this year’s conference, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh and the Sweden Embassy in Bangladesh will also co-host two roundtable discussion in collaboration with BAE and in association with BGMEA on 4 November, 2019, while H&M, Better Work Bangladesh and C&A Foundation are partners in the event.
The conference will be followed by showcasing different innovative, sustainable & best work practices in RMG manufacturing factories in Bangladesh. Following the discussions, a series of recommendations will be made, and a Sustainability Roadmap for the Bangladesh apparel industry will be formulated.

This year’s SAF promises to be the biggest yet. Added by Mr Mostafiz Uddin in the recent press briefing for the event: “The title for this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum is enabling sustainability through policy and leadership. The time for talking on sustainability issues is over. It is now time for actions. That’s why the focus of this year’s show is on practical, pragmatic actions the textile industry can adopt to improve its environmental footprint.”


The Bangladesh Fashionology Summit and the Bangladesh Denim Expo bring to the table new possibilities for apparel industry

Two successful events made in Bangladesh where fashion and innovation have, once more, come together to champion change and foster sustainability.

Bangladesh has a mission: to fetch its share in the global 130 billion dollars market of smart apparel by 2025. To reach this goal, the country aims to foster modern, innovative, technology-driven apparel manufacturing and to constantly engage in supply chain conversations.

A fitting stage for these conversations was the 2nd Bangladesh Fashionology Summit that took place on day 1 of the Bangladesh Denim Expo – held on 02-03 May 2019 at the International Convention City Bashundhara. This was a platform for thinkers, innovators, experts, educators to share innovative ideas on this edition’s main theme: “Digitalization – the Next Destination”. Sessions were provided to learn more on how innovation, specifically digitalization, fits in the world of the fashion industry.

Two successful events made in Bangladesh where fashion and innovation have, once more, come together to champion change and foster sustainability.

Bangladesh has a mission: to fetch its share in the global 130 billion dollars market of smart apparel by 2025. To reach this goal, the country aims to foster modern, innovative, technology-driven apparel manufacturing and to constantly engage in supply chain conversations.

A fitting stage for these conversations was the 2nd Bangladesh Fashionology Summit that took place on day 1 of the Bangladesh Denim Expo – held on 02-03 May 2019 at the International Convention City Bashundhara. This was a platform for thinkers, innovators, experts, educators to share innovative ideas on this edition’s main theme: “Digitalization – the Next Destination”. Sessions were provided to learn more on how innovation, specifically digitalization, fits in the world of the fashion industry.

Further to an increase in cost of production, the industry is even more compelled to focusing on finding added value for products. Here is where the smart clothing market comes in, an opportunity on which a thriving community of thinkers will commit to lead the “current-generation” garment production into the “next-generation” apparel manufacturing by using latest digital technology.

The Summit has also provided a Tech Innovation Zone (Tech Innovators: Trustrace, Shimmy Technologies, Infinited Fiber, Seachange Technologies, Reverse Resource) in collaboration with Fashion For Good, a platform for innovators to meet with the other components of the eco system, and an Exhibition Zone (Exhibitors: Pivot88, Lectra,, Pacific Associates, Earlycavehuman, Foursource Group GmbH, A2i-Access to Information, GoBlu, Rudholm Group, QuizRR, BRAC, SNV, SR Asia, Swiss Contact) for companies to showcase their latest innovations, paying special attention to information sharing.



Stark und unabhängig werden - wie die Arbeit in der Bekleidungsindustrie die Situation der Frauen stärkt (c) Denim Expert Ltd.
Arbeiterinnen bei Denim Expert Ltd.

Stark und unabhängig werden - wie die Arbeit in der Bekleidungsindustrie die Situation der Frauen stärkt

Chittagong - Der Erfolg der Textilindustrie in Bangladesch ist auch ein Erfolg für die Frauen des Landes. Der weltweit zweitgrößte Hersteller von Konfektionskleidung benötigt ständig neue Arbeitskräfte und findet sie vor allem in den vielen Frauen, die wirtschaftliche Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit suchen.

Es kann gar nicht genug betont werden, wie sehr die Frauen in Bangladesch von diesen Jobs profitieren. 2.85 Mio Frauen haben in der Textilindustrie Beschäftigung gefunden. Die meisten von ihnen starten als junge Hilfskräfte ohne Ausbildung und bekommen hier die Gelegenheit, ein unabhängiges Leben zu führen und sich selbst und oft sogar auch ihre Familien zu ernähren.

Während Eltern früher vor allem darauf bedacht waren, Mädchen möglichst vorteilhaft und früh zu verheiraten, können die Töchter nun signifikant zum gemeinsamen Einkommen beitragen. Ihre soziale Rolle wird dadurch ganz neu definiert, sie selbst erhalten neue Lebensperspektiven, die über das Großziehen von Kindern hinausgehen. Und indem sie Fähigkeiten erwerben, können sie sich weiterentwickeln und dadurch in Position und Einkommen aufsteigen.

Chittagong - Der Erfolg der Textilindustrie in Bangladesch ist auch ein Erfolg für die Frauen des Landes. Der weltweit zweitgrößte Hersteller von Konfektionskleidung benötigt ständig neue Arbeitskräfte und findet sie vor allem in den vielen Frauen, die wirtschaftliche Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit suchen.

Es kann gar nicht genug betont werden, wie sehr die Frauen in Bangladesch von diesen Jobs profitieren. 2.85 Mio Frauen haben in der Textilindustrie Beschäftigung gefunden. Die meisten von ihnen starten als junge Hilfskräfte ohne Ausbildung und bekommen hier die Gelegenheit, ein unabhängiges Leben zu führen und sich selbst und oft sogar auch ihre Familien zu ernähren.

Während Eltern früher vor allem darauf bedacht waren, Mädchen möglichst vorteilhaft und früh zu verheiraten, können die Töchter nun signifikant zum gemeinsamen Einkommen beitragen. Ihre soziale Rolle wird dadurch ganz neu definiert, sie selbst erhalten neue Lebensperspektiven, die über das Großziehen von Kindern hinausgehen. Und indem sie Fähigkeiten erwerben, können sie sich weiterentwickeln und dadurch in Position und Einkommen aufsteigen.

Heute beträgt er Einkommensunterschied zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Arbeitern in Bangladesch mit 3% deutlich weniger als in manchen westlichen Ländern. Und Frauen besetzen zusehends auch Führungspositionen.

Engagierte örtliche Unternehmen wie der Jeans Nischenhersteller Denim Expert Ltd. gehen bei Verantwortung für ihre Arbeiterinnen noch einen Schritt weiter: Geschäftsführer Mostafiz Uddin möchte Frauen ausdrücklich fördern.

Vor zwei Jahren ist Denim Expert Ltd. HERproject™  beigetreten und hat ausgewählte Mitarbeiterinnen ausbilden lassen, die als Coaches für die weibliche Belegschaft fungieren. Im ersten Schritt erhalten die Arbeiterinnen Informationen zu grundlegenden Gesundheitsthemen wie Hygiene und Krankheiten, Ernährung, Familienplanung und Kinderbetreuung. Weitere Schritte werden folgen.

Denim Expert Ltd. begrüßt ausdrücklich auch Minderheiten. Mostafiz Uddin hat kürzlich zwei Transgender-Frauen eingestellt - als erstes Unternehmen in Bangladesch. Transgender-Menschen werden im Land immer noch sehr stigmatisiert. Dadurch, dass sie nun eine Anstellung gefunden haben, können die beiden Frauen endlich ein sozial akzeptiertes Leben führen und ihren Kollegen und Familien beweisen, dass sie sich nicht von ihnen unterscheiden.

Bangladesch bietet auch andere vorbildliche Projekte: Besonders Frauen mit einem unterprivilegierten Hintergrund landen oft in unqualifizierten und schlecht bezahlten Tätigkeiten, obwohl sie vielleicht das Potenzial für den sozialen Aufstieg hätten. Sie bekommen einfach keine Chance, weil es ihnen an Bildung fehlt.

Um das zu ändern, hat die Asian University for Women (AUW) das Projekt PATHWAYS TO PROMISE gegründet, das gemeinsam mit engagierten Unternehmern unerkannte Talente unter den weiblichen Angestellten identifiziert und ihnen die Gelegenheit bietet, einen Universitätsabschluss zu machen. Die Frauen müssen eine Reihe von Tests bestehen. Falls sie die Prüfung schaffen, bezahlt ihnen der Arbeitgeber während der fünfjährigen Universitätsausbildung ihr Gehalt uneingeschränkt fort. Denim Expert Ltd. nimmt am PATHWAYS TO PROMISE-Programm teil, und Mostafiz Uddin ist stolz darauf, dass seine Mitarbeiterin Shapla Akter nun eine akademische Laufbahn anstrebt.

Bangladesch bietet seiner weiblichen (und natürlich auch männlichen) Bevölkerung zunehmend neue Chancen. Die wertvollste Ressource des Landes sind seine jungem ehrgeizigen Bewohner, die ihre persönlichen Ziele erreichen möchten und dabei zum Erfolg der ganzen Nation beitragen.


BANGLADESH DENIM EXPO plädiert für mehr Einfachheit

Bisher werden Kunden beim Kauf von Textilien meist nur über das Nötigste informiert: Materialzusammensetzung, Pflegehinweise und Herstellungsland. Je mehr Konsumenten aber Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit legen, desto wichtiger werden detaillierte Informationen auch über die Herkunft, Herstellung und Veredelung des jeweiligen Kleidungsstücks. Transparenz über jeden einzelnen Produktionsschritt ist hier von enormer Bedeutung. Dabei sollten die Fakten so einfach, klar und verständlich formuliert sein, dass jeder Käufer weltweit sie sofort versteht.

Doch Klarheit nützt nicht nur dem Endkunden. Die 9. BANGLADESH DENIM EXPO möchte unter dem Motto "EINFACHHEIT" vorführen, wie die gesamte Denimbranche davon profitieren kann. Die renommierte Jeansmesse öffnet am 7. und 8. November 2018 in Dhaka wieder ihre Pforte für die globale Jeans Community.

Drei Panel-Diskussionen werden sich dabei unter verschiedenen Schwerpunkten mit dem Thema beschäftigen und den Zuhörern neue Impulse geben:

Bisher werden Kunden beim Kauf von Textilien meist nur über das Nötigste informiert: Materialzusammensetzung, Pflegehinweise und Herstellungsland. Je mehr Konsumenten aber Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit legen, desto wichtiger werden detaillierte Informationen auch über die Herkunft, Herstellung und Veredelung des jeweiligen Kleidungsstücks. Transparenz über jeden einzelnen Produktionsschritt ist hier von enormer Bedeutung. Dabei sollten die Fakten so einfach, klar und verständlich formuliert sein, dass jeder Käufer weltweit sie sofort versteht.

Doch Klarheit nützt nicht nur dem Endkunden. Die 9. BANGLADESH DENIM EXPO möchte unter dem Motto "EINFACHHEIT" vorführen, wie die gesamte Denimbranche davon profitieren kann. Die renommierte Jeansmesse öffnet am 7. und 8. November 2018 in Dhaka wieder ihre Pforte für die globale Jeans Community.

Drei Panel-Diskussionen werden sich dabei unter verschiedenen Schwerpunkten mit dem Thema beschäftigen und den Zuhörern neue Impulse geben:

1. Einfachheit vom Designer zum Endverbraucher - die Zusammenarbeit
Mode ist ein demokratischer Prozess, der nur bedingt planbar ist. Es ist nicht nur wirtschaftlich sinnvoll, wenn der Designer weiß, was der Kunde will, sondern wenn gleichzeitig auch der Informationsbedarf des Kunden befriedigt wird. Es wird die Markenbindung stärken, wenn der Kunde sich verstanden und geschätzt fühlt. Eine einfache Botschaft, die Klarheit und Transparenz schaft, sollte hier das Ziel sein.

2. Einfachheit und Standardisierung in der Bekleidungsindustrie
Einheitliche Standards und Zertifikate für die globale Textilindustrie würden die Abläufe zwischen Hersteller und Abnehmer vereinfachen, beschleunigen und übersichtlicher gestalten. Die Fabriken hätten klare Vorgaben für die Produktion, regionale Besonderheiten würden an Bedeutung verlieren, Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz würden überall gleichermaßen beachtet. Für Anbieter wie Abnehmer bedeuten einheitliche Standards auch, dass sie leichter auswählen könnten, mit welchen Partner sie zusammen arbeiten möchten, und so vorausschauender planen können.

3. Einfachheit in der Herstellung - Innovation, Technologie und optimaler Umgang mit Ressourcen
Der technische Fortschritt verändert laufend die Herstellungsprozesse, um sie zu optimieren - mit dem Ziel Wirtschaftlichkeit, Nachhaltigkeit oder Zukunftsfähigkeit. Daher lohnt es sich für jedes Unternehmen, die eigenen Arbeitsabläufe immer wieder kritisch zu hinterfragen und dahingehend zu überprüfen, ob es nicht inzwischen einfachere Lösungen gibt, die zum gleichen Ziel führen und zugleich Menschen und Natur schützen.
Seit ihrer Premiere vor vier Jahren hat sich die BANGLADESH DENIM EXPO zu einer der zentralen Messen für die Denim Community entwickelt und gilt als wichtiger Impuls- und Ideengeber für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit. Großen Anteil am Erfolg hat dabei sicherlich auch die Tatsache, dass die BANGLADESH DENIM EXPO ihre Aussteller sorgfältig auswählt. Bei 9. Ausgabe im November stellen sich 60 Unternehmen aus aller Welt aus den Bereichen Material- und Materialherstellung, Jeansproduktion, Chemikalien, Zubehör und Technologie vor.



Hohenstein eröffnet Textil-Prüflabor in Bangladesch Foto: (c) Hohenstein
Hohenstein eröffnet Textil-Prüflabor in Bangladesch

Hohenstein eröffnet Textil-Prüflabor in Bangladesch

Textile Kompetenz endet nicht an der Ländergrenze. Kontinuierlich weitet der Prüfdienstleister und Forschungspartner Hohenstein seine Aktivitäten weltweit aus. Hohenstein ist da, wo Textilien hergestellt und verarbeitet werden und sorgt durch die Anwendung international anerkannter Standards für Transparenz gegenüber Verbrauchern in der Heimat. Schadstoffgeprüfte Materialien, umweltfreundliche    Betriebsstätten, sichere Arbeitsplätze - Hersteller von Textilien jeglicher Art sehen sich durch steigende Kundenansprüche und verschärfte Gesetze erhöhtem Druck ausgesetzt.

Um dieser Entwicklung gerecht zu werden, entscheiden sich immer mehr Hersteller für die Prüfung durch unabhängige Prüfdienstleister. Experte hierfür und Profi im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung ist das Unternehmen Hohenstein. Weltweit berät, testet und zertifiziert Hohenstein entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette. Bald nun auch in Dhaka, Bangladesch. Am 28. Juli 2018 wird das Labor feierlich von Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, der  das familiengeführte Unternehmen bereits in 3. Generation leitet, eingeweiht.

Textile Kompetenz endet nicht an der Ländergrenze. Kontinuierlich weitet der Prüfdienstleister und Forschungspartner Hohenstein seine Aktivitäten weltweit aus. Hohenstein ist da, wo Textilien hergestellt und verarbeitet werden und sorgt durch die Anwendung international anerkannter Standards für Transparenz gegenüber Verbrauchern in der Heimat. Schadstoffgeprüfte Materialien, umweltfreundliche    Betriebsstätten, sichere Arbeitsplätze - Hersteller von Textilien jeglicher Art sehen sich durch steigende Kundenansprüche und verschärfte Gesetze erhöhtem Druck ausgesetzt.

Um dieser Entwicklung gerecht zu werden, entscheiden sich immer mehr Hersteller für die Prüfung durch unabhängige Prüfdienstleister. Experte hierfür und Profi im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung ist das Unternehmen Hohenstein. Weltweit berät, testet und zertifiziert Hohenstein entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette. Bald nun auch in Dhaka, Bangladesch. Am 28. Juli 2018 wird das Labor feierlich von Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, der  das familiengeführte Unternehmen bereits in 3. Generation leitet, eingeweiht.

Nach sechs Monaten Bauzeit und einer weitreichenden Investition in modernste Labore und hochwertige Analysegeräte bietet  Hohenstein den Textilherstellern künftig vielfältige chemische und textiltechnologische Tests. Darunter beispielsweise Schadstoffprüfungen, Leistungstests, Qualitätskontrollen (Farbechtheit, Pilling, Wasserdichtigkeit, Faserfeinheit u.a.) und die Erstellung von Gutachten. Eine Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe und der direkte Kontakt zu seinen Auftraggebern ist Hohenstein wichtig.

Rund 30 Mitarbeiter nehmen das neue Labor in Betrieb, zukünftig entstehen hier weitere Arbeitsplätze. „Hohenstein steht für Kundennähe und deutsche Qualität. In Bangladesch stehen wir in engem Austausch mit unseren Laboren in Deutschland und Hong Kong“, erklärt Mecheels.

Tradition und Expertise als Verpflichtung und gleichzeitig Versprechen gegenüber Herstellern und Kunden. Davon und von den textiltechnologischen und chemischen Prüfungen können sich die rund 300 erwarteten Besucher der Labor-Eröffnung persönlich überzeugen. Denn das Gefühl von Sicherheit kann nur durch stetige Überprüfung gewährleistet werden. Und damit kennt man sich bei Hohenstein aus. Mit Sicherheit.

Mit rund 1.000 Beschäftigten in den mehr als 40 Niederlassungen und Kontaktbüros weltweit ist Hohenstein ein international agierender Prüfdienstleister und Forschungspartner in der Textilbranche.