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18 Ergebnisse
Erfolgreicher Abschluss der drupa 2024 (c) Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Erfolgreicher Abschluss der drupa 2024

Die drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf ist am 7. Juni nach elf Messetagen erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. 1.643 Aussteller aus 52 Nationen boten in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen eine Innovationsschau und begeisterten das Fachpublikum. Die Internationalität lag bei 80 Prozent, insgesamt reisten Besucherinnen und Besucher aus 174 Ländern an. Am stärksten vertreten nach Europa war Asien mit 22 Prozent, gefolgt von Amerika mit 12 Prozent. Sowohl Asien als auch Lateinamerika und die MENA-Region sind Märkte mit großem Wachstumspotenzial, was sich in der deutlich gestiegenen Präsenz und in den Auftragsbüchern der Aussteller widerspiegelte.

Die Aussteller lobten die hohe Entscheidungskompetenz der Besucherinnen und Besucher. Diese wiederum gaben Bestnoten für das Angebot in den 18 Messehallen. Rund 96 Prozent aller Besuchenden bestätigten, die mit ihrem Besuch verbundenen Ziele voll erreicht zu haben. Die meisten von ihnen kamen mit über 50 Prozent aus der Druckindustrie, gefolgt von der Verpackungsbranche, deren Anteil signifikant gestiegen ist, und die als Wachstumstreiber im Fokus zahlreicher Aussteller stand. In Summe besuchten 170.000 Fachleute die drupa 2024.

Die drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf ist am 7. Juni nach elf Messetagen erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. 1.643 Aussteller aus 52 Nationen boten in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen eine Innovationsschau und begeisterten das Fachpublikum. Die Internationalität lag bei 80 Prozent, insgesamt reisten Besucherinnen und Besucher aus 174 Ländern an. Am stärksten vertreten nach Europa war Asien mit 22 Prozent, gefolgt von Amerika mit 12 Prozent. Sowohl Asien als auch Lateinamerika und die MENA-Region sind Märkte mit großem Wachstumspotenzial, was sich in der deutlich gestiegenen Präsenz und in den Auftragsbüchern der Aussteller widerspiegelte.

Die Aussteller lobten die hohe Entscheidungskompetenz der Besucherinnen und Besucher. Diese wiederum gaben Bestnoten für das Angebot in den 18 Messehallen. Rund 96 Prozent aller Besuchenden bestätigten, die mit ihrem Besuch verbundenen Ziele voll erreicht zu haben. Die meisten von ihnen kamen mit über 50 Prozent aus der Druckindustrie, gefolgt von der Verpackungsbranche, deren Anteil signifikant gestiegen ist, und die als Wachstumstreiber im Fokus zahlreicher Aussteller stand. In Summe besuchten 170.000 Fachleute die drupa 2024.

Im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen drupa stand Automatisierung mit einem starken Fokus auf KI und intelligenten Workflows einschließlich Softwarelösungen. Es wurde deutlich, dass sich digitale und analoge Technologien ideal ergänzen und voneinander profitieren. Traditionelle Branchenführer präsentierten vielfältige digitale Lösungen, digitale Pioniere integrierten konventionelle Komponenten in ihr Angebot. Das Thema Robotics nahm eine bedeutende Rolle in den Messehallen ein und veranschaulichte den Weg zur Smart Factory.

Transformation und Wachstum
Die drupa machte mehr als deutlich, dass die Branche auch vor dem Hintergrund vieler Herausforderungen hohes Zukunftspotenzial besitzt und die Aussichten vielversprechend sind. Im letzten Geschäftsjahr erzielte die globale Druckindustrie einen Umsatz von rund 840 Milliarden Euro (Quelle: Smithers) und entwickelt sich weltweit mit unterschiedlichen Dynamiken weiter.
Viele auf der Messe geschlossene neue strategische Allianzen spiegelten die Chancen wider.

Nachhaltige Technologien
Technologie ist der Schlüssel zur Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen – dies veranschaulichten die Aussteller der drupa mit zahlreichen praxisorientierten Entwicklungen und konkreten Lösungen. Oberste Priorität haben dabei Ressourceneffizienz und der Weg in eine funktionierende Kreislaufwirtschaft. Zudem zeigte der touchpoint sustainability des VDMA, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V., den aktuellen State of the Art auf, stellte Best Cases vor und gab einen weitreichenden Ausblick in die Zukunft einer nachhaltigen Druckindustrie.

Zuspruch fand das Rahmenprogramm mit seinen fünf Sonderforen drupa cube, drupa next age (dna) sowie den touchpoints packaging, textile und sustainability. In Zeiten stetigen Wandels und daraus resultierender neuer Geschäftsmodelle sorgten sie für intensiven Wissenstransfer und gaben wichtige Orientierungshilfen. Guided Tours zu verschiedenen Themenschwerpunkten rundeten das Messeerlebnis ab.

Die nächste drupa wird in 2028 stattfinden.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Epson auf der drupa 2024

Epson zeigt auf der diesjährigen drupa (28.5. – 7.6., Messe Düsseldorf) eine Auswahl seines Angebotes an Inkjet-Druckern für den kommerziellen und industriellen Einsatz. So werden auf dem Epson Stand neben verschiedenen industriellen Etikettendruckern, großformatigen Direct-to-Fabric-Druckern, Dye-Sublimations- und Signage-Druckern auch eine Auswahl kleinformatiger Systeme für die Herstellung von Farbdrucken auf einer Vielzahl von Medien zu sehen sein.

Daneben wird der Präsident der Seiko Epson Corporation, Herr Yasanori Ogawa, am ersten Tag der drupa eine Keynote zum Thema "Up Close and Personal - Innovation in Digital Printing" halten. Ogawa wird darin erläutern, auf welche Weise Epson zum Wandel des Marktes weg von den traditionellen, analogen Druckverfahren hin zu nachhaltigem digitalen Inkjetdruck beiträgt.

Epson zeigt auf der diesjährigen drupa (28.5. – 7.6., Messe Düsseldorf) eine Auswahl seines Angebotes an Inkjet-Druckern für den kommerziellen und industriellen Einsatz. So werden auf dem Epson Stand neben verschiedenen industriellen Etikettendruckern, großformatigen Direct-to-Fabric-Druckern, Dye-Sublimations- und Signage-Druckern auch eine Auswahl kleinformatiger Systeme für die Herstellung von Farbdrucken auf einer Vielzahl von Medien zu sehen sein.

Daneben wird der Präsident der Seiko Epson Corporation, Herr Yasanori Ogawa, am ersten Tag der drupa eine Keynote zum Thema "Up Close and Personal - Innovation in Digital Printing" halten. Ogawa wird darin erläutern, auf welche Weise Epson zum Wandel des Marktes weg von den traditionellen, analogen Druckverfahren hin zu nachhaltigem digitalen Inkjetdruck beiträgt.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital presents Enhanced Presto MAX at ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

At ITMA 2023, Kornit will also be displaying an end-to-end partner ecosystem – underscoring how integrated solutions ensure a smooth transition towards a digital infrastructure and enable long-term business growth. Highlighting the power of partnership alongside Kornit is, a supplier of textiles and apparel leveraging digitally enabled, eco-friendly waterless printing. The company will be showing Presto MAX with fabrics highlighting the depth of black inks. Working alongside Kornit, Zünd will demonstrate how its modular cutting systems is the foundation for an end-to-end “eco factory,” completing fashion decorated by Presto MAX with their digital cutting solutions. Pentek Textile Machinery joins to display the possibilities for inline, sustainable softening of fabrics for unique and demanding applications.


Kornit Digital


Mimaki at ITMA 2023

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Texcol® is a transfer paper pioneered by Dutch paper manufacturer, Coldenhove that allows for transferring a digital print using an environmentally friendly 3-step transfer process to create a vibrant application on a wide range of materials, including natural fibres. The design is initially printed onto the paper using a customised TS330-1600 - Mimaki’s high-volume, high-quality dye sublimation printer - and Mimaki’s new pigment inks developed for the process. The module that adapts the TS330-1600 will be available as an option for existing and new Mimaki customers in Q3 2023 but is being previewed on the Mimaki stand at ITMA.

Mimaki’s new Textile Pigment Ink is undergoing bluesign certification before commercial availability. bluesign is a renowned certification programme that ensures the highest levels of safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

As the final stage, the Texcol® paper undergoes a one-step waterless process, through an entry-level calendar machine onto the textile of choice.

Cyclical textile technology
Mimaki is also debuting its new, unique Neo-Chromato Process, which revolutionises the reuse of coloured polyester textiles.

By decolourising polyester textiles that have been dyed using dye sublimation technologies, this innovative process allows materials to be re-printed or dyed immediately, contributing to a smaller circular economy. There is no limit to how many times reused polyester can be treated with the Neo-Chromato Process and the process itself minimises water usage and pollution by enabling the disposal of the absorbent paper and decolouring solvents used in the process as burnable waste.


Mimaki Europe B.V.

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents range of technologies at Graphics Canada

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes
Rounding out its technology, Baldwin’s cleaning solutions automatically and safely clean cylinders, blankets and plates used in various production processes, and tackle cleaning tasks like hickey-picking, end-of-run plate cleaning, blanket cleaning and film cylinder cleaning.
Common to all the technologies is that they increase productivity, reduce waste, improve working conditions and provide full control of producing flawless products. With easy automation and compatible software, Baldwin’s technologies are seamlessly integrated with one another.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.

Mimaki announces Third Virtual Global Innovation Days Event

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to further explore the latest additions to Mimaki’s product portfolio, with demonstrations of the technologies and the applications that they are able to create coming live from the Mimaki showroom in Amsterdam. The 330 series, including the JV330-160, CJV330-160 and TS330-1600, will be showcased, as well as the full-colour capabilities of the 3DUJ-2207 3D printer, and Mimaki’s latest flatbed printer, the JFX600-2513, which boasts speeds thrice superior to that of its predecessor. Another highlight of the event will be a discussion held with leading print media and software vendors, to examine the current market trends from outside of the manufacturing perspective.


Mimaki Europe B.V.

(c) Eli Magaziner

Kornit Digital, Cozmo and Raw-Edges present sofa with custom designs

Kornit Digital is collaborating with furniture start-up Cozmo and London design studio Raw-Edges to showcase the unlimited creativity made possible by digitally produced custom sofa jacket designs at the London Design Festival, September 17th -25th. Dubbed “Cheek Prints,” the collection was created sustainably, quickly, and on-demand with Kornit’s digital fashion and textile production solutions. Each unique cover features visually designs intended to transform plain, standard sofas into custom creations with an entirely fresh look and feel. The collection was designed by Raw-Edges at their London design studio.

Kornit Digital is collaborating with furniture start-up Cozmo and London design studio Raw-Edges to showcase the unlimited creativity made possible by digitally produced custom sofa jacket designs at the London Design Festival, September 17th -25th. Dubbed “Cheek Prints,” the collection was created sustainably, quickly, and on-demand with Kornit’s digital fashion and textile production solutions. Each unique cover features visually designs intended to transform plain, standard sofas into custom creations with an entirely fresh look and feel. The collection was designed by Raw-Edges at their London design studio.

The sofa collection was produced using Kornit’s Presto direct-to-fabric digital production system. With the on-demand technology, designers can easily and rapidly embrace new possibilities to transform mere concepts into custom fabrics. Digital production removes typical limitations of one fabric, one design at a time – whether it’s a single sofa or many sofas – and at the same cost. For industries ranging from fashion and home décor to other advanced textile applications, the Kornit solution consistently unlocks unlimited creativity – producing garments and fabrics with a high quality and a soft feel.


Kornit / Pr4u


Printing Expo Online doubles the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

Also moving into the STC will be PrintIQ who offer the modern print shop a solution for businesses that need to be able to grow and scale as needed without slowing down or sacrificing quality.

Another new addition to the show is the introduction of the Global Print Trade Club. This initiate is free to all Print Service providers around the world and offers the opportunity to network on a global scale.

New to the exhibition is Kornit Digital with their multi storey showroom which will shortly be opening its doors where visitors will be able to view Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric printing equipment, technical data, case studies, clothing designs and applications as well as visit the Kornit dedicated auditorium where live streaming content will be shown of Kornit Digital’s Fashion weeks as they happen throughout the year.

Another addition is the new application journey added to the Xeikon Innovation Centre at Printing Expo Online. Visitors will now be able to experience a virtual tour of a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and garage where Xeikon will show applications for commercial, label and Wall Deco products that can be produced on their digital print engines.

Printing Expo Online is open 24/7 365 days a year and has now welcomed over 60,000 visitors from all over the world and continues to grow not only its footprint and total visitor numbers, but also its relevance as an important resource tool for Print Service Providers from around the world that, for whatever reason, are unable to attend live events.


Printing Expo Online / Bespoke

(c) EFI

EFI IQ now available for Sign and Display Graphics Printers

  • Featured at FESPA Global Print Expo 2022, new cloud and mobile suite offerings help reduce costs and maximise the value of customers’ EFI printer investments

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. announced the availability of its EFI IQ™ suite of cloud and mobile applications with supported EFI VUTEk®, Wide Format, and Nozomi inkjet printers. With this cloud service, EFI™ printer users can monitor production and printer utilisation, including exact device-level consumable tracking data, to reduce downtime, reduce costs and maximise the value of their EFI printer investments. New EFI wide- and superwide-format UV LED printers will include a one-year subscription to EFI IQ. EFI inkjet printer users can also purchase IQ subscriptions for other supported printers.
The newly available cloud service for superwide-format production is making its debut at the 31 May - 03 June FESPA Global Print Expo in Berlin.

  • Featured at FESPA Global Print Expo 2022, new cloud and mobile suite offerings help reduce costs and maximise the value of customers’ EFI printer investments

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. announced the availability of its EFI IQ™ suite of cloud and mobile applications with supported EFI VUTEk®, Wide Format, and Nozomi inkjet printers. With this cloud service, EFI™ printer users can monitor production and printer utilisation, including exact device-level consumable tracking data, to reduce downtime, reduce costs and maximise the value of their EFI printer investments. New EFI wide- and superwide-format UV LED printers will include a one-year subscription to EFI IQ. EFI inkjet printer users can also purchase IQ subscriptions for other supported printers.
The newly available cloud service for superwide-format production is making its debut at the 31 May - 03 June FESPA Global Print Expo in Berlin.

User-friendly with better business intelligence
According to an early user of the cloud service’s new inkjet offering – Dave Brewer, chief technology officer of California-based Image Options – “EFI IQ is a user-friendly tool that gives me better business intelligence to make better decisions.”
By monitoring their printer fleets in real time, EFI IQ users can reduce consumable spend, save on labour costs, improve margins, and more.

Productivity with powerful cloud tools
The decision to adopt EFI IQ comes down to several key questions owners and managers should ask themselves about business performance, including:

  • Can you accurately measure ink usage?
  • Is your team able to get real-time production blocking alerts?
  • Are you able to compare performance metrics between printers and shifts?
  • Are you able to check production status from anywhere, at any time?

The IQ suite is a management solution which has a direct connection to EFI printer data, and it gives business leaders powerful tools to handle their day-to-day production and administrative challenges. Plus, the suite’s EFI Go component helps to ensure that managers receive urgent updates wherever they are. At early user site Studio DAR in Bielsko-Biała, Poland, notifications from the mobile application allow managers and operators to keep the company’s EFI Pro 32r+ roll-to-roll printer running as much as possible.

Weitere Informationen:
EFI Fespa EFI IQ digital printing



Baldwin showcases connected process technologies at Print4All

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its latest high-performance color management, surface treatment, LED-UV curing, inspection, defect detection and Industry 4.0-based analytics solutions at Print4All, which is taking place May 3 to 6 at Fiera Milano in Italy.

One of its latest advances — which will be on display at Print4All — is the XP Quatro Series™ LED-UV curing module with one head and two frequencies for broader applications. It is designed to economically and efficiently cure LED-formulated printing inks and coatings on sheetfed and web offset printing presses, as well as on larger-format flexo presses and digital print engines. The XP Quatro Series LED-UV enhances print quality, while operating at top speeds, driving increased productivity and profitability.

Italy’s ACM Flexible Packaging selected Baldwin as its LED-UV partner and became one of the first flexible film converters to offer all LED-UV curing in a narrow to mid-web format. This partnership established LED-UV printing as a growing production standard in flexible packaging and labels. Today, ACM is a 100% LED-UV, non-mercury facility.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its latest high-performance color management, surface treatment, LED-UV curing, inspection, defect detection and Industry 4.0-based analytics solutions at Print4All, which is taking place May 3 to 6 at Fiera Milano in Italy.

One of its latest advances — which will be on display at Print4All — is the XP Quatro Series™ LED-UV curing module with one head and two frequencies for broader applications. It is designed to economically and efficiently cure LED-formulated printing inks and coatings on sheetfed and web offset printing presses, as well as on larger-format flexo presses and digital print engines. The XP Quatro Series LED-UV enhances print quality, while operating at top speeds, driving increased productivity and profitability.

Italy’s ACM Flexible Packaging selected Baldwin as its LED-UV partner and became one of the first flexible film converters to offer all LED-UV curing in a narrow to mid-web format. This partnership established LED-UV printing as a growing production standard in flexible packaging and labels. Today, ACM is a 100% LED-UV, non-mercury facility.

Baldwin’s Print4All booth also will showcase Industry 4.0 and industrial Internet of Things-enabled technologies that work together to achieve greater uptime, productivity and automation. Featured solutions pair sensor-gathered data with operational data from Baldwin equipment to gain live, actionable insights to improve production monitoring, so printers and converters can achieve new levels of color consistency with fewer defects and greater assurance of curing.

Other highlights in Baldwin’s booth include the Corona Slim treatment system, which ensures the exact dyne levels needed for perfect uniformity in application, and the Guardian PQV 100% Print Inspection, which provides complete print quality verification from prepress through production, reporting and archiving.



Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles (c) Kornit

Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles

  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today fr
  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today from major limitations with mass customization of polyester

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production, announced today the Company will present the convergence of design, technology, and sustainable fashion at Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022, April 3rd – 6th. Rewriting the rules for fashion and textiles, the transformative event will unveil vibrant runway collections together with game-changing industry-first product and technology introductions that bring digital production to the mainstream.

The four-day event is attended by some of the top designers, retailers, brands, fulfillers, and ecommerce players, in addition to global investors and press – and will include exclusive VIP experiences demonstrating the confluence of the design, technology, and fashion worlds. Together, these three elements are central to Kornit’s 4.0 strategy, bringing sustainable, on-demand fashion to the mainstream with end-to-end workflow solutions.

Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022

Kornit Fashion Week features an immersive runway showcase produced by worldwide fashion icon, producer, director, and entrepreneur Motty Reif. The week follows successful Kornit events in 2021 across Los Angeles, New York, Milan, and Tel Aviv – displaying the creative freedom associated with sustainable, on-demand fashion fulfillment. Attendees will experience runway events showcasing designer creativity across a broad array of collections. These fascinating collections were created in just a few weeks, unlike typical fashion and textile production processes that take over six months.

Industry-First Introductions

Looking behind the scenes at Kornit Fashion Week, attendees will witness Kornit’s disruptive mass production technology in action. Unveiled for the first time, the Kornit Apollo direct-to-garment (DTG) system addresses accelerated post-pandemic market trends for streamlined supply chains and production nearshoring. Demonstrated at an exclusive VIP event, Kornit Apollo features the Company’s proven MAX technology offering the highest retail quality combined with full automation control and integrated smart curing processes, utilizing functionality from Lichtenau, Germany-based Tesoma (Kornit’s recently announced acquisition). The solution is the most comprehensive digital, single-step end-to-end system for nearshore short-and-medium-runs mass production and offers optimal TCO and highest output per operator. The result far surpasses performance of screen printing and analog techniques. With early customer engagements in the second half of 2022, the system will be available mid-2023.

Physical and Virtual Worlds

Kornit enables customers to exchange supply chain headaches and materials waste for unsurpassed creativity and a frictionless pixel-to-parcel-to-doorstep production experience. Supported by the KornitX workflow solution, customers have access to a scalable and modular ecosystem for on-demand decorated apparel and textiles. Supporting diverse supply chain models, the infrastructure-agnostic system enables on-demand, automated production, end-to-end from initial order to package delivery.


in-store asia findet vom 29.06. bis 01.07.2022 in Mumbai statt

Die 13. in-store asia findet vom 29. Juni bis 01. Juli 2022 in Mumbai statt. Sie ist einer der größten Fachmessen für Retail Design und In-store Marketing auf dem indischen Subkontinent und seit 2018 Mitglied der internationalen Fachmessen-Familie der EuroShop, The World's No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, in Düsseldorf. Nach Pandemie bedingten Verschiebungen findet die in-store asia nun im Sommer dieses Jahres erstmals im neuen Jio World Centre statt, das sich im zentralen Geschäftsviertel von Mumbai, dem Bandra Kurla Complex, befindet.

Die in-store asia versammelt nicht nur alle führenden Anbieter von Lösungen speziell für die Retail Branche aus Indien,  sondern auch internationale Unternehmen,  die im stetig wachsenden Einzelhandelsmarkt Indiens Fuß fassen möchten. Hinzu kommt ein Retail-Kongress, der speziell für den indischen Markt relevante Themen diskutiert, die Verleihung der renommierten VM&RD Awards, mit denen Talente in Retail-Design und Visual Merchandising ausgezeichnet werden, sowie die VM Challenge, ein in Indien einzigartiger Live-Schaufensterwettbewerb unter Top-Visual Merchandisern.

Die 13. in-store asia findet vom 29. Juni bis 01. Juli 2022 in Mumbai statt. Sie ist einer der größten Fachmessen für Retail Design und In-store Marketing auf dem indischen Subkontinent und seit 2018 Mitglied der internationalen Fachmessen-Familie der EuroShop, The World's No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, in Düsseldorf. Nach Pandemie bedingten Verschiebungen findet die in-store asia nun im Sommer dieses Jahres erstmals im neuen Jio World Centre statt, das sich im zentralen Geschäftsviertel von Mumbai, dem Bandra Kurla Complex, befindet.

Die in-store asia versammelt nicht nur alle führenden Anbieter von Lösungen speziell für die Retail Branche aus Indien,  sondern auch internationale Unternehmen,  die im stetig wachsenden Einzelhandelsmarkt Indiens Fuß fassen möchten. Hinzu kommt ein Retail-Kongress, der speziell für den indischen Markt relevante Themen diskutiert, die Verleihung der renommierten VM&RD Awards, mit denen Talente in Retail-Design und Visual Merchandising ausgezeichnet werden, sowie die VM Challenge, ein in Indien einzigartiger Live-Schaufensterwettbewerb unter Top-Visual Merchandisern.

An der letzten in-store asia 2019 nahmen 120 Aussteller teil, die ihre Produkte und Lösungen in den Bereichen POS Displays, Shopper Marketing, Retail Technology, Signage & Digital Printing, Retail Design, Visual Merchandising, Lighting und Material & Equipment vorstellten und damit 7.000 Fachbesucher anlockten


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


EFI Connect Konferenz stellt neue Digitaldruckinnovationen vor

Bei der 22. jährlich stattfindenden Connect Konferenz im Wynn Las Vegas Resort stellt Electronics for Imaging, Inc. hochmoderne Digitaldruckinnovationen vor, die Druckunternehmen mehr Möglichkeiten und Gewinnpotenzial für zahlreiche Marktanwendungen bieten. Zu den auf der Connect vorgestellten Inkjet-Produkten für Werbetechnik aus dem führenden Produktportfolio des Unternehmens gehört der neue Produktionsdrucker EFI™ Pro 30h. Des Weiteren wird auf der Connect erstmals das neue digitale Front-End EFI Fiery® FS500 Pro, der fortschrittlichste Druckserver in der über 30-jährigen Geschichte von EFI, live vorgeführt. Zudem erfolgt das Debüt des digitalen Front-Ends EFI Fiery Impress™. Dies ist eine skalierbare, flexible Server- und Farbmanagement-Lösung für Inkjet-Etiketten und Verpackungsanwendungen sowie für Inline-Fertigungslinien, für die variabler Druck erforderlich ist.

Bei der 22. jährlich stattfindenden Connect Konferenz im Wynn Las Vegas Resort stellt Electronics for Imaging, Inc. hochmoderne Digitaldruckinnovationen vor, die Druckunternehmen mehr Möglichkeiten und Gewinnpotenzial für zahlreiche Marktanwendungen bieten. Zu den auf der Connect vorgestellten Inkjet-Produkten für Werbetechnik aus dem führenden Produktportfolio des Unternehmens gehört der neue Produktionsdrucker EFI™ Pro 30h. Des Weiteren wird auf der Connect erstmals das neue digitale Front-End EFI Fiery® FS500 Pro, der fortschrittlichste Druckserver in der über 30-jährigen Geschichte von EFI, live vorgeführt. Zudem erfolgt das Debüt des digitalen Front-Ends EFI Fiery Impress™. Dies ist eine skalierbare, flexible Server- und Farbmanagement-Lösung für Inkjet-Etiketten und Verpackungsanwendungen sowie für Inline-Fertigungslinien, für die variabler Druck erforderlich ist.
Auf der EFI Connect werden in mehr als 130 Schulungsveranstaltungen die neuesten Tipps und Trends aus allen von EFI unterstützten Sparten vorgestellt. Dazu gehören Veranstaltungen, in denen es um die wachsenden Chancen beim Wandel von analog zu digital unter Anwendung der industriellen Lösungen von EFI für die Bereiche Wellpappe und Verpackung, Textilien und Baustoffe/Dekor geht.
Auf der EFI Connect wird auch ein innovatives Druckvorstufenprodukt für Unternehmen im Bereich Werbetechnik vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um die EFI Fiery Prep-it™ Software für die Vorbereitung, das Layout und die automatisierte Produktion von Print-for-Cut-Aufträgen. Diese leistungsstarke und kostensparende Lösung für formgetreue Sammelformen wurde entwickelt, um Produktivitätsanforderungen in Zeiten von anhaltendem Arbeitskräftemangel gerecht zu werden und die Zeit, die für die Verarbeitung komplexer Sammelform-Objekte für Großformat-Drucke benötigt wird, um bis zu 90 % zu reduzieren. Im Vergleich zu Produkten von Mitbewerbern reduziert die Fiery Prep-it Software den Materialverbrauch um mindestens 10 % und trägt so dazu bei, Engpässe bei der Materialversorgung auszugleichen. Dank ihrer Materialeinsparungen kann sich diese erschwingliche, effektive Software in vier Monaten oder weniger amortisieren, was Druckereien hilft, wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden.



Kornit Digital introduces Presto MAX for sustainable on-demand production (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital introduces Presto MAX for sustainable on-demand production

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced the release of its Kornit Presto MAX system for sustainable on-demand production of apparel and other textile goods. The new system will make its live debut at Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event, which the company is hosting November 2-5 to showcase technology innovations, partnerships, and proven strategies driving the business case for sustainable, on-demand production of fashion and textile goods worldwide.

Kornit Presto MAX is the first digital print system to offer white printing on colored fabrics, enhancing decoration capabilities for dark colored fabrics more broadly. It is the only single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, delivering the highest quality and softest feel with brilliant whites and brighter neon colors. The system is ready to incorporate future iterations and evolutions of XDi technology—3D decorative applications to produce threadless embroidery, high-density, vinyl, screen transfer, and other innovative effects.

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced the release of its Kornit Presto MAX system for sustainable on-demand production of apparel and other textile goods. The new system will make its live debut at Kornit Fashion Week Los Angeles + Industry 4.0 Event, which the company is hosting November 2-5 to showcase technology innovations, partnerships, and proven strategies driving the business case for sustainable, on-demand production of fashion and textile goods worldwide.

Kornit Presto MAX is the first digital print system to offer white printing on colored fabrics, enhancing decoration capabilities for dark colored fabrics more broadly. It is the only single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, delivering the highest quality and softest feel with brilliant whites and brighter neon colors. The system is ready to incorporate future iterations and evolutions of XDi technology—3D decorative applications to produce threadless embroidery, high-density, vinyl, screen transfer, and other innovative effects.

Kornit Presto MAX is compatible with natural fabrics, synthetics, and blends, and includes advanced algorithms for smart autonomous calibration, to deliver high-quality results with short cycle times and minimal manual interruptions or defects. The system was devised for compatibility with the KornitX global fulfillment ecosystem to enable anywhere, anytime production, supporting a true distributed production model that fulfills nearer the end consumer, eliminating time and logistical waste from the experience while empowering brands to ensure quality and consistency across all systems and production sites.

Kornit Presto MAX provides the cornerstone of a smart, efficient, sustainable EcoFactory that empowers producers to cover and integrate more parts of the process, from design to finished product, to decrease their carbon footprint, use minimum manpower, and generate less waste. This means eliminating excessive time, labor, and shipping throughout the value chain, enabling proximity production to meet the accelerated demands of a web-driven global marketplace—revealing new sales channels and clever business models to grow the business long-term.


Kornit Digital / pr4u

Sappi mit neuen Druckprodukten auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2021 (c) Sappi Europe

Sappi mit neuen Druckprodukten auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2021

Auf der FESPA Global Print Expo vom 12.-15. Oktober in Amsterdam präsentiert Sappi als hybrides Format neben seinen Inkjet-Papieren für großformatige Tintenstrahldruckanwendungen auch den neuen Fusion Nature Plus Containerboard und verschiedenen Sorten der Silicone Base Papers.

Das neue Transjet Tacky Industrial ist ein beschichtetes Sublimationspapier für den Digitaltransferdruck – speziell entwickelt für Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tintenstrahldruck auf hochelastischen Textilien. Ebenfalls neu im Portfolio ist das ungestrichene Sublimationspapier Basejet, das für den Digitaldruck von Mode- und Heimtextilien, insbesondere für helle Motive, konzipiert ist.
Die Papiere bestehen zu 100 % aus recycelbarem Zellstoff und sind FSC-zertifiziert.

Auf der FESPA Global Print Expo vom 12.-15. Oktober in Amsterdam präsentiert Sappi als hybrides Format neben seinen Inkjet-Papieren für großformatige Tintenstrahldruckanwendungen auch den neuen Fusion Nature Plus Containerboard und verschiedenen Sorten der Silicone Base Papers.

Das neue Transjet Tacky Industrial ist ein beschichtetes Sublimationspapier für den Digitaltransferdruck – speziell entwickelt für Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tintenstrahldruck auf hochelastischen Textilien. Ebenfalls neu im Portfolio ist das ungestrichene Sublimationspapier Basejet, das für den Digitaldruck von Mode- und Heimtextilien, insbesondere für helle Motive, konzipiert ist.
Die Papiere bestehen zu 100 % aus recycelbarem Zellstoff und sind FSC-zertifiziert.

In Amsterdam präsentiert Sappi auch seine Inkjet-Papieren für großformatigen Digitaldruck. Scrolljet ist für Außenanwendungen geeignet, einschließlich City Light und Mega Light Systeme. Es zeichnet sich durch einen verbesserten Weißgrad, eine hohe Farbdichte und gute Linienschärfe sowie durch Reißfestigkeit und UV-Schutz aus. Bei Grafiken und Plakaten für den Innenbereich zeigt Swiss Matt seine Vorteile in punkto Genauigkeit und scharfen Linien.

Bei der neuen Produktlinie Fusion Nature Plus von Sappi dreht sich alles um Wellpappeverpackungen, POS-Displays, regalfertige Verpackungen und Tragetaschen.

Die Produkte aus der Reihe Silicone Base Papers – für selbstklebende Anwendungen wie Autofolierung, Außenwerbung und Büromaterialien – vervollständigen das diesjährige Portfolio der Sappi FESPA Global Print Expo.


Sappi Europe


EFI MarketDirect StoreFront für Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungen

Ein brandneues Vermietungs- und Reservierungsmodul für die Web-to-Print-Software EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. hilft Druckunternehmen, Marketingdienstleistern und anderen Organisationen bei der Verwaltung von Ressourcen, Assets und Produkten im Lager und deren Vermietung für Events und Messen. Diese erste E-Commerce-Innovation für die Druckbranche ihrer Art gibt Benutzern die Möglichkeit, eine Veranstaltung, deren Daten und deren Ort festzulegen, und dann die für diese Zeit verfügbaren Produkte zu identifizieren – mit Kosten pro Stunde, Tag oder Monat – und die Ressourcen des Druckdienstleisters zu prüfen und zu sichern.

Das neu verfügbare Modul richtet sich an einen nun wieder aufkommenden Bedarf an Druck- und Marketingunterstützung für Messen, Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen. Es folgt auch einem beschleunigten Zeitplan für Verbesserungen der preisgekrönten MarketDirect StoreFront-Plattform, einschließlich:

Ein brandneues Vermietungs- und Reservierungsmodul für die Web-to-Print-Software EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. hilft Druckunternehmen, Marketingdienstleistern und anderen Organisationen bei der Verwaltung von Ressourcen, Assets und Produkten im Lager und deren Vermietung für Events und Messen. Diese erste E-Commerce-Innovation für die Druckbranche ihrer Art gibt Benutzern die Möglichkeit, eine Veranstaltung, deren Daten und deren Ort festzulegen, und dann die für diese Zeit verfügbaren Produkte zu identifizieren – mit Kosten pro Stunde, Tag oder Monat – und die Ressourcen des Druckdienstleisters zu prüfen und zu sichern.

Das neu verfügbare Modul richtet sich an einen nun wieder aufkommenden Bedarf an Druck- und Marketingunterstützung für Messen, Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen. Es folgt auch einem beschleunigten Zeitplan für Verbesserungen der preisgekrönten MarketDirect StoreFront-Plattform, einschließlich:

  • AutoEngage – ein Feature für abgebrochene Einkaufsvorgänge, das die Interaktions- und Transaktionsabschlussraten erhöht;
  • MarketDirect Fulfillment, eine modulare und flexible Lagerverwaltungslösung, mit der Druckereien schnell und einfach Fulfillment-Aufgaben für ihre Kunden erstellen und verwalten können; und
  • Google® Tag Manager und Analyse-Werkzeuge, die die Messung der Web-to-Print-Leistung einfacher denn je machen.
Weitere Informationen:
EFI Textildrucker digital Digitaldruck Messen



EFI Reggiani introduces Textile Digital Printer

The new, industrial, entry-level EFI™ Reggiani BLAZE scanning printer from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. is making its debut at the ITMA Asia tradeshow, 12-16 June in Shanghai, China. The high-quality printer is an easy-to-use, smart solution to help textile companies blaze their successful trail into the world of efficient, sustainable industrial inkjet printing. It is equipped with EFI Reggiani’s state-of-the-art technology, offering high quality, reliability and flexibility on the widest variety of designs.

The new, industrial, entry-level EFI™ Reggiani BLAZE scanning printer from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. is making its debut at the ITMA Asia tradeshow, 12-16 June in Shanghai, China. The high-quality printer is an easy-to-use, smart solution to help textile companies blaze their successful trail into the world of efficient, sustainable industrial inkjet printing. It is equipped with EFI Reggiani’s state-of-the-art technology, offering high quality, reliability and flexibility on the widest variety of designs.

Cutting-edge technology in a compact footprint
The EFI Reggiani BLAZE printer is designed to give textile companies the opportunity to enter the digital textile printing market with a compact solution. The new, 1.8-metre wide printer offers an innovative, low-maintenance, continuous recirculation ink system equipped with a level sensor and degassing as well as a printhead crash protective system for longer printhead life and superior uptime.
Thanks to its cutting-edge printhead reliability and low maintenance costs for a competitive TCO (total cost of ownership), the BLAZE printer can produce up to 125 linear metres per hour with a printing resolution up to 600x1200 dots per inch (dpi). The printer – which delivers excellent productivity as one of the fastest digital inkjet solutions in its class – has eight 300-dpi dual channel printheads and can print in up to eight colours with full variable drop size.

Flexible fabric feed and handling for higher productivity
The EFI Reggiani BLAZE is equipped with a continuous and switchable belt washing unit to remove water and fabric hairs. An embedded device for adhesive application offers the possibility to use thermoplastic, resin and permanent adhesives.
The printer also includes other features for enhanced productivity and value, including a 400-mm roll unwinder, expandable shafts, an air gun and a pneumatic bar for standard fabrics.

Efficient software and electronics technology
The Reggiani BLAZE printer offers a friendly and intuitive user interface with real-time image processing and flexible queue management. The software also runs a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) job editor, as well as tools to accurately predict printing speed and ink usage.

EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver enhancement
EFI has also released an enhanced version of the EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver printer, a 1.8-metre wide printer operating with EFI Reggiani’s unique TERRA pigment ink with binder solution for high-quality, highly sustainable, direct-to-textile printing without steaming or washing.


  • A new recirculating ink system for superior reliability and minimum maintenance at start up and during production
  • Several printing modes to ensure maximum flexibility in terms of design capability
  • New, real-time image processing that eliminates time spent in image pre-calculations
  • A user friendly, intuitive interface
  • A more-efficient polymerisation process that takes place as printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer.
Baldwin showcases innovations for corrugated flexo printers at ConneXion (c) Baldwin, Barry-Wehmiller

Baldwin showcases innovations for corrugated flexo printers at ConneXion

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its key innovative technologies for optimized corrugated high-graphics package printing at the ConneXion virtual expo, taking place from June 1 to 8. In Baldwin’s virtual exhibit, visitors will experience fully automated flexo plate-cleaning systems, an energy-efficient IR (infrared) drying solution and LED-UV curing systems, all of which increase print quality and productivity, with operator safety and sustainability in mind.

Key innovative technologies:

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its key innovative technologies for optimized corrugated high-graphics package printing at the ConneXion virtual expo, taking place from June 1 to 8. In Baldwin’s virtual exhibit, visitors will experience fully automated flexo plate-cleaning systems, an energy-efficient IR (infrared) drying solution and LED-UV curing systems, all of which increase print quality and productivity, with operator safety and sustainability in mind.

Key innovative technologies:

  • The FlexoCleanerBrush™, a solution to enhance print quality and improve worker safety in corrugated printing.
  • The FlexoCleanPick™, a system designed to automatically remove hickeys—typically caused by paper fibers, dust and ink contamination, and other causes of printing defects—from the plate during the print run without stopping the press or requiring operator skin contact with wash agents.
  • The FlexoDry2™, a fully integrated IR drying system, specifically developed for corrugated flexo printing presses, that reduces energy consumption by up to 30 percent over standard IR dryers via the use of patented Diamond IR™ lamps.
  • A new generation of LED-UV technology—designed by AMS Spectral UV, a Baldwin Technology company, for wide-format flexo corrugated box printing—represents the latest in solid-state LED curing innovations and offers more than a 50 percent reduction in power consumption, compared to traditional UV systems, in an ultra-compact lamphead that fits at the end of the press or between printing units.

You can register here.

