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(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel publishes 2022 annual report

AkzoNobel has published its digital Report 2022, which gives details of the company’s ongoing transformation during a challenging year of persistent worldwide uncertainty.

The Report 2022 website includes coverage of AkzoNobel’s financial results and key business developments, while the company’s progress on its sustainability ambitions is highlighted throughout.

The online report offers a wide range of interactive content and infographics. Visitors can also make use of various tools to compare key data and download tables.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability statements – traditionally one of the most visited sections – has been revamped and is themed around the key areas of climate change, circularity, and health and well-being. Several case studies also feature prominently.

AkzoNobel has published its digital Report 2022, which gives details of the company’s ongoing transformation during a challenging year of persistent worldwide uncertainty.

The Report 2022 website includes coverage of AkzoNobel’s financial results and key business developments, while the company’s progress on its sustainability ambitions is highlighted throughout.

The online report offers a wide range of interactive content and infographics. Visitors can also make use of various tools to compare key data and download tables.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability statements – traditionally one of the most visited sections – has been revamped and is themed around the key areas of climate change, circularity, and health and well-being. Several case studies also feature prominently.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Annual Report digital



Kornit Digital issues Second-Annual Impact Report

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

  • Complete elimination of Acute Toxic Amines (CLP category 1, 2, 3) CMR
  • 20% reduction of VOC level in Robusto Inkset and 30% of VOC in Eco Ink/Green

DEI and Community Engagement

  • An increase in women in management, from 30% to 35%
  • Reporting 88% of employees feeling respected and free to be authentic at work - *Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.

Kornit Digital’s Impact Strategy
Propelled by an ambition to make a positive impact across all areas of its business and throughout the fashion and textile industries, Kornit further adjusted its Impact Strategy this year towards more expansive, longer-term goals and objectives. Kornit’s refined strategy reflects the Company's dual role as a change agent in the industry—both as a leader empowering the fashion industry to be more sustainable, and as an accountable participant responsible for embracing social and environmental change to make the world a better place.  
The holistic strategy accounts for both roles, across two fundamental pillars—"Enable the Change” and “Be the Change”—and incorporates both social and environmental KPIs designed to meet the Company’s goals and respond to stakeholders’ input, as well as industry and ecosystem needs

Kornit is officially unveiling the report during a press event at PRINTING United Expo 2022.

*Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.

Weitere Informationen:
Kornit Digital impact report Annual Report

Kornit Digital


Stahl releases annual ESG report with focus on sustainability and transparency

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has published its 2021 Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines the company’s sustainable development ambitions and its achievements over the year. It also features Stahl’s ambitious climate mitigation targets for 2030, such as the transition to more renewable feedstocks.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has published its 2021 Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines the company’s sustainable development ambitions and its achievements over the year. It also features Stahl’s ambitious climate mitigation targets for 2030, such as the transition to more renewable feedstocks.

The 2021 Stahl ESG Report is a cornerstone of Stahl’s commitment to reporting transparently on its progress toward a more sustainable chemicals value chain. This acknowledges the important role that industry must play in tackling climate change while enabling a higher quality of life for more people. A key focal point of the new report is a progress update on Stahl’s ESG Roadmap. Introduced last year, this ten-year plan outlines the company’s ESG commitments and targets for 2023 and 2030.
Climate action
Stahl is focused on mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all activities over which it has influence. This includes investing in renewable energy and process efficiencies to lower the GHG emissions caused directly by Stahl’s own operations and the energy used to power them. On this point, progress was made toward the 2023 and 2030 targets in 2021, including a reduction in Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions of 15%. Also covered are Stahl’s indirect value-chain impacts, for example, from the raw materials it buys. Looking beyond Stahl’s direct environmental impacts and fostering greater supply-chain transparency will be vital for tackling emissions on a wider scale.

Creating responsible chemistry, together
In 2021, advances were made regarding the company’s diversity and safety targets, which are areas of continuous improvement. Stahl is committed to ensuring a safe working environment, as well as nurturing a diverse and inclusive workplace to continuously improve employee skills.

EcoVadis Gold rating
Fostering ethical behavior through exemplary leadership and governance is key to Stahl’s ambitions. Achieving the EcoVadis Gold rating was an important milestone in this respect. This well-established award reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to supply chain transparency and working with partners to improve the sustainability of its products and operations.

Weitere Informationen:
Stahl chemicals Annual Report EcoVadis

Stahl Holdings B.V.

Lectra´s Annual Report Lectra Headquarters / Press Department
Lectra´s Annual Report

Lectra’s 2016 Annual Report

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Looking ahead, Lectra is in a strong position to carry out its new strategy, carefully conceived to empower its customers to step into the Industry 4.0 era. In close collaboration with global customers, Lectra has identified four mega trends that will change the business: the Millennials generation, the digitalization of companies, the emergence of Industry 4.0, and profound changes in China’s economy. Their impact, set to intensify, represents considerable challenges. Lectra’s annual report analyses the implications of these mega trends, and outlines the company’s response.
Helping customers to tackle such challenges, Lectra is gearing up to commercialize Software as a Service (SaaS), leveraged by cloud technology. Its expert knowledge of business combined with ten years’ experience in the industrial Internet of Things and rising investments in R&D, means Lectra is in a formidable position to help its customers seize opportunities in the new industrial age.            

Weitere Informationen:
Lectra Annual Report

Lectra Headquarters / Press Department