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SMCCreate 2023: Programm veröffentlicht

Die zweite Ausgabe der SMCCreate-Konferenz, die gemeinsam von der AVK und der European Alliance for SMC BMC organisiert wird, findet vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag, Tschechische Republik, statt. Das Programm der Konferenz wurde jetzt veröffentlicht.

Innerhalb von nur anderthalb Tagen und mit 16 Vorträgen wird die SMCCreate-Konferenz wieder eine große Vielfalt an Themen abdecken, die für Konstrukteure bei der Auswahl von Materiallösungen relevant sind, die Leistung, Kosteneffizienz, Produktionsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bieten. Die Teilnehmer erwarten Vorträge von folgenden Unternehmen: Airbus, AOC, BYK-Chemie Dieffenbacher, EBG Group, ESI Germany, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Netzsch, Owens Corning, Siemens and Teijin.

Die SMCCreate 2023 wird vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag (Tschechische Republik) im Vienna House Diplomat Prague stattfinden.

Die zweite Ausgabe der SMCCreate-Konferenz, die gemeinsam von der AVK und der European Alliance for SMC BMC organisiert wird, findet vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag, Tschechische Republik, statt. Das Programm der Konferenz wurde jetzt veröffentlicht.

Innerhalb von nur anderthalb Tagen und mit 16 Vorträgen wird die SMCCreate-Konferenz wieder eine große Vielfalt an Themen abdecken, die für Konstrukteure bei der Auswahl von Materiallösungen relevant sind, die Leistung, Kosteneffizienz, Produktionsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bieten. Die Teilnehmer erwarten Vorträge von folgenden Unternehmen: Airbus, AOC, BYK-Chemie Dieffenbacher, EBG Group, ESI Germany, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Netzsch, Owens Corning, Siemens and Teijin.

Die SMCCreate 2023 wird vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag (Tschechische Republik) im Vienna House Diplomat Prague stattfinden.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


SMCCreate 2023 findet im November statt

Die European Alliance for SMC BMC und der AVK-Expertenarbeitskreis SMC/BMC organisieren erneut die SMCCreate, eine Konferenz über Design mit SMC- und BMC-Verbundwerkstoffen. Diese Konferenz bietet Einblicke in den gesamten Produktdesignprozess von der Idee bis zur Herstellung des Teils und richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene Designer als auch an Designer, die diese vielseitigen Materialien zum ersten Mal einsetzen.

SMC und BMC sind Faserverbundwerkstoffe, sie eignen sich für die Herstellung leichter und komplexer Bauteile, weil sie die strukturellen Eigenschaften mit einer glatten Oberfläche kombinieren. Aus diesem Grund werden SMC und BMC zunehmend in einem breiten Spektrum von Endanwendungen und Märkten eingesetzt.

Die European Alliance for SMC BMC und der AVK-Expertenarbeitskreis SMC/BMC organisieren erneut die SMCCreate, eine Konferenz über Design mit SMC- und BMC-Verbundwerkstoffen. Diese Konferenz bietet Einblicke in den gesamten Produktdesignprozess von der Idee bis zur Herstellung des Teils und richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene Designer als auch an Designer, die diese vielseitigen Materialien zum ersten Mal einsetzen.

SMC und BMC sind Faserverbundwerkstoffe, sie eignen sich für die Herstellung leichter und komplexer Bauteile, weil sie die strukturellen Eigenschaften mit einer glatten Oberfläche kombinieren. Aus diesem Grund werden SMC und BMC zunehmend in einem breiten Spektrum von Endanwendungen und Märkten eingesetzt.

Verwendung von SMC BMC in Ihrem Bauteilentwurf
Innerhalb von anderthalb Tagen wird die SMCCreate-Konferenz ein große Vielfalt an Themen abdecken, die für Konstrukteure bei der Auswahl von Materiallösungen relevant sind, die Leistung, Kosteneffizienz, Fertigungsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bieten. Präsentationen der folgenden Unternehmen/Institute sind bereits bestätigt worden: AOC, ESI Deutschland, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Owens Corning und Siemens.

Die SMCCreate 2023 wird vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag (Tschechische Republik) im Vienna House by Wyndham Diplomat Prague stattfinden.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

JEC Group announces theme for JEC World 2022 and reaffirms global leadership in composites innovation, business and networking © 2021 JEC Group
JEC World 2022

JEC World 2022: 3 months to go

  • JEC Group announces theme for JEC World 2022 and reaffirms global leadership in composites innovation, business and networking

JEC World, the leading global trade show dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets, will take place in Paris from March 8-10, 2022, under the theme Composites for a Sustainable World. JEC World 2022 will be the industry’s most awaited international face to face event after the long pandemic period. Exhibition space is already 98% booked, a clear demonstration of the industry’s commitment to meet and resume business. Those unable to join in person will be able to experience the show via the JEC World Connect digital platform.

  • JEC Group announces theme for JEC World 2022 and reaffirms global leadership in composites innovation, business and networking

JEC World, the leading global trade show dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets, will take place in Paris from March 8-10, 2022, under the theme Composites for a Sustainable World. JEC World 2022 will be the industry’s most awaited international face to face event after the long pandemic period. Exhibition space is already 98% booked, a clear demonstration of the industry’s commitment to meet and resume business. Those unable to join in person will be able to experience the show via the JEC World Connect digital platform.

“We are looking forward to welcoming our exhibitors, partners and visitors back to Paris to resume business and promote innovation,” comments Thomas Lepretre, VP Events, Sales and Operations of JEC Group. “JEC World will bring the composites industry together to showcase the sustainability benefits of composite materials to a global audience, and to provide a stimulating meeting-place for the industry to pursue its sustainability ambitions by exchanging knowledge, forging collaborations, and imagining new concepts to protect our environment.”

  • JEC World a unique get-together on sustainability throughout the product lifecycle
  • JEC World a real composites “think tank”
  • JEC World 2022 will demonstrate how sustainable thinking is at the heart of the innovative designs, technologies and business models driving the development of the next generation of composites applications.

Four conferences will be held over the three days, focusing on:

• Sustainability of Raw Materials for Composites: Fueling the Circular Revolution
• Rethinking Composite Materials Production: The Path to Sustainable Manufacturing
• Design for Circular Composite Products: Turning Waste, Recycling & Reuse into Opportunities
• Applications of Composite Materials for Circularity: Towards a Net-Zero World

Innovation is in JEC World’s DNA
One of JEC World’s objective’s is to promote the composites sector’s most innovative projects. More than 600 product launches are expected to be announced over the three days of the show, which will also feature JEC’s high-regarded innovation challenges and awards ceremonies :

• The JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate innovative global composite projects, as well as fruitful collaborations between different players in the value chain. Over more than 15 years, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards have highlighted collaborations between some 1,900 companies and recognized 203 creative projects. The winners will be announced on March 7th during a dedicated ceremony and their successful technologies will be on display throughout the show.

• The JEC Composites Startup Booster is the leading startup competition in the world of composites. In 2022, this competition will celebrate its fifth anniversary, with a special event to be organized onsite and the launch of a new “sustainability” award. And, with 20 finalists for 2022, it will recognize innovations with the greatest potential market impact and promote them to an influential audience of decision-makers. The finalists’ innovations will be displayed at JEC World’s “Startup Village.”

• For the first time, JEC World will host the 3rd edition of the SMC BMC Design Award organized by the European Alliance for SMC BMC. This international competition recognizes and promotes design excellence in the use of SMC and BMC materials. The theme of this edition is Sustainable Living, and the award is opento design students and young design professionals (less than 3 years of experience) living in Europe.


JEC Group


AVK and SMC BMC Alliance launch SMCCreate 2022 Design Conference

The European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC are announcing they will organize together SMCCreate 2022, a conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials. This conference will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

SMC and BMC are composite materials ideal for making light and intricate parts that combine structural performance with a smooth surface finish. For that reason, SMC and BMC are increasingly used in a broad range of end-use applications and markets.

Companies that have been using SMC and BMC solutions have a lot of expertise available, which can help designers to be more successful in bringing products to market. Therefore, the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC would like to organize together this design conference, allowing designers to learn from the experts, apply gained insights into their own designs, and broaden their horizon for new part developments.

The European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC are announcing they will organize together SMCCreate 2022, a conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials. This conference will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

SMC and BMC are composite materials ideal for making light and intricate parts that combine structural performance with a smooth surface finish. For that reason, SMC and BMC are increasingly used in a broad range of end-use applications and markets.

Companies that have been using SMC and BMC solutions have a lot of expertise available, which can help designers to be more successful in bringing products to market. Therefore, the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC would like to organize together this design conference, allowing designers to learn from the experts, apply gained insights into their own designs, and broaden their horizon for new part developments.

Using SMC BMC in your part design
Within the time of only 1.5 day, the SMCCreate 2022 conference will cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability. In particular:

  • How can SMC BMC help you to design great parts, bringing a combination of unique shapes and functional performance?
  • How can SMC BMC help you to improve sustainability?
  • What are the key steps in the design process, starting from initial idea to full production series manufacturing?
  • What are the typical design challenges and solutions?
  • How to best design for optimal manufacturing?
  • Which are the tools available for designing in SMC BMC: design software, material data, tooling considerations?
  • Practical examples of designs and components made in SMC BMC
  • What’s new in the world of SMC BMC?

Date and Location
The SMCCreate 2022 Conference will be organized on April 6-7, 2022 in Antwerp (Belgium).