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4 Ergebnisse

ReHubs elects Board of Directors

ReHubs announces the election of its Board of Directors. The election came during the ReHubs Annual Event, this year hosted by Coleo in Barcelona, in which they presented their new Recycling Sorting Facility, prompted through their partnership with ReHubs.

The elected Board of Directors, comprising experienced and diverse industry leaders from ReHubs partner organisations, will support Executive Director Chris Deloof in developing ReHubs' capacity-building and knowledge-sharing projects. The Board includes; Acerina Trejo Machin (Resortecs), Alain Poincheval (Reju), Anna Pehrsson (TEXAID), Bouraoui Kechiche (DECATHLON), Carl Baekelandt (Concordia Textiles / PurFi), David Puyuelo Huguet (Coleo), Dirk Vantyghem (EURATEX), Félix Poza Peña (INDITEX), Mariska Boer (Boer Group), Outi Luukko (Rester), Véronique Allaire Spitzer (Refashion).

ReHubs announces the election of its Board of Directors. The election came during the ReHubs Annual Event, this year hosted by Coleo in Barcelona, in which they presented their new Recycling Sorting Facility, prompted through their partnership with ReHubs.

The elected Board of Directors, comprising experienced and diverse industry leaders from ReHubs partner organisations, will support Executive Director Chris Deloof in developing ReHubs' capacity-building and knowledge-sharing projects. The Board includes; Acerina Trejo Machin (Resortecs), Alain Poincheval (Reju), Anna Pehrsson (TEXAID), Bouraoui Kechiche (DECATHLON), Carl Baekelandt (Concordia Textiles / PurFi), David Puyuelo Huguet (Coleo), Dirk Vantyghem (EURATEX), Félix Poza Peña (INDITEX), Mariska Boer (Boer Group), Outi Luukko (Rester), Véronique Allaire Spitzer (Refashion).

The two-day ReHubs Annual Event featured a dynamic program where ReHubs twenty-five partners to date came together to connect and strengthen relationships, fostering collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas. Additionally, ReHubs partners received policy updates from EURATEX and their possible implications for the industry and engaged in a discussion with the European Investment Bank on their Venture Debt Program and their Advisory Services.

As hosts of this year’s Annual Event, Spain-based organisation Coleo provided an exclusive preview of their new Recycling Sorting Facility to all ReHubs partners. The pre-opening of Coleo’s innovative facility in Mataró was a highlight, showcasing their latest advancements in textile sorting and recycling.




Official launch of ReHubs Europe

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

Chris Deloof will lead ReHubs Europe as Executive Director. Chris has a long-standing experience in the textile sector and is a passionate advocate for cross-industry collaboration. Moreover, Chris is deeply committed to driving the transition towards a circular economy, which aligns seamlessly with ReHubs Europe's mission.

ReHubs Europe will operate from Brussels, in close partnership with EURATEX. Membership is open to any companies who wish to invest in textile waste recycling in Europe.




Projekt "Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock"

Textilabfälle sind in Europa ein Problem. Von den 7-7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilien, die jedes Jahr entsorgt werden, werden 30-35 % getrennt gesammelt und davon 15-20 % von mittleren und größeren Sortieranlagen in der EU sortiert.

In der Sortierung werden rund 60 % der Textilien als noch tragbar klassifiziert und über Second-Hand-Märkte dem Endverbraucher verfügbar gemacht. Früher oder später ist jedoch jedes Kleidungsstück abgetragen und nicht mehr in der originären Form im Kreislauf zu halten. Um die wertvollen Ressourcen zu erhalten, die aufgewendet wurden, um die Fasern zu gewinnen, wird das Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling immer wichtiger.

Das hochwertige Textilrecycling steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen, es gibt jedoch viele erfolgsversprechende Projekte, die darauf hoffen lassen, dass die verschiedenen Faser-Recycling-Technologien zukünftig in großem Ausmaß eingesetzt werden können. Wenn dies gelingt, könnte die Textilrecyclingindustrie im Jahr 2030 eine Recyclingquote von 18 bis 26 % des gesammelten Textilabfalls erreichen. Dies könnte bis 2030 einen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Wert von 3,5 bis 4,5 Milliarden Euro schaffen.

Textilabfälle sind in Europa ein Problem. Von den 7-7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilien, die jedes Jahr entsorgt werden, werden 30-35 % getrennt gesammelt und davon 15-20 % von mittleren und größeren Sortieranlagen in der EU sortiert.

In der Sortierung werden rund 60 % der Textilien als noch tragbar klassifiziert und über Second-Hand-Märkte dem Endverbraucher verfügbar gemacht. Früher oder später ist jedoch jedes Kleidungsstück abgetragen und nicht mehr in der originären Form im Kreislauf zu halten. Um die wertvollen Ressourcen zu erhalten, die aufgewendet wurden, um die Fasern zu gewinnen, wird das Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling immer wichtiger.

Das hochwertige Textilrecycling steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen, es gibt jedoch viele erfolgsversprechende Projekte, die darauf hoffen lassen, dass die verschiedenen Faser-Recycling-Technologien zukünftig in großem Ausmaß eingesetzt werden können. Wenn dies gelingt, könnte die Textilrecyclingindustrie im Jahr 2030 eine Recyclingquote von 18 bis 26 % des gesammelten Textilabfalls erreichen. Dies könnte bis 2030 einen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Wert von 3,5 bis 4,5 Milliarden Euro schaffen.

Um eine echte Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien in Europa zu ermöglichen, muss massiv in Sortier- und Recyclinganlagen investiert werden. Nur durch die Ausweitung um 150 bis 250 neue und ortsnahe Sortier- und Recyclinganlagen wird es möglich sein, ausreichend Ausgangsmaterial für das Recycling zu generieren, wie in der McKinsey-Studie "Turning waste into value" festgestellt wurde.

Auch bei der Sortierung für Second-Hand-Textilien und Textilien für das Recycling gibt es eine Technologie- und Kapazitätslücke. Um diese zu schließen und um sicherzustellen, dass künftig hochwertige Rohstoffe aus nicht tragbaren Textilabfällen in großem Umfang verfügbar gemacht werden können, wurde das Projekt "Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock" gestartet. Geleitet wird das im Rahmen der ReHubs-Initiative aufgesetzte Projekt von TEXAID, gemeinsam mit namhaften Stakeholdern der textilen Wertschöpfungskette.

Ziel des Projekts ist die Planung einer Sortieranlage, die die Anforderungen an den künftigen Bedarf des Faser-zu-Faser-Recyclings erfüllt und zukünftig nachhaltigere Textilien durch die Verwendung recycelter Fasern ermöglicht. Um ein hochwertiges Textilrecycling zu ermöglichen, hat sich TEXAID bereit erklärt, weitere Sortieranlagen in Europa zu errichten und zu betreiben, die erste mit einer Kapazität von bis zu 50.000 Tonnen bis Ende 2024.

Unternehmen wie Concordia, CuRe Technology, Decathlon, Inditex, Indorama Ventures, L'Atelier des Matières, Lenzing, Marchi & Fildi, PurFi, Södra, Worn Again und andere nehmen an dem Projekt teil, um gemeinsam Technologien und die Wirtschaftlichkeit für die skalierte Sortierung für Wiederverwendung und Recycling zu bewerten. Die ITA Academy GmbH (in Zusammenarbeit mit der RWTH Aachen) wurde zusammen mit CETIA mit der Bewertung der Technologien beauftragt. Das Ergebnis wird ein innovatives Sortiersystem 4.0 sein, das auf funktionsübergreifenden Technologien aufbaut, in deren Mittelpunkt Digitalisierung und Automatisierung stehen.




EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative: Fiber-to-fiber recycling

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative plans to pursue fiber-to-fiber recycling for 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030
According ReHubs Techno Economic Master Study (TES), the textile recycling industry could generate in Europe around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030, and increase need for nearshoring and reshoring of textile manufacturing.

The textile recycling industry in Europe could reach economic, social and environmental benefits for €3.5 billion to €4.5 billion by 2030
“Transform Waste into Feedstock” announced as first project supported by the ReHubs, and aiming at building up a first 50,000 tons capacity facility by 2024.

Europe has a 7-7.5 million tons textile waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today.  

Based on the ambitious European Waste law, all EU Member States must separately collect the textile waste in 2 years and half. While some countries are designing schemes to face the waste collection challenge, currently no large-scale plan exist to process the waste.

The largest source of textile waste (85%) comes from private households and approximately 99% of the textile waste was made using virgin fibers.

Euratex  assesses that to reach a fiber-to-fiber recycling rate of around 18 to 26 percent by 2030, a capital expenditure investment in the range of 6 billion € to 7 billion € will be needed, particularly to scale up sufficient sorting and processing infrastructure. The economic, social, and environmental value which could be realized, potentially total an annual impact of €3.5-4.5 billion by 2030.

Once matured and scaled, the textile recycling industry could become a profitable industry with a total market size of 6-8 billion € and around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030.

Next steps of the ReHubs initiative

  • A European textile recycling roadmap proposing Objectives and Key Results to recycle fiber-to-fiber 2.5 million of textile waste by 2030
  • A leading collaboration hub with large players and SMEs from across an extended European textile recycling value chain
  • A first concrete portfolio of 4 launching projects:
    - Transform textile waste into feedstock
    - Increase the adoption of mechanically recycled fibers in the value chain
    - Expand capacity by solving technical challenges for thermo-mechanical textiles recycling
    - Create capsule collection with post-consumer recycled products

The 1st project addresses current sorting technologies which have limits to identify materials with sufficient accuracy for the subsequent circular recycling processes. The “Transform Waste into Feedstock” project will focus on further developing and scaling such sorting technologies. The project group led by Texaid AG aims on building up a first 50,000 tons facility by the end 2024.

