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Devan Stain Release: PFC-free release technology for water and oil based stains Photo: Devan Chemicals

Devan Stain Release: PFC-free release technology for water and oil based stains

Devan Chemicals launched its latest textile finishing technology “Devan Stain Release”, that ensures that both water and oil based stains can easily be washed off.

Devan ‘s new release finish prevents water and oil based stains such as ketchup, mud, grass, tea, vegetable and corn oils from adhering deeply to the fibres and allows stains to be washed off easily from the surface. The technology combines both stain release and wicking properties, fitting for applications where this dual benefit is required. This technology is PFC-free and has 40% of bio-based content. Unlike many PFC-based solutions that require mixing of multiple products, Devan Stain Release is an easy to apply and ready-to-use product that doesn’t necessitate mixing of different products. The finish doesn’t require reactivation after washing at home with high temperature. Soft handle is maintained.

Devan Chemicals launched its latest textile finishing technology “Devan Stain Release”, that ensures that both water and oil based stains can easily be washed off.

Devan ‘s new release finish prevents water and oil based stains such as ketchup, mud, grass, tea, vegetable and corn oils from adhering deeply to the fibres and allows stains to be washed off easily from the surface. The technology combines both stain release and wicking properties, fitting for applications where this dual benefit is required. This technology is PFC-free and has 40% of bio-based content. Unlike many PFC-based solutions that require mixing of multiple products, Devan Stain Release is an easy to apply and ready-to-use product that doesn’t necessitate mixing of different products. The finish doesn’t require reactivation after washing at home with high temperature. Soft handle is maintained.

Devan Stain Release is applicable across a wide range of textile applications, including school uniforms, garments, workwear, apparel, home textiles, bedding accessories and mattress ticking. The technology enhances the longevity of fabrics by reducing the need for frequent washing, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable consumption cycle.


Devan Chemicals

Devan Chemicals Photo Devan Chemicals

DEVAN REPEL: A new brand in the water repellency market

In a world where water-repellent textiles play an important role in various industries, Pulcra Chemicals has joined forces with its subsidiary, Devan Chemicals, to introduce DEVAN REPEL. The first product, DEVAN REPEL ONE, is a durable water repellent for Polyester and blends. The development of DEVAN REPEL ONE is a joint to Devan and Pulcra's dedication to innovation and sustainability.

The solution offers a range of benefits:

In a world where water-repellent textiles play an important role in various industries, Pulcra Chemicals has joined forces with its subsidiary, Devan Chemicals, to introduce DEVAN REPEL. The first product, DEVAN REPEL ONE, is a durable water repellent for Polyester and blends. The development of DEVAN REPEL ONE is a joint to Devan and Pulcra's dedication to innovation and sustainability.

The solution offers a range of benefits:

  • Superior Performance: The technology offers outstanding water repellency performance, ensuring that textiles remain dry. Whether it's rain and outdoor wear, outdoor furnishing, shower curtains or multiple technical textiles, the new solution can handle it, making it a strong choice for industries where water resistance is paramount.
  • Flexibility: The versatility of this technology can be applied to a wide range of materials, with especially good results on polyester and its blends, offering flexibility for various applications across industries.
  • Enhanced Sustainability: This technology is free from perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), and free from isocyanates.
  • Longevity: Products treated with this water repellency technology are protecting from the elements for a longer lifespan.

Performance, particularly on effect durability, can be boosted to meet different requirements with new DEVAN EXTENDER GEN3. This extender is free of Isocyanate, Butanone-oxime and 2-dimethylpyrazole.


Devan Chemicals NV


Devan: Supporting elite sport with ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

In Belgium, Devan has been involved in the Gold2Gold project carried out by Sport Vlaanderen. Gold2Gold is a unique collaboration between sports, government and the industry to prepare Belgian athletes to perform better in hot environments during world-level championships. Thermoregulating technology is increasingly becoming a key aspect of endurance performance for elite athletes. At that top level, small differences in body core temperature can make the difference between being on the podium or sometimes not even finishing the race.


Devan Chemicals NV / Marketing Solutions NV

DEVAN’s natural allergen control technology effective against pollen as well (c) Devan Chemicals NV
pollen allergy

DEVAN’s natural allergen control technology effective against pollen as well

With the pollen season starting, new independent test results by the German external laboratory BMA-Labor have shown Purissimo’s™ effectiveness against pollen, making it an all-in-one solution for reducing allergens.

Devan’s allergen control technology, known as Purissimo™, has been found effective against allergens from pollen. The technology had already been proven to significantly reduce the amount of allergens from house dust mites and pets (cats & dogs).

“Allergens are small protein molecules, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma. All allergy sufferers are different when it comes to their sensitivity to allergens”, says Sofie Depluverez, PhD researcher at Devan. “However, few people are only allergic to a single allergen – and the effects of multiple allergens can add up. The key to reducing and even eliminating symptoms is to reduce your exposure to the allergens themselves.”

With the pollen season starting, new independent test results by the German external laboratory BMA-Labor have shown Purissimo’s™ effectiveness against pollen, making it an all-in-one solution for reducing allergens.

Devan’s allergen control technology, known as Purissimo™, has been found effective against allergens from pollen. The technology had already been proven to significantly reduce the amount of allergens from house dust mites and pets (cats & dogs).

“Allergens are small protein molecules, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma. All allergy sufferers are different when it comes to their sensitivity to allergens”, says Sofie Depluverez, PhD researcher at Devan. “However, few people are only allergic to a single allergen – and the effects of multiple allergens can add up. The key to reducing and even eliminating symptoms is to reduce your exposure to the allergens themselves.”

Allergy threshold
When people move into a house or bring in a new dog, the number of allergens starts to rise. In the beginning there are little to none, so the allergy threshold causing symptoms is far from being reached. Nobody is suffering any reaction at this stage.

“As time goes by, the various allergens start to build up inside the house, certainly when ventilation is limited”, Depluverez continues. “As the allergen concentration increases (especially in combination with seasonal allergens such as pollen), the allergy threshold may be reached if no allergen reduction measures are in place.”

Purissimo™ is a natural allergen control technology that significantly reduces allergens from pet dander, dust mites and pollen in textiles throughout the home. The technology is based on encapsulated probiotics, which are naturally occurring microorganisms similar in kind to those you can find in probiotic yogurt, tempeh, kombucha.

Inactive probiotics (spores) are encapsulated and integrated onto the textiles. Friction opens the microcapsules and releases the spores. The spores absorb humidity and self-activate. They are transformed into probiotic bacteria that start to consume the allergens.

“As the probiotics consume the allergens, exposure is gradually reduced to below threshold levels”, Depluverez adds. “Therefore, individuals with respiratory allergies will be exposed to fewer ‘attacks’ and perceive a better well-being.”


Marketing Solutions NV

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. (c) Devan Chemicals NV
Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt.

Devan präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu Moov&Cool

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Wahrhaft einzigartig
Devan erhebt den Anspruch der absoluten Einzigartigkeit seiner Technologie. „Wo andere Lösungen beim Verdunsten von Schweiß auf den Wind vertrauen, um ein kühles Hautgefühl zu erreichen, nutzt Moov&Cool die bei sportlichen Aktivitäten erzeugte, überschüssige Wärme, um die Körperkerntemperatur zu senken“, betont Dr. Vanessa Daelman, Business Unit Manager Performance bei Devan. „Das Prinzip wirkt auch bei reduzierter Windgeschwindigkeit, wie beispielsweise in Sporthallen.“

Darüber hinaus ist die Technologie nicht nur von Nutzen in heißen Klimazonen, sondern isoliert auch gegen Kälte. „Wenn Moov&Cool kälteren Temperaturen ausgesetzt wird, verengen sich die Poren der polymeren Schicht, sodass die Wärme zwischen dem Körper und dem Gewebe zurückgehalten wird“, so Dr. Daelman weiter.
Devan hat ein spezielles System entwickelt, um Sportartikelhersteller zur bestgeeigneten Nutzung der Technologie zu führen. Ziel des Systems ist die spezifische Dimensionierung von Moov&Cool für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck.

Devan legt großen Wert auf wissenschaftliche Nachweise und unabhängige Test. Das Unternehmen hat seine patentierte Technologie daher in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bakala-Akademie und der Universität Leuven strengen Prüfungen unterzogen. „Nach umfassenderen Tests mit Leistungssportlern können die Trends, die wir anfänglich sahen, inzwischen bestätigt werden“, sagt Dr. Daelman. „Moov&Cool bewirkt eine signifikante Absenkung der Körperkerntemperatur und hat einen positiven Effekt auf Herzfrequenz und Wärmeempfinden. Die vollständigen Testergebnisse werden wir auf der Performance Days am 28. und 29. November präsentieren.“

Von der Natur inspiriert
Devan zufolge gab ein Mechanismus in Pflanzen den Anstoß zur Entwicklung von Moov&Cool. „Pflanzen haben kleine, porenähnliche Öffnungen (Stomata) auf der Unterseite ihrer Blätter, die sie abhängig von den Umgebungsbedingungen öffnen und schließen“, erklärt Dr. Daelman. „So können sie ihren Wasser- und Wärmehaushalt regulieren.“
Devan präsentiert Moov&Cool im Detail während der Performance Days in München vom 28. bis 29. November auf Stand P11 in Halle C1.


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Devan Chemicals NV // Marketing Solutions NV

(c) Devan Chemicals NV

Pushing performance with Devan’s Moov&Cool

RONSE, Belgium - Textile finishing expert, Devan Chemicals, launched its brand-new, patent-pending Moov&Cool technology at Performance Days (18-19 April) in Munich. Detailed as a 'cool comfort technology', the innovation has the potential to improve the athletic performances of both amateurs and professionals alike by regulating core body temperature.

Moov&Cool, Devan’s latest textile finish, consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that absorbs heat during performance and improves the moisture management properties of the fabric. Applied by either padding or spray, the treatment targets and regulates core body temperature and simultaneously reacts to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan’s technology has been brought to life in an effort to boost the performances of athletes. The company collaborated with the University of Leuven (Belgium) and the Bakala Academy to evaluate and prove the finishing technology. According to Devan, the first results look promising as they have seen an effect on heart rate and lactate levels. Furthermore, the first test results also highlighted a decrease in core temperature of around 0.4°C.

RONSE, Belgium - Textile finishing expert, Devan Chemicals, launched its brand-new, patent-pending Moov&Cool technology at Performance Days (18-19 April) in Munich. Detailed as a 'cool comfort technology', the innovation has the potential to improve the athletic performances of both amateurs and professionals alike by regulating core body temperature.

Moov&Cool, Devan’s latest textile finish, consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that absorbs heat during performance and improves the moisture management properties of the fabric. Applied by either padding or spray, the treatment targets and regulates core body temperature and simultaneously reacts to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan’s technology has been brought to life in an effort to boost the performances of athletes. The company collaborated with the University of Leuven (Belgium) and the Bakala Academy to evaluate and prove the finishing technology. According to Devan, the first results look promising as they have seen an effect on heart rate and lactate levels. Furthermore, the first test results also highlighted a decrease in core temperature of around 0.4°C.

Devan will continue testing in order to evaluate the impact of Moov&Cool when applied to different fibre types and fabric structures. The company aims to provide different application levels to optimise the benefits of the technology for individual sporting activities where performance intensity may play a major role in the protection required.

Weitere Informationen:
Devan Chemicals NV Sportswear

Devan Chemicals NV