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3 Ergebnisse

Schweizer Textilhersteller Schoeller Textil AG mit neuem Branding

  • Leitgedanke „Textile Intelligence“ und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Das seit 150 Jahren agierende Traditionsunternehmen Schoeller Textil AG machte es sich stets zur Aufgabe, textile Innovationen im Einklang mit der Natur zu entwickeln. Jetzt vollzieht das Unternehmen ein umfängliches Rebranding. Das Ergebnis verkörpert den neu definierten Leitgedanken „Textile Intelligence“ – die Entwicklung und erfolgreiche Umsetzung innovativer Textilien und intelligenter Textiltechnologien.

“Das Ziel des Rebrandings ist es, die traditionellen Markenwerte in einer völlig neuen Markenpräsenz zu kommunizieren. So entstand ein geschärftes Markenprofil, eine klare Markenstrategie und -tonalität sowie ein cleanes, modernes Corporate Design. Wir werden unserem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch durch den Ausbau digitaler Touchpoints, deren crossmedialen Nutzung und einer verstärkten Onlinepräsenz gezielt nachkommen. Simplifiziert, geradlinig, nachhaltig – ganz im Sinne unserer größten Inspirationsquelle: der Natur,“ Antonio Gatti Balsarri, Chief Commercial Officer, über den digitalen Fokus der neuen Marke

  • Leitgedanke „Textile Intelligence“ und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Das seit 150 Jahren agierende Traditionsunternehmen Schoeller Textil AG machte es sich stets zur Aufgabe, textile Innovationen im Einklang mit der Natur zu entwickeln. Jetzt vollzieht das Unternehmen ein umfängliches Rebranding. Das Ergebnis verkörpert den neu definierten Leitgedanken „Textile Intelligence“ – die Entwicklung und erfolgreiche Umsetzung innovativer Textilien und intelligenter Textiltechnologien.

“Das Ziel des Rebrandings ist es, die traditionellen Markenwerte in einer völlig neuen Markenpräsenz zu kommunizieren. So entstand ein geschärftes Markenprofil, eine klare Markenstrategie und -tonalität sowie ein cleanes, modernes Corporate Design. Wir werden unserem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch durch den Ausbau digitaler Touchpoints, deren crossmedialen Nutzung und einer verstärkten Onlinepräsenz gezielt nachkommen. Simplifiziert, geradlinig, nachhaltig – ganz im Sinne unserer größten Inspirationsquelle: der Natur,“ Antonio Gatti Balsarri, Chief Commercial Officer, über den digitalen Fokus der neuen Marke

Transparenz und Nachhaltigkeit - damit die zentralen Anforderungen von Kunden gegenüber Brands - stellen die Kernaspekte des Rebrandings dar. Im Logo-Design wurde eine starke Reduzierung der Logo-Elemente durch die Eliminierung der Signatur-Farbe Rot und dem schwarzen Hintergrund vorgenommen. Das modernisierte Schoeller Logo lässt sich nun gepaart mit dem neuen Markenclaim „Textile Intelligence“ durch die gewonnene Transparenz deutlich ressourcenschonender produzieren.

Schoeller ist bluesign system partner der ersten Stunde und nutzt das Higg Fem Modul zur Einschätzung der nachhaltigen Performance. Höchste Qualitäts- und Nachhaltigkeitsstandards in der Produktion bedeuten neben umweltschonenden Herstellungsprozessen und sorgfältiger Materialauswahl, insbesondere faire Arbeitsbedingungen zu gewährleisten. Schoeller folgt einem Code of Conduct, um transparente Produktionsketten, den Schutz der Umwelt und faire Arbeitsbedingungen zu garantieren.

„Zero Textile Waste“ wird zu einer gezielten Markenstrategie. Die Produktion von Textilien und Textiltechnologien wird kontinuierlich zur Schonung von Ressourcen optimiert – dennoch sind die Verarbeitungsprozesse oft aufwendig und komplex. Hier bietet Schoeller neue Lösungsansätze zum Thema Zero Waste.

So wurde der Sustainability Webshop „Schoeller re-Fabric“ bereits erfolgreich veröffentlicht. Textile Restbestände aus der Produktion werden hierüber an Designer und kleinere Produktionen verkauft, wodurch die gesamte Nutzung der Produktionsmenge erhöht und Textilverschwendung vermieden wird.


Schoeller Textil AG

BB Engineering: Visco+ innovative vacuum filter for IV setting (c) BB Engineering
Graphical animation of Visco+

BB Engineering: Visco+ innovative vacuum filter for IV setting

Under vacuum, the new BB Engineering large-area filter produces a homogeneous, pure melt with a targeted IV setting for instance, for returning polyester production waste to the melt flow, but also for achieving a homogeneous viscosity in the case of virgin material.

BB Engineering has expanded its melt filter portfolio to include a patented large-area vacuum filter designed especially for processing polyester waste. The so-called Visco+ filter is already known as the key component of the BB Engineering VacuFil recycling system. Now, it is also available as a separate and easily-integratable upgrade component for existing systems. Within this context, the uses of the Visco+ are by no means limited to just decontamination. Here, the Visco+ offers the following solutions:

Under vacuum, the new BB Engineering large-area filter produces a homogeneous, pure melt with a targeted IV setting for instance, for returning polyester production waste to the melt flow, but also for achieving a homogeneous viscosity in the case of virgin material.

BB Engineering has expanded its melt filter portfolio to include a patented large-area vacuum filter designed especially for processing polyester waste. The so-called Visco+ filter is already known as the key component of the BB Engineering VacuFil recycling system. Now, it is also available as a separate and easily-integratable upgrade component for existing systems. Within this context, the uses of the Visco+ are by no means limited to just decontamination. Here, the Visco+ offers the following solutions:

  • IV homogenization: if an existing production system is struggling with IV fluctuations, the Visco+ is able to actively intervene and balance out any irregularities;
  • IV increase: if the final viscosity is insufficient when processing recycled materials, the Visco+ can increase the IV without the negative impact of long residence times.

In this way, the Visco+ enables fast and flexibly-controllable viscosity build-up and reliable viscosity monitoring of the polyester melt using a to-date unique, patented process. Depending on the intended end use, the melt can be ad-justed to the further processing procedure in a targeted manner. The requi-site melt properties above all the intrinsic viscosity, but also the purity and homogeneity are achieved in a reliable and reproducible manner and can also be adjusted during ongoing operation.

As a melt filter, the Visco+ operates like a liquid-state polycondensation unit. A maintenance-intensive reactor or a deposit-prone stirring unit are not required. Moisture is removed from the PET in the filter, which – in conjunction with an adjustable residence time – results in the desired IV increase in the vacuum. This enables a controlled IV build-up of up to 30%. The intrinsic vis-cosity is the central quality figure in PET recycling and rPET processing. It determines the melt performance in the downstream production process and the properties of the end products. The intrinsic viscosity is continually moni-tored by means of an integrated viscosity measurement unit and reliably adjusted in the event of deviations (caused by disparate input qualities, for ex-ample). At the same time, the filter provides an enormous material surface compared to the volume and continuously renews this. To this end, contamination can be removed particularly effectively from the starting material by means of automatically-regulated high-performance vacuum (1-30 mbar).

The Visco+ is particularly suitable for recycling PET waste that is to be reused for high-end products.


BB Engineering

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. (c)Paimion
Rester Paimio end-of-life textile refinement

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy and LSJH will drive the textile sector towards a circular economy and begin processing textile waste as an industrial raw material. The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. The 3,000-square-metre plant is being developed by Rester Oy, which recycles companies' end-of-life textiles and industrial waste materials. LSJH, which processes households’ end-of-life textiles on its production line, will hire part of the plant.

Outi Luukko, Rester Oy’s board chair, says, “The processing plant will begin a new era of textile circular economy in Finland. As industry pioneers, we are launching a system change in Scandinavia. The transition of the textile industry from a linear model to a circular economy is essential, as virgin materials cannot sustain the current structure of the textile industry. And why should it, when there is so much recyclable material available?”

From the perspective of Rester Oy’s main owner, work clothing supplier Touchpoint, the circular economy plant not only represents resource efficiency, but is also necessary from the perspective of the entire life cycle of a responsible work clothing collection.

Luukko adds, “Finding a local solution to a global problem is a huge leap in the right direction and raises Finland's profile as a pioneer of circular economy."

The future plant will be able to process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles annually, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste. Both production lines produce recycled fibre, which can be used for various industrial applications, including yarn and fabric, insulating materials for construction and shipping industries, acoustic panels, composites, non-woven and filter materials, and other technical textiles, such as geo-textiles.

LSJH is piloting a full-scale refinement plant

LSJH has launched a pilot production line for processing households' end-of-life textiles. Unfortunately, consumers' end-of-life textiles are heterogeneous, making them a challenging raw material for further processing. Before processing, the textiles are sorted by material into various fibre classes using optical identification technology developed by LSJH and its partners. This ensures the quality of the raw material and the resulting fibre products.

Jukka Heikkilä, managing director for Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto, explains: “On the basis of the experiences gathered from the pilot project, Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto is preparing a full-scale refinement plant in the Turku region. As soon as 2023, the plant will process Finnish households' end-of-life textiles. The project involves all waste treatment plants owned by Finnish municipalities.”

Paimio has ambitious goals for circular economy companies

Rester’s initiative aims to create a circular economy cluster in Paimio that combines the processing and reuse of end-of-life textile fibres. Paimion Kehitys Oy, which is owned by the City of Paimio and the local association of enterprises, supports the development of circular economy companies in Paimio.

Mika Ingi, managing director for Paimion Kehitys Oy, says, “We want to step out of our traditional municipal role and create significant added value for everyone taking part. That is why we are involved in the development of a new modern service model based on ecosystem thinking. We are piloting the textile cluster, followed in the coming years by clusters focusing on plastic, construction, and energy. The aim of our service is to support and help develop new profitable business by bringing circular economy companies and their potential customers to innovate together."

The foundation stone of the processing plant was laid today (18 August 2020). The processing plant will begin operations in February 2021.

