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3 Ergebnisse

Way2ITMA: Recycling technologies offered by VDMA members

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials
Weitere Informationen:
VDMA ITMA 2023 ITMA Recycling raw materials



Source Fashion: New international fashion sourcing platform in UK

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The main Indian Pavilion at this year’s Source Fashion, in collaboration with the Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council, will showcase 20 established garment and textile exporters specialising in wool, woollen and acrylic fibres. The exhibitors will be showing full garments including men’s, women’s and kidswear as well as a selection of fabrics and raw materials. These exhibitors are regular export partners to the UK retail industry and already work with some big retailers in white label production.

The China Pavilion will present a selection of high-quality Chinese manufacturers ranging from full garment manufacturing through to raw materials, fabrics, cashmere and components.

Other producers and manufacturers attending Source Fashion from across Europe and the UK include:

  • Mivania - an Italian knitwear manufacturer producing garments in 100% cashmere and cashmere blends.
  • SATCoL (Salvation Army Trading Company) - a charity-owned textiles collector in the UK, actively working with retailers to reduce their carbon footprints.
  • Kusilas - a Spanish company monitoring all the stages of the production process.
  • Prime Casual - based in Leicester, UK, they specialise in the design and manufacture of ladies clothing from fast fashion, wholesale to bespoke tailoring.
  • Athos Pallas - a fashion and textile agency located in Thessaloniki, Greece.



Source Fashion by Hyve / Good Results PR

Foto: Texhibition

Premiere der TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair

  • Erfolgreicher Start der Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair mit über 10.000 Besuchern aus 63 Ländern
  • 166 Austeller haben auf ca. 5.000 qm im Istanbul Expo Center Stoffe, Garne und Acessoires präsentiert
  • Zahlreiche Ordertätigkeit von über 1 Mrd. US$
  • Zielsetzung des Veranstalters: die Fläche und Ausstellerzahl der zweiten Veranstaltung im September zu verdoppeln

Mit über 10.000 Besuchern ist die Premierenveranstaltung der Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organisiert von der Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) und dem Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) vom 16. bis 18. März 2022 erfolgreich gestartet.

  • Erfolgreicher Start der Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair mit über 10.000 Besuchern aus 63 Ländern
  • 166 Austeller haben auf ca. 5.000 qm im Istanbul Expo Center Stoffe, Garne und Acessoires präsentiert
  • Zahlreiche Ordertätigkeit von über 1 Mrd. US$
  • Zielsetzung des Veranstalters: die Fläche und Ausstellerzahl der zweiten Veranstaltung im September zu verdoppeln

Mit über 10.000 Besuchern ist die Premierenveranstaltung der Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organisiert von der Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) und dem Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) vom 16. bis 18. März 2022 erfolgreich gestartet.

İTHİB Präsident Ahmet Öksüz: „Unsere Messeplattformen Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair und IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection, die von unserem Schwesterverband IHKIB im Februar gelauncht wurde, spielen eine wichtige Rolle dabei, Istanbul zum Fashion-Zentrum der türkischen Textil und Bekleidungsindustrie zu machen. Zur Folgeveranstaltung der Texhibition im September diesen Jahres erwarten wir eine Verdopplung der Ausstellerzahl und Fläche.”

Die türkische Textilindustrie verfolgt 2022 ein Exportziel von 15 Milliarden US$. Die Messeveranstalter gehen davon aus, dass ihre Plattformen 1 Milliarde US$ dazu beitragen werden. Die Türkei ist für die europäische Textilindustrie einer der wichtigsten Beschaffungsmärkte und gewinnt im Zuge der weltweiten Lieferkettenproblematik noch mehr an Bedeutung und gehört nun zu den Top 3 der interessantesten Beschaffungsstandorte miit ihren günstigen Preisen, qualitativ guten Produkten, zuverlässigen Lieferanten und kurzen Lieferzeiten.

Im Texhibition Forum wurde mit Experten zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Neue Trends, Supply Chain und GMO-Free Cotton, die einen Ausblick auf die kommenden Trends und Entwicklungen der türkischen Textilindustrie gaben, diskutiert. Sämtliche Veranstaltungen wurden von den Besuchern stark frequentiert.

Nächster Termin:
Texhibition September 21-23, 2022

Weitere Informationen:
Texhibition Türkei
