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EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF (c) EURATEX
Kick off meeting of the AEQUALIS4TCLF project

EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

1 List of Netherlands, Czechia, Lithuania, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex Erasmus+ Education textile workers TCLF



Solvay: Educational alliance with MIT and Fermi High School

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Discussions during the event included key sustainability topics such as water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management, and Solvay's commitment to promoting a balanced work-life culture and diversity within the workplace.

This collaboration aligns with Solvay's global Corporate Citizenship program. Through this program, Solvay supports individuals and communities, channeling efforts to tackle worldwide societal challenges through strategic investments in education, sustainability, and local community initiatives.

*STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics




NCTO: U.S. Educational Institutions partner with Honduran University to educate Students for Textile Jobs

North Carolina educational institutions are joining forces with an Honduran university to educate and train thousands of students for the next generation textile workforce to meet a rising tide of nearshoring and onshoring in Honduras, Central America and the United States.

The U.S. Department of State issued a statement of public support for the MOU and the unique collaboration between the U.S. and Honduran institutions.

North Carolina educational institutions are joining forces with an Honduran university to educate and train thousands of students for the next generation textile workforce to meet a rising tide of nearshoring and onshoring in Honduras, Central America and the United States.

The U.S. Department of State issued a statement of public support for the MOU and the unique collaboration between the U.S. and Honduran institutions.

The initiative will launch a series of educational workforce development programs, ranging from training and certificate programs to undergraduate and graduate degrees, in textile-related areas of study.
The partnership comes at a defining moment for the U.S., Honduras and Central America, which are seeing historical levels of investment in textile and apparel production stemming from a global supply chain crisis that has driven a significant shift in sourcing out of Asia to the U.S. and the region. Nearly $1 billion of historic textile and apparel investment is anticipated in the U.S. and Central America this year alone. And this partnership also creates an educational pathway to economic opportunity in Honduras and the region that not only creates a skilled and resilient workforce but can also help to address the root causes of irregular migration.

Current growth projections indicate a need for more than 10,000 new skilled workers in the textile industry in Honduras alone over the next five years.

The U.S. and this region are inextricably linked through a textile and apparel co-production chain under the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) that has generated $12.6 billion in annual two-way trade in the sector and supports 1 million workers in the U.S. and the region.
North Carolina plays a central role in this co-production chain. It is the second largest state for textile employment nationally with over 36,000 workers, and the state’s $2.7 billion in textile-related exports leads the nation. The Northern Triangle, including Honduras, is a major export destination for U.S. yarns and fabrics that come back as finished items under the U.S.-CAFTA-DR trade agreement.

(c) Lisa Rato

Messe Frankfurt informierte in New York zu textilen Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Bereits seit mehr als 15 Jahren macht die Messe Frankfurt auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen unter dem Dach des Texpertise Network auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufmerksam, gibt spezielle Messe-Guides heraus, initiiert Talkrunden, bietet geführte Touren zu Aussteller*innen mit entsprechendem Portfolio, erstellt Materialgallerien mit nachhaltigen Textilinnovationen und veranstaltet eigene Events, wie etwa die Neonyt, ausschließlich zu nachhaltiger Mode. Seit 2019 arbeitet die Messe Frankfurt mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships zusammen, um zusätzlich die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs) auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen bekannt zu machen und so einen Beitrag zu deren Erreichung in der Mode- und Textilindustrie zu leisten. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk aus Vertreter*innen der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche, Medien, Regierungen und UN-Institutionen zu seiner ersten Jahrestagung am Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York zusammen – mit dabei das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt.
In Anbetracht der enormen Auswirkungen des Mode- und Lifestyle-Sektors auf Mensch und Umwelt gab das Jahrestreffen des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network einen Überblick darüber, wie die Plattform ein transparentes, umfassendes und transformatives Engagement globaler Stakeholder fördert, um dringende Maßnahmen für Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben. Hauptziel des Netzwerks ist es, vorhandenes Fachwissen, Innovation, Technologie und Ressourcen für eine nachhaltige und ganzheitliche Erholung nach COVID-19 zu mobilisieren, wobei die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung als Leitrahmen dienen.
In einer gemeinsamen Paneldiskussion sprachen Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt, Sara Kozlowski, Vice President Education and Sustainability Initiatives beim Council of Fashion Designers of America, Sergio Fernández de Córdova, Vorsitzender der PVBLIC Foundation und Roberta Marcenaro, CEO der Strategieberatung IMARK und Strategin bei der POLIMODA über die Bedeutung von Partnerschaften und Zusammenarbeit bei der Erreichung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Moderiert wurde die Diskussion von Lucie Brigham, Chief of Office des United Nations Office for Partnerships und Mitgründerin des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Networks.

„Die Textilindustrie ist eine Branche mit starken Gegensätzen. Man findet hier sowohl traditionelle Handwerkskunst als auch Hightech mit vollständig digitalisierten und automatisierten Fertigungsprozessen. Gleichzeitig sind die Lieferketten so komplex und global vernetzt wie in kaum einer anderen Branche. Nachhaltigkeit kann nur im engen Zusammenspiel der richtigen Partner*innen erreicht werden“, so Olaf Schmidt während der Diskussion. „Als Messeveranstalter machen wir selbst die Textilindustrie zwar nicht unmittelbar nachhaltiger. Unsere zentralen Aufgaben im Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt sind jedoch andere: Wir bieten Plattformen zum Netzwerken und bringen auf weltweit rund 60 Textilveranstaltungen die richtigen Partner*innen zusammen. Wir schaffen Sichtbarkeit, indem wir der Branche eine Bühne bieten, um ihr Nachhaltigkeitsengagement ins Blickfeld zu rücken. Wir bieten Bildung und Wissenstransfer auf zahlreichen Konferenz- und Talkformaten rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Und wir gehen mit gutem Beispiel voran. Mit unseren weltweiten Aktionen zu den SDGs haben wir bislang schätzungsweise rund 9.200 Aussteller*innen und 195.500 Besucher*innen erreicht – auch in Zeiten der Pandemie.“

Gemeinsam mit der Messe Frankfurt waren Vertreter*innen der Textil- und Modeunternehmen Hugo Boss, Heiq, Ocean Safe, Lectra, Madewell und des KTC Korea Textile Center vor Ort. Weitere Sprecher*innen auf der Veranstaltung waren zudem Arch and Hook, Catcher in the Style, Calik Denim, DRESSX, Fashion Impact Fund, Fashion Revolution, Jakarta Fashion Week, Lenzing, Lycra, nft now, People Tree, Remake, Saheli Women, Sourcing Journal, The Business of Fashion, Timberland, Tech Crunch, Textile Exchange, Transformers Foundation, The Canvas Global, Vogue, WWD sowie Designer*innen wie Anyango Mpinga, Gabriela Hearst, Patrick McDowell und Shivam Punjya.
Die nächsten Gelegenheiten, sich umfassend zur textilen Wertschöpfungskette einschließlich innovativer textiler Materialien, Herstellungsverfahren sowie Einrichtungs- und Objekttextilien und nachhaltiger Mode zu informieren, bieten die internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 sowie die erste DtoC-Ausgabe der Neonyt, das Neonyt Lab, vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 in Frankfurt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) adidas AG

adidas celebrates and supports Black women in Sport, Fashion and Innovation

  • This Black History Month, the brand is announcing a series of ongoing initiatives focused on celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black women - starting with elevating stories of their lived experiences
  • New community actions include an accelerator program for social entrepreneurs; a series of adidas Community curriculums and mentorship opportunities; and an industry-changing design program for the next generation of creators
  • Powered by its Impossible Is Nothing attitude, adidas is accelerating its mission to create real , lasting change for historically underserved communities

In a continuation of the brand’s Impossible Is Nothing attitude – and its biggest ever commitment to women – adidas is centering its Black History Month initiatives around celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black Women in sport, fashion and innovation.

  • This Black History Month, the brand is announcing a series of ongoing initiatives focused on celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black women - starting with elevating stories of their lived experiences
  • New community actions include an accelerator program for social entrepreneurs; a series of adidas Community curriculums and mentorship opportunities; and an industry-changing design program for the next generation of creators
  • Powered by its Impossible Is Nothing attitude, adidas is accelerating its mission to create real , lasting change for historically underserved communities

In a continuation of the brand’s Impossible Is Nothing attitude – and its biggest ever commitment to women – adidas is centering its Black History Month initiatives around celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black Women in sport, fashion and innovation.

Brought to life through athlete partners like Kahleah Copper, Erica Wheeler, Angel McCoughtry , Imani Dorsey, Kendra Harrison and Sarah Nurse , this year’s Black History Month platform focuses on the representation of Black voices by spotlighting the real-life experiences of Black athletes. Meanwhile, sustained community programming and actions will offer Black women creators with real-life opportunities for education, mentorship and growth.

Among many long-term community initiatives that create more opportunities for Black girls and women, adidas is deepening its commitment with the following programs launching this month and beyond:

  • Cultivate & B.L.O.O.M (Building Legacies Out Of Movements) an adidas Accelerator - adidas has created an accelerator program that aims to close the opportunity gap that exists for social entrepreneurs of color.  
  • S.E.E.D. (School for Experimental Education in Design) Program - S.E.E.D. is a two-year program at the adidas Brooklyn Creator Farm in partnership with Pensole Academy
  • adidas Community Platform - adidas Community is a digital network for education, creative collaboration , and growth opportunities that pairs community members with community mentors

Other ongoing programming and partnerships includes work with adidas Legacy, the Black Women’s Player’s Collective, U.S. Soccer Foundation, Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD foundation, Pharrell’s Black Ambition, United Negro College Fund scholarsships, Growth Fellowship, Appeitie for Change youth programming, Wood U in partnership with Pensole and the Iovine & Young Academy and Sound Labs  - an initiative to foster creative collaboration , innovation and proactively support music programs in public schools lacking in financial support.


adidas AG


PCMC partners with Fox Valley Flexo Services to provide flexographic printing education

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) announces its partnership with Fox Valley Flexo Services to provide educational opportunities, demonstrations and training through PCMC’s Packaging Innovation Center.

“As we met with the team at Fox Valley Flexo Services to discuss possible synergies, it was apparent that the company’s combined 60-plus years of industry and education experience in flexographic printing would help us provide high-level training to the print industry,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Director of Sales–Printing, Coating and Laminating. “Our goal is to provide world-class, hands-on training and innovation through partnerships with industry leaders, and Fox Valley Flexo Services will immediately be able to help us do that.”

PCMC’s Packaging Innovation Center, located at its headquarters in Green Bay, serves the printing industry as a resource for training, demonstrations and industry trials, along with research and development opportunities. It features industry-leading equipment with capabilities in central impression and inline flexographic printing, digital printing, lamination, and bag and pouch converting.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) announces its partnership with Fox Valley Flexo Services to provide educational opportunities, demonstrations and training through PCMC’s Packaging Innovation Center.

“As we met with the team at Fox Valley Flexo Services to discuss possible synergies, it was apparent that the company’s combined 60-plus years of industry and education experience in flexographic printing would help us provide high-level training to the print industry,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Director of Sales–Printing, Coating and Laminating. “Our goal is to provide world-class, hands-on training and innovation through partnerships with industry leaders, and Fox Valley Flexo Services will immediately be able to help us do that.”

PCMC’s Packaging Innovation Center, located at its headquarters in Green Bay, serves the printing industry as a resource for training, demonstrations and industry trials, along with research and development opportunities. It features industry-leading equipment with capabilities in central impression and inline flexographic printing, digital printing, lamination, and bag and pouch converting.

“Attendees to our educational seminars will have the opportunity to operate and train on state-of-the-art equipment, and because we are an in-house training center, they will also have unique access to design and manufacturing expertise that is not typically found at other training centers,” shared Pennings. “They will not only see the what and how of printing equipment, but also be able to learn the why by understanding the design and engineering that goes into the equipment.

