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4 Ergebnisse
Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR063 ©Ascend Performance Materials
SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A inactivated by zinc-embedded nylon fabric.

SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A inactivated by zinc-embedded nylon fabric

  • A paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces details effectiveness, describes protocol for future testing

An international team of scientists and engineers from the University of Cambridge, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, ResInnova Labs and Ascend Performance Materials has found that a nylon fabric embedded with zinc ions successfully inactivated 99% of the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the common flu.

Face masks, protective clothing and filters are used to slow the spread of viruses. But poor-quality masks can harbor active viruses from infected wearers, posing a transmission risk.

“A major challenge is absorption and inactivation,” said Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., co-senior author and chief technology officer at Ascend Performance Materials. “Respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, and the flu, are transmitted through droplets and aerosols. Polypropylene, the material in commonly used disposable masks, is a hydrophobic plastic and does not absorb moisture. Instead, the viruses can sit on the surface of the mask, posing a transmission risk when the mask is handled.”

  • A paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces details effectiveness, describes protocol for future testing

An international team of scientists and engineers from the University of Cambridge, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, ResInnova Labs and Ascend Performance Materials has found that a nylon fabric embedded with zinc ions successfully inactivated 99% of the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the common flu.

Face masks, protective clothing and filters are used to slow the spread of viruses. But poor-quality masks can harbor active viruses from infected wearers, posing a transmission risk.

“A major challenge is absorption and inactivation,” said Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., co-senior author and chief technology officer at Ascend Performance Materials. “Respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, and the flu, are transmitted through droplets and aerosols. Polypropylene, the material in commonly used disposable masks, is a hydrophobic plastic and does not absorb moisture. Instead, the viruses can sit on the surface of the mask, posing a transmission risk when the mask is handled.”

Cotton also has problems, Dr. Gopal said. “Cotton effectively absorbs moisture, but it doesn’t inactivate the virus – again, posing a transmission risk,” he said. In the paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, the researchers described how a fabric made of nylon 6,6 embedded with active zinc ions absorbed virus-containing moisture droplets and effectively inactivated the particles. The fabric produced a 2-log, or 99%, reduction of virus particles in one hour.

The research team also was able to demonstrate that nylon with active zinc ions remains stable over time, keeping its virus-inactivating properties after 50 washes. “The study shows how nylon textile fabric with zinc outperforms the widely used cotton and polypropylene materials at virus absorption and inactivation,” Dr. Gopal said. The findings have significant implications for future development of PPE, Dr. Gopal said. “Pathogen-free PPE does more than just cut down the risk of transmitting the virus,” Gopal said. “By making PPE washable and reusable, you reduce the need for single-use products, keeping hundreds of millions of masks out of landfills.”

Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials

Erste Schweizer «Community Mask» mit TESTEX-Label von Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG Foto: Schoeller Textil AG
Erste Schweizer «Community Mask» mit TESTEX-Label von Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG

Erste Schweizer «Community Mask» mit TESTEX-Label von Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG

Ab sofort ist die erste Stoffmaske mit dem offiziellen Prüflabel «TESTEX Community Mask» bei den beiden Schweizer Textilfirmen Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG erhältlich. Seit Mai haben die beiden Unternehmen bereits ihre Masken mit offizieller Empfehlung der EMPA im Angebot. Die nachhaltigen und wirtschaftlichen Qualitätsprodukte bestehen aus grösstenteils recyceltem Funktionsgewebe, das sich am Ende seines Lebenszyklus wieder recyceln lässt.

Mit dem Produkt der beiden Ostschweizer Firmen Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG erhält der Schweizer Markt nun die erste Textilmaske, welche neu das Label «TESTEX Community Mask» trägt. Gemeinsam mit der EMPA hat TESTEX ein Prüfverfahren entwickelt, bei dem Textilmasken auf Filterfunktion, Spritzwiderstand, Tragekomfort, Wiederverwendbarkeit und zusätzliche Textilverträglichkeit getestet werden. Zwischenzeitlich haben sich zahlreiche Schweizer und internationale Endverbraucher*innen sowie Mitarbeitende von Grosskonzernen (z. B. Verkehrsbetriebe) schon von der Alltagstauglichkeit der Schweizer Community-Masken überzeugt.

Ab sofort ist die erste Stoffmaske mit dem offiziellen Prüflabel «TESTEX Community Mask» bei den beiden Schweizer Textilfirmen Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG erhältlich. Seit Mai haben die beiden Unternehmen bereits ihre Masken mit offizieller Empfehlung der EMPA im Angebot. Die nachhaltigen und wirtschaftlichen Qualitätsprodukte bestehen aus grösstenteils recyceltem Funktionsgewebe, das sich am Ende seines Lebenszyklus wieder recyceln lässt.

Mit dem Produkt der beiden Ostschweizer Firmen Schoeller Textil AG und Forster Rohner AG erhält der Schweizer Markt nun die erste Textilmaske, welche neu das Label «TESTEX Community Mask» trägt. Gemeinsam mit der EMPA hat TESTEX ein Prüfverfahren entwickelt, bei dem Textilmasken auf Filterfunktion, Spritzwiderstand, Tragekomfort, Wiederverwendbarkeit und zusätzliche Textilverträglichkeit getestet werden. Zwischenzeitlich haben sich zahlreiche Schweizer und internationale Endverbraucher*innen sowie Mitarbeitende von Grosskonzernen (z. B. Verkehrsbetriebe) schon von der Alltagstauglichkeit der Schweizer Community-Masken überzeugt.

Recycelbarer Stoff aus 60 Prozent recycelten Fasern
Die hochwertigen Stoffkomponenten der Maske hat das innovative Rheintaler Unternehmen Schoeller Textil AG entwickelt. Das zweilagige Polyester-Gewebe ist innen hydrophil (wasserliebend), aussen hydrophob (wasserabstossend) und zudem antibakteriell ausgerüstet. Dank einer baumwollähnlichen Haptik bietet das Textil einen sehr angenehmen Tragekomfort. Die nachhaltigen Gewebe bestehen aus 60 Prozent recycelten Fasern. Im Rahmen der wear2wear-Recycling-Kooperation ( lassen sich die Masken am Ende ihres Lebenszyklus somit wieder recyceln.

Konfektioniert wird die wiederverwendbare Maske bei der Forster Rohner AG in St. Gallen und in deren Tochtergesellschaften in Europa. Sie überzeugt mit optimaler Passform und geprüfter Hautverträglichkeit. Sämtliche Bestandteile der Maske entsprechen dem OEKO-TEX® Standard 100. Im Prüfverfahren werden zahlreiche reglementierte und nicht reglementierte Substanzen geprüft. Masken mit OEKO-TEX® Standard-100-Auszeichnung sind für den Träger gesundheitlich unbedenklich. Forster Rohner fügt der technisch hochinnovativen Maske zudem eine modische Komponente hinzu. So kreiert das Tochterunternehmen Jakob Schlaepfer AG für die Maske eigene Drucke, wie sie sonst für bekannte Couture- und Prêt-à-Porter-Häuser rund um die Welt entwickelt werden. Neben weissen und einfarbigen Masken entsteht so eine Limited Edition an verfügbaren Druckdesigns oder man kreiert für Grosskunden spezifische Farben oder sogar individuelle Druckdesigns.

Logo Mimaki
Mimaki starts to produce masks

Energiapura: production of masks

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

  • The Italian company, a specialist manufacturer of functional sportswear, conducted research and began producing masks in response to the COVID-19 crisis
  • Using Mimaki sublimation printers, the masks can be customised, getting away from their connotation with hospitals and transforming them into a fashion accessory

From functional sportswear to combatting the spread of the Coronavirus: Energiapura, an Italian company has developed a mask that meets the Class I medical device requirements. The EP PA 2020 (Energiapura Pure Air) facial device, optimised for air filtering and breathability, provides protection while working, and can be reused. But Energiapura has gone even further, branding and customising the masks with sublimation printing.
The EP PA 2020 mask, compliant with 93/42 EEC Medical Devices – Class I washable, meets the essential requirements of UNI EN 14683:2019. Having redirected the manufacturing process, Energiapura is now stepping up production levels to meet the rising demand from hospitals, pharmacies, chemists, companies and consumers.

Pure Air, Energiapura’s mask
The EP PA 2020 is based on a functional concept: protection, breathability and reusability are the main principles. EP PA 2020 is made up of three layers of fabric: the first, the outer layer, is DWR-treated polyester, the second is TNT polyester, providing a filtering function, and the third, which comes into contact with the face, is polyester containing special fibres, such as coolmax and carbon.  Therefore it can be reused via normal washing and steam ironing, which also sterilises it.
The CEO of Enegiapura, Alberto Olivietto explains the idea of the customisation of the mask: “We wanted to disassociate our masks from the hospital image. By decorating them with company branding and designs provided by customers.” This is where the Mimaki JV300 wide-format printer comes in.


Weitere Informationen:
corona virus face masks

(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.