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9 Ergebnisse

PIP Global Safety selected TrusTrace platform for traceability needs

TrusTrace, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company with a platform for supply chain traceability and compliance data management, announced that PIP Global Safety, a supplier of protective workwear equipment with over 30 brands globally, has selected the TrusTrace platform to support its traceability needs, including evidence collection to prove compliance for the UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act).

PIP Global Safety will now leverage verified, real-time data on the TrusTrace platform to provide deeper visibility into the cotton used within the Company’s PPE and workwear products. The partnership will also improve the efficiency of chain of custody data collection for UFLPA compliance – a U.S. regulation that is compelling companies to assess risks in their supply chain and implement processes to ensure that suppliers are not using forced labor.

TrusTrace, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company with a platform for supply chain traceability and compliance data management, announced that PIP Global Safety, a supplier of protective workwear equipment with over 30 brands globally, has selected the TrusTrace platform to support its traceability needs, including evidence collection to prove compliance for the UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act).

PIP Global Safety will now leverage verified, real-time data on the TrusTrace platform to provide deeper visibility into the cotton used within the Company’s PPE and workwear products. The partnership will also improve the efficiency of chain of custody data collection for UFLPA compliance – a U.S. regulation that is compelling companies to assess risks in their supply chain and implement processes to ensure that suppliers are not using forced labor.

PIP Global Safety previously managed their supply chain traceability manually; now, TrusTrace will automate the process, changing how data is collected, digitized and shared. “After an extensive vetting process, we selected TrusTrace as our traceability platform because of their ability to provide us with detailed, product-level data that enables us to thoroughly and accurately map our supply chains,” said Nathan McCormick, Senior VP of Operations & Integrated Supply Chain at PIP Global Safety. “While a lot of laws and regulations around due diligence have not yet come into force, we are taking a proactive approach to ensure that we’re ahead of the curve to support our customers’ needs while proactively monitoring for risk of forced labor in our supply chain.”

In addition to supporting regulatory compliance, TrusTrace supports PIP Global Safety’s long-standing sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. PIP Global Safety has pledged to continually identify opportunities to minimize their environmental footprint while still maximizing protection against occupational hazards. This commitment extends to multiple aspects of the business, including Manufacturing Processes, Sustainability-Driven Programs, Recycled Products, Social Sustainability and Future Initiatives.

Chemikalienschutzanzug (c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein prüft jetzt auch Schutzanzüge und -handschuhe gegen Chemikalien und Infektionserreger

Seit April 2023 prüft und zertifiziert der Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein in zwei neuen Gebieten im Bereich Schutzkleidung: Schutzanzüge und Handschuhe gegen Chemikalien und Infektionserreger. Diese fallen unter die Verordnung (EU) 2016/425 und sind somit Persönliche Schutzausrüstungen (PSA).

Schutzanzüge gegen Infektionserreger kommen bei vielen Arbeiten zum Einsatz: beispielsweise bei Tätigkeiten an Abwasseranlagen, bei der Müllentsorgung, der Pflege von Tieren, der Entsorgung von Risikoabfällen aus Krankenhäusern, usw. Dabei sind die Beschäftigten unbekannten Infektionserregern (Mikroorganismen, Parasiten) ausgesetzt. Die Schutzbekleidung soll Trägerinnen und Träger vor den Medien schützen, in denen die Mikroorganismen enthalten sind, wie Flüssigkeiten, Aerosole oder feste Staubpartikel.

Folgende Typen prüft und zertifiziert Hohenstein:

  • EN 14605: Schutzkleidung gegen flüssige Chemikalien: flüssigkeitsdicht (Typ3) oder spraydicht (Typ 4) sowie die Teilschutz-Typen PB[3] und PB[4]
  • EN 13982-1: Schutzkleidung gegen feste Partikel: Typ 5
  • EN 13034: Schutzkleidung gegen flüssige Chemikalien: Typ 6 und PB[6]

Seit April 2023 prüft und zertifiziert der Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein in zwei neuen Gebieten im Bereich Schutzkleidung: Schutzanzüge und Handschuhe gegen Chemikalien und Infektionserreger. Diese fallen unter die Verordnung (EU) 2016/425 und sind somit Persönliche Schutzausrüstungen (PSA).

Schutzanzüge gegen Infektionserreger kommen bei vielen Arbeiten zum Einsatz: beispielsweise bei Tätigkeiten an Abwasseranlagen, bei der Müllentsorgung, der Pflege von Tieren, der Entsorgung von Risikoabfällen aus Krankenhäusern, usw. Dabei sind die Beschäftigten unbekannten Infektionserregern (Mikroorganismen, Parasiten) ausgesetzt. Die Schutzbekleidung soll Trägerinnen und Träger vor den Medien schützen, in denen die Mikroorganismen enthalten sind, wie Flüssigkeiten, Aerosole oder feste Staubpartikel.

Folgende Typen prüft und zertifiziert Hohenstein:

  • EN 14605: Schutzkleidung gegen flüssige Chemikalien: flüssigkeitsdicht (Typ3) oder spraydicht (Typ 4) sowie die Teilschutz-Typen PB[3] und PB[4]
  • EN 13982-1: Schutzkleidung gegen feste Partikel: Typ 5
  • EN 13034: Schutzkleidung gegen flüssige Chemikalien: Typ 6 und PB[6]


Photo: OCSiAl

OCSiAl: Graphene nanotubes expand textiles’ functionality

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.
In applications where multifunctionality of textile is required, graphene nanotubes overcome the limitations of other conductive materials such as unstable anti-static properties; degradation of strength, or chemical or fire resistance; complicated manufacturing processes; dusty production; carbon contamination on the material’s surface; or limited color options. Recent developments show that graphene nanotubes provide ESD protection to textiles in full compliance with safety standards and without degrading the textile’s resistance to harsh environments, greatly enhancing the value of textiles.
One such example is textiles coated with fluoroelastomer (a polymer that is highly resistant to chemicals) augmented with graphene nanotubes from OCSiAl. Nanotubes provide the material with surface resistivity of 10^6–10^8 Ω/sq compliant with EN, ISO, and ATEX standards for personal protective equipment. This new technology opens the door for the fabric to be used in high-level protective suits, combining exceptional protection from chemicals with electrostatic discharge protection.
Another example is how graphene nanotube technology is being acknowledged as a replacement for metal yarns in fireproof and anti-static textiles, protecting against sparks, splashes of molten metal, high temperatures, and the risk of sudden electrostatic discharge. While metal yarns require a specific knitting process and storage conditions, incorporating nanotubes in a fabric does not require any changes in the manufacturing process as the water-based dispersion is introduced into the fabric at the fluoro-organic treatment stage. The fabric with OCSiAl’s graphene nanotubes has been proven to maintain the pre-set level of ESD protection (surface resistance of 10^7 Ω) after numerous washes.
Permanent and stable electrical conductivity, facilitated by graphene nanotubes, is not only a matter of safety but brings additional value in augmenting dust-repellent properties and touchscreen compatibility for comfort and time savings. At the same time, the ultralow nanotube concentrations result in maintained manufacturing processes and mechanical properties, and improve product aesthetics by making it possible to use a wide range of colors. Altogether, these benefits allow textile manufacturers to create next-generation special textiles with expanded functionality.


Foto: Pincroft

Pincroft: Neuer Tarnstoff für niederländische Soldaten

Der neue Stoff und das Tarnmuster wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem niederländischen Verteidigungsministerium und dessen Defensie Materieel Organisatie entwickelt. Es weist das neue niederländische Fraktalmuster auf und wird von mindestens 480.000 Soldaten weltweit verwendet werden.

Pincroft, größter Textilfärber, -drucker und -veredler im Vereinigten Königreich, hat für das niederländische Verteidigungsministerium ein neues Tarnmuster entwickelt, das Teil des “STRONG”-Programms der Defensie Materieel Organisatie (DMO) ist, und alle Militärangehörigen der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee mit Kampfkleidung und Ausrüstung versorgen soll.

Pincroft folgte den Richtlinien des neuen niederländischen Fraktalmusters (NFP), um ein achtfarbiges Tarnmuster zu entwerfen, das einen hohen Störungsgrad bietet, damit die Soldaten im Bedarfsfall besser getarnt sind. Das neue NFP-Tarnmuster wird in grüner oder waldfarbener Ausführung für Heer, Luftwaffe, Marechaussee und Marineinfanterie hergestellt, während die Marine eine blaue oder marinefarbene Ausführung erhält.

Der neue Stoff und das Tarnmuster wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem niederländischen Verteidigungsministerium und dessen Defensie Materieel Organisatie entwickelt. Es weist das neue niederländische Fraktalmuster auf und wird von mindestens 480.000 Soldaten weltweit verwendet werden.

Pincroft, größter Textilfärber, -drucker und -veredler im Vereinigten Königreich, hat für das niederländische Verteidigungsministerium ein neues Tarnmuster entwickelt, das Teil des “STRONG”-Programms der Defensie Materieel Organisatie (DMO) ist, und alle Militärangehörigen der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee mit Kampfkleidung und Ausrüstung versorgen soll.

Pincroft folgte den Richtlinien des neuen niederländischen Fraktalmusters (NFP), um ein achtfarbiges Tarnmuster zu entwerfen, das einen hohen Störungsgrad bietet, damit die Soldaten im Bedarfsfall besser getarnt sind. Das neue NFP-Tarnmuster wird in grüner oder waldfarbener Ausführung für Heer, Luftwaffe, Marechaussee und Marineinfanterie hergestellt, während die Marine eine blaue oder marinefarbene Ausführung erhält.

Das Gewebe wurde von Carrington Textiles, Hersteller von Berufsbekleidung, speziell nach den Anforderungen des niederländischen Verteidigungsministeriums an Komfort und Schutz entwickelt. Das Ergebnis ist ein leichtes, aber dennoch strapazierfähiges Gewebe mit einer Grammatur von 210 g und einer Zusammensetzung aus 50 % Baumwolle, 50 % hochfestem Nylon und Ripstop für zusätzliche Festigkeit.

Der hohe Baumwollanteil des Gewebes sorgt für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl, da es sich weich anfühlt, atmungsaktiv ist und feuchtigkeitsableitende Eigenschaften aufweist – Schlüsselelemente für die harten Einsatzbedingungen der Soldaten. Die Beimischung von hochfestem Nylon sorgt für zusätzliche Festigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit, wobei die Ripstop-Eigenschaften des Gewebes für Reißfestigkeit sorgen.

Rund 480.000 Hosen und Jacken werden an Offiziere der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee im Rahmen des Uniformierungsprogramms “STRONG” des niederländischen Verteidigungsministeriums geliefert, mit dem die Streitkräfte in den nächsten 18 Monaten mit vielseitigen Uniformen und Ausrüstungen ausgestattet werden sollen, die je nach Einsatz angepasst werden können. Das Paket umfasst auch einen Regenmantel, ein Kampfhemd und eine Baseballkappe.




AkzoNobel launches mosquito-repellent coating

People in Brazil have a new ally in the fight against an invasive carrier of dengue fever – a mosquito-repellent coating developed by AkzoNobel’s Coral brand.
Known as Well-being Protection Anti-Mosquito, the colorless matt varnish contains an active ingredient called permethrin. Its repellent action is specifically designed to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which was largely responsible for dengue cases in Brazil surging 165% during the first few months of 2022 – according to figures from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. As well as spreading dengue, Aedes aegypti can also transmit the zika and chikungunya virus.
When a mosquito lands on the new transparent topcoat, the permethrin is absorbed through its feet and over-excites the insect’s nervous system, causing it to disengage or fall off. Permethrin is a well-known repellent and is commonly used in fabrics for mosquito nets and protective clothing.

People in Brazil have a new ally in the fight against an invasive carrier of dengue fever – a mosquito-repellent coating developed by AkzoNobel’s Coral brand.
Known as Well-being Protection Anti-Mosquito, the colorless matt varnish contains an active ingredient called permethrin. Its repellent action is specifically designed to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which was largely responsible for dengue cases in Brazil surging 165% during the first few months of 2022 – according to figures from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. As well as spreading dengue, Aedes aegypti can also transmit the zika and chikungunya virus.
When a mosquito lands on the new transparent topcoat, the permethrin is absorbed through its feet and over-excites the insect’s nervous system, causing it to disengage or fall off. Permethrin is a well-known repellent and is commonly used in fabrics for mosquito nets and protective clothing.

The effectiveness of Well-being Protection Anti-Mosquito was tested in an independent external laboratory, certified by the Brazilian Network of Analytical Laboratories in Health. All the tests took place on painted walls and ceilings in a life-size house environment and successfully proved that mosquitoes were repelled from the room after contact, with the active ingredient being retained in the varnish matrix.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Coatings Protective Textiles



DSM to showcase armor solutions made with Dyneema® at Milipol Paris 2021

DSM, the inventor and manufacturer of Dyneema®, will be exhibiting at one of the leading events for homeland security and safety, Milipol Paris 2021, from October 19-22.

The performance characteristics of Dyneema® make it ideal for a variety of applications, including soft and hard armor ballistics to protect against today’s advanced and emerging threats. In addition, Dyneema® combines next-generation fiber technology and unidirectional engineering to deliver armor solutions with unmatched ballistic stopping power in a lightweight and flexible composite.

By implementing Dyneema®, body armor manufacturers are able to use less material in the development of their ballistic vests, plates and helmets. This leads to weight savings upwards of 30 percent when compared to competitive materials, without impacting ballistic performance. The lightweight construction of armor made with Dyneema® also mitigates injuries associated with the cumulative effects of daily armor use – while improving situational awareness, as well as cognitive and tactical performance.

DSM, the inventor and manufacturer of Dyneema®, will be exhibiting at one of the leading events for homeland security and safety, Milipol Paris 2021, from October 19-22.

The performance characteristics of Dyneema® make it ideal for a variety of applications, including soft and hard armor ballistics to protect against today’s advanced and emerging threats. In addition, Dyneema® combines next-generation fiber technology and unidirectional engineering to deliver armor solutions with unmatched ballistic stopping power in a lightweight and flexible composite.

By implementing Dyneema®, body armor manufacturers are able to use less material in the development of their ballistic vests, plates and helmets. This leads to weight savings upwards of 30 percent when compared to competitive materials, without impacting ballistic performance. The lightweight construction of armor made with Dyneema® also mitigates injuries associated with the cumulative effects of daily armor use – while improving situational awareness, as well as cognitive and tactical performance.

While decreasing the load on the wearer, Dyneema® is simultaneously able to reduce the impact of material manufacturing on our planet. In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, we have developed the first-ever bio-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber and unidirectional (UD) material. Bio-based Dyneema® boasts the same exact performance as conventional Dyneema® with a carbon footprint that is 90 percent lower than generic HMPE.


DSM Protective Materials / EMG

Freudenberg: Schutz und Flexibilität für Arbeitsbekleidung (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

Freudenberg: Schutz und Flexibilität für Arbeitsbekleidung

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) bietet Herstellern von Arbeits- und Schutzbekleidung eine Reihe effektiver Einlagestoffe, Bänder und Thermo-Isolierungen an. Die Materialien halten nicht nur den verschiedensten Anforderungen im beruflichen Alltag und bei der Reinigung Stand, sondern bieten auch einen ausgezeichneten Komfort.

Innovative Materialien und Herstellungstechnologie
Die für die Workwear Range eingesetzten Vliese, Gewebe und Bänder zeichnen sich durch mehrere Merkmale aus, beispielsweise durch erhöhte Stabilität, Elastizität, Abriebresistenz und windblockende Eigenschaften. Dank der eingesetzten Haftmassentechnologie des weltweit führenden Herstellers technischer Textilien sind einige Produkte besonders widerstandsfähig und haltbar.

Für Schutzbekleidung kommen unter anderem hochflexible und resiliente Einlagestoffe sowie Freudenberg comfortemp® Thermoisolierungen zum Einsatz, die vor Gefahren schützen und Tragekomfort bei jedem Wetter garantieren. Saumbänder und Kantenstabilisierungen sorgen darüber hinaus für optimalen Sitz und reflektierende Bänder für zusätzliche Sicherheit.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) bietet Herstellern von Arbeits- und Schutzbekleidung eine Reihe effektiver Einlagestoffe, Bänder und Thermo-Isolierungen an. Die Materialien halten nicht nur den verschiedensten Anforderungen im beruflichen Alltag und bei der Reinigung Stand, sondern bieten auch einen ausgezeichneten Komfort.

Innovative Materialien und Herstellungstechnologie
Die für die Workwear Range eingesetzten Vliese, Gewebe und Bänder zeichnen sich durch mehrere Merkmale aus, beispielsweise durch erhöhte Stabilität, Elastizität, Abriebresistenz und windblockende Eigenschaften. Dank der eingesetzten Haftmassentechnologie des weltweit führenden Herstellers technischer Textilien sind einige Produkte besonders widerstandsfähig und haltbar.

Für Schutzbekleidung kommen unter anderem hochflexible und resiliente Einlagestoffe sowie Freudenberg comfortemp® Thermoisolierungen zum Einsatz, die vor Gefahren schützen und Tragekomfort bei jedem Wetter garantieren. Saumbänder und Kantenstabilisierungen sorgen darüber hinaus für optimalen Sitz und reflektierende Bänder für zusätzliche Sicherheit.

Aktiver Beitrag zu Nachhaltigkeit
Zudem bestehen viele Produkte der Workwear Range von Freudenberg zu einem hohen Prozentsatz aus recyceltem Polyester aus PET-Flaschen.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

DSM/MKU Ltd: High-performance, lightweight ballistic protection in Brazil (c) DSM Protective Materials: DSMPMPR007

DSM/MKU Ltd: High-performance, lightweight ballistic protection in Brazil

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, announced that, together with armor manufacturing partner, MKU Ltd, has provided next generation armor technology with Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material to support the Sao Paulo police.

The Sao Paulo police, which is comprised of more than 100,000 officers, is the first law enforcement agency in Brazil to initiate a tender for personal protective equipment based on the latest National Institute of Justice (NIJ) .06 standards for body armor, which provide comprehensive and rigorous compliance for the performance and testing of ballistic materials. In addition to NIJ .06 certification, the tender set extremely lightweight requirements for level IIIA soft armor vests.

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, announced that, together with armor manufacturing partner, MKU Ltd, has provided next generation armor technology with Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material to support the Sao Paulo police.

The Sao Paulo police, which is comprised of more than 100,000 officers, is the first law enforcement agency in Brazil to initiate a tender for personal protective equipment based on the latest National Institute of Justice (NIJ) .06 standards for body armor, which provide comprehensive and rigorous compliance for the performance and testing of ballistic materials. In addition to NIJ .06 certification, the tender set extremely lightweight requirements for level IIIA soft armor vests.

The hybrid vest solution developed MKU, a global leader in defense and homeland security solutions, for the Sao Paulo police utilizes predominantly Dyneema® UD material to reach new levels of performance and protection while simultaneously enhancing user comfort and mobility. Dyneema®, a strong and light fiber, is the one of leading global brands for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) fiber, UD and fabrics, offering ballistic solutions for personal and vehicle armor that combine maximum strength with minimum weight.

In soft armor applications, Dyneema® offers up to 35 percent weight reduction when compared to competitive materials, while still protecting against both legacy and emerging threats.

In addition to the lightweight armor requirement, the vests were also thoroughly tested to ensure performance with NIJ ballistic reports, NIJ certification and in-house ballistic testing both during the tender process and after the vests were received.

In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, one of the world’s first ever bio-based HMPE fibers was introduced in 2020.

Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025 ©Research and Markets
Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025

Protective Textiles Market Analysis to 2025

The global protective textiles market is expected to reach USD 7.78 billion by 2025, according to this new report. The market is expected to witness growth at 3.4% CAGR owing to increasing industrial fatalities in developing economies owing to the lack of protective gear coupled with growing awareness of worker's health and safety are expected to drive the market growth.

The increasing importance of raw materials that offer features such as lightweight, comfort, higher heat resistance, and wear & tear resistance for workwear has been a significant incentive for companies to conduct R&D activities extensively. The initiatives are mainly intended at attaining multi-functionality of workwear fabrics and rise its application scope. Improving product designs and specifications are expected to provide market participants with immense opportunities over the forecast period.

The global protective textiles market is expected to reach USD 7.78 billion by 2025, according to this new report. The market is expected to witness growth at 3.4% CAGR owing to increasing industrial fatalities in developing economies owing to the lack of protective gear coupled with growing awareness of worker's health and safety are expected to drive the market growth.

The increasing importance of raw materials that offer features such as lightweight, comfort, higher heat resistance, and wear & tear resistance for workwear has been a significant incentive for companies to conduct R&D activities extensively. The initiatives are mainly intended at attaining multi-functionality of workwear fabrics and rise its application scope. Improving product designs and specifications are expected to provide market participants with immense opportunities over the forecast period.

Ballistic protective apparel is estimated to witness the highest penetration and growth over the projected period, owing to the increasing use of high performance protective textiles in the military sector. Defense sector holds the largest market segment in the global ballistic fabrics industry and is anticipated to have remarkable growth over the next few years driven by rising concerns over national security and escalating geopolitical unrests.

Further key findings from the report suggest:

  • The heat and flame-resistant garments application segment was worth USD 1.21 billion in 2016 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of around 3%, owing to rising demand in end-use industries such as oil & gas, refineries, iron & steel plants, and aluminum plants
  • Mechanical protective clothing in the U.S. accounted for over 17% of the total revenue in 2016
  • Chemical defending garments segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2017 to 2025
  • Electrical protection apparel is estimated to reach USD 637.1 million by 2025 and is projected to witness moderate growth over the next few years
  • In the application of surgical garments, the protective textiles play a significant role in the absorption of excessive heat during surgical procedures from the body, which is estimated to raise the product demand for health care sector
  • The market in North America is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 3.5% over the next decade to reach a net worth exceeding USD 2.30 million by 2025
  • Asia Pacific is projected to witness the maximum growth over the next nine years. The region accounted for 19.1% of the total revenue in 2016
  • Key players such as DuPont, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc., Royal Ten Cate NV, and Schoeller Textil AG dominated the global protective textile market over the past few years

Companies Mentioned:

- W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
- DuPont
- Royal Ten Cate NV
- DyStar Group
- Kusumgar Corporates
- Madhuram Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.
- Schoeller Textil AG
- PBI Performance Products, Inc.
- Teijin Limited
- Marina Textil S.L.
- ARGAR S.r.l

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Weitere Informationen:
Market Research Protective Textiles

Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin