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(c) PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Premium Group reveals first highlights of the new event cosmos

From 7 - 9 July, the who's who of the fashion industry and the entire fashion ecosystem will finally meet again in person at the events of the Premium Group at Messe Berlin! For business and exchange, for new experiences and impulses, for new brands and above all for one thing: for a new togetherness!

As usual, the trade shows PREMIUM and SEEK as well as the conference format FASHIONTECH are reserved for business professionals - who can find inspiration on site entirely. With the new D2C festival ‘The Ground – Celebration of Style & Culture’, young consumers and fashion enthusiasts from GenZ and GenY as well as the international community living in Berlin are invited to the exhibition grounds for the first time.

From 7 - 9 July, the who's who of the fashion industry and the entire fashion ecosystem will finally meet again in person at the events of the Premium Group at Messe Berlin! For business and exchange, for new experiences and impulses, for new brands and above all for one thing: for a new togetherness!

As usual, the trade shows PREMIUM and SEEK as well as the conference format FASHIONTECH are reserved for business professionals - who can find inspiration on site entirely. With the new D2C festival ‘The Ground – Celebration of Style & Culture’, young consumers and fashion enthusiasts from GenZ and GenY as well as the international community living in Berlin are invited to the exhibition grounds for the first time.

More than fashion: 360-degree inspiration at The Ground Festival
At The Ground, industry professionals meet young enthusiasts to inspire each other and discover new worlds. The Ground presents a completely new mix of topics, brands and partners around beauty, music, sport, play, soul and talks. Fashion is the connecting element of The Ground and runs through all areas. Creative and interactive brand presentations meet pre-loved and vintage store pop-ups, inspiring panel talks, sports and mental health workshops and live performances.

In the name of peace and unity: The Ground Festival opened by #FashionUnites Parade
On 7 July, the first The Ground Festival will open with a colourful parade through the capital. Together with the PLATTE.Berlin community, The Ground is organising a parade under the motto #FashionUnites starting at noon from the Victory Column through the west to the festival location of the Berlin exhibition centre. Accompanied by a Berlin DJ, everyone is invited to take part in the parade and can register here and thus also receive free access to The Ground on the first day of the festival.

High-profile charity campaign: The Ground launches 'MUST-HAVE PEACE Merch Collection'
Due to the ongoing war situation in Ukraine, the makers behind The Ground have launched a charity campaign: the MUST-HAVE PEACE Merch Collection. In this exclusive collaboration, players and brands such as Closed, Drykorn, Eastpak, Lala Berlin, Lee and others design one piece of merch each (denim jackets, shirts, shorts, bags) that can be bought during The Ground Festival.

New hub for sustainability: the SEEK Conscious Club
SEEK has always been a magnet for brands and people who have a common vision, tackle things and get them on the road. With the new SEEK Conscious Club, there will be a separate exhibition area focusing on sustainability - more than 80 sustainable brands are joining the club already.

New brand worlds at PREMIUM
This July, PREMIUM will be divided into three sections for the first time: High, Icon and Volume. High is the new home for brands that operate in the market above the premium segment. These include Lala Berlin, Nove, Helene Galwas and Jane Kønig. Icon covers the classic premium segment from Strellson and Seidensticker to Mos Mosh and Denham to Young Poets Society and Fabienne Chapot, and Volume is the new area for commercially successful brands that approach premium from the middle of the market. Here you will find brands like Gerry Weber, Mexx, Pierre Cardin or Miracle of Denim.

The Content Stage program
The stage program will reflect all relevant topics of the fashion ecosystem as part of the new Premium Group cosmos.

  • It starts on the first day of the fair, Thursday 7 July, with the popular FASHIONTECH conference.
  • On 8 July, the SEEK Conscious Club will host an extensive stage program on the subject of sustainability in all its facets for the first time.
  • On Saturday, 9 July, the stage will become the entertainment spotlight for The Ground visitors.

Frankfurt Fashion Week: „Zeit des Umdenkens“

„Die Zeit des Hinterfragens ist vorbei, jetzt heißt es umdenken und verändern. Und zwar schnell. Was sind die drängendsten Themen? Welchen Impact hat wer in der Branche? Und wie können Verbesserungen bewirkt werden?“ Diesen und vielen anderen Themen widmet sich die Frankfurt Fashion Week mit ihrem digitalen Portal FFW STUDIO auf vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021.

Vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 bringt die Frankfurt Fashion Week international namhafte Expert*innen aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien zusammen, um sich diesem Thema zu widmen und an fünf Tagen seine Facetten kontrovers zu diskutieren. So wird das FFW STUDIO auf das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und erste Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das übergreifende Ziel ist es, etwas zu verändern und gleichzeitig dafür zu sensibilisieren, welch großen Einfluss diese global agierende Branche hat, und wie ihre Akteur*innen diesen positiv gestalten können.

„Die Zeit des Hinterfragens ist vorbei, jetzt heißt es umdenken und verändern. Und zwar schnell. Was sind die drängendsten Themen? Welchen Impact hat wer in der Branche? Und wie können Verbesserungen bewirkt werden?“ Diesen und vielen anderen Themen widmet sich die Frankfurt Fashion Week mit ihrem digitalen Portal FFW STUDIO auf vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021.

Vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 bringt die Frankfurt Fashion Week international namhafte Expert*innen aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien zusammen, um sich diesem Thema zu widmen und an fünf Tagen seine Facetten kontrovers zu diskutieren. So wird das FFW STUDIO auf das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und erste Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das übergreifende Ziel ist es, etwas zu verändern und gleichzeitig dafür zu sensibilisieren, welch großen Einfluss diese global agierende Branche hat, und wie ihre Akteur*innen diesen positiv gestalten können.

Das Programm rund um das Leitthema Nachhaltigkeit setzt sich insbesondere zusammen aus Thought Leadership Talks, Interviews und hochkarätig besetzten Podiumsdiskussionen der drei Live-Konferenzen „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, „Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit“ und „Fashionsustain“. Die Themen beleuchten Nachhaltigkeit aus den unterschiedlichsten Aspekten der Branche. Das gesamte, umfangreiche Programm der drei Konferenzen wird im Laufe des Junis sukzessive bekanntgegeben.

Der Programmüberblick Sustainability ist als Download beigefügt.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH