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16 Ergebnisse

Polartec: New Initiative “Beyond Begins Today”

Since inventing the first fleece crafted from recycled plastic water bottles more than three decades ago, Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, and the creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, has upheld its pledge to protect the environment.

With its new Beyond Begins Today initiative, Polartec aims to raise awareness around the important global themes of sustainability, diversity and positive change.

Polartec is engaged to make the goal of zero waste a reality – from using 100% recycled and plant-based materials, to delivering certified waste reductions and innovative technologies that reduce the impact of its activities.

Since inventing the first fleece crafted from recycled plastic water bottles more than three decades ago, Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, and the creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, has upheld its pledge to protect the environment.

With its new Beyond Begins Today initiative, Polartec aims to raise awareness around the important global themes of sustainability, diversity and positive change.

Polartec is engaged to make the goal of zero waste a reality – from using 100% recycled and plant-based materials, to delivering certified waste reductions and innovative technologies that reduce the impact of its activities.

Beyond Begins Today is a multifaceted campaign featuring static and multimedia content, including short films released throughout the year via multiple touchpoints and channels – the first of which will be released on Earth Day 2024 to underscore the underlying premise that the future is what we make it. Polartec’s commitment to sustainable solutions go beyond the integration of increasingly advanced manufacturing methods or the ongoing exploration of novel fibers, and continued investments in sustainable materials development.

Polartec’s promises that every product launches in 2024 will either reduce the impact on the planet, endure the test of time, or contribute to circularity processes. Beyond Begins Today looks at how Polartec fabrics are made to last, and made to be used and enjoyed from one generation to the next and beyond. It explores the innovative monomaterials, repurposed plastic and plant-based nylon membranes and fabrics that Polartec uses to set new standards for high performance materials and the ambitious climate-related objectives across the entire value chain that exceed existing mandates. This holistic strategy shall allow Polartec to stay at the forefront of its industry by producing top-notch textiles that champion environmental stewardship and pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.


Akimbo Communications for Polartec

VW Bild: Simon, Pixabay

Start up Re-Fresh Global und SOEX: erste Prototypen für VW

Re-Fresh Global und Soex Textile Recycling Company kooperieren mit dem Ziel, den ersten vollständigen Recyclingkreislauf für Textilabfälle aufzubauen und Produktmuster für den Volkswagen Konzern zu produzieren.

Re-Fresh Global, ein Pionier in der nachhaltigen Textilindustrie, gab Ende 2023 die Partnerschaft mit dem Textilrecyclingunternehmen SOEX bekannt. Diese soll die Realisierung eines vollständigen Altkleider-Recyclingkreislaufs durch die Herstellung erster Demonstratorteile für den Volkswagen Konzern ermöglicht.

ReFresh Global Re-SanPulp™ produziert ein upgecyceltes Polyestergewebe, aus dem erste Demonstratorteile für den Kofferraum eines aktuellen Modells des Volkswagen Konzerns entstehen.

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Zusammenarbeit, die mit Unterstützung der Volkswagen Group Innovation und insbesondere von Konnect, dem Volkswagen Group Innovation Hub in Tel Aviv, ermöglicht wurde, steht die Schaffung eines geschlossenen Recyclingsystems für Textilabfälle. Die Automobilindustrie, die mit erheblichen ökologischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, ist einer der Sektoren, die stark von einer solchen End-to-End-Lösung profitieren können.

Re-Fresh Global und Soex Textile Recycling Company kooperieren mit dem Ziel, den ersten vollständigen Recyclingkreislauf für Textilabfälle aufzubauen und Produktmuster für den Volkswagen Konzern zu produzieren.

Re-Fresh Global, ein Pionier in der nachhaltigen Textilindustrie, gab Ende 2023 die Partnerschaft mit dem Textilrecyclingunternehmen SOEX bekannt. Diese soll die Realisierung eines vollständigen Altkleider-Recyclingkreislaufs durch die Herstellung erster Demonstratorteile für den Volkswagen Konzern ermöglicht.

ReFresh Global Re-SanPulp™ produziert ein upgecyceltes Polyestergewebe, aus dem erste Demonstratorteile für den Kofferraum eines aktuellen Modells des Volkswagen Konzerns entstehen.

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Zusammenarbeit, die mit Unterstützung der Volkswagen Group Innovation und insbesondere von Konnect, dem Volkswagen Group Innovation Hub in Tel Aviv, ermöglicht wurde, steht die Schaffung eines geschlossenen Recyclingsystems für Textilabfälle. Die Automobilindustrie, die mit erheblichen ökologischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, ist einer der Sektoren, die stark von einer solchen End-to-End-Lösung profitieren können.

Die Etablierung eines geschlossenen Kreislaufsystems für die Verwertung von Textilabfällen bedeutet, dass das Material aus den getragenen Textilien, die für die Herstellung der Volkswagen INTERN Demonstratorteile verwendet werden, nach ihrer Lebensdauer nicht einfach weggeworfen, sondern wiederverwendet, recycelt und in einen wertschöpfenden Produktionsprozess integriert wurde.

Der nächste Schritt der Partnerschaft ist der Aufbau der End-to-End-Lösung von Re-Fresh Global auf dem SOEX-Gelände, der SMART-UP Microfactory in der der volle Prozess der Textilabfallumwandlung entwickelt wird. Dazu gehört die Verarbeitung aller Arten von Alttextil, sowohl aus synthetischen wie aus natürlichen Quellen in hochwertige Rohstoffe, um so den Ressourcenverbrauch zu reduzieren. Aus den synthetischen Rohstoffen, sogenannten Multifunktionsfasern (Re-SanPulp™), entstand erstmals ein Produkt für die Automobilindustrie. Auch die aus natürlichen Fasern gewonnenen Materialien, Re-Thanol™ und Re-Nano™ werden in einer Mehrzahl von produzierenden Industrien als Alternative zu Neuware („virgin materials“) eingesetzt.

Roland Hovestadt, CEO der SOEX Textile Recycling Company, sieht in der Etablierung internationaler Innovationsprojekte eine große Chance für die gesamte Textilindustrie: "Indem wir in die Weiterentwicklung von Recyclingprozessen investieren und innovative Lösungen wie die von Re-Fresh Global fördern, die in bestehende Recyclingprozesse integriert sind, können wir die gesamte Branche in Richtung einer zirkulären Transformation führen. Am Ende profitieren alle, denn so bleiben wir zukunftsfähig."

In Europa fallen jährlich rund 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilabfälle an. Die Textilindustrie ist weltweit der viertgrößte Verursacher des Klimawandels. Mit der Methode von Re-Fresh Global könnten bis zu 98 % der anfallenden Textilabfälle recycelt werden. Die EU hat bereits Verordnungsentwürfe vorgelegt, und die Branche muss mit strengen Auflagen rechnen. Ziel ist es, die Textilindustrie zu einem integralen Bestandteil einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu entwickeln. Die Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung (EPR) für Textilien, die Richtlinien für das Produktrecycling beinhaltet, ist in einigen europäischen Ländern bereits gesetzlich verankert.



nb communications

Polartec PS Photo Polartec

Polartec: Plant-based nylon resulting in a 50% lower carbon footprint vs. virgin nylon

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Ramesh Kesh, Senior Vice President – Government & Defense and Polartec at Milliken & Company said, “For a long time, many thought that sustainable options meant a loss in performance, like durability, Polartec has proved that this is not the case. Challenging a technology already considered to be at the pinnacle of performance was a big ask yet the team at Polartec rose to that challenge and we believe we have created a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics.” 

Weitere Informationen:
Polartec Biolon nylon

Abi Youcha (Akimbo Communication)


Kelheim Fibres und MagnoLab kooperieren

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres kooperiert mit MagnoLab, einem internationalen Netzwerk von Textilunternehmen in der Biella-Region, Italien.

Die Partnerschaft mit MagnoLab zeigt die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Unternehmen, um die Innovationskraft und Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie voranzutreiben. Kelheim Fibres versteht sich nicht nur als Faserlieferant, sondern als Innovationspartner für die gesamte Branche. Mit seinem Open Innovation-Ansatz fördert Kelheim Fibres den Austausch von Ideen und Wissen, um gemeinsam mit Partnern nachhaltige Lösungen für die Zukunft zu entwickeln.

Kelheim Fibres selbst betreibt zahlreiche Pilot- und Technikumsanlagen. Das Unternehmen sieht in der engen Zusammenarbeit mit MagnoLab, das mit verschiedensten hochmodernen Textilmaschinen ausgestattet ist, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung einer effizienteren Forschung und Entwicklung.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres kooperiert mit MagnoLab, einem internationalen Netzwerk von Textilunternehmen in der Biella-Region, Italien.

Die Partnerschaft mit MagnoLab zeigt die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Unternehmen, um die Innovationskraft und Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie voranzutreiben. Kelheim Fibres versteht sich nicht nur als Faserlieferant, sondern als Innovationspartner für die gesamte Branche. Mit seinem Open Innovation-Ansatz fördert Kelheim Fibres den Austausch von Ideen und Wissen, um gemeinsam mit Partnern nachhaltige Lösungen für die Zukunft zu entwickeln.

Kelheim Fibres selbst betreibt zahlreiche Pilot- und Technikumsanlagen. Das Unternehmen sieht in der engen Zusammenarbeit mit MagnoLab, das mit verschiedensten hochmodernen Textilmaschinen ausgestattet ist, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung einer effizienteren Forschung und Entwicklung.

Die Kooperation ermöglicht praxistaugliche Tests und beschleunigt so die Umsetzung von Innovationen. Sie trägt insgesamt zu einer engeren Vernetzung der europäischen und damit der regionalen Wertschöpfungskette bei. Dank kurzer Transportwege innerhalb Europas wird nicht nur die Umweltbelastung verringert, sondern auch die Realisierung von Innovationen in Europa begünstigt.

Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development, Marketing & Communications bei Kelheim Fibres, betont die Vorteile der Zusammenarbeit: "Durch die enge Vernetzung mit den bei MagnoLab organisierten Unternehmen, können wir kleinere Mengen an Mustern und Prototypen mit ganz verschiedenen Technologien herstellen. So können wir Lösungen entwickeln, die auf unseren Spezialfasern basieren und die direkt in die Produktionsanlagen unserer Partner in der textilen Wertschöpfungskette übertragen werden können."

Weitere Informationen:
Kelheim Fibres MagnoLab Kooperation

Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Geno and Aquafil

Geno and Aquafil: Pre-commercial production for plant-based nylon-6

Genomatica (Geno) alongside longtime collaborator Aquafil [ECNL:IM] successfully completed the first demonstration scale production runs for plant-based nylon-6. The material is intended to reshape the $22B nylon industry, enabling brands to meet demand from consumers for sustainable everyday materials from apparel to automotive parts to carpets. Geno and Aquafil have produced the first several tons of plant-based nylon-6 building block caprolactam, have converted it to nylon-6 polymer, and are now in the process of transforming it for evaluation in nylon applications such as yarns for textile and carpet and engineering plastics as part of pre-commercial quantities from demonstration production taking place in Europe.

The companies have been collaborating to first produce pilot-scale quantities of plant-based nylon-6 and have now advanced to produce pre-commercial quantities at demonstration scale which will help determine the final design of future commercial plants. The material will go to leading global brands and their value chain partners who are eager to explore and develop renewable products, create showcase goods and test feedback with customers.

Genomatica (Geno) alongside longtime collaborator Aquafil [ECNL:IM] successfully completed the first demonstration scale production runs for plant-based nylon-6. The material is intended to reshape the $22B nylon industry, enabling brands to meet demand from consumers for sustainable everyday materials from apparel to automotive parts to carpets. Geno and Aquafil have produced the first several tons of plant-based nylon-6 building block caprolactam, have converted it to nylon-6 polymer, and are now in the process of transforming it for evaluation in nylon applications such as yarns for textile and carpet and engineering plastics as part of pre-commercial quantities from demonstration production taking place in Europe.

The companies have been collaborating to first produce pilot-scale quantities of plant-based nylon-6 and have now advanced to produce pre-commercial quantities at demonstration scale which will help determine the final design of future commercial plants. The material will go to leading global brands and their value chain partners who are eager to explore and develop renewable products, create showcase goods and test feedback with customers.

Plant-based nylon-6 is Geno’s third major product line on a path to commercialization. The company has executed high impact deals with a range of brands to accelerate the global commercialization of sustainable materials, with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 100 million tons in upcoming years. Recent milestones advancing the sustainable materials transition include: a collaboration with lululemon (NASDAQ: LULU) to bring plant-based materials into lululemon’s products, a production milestone with partner Covestro (OTCMKTS: COVTY) for plant-based HMD used in sustainable coatings, and a partnership with Asahi Kasei (OTCMKTS: AHKSY) and a newly formed venture with Unilever (NASDAQ: UL) to commercialize and scale plant-based alternatives to feedstocks like palm oil or fossil fuels, to make key ingredients used in everyday cleaning and personal care products.


method communications

(c) Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix® receives recognition for pure white CELLIANT

Hologenix® announces that its newest innovation has achieved two recognitions. In addition to being a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24, pure white CELLIANT has been shortlisted in the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022 Awards. The company is sharing the spotlight with recognized brands such as H&M, Sweaty Betty and Timberland. According to Drapers, the leading authority on fashion retailing in the UK since 1887, which sponsors these awards annually, this year they received the most entries ever, making them very competitive.

To create pure white CELLIANT rPET fiber, Hologenix developed a strategic partnership with the Ireland-based Wellman International Limited, a fully owned subsidiary of Indorama Ventures. Indorama Ventures is investing $1.5 billion on sustainability initiatives, allowing them to recycle 50 billion PET bottles globally by 2025 to support the growth of the circular economy. Wellman International has been a pioneer of recycling technologies for almost 50 years, offering specialist solutions for the medical, hygiene, automotive, home care and apparel sectors.  

Hologenix® announces that its newest innovation has achieved two recognitions. In addition to being a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24, pure white CELLIANT has been shortlisted in the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022 Awards. The company is sharing the spotlight with recognized brands such as H&M, Sweaty Betty and Timberland. According to Drapers, the leading authority on fashion retailing in the UK since 1887, which sponsors these awards annually, this year they received the most entries ever, making them very competitive.

To create pure white CELLIANT rPET fiber, Hologenix developed a strategic partnership with the Ireland-based Wellman International Limited, a fully owned subsidiary of Indorama Ventures. Indorama Ventures is investing $1.5 billion on sustainability initiatives, allowing them to recycle 50 billion PET bottles globally by 2025 to support the growth of the circular economy. Wellman International has been a pioneer of recycling technologies for almost 50 years, offering specialist solutions for the medical, hygiene, automotive, home care and apparel sectors.  

Pure white CELLIANT rPET fiber is sustainably manufactured, with a low-impact supply chain. It is achieved by embedding bioceramic materials, that are naturally derived and ethically sourced, into fibers, yarns and fabrics. Wellman International has converted 100% of pure white CELLIANT Polyester production into rPET. This conversion to rPET has been implemented across all CELLIANT product categories, replacing traditional polyester and dramatically enhancing CELLIANT’s sustainability initiatives.

Pure white CELLIANT is recognized as a Class 1 medical device in the European Union and is able to carry the CE mark. Like CELLIANT, pure white CELLIANT captures and converts body heat into infrared energy, powering bio-responsive textiles. This energy is reflected back to the body, resulting in increased local circulation and cellular oxygenation. These advantages have a variety of wellness benefits, including stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep, as well as many functional properties such as thermoregulation, quick-dry properties and odor inhibition.  

Wellman International distributes pure white CELLIANT fibers across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the USA.


Hologenix, LLC / Sarah P. Fletcher Communications


PrimaLoft, Inc.: Manish Jain neuer Senior VP, Technology and Development,

  • Erfahrener Fasertechnologie-Experte soll Innovationen in der Materialforschung voranbringen

PrimaLoft, Inc., Spezialist für zukunftsweisende Materialtechnologien, gab mit Manish Jain den Namen seines neuen Senior Vice President, Technology and Development, bekannt. Jain ist Nachfolger von Vanessa Mason, die sich dieses Jahr von ihrer Stelle als Senior Vice President, Engineering, zurückzieht.

Während der kommenden Monate werden Mason und Jain eng zusammenarbeiten, um einen nahtlosen Übergang zu ermöglichen. Danach will PrimaLoft Mason als externe Beraterin auf Projektbasis ins Boot holen.

Jain ist eine versierte Führungskraft in den Bereichen Forschung und Produktentwicklung mit einem robusten Hintergrund in F&E, Produktmanagement, Unternehmensentwicklung und operativem Geschäft. Zuletzt war Jain als Vice President of R&D and Technology bei Crane Currency tätig, wo er für Innovationen im Bereich Substrate (Banknoten und Sicherheitspapiere), Sicherheitsfäden, Fasern und mikrooptische Sicherheitselemente mit verantwortlich war.

  • Erfahrener Fasertechnologie-Experte soll Innovationen in der Materialforschung voranbringen

PrimaLoft, Inc., Spezialist für zukunftsweisende Materialtechnologien, gab mit Manish Jain den Namen seines neuen Senior Vice President, Technology and Development, bekannt. Jain ist Nachfolger von Vanessa Mason, die sich dieses Jahr von ihrer Stelle als Senior Vice President, Engineering, zurückzieht.

Während der kommenden Monate werden Mason und Jain eng zusammenarbeiten, um einen nahtlosen Übergang zu ermöglichen. Danach will PrimaLoft Mason als externe Beraterin auf Projektbasis ins Boot holen.

Jain ist eine versierte Führungskraft in den Bereichen Forschung und Produktentwicklung mit einem robusten Hintergrund in F&E, Produktmanagement, Unternehmensentwicklung und operativem Geschäft. Zuletzt war Jain als Vice President of R&D and Technology bei Crane Currency tätig, wo er für Innovationen im Bereich Substrate (Banknoten und Sicherheitspapiere), Sicherheitsfäden, Fasern und mikrooptische Sicherheitselemente mit verantwortlich war.

Davor leitete Jain die Abteilung für Materialforschung und Prozesstechnologie bei Albany International Corp. in New York, wo er verantwortlich war für Rohstoffbeschaffung, Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Qualitätssicherung und Produktentwicklung.

„Wir freuen uns, dass Manish jetzt zur PrimaLoft-Familie gehört“, so Präsident und CEO von PrimaLoft, Mike Joyce. „Manish hat Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung mit Innovationen in der Fasertechnologie im Gepäck. In Kombination mit seinen umfassenden Kenntnissen rund um technische Materialien und Polymer-Prozesse macht ihn auch seine reichhaltige Management-Erfahrung zum idealen Kandidaten, um die technische Entwicklung unseres Unternehmens weiter voranzubringen.“

Weitere Informationen:

crystal communications GmbH

(c) Hologenix

Hologenix: Pure White Celliant wins ISPO Textrends Award

Hologenix® is pleased to announce that its newest innovation – pure white CELLIANT® – is a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24. Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. It’s no surprise that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared technology can be embedded in fibers and for those fibers to be pure white, has achieved this honor. Pure white expands the potential applications of CELLIANT to crisp white performance and athleisure apparel, athletic uniforms and jerseys, towels, bedding, baby clothes, medical apparel and more, while maintaining its well-known wellness benefits. Pure white is the foundation that makes delicate pastel fabrics, as well as any color, possible.

Hologenix® is pleased to announce that its newest innovation – pure white CELLIANT® – is a Top Ten winner in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2023/24. Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. It’s no surprise that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared technology can be embedded in fibers and for those fibers to be pure white, has achieved this honor. Pure white expands the potential applications of CELLIANT to crisp white performance and athleisure apparel, athletic uniforms and jerseys, towels, bedding, baby clothes, medical apparel and more, while maintaining its well-known wellness benefits. Pure white is the foundation that makes delicate pastel fabrics, as well as any color, possible.

Pure white CELLIANT still captures and converts body heat into infrared energy, increasing local circulation, aiding in temperature regulation and promoting stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep. Pure white CELLIANT is also still made from ethically sourced minerals from the earth and is available in nylon, polyester and recycled polyester fibers, while retaining the natural characteristics of the polymer.

This award follows on the heels of the 2022/23 ISPO Textrends Awards finalist selection of CELLIANT viscose in the Fibers and Insulations category, which features CELLIANT embedded into plant-based fibers.  “We are honored to achieve this recognition from ISPO for our pure white CELLIANT,” said Courtney OKeefe, Chief Supply Chain Officer for Hologenix. “This new formulation took years of work to achieve and is a testament to the dedication and talent of our global research team. We are also very proud to be able to state that we now have two ISPO-recognized fibers.”

Weitere Informationen:
Hologenix Celliant Sportswear Fibers

Hologenix, LLC / Sarah P. Fletcher Communications 


AMSilk & Mercedes-Benz: Sustainable car door pulls

  • AMSilk Partners with Mercedes-Benz to Present a Sustainable Bio-Based Product
  • The use of a biotechnology-based and certified-vegan silk-like fabric marks a first in the automotive sector

AMSilk GmbH (“AMSilk”), a leader in supplying innovative high-performance bio-based silk materials, announced a partnership with Mercedes-Benz, for the development of novel, sustainable car door pulls, as part of the car manufacturer’s latest technology programme, the VISION EQXX.

The new concept car, VISION EQXX, features innovative interior materials, revealing a way forward for luxury design that conserves resources and is in balance with nature. Among the organic interior design features are new door pulls made from AMSilk’s Biosteel® fiber. This high-strength, certified-vegan, silk-like fabric is made using AMSilk’s proprietary biotechnology expertise. AMSilk is the world’s first industrial supplier of vegan silk biopolymers which are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and zero-waste.

  • AMSilk Partners with Mercedes-Benz to Present a Sustainable Bio-Based Product
  • The use of a biotechnology-based and certified-vegan silk-like fabric marks a first in the automotive sector

AMSilk GmbH (“AMSilk”), a leader in supplying innovative high-performance bio-based silk materials, announced a partnership with Mercedes-Benz, for the development of novel, sustainable car door pulls, as part of the car manufacturer’s latest technology programme, the VISION EQXX.

The new concept car, VISION EQXX, features innovative interior materials, revealing a way forward for luxury design that conserves resources and is in balance with nature. Among the organic interior design features are new door pulls made from AMSilk’s Biosteel® fiber. This high-strength, certified-vegan, silk-like fabric is made using AMSilk’s proprietary biotechnology expertise. AMSilk is the world’s first industrial supplier of vegan silk biopolymers which are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and zero-waste.

Marking a first in the automotive sector, AMSilk’s Biosteel® provides a solution to the car industry whose need to replace petroleum-based content by natural, bio-based materials is increasingly growing.
This new project is the most efficient electric vehicle Mercedes-Benz has ever built and marks a new expression of efficiency and sustainability in interior design. The all-electric VISION EQXX was unveiled in a digital world premiere on the “Mercedes me” media online platform.

Ulrich Scherbel, Chief Executive Officer of AMSilk said: “We are extremely proud to partner with Mercedes-Benz on the technology programme VISION EQXX, providing sustainable interior design solutions from our best-in-class bio-based fibers. Amid a fresh wave of ambitious climate pledges, we are proud to be playing a leading role in providing solutions for a zero-waste future.”


Optimum Strategic Communications for AMSilk GmbH

Photo: Centa-Star

CENTA-STAR introduces Product with CELLIANT®

Materials science innovation pioneer Hologenix, LLC, whose CELLIANT® infrared technology is an ingredient in brands across many categories, has another important partner, bedding specialist Centa-Star. Based in Stuttgart, Germany and available throughout Europe, Centa-Star has introduced a new line of “Regeneration” duvets and pillows infused with CELLIANT mineralized fibers.  

Regeneration products, thanks to CELLIANT, are thermo-regulating with maximum breathability, promoting stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep.

CELLIANT thermo-reactive minerals absorb the body heat and convert it into infrared energy, which is reflected back to the body.  The resulting temporary increase in blood flow and local circulation helps regulate body temperature and increases tissue oxygen. This leads to a more restful, restorative sleep as well as faster recovery and stronger performance.

Materials science innovation pioneer Hologenix, LLC, whose CELLIANT® infrared technology is an ingredient in brands across many categories, has another important partner, bedding specialist Centa-Star. Based in Stuttgart, Germany and available throughout Europe, Centa-Star has introduced a new line of “Regeneration” duvets and pillows infused with CELLIANT mineralized fibers.  

Regeneration products, thanks to CELLIANT, are thermo-regulating with maximum breathability, promoting stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep.

CELLIANT thermo-reactive minerals absorb the body heat and convert it into infrared energy, which is reflected back to the body.  The resulting temporary increase in blood flow and local circulation helps regulate body temperature and increases tissue oxygen. This leads to a more restful, restorative sleep as well as faster recovery and stronger performance.

Centa-Star Regeneration products are available online throughout Europe in selected department stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, including KaDeWe Berlin, Betten Rid in Munich, Karstadt or Kaufhof stores, in well-sorted furniture shops, in upscale specialist shops.

Weitere Informationen:
Centa-Star Bedding sleep industry

Sarah P. Fletcher Communications

(c) lululemon

Genomatica partners with lululemon bring bio-nylon to apparel

  • Renewably Sourced Materials to Help Replace Petrochemicals in Apparel for a Healthier Planet

lululemon athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU) announced a multi-year collaboration with sustainable materials leader Genomatica to bring renewably-sourced, bio-based materials into lululemon’s products. This represents lululemon’s first-ever equity investment in a sustainable materials company and Genomatica’s largest partnership within the retail industry. Together, the two companies will create a lower-impact, plant-based nylon to replace conventional nylon, which is the largest volume of synthetic material currently used to make lululemon products.

Genomatica uses biotechnology and fermentation to convert plant-based ingredients into widely used chemical building blocks, like those used to make nylon. These building blocks are converted to pellets and yarns, and the companies will be working closely with lululemon’s fabric supply chain to incorporate this material into future products. Through this collaboration, the companies seek to create positive change within the $22B global nylon market by building more sustainable supply chains.  

  • Renewably Sourced Materials to Help Replace Petrochemicals in Apparel for a Healthier Planet

lululemon athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU) announced a multi-year collaboration with sustainable materials leader Genomatica to bring renewably-sourced, bio-based materials into lululemon’s products. This represents lululemon’s first-ever equity investment in a sustainable materials company and Genomatica’s largest partnership within the retail industry. Together, the two companies will create a lower-impact, plant-based nylon to replace conventional nylon, which is the largest volume of synthetic material currently used to make lululemon products.

Genomatica uses biotechnology and fermentation to convert plant-based ingredients into widely used chemical building blocks, like those used to make nylon. These building blocks are converted to pellets and yarns, and the companies will be working closely with lululemon’s fabric supply chain to incorporate this material into future products. Through this collaboration, the companies seek to create positive change within the $22B global nylon market by building more sustainable supply chains.  

Weitere Informationen:
lululemon Genomatica bio-based nylon

Method Communications


SUPREME GREEN COTTON® in the latest Collections of three Brands

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®, the water-saving smart-tech yarn by Varvaressos has been chosen by Diesel, Champ Blanc and Muntagnard, and won the Gold Award at the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020.

Thanks to a pioneering satellite-powered drip irrigation system, SUPREME GREEN COTTON® saves up to 40% of water. The range of yarns is entirely Made in Europe and comes with influential sustainable verifications. The MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® label guarantees that the yarns have been tested for harmful substances and manufactured using sustainable processes under socially responsible working conditions in accordance with STeP by OEKO-TEX®. Complete transparency and traceability are guaranteed throughout the whole production and supply chain by the unique diafania SI platform, powered via blockchain technology.

Global clothing and lifestyle Italian premium jeans brand Diesel stands out for its unique mindset and sustainable imprint. That’s why it chose SUPREME GREEN COTTON® for its collection ‘Green Label’ and ‘NightCrush’ as well as its ‘Malign’ jersey T-shirts, available in two different colours and prints.

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®, the water-saving smart-tech yarn by Varvaressos has been chosen by Diesel, Champ Blanc and Muntagnard, and won the Gold Award at the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020.

Thanks to a pioneering satellite-powered drip irrigation system, SUPREME GREEN COTTON® saves up to 40% of water. The range of yarns is entirely Made in Europe and comes with influential sustainable verifications. The MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® label guarantees that the yarns have been tested for harmful substances and manufactured using sustainable processes under socially responsible working conditions in accordance with STeP by OEKO-TEX®. Complete transparency and traceability are guaranteed throughout the whole production and supply chain by the unique diafania SI platform, powered via blockchain technology.

Global clothing and lifestyle Italian premium jeans brand Diesel stands out for its unique mindset and sustainable imprint. That’s why it chose SUPREME GREEN COTTON® for its collection ‘Green Label’ and ‘NightCrush’ as well as its ‘Malign’ jersey T-shirts, available in two different colours and prints.

Thee Swiss brand Muntagnard believes in «sustainability» as a powerful lever for innovative solutions for people who go their own way and think outside the box to advance sustainable development. Muntagnard rethinks textiles - from the sewing thread to the label – selecting only sustainable materials and minimizing the use of plastic to the bone while seeking sensible, biodegradable textile alternatives. The MANGOLA collection of T-sets is 100% made of SUPREME GREEN COTTON®.

CHAMP BLANC is a responsible French brand renown for its ready-to-wear men clothing and for its strong commitment to traceability. The brand has been working for nearly 8 months on the design of the "Traceable T-shirt" made of 100% SUPREME GREEN COTTON®. The result is a high quality and finishing t-shirt to make it last. By relying on existing technologies, the entire production chain is traceable and can be discover thanks a QR-code on the label.

SUPREME GREEN COTTON® has also been bestowed with the influential Gold Award in the “Top Branded Export Product” category of the Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020


Varvaressos / GB Network Marketing & Communication


NDC Green by Nastrificio di Cassano: Responsible and certified labels and tags

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the only element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is exactly why, to be a truly credible 'ambassador', the label or tag must itself be responsible. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, the premium, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees the highest quality standards while respecting the planet.

NDC Green comprises 4 categories, all with influential international certifications that attest to Nastrificio di Cassano's responsible imprinting. Many new sustainability values are woven into the collection. Particular attention is given to end-of-life, but also to the choice of natural and high-tech materials with a low environmental impact.

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the only element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is exactly why, to be a truly credible 'ambassador', the label or tag must itself be responsible. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, the premium, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees the highest quality standards while respecting the planet.

NDC Green comprises 4 categories, all with influential international certifications that attest to Nastrificio di Cassano's responsible imprinting. Many new sustainability values are woven into the collection. Particular attention is given to end-of-life, but also to the choice of natural and high-tech materials with a low environmental impact.

A wide choice that speaks of responsible innovation, beauty and functionality: characteristics that have led C.L.A.S.S. ( to integrate NDC Green into its Material Hub which "contains a selection of fibres, materials and fabrics that share a DNA linked to research that since 2007 has been raising the bar of standards in order to offer innovations in step with the demands of the contemporary consumer" says Giusy Bettoni CEO of C.L.A.S.S.
NDC Green includes:

  • LABìO ECO-SOFT®: made using compostable and biodegradable ingredients (as attested by TUV Austria), this product boasts performances and is resistant up to 10 domestic washings at 30°. The reference is produced with fifteen times less water consumption than cotton production and the resins used are GOTS certified.
  • LABìO HANGreen is the smart solution for the creation of hard tags, hangtags, shopping bags and garment covers and, as LABIO ECO-SOFT® range, it made with  compostable and biodegradable ingredients as certified by TUV Austria and the resin is compostable, too. These peculiarities make this product unique.
  • ACETATE NAIA™, the 'smart satin' that respects forests and oceans, is the NAIA™ single-ingredient solution produced by Eastman: the 100% traceable, compostable and biodegradable cellulose yarn in both soil and sea respects the natural growth rate of forests.
  • RECYCLED POLYESTER: is made from post-consumer yarn recycled from GRS-certified PET bottles. Available in both satin and resinated taffeta versions, it guarantees excellent printability for an elegant and sophisticated look.

GB Network Marketing & Communication for C.L.A.S.S.


Asahi Kasei renews membership by the United Nations BCtA programme

Asahi Kasei's ongoing commitment to strengthen the Bemberg™ fibre value chain from raw materials to final products textile industry and support local people, institutes, and the environment, has been recognized by the United Nations BCtA programme, who has renewed its membership for India. Starting from the company and including the material, Bemberg™ integrates new generations of values such as innovation and responsibility together with design. This important breakthrough showcases how the smart fibre is globally recognized for its innovation, responsibility and ability to deliver high-quality and sustainable ingredients at the same time committed to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Objectives of this initiative include:  

Asahi Kasei's ongoing commitment to strengthen the Bemberg™ fibre value chain from raw materials to final products textile industry and support local people, institutes, and the environment, has been recognized by the United Nations BCtA programme, who has renewed its membership for India. Starting from the company and including the material, Bemberg™ integrates new generations of values such as innovation and responsibility together with design. This important breakthrough showcases how the smart fibre is globally recognized for its innovation, responsibility and ability to deliver high-quality and sustainable ingredients at the same time committed to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Objectives of this initiative include:  

  • By 2023, enhance skills of 1,671 employees in the Bemberg fiber industry and advance production efficiency of 55 small to medium scale de-linting, weaving and dyeing manufacturers, through employee training, capital investment and technical support.
  • By 2023, develop capacity of 575 young people, especially women, who will lead the Indian textile industry, by providing vocational training opportunities and institutional support for the three schools.
  • By 2023 cumulative amount of 40,000m3/day textile dyeing effluent will be treated and recycled back to their own textile dyeing process, which is equivalent to saving daily water access to natural water resources for approx. 25,000 households.

Asahi Kasei Corp. / GB Network Marketing Communications Srl

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and  unveils its new visual identity (c) ROICA, Asahi Kasei Corporation

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and unveils its new visual identity

"ROICA™ new identity is the ultimate upgrade and milestone of the brand’s evolution path which brings together and merges performance, innovation and responsible imprint. ROICA™ strategic commitment is built on two main pillars that meet value driven consumer’s expectations: first, continuous R&D and innovation activities focusing on new contemporary stretch functionalities with the highest integration of sustainability. Second, developing synergies and partnerships with leading responsible innovators throughout the whole value chain from throwsters down to consumers, people and companies sharing the same goals", declares Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager of ROICA Division.

ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

"ROICA™ new identity is the ultimate upgrade and milestone of the brand’s evolution path which brings together and merges performance, innovation and responsible imprint. ROICA™ strategic commitment is built on two main pillars that meet value driven consumer’s expectations: first, continuous R&D and innovation activities focusing on new contemporary stretch functionalities with the highest integration of sustainability. Second, developing synergies and partnerships with leading responsible innovators throughout the whole value chain from throwsters down to consumers, people and companies sharing the same goals", declares Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager of ROICA Division.

ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

Balanced geometries, calibrating color and different anatomical details: the visual identity is then declined in 5 different designs, each for one of the 5 applications that can be enhanced by ROICA™ yarns: ACTIVATION for performative sportswear garments, AQUA for smooth swimwear, STYLE#FIT for casual wear and athleisure, ESSENTIALS for next to skin lingerie and underwear and LEGWEAR for stylish hosiery. A complete wardrobe.

The company also created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for complete transparency and transparent authentic communication.

Constant investments in R&D, people and technology allowed the company to engineer agile, multi-facetted and sustainable stretch yarns which redefine the new circularity, delivering the style, support and finish, trusted to match the performance demands and ambitions of the new generation contemporary consumer.

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ fibres Yarns digital

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Dominic Köfner M.A. / CIRO Vice President Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Lenzing Group (c) Lenzing AG/Marko Mestrovic

Lenzing: Dominic Köfner, neuer Leiter Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Köfner wird unter anderem die Internationalisierung der Lenzing Gruppe maßgeblich mitgestalten und zur Umsetzung der Unternehmensstrategie sCore TEN beitragen.

Dominic Köfner (46) übernimmt Anfang Mai die Leitung des Bereiches Corporate Communications & Public Affairs der Lenzing AG. Als Vice President wird er in dieser Funktion direkt an den Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Stefan Doboczky berichten.

Köfner wird unter anderem die Internationalisierung der Lenzing Gruppe maßgeblich mitgestalten und zur Umsetzung der Unternehmensstrategie sCore TEN beitragen.

Dominic Köfner (46) übernimmt Anfang Mai die Leitung des Bereiches Corporate Communications & Public Affairs der Lenzing AG. Als Vice President wird er in dieser Funktion direkt an den Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Stefan Doboczky berichten.

Dominic Köfner verfügt über nationale und internationale Erfahrung, die er in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten bei renommierten Beratungsunternehmen, Kommunikationsagenturen und auf Unternehmensseite sammeln konnte. Vor seinem Wechsel zur Lenzing Gruppe zeichnete Herr Köfner verantwortlich als Managing Director und Geschäftsführer der Kommunikationsagentur Serviceplan Austria und zuletzt als Senior Berater der Agenturgruppe Sports & Media in München. Zuvor verantwortete er jeweils als CMO und CCO die Agenden der Zumtobel Gruppe und der MOL Group. Bevor er als Krisenkommunikationsmanager durch das österreichische Finanzministerium zur Aufarbeitung der Causa „Hypo Alpe Adria Bank“ eingesetzt wurde, betreute er als kommunikationsberater der Brunswick Group zahlreiche nationale und internationale Kommunikationsmandate.

Weitere Informationen:
Lenzing Lenzing Gruppe communication

Lenzing AG