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13 Ergebnisse
Neue EFI Fiery Platform für Produktionsdruck (c) EFI

Neue EFI Fiery Platform für Produktionsdruck

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. kündigte den neuesten und zukunftsweisendsten Schritt für die Serverlösung mit digitalem Front-End (DFE) für den Digitaldruck an – die neue EFI™ Fiery® FS500 Pro Plattform. Der Fiery FS500 Pro hilft Druckdienstleistern, die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich durch kleinere Auflagen, kürzere Bearbeitungszeiten, weniger erfahrene Mitarbeiter, höhere Sicherheitsstandards und die Notwendigkeit von Kosteneinsparungen stellen müssen, zu meistern. Die neue Fiery Plattform für das digitale Front-End bringt Innovationen in zahlreiche neue, hochmoderne Digitaldrucker für den Bürobedarfs-, Akzidenz-, Betriebs-, Verpackungs- und Textildruck.  

Die Fiery FS500 Pro Plattform zeichnet sich durch fünf Innovationen aus:

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. kündigte den neuesten und zukunftsweisendsten Schritt für die Serverlösung mit digitalem Front-End (DFE) für den Digitaldruck an – die neue EFI™ Fiery® FS500 Pro Plattform. Der Fiery FS500 Pro hilft Druckdienstleistern, die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich durch kleinere Auflagen, kürzere Bearbeitungszeiten, weniger erfahrene Mitarbeiter, höhere Sicherheitsstandards und die Notwendigkeit von Kosteneinsparungen stellen müssen, zu meistern. Die neue Fiery Plattform für das digitale Front-End bringt Innovationen in zahlreiche neue, hochmoderne Digitaldrucker für den Bürobedarfs-, Akzidenz-, Betriebs-, Verpackungs- und Textildruck.  

Die Fiery FS500 Pro Plattform zeichnet sich durch fünf Innovationen aus:

  • Schnellere Verarbeitung von Druckaufträgen. Druckdienstleister profitieren von einer schnelleren Auftragsverarbeitung und einer bis zu 40 % schnelleren Anwendungsstartzeit und können so mehr Aufträge pro Schicht produzieren.
  • Kürzere Bearbeitungszeit bei Kleinauflagen. In Druckereien mit hohem Durchsatz beschleunigen die erweiterten Funktionen von Fiery die Verwaltung und Produktion von Druckaufträgen.
  • Mehr verkaufsfähige Drucke, weniger Ausschuss. Der Fiery FS500 Pro verfügt über mehr Tools zur Erkennung potenzieller Fehler in Dateien, was sowohl die Produktionszeit als auch den Ausschuss reduziert.
  • Präzisere Markenfarben. Eine neue Lösung mit Fiery TrueBrand für Anwender in Unternehmen erleichtert den präzisen Druck von Markenfarben aus Microsoft Word oder PowerPoint.
  • Verbesserte Sicherheit. Fiery FS500 Pro bietet neue Funktionen für Hochsicherheitsumgebungen, die die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsanforderungen der Kunden und von Branchenstandards gewährleisten.



The EFI Reggiani BOLT delivers higher Image Quality

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. has enhanced its fastest digital textile printer, the EFI™ Reggiani BOLT. The upgrade is a combination of hardware and software enhancements that will minimise artefacts, compensating for missing nozzles that may occur over time and enhancing uniformity to deliver smoother solid colours. The upgrade also delivers improved quality and smoother gradients, plus it enables faster printhead replacement and drastically increases file processing speed by up to 200% for large, complex files.

Now available globally, the EFI Reggiani BOLT upgrade features hardware and software enhancements for improved overall performance, printing quality, uniformity, and increased user friendliness including:

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. has enhanced its fastest digital textile printer, the EFI™ Reggiani BOLT. The upgrade is a combination of hardware and software enhancements that will minimise artefacts, compensating for missing nozzles that may occur over time and enhancing uniformity to deliver smoother solid colours. The upgrade also delivers improved quality and smoother gradients, plus it enables faster printhead replacement and drastically increases file processing speed by up to 200% for large, complex files.

Now available globally, the EFI Reggiani BOLT upgrade features hardware and software enhancements for improved overall performance, printing quality, uniformity, and increased user friendliness including:

  • Nozzle out and uniformity compensation features that improve solid colour appearance and enhance overall printing quality
  • Increased performance and improved processing speed for large, complex files
  • Integration of a new digital camera that both provides for precise and consistent print results and shortens the time for print head replacement and alignment
  • An enhanced user interface – based on EFI Fiery Command WorkStation® 6.0 – that is easier to use
  • Fiery Smart Ink Estimator, a key tool to help determine job profitability based on accurate calculation of ink costs prior to printing.

EFI MarketDirect StoreFront für Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungen

Ein brandneues Vermietungs- und Reservierungsmodul für die Web-to-Print-Software EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. hilft Druckunternehmen, Marketingdienstleistern und anderen Organisationen bei der Verwaltung von Ressourcen, Assets und Produkten im Lager und deren Vermietung für Events und Messen. Diese erste E-Commerce-Innovation für die Druckbranche ihrer Art gibt Benutzern die Möglichkeit, eine Veranstaltung, deren Daten und deren Ort festzulegen, und dann die für diese Zeit verfügbaren Produkte zu identifizieren – mit Kosten pro Stunde, Tag oder Monat – und die Ressourcen des Druckdienstleisters zu prüfen und zu sichern.

Das neu verfügbare Modul richtet sich an einen nun wieder aufkommenden Bedarf an Druck- und Marketingunterstützung für Messen, Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen. Es folgt auch einem beschleunigten Zeitplan für Verbesserungen der preisgekrönten MarketDirect StoreFront-Plattform, einschließlich:

Ein brandneues Vermietungs- und Reservierungsmodul für die Web-to-Print-Software EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. hilft Druckunternehmen, Marketingdienstleistern und anderen Organisationen bei der Verwaltung von Ressourcen, Assets und Produkten im Lager und deren Vermietung für Events und Messen. Diese erste E-Commerce-Innovation für die Druckbranche ihrer Art gibt Benutzern die Möglichkeit, eine Veranstaltung, deren Daten und deren Ort festzulegen, und dann die für diese Zeit verfügbaren Produkte zu identifizieren – mit Kosten pro Stunde, Tag oder Monat – und die Ressourcen des Druckdienstleisters zu prüfen und zu sichern.

Das neu verfügbare Modul richtet sich an einen nun wieder aufkommenden Bedarf an Druck- und Marketingunterstützung für Messen, Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen. Es folgt auch einem beschleunigten Zeitplan für Verbesserungen der preisgekrönten MarketDirect StoreFront-Plattform, einschließlich:

  • AutoEngage – ein Feature für abgebrochene Einkaufsvorgänge, das die Interaktions- und Transaktionsabschlussraten erhöht;
  • MarketDirect Fulfillment, eine modulare und flexible Lagerverwaltungslösung, mit der Druckereien schnell und einfach Fulfillment-Aufgaben für ihre Kunden erstellen und verwalten können; und
  • Google® Tag Manager und Analyse-Werkzeuge, die die Messung der Web-to-Print-Leistung einfacher denn je machen.
Weitere Informationen:
EFI Textildrucker digital Digitaldruck Messen



EFI Reggiani feiert 75 Jahre in der Welt der Textilien

Dieses Jahr feiert EFI™ Reggiani 75 Jahre Erfahrung, Innovation und Glamour in der Welt der Textilien. Im Zuge der Feierlichkeiten zum Jubiläum gibt der Pionier im Bereich der Textiltechnologie die baldige Markteinführung drei neuer, hochmoderner Textil-Digitaldrucker bekannt.

Das Unternehmen wurde von Reggiani Tessile – einem der größten Textilhersteller Italiens – gegründet, um die eigenen Bedürfnisse im Bereich der Maschinenentwicklung zu decken. Das damals noch als Reggiani Macchine bekannte Unternehmen konnte dank fortwährender Produktinnovation und engen Kundenbeziehungen über fünf Jahrzehnte hinweg ein enormes Wachstum verzeichnen.

Dieses Jahr feiert EFI™ Reggiani 75 Jahre Erfahrung, Innovation und Glamour in der Welt der Textilien. Im Zuge der Feierlichkeiten zum Jubiläum gibt der Pionier im Bereich der Textiltechnologie die baldige Markteinführung drei neuer, hochmoderner Textil-Digitaldrucker bekannt.

Das Unternehmen wurde von Reggiani Tessile – einem der größten Textilhersteller Italiens – gegründet, um die eigenen Bedürfnisse im Bereich der Maschinenentwicklung zu decken. Das damals noch als Reggiani Macchine bekannte Unternehmen konnte dank fortwährender Produktinnovation und engen Kundenbeziehungen über fünf Jahrzehnte hinweg ein enormes Wachstum verzeichnen.

Von der Herstellung seines ersten konventionellen Druckers bis hin zu den jüngsten technologischen Innovationen hat EFI Reggiani mit seiner Tradition und seiner Hingabe für die eigenen Produkte zur globalen Transformation des Textilmarkts beigetragen. Die Lösungen von EFI Reggiani werden in allen großen Textilherstellungszentren auf der ganzen Welt für qualitativ hochwertige Arbeitsabläufe mit hoher Produktivität eingesetzt. Neue Innovationen von EFI Reggiani tragen auch dazu bei, die industrielle Textilherstellung breiter zu streuen und lokaler zu gestalten, um diese in neuen geografischen Märkten näher zum Endkunden zu verlagern.

Im wachsenden industriellen Einstiegssegment des Marktes stärkt EFI Reggiani sein Multi-Pass-Angebot durch die Einführung von zwei neuen Druckern mit Scanner, mit denen seine Kunden näher am Endkunden produzieren können. Mit den beiden Druckern mit Scanfunktion, die EFI Reggiani 2021 auf den Markt bringt, werden neue Kunden ihre ersten Schritte in der Welt des industriellen Textil-Digitaldrucks unternehmen können.

Weitere Informationen:
EFI Reggiani EFI Textildrucker Digitaldruck


Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Todd Zimmerman Joins EFI as VP and GM for Display Graphics  (c) EFI
Todd Zimmermann, Vice President and General Manager for Display Graphics

Todd Zimmerman Joins EFI as VP and GM for Display Graphics

Todd Zimmerman, a long-time graphic arts executive with a strong track record of growing advanced technology initiatives in print, has joined Electronics For Imaging, Inc. as its new vice president and general manager, Display Graphics.

He comes to EFI™ from Fujifilm® USA, where he spent a decade and a half in a variety of executive roles, most recently as division president and corporate VP of Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems. Prior to joining Fujifilm, Zimmerman worked in sales with Kodak Polychrome Graphics.

Zimmerman assumes his new role at a time when many EFI customers are growing their businesses to meet recovery-fuelled, post-pandemic business needs, especially in key application areas, such as point-of-purchase graphics, tradeshow and event signage, and environmental graphics and décor. As print businesses regain their momentum, Zimmerman will lead EFI’s largest inkjet business segment, a Display Graphics business that is among the world’s largest developers of superwide-format UV LED and dye-sublimation inkjet printers and inks.


Todd Zimmerman, a long-time graphic arts executive with a strong track record of growing advanced technology initiatives in print, has joined Electronics For Imaging, Inc. as its new vice president and general manager, Display Graphics.

He comes to EFI™ from Fujifilm® USA, where he spent a decade and a half in a variety of executive roles, most recently as division president and corporate VP of Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems. Prior to joining Fujifilm, Zimmerman worked in sales with Kodak Polychrome Graphics.

Zimmerman assumes his new role at a time when many EFI customers are growing their businesses to meet recovery-fuelled, post-pandemic business needs, especially in key application areas, such as point-of-purchase graphics, tradeshow and event signage, and environmental graphics and décor. As print businesses regain their momentum, Zimmerman will lead EFI’s largest inkjet business segment, a Display Graphics business that is among the world’s largest developers of superwide-format UV LED and dye-sublimation inkjet printers and inks.




Mimaki appoints Mark Sollman as Product Manager EMEA (c) Mimaki Europe BV
Mark Sollman, Product Manager EMEA

Mimaki appoints Mark Sollman as Product Manager EMEA

Mimaki, a manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has today announced that long-standing employee, Mark Sollman, will be appointed to the role of Product Manager, EMEA on the 1st July 2021. Sollman has been with Mimaki for over 15 years and as such, his extensive knowledge of the business and its diverse product portfolio makes him the clear choice for this esteemed management position.

Sollman will be succeeding Bert Benckhuysen. After four years with Mimaki, Benckhuysen has decided to take on a new challenge as Business Development Director at Colourama. A valued Mimaki customer, Colourama is a company Benckhuysen knows well, having also previously been employed as Production Manager at this thriving Polish textile printer.

Mimaki, a manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has today announced that long-standing employee, Mark Sollman, will be appointed to the role of Product Manager, EMEA on the 1st July 2021. Sollman has been with Mimaki for over 15 years and as such, his extensive knowledge of the business and its diverse product portfolio makes him the clear choice for this esteemed management position.

Sollman will be succeeding Bert Benckhuysen. After four years with Mimaki, Benckhuysen has decided to take on a new challenge as Business Development Director at Colourama. A valued Mimaki customer, Colourama is a company Benckhuysen knows well, having also previously been employed as Production Manager at this thriving Polish textile printer.


Mimaki Europe B.V / Bespoke

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Introducing Kornit Atlas MAX and ActiveLoad Automation
Kornit also debuted the ActiveLoad Automation technology, a new robotic system to significantly ease the burden of manual and labor-intensive media handling in the textile decoration industry. This increases total output per shift while ensuring minimal downtime and exceptional reliability. The new patent pending ActiveLoad Automation technology ensures continuous production and consistency, while decreasing human error and fatigue, regardless of employee experience and training, for ultimate results and best operational efficiency.

The first product with MAX technology is now commercially available in the Kornit Atlas MAX, a carbon-neutral, industrial-scale DTG production system, providing unsurpassed retail quality, exceptional color-matching capabilities, and a wide, vivid color gamut, with exceptional durability. The Atlas MAX is delivered with the new XDi technology built in, for 3D printing capabilities.


Brodelec uses Direct-To-Fabric Printing with Kornit Digital Printing Technology

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

He continues: "The Kornit Presto S has allowed us to bring our latest project to life: the creation of a website entirely dedicated to ordering custom masks. Thanks to an online editor and our 200 models, our customers can order their masks in quantities ranging from 1 to several thousand pieces if necessary. As the Kornit Presto is free of certain technical and chemical constraints and has adapted perfectly to Brodelec's workflow system; we are currently printing more than 10,000 masks per week and can respond to requests within extremely short deadlines while guaranteeing quality and sharpness of detail. The masks meet the recommendations of the AFNOR and are designed with a fabric that filters out particles in the air by over 90%! Therefore, the designed and printed fabric masks are designated as category 1 and meet the UNS1 standards. They are distributed after testing for 60 washes."

(c) Kornit Digital

Creazioni Digitali Implements Kornit Presto S

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

“We believe eco-friendly, pigment-based printing offers a wealth of possibilities for high fashion, and selected the Kornit Presto S based on its ability to deliver brilliant, high-quality imagery using the broadest color gamut, without need for pre- and post-treatments,” says Roberto Lucini, Owner and CEO of Creazioni Digitali. “We intend to grow our business as brands see what this technology can do, with the old calculations of quality versus responsible production practices giving way to a new landscape in which you can truly have both. This installation is one of more to come.”


PCMC launches fully modular ION digital conversion system

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the launch of its ION digital conversion system.

This new flexible inkjet printing solution provides superior print quality for many platforms, including labels, folding cartons, flexible packaging and other specialty printing markets. With industry-leading 1600 by 1585 dpi native resolution, the system can print in various modes at speeds up to 668 feet per minute.

The ION digital conversion system is powered by Memjet’s DuraLink® technology. DuraLink combines long-life printheads, pigment ink and flexible modules that can be configured from 8.5-inch print widths up to 60 inches. DuraLink’s aqueous pigmented ink-set offers a durable, water and light-fast solution for a variety of digital print needs. With these features, PCMC can quickly and easily develop solutions for high-volume commercial, packaging and industrial printing markets.

The ION is a fully modular system and is available as a mono-color print-bar and full-color printing platform with expanded gamut printing.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the launch of its ION digital conversion system.

This new flexible inkjet printing solution provides superior print quality for many platforms, including labels, folding cartons, flexible packaging and other specialty printing markets. With industry-leading 1600 by 1585 dpi native resolution, the system can print in various modes at speeds up to 668 feet per minute.

The ION digital conversion system is powered by Memjet’s DuraLink® technology. DuraLink combines long-life printheads, pigment ink and flexible modules that can be configured from 8.5-inch print widths up to 60 inches. DuraLink’s aqueous pigmented ink-set offers a durable, water and light-fast solution for a variety of digital print needs. With these features, PCMC can quickly and easily develop solutions for high-volume commercial, packaging and industrial printing markets.

The ION is a fully modular system and is available as a mono-color print-bar and full-color printing platform with expanded gamut printing.

“We are excited to add ION digital to our product portfolio,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Printing, Coating and Laminating Sales Director. “The combination of PCMC’s vast experience in flexographic printing with Memjet’s breakthrough inkjet technology results in a powerful solution for our customers in a variety of print and packaging markets.”


Barry Wehmiller

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital by Kfir Ziv

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

CEO Bogdan Vasilescu explains: "We started with color management solutions, working on demand for Fogra with digitally printed DMI colors on textiles. We have also worked with Mimaki, Roland, Epson and Vutek on various projects including Eurotex Iasi, Zara and Rofobit in Bucharest. Eager to continue our growth spurt in the textile printing industry, we were looking for a trusted partner and Kornit was the obvious choice.”

"The collaboration with Kornit began officially in September and is a natural progression,” Vasilescu adds. “For a number of years, we have been considering ways to improve our offering by moving into textiles in the same way that we did for sign and display, home decor or packaging. We were just waiting for the right partner. We are always looking to collaborate with market leaders and we wanted to work with Kornit to tap into the potential of the print on demand textile market with an extensive textile printing portfolio.”

Grup Transilvae will represent all Kornit’s textile solutions, including Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric, particularly for T-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles and fabrics.

Vasilescu continues: “We are looking forward to showing our existing customers how they can take advantage of the Covid 19 accelerated trends in digital print-on-demand and short-run print jobs. We will signpost how they can expand their application range, grow volumes and experience better ROI.”

Vasilescu concludes: “We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our valued customers into the future of textile print on demand.”

Omer Kulka, CMO at Kornit Digital states: “We are delighted to announce another great partnership with a distributor that is as passionate about our products and the textile printing industry as we are. Grup Transilvae has a long history of successfully entering new markets with leading manufacturers. We look forward to a long and happy partnership.”

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger (c) Mimaki
The Tiger-1800B MkII, Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

Headquartered in Faisalabad, Punjab province – the second largest textile hub in Pakistan –, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. mainly serves the high fashion industry and uses its cutting-edge technology to print about 100,000 metres daily. Faced with recent challenges in the global textile market, management at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. embarked on innovating the company’s business model, shifting from conventional to digital printing. In doing so, the company invested in Mimaki’s advanced industrial textile technology and installed three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII units. “We were – and still are – experiencing a massive transformation in the printing segment, with brands demanding high quality products delivered within short deadlines. This change in our customers’ requirements urged us to move to digital printing,” says Muhammad Asif, CEO at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. “Our choice has already proved sound as our brand-new Tiger-1800B MkII printing systems have enabled us to cope with the high standards of the fashion industry in terms of both quality and delivery times. In addition, we have been able to gradually enhance our production processes in a cost-effective way.”

The Tiger-1800B MkII is Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer, available either in dye sublimation configuration for transfer printing or with reactive ink for direct-to-textile printing. Of the three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII solutions operating at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., two are equipped with reactive inks, enabling the company to directly print onto natural fibres such as cotton and linen, as well as onto manufactured cellulose fibres, including rayon and nylon. The third Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII features sublimation inks serves the ever-growing printed polyester market, allowing the company to strategically diversify its product portfolio.

“There are several features of the Tiger-1800B MkII that benefit our production and our business at large. The MAPS (Mimaki Advanced Pass System), just to name one, prevents banding and colour-shifting to deliver a higher standard of quality, while the NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) provides uninterrupted production, minimising downtime and ensuring superior results. The sticky belt system together with the large-size ink tanks (with a capacity of 10kg) and the high-performance software RIP TxLink3 are some of the other features that make these printers efficient, user-friendly and reliable,” says Asif.

Asif concludes, “Looking at the future, our aim is to set up a print department featuring only Mimaki’s technologies. We are already considering the next steps to make this possible, knowing that we can count on the support of Signtrade, Mimaki’s dealer in the region and our trustworthy partner.”

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was founded in 1992 by Muhammad Asif’s father Haji Muhammad Yousaf and his partner Haji Rasheed Ahmad. Established as a dyeing company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was able to gradually diversify the business over the years to become an advanced textile printing specialist. Today, the company is an established provider to the high fashion industry in Pakistan and on an international level.

“The story of Moti Fabrics is incredibly inspiring. Belonging to a region with such rooted textile printing heritage, the company has been able to embrace a new, challenging business model in order to stay at pace with the changing demand from the textile industry and has succeeded,” comments Ronald van den Broek, General Sales Manager at Mimaki Europe. “Customers like Moti Fabrics make us proud as they demonstrate how our advanced Mimaki Tiger industrial textile series can be the enabling technology for those textile companies planning the shift from conventional to digital printing.”


EMEA, Mimaki Europe B.V