Feather extraction

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If he wants to - how can the final consumer when purchasing a quilt ensure that the down and feathers were not harvested from the live animals?

He cannot recognize it by the finished product. However, as a rule down and feathers harvested from the live animal are much more expensive (huger personnel expenditures, larger down, huger expenditures as regards logistics) than the material deriving from the animal after slaughtering anyway. This amounts to ca. 98% of the total supply.

Can the final consumer prevent geese from possible suffering by purchasing quilts filled with other filling material than down and feathers?

Everyone can buy the quilt as one pleases. However, if you decide not to purchase a down quilt, it will not have an effect on the down supply. Unavoidably, down is a by-product of the meat production. If poultrymeat continues to be most popular with the consumers, the down supply will remain unchanged. The remaining down would be thrown away and the demand and the prices of the resources for the production of other filling materials would probably increase.

Which animals are live-harvested and why?

As far as we know, ducks are not live-harvested, but only those geese, which are kept for the purpose of laying eggs and breeding. Throughout every year, these animals undergo several moulting seasons, the hormonally induced process of shedding their old plumage. Harvesting the feathers and down from the live animal at the moment of moulting is a technique which has in former times been also applied for the purpose of landscape conservation.

Is live-plucking forbidden?

Improper live-plucking is forbidden. The harvesting of feathers and down according to the rules from the live animal at the moment of moulting is not forbidden. The process has to conform to quite specific regulations, however. These regulations are laid down in a standard concerning the harvesting of feathers and down from the live animal and the keeping of geese for the purpose of plucking.

Who defined what is “harvesting feathers and down from the live animal at the moment of moulting” or “live plucking” and when was it defined?

How the harvesting feathers and down from the live animal at the moment of moulting has to be carried out, is laid down e. g. in the European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes (see also: first publishing of the German translation of recommendations by the Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes on February 7th, 2000 in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette], volume 52 No.

Is there a difference between ”harvesting feathers and down from the live animal at the moment of moulting” and ”live-plucking”?

There is no difference on the level of technical terminology. The harvesting of feathers and down from the live animal at the moment of moulting, which should more accurately be called “gathering” or “collecting” feathers and down, is usually carried out according to certain rules at the moment of the change of feathers, the moulting season, when a new generation of feathers has matured and the old feathers will therefore be shed.
The moulting in birds is the system provided by nature to shed an old feather coat.