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New online tool maps PFAS hotspots in businesses ahead of EU ban

The EU's plans to ban PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals will have an immense impact on companies globally. Perhaps even more than expected, as many manufacturers are unaware that they may have PFAS chemicals in their product line. A new online tool, launched today by NGO ChemSec, will help to solve this problem.

Just a couple of weeks after the big PFAS restriction proposal in the EU was published, ChemSec launches the PFAS Guide, which helps companies investigate the use of persistent chemicals within their businesses. The main feature of the PFAS Guide is the searchable database uncovering different PFAS uses and functions. The online tool also provides guidance on different aspects of the phase-out process from regulation and investigation all the way to testing and supply chain communication.

The EU's plans to ban PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals will have an immense impact on companies globally. Perhaps even more than expected, as many manufacturers are unaware that they may have PFAS chemicals in their product line. A new online tool, launched today by NGO ChemSec, will help to solve this problem.

Just a couple of weeks after the big PFAS restriction proposal in the EU was published, ChemSec launches the PFAS Guide, which helps companies investigate the use of persistent chemicals within their businesses. The main feature of the PFAS Guide is the searchable database uncovering different PFAS uses and functions. The online tool also provides guidance on different aspects of the phase-out process from regulation and investigation all the way to testing and supply chain communication.

“We’ve been working to support companies in chemical substitution for a long time, and the last few years we’ve gathered a group of companies working specifically on the PFAS issue. The discussions with them made it clear to us that a main challenge is understanding if and where in your business you may have PFAS”, says Dr. Anna Lennquist, Project Leader for the PFAS Guide.

PFAS are a source of growing concern
It has been estimated that 95 percent of all manufactured goods rely on some form of industrial chemical process. A large share of the chemicals used in these processes have been linked to adverse impacts on human health and the environment. PFAS are a clear example of this problem. PFAS have been manufactured and used in products such as make-up, non-stick pans, water- and greaseproof textiles, food-packaging materials, and firefighting foam since the 1950s and are still used in a wide variety of products around the world today.

But they are also substances of growing concern due to their problematic properties. Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of several thousand man-made chemicals that accumulate in the environment and cause health impacts for generations. They are, for example, linked to cancer, lung disease, diabetes, reproductive abnormalities and learning difficulties. Since PFAS do not degrade, these “forever chemicals” are now so widespread that is safe to say that every single human being on the planet have detectable levels of these toxic chemicals in their blood.

A couple of weeks ago, a big proposal to restrict PFAS in the EU was published. The five EU Member States behind the proposal submitted a broad restriction proposal that clearly shows the need for the industry to put all resources into phasing out all PFAS substances.

More information:
PFAS ChemSec chemicals


Dr. Stefan König (c) Optima
Dr. Stefan König

Dr. Stefan König verantwortet künftig auch Optima nonwovens GmbH

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

More information:
Optima nonwovens packaging


(c) Bullani

23% Umsatzplus beim Hutfacheinzelhandel

Die Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH) traf sich online zu seiner Mitgliederversammlung. Im Fokus stand die deutschlandweite Jahresumfrage.

Von der Krise in die Krise: Während Corona dem Huthandel wirtschaftlich stark zugesetzt hat, hält sich der beratungsstarke Hutfacheinzelhandel in der aktuellen Krise im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Textilhandel wacker. Es zeigt sich, dass der Konsument wohl überlegter einkauft und auf seine finanziellen Mittel achtet. Davon profitiert der Fachhandel. Das belegt das durchschnittliche Umsatzplus laut GDH-Umfrage in Höhe von 22,8 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, so Angela Breiter (Hut Breiter, München), die seit einem Jahr dem Hutverband GDH als 1. Vorsitzende vorsteht.

„Das sind erfreuliche Zahlen, aber leider haben wir noch nicht das Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019 erreicht. Was uns 2023 erwartet ist unklar: Preissteigerungen und Ertragsentwicklung machen uns die größten Sorgen. Dazu kommen Lieferkettenprobleme, Fachkräftemangel und nicht zuletzt der Krieg in Europa. Dennoch schauen wir zuversichtlich ins neue Jahr und hoffen auf Stabilität; unsere Mitglieder prognostizieren +1 Prozent Umsatzentwicklung.“

Die Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH) traf sich online zu seiner Mitgliederversammlung. Im Fokus stand die deutschlandweite Jahresumfrage.

Von der Krise in die Krise: Während Corona dem Huthandel wirtschaftlich stark zugesetzt hat, hält sich der beratungsstarke Hutfacheinzelhandel in der aktuellen Krise im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Textilhandel wacker. Es zeigt sich, dass der Konsument wohl überlegter einkauft und auf seine finanziellen Mittel achtet. Davon profitiert der Fachhandel. Das belegt das durchschnittliche Umsatzplus laut GDH-Umfrage in Höhe von 22,8 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, so Angela Breiter (Hut Breiter, München), die seit einem Jahr dem Hutverband GDH als 1. Vorsitzende vorsteht.

„Das sind erfreuliche Zahlen, aber leider haben wir noch nicht das Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019 erreicht. Was uns 2023 erwartet ist unklar: Preissteigerungen und Ertragsentwicklung machen uns die größten Sorgen. Dazu kommen Lieferkettenprobleme, Fachkräftemangel und nicht zuletzt der Krieg in Europa. Dennoch schauen wir zuversichtlich ins neue Jahr und hoffen auf Stabilität; unsere Mitglieder prognostizieren +1 Prozent Umsatzentwicklung.“

Erfolgsfaktoren sind Events und Veranstaltungen wie beispielsweise das Oktoberfest in München, Fachberatung und ein breites Servicespektrum von der Reparatur bis zur Maßanfertigung. Knapp zwei Drittel der Geschäfte im Huteinzelhandel sind auch online aktiv: genutzt werden Shops, Social Media und Verkaufsplattformen wie eBay. Nur noch 27% verkaufen ausschließlich über den stationären Handel.

Headwear kann Funktion und Nachhaltigkeit
Headwear für Herren war 2022 mit 59 Prozent die stärkste Warengruppe. Männer und auch Damen griffen vor allem zu Herrenformen wie Bogart, Fischerhüte und Outdoorhüte. 32 Prozent des Umsatzes entfiel auf die Damenmode, vor allem mit weichen Kopfbedeckungen wie farbigen Basken, schmalrandigen Glocken, Ballon- oder Schiebermützen und Strickmützen mit passenden Schals und Handschuhen. Die restlichen 9 Prozent waren Kindermützen.

Angela Breiter: „Headwear muss mehr können als nur modisch sein. Das Thema Funktion ist oftmals ausschlaggebend für den Kauf. Viele Modelle sind knautsch- oder rollbar und passen in jede Tasche. Schön warm wird es mit klappbaren Ohrenschützern. Wichtig ist das Thema UV-Schutz bei hochwertigen Stoffmützen und -hüten sowie Panamas; mit spezieller UV-Schutzausrüstung bieten Headwear einen UV-Schutz von 40-80 UPF. Der „Ultraviolet Protection Factor“ gibt an, wie lange man sich geschützt in der Sonne aufhalten kann, ohne Hautschäden zu riskieren. Bei einem UPF von 20 können Sie sich mit Hut oder Mütze 20-mal länger in der Sonne aufhalten als ohne. Ebenfalls ein spannendes Thema ist Nachhaltigkeit, das in immer mehr Kollektionen zu finden ist. Zum Beispiel mit Öko-Cotton oder GOTS-zertifizierten Serien. Genauso findet man Upcycling-Modelle aus gebrauchten Jeans oder den Einsatz von recyceltem Meeresplastikfür Strickmützen oder Futterstoffen."

Ergebnisse der GDH-Umfrage im Überblick

  • Umsatz: +22,8 %  (2021: -1,2 %  / 2020: -29,9 %)
  • Die Kundenzahl: +19,3 %  (2021: -4,2 %  / 2020: -34,8 %)
  • GDH-Prognose 2023: +1%
  • Durchschn. Kaufbetrag/Kunde: 65,24 €  (2021: 64,47 €)
  • verkaufte Teile pro Kunde: 1,3
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Hauptsache. Hüte, Hauben, Hip-Hop-Caps – Ausstellung im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum

Mit rund 250 Hüten, Hauben, Mützen, Schleiern und anderen Kopfbedeckungen sowie Gemälden und Skulpturen gibt die Ausstellung einen Überblick zur Kulturgeschichte der Kopfbekleidung: Kopfbedeckungen sind ein wichtiges Element der Selbstdarstellung. Sie verleihen Würde und machen Hierarchien sichtbar, können Distanz schaffen, aber auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl stärken.

Die Bandbreite reicht von prächtigen Mitren über anmutige Damenhüte bis hin zu aktuellen Designermodellen. Hüte des Märchenkönigs Ludwig II. oder Otto von Bismarcks werfen ein Schlaglicht auf Vorlieben prominenter Persönlichkeiten. Neben Modellen von Dior, Cardin und Saint Laurent sind Unikate von Philip Treacy und Stephen Jones zu sehen. Geschichte und Gegenwart werden unter einen Hut gebracht: Kopfbedeckungen bieten eine einzigartige Vielfalt.

Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München, bis 30. April 2023.

Mit rund 250 Hüten, Hauben, Mützen, Schleiern und anderen Kopfbedeckungen sowie Gemälden und Skulpturen gibt die Ausstellung einen Überblick zur Kulturgeschichte der Kopfbekleidung: Kopfbedeckungen sind ein wichtiges Element der Selbstdarstellung. Sie verleihen Würde und machen Hierarchien sichtbar, können Distanz schaffen, aber auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl stärken.

Die Bandbreite reicht von prächtigen Mitren über anmutige Damenhüte bis hin zu aktuellen Designermodellen. Hüte des Märchenkönigs Ludwig II. oder Otto von Bismarcks werfen ein Schlaglicht auf Vorlieben prominenter Persönlichkeiten. Neben Modellen von Dior, Cardin und Saint Laurent sind Unikate von Philip Treacy und Stephen Jones zu sehen. Geschichte und Gegenwart werden unter einen Hut gebracht: Kopfbedeckungen bieten eine einzigartige Vielfalt.

Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München, bis 30. April 2023.


Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

(c) adidas AG

adidas presents Spring/Summer Road Cycling Collection

  • The SS23 Collection brings an update to the Road cycling range – and includes the introduction of the Road Cycling Shoe 2.0
  • Featuring material technologies including AEROREADY and WIND.RDY fabrics, along with inclusive sizing for women, the spring/summer adidas Road Cycling Collection is designed to help more people clip-in to the sport
  • Inspired by the inclusive ethos driving cycling collectives around the world, the new Collection is accompanied by a launch film celebrating cycling clubs in the cities of London, Dubai and New York.

Using feedback from new and experienced cyclists alike, the adidas Road Cycling Collection is a range of apparel designed to help more people clip-in to the power of cycling and become part of this community on the move.

Featuring material technologies including WIND.RDY and AEROREADY fabrics, along with inclusive sizing for women, this new and improved range helps keep cyclists light in the saddle while offering wind protection on cool, breezy days and managing body sweat to keep riders feeling comfortable for longer.

  • The SS23 Collection brings an update to the Road cycling range – and includes the introduction of the Road Cycling Shoe 2.0
  • Featuring material technologies including AEROREADY and WIND.RDY fabrics, along with inclusive sizing for women, the spring/summer adidas Road Cycling Collection is designed to help more people clip-in to the sport
  • Inspired by the inclusive ethos driving cycling collectives around the world, the new Collection is accompanied by a launch film celebrating cycling clubs in the cities of London, Dubai and New York.

Using feedback from new and experienced cyclists alike, the adidas Road Cycling Collection is a range of apparel designed to help more people clip-in to the power of cycling and become part of this community on the move.

Featuring material technologies including WIND.RDY and AEROREADY fabrics, along with inclusive sizing for women, this new and improved range helps keep cyclists light in the saddle while offering wind protection on cool, breezy days and managing body sweat to keep riders feeling comfortable for longer.

The spring/summer range includes updates to all apparel pieces. This includes a soft-touch Short Sleeve Cycling Jersey made with AEROREADY fabric that adapts to movement, while a versatile, packable WIND.RDY Cycling Gilet is an additional layer on breezy days.

Padded Cycling Bib Shorts make light work of endurance rides with supportive, dual-density pads absorbing vibrations, and AEROREADY fabric helping legs feel dry and comfortable for longer. A Cycling Cap made with soft, sweat wicking AEROREADY fabric and mesh inserts tops off a collection of road essentials made for cyclists at every stage of their journey.

More information:
adidas Sportswear

adidas AG


Rieter: First information on the financial year 2022

  • Sales of CHF 890.3 million in second half-year 2022
  • EBIT margin of around 2% expected for full year 2022
  • Order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022; order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million as of December 31, 2022
  • Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
  • Implementation of action plan to increase sales and profitability ongoing
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule

For Rieter, in addition to the geopolitical uncertainties, the 2022 financial year was characterized by three main challenges:
Due to the rapid rise in inflation, the exceptionally high order backlog of around CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of 2022 was processed at significantly higher costs. It was only possible to offset these higher costs in part by means of price increases and other remedial measures.

In order to safeguard deliveries, it was necessary to compensate for serious material bottlenecks, particularly in electronic components, which resulted in considerable additional development expenditure.

  • Sales of CHF 890.3 million in second half-year 2022
  • EBIT margin of around 2% expected for full year 2022
  • Order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022; order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million as of December 31, 2022
  • Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
  • Implementation of action plan to increase sales and profitability ongoing
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule

For Rieter, in addition to the geopolitical uncertainties, the 2022 financial year was characterized by three main challenges:
Due to the rapid rise in inflation, the exceptionally high order backlog of around CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of 2022 was processed at significantly higher costs. It was only possible to offset these higher costs in part by means of price increases and other remedial measures.

In order to safeguard deliveries, it was necessary to compensate for serious material bottlenecks, particularly in electronic components, which resulted in considerable additional development expenditure.

Major expenses were also incurred in connection with the acquired businesses (Accotex, Temco and Winder).

The realization of sales from the exceptionally high order backlog developed better than expected. With sales of CHF 1 510.9 million, Rieter achieved an increase of 56% compared with the previous year (2021: CHF 969.2 million). In the second half of 2022, especially in the fourth quarter, the measures introduced to address material bottlenecks had a positive impact. Consequently, sales increased to CHF 890.3 million compared with the first six months (first half-year 2022: CHF 620.6 million).

EBIT margin
The trend in the EBIT margin was strongly influenced by substantial cost increases, which could only be offset in part through price increases and other remedial measures. In addition, to compensate for material shortages, expenses were incurred in connection with the development of alternative solutions and the acquired businesses.

Rieter succeeded in improving profitability compared with the first half of 2022 due to the higher sales volume and offsetting measures to compensate for increased costs, and expects a positive EBIT margin of around 2% for the full year 2022 (2021: 4.9%).

Order intake
In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022 was below the record year of 2021 (CHF 2 225.7 million). The market situation is characterized by investment restraint due to geopolitical uncertainties, higher financing costs and consumer reticence in important markets.

Order backlog
The company had an order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million at the end of 2022, which thus extends well into 2023 and 2024. In 2022, Rieter recorded order cancellations of less than 10% of the order backlog of CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of the year.

Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
Rieter has continued to boost its innovative capability and, in order to further extend its technology leadership, will present new innovative solutions at ITMA 2023 in Milan.

Action plan to increase sales and profitability
Implementation of the action plan to increase sales and profitability is ongoing. With regard to the profitability of the order backlog, which remains high, the implemented price increases in combination with a favorable trend in costs, particularly in logistics, are having an impact. In addition, progress was made in eliminating material bottlenecks and reducing expenses for the three acquired businesses.

Rieter site sales process
The sales process for the remaining land at the Rieter site in Winterthur (Switzerland) is proceeding according to plan. In total, around 75 000 m2 of land will be sold. The Rieter CAMPUS is not part of this transaction.

Results press conference 2023
Rieter will provide further details on the 2022 financial year and an outlook for the 2023 financial year on March 9, 2023.

More information:
Rieter financial year 2022

Rieter Holding AG


Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers at INDEX 2023

INDEX, a leading nonwovens exhibition, will take place in Geneva. About 90 Italian exhibitors will be present at this edition, including over 40 machinery manufacturers. As in past editions, ITA – Italian Trade Agengy, in cooperation with ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, has organized an exhibition space reserved for companies manufacturing machinery for the sector. There will be 12 exhibiting companies in the Italian pavilion. Of these, the ACIMIT members are: Bematic, Bombi, Bonino, Dell’Orco & Villani, Ferraro, Loptex, Ommi, Rf Systems, Texera, Zappa Macchine. Other ACIMIT member companies will exhibit fair with their own booths.

The nonwovens sector has grown significantly in recent years. According to EDANA, the association grouping European companies operating in the sector, after the impressive growth in the previous year, the production volume of nonwovens grew by 2% in 2021, exceeding 3 million tonnes.

INDEX, a leading nonwovens exhibition, will take place in Geneva. About 90 Italian exhibitors will be present at this edition, including over 40 machinery manufacturers. As in past editions, ITA – Italian Trade Agengy, in cooperation with ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, has organized an exhibition space reserved for companies manufacturing machinery for the sector. There will be 12 exhibiting companies in the Italian pavilion. Of these, the ACIMIT members are: Bematic, Bombi, Bonino, Dell’Orco & Villani, Ferraro, Loptex, Ommi, Rf Systems, Texera, Zappa Macchine. Other ACIMIT member companies will exhibit fair with their own booths.

The nonwovens sector has grown significantly in recent years. According to EDANA, the association grouping European companies operating in the sector, after the impressive growth in the previous year, the production volume of nonwovens grew by 2% in 2021, exceeding 3 million tonnes.

“The growth in nonwovens production has also driven the demand of machinery for nonwovens, comments Alessandro Zucchi, president of ACIMIT. The Italian technological supply has consequently expanded. At the 2023 INDEX edition, the presence of a significant number of Italian machinery manufacturers testifies their desire to play a leading role also in the production of machinery for nonwovens”.

The trend of Italian exports testifies the strong increase in production of nonwovens machinery. Indeed in 2021 Italian sales abroad reached a value of 102 million euro (+77% over the previous year) and in the first nine months of 2022, the value of Italian exports stood at 92 million euro.



(c) Mimaki

Mimaki: DTF-Tintenstrahldrucker für Textilanwendungen

Mimaki kündigt auf der Veranstaltung Global Innovation Days die Einführung seines ersten DTF (Direct to Film)-Tintenstrahldruckers an. Der Drucker TxF150-75, der ein auf Hitze basierendes Transferverfahren verwendet, eignet sich zur Herstellung von Merchandising-Artikeln, Sportbekleidung und anderen textilen Werbeträgern. Mimakis neuestes Produkt für das Segment der Textilveredelung wird sein EMEA-Debüt auf der Printwear & Promotion Live! in Großbritannien geben (26.-28. Februar 2023).

Der DTF-Druck ist ein einfaches und kostengünstiges Verfahren zur Veredelung von Kleidungsstücken, vor allem T-Shirts. Das Motiv wird zunächst auf eine spezielle Transferfolie aufgedruckt, die dann mit Thermopulver bestreut wird. Nach dem Erhitzen und Trocknen wird die Transferfolie mit einer Heißpresse auf den Stoff aufgebracht.

Mimaki kündigt auf der Veranstaltung Global Innovation Days die Einführung seines ersten DTF (Direct to Film)-Tintenstrahldruckers an. Der Drucker TxF150-75, der ein auf Hitze basierendes Transferverfahren verwendet, eignet sich zur Herstellung von Merchandising-Artikeln, Sportbekleidung und anderen textilen Werbeträgern. Mimakis neuestes Produkt für das Segment der Textilveredelung wird sein EMEA-Debüt auf der Printwear & Promotion Live! in Großbritannien geben (26.-28. Februar 2023).

Der DTF-Druck ist ein einfaches und kostengünstiges Verfahren zur Veredelung von Kleidungsstücken, vor allem T-Shirts. Das Motiv wird zunächst auf eine spezielle Transferfolie aufgedruckt, die dann mit Thermopulver bestreut wird. Nach dem Erhitzen und Trocknen wird die Transferfolie mit einer Heißpresse auf den Stoff aufgebracht.

Der neue TxF150-75 basiert auf der bestehenden Solvent-/Sublimationsdruckerserie (C)JV150, der den meistverkauften Modellen von Mimaki angehört. Mit der Einführung reagiert das Unternehmen auf die steigende Marktnachfrage nach zuverlässiger, robuster DTF-Technologie. Das integrierte Tintenzirkulationssystem und das Design des Behälters für entgaste Tinte verhindern Probleme, die häufig beim DTF-Druck auftreten können, z. B. schlechter Tintenausstoß und die Ablagerunge der Pigmente von Weißtinte. Diese Kerntechnologien, zu denen auch die Nozzle Check Unit (NCU, Düsenprüfeinheit) und das Nozzle Recovery System (NRS, Düsenwiederherstellungssystem) von Mimaki gehören, sorgen dafür, dass alle Prozesse effizient und mit minimalem Aufwand durchgeführt werden können.

Als ersten Vorstoß in ein neues Segment entwickelte Mimaki seine eigene Reihe wasserbasierter Pigmenttinten (PHT50) speziell für diese Lösung. Im März 2023 werden diese Tinten die OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT-Zertifizierung  erhalten und garantieren damit die Einhaltung geltender Sicherheits- und Umweltstandards im Einklang mit Mimakis Nachhaltigkeitsversprechen. Was die Druckmaterialien anbelangt, ist der DTF-Druck deutlich vielseitiger als der Transfer-/Sublimationsdruck, da mit dieser Technologie neben Polyester und TC-Mischgeweben auch andere Textilien sowie helle und dunkle Stoffe verwendet werden können.

Der Drucker wird außerdem mit RasterLink7 RIP-Software geliefert, mit der Anwender einen umfassenden Überblick über den gesamten Prozess vom Entwurf bis zum Endprodukt erhalten und Abläufe rationalisieren können.




Polartec®: New technology reduces fiber fragmentation in laundering tests

  • Iconic 200 Series fleece to be the first fabric made from this new process.

Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, announces Polartec® Shed Less Fleece, a new milestone in its industry-leading efforts to reduce textile fiber fragment shedding. Shed Less is a process that combines yarn construction, knitting, chemistry, and manufacturing to reduce home laundry fiber fragment shedding by an average of 85%. The first fabric to receive this new technology is the brand’s iconic Polartec® 200 Series Fleece, the modern version of the original PolarFleece® launched in 1981, and in 1993, the first performance fleece knit from yarn made from recycled plastic bottles.

The Shed Less process works by engineering the lofted fibers that give fleece its soft hand the ability to resist breaking and rubbing off during home laundering, cited as one contributing factor to the spread of fibers fragments (commonly referred to as microfibers). Polartec® Shed Less Fleece achieves this while maintaining all of the attributes that continue to make Polartec fleece a staple of midlayer collections - lightweight, breathable and warm.

  • Iconic 200 Series fleece to be the first fabric made from this new process.

Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, announces Polartec® Shed Less Fleece, a new milestone in its industry-leading efforts to reduce textile fiber fragment shedding. Shed Less is a process that combines yarn construction, knitting, chemistry, and manufacturing to reduce home laundry fiber fragment shedding by an average of 85%. The first fabric to receive this new technology is the brand’s iconic Polartec® 200 Series Fleece, the modern version of the original PolarFleece® launched in 1981, and in 1993, the first performance fleece knit from yarn made from recycled plastic bottles.

The Shed Less process works by engineering the lofted fibers that give fleece its soft hand the ability to resist breaking and rubbing off during home laundering, cited as one contributing factor to the spread of fibers fragments (commonly referred to as microfibers). Polartec® Shed Less Fleece achieves this while maintaining all of the attributes that continue to make Polartec fleece a staple of midlayer collections - lightweight, breathable and warm.

The brand used the AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) TM212-2021 test method for fiber fragment release during home laundering. This test was conducted with large sample sizes to account for variability. The testing concluded that Shed Less Fleece reduced fiber fragment shedding by an average of 85% compared to the baseline fabric.

“In 2016 we began looking into how we might test for fiber loss because there wasn’t a lot of research on the issue.” said Aimee LaValley, Polartec Textile Development, Dye and Chemistry Manager. “This led to new products like Polartec Power Air™, new manufacturing processes, as well as our participation in the TextileMission workgroup to study the issue on an interdisciplinary basis.”

TextileMission was a three year collaborative initiative of academia and industry to reduce the impact of textile microplastics funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Founding partners include The Association of the German Sporting Goods Industry, Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Science; TU Dresden - Institute of Water Chemistry; Vaude Sport; WWF Germany; Adidas AG; Henkel AG; Miele & CIE; and Polartec, LLC.

Polartec® Shed Less Fleece will be initially launched in the United States and will be available to customers beginning March 1, 2023. The brand plans to apply the Shed Less process to many other industry-leading fabric platforms and manufacturing facilities around the world.


Gold Medal by EcoVadis for Indorama Ventures

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been awarded the ‘Gold Medal’ by EcoVadis, recognising Indorama Ventures’ commitment to sustainability in supply chain management.

Indorama Ventures participates in the annual EcoVadis assessment to evaluate the company’s sustainable practices and ensure it can meet key customers’ requirements across the different business segments and operations. In 2023, the company achieved the Gold Medal with a score of 77; higher than 2022’s score of 75. Indorama Ventures ranked in the 99th percentile in basic chemical, fertilizers, and nitrogen compound plastics and synthetic rubbers in primary industries of all assessed companies worldwide, with above industry-average performances in all four assessment areas, including environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

EcoVadis is a provider of business sustainability ratings. The assessment indices include more than 200 purchasing categories and 175 countries around the world.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

(c) Hohenstein
fibres residues in wastewater

New test method for textile microplastics

  • Standard assesses fibre release, biodegradation and ecotoxicity for the first time

Testing service provider Hohenstein has worked with the project partners Trigema, Freudenberg, DBL ITEX and Paradies to create a new standardized test method for detecting and classifying the environmental effects of textiles during washing. DIN SPEC 4872 combines analysis of fibre release, biodegradability and ecotoxicity. The test method according to DIN SPEC 4872 shows how many fibres are released during textile laundering, how well these fibres degrade in wastewater and how harmful the fibre residues are to the environment.

  • Standard assesses fibre release, biodegradation and ecotoxicity for the first time

Testing service provider Hohenstein has worked with the project partners Trigema, Freudenberg, DBL ITEX and Paradies to create a new standardized test method for detecting and classifying the environmental effects of textiles during washing. DIN SPEC 4872 combines analysis of fibre release, biodegradability and ecotoxicity. The test method according to DIN SPEC 4872 shows how many fibres are released during textile laundering, how well these fibres degrade in wastewater and how harmful the fibre residues are to the environment.

Studies have shown that washing textiles releases microfibres into the wash water, which cannot be sufficiently retained by wastewater treatment plants. Synthetic fibres pose the greatest risk to the environment because of their longevity and inability to biodegrade. However, Hohenstein project manager Juliane Alberts does not give the all-clear for biodegradable fibres and natural fibres: "Biodegradability alone does not mean that pure natural fibres, for example, are completely harmless to the environment. They, too, remain in ecosystems until they completely degrade and can also have a negative impact. In addition, additives, auxiliaries or finishes used in textile production can further slow the degradation process and leach into the environment."

The new standard enables textile producers and suppliers to test, evaluate and compare products for fibre release during washing and environmental impact. Juliane Alberts sees this systematic evaluation as an opportunity for the textile industry to take the initiative on environmental impact: "Our reliable data can be used as a basis for more targeted product development. This is a way to actively and consciously control further environmental pollution."

(c) Euratex
RegioGreenTex - Kickoff meeting

New European initiative for SMEs: Transform textile waste into value

43 partners of the RegioGreenTex project met in Brussels to kick start a three-year project that should change the way we manage textile recycling.

Regions for Green Textiles – known as RegioGreenTex – is a quadruple-helix partnership initiative aiming at mapping and reducing the difficulties, which currently exist in the implementation of a circular economy model within the textile ecosystem across the EU.

RegioGreenTex will  support tangible solutions at SME level, where textile waste becomes a value. The project will contribute to maintain and develop jobs in the EU textile sector, reshoring the production in Europe and making the EU textile value chain more competitive and resilient. It will contribute to the EU Green Deal objectives of reducing carbon footprint, energy and water consumption.

More information:
Euratex SMEs textile waste EISMEA



VDI ZRE: Online-Baukasten für Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte

Um kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen eine Hilfestellung zu geben, Aspekte der Ressourceneffizienz in Entwicklungsphasen zu berücksichtigen, hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) den Online-Baukasten „Design für Ressourceneffizienz“ entwickelt.

Mit der strukturierten Zusammenstellung erhalten Unternehmen einen gezielten Zugang zu weiteren kostenlosen Inhalten, die auf ihre spezifische Fragestellung zugeschnitten sind: Studien, Kurzanalysen, Gute-Praxis-Beispiele und mehr. Diese Angebote zum Wissensaufbau und zur Selbsteinschätzung geben neue Impulse und ermöglichen es, den eigenen Entwicklungsfortschritt zu bewerten.

Orientierung bieten dabei auch die einzelnen Phasen der Produktentwicklung: das Klären der Aufgabe, das Konzipieren, Entwerfen und Ausarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu Strategien und Geschäftsmodellen dargestellt, denen sich ein Unternehmen vor Beginn der eigentlichen Produktentwicklung stellen sollte oder die während der Entwicklungsphasen wichtig sind. Dass es sich lohnt Ressourceneffizienz in der Produktentwicklung zu berücksichtigen, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele.

Um kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen eine Hilfestellung zu geben, Aspekte der Ressourceneffizienz in Entwicklungsphasen zu berücksichtigen, hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) den Online-Baukasten „Design für Ressourceneffizienz“ entwickelt.

Mit der strukturierten Zusammenstellung erhalten Unternehmen einen gezielten Zugang zu weiteren kostenlosen Inhalten, die auf ihre spezifische Fragestellung zugeschnitten sind: Studien, Kurzanalysen, Gute-Praxis-Beispiele und mehr. Diese Angebote zum Wissensaufbau und zur Selbsteinschätzung geben neue Impulse und ermöglichen es, den eigenen Entwicklungsfortschritt zu bewerten.

Orientierung bieten dabei auch die einzelnen Phasen der Produktentwicklung: das Klären der Aufgabe, das Konzipieren, Entwerfen und Ausarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu Strategien und Geschäftsmodellen dargestellt, denen sich ein Unternehmen vor Beginn der eigentlichen Produktentwicklung stellen sollte oder die während der Entwicklungsphasen wichtig sind. Dass es sich lohnt Ressourceneffizienz in der Produktentwicklung zu berücksichtigen, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele.

Ein „Analysemethodenset“ unterstützt dabei, das konzipierte Produkt hinsichtlich der Ressourceneffizienz zu bewerten. Methoden für die Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte und zur Umsetzung von entsprechenden Strategien und Maßnahmen liefert ein so genanntes „Entwicklungsmethodenset“. Beide Module sind Teil des Baukastens.

Der im Auftrag des Bundesumweltministeriums entwickelte Online-Baukasten „Design für Ressourceneffizienz“ wird in regelmäßigen Abständen aktualisiert und erweitert. Er ist abrufbar unter


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE)

(c) Global Fashion Agenda

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 takes place in June

Global Fashion Summit, a leading international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across the fashion ecosystem and parallel industries to drive tangible action on social and environmental sustainability. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA). GFA is a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 will take place on 27-28 June in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The theme of Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 is ‘Ambition to Action’. Under this premise, the Summit will present content experiences focused on tangible impact.

Global Fashion Summit, a leading international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across the fashion ecosystem and parallel industries to drive tangible action on social and environmental sustainability. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA). GFA is a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 will take place on 27-28 June in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The theme of Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 is ‘Ambition to Action’. Under this premise, the Summit will present content experiences focused on tangible impact.

The theme will underly all elements of the Summit and Main Stage speakers will showcase inspiring thought leadership for accelerated change by exploring a matrix of interconnected topics. The 2023 Copenhagen Edition will build on more than a decade’s worth of Summit guidance and outcomes by dedicating even more focus towards action-oriented workshops and case studies. Through these formats, the forum will demonstrate tangible learnings and concrete recommendations that can help drive implementation.
The forum will also host strategic roundtable meetings with the aim to mobilise industry leaders to build alliances with solution providers, policy makers, investors and other industry stakeholders and implement immediate solutions. Such alliances can set in motion progress towards a net positive industry. With upcoming policy expected to influence the fashion industry even further this year, the Summit will shed light on the ongoing pieces of legislation currently under discussion both within the EU and worldwide.

This year’s Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition is supported by Principal Sponsor, Maersk. A globally renowned leader in logistics that aims to deliver a more connected, agile and sustainable future for global logistics. Maersk will support the Summit's agenda to accelerate industry transformation by highlighting how logistics can help the fashion and lifestyle industry in reaching their sustainability goals.

Additionally, the Innovation Forum will present a curated exhibition of other leading sustainable solutions. Summit attendees can meet with exhibitors covering the entire value chain – from innovative materials to end-of-use solutions. Innovation Forum Matchmaking will enable small and large fashion businesses to advance their sustainability journey, by providing the unique opportunity to be matched with relevant solution providers. 


BVMed begrüßt MDR-Änderungen

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die heutige Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlament zu Änderungen an der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) begrüßt, fordert gleichzeitig aber auch Schritte, um das europäische Marktzugangssystem strategisch weiterzuentwickeln und im weltweiten Wettbewerb insbesondere um Innovationen besser aufzustellen. „Es ist ein gutes Signal für die medizinische Versorgung der Patient:innen und den Medizinprodukte-Standort Europa, dass Kommission, Rat und Parlament in den letzten Wochen Tempo gemacht und die notwendigen Änderungen im Schnellverfahren beschlossen haben“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die heutige Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlament zu Änderungen an der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) begrüßt, fordert gleichzeitig aber auch Schritte, um das europäische Marktzugangssystem strategisch weiterzuentwickeln und im weltweiten Wettbewerb insbesondere um Innovationen besser aufzustellen. „Es ist ein gutes Signal für die medizinische Versorgung der Patient:innen und den Medizinprodukte-Standort Europa, dass Kommission, Rat und Parlament in den letzten Wochen Tempo gemacht und die notwendigen Änderungen im Schnellverfahren beschlossen haben“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Zum Hintergrund: Die Medizintechnik-Branche bereitet sich seit Jahren intensiv auf die MDR vor. Die Kosten der Umsetzung für die Branche werden nach Schätzungen zwischen 7 und 10 Milliarden Euro liegen. Die Branche hat massiv investiert, beispielsweise in zusätzliches regulatorisches Personal. Das MDR-System ist aber nach wie vor nicht praxistauglich. Zentrales Problem bei der MDR-Implementierung sind die Kapazitätsengpässe bei den Benannten Stellen sowie die sehr aufwendigen Zertifizierungsverfahren.  

Zur Vermeidung von Engpässen bei Medizinprodukten haben Parlament, Rat und Kommission nun unter anderem die Abschaffung der Abverkaufsfrist und eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist für die neuen Vorschriften nach einem risikobasierten Ansatz beschlossen. Außerdem werden Klasse III-Sonderanfertigungen mit in die Fristenverlängerung aufgenommen.

Parallel zu dieser wichtigen Maßnahme zur Entzerrung des Flaschenhals bei der Zertifizierung der Bestandsprodukte müssen nach Ansicht der BVMed auch die untergesetzlichen Maßnahmen, die von der Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) Ende August 2022 veröffentlicht wurden, pragmatisch umgesetzt werden, damit Bestandsprodukte zeitnah in die MDR überführt werden können und auch in Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung zur Verfügung stehen.

Mittelfristig geht es dem deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband darum, dass die MDR strategisch weiterentwickelt werden muss, damit Europa im schärfer werdenden Innovationswettbewerb gegenüber USA und Asien nicht weiter an Boden verliert. Der Beschluss der Schweiz, künftig auch die FDA-Zulassung des US-Systems zuzulassen, verdeutliche die Gefahr, dass das EU-System mit der MDR den Innovationswettbewerb der Zukunft verliere.

BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll: „Wenn wir mehr und mehr Forschung und Entwicklung durch Abwanderung verlieren, dann verlieren wir damit nicht nur viele kluge Köpfe, sondern künftig auch Produktion und Wertschöpfung in Europa. Wir müssen deshalb jetzt daran arbeiten, die Rolle Europas als attraktive Region für Investitionen in medizintechnische Innovationen wieder zu stärken. Mit unserem innovationsstarken Mittelstand haben wir dafür die besten Voraussetzungen.“


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Packaging textile for automotive and industrial parts

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is widening its product range of technical packaging textiles. Evolon® ESD protects automotive and industrial parts with electronic components from electrostatic discharge. This includes trim lines, dashboards, mirrors, steering wheels, etc.

The ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) feature of the new Evolon® technical packing textile provides permanent electrostatic discharging protection and the fabric’s surface resistivity can be customized. This eliminates ESD damage to electronic components during transport because electrostatic charging due to movement and friction is safely prevented. As this kind of damage cannot be detected with the naked eye, Evolon® ESD helps to avoid failures which can occur after the final product is assembled and released. Manufacturers benefit from fewer complaints and warranty costs, as well as better end customer satisfaction.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is widening its product range of technical packaging textiles. Evolon® ESD protects automotive and industrial parts with electronic components from electrostatic discharge. This includes trim lines, dashboards, mirrors, steering wheels, etc.

The ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) feature of the new Evolon® technical packing textile provides permanent electrostatic discharging protection and the fabric’s surface resistivity can be customized. This eliminates ESD damage to electronic components during transport because electrostatic charging due to movement and friction is safely prevented. As this kind of damage cannot be detected with the naked eye, Evolon® ESD helps to avoid failures which can occur after the final product is assembled and released. Manufacturers benefit from fewer complaints and warranty costs, as well as better end customer satisfaction.

Further protection feature
Unlike conventional ESD packaging solutions, Evolon® ESD also protects parts surfaces by avoiding micro-scratches or lint contamination. By using Evolon® reusable packaging to transport parts with highly-sensitive surfaces, customers reduce the number of damaged parts and the reject rate.

Additional benefits
Evolon® microfilament textiles are also extremely strong and are available in different weights to meet a wide range of requirements – from lightweight to heavy-duty. They can be used to pack and transport very heavy parts without damage. In addition, Evolon® fabrics are durable, and contain up to 85% recycled PET.


Freudenberg Performance Materials


Haelixa: Traceability of wool fibers up to the final fabric

The Woolmark Company, the Italian wool fabric mill Vitale Barberis Canonico (VBC) and Haelixa took part in a trial to trace Australian wool fibers up to the final fabric.

Funded by Australian woolgrowers, The Woolmark Company (TWC) is an enterprise that focuses on investments that enhance the profitability, international competitiveness, and sustainability of Australian wool. In their operations, TWC seeks to be transparent and accountable. In line with this strategy, traceability is necessary to ensure transparency and maintain the credibility of TWC.

In December 2021, Haelixa marked wool fibers with their DNA tracing solution. There are infinite DNA markers that could be produced and used to indicate a specific origin, supply chain, material, or particular collection. In this case, a single DNA has been applied to greasy wool and a second DNA marker to scoured wool. The first DNA identifies the origin of the Australian wool, while the second determines the manufacturer where the wool has been further processed; at Vitale Barberis Canonico mill.

The Woolmark Company, the Italian wool fabric mill Vitale Barberis Canonico (VBC) and Haelixa took part in a trial to trace Australian wool fibers up to the final fabric.

Funded by Australian woolgrowers, The Woolmark Company (TWC) is an enterprise that focuses on investments that enhance the profitability, international competitiveness, and sustainability of Australian wool. In their operations, TWC seeks to be transparent and accountable. In line with this strategy, traceability is necessary to ensure transparency and maintain the credibility of TWC.

In December 2021, Haelixa marked wool fibers with their DNA tracing solution. There are infinite DNA markers that could be produced and used to indicate a specific origin, supply chain, material, or particular collection. In this case, a single DNA has been applied to greasy wool and a second DNA marker to scoured wool. The first DNA identifies the origin of the Australian wool, while the second determines the manufacturer where the wool has been further processed; at Vitale Barberis Canonico mill.

Samples were collected from various production stages, where a qPCR test was used to detect each specific DNA marker. Haelixa uses a “Key-Lock” system to detect a marker; one needs to know the particular DNA to screen for, ensuring that the system is tamper-proof. The DNA markers stay safely embedded in the product, enabling traceability of greasy and scoured wool up to greige fabric and finished fabric, respectively.

With increasing cost pressure and competition in the wool fabric market, traceability is becoming a prerequisite to proving authenticity and origin. TWC and Vitale Barberis Canonico support the culture of sustainability and collaboration.


Haelixa AG


FiloFlow & C.L.A.S.S: "Sustainability from A to Z" at Filo

FiloFlow and C.L.A.S.S. join forces and showcase the "Sustainability from A to Z" desk at the upcoming 59th edition of Filo.

Filo and C.L.A.S.S. have always shared the commitment to a tangible sustainability of products and processes of the textile industry. The Yarn Show realizes this through the FiloFlow project, while the international eco-hub founded by Giusy Bettoni demonstrates its commitment through services that support companies in their journey towards responsible innovation.

With this shared commitment, Filo and C.L.A.S.S. are making available to the companies that will join the 59th edition of the Yarn Show a new service dedicated to information and guidance in the field of sustainability.

Within the FiloFlow Area, C.L.A.S.S. will curate the "Sustainability from A to Z" desk, designed to provide companies with an orientation about sustainability matter in textiles: from certifications to environmental impact and end-of-life measurements, the importance of ethics and the energy savings; from responsible innovation to new generation communication.

The 59th edition of Filo takes place on February 22nd and 23rd, 2023 in Milan.

FiloFlow and C.L.A.S.S. join forces and showcase the "Sustainability from A to Z" desk at the upcoming 59th edition of Filo.

Filo and C.L.A.S.S. have always shared the commitment to a tangible sustainability of products and processes of the textile industry. The Yarn Show realizes this through the FiloFlow project, while the international eco-hub founded by Giusy Bettoni demonstrates its commitment through services that support companies in their journey towards responsible innovation.

With this shared commitment, Filo and C.L.A.S.S. are making available to the companies that will join the 59th edition of the Yarn Show a new service dedicated to information and guidance in the field of sustainability.

Within the FiloFlow Area, C.L.A.S.S. will curate the "Sustainability from A to Z" desk, designed to provide companies with an orientation about sustainability matter in textiles: from certifications to environmental impact and end-of-life measurements, the importance of ethics and the energy savings; from responsible innovation to new generation communication.

The 59th edition of Filo takes place on February 22nd and 23rd, 2023 in Milan.



(c) Archroma

Archroma closing acquisition of Huntsman Textile Effects on 28 February 2023

Archroma, a manufacturer of sustainable specialty chemicals and solutions for industries such as textiles, packaging & paper, paints and coatings, announced that it has secured all regulatory approvals required to complete the acquisition of the Textile Effects business from Huntsman Corporation (“Huntsman Textile Effects”).

Both parties expect the transaction, which was first announced on 09 August 2022, to close on 28 February 2023.

Archroma is a portfolio company of US-based private investment firm SK Capital Partners. Since its formation in 2013, Archroma acquired and successfully integrated the global textile chemicals businesses of BASF as well as BASF’s stilbene-based OBA business for paper applications, and M. Dohmen, a specialist in coloration for automotive textiles.

Archroma, a manufacturer of sustainable specialty chemicals and solutions for industries such as textiles, packaging & paper, paints and coatings, announced that it has secured all regulatory approvals required to complete the acquisition of the Textile Effects business from Huntsman Corporation (“Huntsman Textile Effects”).

Both parties expect the transaction, which was first announced on 09 August 2022, to close on 28 February 2023.

Archroma is a portfolio company of US-based private investment firm SK Capital Partners. Since its formation in 2013, Archroma acquired and successfully integrated the global textile chemicals businesses of BASF as well as BASF’s stilbene-based OBA business for paper applications, and M. Dohmen, a specialist in coloration for automotive textiles.

Heike van de Kerkhof, Archroma Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO), commented: “We are very excited to see this acquisition nearing completion. I am deeply grateful to the project teams of Archroma and Huntsman who are preparing for a smooth transition for our employees and partners. After closing, we will be able to bring together our expert teams and highly complementary product portfolios to offer our customers and brand partners the high performance they expect, whilst respecting natural resources and the planet.”




Registration for World of Wipes® International Conference 2023 opened

The 17th edition of the WOW will take place July 17-20 2023 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, Georgia. INDA announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open.

WOW 2023 will feature the latest wipes intelligence on the Energy Crisis, Coping with Inflation, Supply Chain Challenges from material availability to import pressures, Market Trends, Plastics Issues such as single use plastics, renegade plastics and microplastics, Sustainability and Traceability from sourcing to end-of-life, Private Label vs. Brand, and Flushability Developments including legislative and labeling efforts, collection studies, and regulatory topics.

The event includes 11+ hours of networking with industry influencers, thought leaders, and C-suite executives. In addition to two nights of tabletop displays and receptions on July 18 and 19, a highlight of WOW 2023 will be Lightning Talks. Tabletop exhibitors will give “supersized elevator speeches” for five minutes. Participants will have the opportunity to follow up with tabletop exhibitors during the reception.

The 17th edition of the WOW will take place July 17-20 2023 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, Georgia. INDA announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open.

WOW 2023 will feature the latest wipes intelligence on the Energy Crisis, Coping with Inflation, Supply Chain Challenges from material availability to import pressures, Market Trends, Plastics Issues such as single use plastics, renegade plastics and microplastics, Sustainability and Traceability from sourcing to end-of-life, Private Label vs. Brand, and Flushability Developments including legislative and labeling efforts, collection studies, and regulatory topics.

The event includes 11+ hours of networking with industry influencers, thought leaders, and C-suite executives. In addition to two nights of tabletop displays and receptions on July 18 and 19, a highlight of WOW 2023 will be Lightning Talks. Tabletop exhibitors will give “supersized elevator speeches” for five minutes. Participants will have the opportunity to follow up with tabletop exhibitors during the reception.

WOW 2023 begins with the WIPES Academy, July 17-18, led by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, and her team of wipes professionals from Crown Abbey LLC. Participants will gain insights from product concept to commercialization. Participants will also develop insights about materials, design, manufacturing, packaging, and cost implications for industrial, institutional and consumer wipes applications.

Cotton Incorporated and Rockline Industries are sponsoring the WOW 2023.


INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry