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5653 results
Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu (c) Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG

Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

The manufacturer is now saying goodbye to this "knitting head principle". It made perfect sense for the start of the assembly line, says Benjamin Mayer, managing partner of Mayer & Cie. However, it leaves little room for flexibility. He explains: "In the future, we will source all parts and components of the machines assembled in China from various local suppliers. This allows us to offer our local customers more attractive prices and faster delivery times with the same quality standards. We expect this change to improve the positioning of our products in the domestic market." In addition, the new plant will be connected to the parent company in Albstadt via an SAP connection. This was imperative to increase efficiency, transparency and quality.

The new headquarters of Mayer & Cie. CN is the German Chinese Innovation Park in Jintan in Jiangsu Province. The companies based there enjoy various advantages, including attractive location costs as well as proximity and exchange with other German companies on site. In addition, the administration of the SGIP supports companies in their search for employees, suppliers and service providers.


Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG


Autoneum: Two new plants in China and India

  • Autoneum is expanding its production capacities in Asia with two new plants in Changchun in the Chinese province of Jilin and Pune in Western India.

The world's largest automotive market Asia is one of the most important sales regions for vehicle manufacturers and suppliers as well as a pioneer for new forms of e-mobility. Autoneum already supplies both international and local vehicle manufacturers in Asia with multifunctional lightweight components for noise and heat protection, supporting them in their commitment to sustainable mobility. Autoneum is expanding its production capacities in the key automotive hubs of China and India to increase its presence and thus its proximity to customers in these important production centers.

  • Autoneum is expanding its production capacities in Asia with two new plants in Changchun in the Chinese province of Jilin and Pune in Western India.

The world's largest automotive market Asia is one of the most important sales regions for vehicle manufacturers and suppliers as well as a pioneer for new forms of e-mobility. Autoneum already supplies both international and local vehicle manufacturers in Asia with multifunctional lightweight components for noise and heat protection, supporting them in their commitment to sustainable mobility. Autoneum is expanding its production capacities in the key automotive hubs of China and India to increase its presence and thus its proximity to customers in these important production centers.

Autoneum’s new plant in China, which will be operated as a joint venture, will be located in Changchun in the northern Chinese Jilin province, which is one of Asia’s largest car production centers. The proximity to key local and international vehicle manufacturers makes Changchun a strategically important and attractive location for Autoneum. The plant will help to increase market share with European, Japanese and Chinese car manufacturers with products for light vehicles and also support the expansion of the Company’s business with components for commercial vehicles in this region. The project is supported by the local authorities in China. From the end of 2024, the plant will ramp up production with first samples for already awarded business for inner dashes, interior floor insulators and other NVH (noise, vibration, harshness) components for cars of all drive types.

Autoneum is furthermore expanding its local presence in Western India with a fully owned production facility in Pune in the state of Maharashtra. The Company already operates two locations in India: one in Behror near New Delhi in the north and a joint venture plant in Chennai in the south. Thanks to the new Pune plant, Autoneum will now be present in the north, west and south of the country and gain access to the third of four major automobile production centers in India. Orders have already been received and the plant in Pune will start manufacturing carpet systems, interior trim, wheelhouse outer liners, e-motor covers and other noise protection components as of the second quarter of 2024. From the 7 500 square meter building, Autoneum will supply international as well as local car manufacturers with a particular focus on Indian and Korean vehicle manufacturers.


Autoneum Management AG

BVMed: Umfrage zur Stärkung der deutschen Wirtschaft (c) BVMed

BVMed: Umfrage zur Stärkung der deutschen Wirtschaft

Der Abbau von Bürokratie, die Förderung des Mittelstands und die Senkung der Energiesteuern sind für die Deutschen die überragenden Themen, um die Wirtschaft zu entlasten. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). „Der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland verliert im internationalen Wettbewerb an Boden. Wir müssen jetzt gegensteuern und geeignete Maßnahmen ergreifen, um insbesondere die stark mittelständisch geprägte Medizintechnik-Branche zu fördern und von Bürokratie zu entlasten. Dafür hat die Bevölkerung ein gutes Gespür“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Abbau von Bürokratie, die Förderung des Mittelstands und die Senkung der Energiesteuern sind für die Deutschen die überragenden Themen, um die Wirtschaft zu entlasten. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). „Der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland verliert im internationalen Wettbewerb an Boden. Wir müssen jetzt gegensteuern und geeignete Maßnahmen ergreifen, um insbesondere die stark mittelständisch geprägte Medizintechnik-Branche zu fördern und von Bürokratie zu entlasten. Dafür hat die Bevölkerung ein gutes Gespür“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Gefragt nach geeigneten Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der deutschen Wirtschaft nennen 84 Prozent der Deutschen den Abbau von Bürokratie, 62 Prozent die Förderung des Mittelstandes und 60 Prozent die Senkung der Energiesteuern. 41 Prozent sprechen sich für eine bessere Förderung von Innovationen und 33 Prozent für die Senkung der Unternehmenssteuern aus. Es folgen der Ausbau der steuerlichen Forschungsförderung (22 Prozent), die Stärkung der Gesundheitswirtschaft (21 Prozent) und ein erleichterter Zugriff auf Forschungsdaten (15 Prozent).

Während die Werte bei Frauen und Männer sowie Ost- und West-Deutschen ähnlich hoch sind, unterscheiden sich die Antworten nach Altersgruppen sehr stark. Die mit Abstand höchsten Werte gibt es in der Bevölkerungsgruppe zwischen 30 und 39 Jahren. Hier wünschen sich beispielsweise 58 Prozent eine bessere Förderung von Innovationen. Den höchsten Wert zum Abbau von Bürokratie gibt es bei Arbeiter:innen mit 92 Prozent und Beamt:innen mit 87 Prozent.

Der BVMed fordert seit langem ein zwischen Wirtschafts-, Forschungs- und Gesundheitspolitik abgestimmtes Maßnahmenpaket zur im Koalitionsvertrag von 2021 vorgesehenen Stärkung des Medizintechnik-Standorts Deutschlands. Zu den Forderungen des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes gehören eine beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft, eine Stärkung der Resilienz und der Lieferketten, ein Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive für die KMU-geprägte Branche, Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen sowie einfache Anerkennungsverfahren für benötigte Fachkräfte.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Epson ruft zum „Earth Hour 2024“ auf (c) EPSON DEUTSCHLAND GmbH

Epson ruft zum „Earth Hour 2024“ auf

Die „Earth Hour“ wurde 2007 vom WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) ins Leben gerufen, um durch die symbolische, alljährliche Aktion, Ende März auf der ganzen Welt für eine Stunde das Licht auszuschalten, unsere Unterstützung für den Planeten zu demonstrieren. Seitdem hat sich diese Aktion zur weltweit größten Umweltbewegung entwickelt. Menschen in mehr als 190 Ländern und Territorien setzen sich mit ihr für einen gemeinsamen Lebensraum ein. Die „Hour Bank“, ein Online-Zähler für Aktionen zugunsten unseres Planeten, verzeichnete im Jahr 2023 mehr als 410.000 Stunden Engagement.

Anlässlich der „Earth Hour 2024“ (23. März um 20:30 Uhr) rufen Epson und die Organisation „Earth Hour“ alle Menschen dazu auf, Energiesparmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, die in der „Hour Bank“ eingetragen werden. Epson aktiviert sein globales Netz von Vertriebsgesellschaften, um in den jeweiligen Ländern und Regionen für diese Maßnahmen zu werben. Am Tag der „Earth Hour“ ist Epson zudem ein Partner für Earth Hour-Veranstaltungen in Singapur (Wisma Atria Shopping Mall) und Japan (LalaPort Toyosu in Tokio).

Die „Earth Hour“ wurde 2007 vom WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) ins Leben gerufen, um durch die symbolische, alljährliche Aktion, Ende März auf der ganzen Welt für eine Stunde das Licht auszuschalten, unsere Unterstützung für den Planeten zu demonstrieren. Seitdem hat sich diese Aktion zur weltweit größten Umweltbewegung entwickelt. Menschen in mehr als 190 Ländern und Territorien setzen sich mit ihr für einen gemeinsamen Lebensraum ein. Die „Hour Bank“, ein Online-Zähler für Aktionen zugunsten unseres Planeten, verzeichnete im Jahr 2023 mehr als 410.000 Stunden Engagement.

Anlässlich der „Earth Hour 2024“ (23. März um 20:30 Uhr) rufen Epson und die Organisation „Earth Hour“ alle Menschen dazu auf, Energiesparmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, die in der „Hour Bank“ eingetragen werden. Epson aktiviert sein globales Netz von Vertriebsgesellschaften, um in den jeweiligen Ländern und Regionen für diese Maßnahmen zu werben. Am Tag der „Earth Hour“ ist Epson zudem ein Partner für Earth Hour-Veranstaltungen in Singapur (Wisma Atria Shopping Mall) und Japan (LalaPort Toyosu in Tokio).

In seiner „Umweltvision 2050“ hat sich Epson dazu verpflichtet, bis zu diesem Jahr CO₂-negativ zu werden und komplett auf die Nutzung nicht erneuerbarer, fossiler Ressourcen zu verzichten. Zu diesem Zweck ergreift das Unternehmen an allen Standorten der Gruppe weltweit eine Reihe von Initiativen, darunter die Umstellung auf Strom aus zu 100 Prozent erneuerbaren Quellen Ende 2023.




Rieter: Partnership with Shanghai's DIW

On March 6, 2024, Rieter received an order for the first batch of Rieter technology amounting to around CHF 62 million from Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd. (DIW). Rieter also signed a strategic partnership with DIW to develop an intelligent yarn manufacturing technology that utilizes digitization and automation to minimize conversion costs.

On March 6, 2024, Rieter received an order for the first batch of Rieter technology amounting to around CHF 62 million from Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd. (DIW). Rieter also signed a strategic partnership with DIW to develop an intelligent yarn manufacturing technology that utilizes digitization and automation to minimize conversion costs.

Rieter and DIW signed a first order in the amount of around CHF 62 million for combers and draw frames that will provide the basis to transform DIW’s spinning mills into state-of-the-art industrial textile operations. DIW, a fast-growing company specializing in intelligent manufacturing and industrial operation services, selected Rieter following a competition in which the company’s machines achieved better stability and higher production than competitors. The strategic partnership of DIW and Rieter is designed to further enhance the overall operational efficiency of DIW’s mills by providing highly efficient machines, automation and digitization technology. This will also minimize conversion cost and consolidate the sustainable growth of both companies, while contributing to the high-quality development of the Chinese textile industry.


Rieter Management AG


Final report of the World Pultrusion Conference 2024

The 17th World-Pultrusion-Conference (WPC) took place in Hamburg from 29 February to 1 March. Pultrusion, also known as the extrusion process, is a highly efficient method for producing fibre-reinforced plastic profiles for various applications in the construction/infrastructure and transport sectors.

A record number of almost 150 participants from all over the world attended the event. An international audience of experts from Europe and the USA, as well as China, India and Japan was represented.

The lecture programme with a total of 25 specialist lectures was strongly characterised by the topic of sustainability. The process development of thermoplastic pultrusion and applications in wind energy, solar panels, bridge construction and the automotive industry were also discussed at length. Despite the difficult market environment, many opportunities and possibilities for the pultrusion industry were presented.

The 17th World-Pultrusion-Conference (WPC) took place in Hamburg from 29 February to 1 March. Pultrusion, also known as the extrusion process, is a highly efficient method for producing fibre-reinforced plastic profiles for various applications in the construction/infrastructure and transport sectors.

A record number of almost 150 participants from all over the world attended the event. An international audience of experts from Europe and the USA, as well as China, India and Japan was represented.

The lecture programme with a total of 25 specialist lectures was strongly characterised by the topic of sustainability. The process development of thermoplastic pultrusion and applications in wind energy, solar panels, bridge construction and the automotive industry were also discussed at length. Despite the difficult market environment, many opportunities and possibilities for the pultrusion industry were presented.

The conference takes place every two years in a European country of importance to the pultrusion industry and is organised by AVK for the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA), in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V / The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)

Winder manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy Photo: ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University
Winder manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy

ITA: Unique Winder for Elastic Filament Yarn Development

Since March 1st 2024, the technical centre of Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) has been equipped with an additional winder.

This globally unique winder has been manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy, and enables the development of elastic yarns for numerous and innovative areas of application. Monofilament and multifilament yarns can be spun within a speed range of 100 to 3,200 m/min on bobbins with an industrial standard size of 73.6 mm x 83.8 mm x 115.5 mm.

The use of these bobbins enables immediate further processing along the textile process chain, for example in production of elastic combination yarns or knitting. Due to the high flexibility of this winder in combination with the available spinning plants at ITA, testing is possible with material amounts starting from a few hundred grams up to hundreds of kilograms.

Since March 1st 2024, the technical centre of Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) has been equipped with an additional winder.

This globally unique winder has been manufactured by Comoli Fermo S.r.l, Paruzzaro, Italy, and enables the development of elastic yarns for numerous and innovative areas of application. Monofilament and multifilament yarns can be spun within a speed range of 100 to 3,200 m/min on bobbins with an industrial standard size of 73.6 mm x 83.8 mm x 115.5 mm.

The use of these bobbins enables immediate further processing along the textile process chain, for example in production of elastic combination yarns or knitting. Due to the high flexibility of this winder in combination with the available spinning plants at ITA, testing is possible with material amounts starting from a few hundred grams up to hundreds of kilograms.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


Browzwear adds complete Color Atlas by Archroma® library

Archroma and Browzwear, a company of 3D digital solutions for the fashion industry, have expanded their partnership to bring the complete Color Atlas by Archroma® library of colors to Browzwear’s VSticher, Lotta and Stylezone platforms.

Designers will now have access to a total of 5,760 color references, with 1,440 colors for polyester added to Browzwear’s existing color library of 4,320 Color Atlas colors for cotton poplin. This will support them to collaborate across the entire supply chain, ensuring color consistency from digital design to production for cotton, polyester and blends.

Crucially, the color references in the Color Atlas by Archroma® have been formulated to comply with leading international eco-standards, allowing designers to select dyes and finishes that meet their desired sustainability profile. Each color is available as a physical color standard that includes precise dyeing recipes and compliance data, as well as access to expert technical support from Archroma around the world.

Archroma and Browzwear, a company of 3D digital solutions for the fashion industry, have expanded their partnership to bring the complete Color Atlas by Archroma® library of colors to Browzwear’s VSticher, Lotta and Stylezone platforms.

Designers will now have access to a total of 5,760 color references, with 1,440 colors for polyester added to Browzwear’s existing color library of 4,320 Color Atlas colors for cotton poplin. This will support them to collaborate across the entire supply chain, ensuring color consistency from digital design to production for cotton, polyester and blends.

Crucially, the color references in the Color Atlas by Archroma® have been formulated to comply with leading international eco-standards, allowing designers to select dyes and finishes that meet their desired sustainability profile. Each color is available as a physical color standard that includes precise dyeing recipes and compliance data, as well as access to expert technical support from Archroma around the world.

More information:
Archroma Browzwear Color Atlas



SHIMA SEIKI at FIMEC 2024 in Brazil

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TEXTIL LTDA. participate in the FIMEC 2024 47th International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 12th - 14th March 2024.

FIMEC offers the opportunity to reach out to the Brazilian shoe manufacturing industry with proposals for flat knitted fabrics as an alternative to conventional leather. Since participating in FIMEC over the years, SHIMA SEIKI has steadily expanded its market for shoe-upper knitting machines in Brazil. It will be showcasing its latest computerized flat knitting technology to demonstrate how they apply to footwear and other sportswear as well.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will together with its Brazilian representative BRASTEMA TECNOLOGIA TEXTIL LTDA. participate in the FIMEC 2024 47th International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 12th - 14th March 2024.

FIMEC offers the opportunity to reach out to the Brazilian shoe manufacturing industry with proposals for flat knitted fabrics as an alternative to conventional leather. Since participating in FIMEC over the years, SHIMA SEIKI has steadily expanded its market for shoe-upper knitting machines in Brazil. It will be showcasing its latest computerized flat knitting technology to demonstrate how they apply to footwear and other sportswear as well.

The company is showing its new SWG-XR® WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine for the first time in Brazil. SWG-XR® features 4 needle beds and SHIMA SEIKI’s original SlideNeedle™, capable of producing high-quality fine gauge WHOLEGARMENT® products in all needles, and will be knitting WHOLEGARMENT® sportswear at FIMEC. For conventional shaped knitting, the compact SVR®093 machine with a short knitting width is specially developed for knitting shoe uppers, while the workhorse N.SSR®112 shaping machine features the latest garment knitting technology in an economical yet reliable package.
Both SVR®093 and N.SSR®112 will be knitting shoe uppers at FIMEC while utilizing the R2CARRIAGE®, WideGauge® knitting, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. The classic SFG® seamless glove knitting machine will be knitting safety-oriented work gloves to round out SHIMA SEIKI’s multi-faceted display.

SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will also be available for demonstrations in design
and simulation suited to shoe production.

More information:
Shima Seiki FIMEC shoes Brazil


DITF: Modernized spinning plant for sustainable and functional fibres Photo: DITF
Bi-component BCF spinning plant from Oerlikon Neumag

DITF: Modernized spinning plant for sustainable and functional fibres

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) have modernized and expanded their melt spinning pilot plant with support from the State of Baden-Württemberg. The new facility enables research into new spinning processes, fiber functionalization and sustainable fibers made from biodegradable and bio-based polymers.

In the field of melt spinning, the DITF are working on several pioneering research areas, for example the development of various fibers for medical implants or fibers made from polylactide, a sustainable bio-based polyester. Other focal points include the development of flame-retardant polyamides and their processing into fibers for carpet and automotive applications as well as the development of carbon fibers from melt-spun precursors. The development of a bio-based alternative to petroleum-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers into polyethylene furanoate (PEF) fibers is also new. Bicomponent spinning technology, in which the fibers can be produced from two different components, plays a particularly important role, too.

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) have modernized and expanded their melt spinning pilot plant with support from the State of Baden-Württemberg. The new facility enables research into new spinning processes, fiber functionalization and sustainable fibers made from biodegradable and bio-based polymers.

In the field of melt spinning, the DITF are working on several pioneering research areas, for example the development of various fibers for medical implants or fibers made from polylactide, a sustainable bio-based polyester. Other focal points include the development of flame-retardant polyamides and their processing into fibers for carpet and automotive applications as well as the development of carbon fibers from melt-spun precursors. The development of a bio-based alternative to petroleum-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers into polyethylene furanoate (PEF) fibers is also new. Bicomponent spinning technology, in which the fibers can be produced from two different components, plays a particularly important role, too.

Since polyamide (PA) and many other polymers were developed more than 85 years ago, various melt-spun fibers have revolutionized the textile world. In the field of technical textiles, they can have on a variety of functions: depending on their exact composition, they can for example be electrically conductive or luminescent. They can also show antimicrobial properties and be flame-retardant. They are suitable for lightweight construction, for medical applications or for insulating buildings.

In order to protect the environment and resources, the use of bio-based fibers will be increased in the future with a special focus on easy-to-recycle fibers. To this end, the DITF are conducting research into sustainable polyamides, polyesters and polyolefins as well as many other polymers. Many 'classic', that is, petroleum-based polymers cannot or only insufficiently be broken down into their components or recycled directly after use. An important goal of new research work is therefore to further establish systematic recycling methods to produce fibers of the highest possible quality.

For these forward-looking tasks, a bicomponent spinning plant from Oerlikon Neumag was set up and commissioned on an industrial scale at the DITF in January. The BCF process (bulk continuous filaments) allows special bundling, bulking and processing of the (multifilament) fibers. This process enables the large-scale synthesis of carpet yarns as well as staple fiber production, a unique feature in a public research institute. The system is supplemented by a so-called spinline rheometer. This allows a range of measurement-specific chemical and physical data to be recorded online and inline, which will contribute to a better understanding of fiber formation. In addition, a new compounder will be used for the development of functionalized polymers and for the energy-saving thermomechanical recycling of textile waste.

(c) lavie, Balsiger Textil AG

lavie: Multifunktionale Oberleintücher und neue Farbtrends

Lavie präsentiert eine Kollektion multifunktionaler Oberleintücher aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle für warme Tage und laue Nächte. Zusätzlich erweitert lavie seine Leinenbettwäsche Linus um die Farben plum und oat. Die Bettwäsche-Linie Louise aus Bio-Baumwolle wird mit der neutralen Farbe taupe ergänzt.

Für die wärmere Jahreszeit lanciert lavie eine multifunktionale, GOTS zertifizierte Oberleintuchkollektion aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle. Ein Oberleintuch allein oder kombiniert mit einem Plaid ersetzt im Sommer das wärmende Duvet. Die Tücher sind ebenso praktische Begleiter an schönen Sommertagen und während lauen Nächten. So können diese auch als Tisch- und Picknickdecke, als Badidecke oder als Zeltplane im Garten und auf der Terrasse eingesetzt werden.

Lavie präsentiert eine Kollektion multifunktionaler Oberleintücher aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle für warme Tage und laue Nächte. Zusätzlich erweitert lavie seine Leinenbettwäsche Linus um die Farben plum und oat. Die Bettwäsche-Linie Louise aus Bio-Baumwolle wird mit der neutralen Farbe taupe ergänzt.

Für die wärmere Jahreszeit lanciert lavie eine multifunktionale, GOTS zertifizierte Oberleintuchkollektion aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle. Ein Oberleintuch allein oder kombiniert mit einem Plaid ersetzt im Sommer das wärmende Duvet. Die Tücher sind ebenso praktische Begleiter an schönen Sommertagen und während lauen Nächten. So können diese auch als Tisch- und Picknickdecke, als Badidecke oder als Zeltplane im Garten und auf der Terrasse eingesetzt werden.

Leinenbettwäsche Linus
Linus, die Bettwäschekollektion aus 100% europäischem Leinen, hat antiallergische Eigenschaften, ist saugfähig, schnell trocknend, reissfest und pflegeleicht. Die temperaturregulierenden Fasern haben im Winter einen wärmenden und im Sommer einen kühlenden Effekt. Die Leinenqualität Linus wird um die Farben plum und oat erweitert, als Oberleintücher sowie als Duvets- und Kissenbezüge.
Die Leinenbettwäsche ist nach Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 zertifiziert.

Louise taupe
Die Bettwäsche Louise in dem Ton taupe passt zu (fast) allen Einrichtungsstilen und verfeinert Crème- und Weisstöne. Neben den gängigen Formaten als Kissen- und Duvetbezüge gibt es die Farbe taupe auch als Fixleintuch Lakan. Die Bettwäsche Louise und die Fixleintücher Lakan sind aus der bewährten Bio-Baumwoll-Qualität.


Balsiger Textil AG / Merlo Communications GmbH

EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF (c) EURATEX
Kick off meeting of the AEQUALIS4TCLF project

EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

1 List of Netherlands, Czechia, Lithuania, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia



Composites production volume in Europe since 2011 (in kt) Graphik AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.
Composites production volume in Europe since 2011 (in kt)

European composites market on the level of 2014

After a long phase of continuous growth, the composites market has seen strong fluctuations since 2018. In 2023, the overall market for composites in Europe fell by 8%.

The current mood on the markets in Germany and Europe is rather negative within the industry. The main drivers are the persistently high energy and raw material prices. Added to this are problems in logistics chains and a cautious consumer climate. A slowdown in global trade and uncertainties in the political arena are fueling the negative sentiment. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important application area for composites, has not yet returned to its pre-2020 volume. The construction industry, the second key application area, is currently in crisis. These factors have already caused the Eu-ropean composites production volume to fall significantly in recent years. There has now been another decline in Europe for 2023.

After a long phase of continuous growth, the composites market has seen strong fluctuations since 2018. In 2023, the overall market for composites in Europe fell by 8%.

The current mood on the markets in Germany and Europe is rather negative within the industry. The main drivers are the persistently high energy and raw material prices. Added to this are problems in logistics chains and a cautious consumer climate. A slowdown in global trade and uncertainties in the political arena are fueling the negative sentiment. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important application area for composites, has not yet returned to its pre-2020 volume. The construction industry, the second key application area, is currently in crisis. These factors have already caused the Eu-ropean composites production volume to fall significantly in recent years. There has now been another decline in Europe for 2023.

Overall development of the composites market
The volume of the global composites market totalled 13 million tons in 2023. Compared to 2022, with a volume of 12.3 million tons, growth was around 5%. In comparison, the European composites production volume fell by 8% in 2023. The total European composites market thus comprises a volume of 2,559 kilotons (kt) after 2,781 kt in 2022.

The market is therefore declining and falling back to the level of 2014. Overall, market momentum in Europe was lower than in the global market. Europe's share of the global market is now around 20%.

As in previous years, development within Europe is not uniform. The differences are due to very different regional core markets, the high variability of the materi-als used, a wide range of different manufacturing processes and widely differing areas of application. Accordingly, there are different regional trends, especially with regard to the individual processes, although there were declines in all re-gions and for almost all processes in 2023. At almost 50% of the market volume, the transportation sector accounts for the largest share of total composites pro-duction in terms of volume. The next two largest areas are the electri-cal/electronics sector and applications in construction and infrastructure.

The entire market report 2023 is available for download:

Schuhhandel Bild: Michal Jarmoluk, Pixabay

Umsatz mit Schuhen steigt auf 11,6 Mrd. Euro

Trotz einiger Insolvenzen ist der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Schuhen nach ersten Hochrechnungen des BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren im letzten Jahr um rund vier Prozent bzw. 480 Mio. Euro auf 11,6 Milliarden Euro (inkl. MwSt.) gestiegen. „Der Umsatz liegt damit allerdings immer noch knapp 1,5 Prozent unter dem Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019“, berichtete BTE-Geschäftsführer Axel Augustin anlässlich der HDS/L-Pressekonferenz am 4. März im Rahmen der Düsseldorfer Fachmesse SHOES.
Überdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten hat im letzten Jahr vor allem der stationäre Schuhhandel. Die Umsätze der Schuhgeschäfte sind nach BTE-Schätzungen um fast acht Prozent gestiegen, liegen aber immer noch etwa sechs Prozent unter 2019. „Wir beobachten allerdings im gesamten Handel große Unterschiede je nach Standort oder Geschäftskonzept“, konstatierte Augustin. „Die Bandbreite reicht von Rekordumsätzen bis zu Geschäftsaufgaben bzw. Insolvenzen wegen der stark gestiegenen Kosten und zu großen Substanzverlusten während der erzwungenen Corona-Schließungen.“

Trotz einiger Insolvenzen ist der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Schuhen nach ersten Hochrechnungen des BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren im letzten Jahr um rund vier Prozent bzw. 480 Mio. Euro auf 11,6 Milliarden Euro (inkl. MwSt.) gestiegen. „Der Umsatz liegt damit allerdings immer noch knapp 1,5 Prozent unter dem Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019“, berichtete BTE-Geschäftsführer Axel Augustin anlässlich der HDS/L-Pressekonferenz am 4. März im Rahmen der Düsseldorfer Fachmesse SHOES.
Überdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten hat im letzten Jahr vor allem der stationäre Schuhhandel. Die Umsätze der Schuhgeschäfte sind nach BTE-Schätzungen um fast acht Prozent gestiegen, liegen aber immer noch etwa sechs Prozent unter 2019. „Wir beobachten allerdings im gesamten Handel große Unterschiede je nach Standort oder Geschäftskonzept“, konstatierte Augustin. „Die Bandbreite reicht von Rekordumsätzen bis zu Geschäftsaufgaben bzw. Insolvenzen wegen der stark gestiegenen Kosten und zu großen Substanzverlusten während der erzwungenen Corona-Schließungen.“
Nach Schätzungen des BTE haben 2023 rund 170 Schuhhändler ihre Türen für immer geschlossen – teils wegen Insolvenz, teils freiwillig z.B. wegen fehlender Nachfolger. Aktuell dürften nur noch etwa 2.600 stationäre Schuhspezialisten am Markt aktiv sein. 2013 waren es laut Umsatzsteuerstatistik noch 4.640 Unternehmen.
Als größtes Problem nehmen die stationären Schuhhändler derzeit die zunehmende Bürokratie wahr. Auf Rang zwei rangieren die hohen Kostensteigerungen. Oft beklagt wird zudem die Kaufzurückhaltung der Kunden, der zunehmende Wettbewerb mit den eigenen Lieferanten, der Fachkräftemangel sowie ein Attraktivitätsverlust des eigenen Standortes.
Umsatz verloren hat im letzten Jahr der Versand- bzw. Onlinehandel.  Er liegt aber wegen des starken Aufschwungs in den Coronajahren 2020 und 2021 nach BTE-Schätzungen rund 40 Prozent über 2019. Augustin: „Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Anteil des Versandhandels am gesamten Schuhmarkt im letzten Jahr bei knapp einem Viertel lag.“
Für 2024 sind die Umsatzerwartungen der Schuhhändler sehr verhalten. Laut einer aktuellen BTE-Umfrage rechnet lediglich ein Viertel der Teilnehmer für das laufende Jahr mit einem nennenswerten Umsatzplus. Ein weiteres Viertel sieht sich in etwa auf dem Niveau von 2023, knapp die Hälfte befürchtet dagegen Einbußen von mindesten einem Prozent. „Wir müssen daher 2024 mit weiteren Geschäftsschließungen rechnen“, so Augustin.


BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

5th Edititon of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair (c) Texhibition Istanbul

5th Edititon of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is ready for its fifth edition. From 6 to 8 March 2024, 558 exhibitors will present themselves to the 30,000 expected visitors from over 100 countries, including the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa and the Middle East. With this edition, Texhibition has more than doubled the space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

The fifth edition of Texhibition Istanbul offers a comprehensive overview of all product groups in the textile prepress sector: from woven fabrics to knitwear, from denim to artificial leather and textile accessories

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is ready for its fifth edition. From 6 to 8 March 2024, 558 exhibitors will present themselves to the 30,000 expected visitors from over 100 countries, including the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa and the Middle East. With this edition, Texhibition has more than doubled the space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

The fifth edition of Texhibition Istanbul offers a comprehensive overview of all product groups in the textile prepress sector: from woven fabrics to knitwear, from denim to artificial leather and textile accessories

Due to popular demand, the fair has been expanded to five halls, including the new Yarn Hall (Hall 8) with exhibitors such as Sasa, Aksa, Karafiber, Kortex, Tepar, Ensar, Kaplanlar and Iskur and the BlueBlack Denim Hall (Hall 7), which showcases the latest denim trends and presents a wide range from blue shades to black denims with exhibitors such as İsko, Çalık Bossa, Kipas and İskur. BlueBlack Denim is designed by the  designer Idil Tarzi in cooperation with the creative directors Gönül Altunisik and Selvi Yigci.

Curated by Idil Tarzi and her creative team, the Texhibition Trend Area in Halls 4 and 5 presents the latest colour trends, materials and accessories.

Under the direction of designers Arzu Kaprol and Filiz Tunca, the Innovation Hub showcases technological innovations that add value to textile production: from fibre to yarn, from fabrics to clothing.

Digital art installations in the entrance area, which run through the entire trade fair, as well as piano performances in the foyer await visitors at the upcoming Texhibition.

Seminars and workshops with industry experts shed light on current topics in the industry, including innovations, production processes and design developments. These opportunities offer participants a platform to exchange knowledge and discuss the latest developments in the textile industry.


Kelheim Fibres: Trilobal fibres enable better liquid absorption

Kelheim Fibres is showcasing recent research findings at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference (13rd-14th of March). The development, led by Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fibre & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, and Dr. Thomas Harter from Graz University of Technology, provides insights into the correlation between the geometry of viscose fibres and the liquid absorption of tampons.

Kelheim Fibres has long been engaged in the functionalization of viscose fibres, including the specific adaptation of fibre cross-sections. The trilobal Galaxy® serves as an example. The current study underscores the properties of the fibre, primarily rooted in its geometry. This involves taking a closer look at the underlying mechanisms. It has been confirmed that, in contrast to the traditionally round viscose fibres and despite similar chemical compositions and mechanical properties, Galaxy® enables significantly better liquid absorption.

Kelheim Fibres is showcasing recent research findings at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference (13rd-14th of March). The development, led by Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fibre & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, and Dr. Thomas Harter from Graz University of Technology, provides insights into the correlation between the geometry of viscose fibres and the liquid absorption of tampons.

Kelheim Fibres has long been engaged in the functionalization of viscose fibres, including the specific adaptation of fibre cross-sections. The trilobal Galaxy® serves as an example. The current study underscores the properties of the fibre, primarily rooted in its geometry. This involves taking a closer look at the underlying mechanisms. It has been confirmed that, in contrast to the traditionally round viscose fibres and despite similar chemical compositions and mechanical properties, Galaxy® enables significantly better liquid absorption.

While the higher specific surface area of trilobal fibres already promotes improved liquid absorption, this is not the main factor accounting for the difference in absorption. Instead, the geometric shape of the fibres proves to be crucial. Trilobal fibres create and maintain a more voluminous, extensive network within the absorbent body, providing a larger volume for liquid absorption.

Dr. Ingo Bernt emphasizes, "The results of our study are not limited to tampons—any application requiring increased absorbency can benefit from the properties of our Galaxy® fibres."

The lecture "Geometry Matters: Unveiling Tampon Absorption Mechanisms" by Dr. Ingo Bernt und Dr. Thomas Harter takes place on the 14th of March at 2:50pm.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Denim Expert's Goal: 100% wastewater recycling

The announcement of a new effluent treatment plant (ETP) marks a milestone in Denim Expert's journey towards sustainability. This upcoming facility is a testament to the company's dedication to reducing its ecological footprint and safeguarding local ecosystems through advanced water management techniques.

The new Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) being developed by Denim Expert strives for 100% wastewater recycling. As the ETP rises from concept to reality, Denim Expert embarks on a transition towards its next horizon: aligning with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Wastewater Guidelines Version 2.0.

The announcement of a new effluent treatment plant (ETP) marks a milestone in Denim Expert's journey towards sustainability. This upcoming facility is a testament to the company's dedication to reducing its ecological footprint and safeguarding local ecosystems through advanced water management techniques.

The new Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) being developed by Denim Expert strives for 100% wastewater recycling. As the ETP rises from concept to reality, Denim Expert embarks on a transition towards its next horizon: aligning with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Wastewater Guidelines Version 2.0.

Denim Expert's proactive approach to sustainability has been recognized on a global scale. The company has been named 'New Champion' by the World Economic Forum and has partnered with organizations such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Jeans Redesign program. As one of the first factories to join the Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) and in the process of implementing the 3E program, Denim Expert is dedicated to achieving 100% water reuse and full reliance on solar energy, further solidifying its commitment to driving positive environmental change.

Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe 2024: Start der Datenerhebung (c) bvse

Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe 2024: Start der Datenerhebung

Ein Bündnis von Organisationen entlang der gesamten Kunststoff-Wertschöpfungskette, von den Herstellern, über die Anwender, bis hin zu der Recyclingbranche und den Industriegewerkschaften ruft seit 1997 alle zwei Jahre zur Teilnahme an der Studie "Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe" auf. Das Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe umfasst Daten zu Produktion, Verarbeitung, Verbrauch, Abfallaufkommen, Verwertung und Wiedereinsatz von Kunststoffen bis hin zum Wiedereinsatz der Recyclate in Deutschland. Das Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe genießt bei Politik, Behörden und Fachöffentlichkeit hohes Ansehen und zeigt, dass Kreislaufwirtschaft ein zentrales Thema für die deutsche Kunststoffbranche ist.

Die Ergebnisse des aktuellen Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe werden voraussichtlich im Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht. Teilnehmen können alle Unternehmen, die Kunststoffe herstellen, verarbeiten, für Endprodukte einsetzen sowie deren Abfälle sammeln und verwerten oder die dafür notwendigen Maschinen herstellen. Die Datenerhebung erfolgt anonymisiert durch die Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH.

Ein Bündnis von Organisationen entlang der gesamten Kunststoff-Wertschöpfungskette, von den Herstellern, über die Anwender, bis hin zu der Recyclingbranche und den Industriegewerkschaften ruft seit 1997 alle zwei Jahre zur Teilnahme an der Studie "Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe" auf. Das Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe umfasst Daten zu Produktion, Verarbeitung, Verbrauch, Abfallaufkommen, Verwertung und Wiedereinsatz von Kunststoffen bis hin zum Wiedereinsatz der Recyclate in Deutschland. Das Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe genießt bei Politik, Behörden und Fachöffentlichkeit hohes Ansehen und zeigt, dass Kreislaufwirtschaft ein zentrales Thema für die deutsche Kunststoffbranche ist.

Die Ergebnisse des aktuellen Stoffstrombild Kunststoffe werden voraussichtlich im Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht. Teilnehmen können alle Unternehmen, die Kunststoffe herstellen, verarbeiten, für Endprodukte einsetzen sowie deren Abfälle sammeln und verwerten oder die dafür notwendigen Maschinen herstellen. Die Datenerhebung erfolgt anonymisiert durch die Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH.

Für die Lebenswegbetrachtung wurden zuletzt mehr als 2.000 Unternehmen aus Kunststofferzeugung, -verarbeitung und -verwertung befragt sowie amtliche und weitere Statistiken herangezogen. Um auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine hohe Abdeckung zu erreichen, werden in Kürze wieder Fragebögen versandt, Telefoninterviews geführt sowie Untersuchungen und Recherchen gestartet.

Das Stoffstrombild wird von der Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH erstellt. Auftraggeber der Studie ist die BKV GmbH mit Unterstützung von PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V., der Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Kreislaufwirtschaft e. V., der bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e. V., VDMA e.V. Kunststoff und Gummimaschinen, die IK – Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e. V., der KRV – Kunststoffrohrverband e. V., VinylPlus Deutschland e.V., der GKV – Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e. V. AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V., FSK – Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V., TecPart – Verband Technische Kunststoff-Produkte e. V., pro-K Industrieverband langlebige Kunststoffprodukte und Mehrwegsysteme e. V., der IG BCE Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie, sowie dem VCI – Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e. V.


Over 330 exhibitors at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

  • Bedding – GSI Creos Corporation, Jjiangyin Hongliu Bedsheet Co Ltd, Zhejiang Eider Warmth New Material Co Ltd
  • Down – Anhui Million Feather Co Ltd, Hangzhou Gaga Home Textiles Co Ltd, Shanghai Donglong Home Textile Products Co Ltd
  • Functional pillow & mattress – Changshu Dafa Warp Knitting Co Ltd, Chuzhou Bray Smart Home Appliances Co Ltd, Zhangjiagang Coolest Life Technology
  • Floor – Amore Textile (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Jingyi Fur Products Co Ltd, Shaoxing Jiaohui Home Textile Co Ltd
  • Quilt fillings – Pujiang Boyue Home Textile Co Ltd, Pujiang Huayu Hometextile Co Ltd
  • Textile design – Tela’s Design Lda
  • Towelling – Nantong Dadong Co Ltd, Sunvim Group Co Ltd
  • Loungewear & bath – Suzhou Huazhong Knitting Co Ltd, Zhejiang Demu Textile Technology Co Ltd
  • Upholstery fabrics – Changshu Xinghan Hometextiles Co Ltd, Jiangsu First Home Textile Co Ltd, Shaoxing Chengchong Imp & Exp Co Ltd
  • Home textile technologies – Nantong Mingxing Science & Technology Development Co Ltd, Sichuan Chnki Sewing Machine Co Ltd

Fringe programme
Complementing the exhibitor lineup, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will feature events to keep attendees up-to-date with emerging developments, trends, and important intuition.
For example, one of the most essential yet often overlooked foundations for sustaining wellness is quality sleep. Throughout day one and two at the Bedding Seminar Area, sleep technology will again be a key topic of discussion, guaranteeing comprehensive insights on sleep quality while tapping into associated business prospects.
Traditional Chinese medicine will also take the spotlight, with talks linking various health issues to remedies. Crossover subjects include topical therapy’s role in a better night’s sleep as well as innovations blending medicinal properties with textile design.
An increasing number of people are choosing to use natural materials and green textiles for their bedrooms and throughout their homes. For this reason, the seminars falling under the "Textiles & Technology" theme will shed light on sustainability and what’s next in the industry.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Borealis celebrates 30th anniversary (c) Borealis

Borealis celebrates 30th anniversary

Borealis is commemorating its thirtieth year of operations. Born of a merger between Statoil and Neste, Borealis has expanded from its early Nordic roots to become one of the top polyolefins players. Its dedication to value creation through innovation has produced proprietary and transformative technologies which benefit society and accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The company is regularly ranked as Austria's top innovator in the European Patent Index and holds an extensive patent portfolio of around 8,900 granted patents. In Europe in particular, Borealis has for decades bolstered the industrial landscape by investing in its capital assets, and by providing thousands of jobs.

Borealis is commemorating its thirtieth year of operations. Born of a merger between Statoil and Neste, Borealis has expanded from its early Nordic roots to become one of the top polyolefins players. Its dedication to value creation through innovation has produced proprietary and transformative technologies which benefit society and accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The company is regularly ranked as Austria's top innovator in the European Patent Index and holds an extensive patent portfolio of around 8,900 granted patents. In Europe in particular, Borealis has for decades bolstered the industrial landscape by investing in its capital assets, and by providing thousands of jobs.

Borealis uses technological innovation to add value to polyolefin-based applications, ensure that production processes are made more resource efficient, and to accelerate plastics circularity. Borstar®, the multi-modal proprietary technology for the manufacture of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), has been a mainstay of Borealis success since the start-up of the first Borstar PE plant in Porvoo, Finland in 1995. Borstar has since been joined by other technology brands, like Borlink™, an innovation for the power cable industry; Borstar® Nextension Technology, an innovation that among other benefits facilitates the production of monomaterial applications designed for recycling; or the Borcycle™ M technology for mechanical recycling, which breathes new life into polyolefin-based, post-consumer waste, transforming it into applications with a lower carbon footprint.

Global Expansion
With the strong support of its two majority shareholders OMV (Austria) and The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC, UAE), Borealis continues to expand its global footprint. The joint venture Borouge, established in 1998 in the UAE, and listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) since 2022, is one of the largest integrated polyolefin complexes. It is currently the site of the company’s largest-ever growth project: Borouge 4, the new USD 6.2 billion facility in Ruwais, which will serve customers in the Middle East and Asia. In North America, the Baystar™ joint venture, founded in 2017 and operated with partner TotalEnergies, entailed the construction of a new ethane cracker as well as the most advanced Borstar plant ever built outside of Europe. The PE Borstar 3G plant in Pasadena, Texas was started up in late 2023 and has brought Borstar to this continent for the first time. Borealis’ commitment to Europe as a production location is evidenced by the new, world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant currently under construction at Borealis operations in Kallo, Belgium.

More information:
Borealis polyolefins Recycling
