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1467 results
Lenzing: Fasererkennungssystem für Rückverfolgbarkeit von Schutzbekleidung (c) Lenzing Fibers (HK) Limited

Lenzing: Fasererkennungssystem für Rückverfolgbarkeit von Schutzbekleidung

Die Lenzing Gruppe hat auf den wachsenden Bedarf an Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit von in Schutzbekleidung verarbeiteten Materialien reagiert und setzt das Lenzing Fasererkennungssystem nun auch für die schwer entflammbaren Cellulosefasern der Marke LENZING™ FR ein. Das System ermöglicht die Identifizierung von LENZING™ FR Fasern während jeder Phase des Produktionsprozesses. Dadurch gewährleistet es eine beispiellose Rückverfolgbarkeit und zuverlässige Qualitätssicherung bei der Herstellung von Schutzbekleidung und stärkt so das Vertrauen in das Endprodukt. Getreu dem entschlossenen Einsatz zur Senkung der CO2-Emissionen stellt Lenzing sicher, dass Lenzing™ FR Schutzbekleidung aus Fasern auf Modalbasis neue Maßstäbe für verantwortungsbewusste Produktionsverfahren setzt. Erhältlich sind ebenfalls von ClimatePartner zertifizierte CO2-neutrale LENZING™ FR Fasern, mit denen Lenzing auf die steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in der Branche reagiert.

Die Lenzing Gruppe hat auf den wachsenden Bedarf an Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit von in Schutzbekleidung verarbeiteten Materialien reagiert und setzt das Lenzing Fasererkennungssystem nun auch für die schwer entflammbaren Cellulosefasern der Marke LENZING™ FR ein. Das System ermöglicht die Identifizierung von LENZING™ FR Fasern während jeder Phase des Produktionsprozesses. Dadurch gewährleistet es eine beispiellose Rückverfolgbarkeit und zuverlässige Qualitätssicherung bei der Herstellung von Schutzbekleidung und stärkt so das Vertrauen in das Endprodukt. Getreu dem entschlossenen Einsatz zur Senkung der CO2-Emissionen stellt Lenzing sicher, dass Lenzing™ FR Schutzbekleidung aus Fasern auf Modalbasis neue Maßstäbe für verantwortungsbewusste Produktionsverfahren setzt. Erhältlich sind ebenfalls von ClimatePartner zertifizierte CO2-neutrale LENZING™ FR Fasern, mit denen Lenzing auf die steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in der Branche reagiert.

Das Fasererkennungssystem stärkt Vertrauen in die Lieferkette
Die Fasern der Marke LENZING™ FR werden aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz gefertigt, der im Einklang mit den strengen Richtlinien der Policy für Holz und Zellstoff von Lenzing aus kontrollierten und zertifizierten Wäldern in Österreich und Zentraleuropa bezogen wird. Als eines der weltweit ältesten und erfahrensten Unternehmen der Branche sorgt Lenzing für Transparenz in der Lieferkette, indem die Rückverfolgbarkeit der von Lenzing hergestellten Cellulosefasern sichergestellt wird. Das Fasererkennungssystem von Lenzing kann LENZING™ FR Fasern in jeder Phase der Produktion identifizieren und bietet dadurch eine zuverlässige Qualitätskontrolle sowie einen Echtheitsnachweis. Dank dieses Systems können wir unseren Partnern entlang der Lieferkette die Gewissheit geben, dass auch wirklich Premiumfasern von Lenzing verwendet werden, und so ihr Vertrauen in die Lieferkette stärken. LENZING™ FR Fasern sind auf Anfrage mit FSC- oder PEFC-Zertifizierung erhältlich und wurden vom US-Landwirtschaftsministeriums (USDA) als BioPreferred®-Produkt ausgezeichnet.

Senkung der CO2-Emissionen während des Produktionsprozesses
Fasern der Marke LENZING™ FR werden in einem voll integrierten Produktionsprozess gefertigt, dessen Energieverbrauch zu mehr als 83 Prozent aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen gedeckt wird. Daher fallen bei der Produktion 80 Prozent weniger Treibhausgasemissionen an als bei Standardmodalfasern1. Ebenfalls erhältlich sind von ClimatePartner zertifizierte CO2-neutrale LENZING™ FR Fasern2 – eine interessante Option für Partner in der Wertschöpfungskette, die ihren CO2-Fußabdruck verringern möchten, ohne dabei Kompromisse bei Schutz und Komfort einzugehen.

Neue Qualitätsstandards bei Schutzbekleidung
Die mit dem EU Ecolabel3 zertifizierten LENZING™ FR Fasern werden in Schutzbekleidung für Feuerwehrleute, Militär, Polizei und in der Öl- und Gas- sowie metallverarbeitende Industrien in über 100 Ländern verarbeitet. Schutzbekleidung aus Fasern der Marke LENZING™ FR setzt neue Qualitätsstandards in der Branche, denn sie ist nicht nur leicht, atmungsaktiv und weich, sondern auch bei extrem hohen Temperaturen angenehm zu tragen. Zudem entsprechen die LENZING™ FR Fasern der Definition von inhärent schwer entflammbaren und flammhemmenden Fasern, wie sie vom Europäischen Chemiefaserverband CIRFS festgelegt wurden. LENZING™ FR Fasern werden in einer großen Auswahl an Farben angeboten, wobei die Eco Color Technologie zum Einsatz kommt, die sich gegenüber herkömmlichen ressourcenintensiven Färbemethoden durch eine Energie- und Wasserersparnis von 50 Prozent und einen um 60 Prozent reduzierten CO2-Fußabdruck auszeichnet.4 Dank ihrer lang anhaltenden Farbbeständigkeit und Designflexibilität ist für LENZING™ FR Fasern keine zusätzliche Farbbehandlung durch Garnhersteller oder Stofffabriken erforderlich und auch nach mehrmaligem Waschen neigen sie weniger zum Verblassen.

1 Einzelheiten zur Zertifizierung sind auf der TENCEL™ Website verfügbar.
2 Klimaneutralität wird erreicht, indem CO2-Emissionen gemessen und reduziert und verbleibende CO2-Emissionen durch die Finanzierung von Kompensationsprojekten (z. B. Aufforstungsprojekte) oder die Einlösung von CO2-Zertifikaten ausgeglichen werden. Der CO2-Fußabdruck des Produkts auf die globale Erwärmung ist demnach gleich Null.
3 Das EU Ecolabel wird von allen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union sowie von Norwegen, Liechtenstein und Island anerkannt. Das 1992 durch eine EU-Verordnung (Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 880/92) eingeführte freiwillige Label hat sich schrittweise zu einem Referenzpunkt für Verbraucher:innen entwickelt, die durch den Kauf umweltfreundlicherer Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu einer geringeren Umweltbelastung beitragen wollen.
4 Genauere Angaben zur Energie- und Wasserersparnis und zum reduzierten CO2-Fußabdruck sind in der Broschüre „Lenzing for Protective Wear“ beschrieben.


CWS Workwear gewinnt Deutschen Fairness-Preis 2023 (c) DISQ DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR SERVICE-QUALITÄT GMBH & CO. KG
Lena Pohlmann, Head of Strategy Workwear (r.)

CWS Workwear gewinnt Deutschen Fairness-Preis 2023

CWS Workwear, nachhaltiger Serviceanbieter für Arbeitskleidung, gewinnt den „Deutsche Fairness-Preis 2023“ in der Kategorie Miet-Textilservice, der Ende Oktober in der Berliner Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen wurde.

Die Preisträger in insgesamt 75 Branchen-Kategorien wurden im Rahmen einer großen Befragung über ein Online-Panel bestimmt. In der repräsentativ angelegten Befragung wurde die Kundenzufriedenheit mit den Unternehmen in den Bereichen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und Weiterempfehlung untersucht. Die Befragten konnten in jeder der 75 Branchen-Kategorien nur jeweils ein Unternehmen bewerten, insgesamt wurden 73.600 Kundenstimmen gesammelt.

CWS Workwear konnte sich mit 77,8 von 100 möglichen Punkten unter 10 Unternehmen der Branche durchsetzen. Besonders im Bereich Zuverlässigkeit überzeugte CWS Workwear mit 78,3 Punkten.

Die Ergebnisse wurden in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Umfrage vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität und dem Nachrichtensender ntv teilgenommen haben. 

CWS Workwear, nachhaltiger Serviceanbieter für Arbeitskleidung, gewinnt den „Deutsche Fairness-Preis 2023“ in der Kategorie Miet-Textilservice, der Ende Oktober in der Berliner Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen wurde.

Die Preisträger in insgesamt 75 Branchen-Kategorien wurden im Rahmen einer großen Befragung über ein Online-Panel bestimmt. In der repräsentativ angelegten Befragung wurde die Kundenzufriedenheit mit den Unternehmen in den Bereichen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und Weiterempfehlung untersucht. Die Befragten konnten in jeder der 75 Branchen-Kategorien nur jeweils ein Unternehmen bewerten, insgesamt wurden 73.600 Kundenstimmen gesammelt.

CWS Workwear konnte sich mit 77,8 von 100 möglichen Punkten unter 10 Unternehmen der Branche durchsetzen. Besonders im Bereich Zuverlässigkeit überzeugte CWS Workwear mit 78,3 Punkten.

Die Ergebnisse wurden in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Umfrage vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität und dem Nachrichtensender ntv teilgenommen haben. 


CWS Workwear International GmbH

Dibella: Product launch at two London trade fairs (c) Dibella

Dibella: Product launch at two London trade fairs

Dibella will present its circular bed linen “Versailles” at the Sustainable Design Summit and the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo in London. Dibella is thus once again underpinning its reputation as a pioneer in the field of sustainability.

The Bocholt-based company is presenting its new innovation for the first time at the Sustainable Design Summit on 28 November 2023 at the Museum of London Docklands. International visitors from the cruise, hotel and aviation sectors will have the opportunity to find out more about the first circular bed linen "Versailles".

At the subsequent Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo from 29 to 30 November 2023 at ExCeL in London, Dibella will be exhibiting for the second time after a successful start in 2022. Under the motto "Almost too good to get out of bed", Dibella will be presenting its new innovation "Versailles", its multi-certified products, the company and its customised services and benefits.

Dibella will present its circular bed linen “Versailles” at the Sustainable Design Summit and the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo in London. Dibella is thus once again underpinning its reputation as a pioneer in the field of sustainability.

The Bocholt-based company is presenting its new innovation for the first time at the Sustainable Design Summit on 28 November 2023 at the Museum of London Docklands. International visitors from the cruise, hotel and aviation sectors will have the opportunity to find out more about the first circular bed linen "Versailles".

At the subsequent Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo from 29 to 30 November 2023 at ExCeL in London, Dibella will be exhibiting for the second time after a successful start in 2022. Under the motto "Almost too good to get out of bed", Dibella will be presenting its new innovation "Versailles", its multi-certified products, the company and its customised services and benefits.

With "Versailles", Dibella is realising its vision of a closed-loop economy. The specialist for sustainable contract textiles has succeeded in recycling old, no longer usable bed linen into new fibres and weaving them into new bed linen.


Dibella GmbH

Green Fashion labels at 53rd INNATEX in January 2024 (c) INNATEX / Anna Völske

Green Fashion labels at 53rd INNATEX in January 2024

Challenging times can harbour opportunities for growth and transformation – and it is in this spirit that INNATEX, the international trade fair for sustainable textiles, invites companies to its winter edition from 20 to 22 January 2024. Registration for exhibitors opened only a short while ago but already, 70% of the space at the exhibition centre in Hofheim-Wallau is booked up. Under the motto GROW, Green Fashion brands, buyers and experts will be getting together to network, exchange views and place orders.

In January, these will be brands such as Vaude, Lanius, Knowledge Cotton Apparel, Recolution, People Wear Organic, Melawear, Mazine and Disana, as well as new arrivals such as Näz, with classic womenswear from Portugal, and hemp sneakers from 8000Kicks. Exciting DESIGN DISCOVERIES are also once again anticipated.

The accompanying programme of Lounge Talks, guided tours and an expert panel on the Monday was very well received at the last INNATEX. The fair organiser, MUVEO GmbH, is capitalising on this with a programme of important themes put together with partners such as Greenstyle, Fashion Changers and the Hessen Retail Federation.

Challenging times can harbour opportunities for growth and transformation – and it is in this spirit that INNATEX, the international trade fair for sustainable textiles, invites companies to its winter edition from 20 to 22 January 2024. Registration for exhibitors opened only a short while ago but already, 70% of the space at the exhibition centre in Hofheim-Wallau is booked up. Under the motto GROW, Green Fashion brands, buyers and experts will be getting together to network, exchange views and place orders.

In January, these will be brands such as Vaude, Lanius, Knowledge Cotton Apparel, Recolution, People Wear Organic, Melawear, Mazine and Disana, as well as new arrivals such as Näz, with classic womenswear from Portugal, and hemp sneakers from 8000Kicks. Exciting DESIGN DISCOVERIES are also once again anticipated.

The accompanying programme of Lounge Talks, guided tours and an expert panel on the Monday was very well received at the last INNATEX. The fair organiser, MUVEO GmbH, is capitalising on this with a programme of important themes put together with partners such as Greenstyle, Fashion Changers and the Hessen Retail Federation.

Since the topics and insights are so popular, the organisers will be recording the talks and making them available as podcasts. The first episodes are already available to listen to via

The application deadline for DESIGN DISCOVERIES has been extended to 24 November 2023. Through this support programme, the organisers aim to make it easier for newcomers and first-time exhibitors to enter the market.


INNATEX - International trade fair for sustainable textiles


Autoneum: EcoVadis gold medal for sustainability

Autoneum Holding Ltd has been awarded the gold medal in the 2023 EcoVadis sustainability rating, ranking the automotive supplier in the top 5% of companies assessed. Following a silver medal the previous year, the Company was able to further improve the overall rating of its sustainability performance in the four categories Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement and achieved the second-highest recognition level.

Autoneum Holding Ltd has been awarded the gold medal in the 2023 EcoVadis sustainability rating, ranking the automotive supplier in the top 5% of companies assessed. Following a silver medal the previous year, the Company was able to further improve the overall rating of its sustainability performance in the four categories Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement and achieved the second-highest recognition level.

As part of its commitment to transparency towards its stakeholders and the public at large, Autoneum reports regularly on its key developments and achievements in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In addition to reporting in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, Autoneum uses external platforms such as EcoVadis – a globally recognized sustainability rating agency – to assess the quality of its sustainability management system. EcoVadis uses 21 criteria based on international CSR standards to rate companies in four categories: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Since its foundation in 2007, EcoVadis has assessed the sustainability performance of more than 100 000 companies from 175 countries.

In the 2023 sustainability rating by EcoVadis, Autoneum achieved gold medal status for the first time, placing it in the top 5% of companies assessed. Having already been awarded the EcoVadis silver medal in 2022, Autoneum thus moved up to the second-highest recognition level in this year’s rating, thanks to significant progress in the Environment and Labor and Human Rights categories.

More information on Autoneum’s sustainable products and processes can be found in the current issue of the Corporate Responsibility Report.


Autoneum Holding AG

Carbios and L’Oréal win Pioneer Award for PET recycling solution Photo: Carbios
Emmanuel Ladent (CEO Carbios, on the left) and Jacques Playe (Packaging and Development Director at L’Oréal, on the right)

Carbios and L’Oréal win Pioneer Award for PET recycling solution

Carbios and L’Oréal have won the “Pioneer Awards” in the Industry category, presented by the Solar Impulse Foundation at the first World Alliance Summit. This prize was awarded to Carbios for its enzymatic PET recycling solution, labeled “Efficient Solution” by the Solar Impulse Foundation since 2019, and to L’Oréal for using this technology for the first time in a cosmetics bottle prototype. Carbios’ solution offers brands an alternative to petro-sourced plastic that helps them meet their sustainability commitments. This advancement paves the way for future applications in other sectors such as packaging, food and beverage, and textiles.

Carbios and L’Oréal have won the “Pioneer Awards” in the Industry category, presented by the Solar Impulse Foundation at the first World Alliance Summit. This prize was awarded to Carbios for its enzymatic PET recycling solution, labeled “Efficient Solution” by the Solar Impulse Foundation since 2019, and to L’Oréal for using this technology for the first time in a cosmetics bottle prototype. Carbios’ solution offers brands an alternative to petro-sourced plastic that helps them meet their sustainability commitments. This advancement paves the way for future applications in other sectors such as packaging, food and beverage, and textiles.

Carbios and L’Oréal: a long-term collaboration
Since 2017, Carbios and L’Oréal have been working together with a shared vision of accelerating the transition to a circular economy for plastic. In 2017, both companies created a Consortium to improve the recyclability and circularity of PET packaging.  Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe joined this Consortium in 2019 to scale up Carbios’ innovation. The world’s first enzymatically recycled PET packaging was made in 2021 using Carbios’ biorecycling process. The world’s first PET biorecycling plant is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025. In parallel, Carbios is rolling out its technology internationally through licensing agreements.

The environmental benefits of biorecycling developed by Carbios
Recent life-cycle analyses[1] show a 57% reduction in CO2 emissions compared with the production of virgin plastic[2], and for every tonne of recycled PET produced, 1.3 tonnes of petrol are avoided. Compared with conventional recycling, enzymatic recycling is 4 times more circular (calculated according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Material Circularity Indicator). Thanks to its highly selective enzyme, optimized for efficient PET degradation, Carbios’ depolymerization process can process all types of PET waste, including colored, multilayer or textile waste that cannot be recycled using current technologies. Furthermore, the two monomers produced (PTA and MEG) make it possible to recreate recycled PET products of identical quality to virgin ones, and suitable for food contact.
[1] Database ecoinvent 3.8
[2] French scenario, taking into account the detour of 50% of PET waste from conventional end-of-life. Virgin PET: 2.53 kg CO2/kg (cradle to gate)




HeiQ AeoniQ™ joins Canopy and commits to Forests Protection

HeiQ AeoniQ™ becomes an active brand partner of the Canopy initiative with eleven other companies to address the growing climate and biodiversity crises by committing to keep Ancient and Endangered Forests out of our man-made cellulosic fiber supply chain.

The commitments that HeiQ AeoniQ™ is making are part of solutions-driven non-profit Canopy’s Pack4Good and CanopyStyle initiatives which currently represent collectively 950 brand partners. Together, the initiatives are shifting supply chains away from vital forests to low-impact, circular Next Gen Solutions.

HeiQ AeoniQ™ becomes an active brand partner of the Canopy initiative with eleven other companies to address the growing climate and biodiversity crises by committing to keep Ancient and Endangered Forests out of our man-made cellulosic fiber supply chain.

The commitments that HeiQ AeoniQ™ is making are part of solutions-driven non-profit Canopy’s Pack4Good and CanopyStyle initiatives which currently represent collectively 950 brand partners. Together, the initiatives are shifting supply chains away from vital forests to low-impact, circular Next Gen Solutions.

“We must rapidly replace oil-based polyester in the textile industry causing microplastics, global warming, landfill and ecosystem degradation. Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world and is best suited to replace polyester. However, we must pay attention to cellulose feedstock sources. Our forests, a potential cellulose feedstock, are one of the most important solutions to addressing the effects of climate change. Approximately 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, one-third of the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels, is absorbed by forests every year. Around 12.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (5-10 GtCO2e annually) come from deforestation. We are losing forests at an alarming rate. Every year, around 10 million hectares of forests globally are destroyed. We need immediate action to increase forests again. Canopy is our go-to partner to replace polyester with circular & sustainable cellulose feedstock for our innovative HeiQ AeoniQ™ fiber revolution.” said Carlo Centonze, HeiQ Group CEO.

Paper packaging is also a key driver of forest loss globally, as 3.1 billion trees are cut down annually to produce the boxes and bags in which products are packaged and shipped. Paper packaging production has increased by 65% over the past two years.

“The range of companies and sectors represented in today’s announcement reflects the breadth of market response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises and intensifying supply chain disruptions,” said Nicole Rycroft, Founder and Executive Director of Canopy. “Today’s brand partners add significant momentum to global conservation efforts and the movement to transform ‘take, make, waste’ supply chains to be lower-impact and Next Gen.”

Today, as part of Pack4Good, HeiQ AeoniQ™ committed to:

  • Eliminate Ancient and Endangered Forests from our paper packaging supply chain.
  • Reduce material use through design innovation.
  • Maximize recycled content.
  • Explore and scale alternative Next Gen fibers (such as agricultural residues).
  • Where virgin fiber is necessary, use FSC-certified fiber.


H&M and Coloreel: Personalized embroidery in Berlin store Photo: Coloreel

H&M and Coloreel: Personalized embroidery in Berlin store

The global fashion retailer H&M has joined forces with Coloreel to introduce a pioneering approach to customized embroidery. This new partnership allows customers at the H&M Alexa store in Berlin to personalize their apparel with a myriad of expressive designs.

The program marks the start of a new and innovative in-store pilot developed by H&Mbeyond. Customers can select from a diverse library of designs that will be updated on a weekly basis.

Coloreel redefines the art of embroidery, offering an unlimited spectrum of colors at the touch of a button. The technology reduces wastewater by 97% and utilizes recycled thread, marking a significant step towards more sustainable production.

“Our partnership with Coloreel reflects our commitment to enhance the shopping experience through innovative solutions,” states Oliver Lange, Head of H&Mbeyond. “By embracing this advanced technology, we can offer our customers a unique and engaging store visit."

The global fashion retailer H&M has joined forces with Coloreel to introduce a pioneering approach to customized embroidery. This new partnership allows customers at the H&M Alexa store in Berlin to personalize their apparel with a myriad of expressive designs.

The program marks the start of a new and innovative in-store pilot developed by H&Mbeyond. Customers can select from a diverse library of designs that will be updated on a weekly basis.

Coloreel redefines the art of embroidery, offering an unlimited spectrum of colors at the touch of a button. The technology reduces wastewater by 97% and utilizes recycled thread, marking a significant step towards more sustainable production.

“Our partnership with Coloreel reflects our commitment to enhance the shopping experience through innovative solutions,” states Oliver Lange, Head of H&Mbeyond. “By embracing this advanced technology, we can offer our customers a unique and engaging store visit."

With the collaboration, H&M and Coloreel want to explore ways to create brick-and-mortar shopping experiences and analyze the influence that a technology like Coloreel’s has on in-store purchases.

The service is offered at the H&M Alexa store in Berlin during Q4 2023. While the service currently extends to products within the store, plans for embroidering customers’ own garments might be added later. This approach would extend the lifespan of garments, creating a positive environmental impact.



Kelheim Fibres and Santoni win ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 Foto: ITMF
From left to right: Mr. Ruizhi Sun, CNTAC President and former ITMF President; Patrick Silva Szatkowski, Santoni S.p.A., Betty Wu, Kelheim Fibres; Mr. Juan Parés, Textilsantanderina Spain, Jury Member and Vice President ITMF; Dr. Christian Schindler, ITMF Director General

Kelheim Fibres and Santoni win ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023

Kelheim Fibres GmbH and the Italian textile machinery manufacturer, Santoni Spa, were honoured with the ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 during the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China. This recognition by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) acknowledges outstanding achievements in international collaboration within the textile industry in alignment with the values of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Together, Kelheim Fibres and Santoni have developed a sustainable period panty, built upon advanced machine technology and high-performance viscose fibres.

Santoni's specialized machinery enables a reduction in fabric waste, or even the potential for entirely waste-free production. Simultaneously, it enhances production efficiency, leading to cost savings. Kelheim Fibres' wood-based specialty fibres, such as the trilobal Galaxy® and the hollow Bramante fibre, replace synthetic materials in the absorbent core of the menstrual underwear. They offer excellent performance and reliable protection for the wearer.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH and the Italian textile machinery manufacturer, Santoni Spa, were honoured with the ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 during the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China. This recognition by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) acknowledges outstanding achievements in international collaboration within the textile industry in alignment with the values of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Together, Kelheim Fibres and Santoni have developed a sustainable period panty, built upon advanced machine technology and high-performance viscose fibres.

Santoni's specialized machinery enables a reduction in fabric waste, or even the potential for entirely waste-free production. Simultaneously, it enhances production efficiency, leading to cost savings. Kelheim Fibres' wood-based specialty fibres, such as the trilobal Galaxy® and the hollow Bramante fibre, replace synthetic materials in the absorbent core of the menstrual underwear. They offer excellent performance and reliable protection for the wearer.

Lenzing relies on wind power in the fiber and pulp production (c) Lenzing AG
At the ground-breaking ceremony, from left to right: Josef Reiter (Mayor of Engelhartstetten) Thomas Östros (Vice-President of the European Investment Bank) Helga Krismer-Huber (Green Party Lower Austria LAbg) Stephan Pernkopf (Deputy Governor of Lower Austria) Leonore Gewessler (Minister for Climate Protection) Gregor Erasim (owner of WLK energy) Gerda Holzinger-Burgstaller (Chairwoman of the Management Board of Erste Bank Österreich) Bianca Flesch (Environmental Management Messer Austria GmbH) Mario Wohanka (WLK Chief Financial Officer) Christian Skilich (CTO Lenzing AG)

Lenzing relies on wind power in the fiber and pulp production

The Lenzing Group has concluded a supply contract with the Austrian electricity producer WLK energy for the purchase of around 13 megawatts of wind power. Lenzing is thus not only underlining its commitment to climate protection and the energy transition, but is also making a long-term investment in a price-stable and diversified electricity supply. The contract has a term of 15 years and provides for supply from the new wind farm in Engelhartstetten from the first quarter of 2025.

The construction of the wind farm is a joint project involving several partners, including the operator and electricity supplier WLK energy, based in Untersiebenbrunn (Lower Austria). The total output of the wind farm with a total of eleven wind turbines will be around 45 megawatts. The share of around 13 megawatts, which will be produced exclusively for the needs of the Lenzing site (Upper Austria), corresponds to the average electricity requirements of around 10,000 households per year in Austria. The ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of construction took place on November 09, 2023 with representatives from politics and business.

The Lenzing Group has concluded a supply contract with the Austrian electricity producer WLK energy for the purchase of around 13 megawatts of wind power. Lenzing is thus not only underlining its commitment to climate protection and the energy transition, but is also making a long-term investment in a price-stable and diversified electricity supply. The contract has a term of 15 years and provides for supply from the new wind farm in Engelhartstetten from the first quarter of 2025.

The construction of the wind farm is a joint project involving several partners, including the operator and electricity supplier WLK energy, based in Untersiebenbrunn (Lower Austria). The total output of the wind farm with a total of eleven wind turbines will be around 45 megawatts. The share of around 13 megawatts, which will be produced exclusively for the needs of the Lenzing site (Upper Austria), corresponds to the average electricity requirements of around 10,000 households per year in Austria. The ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of construction took place on November 09, 2023 with representatives from politics and business.

In 2019, Lenzing was the first fiber manufacturer to set itself the goal of reducing its CO2 emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. This CO2 reduction target was recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative. In 2022, Lenzing opened Upper Austria's largest open-space photovoltaic plant together with Verbund and also signed an electricity supply contract for photovoltaic energy with the green electricity producer Enery and Energie Steiermark.


Lenzing AG

Lenzing and Södra win ITMF Award for cooperation in textile recycling (c) Lenzing AG/Leopold
Lenzing x Södra Project team

Lenzing and Södra: ITMF Award for cooperation in textile recycling

  • Lenzing and Södra – a long-standing partnership for systemic change
  • International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) honored the two companies in the "International Cooperation" category
  • EU co-funded recycling project for textiles on an industrial scale

The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, and the Swedish pulp producer Södra have received the ITMF Award 2023 in the category “International Cooperation” for their joint achievements in textile recycling and circular economy. The award was presented at the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, on November 06, 2023.

  • Lenzing and Södra – a long-standing partnership for systemic change
  • International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) honored the two companies in the "International Cooperation" category
  • EU co-funded recycling project for textiles on an industrial scale

The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, and the Swedish pulp producer Södra have received the ITMF Award 2023 in the category “International Cooperation” for their joint achievements in textile recycling and circular economy. The award was presented at the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, on November 06, 2023.

The ITMF Award 2023 is given by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) to recognize outstanding achievements and merits in the textile sector in two categories: ”Sustainability & Innovation“ and ”International Cooperation“. Since 2021, the two pioneers have been joining forces in textile recycling, making a decisive contribution to promoting the circular economy in the fashion industry. As part of the cooperation, the companies intend to share their knowledge with each other and jointly develop processes to enable the wider use of cellulose-based used textiles on a commercial scale.

The OnceMore® pulp from Södra, which was jointly developed further by Södra and Lenzing, is subsequently used, among other things, as a raw material for the production of Lenzing fibers with REFIBRA™ technology. The OnceMore® process makes it possible to process and recycle a blend of cotton and polyester.

ITMF paid particular tribute to the joint LIFE TREATS project (Textile Recycling in Europe AT Scale)1,which was supported by an EU grant of EUR 10m under the LIFE 20222 program and aims to build a large-scale plant at Södra's Mörrum site in Sweden.

For more information on the ITMF Awards 2023, visit the ITMF website.

1 Project 101113614 — LIFE22-ENV-SE-TREATS


Lenzing AG


bvse und DIHK kritisieren falsche Anreize des WPG

Die einhundertprozentige Gleichsetzung von thermischer Abwärme aus Abfallverbrennungsanlagen mit Erneuerbarer Energie steht nicht nur im Widerspruch zu EEG und BEHG, sie gefährdet zudem die Einhaltung der Abfallhierarchie und dient nicht dem angestrebten Ziel der Klimaneutralität.

In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme haben sich bvse und die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) an die federführenden Bundestags-Ausschüsse gewandt, in denen das Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze (WPG) im nächsten Schritt beraten wird.

Die einhundertprozentige Gleichsetzung von thermischer Abwärme aus Abfallverbrennungsanlagen mit Erneuerbarer Energie steht nicht nur im Widerspruch zu EEG und BEHG, sie gefährdet zudem die Einhaltung der Abfallhierarchie und dient nicht dem angestrebten Ziel der Klimaneutralität.

In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme haben sich bvse und die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) an die federführenden Bundestags-Ausschüsse gewandt, in denen das Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze (WPG) im nächsten Schritt beraten wird.

Nach dem Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) setzt nun auch der Entwurf des WPG (Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze) im Ergebnis die Energieerzeugung aus der Abwärme thermischer Abfallbehandlungsanlagen zu 100 Prozent der der sogenannten Erneuerbaren Energien gleich. Ein Umstand, den bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock vehement kritisiert:
"Im deutschen Restmüll befinden sich laut Umweltbundesamt lediglich rund 32 Prozent Anteile, die nicht mehr stofflich wiederverwertet werden können und nur noch für die energetische Verwertung geeignet sind. Durchschnittlich 68 Prozent des Restmülls dagegen besteht aus Wertstoffen, die durch entsprechende Getrenntsammlung und Aufbereitung als neue Ressourcen dem Wirtschaftskreislauf wieder zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Mit der Anerkennung thermischer Abwärme als Erneuerbarer Energie, wie jetzt auch im WPG vorgesehen, würden falsche Anreize „Pro“ Müllverbrennung gesetzt. Die eigentlich politisch gewollte Lenkungswirkung für mehr Kreislaufwirtschaft geht so verloren, im Ergebnis wird mehr CO2 freigesetzt und der Sicherung unserer Rohstoffversorgung wird eine wichtige Quelle entzogen. Dass der Entwurf des WPG  an dieser Stelle der falschen Logik des GEG folgt, macht den Umstand keinesfalls besser, dass zugunsten kommunaler Interessen sowohl der Kreislaufwirtschaft als auch allen Bemühungen zur EU-Klimaneutralität Steine in den Weg gelegt werden“, erklärt bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock.

Die 100 %-Regelung des WPG steht darüber hinaus im Widerspruch zum Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG). Dort gilt der bislang nicht förderfähige Strom aus Müllverbrennungsanlagen nur zu etwa 50 Prozent als erneuerbar. „Es ist nicht nachvollziehbar, warum die Energie aus der Müllverbrennungsanlage in verschiedenen Gesetzen derart unterschiedlich bewertet werden sollte“, machen der bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer sowie der stellvertretende Hauptgeschäftsführer der DIHK, Dr. Achim Dercks, in ihrer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme deutlich.

Da nur rund 32 Prozent des Restmülls, der tatsächlich nicht mehr verwertet werden kann, nach der Abfallhierarchie für eine thermische Behandlung in Frage kommt, müsste entsprechend auch die Anrechnung als Erneuerbare Energie in Höhe dieser realen bzw. realistischen Größenordnungen erfolgen: „Wir plädieren für eine entsprechende Änderung der Bewertungen von Wärme aus thermischer Abfallverwertung zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt“, und das über alle relevanten gesetzlichen Regelwerke, also auch EEG und GEG, hinweg, lautet die Forderung von bvse und DIHK.

„Es ist an der Zeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Energiewirtschaft zusammenzuführen und das Abfallrecht mit dem Energierecht ordnungspolitisch konsistent und sachgerecht zu verzahnen“, betont bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock. Er zeigt sich zuversichtlich, dass im Parlamentarischen Verfahren doch noch ein Umdenken und entsprechende Regelungen „Pro“ Kreislaufwirtschaft erfolgen.

.Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam .Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam

Fashion for Good Museum: New pop-up exhibition

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

News From The Future, the new exhibition at the Fashion for Good Museum, invited Dutch students and new creative voices to reflect on these questions. The emphasis on emerging talent is a common thread throughout the exhibition’s and the look and feel is designed by upcoming graphic designer Sara Biatchinyi.

Participating artists and designers include students from art and fashion schools across the Netherlands from the University of the Arts Utrecht, Zadkine MBO, MBO Rijnland and Saxion College. The students’ work was chosen after they participated in the educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton”. This programme was developed by the Fashion for Good Museum’s Curator and Education Coordinator Alyxandra Westwood and Education and Fashion consultant in sustainability Yophi Ignacia founder of The Future Mode, in collaboration with the aforementioned schools.

To further enhance these narratives, and to facilitate and promote a space for connection between emerging talent, the Museum invited Current Obsession Magazine - an interdisciplinary jewellery platform and magazine - to co-curate an installation and reflect on the future of jewellery. Over the course of the exhibition the Fashion for Good Museum will come to life hosting an art auction, panel discussion and a weekly updated installation, showcasing emerging talent. All of these elements together will collectively address the sustainable and regenerative design practices in both the Fashion and Jewellery industries.

Designer Kevin Paraiso (Paris/Benin) showcases a creative workshop in the museum, featuring looks from his Cosmic Summer .Dolkrey collection, which was presented during Spring/Summer ‘23 of Paris Fashion Week. “Cosmic Summer reflects on our desire to bring vibrant colours and a sense of uplift to the fashion of today and tomorrow. A cosmic news from the future.” A hopeful collection, with future-forward elements seamlessly integrated from the use of deadstock, circular materials and an on-demand tailoring business model with inhouse printing - presents a positive outlook.

Launching “Classroom of the Future: The Stories Behind Cotton”
The educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton'' has been developed into an open source toolkit for MBO and HBO education. The toolkit is live and available to download from the Fashion for Good Museum website as of the 30th of November 2023.

It consists of a set of six lessons all exploring the various aspects of cotton with specific emphasis on people and planet. The toolkit brings together different forms of interactive tools for the classroom: videos, podcasts,  lesson plans and workshops. The content shows the perspective of local and international makers and innovators working to create a better and fairer fashion system.
The programme was part of and based on the previous museum exhibition Knowing Cotton Otherwise (2022-’23) and invited students to reflect on the  exhibition themes - water, transparency, agriculture, climate, processing, origin, labour/forced labour and end-of-use - through their own perspective. The educational methodology and goals within the programme were developed to level the field between MBO and HBO students, reflecting a more realistic image of what it's like working in the professional field. During the programme students worked together equally, challenging the segregated Dutch education system and aiming for new results.

News From The Future is open to the public at the Fashion for Good Museum at Rokin 102 in Amsterdam.


Fashion for Good

2nd Hand Verkaufsfläche, Globetrotter Hamburg Foto: Globetrotter
2nd Hand Verkaufsfläche, Globetrotter Hamburg

Branchensieger im Sportartikeleinzelhandel: Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis für Globetrotter

Am 23. November vergibt die Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis zum 16. Mal die europaweit wohl bekannteste Auszeichnung für soziales und ökologisches Engagement. Zu den Gewinnern des Unternehmenswettbewerbs gehört in diesem Jahr der Outdoor-Händler Globetrotter. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr gehörte der Ausrüster zu den Finalisten der begehrten Auszeichnung.

Der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises Unternehmen zeichnet die Vorreiter aus 100 Branchen in puncto Nachhaltigkeit aus. Globetrotter erhält den renommierten Preis als Spitzenreiter im Bereich Sportartikeleinzelhandel. Neben den Branchenbesten werden sektorübergreifend diejenigen Unter-nehmen ausgezeichnet, die in einem der fünf Transformationsfelder Klima, Ressourcen, Natur, Gesell-schaft oder Wertschöpfungskette vorbildliches leisten.

Am 23. November vergibt die Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis zum 16. Mal die europaweit wohl bekannteste Auszeichnung für soziales und ökologisches Engagement. Zu den Gewinnern des Unternehmenswettbewerbs gehört in diesem Jahr der Outdoor-Händler Globetrotter. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr gehörte der Ausrüster zu den Finalisten der begehrten Auszeichnung.

Der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises Unternehmen zeichnet die Vorreiter aus 100 Branchen in puncto Nachhaltigkeit aus. Globetrotter erhält den renommierten Preis als Spitzenreiter im Bereich Sportartikeleinzelhandel. Neben den Branchenbesten werden sektorübergreifend diejenigen Unter-nehmen ausgezeichnet, die in einem der fünf Transformationsfelder Klima, Ressourcen, Natur, Gesell-schaft oder Wertschöpfungskette vorbildliches leisten.

Nachhaltiges Engagement mit Schwerpunkt auf Kreislaufwirtschaft
Mit zahlreichen Angeboten trägt Globetrotter dazu bei, die Lebenszeit von Outdoor-Produkten zu ver-längern. Mit dem An- und Verkauf von Second Hand-Artikeln in allen Filialen und online verhilft der Ausrüster ausrangierter Bekleidung, Taschen und Rucksäcken zu einem zweiten Leben. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen den Verleih von Ausrüstung an – ebenfalls sowohl online als auch in acht Filialen. In 15 von 22 Filialen werden Ausrüstungsstücke in lokalen Werkstätten fachgerecht gepflegt und repariert. Beim Neukauf unterstützt Globetrotter die Kund:innen mit dem Label „Eine grünere Wahl“ dabei, nachhaltigere Produktalternativen im Sortiment zu erkennen.

„Es macht uns sehr stolz, in diesem Jahr Gewinner des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises zu sein,“ so Globetrotter-CEO Andreas Vogler. „Die Auszeichnung in unserer Branche zeigt, dass wir Vorreiter sind und eine Vorbildfunktion einnehmen.“ Geschäftsführer Andreas Bartmann ergänzt: „Wir haben in diesem Jahr viele tolle Meilensteine erreicht – etwa die Umsetzung unseres allerersten Re:Think Stores in Bonn. Hier haben wir fast ausschließlich gebrauchte Materialien verbaut und so rund 97 Prozent CO2 gegenüber einem herkömmlichen Ladenbau-Projekt vermieden.“




VDMA @ ITMA ASIA: Smart technologies for green textile production

At ITMA ASIA + CITME end of November in Shanghai, 40 VDMA members will present their technologies and solutions for the Chinese and Asian markets under the heading "smart technologies for green textile production". This year’s ITMA ASIA is the first major post-Corona textile machinery fair in China.

The exhibiting VDMA members cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing.  

The VDMA Textile Machinery Association and VDMA China will be present in the industry hub in Hall 8 zone B to support the members before and during the fair. The industry hub is also contact point for visitors who want to inform themselves about the exhibiting VDMA members. 

At ITMA ASIA + CITME end of November in Shanghai, 40 VDMA members will present their technologies and solutions for the Chinese and Asian markets under the heading "smart technologies for green textile production". This year’s ITMA ASIA is the first major post-Corona textile machinery fair in China.

The exhibiting VDMA members cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing.  

The VDMA Textile Machinery Association and VDMA China will be present in the industry hub in Hall 8 zone B to support the members before and during the fair. The industry hub is also contact point for visitors who want to inform themselves about the exhibiting VDMA members. 


VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery

Photo Carbios

Carbios: Building and operating permits for world’s first PET biorecycling plant

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

This state-of-the-art facility, scheduled for commissioning in 2025, will play a crucial role in the fight against plastic pollution by providing an industrial-scale enzymatic recycling solution for PET waste. Carbios’ technology enables PET circularity and offers an alternative raw material to virgin fossil-based monomers, allowing PET producers, chemical companies, waste management firms, public entities, and brands to have an effective solution to meet regulatory requirements and fulfill their sustainability commitments. The plant will have a processing capacity of 50,000 tons of post-consumer PET waste per year (mostly waste that is non-recyclable mechanically, equivalent to 2 billion colored PET bottles or 2.5 billion PET food trays) and will generate 150 direct and indirect jobs in the region.
The plant will be built on a 13.7-hectare site acquired by Carbios on Indorama Ventures’ existing PET plant site without suspensive conditions. The land area gives the possibility to double the facility’s capacity.
A plant designed to minimize its carbon footprint
The plant is designed to maximize circularity, with high-quality output products, and minimize its environmental footprint, especially with regards to energy consumption. Optimizations are underway to further increase the recycling of water required for the process.

Located near the borders with Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg, the plant’s location is strategic for nearby waste supply. Moreover, Carbios’ biorecycling technology can process complex waste that conventional technologies cannot recycle and produce food-grade products, enhancing the plant’s flexibility for waste supply. Carbios and Indorama Ventures will collaborate to ensure the feedstock supply of the Longlaville plant, located in a geographical area where the supply potential could reach 400,000 tons in 2023, and up to 500,000 tons in 2030 with improved selective collection.

Carbios has already secured an initial supply source by winning part of the CITEO tender for the biorecycling of multilayer food trays. The consortium composed of Carbios, Wellman (a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures), and Valorplast has been selected to handle 30% of the tonnage proposed by CITEO. Carbios will handle the portion of the flow consisting of multilayer food trays at its Longlaville plant starting in 2025.
Plant funding secured
In July 2023, Carbios successfully completed its capital increase for approximately €141 million, the largest capital increase on Euronext Growth since 2015. This amount is mainly intended to finance the construction of this plant, for which the total investment is estimated at around €230 million. The portion of the investment not funded by the proceeds from the July 2023 capital increase is expected to be covered by Indorama Ventures, which plans to mobilize approximately €110 million for this project, French state subsidies of €30 million, and €12.5 million from the Grand-Est Region, as well as a portion of Carbios Group’s available cash, which amounted to €78 million as of 30 June 2023.



Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series © Freudenberg Performance Materials
Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series

Freudenberg launches sustainable, low-level BPA thermal insulation products

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

GRS-certified and OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications
Both products utilize 100% GRS-certified rPET fibers, customizable to any desired fill levels. Additionally, these new products not only comply with but significantly surpass the stringent OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications. While OEKO-TEX® categorizes low-level BPA as less than 100 parts per million (ppm), these new products contain less than 1 ppm BPA, a testament to Freudenberg’s unyielding standards.

DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB are available globally and more low-level BPA thermal insulation options are available in Asia.


Freudenberg Performance Materials


Perstorp receives a gold medal for sustainability from EcoVadis

Perstorp has advanced to a gold medal by EcoVadis for the year 2023. This means that, when it comes to sustainability performance, Perstorp now ranks in the top 5 percent of the industry.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies.

"EcoVadis today is the standard for ESG ratings within the chemical industry and is the selected partner for sustainability assessments for Together for Sustainability. The fact that we've received more than 100 inquiries from customers seeking our EcoVadis reporting in recent years shows the value it brings to the value chain," says Anna Berggren, Vice President Sustainability.

Perstorp showed progress in three of the four evaluation areas during 2023 –– Environment, Labor & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.

Perstorp has advanced to a gold medal by EcoVadis for the year 2023. This means that, when it comes to sustainability performance, Perstorp now ranks in the top 5 percent of the industry.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies.

"EcoVadis today is the standard for ESG ratings within the chemical industry and is the selected partner for sustainability assessments for Together for Sustainability. The fact that we've received more than 100 inquiries from customers seeking our EcoVadis reporting in recent years shows the value it brings to the value chain," says Anna Berggren, Vice President Sustainability.

Perstorp showed progress in three of the four evaluation areas during 2023 –– Environment, Labor & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.

"We have seen advancements in the most heavily weighted areas Environment and Labor & Human Rights,” notes Berggren. “Moreover, our progress in Sustainable Procurement places us among the top 4 percent of chemical companies globally. It has been an amazing effort from many parts of the company that contributed to us obtaining this gold medal.

More information:
Perstorp EcoVadis

Perrstorp, EMG


Source Fashion doubles again for February 2024

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

Suzanne Ellingham, Director of Sourcing of Source Fashion says; "Visitors will love the quality, diversity and variety of producers, makers and manufacturers from around the world with the best of the best in terms of high-quality knitted apparel, luxury wool knits, leather, denim, and more across our sectors including Fabrics, Accessories, Sportswear, Garment Manufacturers, Packaging, Yarns, Trims and Fixtures, plus Design & Technology."

Connecting global manufacturers and suppliers to buyers who want the security in knowing every conversation is one that could lead to a new range creation, Source Fashion is the gateway to retail for manufacturers and suppliers from across the world. From raw materials, fabrics, trims, and packaging, all the way through to contract manufacturers offering in house design services, the show brings the inspiration and tools together in one exciting destination to bring new ranges to life.

The July 2023 show welcomed some of retail's biggest names. Buyers, sourcing managers, product developers, technologists, and designers from brands and retailers including John Lewis, Mountain Warehouse, Fila, Selfridges, H&M, Lipsy, Lyle & Scott, Joules, FILA, Perry Ellis, JoJo Mamman Bebe, Monsoon, Fatface, Lulu Guinness, Next, Sainsburys, Vivienne Westwood, Stitch Fix, ASOS, Bella Freud, Burberry, Fat Face, Hackett, Harrods, NBrown, Monsoon and many more came to explore and source from Source Fashion's diverse mix of audited exhibitors.

With a content stage dedicated to presenting and discussing the latest trends, innovations, and topics in responsible and sustainable manufacturing from internationally renowned industry professionals, as well the inspirational Source Catwalk shows, Source Fashion is the must-attend event for the fashion community.

More information:
Source Fashion

Good Results PR

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten (c) NABU

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Hierin hob bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard die besondere Bedeutung der in Deutschland bereits jetzt bestehenden und gut funktionierenden Strukturen der bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien hervor. „Diese gilt es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten“, so Bungard.

„Die gewerblichen Unternehmen, die auch im bvse Alttextilien sammeln und sortieren, spielen für dieses System eine wichtige Rolle und sind kompetente Ansprechpartner:innen für Kommunen, Institutionen und Organisationen. Wir appellieren daher an die Politik, diese entsprechend auch als wichtige Akteur:innen der textilen Wertschöpfungskette im Gesetzgebungsprozess anzuerkennen“, forderte die bvse-Rechtsreferentin.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung