From the Sector

142 results
Laura Beachy Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications Photo Thermore
Laura Beachy

Thermore: With Laura Beachy into the end-consumer market

Thermore prepares for next phase of growth into the end-consumer market: Thermore, an Italian manufacturing firm and leader in sustainable synthetic insulation, welcomes Laura Beachy as Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications. Beachy joins Thermore from Hyla Strategies, a NYC-based boutique marketing firm, where she served as a Managing Partner since 2014. Over the past decade, she has guided a diverse portfolio ranging from Shark Tank startups to Fortune 500 companies. Beachy’s understanding of sustainability, passion for the outdoors, and proven track record of success makes her poised to amplify Thermore’s brand story and drive its mission to new heights.

In the outdoor industry, Beachy’s consumer-facing knowledge has supported iconic brands like Xero Shoes, Oiselle, HOKA, Altra, and Kinetic. Her strategies have driven measurable growth—transforming online communities into buyers.

Thermore prepares for next phase of growth into the end-consumer market: Thermore, an Italian manufacturing firm and leader in sustainable synthetic insulation, welcomes Laura Beachy as Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications. Beachy joins Thermore from Hyla Strategies, a NYC-based boutique marketing firm, where she served as a Managing Partner since 2014. Over the past decade, she has guided a diverse portfolio ranging from Shark Tank startups to Fortune 500 companies. Beachy’s understanding of sustainability, passion for the outdoors, and proven track record of success makes her poised to amplify Thermore’s brand story and drive its mission to new heights.

In the outdoor industry, Beachy’s consumer-facing knowledge has supported iconic brands like Xero Shoes, Oiselle, HOKA, Altra, and Kinetic. Her strategies have driven measurable growth—transforming online communities into buyers.

Beachy’s leadership represents a significant step for Thermore as it makes its first foray into the end-consumer market. Beachy will lead Thermore’s efforts to enhance brand presence, driving customer engagement while continuing to innovate in B2B channels. Her in-depth experience of B2C consumer engagement in the outdoor industry and specialized marketing development work in B2B climate tech, positions her as the perfect leader to guide Thermore as it expands its influence into the consumer market.



Eröffnung der Filiale in POtsdam Foto Decathlon

Decathlon eröffnet erste Filiale in Potsdam

Multisportspezialist Decathlon erweitert sein Filialportfolio in Deutschland und eröffnet erstmals eine Connect Filiale im Rahmen der neuen Expansionsstrategie. Mit einer zentralen Lage in den Potsdamer Bahnhofspassagen schafft Decathlon auf rund 530 Quadratmetern eine neue Anlaufstelle im modernen Designkonzept für Sportbegeisterte.

Die Eröffnung der Potsdamer Filiale ist Teil der neuen Expansionsstrategie von Decathlon Deutschland, die bis 2027 bis zu 60 weitere Standorte vorsieht. Die Filiale in Potsdam ist Standort Nummer 87 und gleichzeitig die zweite in Brandenburg, neben der bestehenden Filiale in Ahrensfelde. Decathlon verfolgt mit seiner Expansion das Ziel, noch näher an die Kund:innen zu rücken und durch neue Konzepte die Verbindung zwischen digitalem und stationärem Handel zu stärken.

Multisportspezialist Decathlon erweitert sein Filialportfolio in Deutschland und eröffnet erstmals eine Connect Filiale im Rahmen der neuen Expansionsstrategie. Mit einer zentralen Lage in den Potsdamer Bahnhofspassagen schafft Decathlon auf rund 530 Quadratmetern eine neue Anlaufstelle im modernen Designkonzept für Sportbegeisterte.

Die Eröffnung der Potsdamer Filiale ist Teil der neuen Expansionsstrategie von Decathlon Deutschland, die bis 2027 bis zu 60 weitere Standorte vorsieht. Die Filiale in Potsdam ist Standort Nummer 87 und gleichzeitig die zweite in Brandenburg, neben der bestehenden Filiale in Ahrensfelde. Decathlon verfolgt mit seiner Expansion das Ziel, noch näher an die Kund:innen zu rücken und durch neue Konzepte die Verbindung zwischen digitalem und stationärem Handel zu stärken.

Zentrale Lage und sportliches Angebot für Potsdam
Das Sortiment der Potsdamer Filiale wurde speziell auf die sportlichen Vorlieben der Kundschaft vor Ort abgestimmt. Läufer:innen, Outdoor-Fans, Schwimmer:innen und Fans urbaner Mobilität finden ein ausgewähltes Angebot, das ihre Bedürfnisse bedient. Mit rund 20 Mitarbeitenden vor Ort setzt Decathlon in Potsdam auf kompetente Beratung und die Förderung einer sportlichen Community.

Fokus auf Omni-Ansatz
Die neue Filiale setzt auf ein modernes Designkonzept, das die optimale Präsentation von Produkten ermöglicht. Besonderer Wert wird auf kompetente  ausführliche Beratung - auch über das im Store verfügbare Sortiment hinaus - sowie auf die Verbindung von stationärem und digitalem Einkauf gelegt. So können Kund:innen beispielsweise das Click & Collect-Angebot nutzen: Onlinebestellungen können direkt in der Filiale oder außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten in speziellen Abholstationen abgeholt werden. Die Potsdamer Filiale ist der erste Decathlon Standort in Deutschland mit einer Abholstation, die auch außerhalb der Filialöffnungszeiten zugänglich ist. Rund 60 Schließfächer stehen bereit, um Kund:innen maximale Flexibilität zu bieten.

Der Potsdamer Store arbeitet eng mit dem großen Multisport Store am Alexanderplatz zusammen, um eine schnelle und flexible Produktverfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Zwei große Screens ermöglichen einen virtuellen Rundgang durch weitere Sportwelten: der Radsportabteilung in der Filiale am Berliner Alexanderplatz und dem Fitness-Showroom in Köln-Marsdorf. Dies bietet Kund:innen die Möglichkeit, Produkte zu entdecken, die aufgrund saisonaler Gegebenheiten oder der begrenzten Verkaufsfläche nicht direkt vor Ort verfügbar sind.


DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG


Green Threads DPP Launches Process for Digital Product Passport Compliance

Green Threads DPP, the Hampshire-based supplier of Digital Product Passports (DPP) to the uniform, workwear, and outdoor apparel industries, is officially launching to help brands fight greenwashing, create value chain transparency, and stay ahead of pending EU Green Deal DPP mandates.

Working directly with universities, textile suppliers, brands, governmental agencies, and manufacturing facilities around the world, Green Threads will help companies quickly and effectively navigate the DPP landscape, engage consumers, and bring in the next era of product transparency.

By 2030, all apparel sold in the EU will require some form of DPP. Scannable at all points along the value chain, DPPs will come in the form of a QR code, RFID tag, or NFC chip. Anyone from brand representatives to compliance officers to consumers will soon have access to a wide range of product information at their fingertips, including a product’s origin, carbon footprint, water consumption, materials composition, credentials, and end of life considerations.

Green Threads DPP, the Hampshire-based supplier of Digital Product Passports (DPP) to the uniform, workwear, and outdoor apparel industries, is officially launching to help brands fight greenwashing, create value chain transparency, and stay ahead of pending EU Green Deal DPP mandates.

Working directly with universities, textile suppliers, brands, governmental agencies, and manufacturing facilities around the world, Green Threads will help companies quickly and effectively navigate the DPP landscape, engage consumers, and bring in the next era of product transparency.

By 2030, all apparel sold in the EU will require some form of DPP. Scannable at all points along the value chain, DPPs will come in the form of a QR code, RFID tag, or NFC chip. Anyone from brand representatives to compliance officers to consumers will soon have access to a wide range of product information at their fingertips, including a product’s origin, carbon footprint, water consumption, materials composition, credentials, and end of life considerations.

Once a brand’s supply chain has been audited and a range of DPP have been created for the garments being produced, Green Threads will actively identify areas for sustainability improvements and make recommendations through the use of tailored Carbon Reduction Plans which are designed to help factories and suppliers set and reach decarbonization goals.

The use of a DPP comes with several benefits:

  • Comply with Green Deal regulations for the sale of footwear and apparel in the EU
  • Eliminate Greenwashing
  • Set and communicate sustainability goals to buyers
  • Showcase Ethical and Sustainability credentials
  • Provides quantifiable / actionable data with which to make future sourcing decisions
  • Market brand messaging directly to the end consumer by creating another touch point for engagement.

Beyond simple compliance with EU regulations, anyone using DPPs will be able to showcase sustainability credentials, differentiate themselves from the competition, and incorporate next-level marketing directly to consumers, all while making “greenwashing” a thing of the past.

“Between pending regulations and concerns around greenwashing, brands have a lot to gain from adopting a Green Threads DPP solution,” said Iain Kettleband, CEO of Green Threads. “By working with our clients and partners, we audit and measure the various elements throughout the entire product journey, facilitating continuous improvement and accountability. We add value by empowering consumers and businesses through easy to access data by which to make informed buying decisions. Most critically our solution goes above and beyond legislation and delivers complete environmental supply chain transparency as well as a dynamic platform through which to showcase a wealth of information related to recycling, care instructions, corporate objectives and ethical certifications”.


Green Threads DPP

Foto Globetrotter

Globetrotter tritt Klimaschutz-Initiative “Outdoor Retailer Climate Commitment” bei

Das Outdoor Retailer Climate Commitment (ORCC), offenes Netzwerk europäischer Outdoor-Händler für mehr Klimaschutz in der Outdoor-Branche, hat mit dem deutschen Outdoor-Händler Globetrotter ein weiteres Mitglied gewonnen. Die Initiative hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, sich gemeinsam für die Erreichung der Pariser Klimaschutzziele einzusetzen und mit Hilfe wissenschaftsbasierter Ziele aktiv dazu beizutragen, die globale Klimaerwärmung auf 1,5 Grad Celsius zu begrenzen.

Das ORCC wurde im September 2021 als Initiative europäischer Outdoor-Händler ins Leben gerufen. Ursprünglich mit fünf Mitgliedern gestartet, umfasst das offene Klimaschutz-Netzwerk mittlerweile zehn Outdoor-Retailer aus ganz Europa. Die größten Vertreter der Branche, darunter die Sportler AG, Yonderland, Bergfreunde GmbH, Bergzeit GmbH, Sport Schuster, Sport Conrad, Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports, Sport Pursuit, Sport Bründl und nun auch Globetrotter, setzen sich gemeinsam für mehr Klimaschutz ein. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Klimaschutz voranzubringen und die Pariser Klimaziele zu erreichen.

Das Outdoor Retailer Climate Commitment (ORCC), offenes Netzwerk europäischer Outdoor-Händler für mehr Klimaschutz in der Outdoor-Branche, hat mit dem deutschen Outdoor-Händler Globetrotter ein weiteres Mitglied gewonnen. Die Initiative hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, sich gemeinsam für die Erreichung der Pariser Klimaschutzziele einzusetzen und mit Hilfe wissenschaftsbasierter Ziele aktiv dazu beizutragen, die globale Klimaerwärmung auf 1,5 Grad Celsius zu begrenzen.

Das ORCC wurde im September 2021 als Initiative europäischer Outdoor-Händler ins Leben gerufen. Ursprünglich mit fünf Mitgliedern gestartet, umfasst das offene Klimaschutz-Netzwerk mittlerweile zehn Outdoor-Retailer aus ganz Europa. Die größten Vertreter der Branche, darunter die Sportler AG, Yonderland, Bergfreunde GmbH, Bergzeit GmbH, Sport Schuster, Sport Conrad, Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports, Sport Pursuit, Sport Bründl und nun auch Globetrotter, setzen sich gemeinsam für mehr Klimaschutz ein. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Klimaschutz voranzubringen und die Pariser Klimaziele zu erreichen.

Die Mitglieder des ORCC nehmen ihre Verantwortung für den Klimaschutz sehr ernst: Sie verpflichten sich, ihren CO2-Fußabdruck gemäß dem Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard zu messen, Ziele zur Reduzierung ihrer Emissionen festzulegen (zum Beispiel durch die Science Based Targets Initiative oder gleichwertige Ziele), Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele zu ergreifen und jährlich einen öffentlich zugänglichen Fortschrittsbericht vorzulegen.

Globetrotter will mit dem Beitritt zum Netzwerk vor allem die unternehmensübergreifende Zusammenarbeit für die Sache stärken und Synergie-Effekte sowie Erfahrungen teilen. Andreas Vogler, Geschäftsführung Globetrotter, erklärt: „Um den Klimaschutz weiter voranzubringen, müssen wir alle unsere Anstrengungen noch intensivieren. Ein wichtiger Schlüssel ist die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Branche. Deshalb freue ich mich, dass wir ab sofort unsere Expertise in das ORCC einbringen.“
Fabian Nendza, Senior Sustainability Manager bei Globetrotter, will über den gemeinsamen Austausch vor allem die Klimaschutzmaßnahmen innerhalb der Lieferkette verbessern und ergänzt: „Wir müssen an die Scope 3 Emissionen ran und das möglichst effektiv, d.h. den Aufwand auf allen Seiten reduzieren und den Fokus auf Impact legen.“


Outdoor Retailer Climate Commitment


BUFF® mit POW (Protect Our Winters) und Kate Zessel für den Klimaschutz

BUFF®, als ein führender Anbieter für Kopfbedeckungen und Multifunktionstücher bei Outdoor-Enthusiasten bekannt, freut sich über sieben Jahre Partnerschaft mit Protect Our Winters (POW). Die Bewegung wurde 2007 von US-Profi-Snowboarder Jeremy Jones gegründet, seit 2017 gibt es ein POW Chapter in Deutschland. Die Kooperation zwischen BUFF® und POW ermöglicht es Outdoor-Liebhabern, sich mit dem Kauf der Produkte aktiv für den Klimaschutz einzusetzen. Die aktuelle gemeinsame Kollektion soll Menschen inspirieren, sich für die Umwelt zu engagieren und die Orte zu schützen, die sie lieben.

Mit über 130.000 Unterstützern weltweit führt POW das Engagement für den Schutz des Klimas und nachhaltige Lebensweisen an, um Landschaften und Rückzugsorte zu bewahren und die Zukunft der Outdoor-Branche mitzugestalten. BUFF® teilt diese Mission und stellt im Rahmen der Partnerschaft eine spezielle Kollektion mit Kunstwerken der renommierten Künstlerin Kate Zessel aus Whistler, B.C., Kanada, vor.

BUFF®, als ein führender Anbieter für Kopfbedeckungen und Multifunktionstücher bei Outdoor-Enthusiasten bekannt, freut sich über sieben Jahre Partnerschaft mit Protect Our Winters (POW). Die Bewegung wurde 2007 von US-Profi-Snowboarder Jeremy Jones gegründet, seit 2017 gibt es ein POW Chapter in Deutschland. Die Kooperation zwischen BUFF® und POW ermöglicht es Outdoor-Liebhabern, sich mit dem Kauf der Produkte aktiv für den Klimaschutz einzusetzen. Die aktuelle gemeinsame Kollektion soll Menschen inspirieren, sich für die Umwelt zu engagieren und die Orte zu schützen, die sie lieben.

Mit über 130.000 Unterstützern weltweit führt POW das Engagement für den Schutz des Klimas und nachhaltige Lebensweisen an, um Landschaften und Rückzugsorte zu bewahren und die Zukunft der Outdoor-Branche mitzugestalten. BUFF® teilt diese Mission und stellt im Rahmen der Partnerschaft eine spezielle Kollektion mit Kunstwerken der renommierten Künstlerin Kate Zessel aus Whistler, B.C., Kanada, vor.

Zessels Kunst ist inspiriert von ihren Abenteuern in den Bergen und kombiniert filigrane Linien und Muster mit Naturelementen. Ihre Werke, die ihre Liebe zum Skifahren, Radfahren und der Wildnis widerspiegeln, sind ein visuelles Tribut an die Natur. BUFF® zeigt ihren unverwechselbaren Stil in der Kollektion, die Thermonet® und Original EcoStretch Multifunktionstücher für Erwachsene und Kinder, eine Rutger-Strickmütze und eine Thermonet-Hinged-Balaclava umfasst.

David Camps, CEO von BUFF®, erklärte: „Seit einigen Jahren engagiert sich BUFF® für den Umweltschutz, eine verantwortungsvolle Produktion und das Wohl unserer Mitarbeiter und Gemeinschaften. Wir freuen uns, die Partnerschaft mit Protect Our Winters fortzusetzen und Kate Zessels beeindruckende Kunstwerke zu präsentieren. Gemeinsam möchten wir unsere Gemeinschaft dazu inspirieren, nachhaltige und wirksame Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel zu ergreifen und eine tiefere Liebe zur Natur zu fördern, die zu dauerhafter Wertschätzung führt.“


crystal communications GmbH fur BUFF

breathable waterproof solutions (c) eVent® Fabrics

eVent Fabrics: New talents for global expansion

eVent®️ Fabrics, a global leader in waterproof and breathable laminates, announced the hiring of three key team members to assist with growing demand for the brand’s expanding line of performance laminates and recent expansion into the South Korean market. Founded in 1999, the company impressed the industry with the first air-permeable 100% waterproof membrane and continues to innovate with sustainable, high-performance textiles. eVent is globally recognized for its breathable waterproof solutions and commitment to reliable, high-performance laminates.

Recent hires include Bartosz Lassak to the US sales team and Xie Yi to engineer the next generation of eVent textiles. For the recent expansion into Korea, Terry Kim will assist as eVent’s Korean Market Consultant.

eVent®️ Fabrics, a global leader in waterproof and breathable laminates, announced the hiring of three key team members to assist with growing demand for the brand’s expanding line of performance laminates and recent expansion into the South Korean market. Founded in 1999, the company impressed the industry with the first air-permeable 100% waterproof membrane and continues to innovate with sustainable, high-performance textiles. eVent is globally recognized for its breathable waterproof solutions and commitment to reliable, high-performance laminates.

Recent hires include Bartosz Lassak to the US sales team and Xie Yi to engineer the next generation of eVent textiles. For the recent expansion into Korea, Terry Kim will assist as eVent’s Korean Market Consultant.

eVent’s recent expansion into the Korean market includes a new strategic partnership with GEO International Co., LTD, a leading Korean company in the textile industry. This collaboration will introduce eVent’s high-performance waterproof breathable laminate solutions for apparel, footwear, and accessories to the Korean market, catering to the increasing demand for premium outdoor and performance apparel.

eVent’s newest team members include:

Bartosz Lassak – Senior Sales Manager
Based in Washington D.C., Bartosz is a Senior Sales Manager for the Eastern U.S. region and will help expand eVent’s sales footprint as new customers are added to the eVent portfolio. Bartosz brings 20 years of global industry experience and has a deep knowledge of outerwear materials, end use applications, and component brand sales. Most recently, Bartosz was a Territory Sales and Marketing Manager for Primaloft, managing ingredient brand distribution in the UK, Germany, Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, and North America.
Xie Yi – Textile Engineer
Having recently graduated with a double Master’s Degree in Textile Materials and Product Design from the highly regarded Donghua University, Xie joins the eVent team full time as a Textile Engineer. Xie will be integral as eVent continues to enhance product strategy and new product introductions. Throughout her academic career, Xie worked as a Production Assistant for Oya Jacquard Belt limited and a Research and Development Assistant at Atelier LUMA.

Terry Kim – Senior Consultant in Korea
Terry will support the expansion of eVent’s global footprint into Korean markets and assist with marketing efforts in the Korean market as well. Terry has significant experience in the industry including 20 years working in roles such as Sales Director and New Business Development Director in his time at Gore-Tex. In his most recent role, Terry was the Managing Director of Fabric Division for Gore-Tex.

More information:
eVent® Fabrics Korea expansion

eVent® Fabrics


Dow: New durable water repellent finishing with 81% bio-based emulsion

Dow has announced the launch of DOWSIL™ IE-9100 Emulsion for durable water repellent (DWR) finishing, the latest addition to the Dow Ecolibrium™ Brand portfolio, as a product for high-performing water repellent fabrics.

An 81% bio-based silicone-organic hybrid formulation honored with both the R&D 100 Award and the SEAL Sustainable Product Award, DOWSIL™ IE-9100 Emulsion is designed to match the water repellency performance of fluoro-containing emulsions, making it a good option for high-performance outerwear fabrics, including athleticwear, outdoor garments and equipment, personal protective equipment, and footwear.

Dow has announced the launch of DOWSIL™ IE-9100 Emulsion for durable water repellent (DWR) finishing, the latest addition to the Dow Ecolibrium™ Brand portfolio, as a product for high-performing water repellent fabrics.

An 81% bio-based silicone-organic hybrid formulation honored with both the R&D 100 Award and the SEAL Sustainable Product Award, DOWSIL™ IE-9100 Emulsion is designed to match the water repellency performance of fluoro-containing emulsions, making it a good option for high-performance outerwear fabrics, including athleticwear, outdoor garments and equipment, personal protective equipment, and footwear.

DOWSIL™ IE-9100 Emulsion offers formulators and brand owners key performance advantages expected of performance apparel and technical textiles, including the ability to tailor the level of water repellency to match the specific end-use needs. It also boasts excellent water-based stain protection and color fastness as well as good tape adhesion and logo printability. It can be applied across a wide range of fibers, both natural and synthetic, and helps maintain the breathability of fabrics and membranes to maximize comfort. Additionally, it is compatible with standard manufacturing processes, allowing for ease of use for finishing mills and is certified OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT.

On October 10th at 10 a.m. CEST / 4 p.m. CST, Isabelle Riff, along with Yusuke Kuwana and Jacob Milne, Dow Scientist, Textiles, will present the specifics of this new product during a dedicated webinar titled “Advancing textiles’ durable water repellency with silicone hybrid, bio-based technology.”

Flos and B&B Italia partner with “Casa Italia Paris 2024” (c) B&B Italia S.p.A.

Flos and B&B Italia partner with “Casa Italia Paris 2024”

Flos and B&B Italia, furniture brands of Made in Italy design, take part in the Casa Italia Paris 2024 project, the hospitality house that will host the athletes and guests during the XXXIII Olympic Games, to be held in the French capital from 26 July to 11 August 2024.

Along with other design brands and contemporary Italian artists, the two companies participate for the first time at Casa Italia Paris 2024 showcasing their most iconic creations, both classic and contemporary, in the venue’s indoor and outdoor spaces, taking guests on a spectacular and evocative journey that epitomizes Italian elegance and beauty.

Flos and B&B Italia, furniture brands of Made in Italy design, take part in the Casa Italia Paris 2024 project, the hospitality house that will host the athletes and guests during the XXXIII Olympic Games, to be held in the French capital from 26 July to 11 August 2024.

Along with other design brands and contemporary Italian artists, the two companies participate for the first time at Casa Italia Paris 2024 showcasing their most iconic creations, both classic and contemporary, in the venue’s indoor and outdoor spaces, taking guests on a spectacular and evocative journey that epitomizes Italian elegance and beauty.

As Official Partner of Casa Italia Paris 2024, B&B Italia is furnishing the living, lounge and outdoor areas with some of its most recognisable products that combine unique design, quality, comfort and function as well as sustainability, an increasingly crucial element intrinsic to furniture designed to last over time. The UP Series by Gaetano Pesce, the Camaleonda sofa and Le Bambole seating by Mario Bellini, the Planck tables by Piero Lissoni, and the Allure O’ table and Flair O’ chairs by Monica Armani will furnish Casa Italia, highlighting a dialogue with the context through the choice of distinctive shapes, colours and materials.

The ongoing dialogue created by the brand’s products continues through to the outdoor lounge areas, where Casa Italia’s green spaces are dotted with products from the B&B Italia Outdoor collection, the brand’s outdoor furniture line launched in 2007. The Ribes sofas by Antonio Citterio, the Crinoline chairs by Patricia Urquiola and the Borea tables by Piero Lissoni will welcome athletes and guests creating stylish aesthetic synergies with the Le Pré Catelan gardens.

Flos has worked at the lighting project for Casa Italia Paris 2024 as Official Supplier, with the aim of making light a precious element for highlighting the works of art and the objects that enrich the setup of the Italian hospitality house, so that the exhibition and its narrative itinerary can be enjoyed both during daytime and nighttime hours. Light is used to shape the space in such a way as to create visual hierarchies among the superb items on display, without forgetting the ambient lighting needed for the celebratory events that will take place in the venue. The Flos lighting display includes some of the brand’s most recognisable suspension creations, such as cocoon models Taraxacum and Viscontea by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni and Zeppelin by Marcel Wanders. These interact with more recent and timeless collections, such as Glo-Ball by Jasper Morrison, Arrangements by Michael Anastassiades, IC and Captain Flint floor lamps, also by Anastassiades, and Bellhop Floor by Barber Osgerby.

For the exterior green spaces, Flos has chosen stylish outdoor floor lamps that create a harmonious dialogue with the surrounding architecture. These include Captain Flint Outdoor and IC Outdoor, designed by Michael Anastassiades, featuring bases in precious materials such as Tuscan imperial travertine and volcanic stone from the slopes of Mount Etna. Finally, Flos Architectural, the brand’s professional lighting division for large-scale projects, has equipped Casa Italia with innovative tech solutions that include The Tracking Magnet, an ingenious patented system with magnetic fastening LED lights in spot or linear versions for functional, efficient lighting that is also comfortable and non-invasive.

More information:
B&B Italia furniture

B&B Italia S.p.A.


Chargeurs PCC acquires strategic business units of Cilander

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Under the agreement, CFT PCC also plans to acquire the shirt fabrics business, which mainly comprises the ALUMO brand, founded by Karl Albrecht, joined by Robert Morgen in 1941. For over a century, ALUMO has been at the forefront of offering fabrics made from the finest, highest-quality cotton for men's shirts. The company is the preferred supplier of tailors and specialized luxury brands worldwide, relying on its E-commerce platform.

In addition, Cilander's fabrics business includes the Eugster & Huber brand, aimed at women's fashion brands. The portfolio also comprises Brennet, known for its high-quality fabrics with a contemporary touch, and Swiss Ghutra, a brand specializing in high-end fabrics and headpieces for a clientele in the Middle East.

When completed, this acquisition will strengthen the development capabilities of Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies, a leader in interlinings for the garment industry. Thanks to Cilander’s high-tech products and solutions, the business line will open doors to new, particularly demanding niche markets, notably the military market and reinforce its market share in the apparel segment, especially shirt-making.


BUFF®: Teilnahme an "1% For The Planet" mit Schlauchtüchern

BUFF®, ein Anbieter von Kopfbedeckungen und Schlauchtüchern, setzt sein Engagement für die Umwelt fort und schließt sich mit CoolNet UV® der Initiative 1% For The Planet an.

Konzipiert für sportliche Aktivitäten bei Sonnenschein und hohen Temperaturen bietet CoolNet UV® UV-Schutz mit einem UPF von 50. Die Produktion erfolgt zu 95 Prozent aus recycelten Materialien wie Plastikflaschen am BUFF®-Hauptsitz in Barcelona. Insgesamt konnte Buff® bis heute mehr als 47 Millionen Flaschen recyceln und in hochwertige Materialien weiterverwerten. Das CoolNet UV® ist zudem mit der innovativen HeiQ-Kühltechnologie und antibakterieller Technologie von Polygiene ausgestattet, um Outdoor-Fans während intensiver Aktivitäten kühl und trocken zu halten.

Seit der Unternehmensgründung 1992 unterstützt BUFF® Organisationen wie Protect Our Winters oder die European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA), die sich für die Zukunft unseres Planeten einsetzen. Mit der Teilnahme an 1% For The Planet macht BUFF® einen weiteren Schritt in die richtige Richtung, indem die Marke mit gleichgesinnten Unternehmen mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel zusammenarbeitet: Menschen und Natur zu unterstützen.

BUFF®, ein Anbieter von Kopfbedeckungen und Schlauchtüchern, setzt sein Engagement für die Umwelt fort und schließt sich mit CoolNet UV® der Initiative 1% For The Planet an.

Konzipiert für sportliche Aktivitäten bei Sonnenschein und hohen Temperaturen bietet CoolNet UV® UV-Schutz mit einem UPF von 50. Die Produktion erfolgt zu 95 Prozent aus recycelten Materialien wie Plastikflaschen am BUFF®-Hauptsitz in Barcelona. Insgesamt konnte Buff® bis heute mehr als 47 Millionen Flaschen recyceln und in hochwertige Materialien weiterverwerten. Das CoolNet UV® ist zudem mit der innovativen HeiQ-Kühltechnologie und antibakterieller Technologie von Polygiene ausgestattet, um Outdoor-Fans während intensiver Aktivitäten kühl und trocken zu halten.

Seit der Unternehmensgründung 1992 unterstützt BUFF® Organisationen wie Protect Our Winters oder die European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA), die sich für die Zukunft unseres Planeten einsetzen. Mit der Teilnahme an 1% For The Planet macht BUFF® einen weiteren Schritt in die richtige Richtung, indem die Marke mit gleichgesinnten Unternehmen mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel zusammenarbeitet: Menschen und Natur zu unterstützen.


BUFF® / crystal communications

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project (c) KARL MAYER

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

The textile machinery manufacturer KARL MAYER is contributing its expertise in the field of wearables to the project work. The TEXTILE CIRCUIT team of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE has already successfully implemented various projects in this area. In addition, an MJ 52/1 S from KARL MAYER is used at V-Trion, Grabher's research company in Lustenau, for the production of electrically conductive textiles.

DiMo-NEXT will be launched on April 1, 2024, shortly before Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. KARL MAYER will present its contribution to the project work at the trade fair for the sector.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

Gregory: Ausrüstungspartner der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 (c) Gregory

Gregory: Ausrüstungspartner der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024

Gregory, ein Unternehmer für Outdoor- und Reiseausrüstung, stattet mit seiner Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion das Team der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 aus.

Nach einem erfolgreichen Probelauf im vergangenen Jahr haben Gregory und die weltweite Trailrunning Serie ihre Partnerschaft für die aktuelle Saison bestätigt. Gregory stattet das gesamte Team der Merrell Skyrunner World Series auf ihren Reisen zu 21 Rennen auf vier Kontinenten mit Produkten der neuen Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion aus. Dabei testet Gregory Produkte, die für den Transport von schwerem Material in schwierigen Umgebungen entwickelt wurden, vor Ort, um sowohl die Leistungen der Sportler als auch die eigenen Produkte zu optimieren.

Durch die strategische Allianz mit Gregory soll die Reiselogistik der Skyrunner World Series verbessert, die Ausrüstung bestmöglich geschützt und die Standards für Transportleistungen im Outdoor-Sport auf globaler Ebene erhöht werden.

Gregory, ein Unternehmer für Outdoor- und Reiseausrüstung, stattet mit seiner Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion das Team der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 aus.

Nach einem erfolgreichen Probelauf im vergangenen Jahr haben Gregory und die weltweite Trailrunning Serie ihre Partnerschaft für die aktuelle Saison bestätigt. Gregory stattet das gesamte Team der Merrell Skyrunner World Series auf ihren Reisen zu 21 Rennen auf vier Kontinenten mit Produkten der neuen Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion aus. Dabei testet Gregory Produkte, die für den Transport von schwerem Material in schwierigen Umgebungen entwickelt wurden, vor Ort, um sowohl die Leistungen der Sportler als auch die eigenen Produkte zu optimieren.

Durch die strategische Allianz mit Gregory soll die Reiselogistik der Skyrunner World Series verbessert, die Ausrüstung bestmöglich geschützt und die Standards für Transportleistungen im Outdoor-Sport auf globaler Ebene erhöht werden.

Gregory wird das Team mit Produkten wie der Gear Box, dem Gear Basket und dem Gear Wagon ausstatten, die mit modernster Technologie, Lösungen und zum Teil aus recycelten Stoffen hergestellt werden. Aber auch Rucksäcke und Daypacks wie Border, Nano und Rhune kommen zum Einsatz


Gregory / crystal communications GmbH

Green Theme Technologies

Green Theme Technologies partners with Hwasung International

Green Theme Technologies, suppliers of the EMPEL® water-free and PFAS-free textile finishing platform, continues a trajectory of exponential growth by partnering with Korean-based global textile innovator Hwasung International. Hwasung is the first Korean mill to offer the EMPEL® high performance technology to global footwear brands and regional Korean mill customers.
Known globally for providing high performance textiles that incorporate functional yarns such as Dyneema, Kevlar and Cordura, Hwasung will now broaden their high performance and sustainable offerings by scaling EMPEL into their global supply chain.
Green Theme’s EMPEL® platform can be applied successfully to a wide range of synthetic knit, woven, non-woven and novel fabrics that are traditionally hard to treat. The diverse list of EMPEL® markets include: Outdoor, High Fashion, Footwear, Automotive, Furniture, Workwear, Athleisure Wear and Military. Because no water is used during the treatment application, EMPEL® can remove pollution and waste from any textile manufacturing process.

Green Theme Technologies, suppliers of the EMPEL® water-free and PFAS-free textile finishing platform, continues a trajectory of exponential growth by partnering with Korean-based global textile innovator Hwasung International. Hwasung is the first Korean mill to offer the EMPEL® high performance technology to global footwear brands and regional Korean mill customers.
Known globally for providing high performance textiles that incorporate functional yarns such as Dyneema, Kevlar and Cordura, Hwasung will now broaden their high performance and sustainable offerings by scaling EMPEL into their global supply chain.
Green Theme’s EMPEL® platform can be applied successfully to a wide range of synthetic knit, woven, non-woven and novel fabrics that are traditionally hard to treat. The diverse list of EMPEL® markets include: Outdoor, High Fashion, Footwear, Automotive, Furniture, Workwear, Athleisure Wear and Military. Because no water is used during the treatment application, EMPEL® can remove pollution and waste from any textile manufacturing process.


Green Theme Technologies


Infinited Fiber Company completes development financing round

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

After the development financing round, Inditex, TTY Management and H&M Group are the largest shareholders of Infinited Fiber Company.


Infinited Fiber Company


Archroma: New wet-fastness improver

Archroma has developed a new wet-fastness improver that helps brands and mills produce durable clothing, towels, linens and other textile products with long-lasting colors without compromising on quality or introducing hazardous chemicals.

ALBAFIX® ECO PLUS is a next-generation fixing agent that delivers a strong wet-fastness for all reactive dyes on cotton and other cellulosic fibers and polyester-cotton blends. It will not change the shade of the dyed fabric or negatively impact light-fastness. The product also avoids production challenges – such as foaming, acid hydrolysis and migration problems during drying – to promote efficiency and quality output.

ALBAFIX® ECO PLUS is suitable for jet applications, and for other dyeing and washing equipment with vigorous liquor circulation, and can also be applied by exhaustion, by padding or from the last bath of the soaping process after dyeing or printing.

Archroma has developed a new wet-fastness improver that helps brands and mills produce durable clothing, towels, linens and other textile products with long-lasting colors without compromising on quality or introducing hazardous chemicals.

ALBAFIX® ECO PLUS is a next-generation fixing agent that delivers a strong wet-fastness for all reactive dyes on cotton and other cellulosic fibers and polyester-cotton blends. It will not change the shade of the dyed fabric or negatively impact light-fastness. The product also avoids production challenges – such as foaming, acid hydrolysis and migration problems during drying – to promote efficiency and quality output.

ALBAFIX® ECO PLUS is suitable for jet applications, and for other dyeing and washing equipment with vigorous liquor circulation, and can also be applied by exhaustion, by padding or from the last bath of the soaping process after dyeing or printing.

Like ALBAFIX® ECO, the latest addition to the ALBAFIX® family has a positive influence on chlorine-fastness. When applied with double fixing, it achieves the same high performance on polyamide and PA/Elastane fabrics, as it does on cellulosic fibers. This makes it ideal for the production of swimwear, as well as sportswear and outdoor clothing.

ALBAFIX® ECO PLUS complies with global eco-standards and initiatives, including Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), bluesign® and the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Roadmap.



Eastman and Patagonia join forces to address textile waste (c) Eastman

Textile waste: Eastman and Patagonia join forces

Eastman announces a partnership with Patagonia to address textile waste.

The outdoor apparel company teamed up with Eastman to recycle 8,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer clothing waste, which Eastman processed through its molecular recycling technology. The process involves breaking down Patagonia’s unusable apparel into molecular building blocks that Eastman can use to make new fibers.

"We know apparel waste is a major problem, and consumers increasingly want better, more sustainable solutions when their most loved clothing reaches the end of its life," said Natalie Banakis, materials innovation engineer for Patagonia.

"Our collaborations show the world what’s possible when it comes to sustainability,” said Carolina Sister Cohn, global marketing lead for Eastman textiles. “We have the technology to make the textiles industry circular, and we know it requires collaboration with innovative brands to make circular fashion possible. This is only the beginning, and we look forward to more collaborations throughout 2024."

Eastman announces a partnership with Patagonia to address textile waste.

The outdoor apparel company teamed up with Eastman to recycle 8,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer clothing waste, which Eastman processed through its molecular recycling technology. The process involves breaking down Patagonia’s unusable apparel into molecular building blocks that Eastman can use to make new fibers.

"We know apparel waste is a major problem, and consumers increasingly want better, more sustainable solutions when their most loved clothing reaches the end of its life," said Natalie Banakis, materials innovation engineer for Patagonia.

"Our collaborations show the world what’s possible when it comes to sustainability,” said Carolina Sister Cohn, global marketing lead for Eastman textiles. “We have the technology to make the textiles industry circular, and we know it requires collaboration with innovative brands to make circular fashion possible. This is only the beginning, and we look forward to more collaborations throughout 2024."

adidas Terrex and National Geographic: Rainforest-Inspired Hiking Collection (c) adidas AG

adidas Terrex and National Geographic: Rainforest-Inspired Hiking Collection

adidas TERREX and National Geographic collaborate once again to launch a collection that pays homage to the rainforest supporting National Geographic efforts.

Throughout the collection, images captured by National Geographic photographers are interpreted in different ways on different products, taken through different hues and applied in various ways on garments across the range:

adidas TERREX and National Geographic collaborate once again to launch a collection that pays homage to the rainforest supporting National Geographic efforts.

Throughout the collection, images captured by National Geographic photographers are interpreted in different ways on different products, taken through different hues and applied in various ways on garments across the range:

  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC RAIN.RDY JACKET – Crafted from waterproofing materials and construction, adidas RAIN.RDY products keep the water out. The jacket also features easily-accessible pockets, a stowaway hood and elongated sleeves with hook-and-loop.
  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WINDSTOPPER JACKET - Made from GORE-TEX WINDSTOPPER, this WIND.RDY jacket is wind-resistant and water-repellent.
  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WINDBREAKER - Using advanced materials, adidas WIND.RDY is designed to resist the wind and provide optimised breathability hikers can feel protected and comfortable.
  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC GRAPHIC LONG SLEEVE / SHORT SLEEVE TEE – The long sleeve tee combines technical materials with style beyond the mountain, including Aeroready material that wicks sweat to keep dry and comfortable.
  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PANTS - Marry style and functionality by combining outdoor-informed design and street-informed style together, complemented by Durable Water Repellent (DWR) material to stay dry and comfortable.
  • ADIDAS TERREX | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SKIRT - Made in adidas' wind and water-resistant WIND.RDY fabric, this skirt is for adventures on or off the trail.

The theme of this season’s drop was inspired by National Geographic’s seasonal focus on educating people around rainforest awareness and conservation.

More information:
adidas Outdoor outdoor apparel

adidas AG

snowfield-bulky-down-jacket-icicle Photo ALLIED Feather + Down

Down Apparel for the European Market

ALLIED Feather + Down, global leaders in high performance, ethically sourced down, and MN Inter-Fashion, manufacturers of high performance luxury outerwear, announced that the ALLIED Feather + Down outerwear collection will be available to the European market.  

Originally released only in Japan, the exclusive collection will be available to select European boutique retailers for the fall 2024 season. Limited to a few hundred pieces, this line will showcase the breadth of ALLIED’s down offering, from their industry-leading ExpeDRY down insulation to their exceedingly high performance 1000 fill power down. It will also include MN Inter-Fashion’s experience delivering quality design and craftsmanship to some of the best known fashion houses in the world.

Designed, cut, and sewn by MN Inter-Fashion in Japan using materials from ALLIED and Pertex, the jackets shall represent a collision between cutting edge fashion aesthetics and materials normally reserved for highly technical outerwear. The result is a unique garment with a sophisticated urban look blended with performance that rivals the most technical outdoor apparel available. 

ALLIED Feather + Down, global leaders in high performance, ethically sourced down, and MN Inter-Fashion, manufacturers of high performance luxury outerwear, announced that the ALLIED Feather + Down outerwear collection will be available to the European market.  

Originally released only in Japan, the exclusive collection will be available to select European boutique retailers for the fall 2024 season. Limited to a few hundred pieces, this line will showcase the breadth of ALLIED’s down offering, from their industry-leading ExpeDRY down insulation to their exceedingly high performance 1000 fill power down. It will also include MN Inter-Fashion’s experience delivering quality design and craftsmanship to some of the best known fashion houses in the world.

Designed, cut, and sewn by MN Inter-Fashion in Japan using materials from ALLIED and Pertex, the jackets shall represent a collision between cutting edge fashion aesthetics and materials normally reserved for highly technical outerwear. The result is a unique garment with a sophisticated urban look blended with performance that rivals the most technical outdoor apparel available. 


ALLIED Feather + Down

Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards Photo: Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon consists of CELLIANT infrared (IR) technology embedded into REPREVE. REPREVE creates high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and preconsumer waste. CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon is strong and durable with great stretch and a silky hand. It is ideal for underwear, stockings, tights/leggings, socks, seamless knits, baselayers and many other categories. With CELLIANT’s ability to convert body heat into infrared energy, improving local circulation and cellular oxygenation, it also provides performance for outdoor/sportswear, outerwear, swimwear among other categories. This is the second carrier type for CELLIANT with REPREVE, as it was introduced in polyester last fall and won three awards.

CELLIANT Print makes the natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals more widely available from Hologenix as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology. Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers, yarns and fabrics. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be adhered to many different fabric types as a topical coating, making CELLIANT Print a versatile and cost-effective solution. Key CELLIANT partners, such as Under Armour with their UA RUSH™ line, and KT Tape with its PRO Oxygen™ kinesiology tape utilize CELLIANT Print. Safe and CELLIANT® Print CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon durable, CELLIANT Print has undergone mechanical testing for wash tests and can be confirmed to last the useful life of the product, for 50+ washes.


Hologenix, LLC


Garmont: Andrea Nalesso als neuer CEO

Garmont International hat Andrea Nalesso zum neuen CEO ernannt. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Outdoor- und Sportbranche übernimmt Nalesso die Nachfolge von Pierangelo Bressan, der Vorstandsvorsitzender und Aktionär von Garmont bleibt.

Riello Investimenti SGR – über seinen Italian Strategy Fonds Mehrheitsaktionär von Garmont International – hat gemeinsam mit den Minderheitsaktionären Andrea Nalesso zum Chef Executive Officer (CEO) berufen, der die Marke in den kommenden Jahren auf dem eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent weiterzuführen soll.

Zu den innovativen Vorhaben, die Garmont in den letzten Jahren umgesetzt hat und die Andrea Nalesso fortführen soll, gehört die Entwicklung von Schuhen mit einem nachhaltigen Fußabdruck. In einem Bereich, in dem die Produktion erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt hat, ist das eine ebenso wichtige wie klar kommunizierte Entscheidung. In wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht wird der neue CEO den Weg der Internationalisierung fortsetzen, neue Märkte erschließen und die bestehende Vertriebsbasis um einen Omnichannel-Fokus erweitern.

Garmont International hat Andrea Nalesso zum neuen CEO ernannt. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Outdoor- und Sportbranche übernimmt Nalesso die Nachfolge von Pierangelo Bressan, der Vorstandsvorsitzender und Aktionär von Garmont bleibt.

Riello Investimenti SGR – über seinen Italian Strategy Fonds Mehrheitsaktionär von Garmont International – hat gemeinsam mit den Minderheitsaktionären Andrea Nalesso zum Chef Executive Officer (CEO) berufen, der die Marke in den kommenden Jahren auf dem eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent weiterzuführen soll.

Zu den innovativen Vorhaben, die Garmont in den letzten Jahren umgesetzt hat und die Andrea Nalesso fortführen soll, gehört die Entwicklung von Schuhen mit einem nachhaltigen Fußabdruck. In einem Bereich, in dem die Produktion erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt hat, ist das eine ebenso wichtige wie klar kommunizierte Entscheidung. In wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht wird der neue CEO den Weg der Internationalisierung fortsetzen, neue Märkte erschließen und die bestehende Vertriebsbasis um einen Omnichannel-Fokus erweitern.

Nach mehreren Jahren als Verkaufsleiter bei GEOX und Dainese war Nalesso Geschäftsführer mehrerer Ausrüstungs- und Schuhmarken der Oberalp-Gruppe. Er wechselte zurück zu Dainese, bevor er nun als CEO bei Garmont anheuerte.

Um Kontinuität und Konsistenz der Wachstumspläne zu gewährleisten, bleibt Pierangelo Bressan wie vorgesehen Präsident des Verwaltungsrats und Aktionär des Unternehmens. Er hatte 2014 die Leitung des Unternehmens übernommen, um den Relaunch der Marke zu verantworten.

More information:
Garmont CEO Outdoor Sportbekleidung

Garmont International