Cleaning of feathers and down

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How are bedfeathers and down cleaned?

At the bedfeather cleaners´ the down and feathers are dedusted, washed and subjected to hot steam. The steam looses staining, such as for instance sweat, and disinfects the material. Moreover, disused filling material, in particular broken down and feathers are sorted out and replaced by new material.
You should have your pillow cleaned about every three years, duvets should be cleaned after about five or six years of use.

What can I do, if the washing machine or the tumble-drier are too small?

Sometimes, the capacity of a standard washing machine is not sufficient, for instance with duvets that have a large volume. Duvets with a large volume must be washed in a washing machine with a minimum capacity of 6 to 7.5 kg. If this is the case, the duvet should better be washed at a specialized shop.
In particular, with down and feathers it is very important to dry them in a professional way.



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