From the Sector

838 results

Lectra’s Annual Event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ Demonstrates the Power of Data in Fashion

Companies get a close-up of new consumer buying journey and explore how they can meet challenges with Lectra’s latest technologies and industry experts

Lectra cements its position as a fashion industry opinion maker by leading a much-awaited discussion on new consumer behavior at its latest fashion event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ in Bordeaux-Cestas, France.

More than 75 industry insiders and market experts from 14 countries convened at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology and Conference Center (IATC) for two days to examine how the digital age is bringing about major shifts in consumer behavior. Today’s digitally attuned consumers have become co-creators in the production process, changing the fashion landscape entirely.

Companies get a close-up of new consumer buying journey and explore how they can meet challenges with Lectra’s latest technologies and industry experts

Lectra cements its position as a fashion industry opinion maker by leading a much-awaited discussion on new consumer behavior at its latest fashion event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ in Bordeaux-Cestas, France.

More than 75 industry insiders and market experts from 14 countries convened at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology and Conference Center (IATC) for two days to examine how the digital age is bringing about major shifts in consumer behavior. Today’s digitally attuned consumers have become co-creators in the production process, changing the fashion landscape entirely.

The keynotes, live demonstrations, and customer testimonials highlighted the importance of process digitization and data analysis for meeting new consumer needs. The event kicked off with two keynote speakers. Peter Jeavons, Managing Director of First Insight Europe, stressed the importance of using data to understand the hyperconnected fashion consumer. Craig Crawford, Strategist and Founder of CrawfordIT, outlined the arising challenges and opportunities from these changes, and urged fashion companies to embrace digital transformation internally by cultivating a conducive environment for it.

Beyond just understanding the new fashion consumer, the event stressed on the importance of leveraging data to deliver customer-centric services and products. Lectra presented their responses to this challenge in the form of two new major solutions, Kubix Link and Fashion on Demand by Lectra.

More information:
Lectra, PLM


(c) TMAS

Innovate or die: TMAS at ITMA 2019

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

The forward-looking attitude of the Swedish companies is perhaps best summed up by Reimar Westerlind, the owner, since 1961, of ACG Gruppen.
At the age of 90, Reimar still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies operating under the ACG umbrella.
“Everything now is about automation and digitisation,” he says. “We have to be on that track or we will be lost – innovate or die.”

One ACG Gruppen company moving rapidly forward with new innovations in this area is ACG Kinna, which at ITMA 2019 will be providing dramatic live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system.
This has the ability to fill and finish some 3,840 pillows per eight-hour shift, which is a considerable improvement on what is currently possible with existing systems, resulting in significant savings in both labour and energy for busy home textile businesses.

At ITMA 2019, Eton will be demonstrating a complete material handling solution with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.
“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén.

Advanced senor developments are playing a large part in moving many areas of the textile industry forward too.
Eltex of Sweden, for example, is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets, the creeling of woven materials and even the production of woven reinforcements for the composites industry.

At successive ITMA shows, IRO AB has also consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines, and ITMA 2019 will be no exception.
“Following significant investment in our R&D capabilities, we have been making great progress in further boosting the efficiency and performance of our expanding X3 range,” says IRO AB Managing Director and Chairman of TMAS Mikael Äremann. “I can’t remember a time since the 1980s when we had so many new innovations to unveil at an ITMA, and I’m greatly looking forward to the positive response to them we are anticipating in Barcelona this June.”

Resource savings
ITMA 2019 will meanwhile see the launch of TexCoat G4 – the next generation of Baldwin Technology’s non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing. The TexCoat G4 enables a continuously high-quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and minimised water and energy consumption.
The non-contact spray technology brings a range of advantages including single or double-sided application,  the elimination of Foulard bath contamination, low wet pick-up levels leading to the elimination of drying steps, zero chemistry waste in changeovers of chemistry, colour or fabric, and the possibility of batch reporting, visibility of pad loading, chemical usage etc.

Other TMAS companies exhibiting in Barcelona include Texo AB, whose wide-width weaving looms make the belts for machines on which half of the world’s paper is made, ES-Automatex, which specialises in bespoke automation concepts and Svegea, a company leading the field in a number colarette machines and cutting and slitting equipment.

“At the last ITMA in 2015 in Milan, there was much talk about Industry 4.0 technologies but certainly from the perspective of TMAS, ITMA 2019 will be the place for concrete solutions as to how data and the new tools we have available can be exploited to the full,” says Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is already much more networking between the companies, with software very much the enabler and common interfaces bringing ideas closer together. We are greatly looking forward to further exchanges of ideas when meeting with customers old and new in Barcelona.”

More information:

Issued on behalf of TMAS by AWOL Media.

(c) Best Wool Carpets

„ATMYSPHERE“ – das neue Leitthema der DOMOTEX 2020

  • Abgeleitet vom Megatrend „Gesundheit“, setzt die DOMOTEX mit dem Leitthema auf die Themen Wohlbefinden, Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Das Objektgeschäft rückt stärker in den Fokus
  • Hersteller sind eingeladen, ihre Produkte in Bezug auf das Leitthema kreativ in Szene zu setzen

Nach einer erfolgreichen DOMOTEX 2019 in Hannover laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen zur nächsten Ausgabe der weltweit führenden Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge an. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2020 stattfindet, stehen mit dem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ all jene Eigenschaften des Bodens im Zentrum, die auf das Wohlbefinden sowie Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit einzahlen. Produkte aus der Bodenbelagsbranche sind in dem Zusammenhang beispielsweise Böden mit akustischen Eigenschaften oder lärmdämmenden Elementen sowie Teppiche, die Feinstaubpartikel binden oder eine wärmedämmende Wirkung aufweisen, elastische Böden, die besonders allergikerfreundlich sind sowie Echtholzdielen, die das Raumklima verbessern, indem sie Luftfeuchtigkeit speichern und bei trockener Raumluft wieder abgeben.

  • Abgeleitet vom Megatrend „Gesundheit“, setzt die DOMOTEX mit dem Leitthema auf die Themen Wohlbefinden, Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Das Objektgeschäft rückt stärker in den Fokus
  • Hersteller sind eingeladen, ihre Produkte in Bezug auf das Leitthema kreativ in Szene zu setzen

Nach einer erfolgreichen DOMOTEX 2019 in Hannover laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen zur nächsten Ausgabe der weltweit führenden Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge an. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2020 stattfindet, stehen mit dem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ all jene Eigenschaften des Bodens im Zentrum, die auf das Wohlbefinden sowie Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit einzahlen. Produkte aus der Bodenbelagsbranche sind in dem Zusammenhang beispielsweise Böden mit akustischen Eigenschaften oder lärmdämmenden Elementen sowie Teppiche, die Feinstaubpartikel binden oder eine wärmedämmende Wirkung aufweisen, elastische Böden, die besonders allergikerfreundlich sind sowie Echtholzdielen, die das Raumklima verbessern, indem sie Luftfeuchtigkeit speichern und bei trockener Raumluft wieder abgeben. Auch Weichheit und angenehme Haptik, Nachhaltigkeit sowie ästhetische Ausstattungsdetails, die wohltuende persönliche Räume schaffen, können zur Verbesserung der Raumatmosphäre beitragen.

„Wieder ist unser Leitthema von einem aktuellen Megatrend angeregt. Im Fokus steht das gesellschaftliche Trendthema ,Gesundheit‘. Gesundheit ist das Synonym für gutes Leben – das wiederum mit hohen Ansprüchen an unsere Umgebung verbunden ist. Zudem spielen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling und damit natürliche Materialien in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer eine große Rolle. Übertragen auf Bodenbeläge, sind das Themen, mit denen sich unsere Aussteller derzeit verstärkt auseinandersetzen. Zumal innerhalb eines kreativen Interior-Design-Konzepts der Boden von großer Bedeutung ist. Durch die Qualität von Material sowie die Gestaltung werden Teppiche und Bodenbeläge zum wichtigen Wohlfühlfaktor für das persönliche Lebensgefühl und die Entwicklung entsprechender Wohn- und Arbeitswelten. ATMYSPHERE hat somit für all unsere Aussteller und Besucherzielgruppen große Bedeutung.“ sagt Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Global Director der DOMOTEX.


Anleitung für Textilunternehmen auf dem Weg der Digitalisierung

Seit knapp einem Jahr gibt es das Schaufenster „Vertikale Integration und vernetzte Produktionsketten“ des Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrums Textil vernetzt am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. Seitdem erhielten schon viele KMU im Rahmen verschiedener Veranstaltungsformate nähere Einblicke zu Themen wie Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0, Optimierung und Standardisierung von Produktionsprozessen, Maschinenparknachrüstung sowie Kompetenzentwicklung bei Mitarbeitern. Dabei stehen die individuellen Herausforderungen der Unternehmen im Fokus.

Seit knapp einem Jahr gibt es das Schaufenster „Vertikale Integration und vernetzte Produktionsketten“ des Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrums Textil vernetzt am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. Seitdem erhielten schon viele KMU im Rahmen verschiedener Veranstaltungsformate nähere Einblicke zu Themen wie Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0, Optimierung und Standardisierung von Produktionsprozessen, Maschinenparknachrüstung sowie Kompetenzentwicklung bei Mitarbeitern. Dabei stehen die individuellen Herausforderungen der Unternehmen im Fokus.

Die Firma Otto Markert & Sohn GmbH aus Neumünster in Schleswig-Holstein produziert individuelle Maschinenfilter aus technischen Textilien für die industrielle Fest/Flüssig-Trennung: Die meisten Fertigungsabläufe sind bereits stark automatisiert. Im Rahmen eines Workshops konnte Textil vernetzt vor Ort Fragen zum aktuellen Status-Quo der Digitalisierung im Unternehmen erörtern. Das STFI-Team gab zudem einen Einblick in die Themen grafische Programmierung mit Node-RED, Robotersimulation sowie Materialflusssteuerungssysteme. Anschließend wurden mehrere Ideen für Mikroprojekte identifiziert: sowohl die Themen Retrofit als auch das Auslesen von Daten aus Maschinen werden in den kommenden Monaten gemeinsam bearbeitet.

Ein zehnköpfiges Team der thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH aus Klipphausen nutzte die Möglichkeit, sich am STFI-Schaufenster über die vernetzte Produktion zu informieren. Im Workshop beleuchteten Geschäftsführer Thomas Zocher und seine Mitarbeiter gemeinsam mit dem Textil vernetzt-Team die Industrie 4.0-Dimensionen Strategie und Organisation, Smart Factory, Smart Operations, Smart Products, Data-driven Services und Mitarbeiter. Deutlich wurde, in welchen Unternehmensbereichen bereits Maßnahmen eingeleitet wurden, woran in naher Zukunft gearbeitet und wo eventuell externe Unterstützung notwendig werden wird.

Auch Robert Wild, Betriebsleiter bei Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH, ist vom Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt am STFI überzeugt: „Das STFI hat in seinem Schaufenster einige kostengünstige Tools auf ihre Eignung untersucht. Auch praktikable unkonventionelle Lösungen zur Digitalisierung werden gezeigt, welche leicht für das eigene Unternehmen adaptierbar sind. Das STFI-Schaufenster bietet somit für das interessierte Unternehmen Inspiration und praktische Anleitung, um die ersten Schritte Richtung Digitalisierung zu gehen. Auch für Fortgeschrittene bietet das STFI Lösungen an und ist jederzeit ein kompetenter Ansprech- und Diskussionspartner.“

Das Ziel von Textil vernetzt ist es, mit den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen der Textilbranche praktische Lösungen zu erarbeiten. Dies kann unter anderem im Rahmen von Labtouren oder Mikroprojekten erfolgen. Die Mikroprojekte sind kleine Machbarkeitsstudien, die gemeinsam vom Unternehmen und dem Textil vernetzt-Team durchgeführt werden, um individuelle Digitalisierungsprojekte weiter auszugestalten.


More information:
Textil vernetzt

Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt


Rieter General Meeting 2019

At the 128th Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 4, 2019, 502 shareholders, who represent 63.8% of the share capital, participated. A dividend of CHF 5.00 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for the fiscal year 2020.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional oneyear term of office.

Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also re-elected for a one-year term of office.

At the 128th Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 4, 2019, 502 shareholders, who represent 63.8% of the share capital, participated. A dividend of CHF 5.00 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for the fiscal year 2020.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional oneyear term of office.

Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also re-elected for a one-year term of office.

Shareholders also adopted all other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, namely approval of the annual report, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2018, and formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the year under review.

More information:
Rieter Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Management Ltd.


Beaulieu Fibres International UltraBond finalist for essenscia Innovation Award 2019

  • essenscia Innovation Award is Belgium’s most prestigious prize for industrial innovation
  • UltraBond is a cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets
  • Significant reductions in ecological footprint and cost for carpet manufacturers

Beaulieu Fibres International, Europe’s largest producer of polyolefin fibres, was nominated for the 2019 essenscia Innovation Award for its recently introduced UltraBond fibre.

The biannual award is the most prestigious prize for industrial innovation in Belgium. Created by essenscia, the Belgian Federation for Chemistry and Life Sciences industries, it aims to promote innovations in the Belgian industry and encourages companies to invest even more in innovative and sustainable products and applications. During the evaluation of the nominated innovation projects, the jury assesses their link with chemistry, life sciences and materials, their contribution to sustainable development, their intellectual property management strategy as well as their added value for the economy.

  • essenscia Innovation Award is Belgium’s most prestigious prize for industrial innovation
  • UltraBond is a cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets
  • Significant reductions in ecological footprint and cost for carpet manufacturers

Beaulieu Fibres International, Europe’s largest producer of polyolefin fibres, was nominated for the 2019 essenscia Innovation Award for its recently introduced UltraBond fibre.

The biannual award is the most prestigious prize for industrial innovation in Belgium. Created by essenscia, the Belgian Federation for Chemistry and Life Sciences industries, it aims to promote innovations in the Belgian industry and encourages companies to invest even more in innovative and sustainable products and applications. During the evaluation of the nominated innovation projects, the jury assesses their link with chemistry, life sciences and materials, their contribution to sustainable development, their intellectual property management strategy as well as their added value for the economy.

Formally introduced in early 2019, UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bond nonwovens. It enables carpet manufacturers to create 100% PP needlepunch carpets that meet the same performance requirements as traditional constructions, while also reducing end-of-life environmental impact.

UltraBond helps manufacturers make a significant contribution to the circular economy through the production of 100% recyclable carpets. In addition to making recycled PP available for the plastics production chain and reduced waste generation, their total lack of water use and reduced energy use result in significant environmental advantages and financial savings. There is also a reduction in the VOC level of the carpet. This all leads to a significant reduction in a needlepunch carpet’s ecological footprint to the tune of a 35% reduction in CO2 emissions during the full production process.


Beaulieu International Group

Smarte Gewebekonstruktionen wie Glashybridbänder von GKD kombinieren einen monofilen Metallschuss mit multifilen Fasern in der Kette. (c) GKD
Smarte Gewebekonstruktionen wie Glashybridbänder von GKD kombinieren einen monofilen Metallschuss mit multifilen Fasern in der Kette.

GKD: Mehr Prozesseffizienz durch smarte Gewebekonstruktionen

  • Mit spezialisierter Beratung zu maßgeschneiderten Produkten

Mit dem Fokus auf zukunftsweisenden, intelligenten Gewebekonstruktionen aus Metall und allen anderen industriell verwebbaren Werkstoffen präsentiert sich GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt. Als führender Hersteller für anwendungsspezifisch entwickelte Hochleistungsgewebe für den Einsatz in Industrie und Architektur sowie Prozessbänder bietet GKD von der Gewebefertigung bis zu einbaufertigen Systemen die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette aus einer Hand.

Mit smarten Gewebekonstruktionen, die Werkstoffeigenschaften auf physikalischer Ebene miteinander verbinden und dadurch dem Grundmaterial Zusatznutzen verleihen, erschließt GKD Anwendern innovative Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Basis ist die Bandbreite der verwebbaren Werkstoffe aus Metall, Speziallegierungen, Kunststoff und anderen Nichtmetallen wie Keramik oder Glas als Draht, Seil oder Faser. Durch anwendungsspezifische Materialkombinationen, Bindungsarten, Webtechnologien und Veredelungen verwandelt GKD Gewebe in ein smartes Produkt, dessen Leistungsspektrum herkömmliche Alternativen weit übertrifft.

  • Mit spezialisierter Beratung zu maßgeschneiderten Produkten

Mit dem Fokus auf zukunftsweisenden, intelligenten Gewebekonstruktionen aus Metall und allen anderen industriell verwebbaren Werkstoffen präsentiert sich GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt. Als führender Hersteller für anwendungsspezifisch entwickelte Hochleistungsgewebe für den Einsatz in Industrie und Architektur sowie Prozessbänder bietet GKD von der Gewebefertigung bis zu einbaufertigen Systemen die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette aus einer Hand.

Mit smarten Gewebekonstruktionen, die Werkstoffeigenschaften auf physikalischer Ebene miteinander verbinden und dadurch dem Grundmaterial Zusatznutzen verleihen, erschließt GKD Anwendern innovative Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Basis ist die Bandbreite der verwebbaren Werkstoffe aus Metall, Speziallegierungen, Kunststoff und anderen Nichtmetallen wie Keramik oder Glas als Draht, Seil oder Faser. Durch anwendungsspezifische Materialkombinationen, Bindungsarten, Webtechnologien und Veredelungen verwandelt GKD Gewebe in ein smartes Produkt, dessen Leistungsspektrum herkömmliche Alternativen weit übertrifft.

Maßgeblichen Anteil hat daran der hochentwickelte Webmaschinenpark, mit dem alle Materialien, einzeln oder als Kombinationen, in alle Richtungen - also in Kette und Schuss - verwebbar sind. Bis zu zehn Werkstoffkomponenten - Mono- und Multifile ebenso wie Fasern - verarbeitet GKD zu innovativen Gewebekonstruktionen. Beispielhaft dafür stehen Glashybridbänder, die einen monofilen Metallschuss mit multifilen Fasern in der Kette kombinieren oder Formierbänder mit Metallfasern in der Kette und monofilem Polymer im Schuss. Als Schussdrähte verarbeitet der Webexperte Monofile aus Kunststoff und Metall in einem Dickenspektrum von 13 Mikrometer bis fünf Millimeter. Diese Webtechnik ermöglicht auch partiell und selektiv den Eintrag von auf die spezifische Anwendung abgestimmten Materialien - gleich, ob dick, dünn, Mono- oder Multifil oder auch unterschiedliche Werkstoffe. Das ermöglicht Gewebekonstruktionen mit beispielsweise sektional eingewebten Elektroden, Heizdrähten, Memory-Effekt-Legierungen oder auch Platzhaltern wie bei dem Architektursystem Mediamesh. Diese Möglichkeiten werden mit der anwendungsspezifisch optimalen Bindungsart kombiniert - ein- oder mehrlagig. Über die gezielte Steuerung der unterschiedlichen Werkstoffparameter wie Dehnung, Zugfestigkeit oder Rp0,2 (Dehngrenze) fertigen die Hightech-Webmaschinen die hochleistungsfähigen Gewebe mit gesicherter Reproduzierbarkeit.


JEC Group unveils the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards at JEC World 2019

On the international stage of JEC World, composite innovation is everywhere! On the planets, on the live demo zones, on the stands, and also on stage... During this second day of the world's largest composites exhibition, the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards were announced.

JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

The ceremony was opened by Bertrand Piccard, the founder and visionary behind Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with perpetual autonomy.

On the international stage of JEC World, composite innovation is everywhere! On the planets, on the live demo zones, on the stands, and also on stage... During this second day of the world's largest composites exhibition, the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards were announced.

JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

The ceremony was opened by Bertrand Piccard, the founder and visionary behind Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with perpetual autonomy.

The jury then announced the ten composite innovation champions selected among 30 finalists, from more than a hundred entries, and the public awarded its prize.
"JEC Group supports innovation and has created the Composites Reference Prize to reward industry champions and promote their innovations. Every year, we receive more than a hundred applications from all over the world," explains Franck Glowacz, Composites Expert at JEC Group.

Download the PDF to see all winning companies.





JEC WORLD 2019: 3 winners of the Startup Booster competition

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

AIRGO DESIGN (Singapore)
World's first full composite economy class passenger seat developer.

Delivering the future of composite manufacturing today through breakthrough advancements in software, materials, and robotics. Through enabling the 3D printing of large, mass-produced parts and structures, AREVO is revolutionizing mainstream manufacturing and the global supply chain.

WOODOO (France)
Augmented wood.

The public vote: LAVOISIER COMPOSITES (France)
New generation of material entirely sourced from the French aerospace transformation sector.

More information:
JEC World

Apocope Agency

(c) Hexcel

Hexcel at JEC World 2019

  • Hexcel’s Composite Innovations For Aerospace, Automotive, Energy And Marine Applications At JEC World 2019 Hall 5 - Stand J41

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s JEC World taking place in Paris on March 12-14, Hexcel will promote a wide range of composite innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, energy and marine markets.

Aerospace Innovations

Hexcel’s HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements were developed to complement a new generation of HiFlow™ resin systems, producing high quality aerospace structures using the resin infusion process. HiTape® was developed for the automated lay-up of preforms and HiMax™ is a range of optimized non-crimp fabrics (NCF). Both products incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties, meeting the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

  • Hexcel’s Composite Innovations For Aerospace, Automotive, Energy And Marine Applications At JEC World 2019 Hall 5 - Stand J41

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s JEC World taking place in Paris on March 12-14, Hexcel will promote a wide range of composite innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, energy and marine markets.

Aerospace Innovations

Hexcel’s HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements were developed to complement a new generation of HiFlow™ resin systems, producing high quality aerospace structures using the resin infusion process. HiTape® was developed for the automated lay-up of preforms and HiMax™ is a range of optimized non-crimp fabrics (NCF). Both products incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties, meeting the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

Visitors to JEC will see an Integrated Wing Panel demonstrator and an I-beam, both made with HiTape® reinforcements, and an Opticoms rib made with HiMax™ NCF. The Opticoms rib and I Beam were both manufactured using C-RTM (Compression Resin Transfer Molding). They were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 resin in a process taking less than 5 minutes. The total manufacturing cycle for both parts was just 4.5 hours.

Also among the Aerospace exhibits, Hexcel will display a composite petal for a satellite antenna, manufactured by Thales Alenia Space Italia. The petal is part of a set of 24 deployable structural elements that form the large area reflector assembly used on board Low Earth Orbit (LEO) observation satellites. Thales Alenia Space Italia selected Hexcel’s HexPly® M18 prepreg for this application, acknowledging the superior mechanical and outgassing properties provided.

Another Hexcel prepreg application on show is a “zero” frame, manufactured by Aerofonctions for the engine area of Daher’s TBM 910/930 single-engine turboprop aircraft. Hexcel’s HexPly® M56 prepreg was selected by Daher for the “zero” frame – a product developed for Out of Autoclave applications that provides the same high quality and performance as autoclave-cured prepregs, from a simple vacuum bag cure in an oven.

With 50 years of experience behind its comprehensive range of high-strength, high-strain PAN-based carbon fibers, Hexcel continues to innovate, and is introducing two new fibers to its portfolio. HexTow® HM50 combines high modulus and high tensile strength, making it ideal for commercial and defense aircraft and engines. HexTow® 85 was developed specifically to replace rayon-based carbon fiber for ablative applications.

HexTow® carbon fiber holds the most qualified carbon fiber positions on aerospace programs in the industry and is the best unsized fiber available on the market. It provides excellent bonding interfacial properties with thermoplastic matrices and is the best-performing fiber for 3D printing applications.

Additive manufacturing is another area of expertise for Hexcel, using PEKK ultra-high performance polymers and HexAM™ technology to manufacture carbon-reinforced 3D printed parts. This
innovative process provides a weight-saving solution for intricate parts in highly demanding aerospace, satellite and defense applications. HexPEKK™ structures offer significant weight, cost and time-to-market reductions, replacing traditional cast or machined metallic parts with a new technology.

Hexcel is well known for its range of weight-saving, stiffness-enhancing honeycombs and the company adds value by providing a range of engineered core solutions to customers from facilities in the USA, Belgium and the newly opened Casablanca plant in Morocco. Hexcel’s engineered core capabilities enable highly contoured parts with precision profiling to be produced to exacting customer specifications. An example of such a part will be on display at JEC. Made from Aluminum FlexCore®, the part is CNC machined on both sides, and formed and stabilized with both peel ply and flyaway layers of stabilization. Aircraft engines benefit from a number of Hexcel core technologies including HexShield™ honeycomb that provides high temperature resistance in aircraft engine nacelles. By inserting a thermally resistant material into honeycomb cells, Hexcel provides a core product with unique heat-shielding capabilities that allows for the potential re-use of material after a fire event.

Hexcel’s Acousti-Cap® broadband noise-reducing honeycomb significantly improves acoustic absorption in aircraft engine nacelles. The acoustic treatment may be positioned at a consistent depth and resistance within the core, or can be placed in a pattern of varying depths and/or resistances (Multi-Degrees of Freedom and 3 Degrees Of Freedom), offering an acoustic liner that is precisely tuned to the engine operating conditions. These technologies have been tested at NASA on a full engine test rig and meet all 16 design conditions without trade-offs.

HexBond™ – the new name in Adhesives

Hexcel’s range of high performance adhesives has expanded considerably following the company’s acquisition of Structil. The company has now decided to unite the range by marketing all of its adhesive products using HexBond™ branding. The comprehensive range of HexBond™ structural film adhesives, foaming adhesive films, paste adhesives, liquid shims, epoxy fillets and Chromium free liquid primers is suitable for a wide range of applications in combination with Hexcel’s prepreg and honeycomb products.

Automotive Innovations

Hexcel’s carbon prepreg patch technology provides an innovative way of locally stiffening and reinforcing metal parts, providing noise and vibration management functionality. HexPly® prepreg patches consist of unidirectional carbon fiber impregnated with a fast curing epoxy matrix that has self-adhesive properties, enabling it to bond to metal in a highly efficient one-step process. These key technology properties are demonstrated in an 18.5kg aluminum subframe (that is 50% lighter than steel equivalents), which was reinforced with 500 grams of HexPly® prepreg and tested by Saint Jean Industries. The part demonstrates a significant reduction in noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). Other benefits include lower production costs, energy savings, increased driver comfort, production flexibility and part count reduction. With this technology Hexcel is a finalist in the JEC Innovation Awards 2019 in the Automotive Applications category.

HexPly® prepreg patch technology was also applied to a hybrid side sill demonstrator developed with Volkswagen and Dresden University to address future crash test requirements, specifically for electric cars. Combining fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) with metal, the hybrid construction allows for optimum performance including weight savings, enhanced safety, increased energy absorption, battery protection in a crash situation and production flexibility.

Hexcel will also display a lightweight CFRP transmission crossmember produced from Hexcel’s high performance HexMC®-i 2000 molding compound. The transmission crossmember was developed in partnership with the Institute of Polymer Product Engineering (at Linz University), Engel and Alpex. As the part connects the chassis together and supports transmission it has to be stiff and strong, resisting fatigue and corrosion. Hexcel’s HexMC®-i 2000 was selected as the best-performing molding compound on the market, curing in as little as two minutes to produce lightweight, strong and stiff parts.
To produce the transmission crossmember HexMC®-i 2000 preforms are laid up in Alpex molds and compression-molded in a v-duo press that was tailored for the application by Engel. Ribs, aluminum inserts and other functions can be molded into the part using the single-stage process, reducing component-count. Any offcuts from the preforms can be interleaved between the plies of material to provide additional reinforcement in key areas - meaning that the process generates no waste.

Other Automotive promotions on Hexcel’s stand at JEC World include a composite leaf spring manufactured by ZF using HexPly® M901 prepreg. In contrast to steel leaf springs, composite versions offer many advantages including weight savings of up to 70%, high corrosion resistance, optimized system integration and superior performance. HexPly® M901 prepreg reduces the cure cycle to below 15 minutes and provides 15% higher mechanical performance, with enhanced fatigue properties. It also operates at high temperatures, providing a Tg of up to 200°C following a post cure.

Marine Innovations

Hexcel has a comprehensive range of products aimed at racing yacht and luxury boat builders that include America’s Cup, IMOCA class and DNV GL-approved prepregs, woven reinforcements and multiaxial fabrics for hull and deck structures, masts and appendages.

At JEC World Hexcel will display an IMOCA yacht mast manufactured by Lorima using HexPly® high modulus and high strength carbon fiber prepreg from Hexcel Vert-Le-Petit. Lorima is the exclusive official supplier of masts for IMOCA 60 class racing boats.

Hexcel’s HexTow® IM8 carbon fiber has been selected as the highest performing industrial carbon fiber on the market and will be used by spar and rigging manufacturer Future Fibres to manufacture their AEROrazr solid carbon rigging for all the teams in the 36th America’s Cup.

Hexcel’s HiMax™ DPA (Dot Pattern Adhesive) reinforcements are non-crimp fabrics supplied pre-tacked, allowing multiple fabrics to be laid-up more easily in preparation for resin infusion. Providing an optimal, consistent level of adhesion, they allow a faster and more consistent resin flow, as well as eliminating the use of spray adhesive for a healthier working environment and lower risk of contamination. Simply unrolled and applied to the mold or core layer before the introduction of resin, HiMax™ DPA fabrics are widely used in boat building, where lay-up times can be reduced by up to 50%.

Wind Energy Innovations

Hexcel has developed a range of HexPly® surface finishing prepregs and semi-pregs for wind turbine blades and marine applications. Providing a tough, durable and ready-to-paint surface without using in-mold coats, these products shorten the manufacturing cycle and reduce material costs. HexPly® XF2(P) prepreg is optimized for wind blades and has a ready-to-paint surface, straight from the mold, saving at least 2 hours of takt time.

Polyspeed® pultruded carbon laminates were developed for load-carrying elements in a blade structure and are manufactured with a polyurethane matrix that provides outstanding mechanical performance in terms of stiffness and durability. The blade manufacturing process is optimized, with increased throughput. The pultruded laminates are supplied in coils as continuous cross section profiles.
HiMax™ non-crimp fabrics using E-glass, high modulus glass and carbon fibers are also available in a wide range of unidirectional, biaxial and triaxial constructions. HiMax™ fabrics have applications throughout the turbine, from the stitched carbon fiber UDs used in the main structural elements, to glass fabrics and hybrids for blade shells and nacelles. There are also specialist applications such as lightweight fabrics for heated leading edge de-icing zones.



Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon - Partnerships are the focus of IDEA 2019

  • Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami

Neumünster – Oerlikon presents its complete nonwoven plant portfolio for the production of airlaid, meltblown, spunbonded and hybrid materials at this year’s IDEA in Miami from 25–28 March. The focus of its presentation will be on solutions for hygiene, medical and other disposable nonwovens. Visitors to this year’s IDEA can inform themselves on the wide range of products at Oerlikon’s exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Two strong partnerships for disposable nonwovens

While two years ago the Nonwoven business unit of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment focused almost exclusively on solutions for technical applications, the company has now expanded its product portfolio to include solutions for disposable nonwovens by establishing strong partnerships.

Oerlikon & Teknoweb Materials – two strong partners for the nonwoven industry

  • Oerlikon presents its expanded nonwovens product portfolio at the IDEA 2019 in Miami

Neumünster – Oerlikon presents its complete nonwoven plant portfolio for the production of airlaid, meltblown, spunbonded and hybrid materials at this year’s IDEA in Miami from 25–28 March. The focus of its presentation will be on solutions for hygiene, medical and other disposable nonwovens. Visitors to this year’s IDEA can inform themselves on the wide range of products at Oerlikon’s exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Two strong partnerships for disposable nonwovens

While two years ago the Nonwoven business unit of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment focused almost exclusively on solutions for technical applications, the company has now expanded its product portfolio to include solutions for disposable nonwovens by establishing strong partnerships.

Oerlikon & Teknoweb Materials – two strong partners for the nonwoven industry

As early as spring 2017, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers' Nonwoven business unit had entered into a strategic partnership with the Italian company Teknoweb Materials. Teknoweb Materials is an established technology supplier in the field of wipes and other disposable nonwovens. With its LEVRA technology, the company has its own patented, particularly efficient manufacturing process for wipes. It also has extensive process know-how on the making and further processing of these nonwoven materials. The Nonwoven business unit of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers segment completes this partnership with its well-established machine and plant solutions. Teknoweb Materials will also be represented at IDEA at the Oerlikon exhibition stand (no. 1724).

Cooperation with Shaoyang Textile Machinery

For spunmelt systems solutions for hygiene and medical applications, Oerlikon has been in cooperation with the Chinese machine and plant manufacturer Shaoyang Textile Machinery since Autumn of last year. The goal of these cooperation partners is to advance the international marketing of spunmelt plants outside of China. Oerlikon Manmade Fibers’ Nonwoven business unit contributes its plant engineering know-how and is responsible for product and process guarantees. Oerlikon also assumes the overall project responsibility as well as world-wide customer service outside of China. In return, Shaoyang, with its headquarters in the city of the same name in the Hunan province, supplies the plant technologies.The advantage for the customer: competitive solutions at an attractive price level with comparatively low investments.


Oerlikon - Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs



PearlTech® a Monofilament with a special surface

PERLON® - The Filament Company presenting will be showcasing PearlTech®, their latest product brand at Techtextil in Frankfurt from 14th – 17th May. PearlTech® is a monofilament which has special particles incorporated into it. The size and shape of the particles is irregular and the material is unrelated to the base polymer.

PearlTech® is currently available in a PET based variant as well as in PA. The particles are added into the polymer melt and evenly distributed over the whole cross-section. These newly acquired properties remain intact throughout the lifetime of the monofilament. The particles incorporated into the polymer matrix protrude slightly from the monofilament surface, giving PearlTech® an interesting optical appearance and a structured surface finish.

PearlTech® provides improved stability against wear, reduces machine power consumption whilst reducing the build-up of dirt on the end product. This is in comparison to standard polymers. The particles have no negative effect on hydrolysis resistance and furthermore offer the possibility to avoid the use of fluoropolymers.

PERLON® - The Filament Company presenting will be showcasing PearlTech®, their latest product brand at Techtextil in Frankfurt from 14th – 17th May. PearlTech® is a monofilament which has special particles incorporated into it. The size and shape of the particles is irregular and the material is unrelated to the base polymer.

PearlTech® is currently available in a PET based variant as well as in PA. The particles are added into the polymer melt and evenly distributed over the whole cross-section. These newly acquired properties remain intact throughout the lifetime of the monofilament. The particles incorporated into the polymer matrix protrude slightly from the monofilament surface, giving PearlTech® an interesting optical appearance and a structured surface finish.

PearlTech® provides improved stability against wear, reduces machine power consumption whilst reducing the build-up of dirt on the end product. This is in comparison to standard polymers. The particles have no negative effect on hydrolysis resistance and furthermore offer the possibility to avoid the use of fluoropolymers.

More information:
Perlon Perlon Group

Perlon GmbH


Luxusmarke Victoria Beckham: Bekenntnis zu Pelzfrei-Policy und Verzicht auf Exotenleder

Als Reaktion auf einen Appell von PETA UK sagte die britische Mode-Ikone und Designerin Victoria Beckham zu, keine exotischen Tierhäute, Alligatoren-, Krokodil-, Straußen- und Schlangenhaut, mehr für ihre Designs zu nutzen.

Zudem betonte die Marke in einem Statement nochmals, dass sie Pelz in ihren Designs ablehnt: „Victoria Beckham wird die Nutzung exotischer Tierhäute ab Herbst/Winter 2019 in allen Kollektionen einstellen. Die Marke Victoria Beckham hat für ihre Bekleidungs- und Accessoire-Kollektionen nie Pelz genutzt und im vergangenen Jahr nochmals bestätigt, dass die Marke auch in Zukunft pelzfrei bleiben wird.“

Als Reaktion auf einen Appell von PETA UK sagte die britische Mode-Ikone und Designerin Victoria Beckham zu, keine exotischen Tierhäute, Alligatoren-, Krokodil-, Straußen- und Schlangenhaut, mehr für ihre Designs zu nutzen.

Zudem betonte die Marke in einem Statement nochmals, dass sie Pelz in ihren Designs ablehnt: „Victoria Beckham wird die Nutzung exotischer Tierhäute ab Herbst/Winter 2019 in allen Kollektionen einstellen. Die Marke Victoria Beckham hat für ihre Bekleidungs- und Accessoire-Kollektionen nie Pelz genutzt und im vergangenen Jahr nochmals bestätigt, dass die Marke auch in Zukunft pelzfrei bleiben wird.“

More information:

PETA Deutschland e.V.



JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.


JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

In 2019, 30 finalists have been selected by an international jury of experts from more than a hundred applications. They compete in 10 categories, among which the new 3D printing one. "The JEC Innovation Awards program is emblematic and recognizes pioneers in composite innovation. 3D printing plays a new role in our industry. The combination of lightweight, resistant materials that allow great design freedom, with a technology that allows complex shapes, is of interest to manufacturers. Many manufacturers have started using it to print automotive parts, aircraft parts, or building walls”, analyses Franck GLOWACZ, Innovation Content Leader at JEC Group. “Due to the very high level of the nominees, the JEC Innovation Awards ceremony should be very rich! ”



Outdoor-Kleidung: bei Kauf auf fluorfreie Beschichtungen achten © Peter Bernhaupt/piclease

Outdoor-Kleidung: bei Kauf auf fluorfreie Beschichtungen achten

  • Fluorkohlenstoffverbindungen gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit – Forderung nach transparenten Lieferketten

Gut gerüstet gegen Regen, Wind und Schnee? Für Aktivitäten an der frischen Luft wird zunehmend Funktionskleidung gekauft. Atmungsaktiv, wasserdicht, öl- und schmutzabweisend soll sie sein: Eigenschaften, für die Chemikalien eingesetzt werden. Doch wie gefährlich das Herstellen der Beschichtungen für Gesundheit und Umwelt ist, war bisher nicht ausreichend erforscht. In einem von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fachlich und finanziell mit knapp 290.000 Euro geförderten Projekt wurden ausgewählte fluorkohlenstoffhaltige Chemikalien sowie fluorfreie Alternativen ökotoxikologisch untersucht. Fazit: „Auf ölabweisende Beschichtungen sollte im alltäglichen Gebrauch besser verzichtet werden“, fasst Alexander Bonde, DBU-Generalsekretär, zusammen. Projektergebnisse und Abschlussveranstaltung mit Vertretern von Hochschulen, Umweltbundesamt und Outdoorunternehmen ergaben, dass der Nutzen das hohe Gesundheits- und Umweltrisiko bei der Herstellung nicht rechtfertigen würde.

  • Fluorkohlenstoffverbindungen gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit – Forderung nach transparenten Lieferketten

Gut gerüstet gegen Regen, Wind und Schnee? Für Aktivitäten an der frischen Luft wird zunehmend Funktionskleidung gekauft. Atmungsaktiv, wasserdicht, öl- und schmutzabweisend soll sie sein: Eigenschaften, für die Chemikalien eingesetzt werden. Doch wie gefährlich das Herstellen der Beschichtungen für Gesundheit und Umwelt ist, war bisher nicht ausreichend erforscht. In einem von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fachlich und finanziell mit knapp 290.000 Euro geförderten Projekt wurden ausgewählte fluorkohlenstoffhaltige Chemikalien sowie fluorfreie Alternativen ökotoxikologisch untersucht. Fazit: „Auf ölabweisende Beschichtungen sollte im alltäglichen Gebrauch besser verzichtet werden“, fasst Alexander Bonde, DBU-Generalsekretär, zusammen. Projektergebnisse und Abschlussveranstaltung mit Vertretern von Hochschulen, Umweltbundesamt und Outdoorunternehmen ergaben, dass der Nutzen das hohe Gesundheits- und Umweltrisiko bei der Herstellung nicht rechtfertigen würde. Verbraucher sollten auf hochwertige im Markt erhältliche Alternativen achten.

Für risikoarme Herstellung hoher Standard erforderlich
„Das Herstellen des Materials ist häufig eine erhebliche Gefahr für Mensch und Umwelt, wenn keine hohen Standards in der Arbeitssicherheit, gut ausgerüstete Produktionsstätten, kein geschultes Personal und kein gutes Abfall- und Abwassermanagement damit einhergehen“, sagt Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Stefan Stolte von der Technischen Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserchemie. Bei vielen Produktionsstätten beispielsweise in Asien sei dies derzeit jedoch der Fall. „Im Labor haben wir unter kontrollierten Bedingungen nachgewiesen, dass krebserregende, giftige oder gesundheitsschädliche Verbindungen zur Herstellung der Textilien verwendet werden“, so Stolte. Ohne kontrollierte Umweltstandards bei der Produktion würden die Chemikalien über das Abwasser ungehindert in die Gewässer gelangen. „Die Nutzung problematischer Chemikalien bei der Produktion bedeutet aber nicht, dass diese auch in den Textilien zu finden sind“ stellt Stolte heraus.

Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefahren durch Fluorkohlenstoffverbindungen
Dr. Max Hempel, DBU-Fachreferent für Umweltchemie: „Vor allem PFC, also per- und polyfluorierte Chemikalien, bleiben sehr lange in der Umwelt, reichern sich in Organismen an, sind gesundheitsgefährdend und können die Fortpflanzung beeinträchtigen.“ Langkettige PFC mit mehr als acht Kohlenstoffatomen seien 2016 deshalb von der Europäischen Union (EU) als Substanzen mit besonders Besorgnis erregenden Eigenschaften eingestuft und für viele Anwendungen verboten worden. „Bisher wurden kurzkettige PFC als Alternativen für die langkettigen angesehen“, erläutert der Projektleiter, der zu Projektbeginn an der Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologien, lehrte. „Hierfür fehlte den Unternehmen allerdings die chemische und ökotoxikologische Expertise.“ Im jetzt abgeschlossenen Projekt seien Wissenslücken geschlossen worden.

Im Alltag reichen atmungsaktive und wasserabweisende Funktionen
Dr. Jürgen Arning vom Umweltbundesamt in Dessau, das das Projekt begleitet hat: „Die Nutzung von kurzkettigen PFC birgt neue Gefahren, weil diese viel mobiler in der Umwelt sind.“ Solange es keine Alternative zu den Chemikalien gebe, sollte die Nutzung auf das unbedingt erforderliche Maß reduziert werden. „Bei persönlicher Schutzkleidung wie im Krankenhaus oder bei der Feuerwehr macht der Einsatz von öl- und schmutzabweisenden Materialien Sinn“, so der Wissenschaftler. Aber im normalen Alltag und bei der Freizeitgestaltung würden atmungsaktive und wasserabweisende Funktionen reichen, die auch ohne fluorhaltige Chemikalien erzielt werden könnten und im Markt auch angeboten würden. Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Sportartikel-Industrie (BSI, Bonn), Kooperationspartner des Projekts, und viele mittelständische Outdoor-Unternehmen seien aufgrund der Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefahren bestrebt, alternative Textilveredelungschemikalien mit vergleichbarer Funktionalität zu ermitteln. Die Forscher hatten kurzkettige PFC, die auch öl- und schmutzabweisend sind, sowie PFC-freie Substanzen, die nur wasserabweisende Eigenschaften haben, untersucht. Beides wird derzeit von Outdoor-Herstellern für die Beschichtung von beispielsweise Jacken, Hosen und Zelten eingesetzt.

Gesetzliche Standards kontrollieren und Lieferketten transparent machen
„Die Outdoorbranche lebt davon, dass Freizeitaktivitäten als gesundheitsförderlich empfunden werden. Das Bewusstsein für Umwelt und Gesundheit ist bei vielen dieser Unternehmen ausgeprägter als in anderen Branchen“, so Hempel. Kunden könnten und sollten beim Kauf von Outdoortextilien auf die Inhaltsstoffe achten oder im Geschäft nachfragen. Kritisch sehen die Projektbeteiligten derzeit allerdings die Deklaration der Inhaltsstoffe. Hempel: „In den untersuchten Proben wurden Gefahrstoffe nachgewiesen, die teilweise nicht im Sicherheitsdatenblatt der Hersteller aufgeführt wurden.“ Gesetzliche Standards gebe es bereits, doch die Kontrolle müsse noch verbessert werden. Für transparente Lieferketten müsse ebenso gesorgt werden.

Den Abschlussbericht finden Sie hier zum Download.

More information:
DBU Outdoor

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt


The 10 Startups shaking the Composites Industry at JEC World 2019

After the success of the two first editions, JEC World organizes the third edition of Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in Composites, where ten startups will present their innovation in front of a jury of experts.

EC Group launched Startup Booster programme in 2017 to get closer to the startup world, to attract the new generation of composites entrepreneurs and put them at the forefront of the industry.

The program gives the floor to 10 startups, each of them having five minutes to present their innovation, on March 12, 2019, from 10.30 AM in Agora Stage (Hall 5) in front of a jury of experts from the composites industry.

These 10 startups will be also showcasing within the Startup Booster Village, during the three days, and will benefit from a dedicated program, including workshops with Startup Booster Main Innovation partners’ Airbus & Daimler, and Innovation partner’s Altair.

After the success of the two first editions, JEC World organizes the third edition of Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in Composites, where ten startups will present their innovation in front of a jury of experts.

EC Group launched Startup Booster programme in 2017 to get closer to the startup world, to attract the new generation of composites entrepreneurs and put them at the forefront of the industry.

The program gives the floor to 10 startups, each of them having five minutes to present their innovation, on March 12, 2019, from 10.30 AM in Agora Stage (Hall 5) in front of a jury of experts from the composites industry.

These 10 startups will be also showcasing within the Startup Booster Village, during the three days, and will benefit from a dedicated program, including workshops with Startup Booster Main Innovation partners’ Airbus & Daimler, and Innovation partner’s Altair.

“Daimler being one of the main Innovation Partner of the Startup Booster, we are looking for innovations, in particular sustainable technologies and processes”, said Dr. Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Responsible for material innovations and BIW concept development, Daimler AG.

“As a main Innovation Partner of the Startup Booster competition we get fantastic direct engagement with the innovators who are defining solutions for the future”, said Jelle BLOEMHOF, Head of Manufacturing Technologies of Composite at Airbus.

More information:
JEC World JEC World 2019


Jorge González für PETA (c) Michael de Boer
Jorge González für PETA

Kampagne „So trägt man Pelz“: Jorge González posiert mit Hund Willie für neues PETA-Motiv

Splitterfasernackt zeigt sich Catwalk-Trainer und Choreograf Jorge González auf dem neuen Motiv der PETA-Kampagne „So trägt man Pelz“. Mit seinem von ihm auf Mallorca geretteten Hund Willie im Arm möchte er ein Statement setzen und appelliert an alle Verbraucher, sich beim Shopping ausschließlich für pelzfreie Mode zu entscheiden.
„Für Pelz werden Tiere verstümmelt und getötet – wie kann man da von Mode sprechen? In der Fashionwelt geht es um Trends und Styles. Sich in Haut und Fell zu hüllen, die einem Tier vom Körper geschnitten wurden, ist alles andere als stilvoll“, so Jorge González. „Wer als Trendsetter mit seinen Outfits überzeugen möchte, sollte auf tierfreundliche Materialien setzen.“

Wer nicht auf den Fell-Look verzichten möchte, kann zudem auf hochwertige Pelz-Imitate zurückgreifen, die es mittlerweile sogar schon auf Basis recycelter Materialien gibt.

Der gebürtige Kubaner und „Let’s Dance“-Juror stand 2015 schon einmal für PETAs Anti-Pelz-Kampagne vor der Kamera: González präsentierte sich damals nur mit High Heels bekleidet auf einem roten Teppich – ebenfalls gemeinsam mit Hund Willie.

Splitterfasernackt zeigt sich Catwalk-Trainer und Choreograf Jorge González auf dem neuen Motiv der PETA-Kampagne „So trägt man Pelz“. Mit seinem von ihm auf Mallorca geretteten Hund Willie im Arm möchte er ein Statement setzen und appelliert an alle Verbraucher, sich beim Shopping ausschließlich für pelzfreie Mode zu entscheiden.
„Für Pelz werden Tiere verstümmelt und getötet – wie kann man da von Mode sprechen? In der Fashionwelt geht es um Trends und Styles. Sich in Haut und Fell zu hüllen, die einem Tier vom Körper geschnitten wurden, ist alles andere als stilvoll“, so Jorge González. „Wer als Trendsetter mit seinen Outfits überzeugen möchte, sollte auf tierfreundliche Materialien setzen.“

Wer nicht auf den Fell-Look verzichten möchte, kann zudem auf hochwertige Pelz-Imitate zurückgreifen, die es mittlerweile sogar schon auf Basis recycelter Materialien gibt.

Der gebürtige Kubaner und „Let’s Dance“-Juror stand 2015 schon einmal für PETAs Anti-Pelz-Kampagne vor der Kamera: González präsentierte sich damals nur mit High Heels bekleidet auf einem roten Teppich – ebenfalls gemeinsam mit Hund Willie.

More information:

Peta Deutschland e. V.

Final report Heimtextil 2019 (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil 2019: A lively start to the new furnishing season gives hope for a good business year ahead

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’. [*For comparison, 2018: 2,975 exhibitors from 64 countries; 68,584 visitors from 135 countries, FKM-tested)]

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’.

One topic that occupied both exhibitors and visitors was the current and future economic situation. A further challenge is the increasingly evident changes that are happening in trade. Increasing revenues and revenue shares in online retailing stand in the way of the efforts made by the stationary retail trade to maintain their inner-city businesses. ‘The small business specialist trade, but also department stores and multibrand stores, and thus the heart of our visitor target groups, are under pressure from the constantly increasing levels of e-commerce. With Heimtextil and our consumer goods fairs in general, we offer these retailers in particular clear perspectives and diverse inspiration in an ambiguous world’, continues Braun.

Heimtextil made it easier for its visitors to access valuable inspiration and business momentum thanks to an optimised trade fair concept and the associated new hall structure. ‘The new concept brought more visitors to the stand’, was the feedback from Andreas Klenk, Managing Director of Saum & Viebahn from Kulmbach in Franconia about hall 8.0 which offered textiles editeurs and manufacturers of curtain and sun protection systems a common platform for the first time. ‘It was the right decision to merge the different segments. We had high quality discussions with respect to both export and domestic business, and are satisfied with the trade fair’.

As part of the new concept, Heimtextil expanded its unique product range across the entire exhibition site and also included the new hall 12, which has been an additional architectural highlight on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds since September.

Top international companies from the Bed & Bath Fashion segment presented their wares here. For the company Curt Bauer from Aue in Saxony, the première of the new hall was a successful one. ‘We're very enthusiastic about the new hall 12. The product range there was very well received. We are very satisfied with the quality of visitors to our stand. In addition to a good frequency of German visitors, we are particularly pleased about growth from China and Russia’, says Managing Director Michael Bauer.

Natural materials, PET and ocean plastics 
Heimtextil set a standard in terms of sustainability: after the first global climate protection agreement for the textile industry was signed by 40 leading fashion companies, organisations and associations at the World Climate Conference in Katowice last December, the focus in Frankfurt was also on environmental progress in the textile industry. Numerous exhibitors presented progressive solutions, for example in the recycling of PET bottles and ocean plastic as well as in the use of certified natural materials. ‘Sustainability was the theme for us at this year’s Heimtextil. Major media players visited us and the 'Green Tour’ guided tour stopped by. We presented many things, including our first vegan duvet and fair silk products, all 100 per cent produced in Austria’, says Denise Hartmann, Marketing Manager at Hefel Textil. The topics of water consumption in the textile industry and microplastics also increasingly came to the fore. The exhibitor directory ‘Green Directory’ alone contained around 150 progressive companies listing sustainably produced textiles. The offer was supplemented by its own lecture series as well as theme-specific tours, which provided valuable impetus and
underpinned the pioneering green position of the trade fair.

Sleep becomes new lifestyle theme
Heimtextil also focused on sleep as one of the upcoming lifestyle trends. While a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are now a natural part of a healthy lifestyle, restorative sleep is still neglected* although it is one of the most important building blocks for long-term physical and mental well-being. At Heimtextil, a number of new products and aspects came to the fore that help people become sensitised to and analyse their sleep behaviour and promote healthy sleep. Around the redesigned hall 11.0 and in the adjoining lecture area ‘Sleep! The Future Forum’, representatives from the national and international bed industry enjoyed attractive product presentations and superb speeches on the topics of sustainability, hospitality, sport and digital.

In addition to the renowned trend show, the trade fair also focused on contract business, particularly in the hotel and hospitality sector, as well as decorative and upholstery fabrics, digital printing solutions and wallpapers.

The next Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main – its 50th edition – will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.

*According to a forsa investigation commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8 (c) Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8

Oerlikon Neumag presents world innovation at the DOMOTEX

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide.

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide. At the ITMA ASIA 2018, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment had already announced that it would be presenting revolutionary solutions in 2019 – both in hardware and software. And the DOMOTEX marks only the start.

According to manufacturer information, the new BCF S8 is the most efficient Oerlikon Neumag BCF system of all times. “We have succeeded in achieving a new level of greater productivity and even broader product diversity. These allow our clientèle to better cater to changing market requirements and achieve a competitive edge in tough market conditions”, explains Martin Rademacher, Vice President Sales Oerlikon Neumag. As a pre-taste, the machine specialists from Neumünster are serving up performance figures and results from comprehensive trials conducted at their own BCF technology center as well as from two pilot systems which have been tried and tested within the market for months now.

BCF S8 performance in numbers
With up to 700 potential filaments per yarn end, the BCF S8 is raising the benchmark considerably compared to the Oerlikon Neumag S+ BCF system (400 filaments) that has dominated the global market to date. Oerlikon Neumag guarantees fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. Furthermore, the process speed is higher than ever before – 3,700 m/min (winder speed). This permits throughputs of up to 15 percent greater compared to predecessor technologies. Overall, system efficiency is 99 percent – almost unbeatable. True to the Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers segment e-save philosophy, energy savings of up to 5 percent per kilogram of yarn are achievable.

BCF S8 innovations – from straight yarn paths to large cooling drums

This comprehensive progress has been achieved with numerous smart innovations. To this end, one key element above all has been optimized. The yarn path from the spinning system to the new, large cooling drum has now been almost completely straightened. This yarn path, unique to the BCF market to date, ensures that the individual filaments are subjected to minimum friction, hence once again considerably reducing yarn breaks and optimizing the overall production process. Especially noteworthy here are the, for the first time, straight yarn inlet in the texturing head – guaranteeing superior yarn quality.

And the considerably reduced distance between the heating godet duo and the texturing head also has a positive impact on the texturing process. It ensures a more even twist to the yarn and reduces the compressed air consumption. Furthermore, the texturing chambers can be removed individually, which additionally shortens servicing times. The now closed units also provide the best possible protection for the texturing jets and lamellar chambers.

The 800-mm diameter cooling drum optimally and gently cools the filaments. And this has a positive influence on the yarn quality. The new cooling drum is now equipped with a V groove for all polymers (PET, PA6 and PP) as standard.

The RoTac3 tangling unit, already established within the market, once again reduces the compressed air consumption by around 50%, while the newly-developed Witras III-37 winder achieves production process speeds of 3,700 m/min.

First intuitively-operable human-machine interface (HMI)
The new BCF S8 is the first Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment system equipped with the innovative human-machine interface (HMI) for intelligent controlling and monitoring. In this case, the interface between man and machine has been oriented on the daily requirements of users in BCF production. With its new ‘look and feel’, it supports intuitive operation and offers direct access to important information as well as actual and target values at each take-up position by means of a touch screen. A completely new ‘alarm philosophy’ also simplifies troubleshooting and malfunction analysis. “This smart HMI system is a logical step in the digitalization of our products”, explains Dr. Friedrich Lennemann, Vice President R&D Oerlikon Neumag.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

UltraBond, the cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets (c) Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International: Cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

Using UltraBond manufacturers finally gain the potential to cost-efficiently produce 100% recyclable carpets. In addition to the general benefits of making recycled PP available for the plastics production chain and reduced waste generation, environmental advantages and financial savings arise from a total lack of water and less energy use. As a 100% dry process, thermal bonding uses no water and results in a total absence of waste water. There is also a reduction in the VOC level of the carpet. This all leads to a significant reduction in a needlepunch carpet’s ecological footprint.

The sustainability benefits are quantified through lifecycle analysis (LCA) of an exhibition carpet application – among the primary applications for needlepunch carpets. Evaluations show that the absence of water consumption directly translates into a large energy saving of 93% when using UltraBond compared to a latex bonding solution, and also a potential annual water saving of over 20 million litres for 100 million m2 of exhibition applications in the EU. Without the addition of any other bonding agent, CO2 emissions are reduced by 35% over the full production process.

Karena Cancilleri, Vice President Beaulieu Engineered Products, Beaulieu International Group, commented, “Recyclability and achieving a greener, more cost-effective production process without compromising on current performance levels are significant unsolved topics within today’s carpet industry. By eliminating the need for latex and chemical binders through UltraBond, we offer needlepunch manufacturers a breakthrough they have been looking for that boosts environmental and economic sustainability. We see textile flooring as just the beginning. Together with our customers, we look forward to exploring the potential of this unique thermal bonding fibre in other applications such as laminated nonwovens or as an alternative to dry powders.”

Discover more about UltraBond from the Beaulieu Fibres International team at Stand B56 Hall 11, Domotex 2019 in Hannover, Germany from January 11-14, 2019.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International